
    The Social Skills Doctor Podcast

    Podcast by the unconventional social skills doctor known for his social skills training & shyness deactivation with a stunning twist that unleashes your mind and unlocks your conversations.
    enRichard Gray47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    The Social Skills Doctors Definitive Guide to Improving Your Comm Skills

    The Social Skills Doctors Definitive Guide to Improving Your Comm Skills
    Improve your communication skills and enhance your professional success. In this episode we cover the importance of communication skills in a personal and professional setting, address the key barriers that may be holding you back, before covering effective techniques to communicate confidently and connect with others.

    Eliminate These Five Social Blind Spots to Improve Your Conversation Game

    Eliminate These Five Social Blind Spots to Improve Your Conversation Game
    Communication skills are not just a nice-to-have, they are a game-changer that can propel you towards success in every aspect of your life. But sometimes it isn't just about learning new skills and practicing, it's about identifying and working out your bad habits and conversational blind spots too. In this article we will cover five of the biggest.

    Finding Forging And Maintaining Friendships In Adulthood - A Ten-Stage Guide

    Finding Forging And Maintaining Friendships In Adulthood - A Ten-Stage Guide
    In this episode we will cover the three ingredients of friendship and the ten stages of finding, forming, and maintaining friendships in adulthood, from uncovering opportunities and venues, making contact and the importance of using small talk to effectively build rapport in a first conversation before easing into the later stages of strengthening and future-proofing a friendship through adulthood.

    Develop Your Social Skills - The Essential Guide

    Develop Your Social Skills - The Essential Guide
    There are only a handful of truly important things you need to be able to do to survive in this world, such as feeding yourself, putting a roof over your head, and avoiding hungry tigers. This essential survival guide will give you everything you need to survive and thrive with humans...

    What Builds Self Confidence - The Jigsaw Method

    What Builds Self Confidence - The Jigsaw Method
    In this season opening episode we're going to discuss confidence and whether getting rid of that one big confidence killer thing you've been carrying around for years, really can make you more confident and outgoing in all other areas of your life. The conclusions of this episode will be based on two case studies. This is a must listen

    The Three Levels Of Power House Compliment-Giving

    The Three Levels  Of Power House Compliment-Giving
    Ever given somebody a compliment only for it to be swatted away. Sadly, compliments make many people embarrassed, disbelieving, or suspicious for the motives of the compliment-giver. Yet compliments can have incredibly powerful positive effects when delivered by skillful hands. This episode will turn you into a skillful practitioner of the compliment.

    The Four Barriers to Connecting and Making Friends

    The Four Barriers to Connecting and Making Friends
    Have you ever looked at outgoing people and wondered just what invisible quality they have which enables them to make friends with seemingly little effort? Then you look at your own friend network and see your cat looking back? This episode will raise four shocking realisations from your subconscious, and once you see them held up to the light, you can make instant changes that will remove barriers to future friendships

    Increase Your Likability With The Question Pushes Statement Conversation Strategy

    Increase Your Likability With The Question Pushes Statement Conversation Strategy
    The path to being a better conversationalist takes a leap of faith and a measure of trust in yourself. It requires that you leap off a cliff and build your wings on the way down, It’s counter-intuitive to what you’ve probably been doing for most of your life… But it’s also a very simple and liberating transition that will increase your personal stock of likability if you’re ready for it…

    The Power Of Questions You Must Know About

    The Power Of Questions You Must Know About
    Questions are what can fuel the fire of a conversation, but they may have much wider implications than you imagined. Tune in to this episode to discover the three question types and how developing a questioning mindset could transform a lot more than just your social interactions...

    20 four strategies for developing eye-contact

    20 four strategies for developing eye-contact
    Ever feel like it would be easier to pick up a mountain than it would your eye level? As a rule of thumb, your gaze rests at the same level as your self-belief, self-esteem, self-worth etc You know you are radiating low self-confidence, and It just sucks not to be able to hold eye-contact for more than a few second before dropping it in supposed deference to the other person. It needs to stop and you need to claim your place as an equal in any conversation so lets look at four strategies for developing healthy eye-contact

    The Four Levels Of Conversation

    The Four Levels Of Conversation
    You may have heard it said when two people meet and just click straight away - 'It feels like i've known you my whole life... Well the opposite can be true too. Ever been the quiet one in conversations? or the over-sharer? ever just not been able to click with someone? This episode about the four levels of conversation may just offer an explanation for all of it...