
    The Sovereign Man Podcast

    “A real man is sovereign over his own life. He takes full responsibility for becoming a better man, and owns his own successes and failures. But he also understands the value of being a part of a band of brothers, the kind that have his back, and he can call at 3 AM if he’s stuck in a jail cell, because they’ll come and get him. He understands that just like a wolf pack, the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” — Nicky Billou Welcome to the Sovereign Man Podcast where we have the conversations that matter to you as a man, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. You’ll learn from the best business, career, financial, relationship, and mans skills experts from around the world. The Sovereign Man Podcast is for motivated men like you who want to win in today’s world. We equip you to become better in every area of your life from establishing mastery over yourself, to defining your purpose, strengthening your family and your relationships, becoming a better leader, and learning man skills. Each week I have real, unscripted conversations with real men, successful men, and men who give a darn.
    enNicky Billou134 Episodes

    Episodes (134)

    E134: Dr Robert Glover - No More Mr Nice Glover

    E134: Dr Robert Glover - No More Mr Nice Glover

    “A nice man is not a good man. A good man is a dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.” - Jordan Peterson

    There’s a version of a man known as a ‘nice guy’. It’s more of a consequence of our times than it is a man who’s genuinely nice. What does being nice mean anyway? When a woman calls you nice, you know she feels no attraction to you. An authentic man is a good man who’s kindness (not niceness) is always available but the same man intimidates lesser men with his presence and readiness to take action, regardless of circumstances. And for that same reason, women are attracted to him. That’s putting it in simple terms. For the sake of this conversation, what it boils down to is that a ‘nice man’ is an illusion or concept that doesn’t hold ground in reality and prevents a man from fulfilling himself, his partner, and his responsibilities to family and community.

    Dr. Robert Glover is a man who’s seen both sides. Being raised to be a nice guy, he gradually learned that hidden in that niceness was the source of many problems he had in relationships and other aspects of life. Through his troubles he found his way to men’s groups where he started to discover where the nice guy phenomenon comes from, why so many men suffer from it, why it doesn’t work, and most importantly, how to do it differently.

    One of the main takeaways is the need for good men to take responsibility for younger generations by creating opportunities for them to be initiated into the world of masculinity.

    Robert’s knowledge and experience has been captured in his seminal book, No More Mr. Nice Guy. You can find it on Amazon.


    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP133: Why A Free Press Matters with David Menzies

    EP133: Why A Free Press Matters with David Menzies

    The whole reason why independent press exists is to hold the powerful to account. In these times of extreme corruption, even the major media have been manipulated and bought out, seriously threatening people’s access to truthful news. In a society being dragged into socialism, independent media and journalists who intend to protect people’s freedoms are suppressed as the corruption rings desperately cling to their power, even if it means violating the Charter of Rights. This is why everyone should stand up for freedom of the press.

    David Menzies is a Rebel News journalist and Host of Rebel Roundup on RebelNews+. A graduate of Ryerson College of Journalism in 1985, David is an award winning journalist of over 35 years. He talks about how our media have become lapdogs of the Justin Trudeau government, and how they don’t allow ‘unfriendly’ news outlets into press conferences and the House of Commons. In December of 2021, David was physically beat up by Justin Trudeau’s security detail while on a public sidewalk. And just last month, he was arrested for supposedly assaulting a peace officer while attempting to ask Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland a few questions. These are a few examples of what seems to be the targeting of Rebel News reporters by RCMP who are clearly under the control of the Liberal government.

    Watch David’s December 2021 encounter with Justin Trudeau’s security detail here.


    Check out Rebel News on YT.



    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP132 - Ilan Srulovicz - How To Man Up In 2024

    EP132 - Ilan Srulovicz - How To Man Up In 2024

    “So long as you place your faith in the state itself, and not something higher, they can control you.”

    Despite the ridiculous contradictions and double standards echoing through our streets, schools, and the minds of those who’ve lost their mental sovereignty, a positive trend is starting to stand out. People are waking up to the insanity and often turning to spirituality, who’s light clearly stands out in these dark times. True religions have always promoted a form of freedom and equality that can’t be governed or even taken away. It’s the ultimate strength and sovereignty. But now, people don’t know their own value or where they come from and mistakenly put their faith in things far lesser than themselves. They’ve given their lives away. And for a lie.

    How did this happen, where is going, and most importantly, what can men do to make it stop? This is a battle of good over evil. It doesn’t take faith to see that what’s happening in too many corners of the world is simply evil to the extreme and must be stopped. The line has been drawn. Now it’s time to take back traditional culture and stand on the side of truth.

    Ilan Srulovicz is the CEO of Egard Watches.


    Learn more about Ilan on his website.


    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP131: E Paul Allerton - Why It's Less Work To be Successful Than It Is To Fail

    EP131: E Paul Allerton - Why It's Less Work To be Successful Than It Is To Fail

    “I believe the way to strengthen marriages and preserve families is to help the men. If we lead men to be disciplined, considerate, and generous, all the problems go away.”

    Around the 1960s through the 70s, divorce rates started climbing. You can come at the source of the problem from many angles, but one thing is for sure, somewhere along the line someone told men they should put their own happiness over building their character and having a true purpose beyond themselves. This is a big contributor to the deterioration of the family with 60% of children now being raised out of wedlock. What this most often means for boys is that they’re being raised by their mothers with little to no masculine role models.

    So now we’re left with important questions like, how can a man succeed at marriage? This is a question that goes far beyond that man’s own happiness. It’s about his family, the lives of his children, and the entire society. E Paul Allerton is an author who’s focussed on the solution. He’s helping men understand the need to be prepared and what that looks like. He believes men should have a community of men to support them. He knows men need the right values and skills to succeed in marriage and family. Men should lead themselves and their families through their actions and commitment to purpose. Every man does better when people are counting on him and when he becomes solid, his woman will feel secure and respect him.

    You can find The Essential Guide For The Married Man on Amazon.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP130: Raymond Aaron - Just One Moment More

    EP130: Raymond Aaron - Just One Moment More

    “After 79 years of experience, I’ve been able to widdle itdown to one word. But you actually have to have had 79 years of hundreds of things going wrong in your life in order to understand what that one word means.”

    Our Elders have lived and learned. Their knowledge has been distilled down to life’s simplest and most powerful secrets. But taming the mind to allow life to be simple is hard for young people. When their elders tell them how it is, it just doesn’t land. This is normal and we all have to learn some lessons the hard way. But in recent years, traditions have become increasingly rejected and morals get more distorted every day. Social media fills every void in young people’s lives, targeting their minds with useless information that rarely promotes the principles they need to move toward a good future. The wisdom of our elders is needed now more than ever before.

    But we’re fortunate to have men like Raymond Aaron who have a strong voice in the world, and who’s wisdom and life experience changes lives for the better every day. Raymond has been a professional speaker for 40 years, traveling to all corners to teach and also to learn from some of the best leaders in the world. A recent near death experience revealed his true mastery of mind as his thoughts went to gratitude for his life in the moment he thought he had breathed his last breath. Such simple thoughts to have and ones that likely saved his life.

    Raymond has learned that the single most important thing for anyone to have is gratitude.

    A few books Raymond wants young people to read so that they can open their minds and live life to their potential:

    A Message To Garcia. A free book that can be found here. https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/17195



    The Richest Man In Babylon


    To learn more about Raymond Aaron, go to https://aaron.com/home/.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP129: Arpa and Billou - The Importance of Elders

    EP129: Arpa and Billou - The Importance of Elders

    The world has been tough on men, especially young men. The onslaught of messaging that comes through the various media is most often distorted and one way or another you’re left with the impression that there’s something wrong with being a man. This becomes a major road block for a young man who wants to be successful. So today’s episode is about what young men need to know to become successful and good at being a man in 2024.

    Other men with more life experience is the best place to start. The invaluable lessons they’ve learned come through their words and actions and it will rub off. Amplify this by finding a group of men and almost any questions you have about how to move forward can be answered. There are groups that men join for the sole purpose of helping other men grow and perhaps avoid the mistakes they made. These are father figures for men who don’t have one or who’s fathers didn’t show up or prepare them for the world. Bringing elders into your life can only benefit you. It will help you learn to discern between the true knowledge that can accelerate your growth and the false prophets driven by ego who only want your attention.

    Two examples of powerful men’s groups are the Sterling Men’s Weekend and the Iron Council. And of course our very own Sovereign Circle.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP128: Steve Davis - Raising Alphas

    EP128: Steve Davis - Raising Alphas

    Sometimes the changes we experience in life, however challenging, are part of a transition into something greater. With freedom throughout world under attack, more and more people are finding their way to the front lines to stand up for truth and freedom and for their children’s minds and futures.

    Steve Davis is a former Orange County, Florida fire department chief. He lost his job when he stood up for the freedom of his coworkers when Covid mandates were being rolled out and leaders were forced to enforce them. Steve didn’t welcome the change at first, in light of the corruption involved and the need to take care of his family. But it propelled him into a higher purpose, standing up for truth, freedom, family, and sovereignty.

    Steve and his partner, Dana have founded the Raising Alphas Project. A movement and podcast that empowers parents raise strong, independent leaders, free thinkers who have the courage to stand up and speak out when something is unethical or wrong.

    Go to https://raisingalphasproject.com for more information about the project and their merch.

    Steve’s new book, Alone In The Fire will be released in April.

    IG @ChiefSteveDavis

    FB https://www.facebook.com/RaisingAlphasProject

    TT https://www.tiktok.com/@raising.alphas.pr

    YT https://www.youtube.com/@raisingalphasproject

    Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-3589736

    Also in this episode:

    Aaron Tippin - You've Got To Stand For Something


    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP127: Justin Trottier - Empowering Boys, Men & Families In Crisis

    EP127: Justin Trottier - Empowering Boys, Men & Families In Crisis

    “The only fathering programs were ones that presumed fathers were basically bad, abusive men. Why aren’t there fathering programs that are there for good, decent men who want to stay engaged and want to step up and do even better for their kids?”

    Among all the crisis shelters established in Canada, only one is for men. Despite the overwhelming message that suggests women are the main victims of domestic abuse, mostly coming mainstream media, the statistics for the number of men who are victims of domestic abuse are just as significant. But the support systems and laws surrounding domestic abuse heavily favor women, creating a barrier that’s hard for men to break through when they, and often their children, need it most.

    Justin Trottier is the executive director of the Canadian Center For Men And Families (CCMF). He realized that men need organizations they can turn to in times of crisis so he, with some friends and colleagues, stepped up to fill the void. They created the CCMF as a hub for boys, men, fathers and families that fills critical gaps in men’s services. Their vision is to reduce male suicide, empower and advocate for men before, during and after a crisis, empower fathers undergoing separation and divorce, and help men heal from trauma.

    CCMF has a podcast called Perspectives On Men.


    You can find the wealth of resources CCMF offers at https://menandfamilies.org.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP126: Matt Beaudreau - Education vs Indoctrination

    EP126: Matt Beaudreau - Education vs Indoctrination

    “How do you grow to be a solid man of character, of integrity, of honour? The best way to do that is to have a bunch of good men who are living in integrity, who are living with character, who are living with honour, to pour into you.”

    Human character is the foundation for a free and sustainable society and it’s a collection of traits inherent in us all. These are God-given traits that can be seen in a person’s eyes, before they even speak or take action. They’re meant to give each of us the opportunity to live lives of the highest degree of sovereignty and integrity. But the more things we learn that don’t align with these most basic principles, the more complicated our minds become and the harder it is to balance our emotions, our families, and societies. The school systems most of us have experienced in the last several generations reflect a society that has gradually introduced more principles that cater more to industrial growth than to preserving human character. Matt Beaudreau doesn’t like to call this type of schooling ‘education’, because he believes true education enables a continuous growth in a person that leads to freedom and sovereignty.

    This line of thinking led Matt and cofounder, Tim Kennedy, to create Apogee Strong, a mentorship program with a ‘project and challenges’ philosophy where students work with mentors who exemplify the integrity our children and communities need.


    Email: matt@apogeestrong.com

    IG MattBeaudreau

    IG ApogeeProgram

    Also in this episode:


    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP125 - Billou, Arpa, and Lewis - Why Every Man needs A Brotherhood To Belong To

    EP125 - Billou, Arpa, and Lewis - Why Every Man needs A Brotherhood To Belong To

    “The strength of the brotherhood is the individual brother. And the strength of that individual brother is the brotherhood.”

    It’s too common for men these days to be isolated from a strong community of men. Especially one that pushes you to be a better man. A brotherhood can come in many forms. Lewis is part of the international surfing community where he’s found a unique bond with some men and it’s something available to him as he travels through different parts of the world. Brotherhood happens naturally when we're young but it becomes something we have to maintain or reconnect with as life changes and there are benefits to the kind of brotherhood that’s found outside of family circles. The challenge is for men to prioritize brotherhood despite the pressures of marriage and societal trends that push men to abandon logic and overall sovereignty for the sake of their emotional whims. Those trends are both the cause of men becoming isolated and one of the main reasons why men need a brotherhood.

    Men should cook together, eat together, and compete together. Ultimately, a brotherhood will push you beyond your limits and help you face the many challenges of life. Men are warriors but it’s easy to forget. If you don’t have a brotherhood, you can find it in the Sovereign Circle.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP124: Steve Richmond - The Importance Of Elders

    EP124: Steve Richmond - The Importance Of Elders

    “Disciplines and commitments. Without those men are just wandering around aimlessly.”

    “There seems to be a daily choice on which direction to go, as opposed to young men making a commitment to ‘this is what I’m going to do and this is how I’m going to get there’.”

    Since the 1960’s, the world has experienced a dramatic change. It started mainly in the United States but has since spread throughout the world. It can be described in many ways but for the sake of this podcast, we’ll say it’s been a movement away from traditions and traditional culture. But our traditions weren’t simply human constructs for the sake of controlling people. They’re reflections of human nature and even nature itself, guided by true faith. As this movement away from traditions reaches the extreme and the many social issues we face prove more and more that we’re heading in the wrong direction, it gets easier to recognize the value and need for the wisdom of our traditions. One of the easiest ways we can carry our traditions forward is to connect with our elders.

    Steve Richmond is an expert in men, masculinity and how to tap into their masculinity.

    At 62, he found his purpose in coaching men and women to better their lives, relationships and experience greater business success and freedom. Today, Richmond advises the need for men, especially those under 50 to be humble and seek out mentors at least 20 years your senior to learn from their experiences.

    The interview revolves around the relentless denigration of elder wisdom in modern society and the dangers posed by uninformed individuals, particularly young men, offering misguided advice. Richmond explains the invaluable life experience rooted in traditional culture and urges younger generations to be humble and engage in meaningful conversation with their elders. Extending to the impact of the feminazi movement, the role of fathers in homes, and the essential need for discipline, commitment, and purpose in a man's life.

    For more information and updates, visit Steve Richmond's website at SteveRichmond.ca or TheRelationshipWorkout.com.

    Check out the upcoming Couples Workshop in January called "The Turning Point" in 3 online sessions facilitated by Steve Richmond and Marie Tindall.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    Also in this episode: Relationship coach, Suzanne Venker

    Book: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture by Gabor Maté

    EP123: Bryce Kenny - Screw Your Happiness, Live A Life Of Purpose Instead

    EP123: Bryce Kenny - Screw Your Happiness, Live A Life Of Purpose Instead

    “Equip your passion and you’ll find your purpose.”

    Men face challenges today in defining purpose, especially in a society that questions traditional masculinity. Nicky and Bryce talk about the societal pressure to follow a predefined idea of success and how men should prioritize serving others and building meaningful connections.

    Bryce Kenny, a Monster Jam champion driver, shares his inspiring journey, from growing up with a dream of drag racing to becoming a Monster Jam champion. He opens up about the challenges he faced, the wrong turns he took, and how he eventually found his purpose.

    Bryce advises men to stop chasing happiness as the primary goal, to identify their passions first. He highlights the importance of equipping oneself in their passion, leading to the discovery of one's purpose.

    To learn more about Bryce Kenny, go to Brycekenny.com.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP122: Tim Spellman - Live The Masculine Life

    EP122: Tim Spellman - Live The Masculine Life

    “Mothers teach behaviors to their children, but fathers teach values”

    The importance of having purpose for men life and the transformative power of living a meaningful life goes hand-in-hand with the responsibility to raise good citizens. That means instilling values of heroism, sacrifice, and community contribution, among other things. Our guest, Tim Spellman, warns against the dangers of prioritizing instant gratification over purpose, emphasizing the need for men to look beyond outer physical attractions. Tim believes we should learn from everyone and live life with the mindset that every man is your teacher. But be aware of the rise of self-proclaimed gurus who lack the depth and wisdom necessary to guide the younger generation.

    Tim Spellman is an experienced mentor and teacher with nearly four decades of experience in men's work. He shares wisdom from family values and community service, taking inspiration from his grandmother and experiences.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP121: Coach Alen Vukobrad - How To Raise A No Excuse Man

    EP121: Coach Alen Vukobrad - How To Raise A No Excuse Man

    Discipline is the foundation of success in any area of life. Whether it's in sports, academics, or personal development, it’s the key that unlocks the door to achievement. It's about doing what needs to be done, even when you don't feel like doing it. Raising sons to embrace discipline and traditional masculinity is often met with challenges. Parenting isn’t easy but we don’t have to do it alone. Coaches like our guest, Alen Vukobrad play an important role in shaping young minds, from boyhood to manhood. He is the coach of Nicky’s son, Keyvan.

    Sports, with strong leaders, play an important role in protecting young minds from modern cultural influences that could easily take them down the wrong path. It's about instilling values like goal-setting, hard work, cooperation, and adaptability that are essential for success in life and impacting their overall character development. Team sports offer a unique platform for our kids to understand the importance of selflessness. It's not just about personal achievements but contributing to the team's success. From setting and achieving goals to cooperating with teammates, these experiences translate into valuable life skills. The energy of selflessness is a crucial aspect of manhood, going beyond individual desires and focusing on the collective good.

    Keyvan’s soccer team: https://www.instagram.com/gtawolvessoccerteam/.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP120: E Paul Allerton - Chasing Meaning vs Chasing Selfishness

    EP120: E Paul Allerton - Chasing Meaning vs Chasing Selfishness

    “There isn't a man on the planet who wants written on his tomb, ‘At least he was happy.’, right? A man wants to have a legacy”

    Paul Allerton is the author of “The Essential Guide for the Married Man”. He aims to help men realize that the skills and character needed for a successful marriage are the same for a successful life. He spent over 20 years as a scout leader, driven by a passion for strengthening marriages and preserving families. Paul emphasizes the importance of discipline, commitment, and generosity in building a strong foundation for marriages. Men can navigate a meaningful life by developing character, values, and a sense of purpose, forsaking personal desires for a greater cause, such as family and community. Men need to be prepared and understand their roles as men in life.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP119: Suzanne Venker - The War On Men & How To Win It

    EP119: Suzanne Venker - The War On Men & How To Win It

    Our first-ever female guest, Suzanne Venker is a renowned thought leader in the realm of modern feminism, family dynamics, and relationships. With bestselling books such as "The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage" and "Women Who Win at Love, How to Build a Relationship That Lasts," She challenges conventional wisdom and offers valuable insights.

    Suzanne shares her journey, starting with the viral 2012 article, "The War on Men", which thrust her into the spotlight and led her to become a prominent voice on men's issues. She delves into the consequences of modern feminism, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and embracing the inherent differences between men and women. Her unique perspective, backed by years of experience, sheds light on the challenges couples face in a society where gender roles are often distorted.

    To explore more of Suzanne's work and gain a deeper understanding of her insights, check out her books, including "The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage" and "Women Who Win at Love" available on Amazon.

    Visit Suzanne Venker's Website: suzannevenker.com.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP118: Sam Rosenberg - Protection Secrets Of Netenyahu's Former Bodyguard

    EP118: Sam Rosenberg - Protection Secrets Of Netenyahu's Former Bodyguard

    Sam Rosenberg is the founder of Live Ready. He and Nicky discuss the pressing challenges of our time. With over 25 years of expertise in personal protection and security training, Sam sheds light on how men can navigate today's uncertainties, emphasizing the crucial role of embracing responsibility as protectors of their families and communities.

    Sam delves into the cultural dynamics around masculinity, tackling societal pressures that challenge traditional male qualities. His new book, "Live Ready: A Guide to Protecting Yourself in an Uncertain World", takes center stage as he shares timeless lessons on recognizing danger, understanding personal security, and mastering adaptability. Nicky and Sam advocate for unapologetic masculinity, offering practical insights for men to reclaim their roles as protectors in an ever-changing world. This episode is a compelling exploration of self-responsibility, resilience, and the pursuit of genuine masculinity.

    To learn more about Sam Rosenberg and his work, visit https://www.liveready.co/.

    Pre-order Sam’s new book Live Ready or go to the website https://www.liveready.co/who-we-are.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP117: Erik Everhard - Confessions Of A Former Pornstar Part 2

    EP117: Erik Everhard - Confessions Of A Former Pornstar Part 2

    Eric Everhard is back, delving into the intricacies of maintaining a satisfying intimate relationship.. Previously, we uncovered the layers of sexual satisfaction: sexual alignment, chemistry, and compatibility. Today, we're addressing a common concern—when a partner's interest in sex diminishes over time. To reignite the flame, Eric suggests a simple, yet powerful strategy that could be surprising to your partner. A passionate approach displaying intense desire. These small changes can make a significant difference, ensuring the spark remains alive in your relationship.

    Want to be confident again? Visit Erik Everhard’s website to learn more including his sexual mastery secrets for men: https://www.everhardacademy.com/.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP116 Sidney Tarver - How To Be A "No Victim" Man

    EP116 Sidney Tarver - How To Be A "No Victim" Man

    Sidney Tarver, the founder of People First Logistics Company, discusses his journey that spans from the NFL to entrepreneurship. His success story highlights the power of extreme ownership, the significance of mentorship, and the life-changing impact of self-improvement through reading and modelling successful people. He emphasizes the need for men to take responsibility, surround themselves with the right people, and pursue continuous education. Sidney's insights are not only inspirational but also a call to action for men in 2023, offering a roadmap to personal growth, success, and the revival of masculinity in today's world.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP115: Rory Paquette - How To Be A Man As A Leader

    EP115: Rory Paquette - How To Be A Man As A Leader

    Rory Paquette is the host of the Power Man Podcast. He delves deep into the essence of manhood, masculinity, and the challenges men face in the modern world. Rory shares his personal journey of resilience and transformation, from rising out of adversity to rebuilding his life after a devastating loss. Nicky and Rory explore the importance of men taking on leadership roles within their families, communities, and their own lives. They emphasize the significance of never revealing weakness, prioritizing family above all, and the imperative duty of becoming a true leader. Rory's powerful insights and unwavering principles provide a compelling narrative that inspires and empowers men to rediscover their innate strength and leadership potential in today's complex landscape.

    You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.