
    The Storm Fit Project

    The Storm Fit Project is for driven women who want to build a strong, toned body and unshakeable confidence; through a sustainable, long term lifestyle without starvation diets or huge restrictions! Your host, Christine/Lexy, a wellness and mindset coach, shares openly about her struggles, experiences and insights in how she got to where she is now. You'll also get easy to implement tips and advice in terms of mindset and fitness so you can get there too.
    enChristine Lexy Ong23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    How Mairaed Lost 26cm In 6 Weeks Even Through Life’s Challenges!

    How Mairaed Lost 26cm In 6 Weeks Even Through Life’s Challenges!

    Sometimes.. well most of the time, life tends to hit us at the most unexpected of times. Generally when we’re either on a roll with a new project or when we’re just about to start on a new journey to change.


    The key is to know that when one thing doesn’t quite happen (e.g. exercise), sometimes we can use that time to shift the focus onto other aspects (nutrition, habits, mindset etc). It’s all about keeping the momentum going with what we CAN do, not focusing on what we can’t.


    Today we’re going to hear an interview on an amazingly resilient woman who focused on what she could do even when life tried to derail her efforts!


    I’ve also just created a fun quiz that you can do to see what your strong, fit and confident score is! You can get your score in under 60 seconds and receive tangible next steps on improving your mindset and overall health! Check it out in the link below:


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enJune 20, 2022

    The Balance of Knowing When To Rest

    The Balance of Knowing When To Rest
    Do you have trouble acknowledging when you need to rest? Does "rest" make you feel like you're being unproductive, or lazy?


    As part of being high performing, driven women - who are constantly striving to be "perfect" - we tend to push ourselves so much that we burn out and then wonder why we can't achieve our goals.


    Today I'm going to outline WHY rest is important.. and some steps on how I figure out when I need to push myself, and when I actually need to rest.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enMay 31, 2022

    The Importance of Movement

    The Importance of Movement

    How do you deal with intense emotional situations? Do you stay still (e.g. curl up under the covers and dwell on the emotions) or do you move? (get up and do something… anything..)


    Emotions and everyday life factors are difficult enough to deal with in itself. Granted, everyone has their own way of managing their emotions and I encourage everyone to explore and find what works for them.


    Today, I’m sharing how movement helps me deal with the grief of a loss - in the hopes that this realisation may help you figure out what might work for you in intense emotional situations.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enMay 24, 2022

    Are You The Person Who Can Get You To Your Goals?

    Are You The Person Who Can Get You To Your Goals?

    Have you gotten to a point where you’ve been working on your goals, or want to achieve a specific goal but somehow don’t quite get there?


    Especially once you reach a certain point, things start to change, motivation starts to get low.. and you’re just not sure if you’re ever going to get to your goals?


    Today, I’m highlighting a very important aspect of a journey of growth - which once you’re aware of will hopefully shed some light on action steps you can take to readjust the mindset and get you back in the driver’s seat of your journey!


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enMay 11, 2022

    Why Protein Is Important In A Healthy Lifestyle

    Why Protein Is Important In  A Healthy Lifestyle
    Have you ever wondered why quite a number of health coaches and fitness professionals encourage protein intake? 


    Or.. if you're like me.. had the thought of.. ok.. I will eat the protein but.. WHY? Why do I need so much protein or why is it important?


    In this episode, I aim to highlight why it is important and what function protein has in our bodies. Hopefully this will be able to help you make better, informed decisions when it comes to your nutrition and refuelling your body.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enMay 03, 2022

    How imperfection got Anusha losing 23 cm overall in 6 weeks!

    How imperfection got Anusha losing 23 cm overall in 6 weeks!
    In the past few weeks, I have spoken on perfectionism and action taking.

    It's honestly one of the hardest things to set aside (perfectionism) and also take action to get to the goal.

    Anusha is one of the many amazing women I work with who was wiling to work through stepping out of her comfort zone to learn and embrace imperfection and just take action where she can.


    Focusing on what she can and not what she can't, focusing on taking each step at a time and understanding that one doesn't have to be perfect.

    Here's how she managed to lose 23 cm  overall in 6 weeks!


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enApril 27, 2022

    It's OK To Not Be OK

    It's OK To Not Be OK

    If you’re someone who’s always felt the need to be strong. That you need to always be “fine” and “ok” because everyone else needs you?

    This episode is for you - the driven woman who gives everyone everything but yet has difficulty giving herself some care and compassion and time to recover and rejuvenate.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    The Storm Fit Project
    enApril 19, 2022

    5 Common Misconceptions of "Healthy Eating"

    5 Common Misconceptions of "Healthy Eating"

    Have you ever thought that you needed to “starve” (reduce the amount of food you eat) to get to your weightloss goal? What about avoiding ALL carbs? or takeout?

    In fact, are you even sure that all calories are the same? This episode dives into the 5 common misconceptions that most driven women have in regards to “healthy eating” especially to get to their goals.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    Where to start?

    Where to start?

    Have you ever felt like it’s an all or nothing? “I either change and do 100% of my new lifestyle or I do nothing at all”

    Or even feel overwhelmed because you’ve over-researched, overthought and overcomplicated the whole thing. There’s a LOT of different information out there and it can be too much most of the time.


    Today I’m going to highlight a few key tips in how to start that helped not only me, but the driven women that I work with to achieve amazing results sustainably and actually maintain it LONG TERM.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST


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    Are you stuck in a loop?

    Are you stuck in a loop?

    It's amazing how time flies. We're at the end of the first quarter of the year! How have you been going with your goals?


    Do you feel like you're on the right track and in a good momentum? Or... do you feel like you've "fallen off the wagon" and need to "get back to it at somet point?"


    The question is, have you really fallen off, or are you stuck in a loop that you've unconsciously trained yourself to do? To start, stop... pause.. restart again etc? 


    If things are starting to resonate, this is your sign to listen to the show and make a change! You've got this! 

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    Self-Care and Laziness

    Self-Care and Laziness

    “I need a break”… “ugh no, I can’t do nothing because I have to do x, y, z” … “I can’t believe I didn’t do anything today, I’ve been SO LAZY”.. (insert guilt and judgement here)


    How many of us have variations of these thoughts in our head? I definitely am guilty of these and I have had MANY conversations with the driven women that I work with on this topic.


    So I hope that today’s show will help bring awareness to the fact that taking time for yourself is in fact ABSOLUTELY OKAY and not only that, it’s actually MUCH NEEDED to help you achieve your goals.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    The Differences Between A "Diet" And A "Lifestyle Change"

    The Differences Between A "Diet" And A "Lifestyle Change"

    Have you ever wondered why most “diets” don’t quite work? Or they work for a little while but is hardly sustainable long term? Or even why some people call it a lifestyle change instead of “dieting”?


    The key to this is in awareness and mindset of how certain ways we see things affect our subconscious mind. And of course awareness on how diets normally work.


    I have 3 spaces available in our Phoenix Rising Program. If you'd like to learn more or are ready to make that change you've always wanted, book in for a non-obligatory call here:


    or program info here:

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    Part 4: How To Maximise your Workout - Advanced Edition

    Part 4: How To Maximise your Workout - Advanced Edition

    Part 4 of our 4 part: Maximising your training/exercise sessions the advanced edition!


    Have you been working out for a while? Consistently training and wondering if you need to add to the workout or not? Here’s some advice for you to ensure you are truly maximising your training to achieve your goals!!

    This is the last episode in our 4 part series in maximising your exercise!


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    Part 3 - How To Maximise Your Workouts - Intermediate Edition

    Part 3 - How To Maximise Your Workouts - Intermediate Edition

    Part 3 of our 4 part: Maximising your training/exercise sessions is all about the intermediates.


    Scenario: You’re now on a roll with your training, you’re getting consistent with your plans on moving/exercising and feeling like it’s getting easier (to an extent). It’s time to RAMP IT UP!


    But how do we do it without going overboard? Here’s 4 tips for you to ensure that you’re still being efficient and maximising each session.


    This is the start of a 4 part series in maximising your exercise! Stay tuned for part 4 next week!


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    Part 2: How to maximise your workouts - BEGINNERS

    Part 2: How to maximise your workouts - BEGINNERS

    Part 2 of our 4 part: Maximising your training/exercise sessions is all about the beginners.


    Whether you’re someone who’s never exercised before or someone who’s returned after a long hiatus from exercise. Even someone who’s returning (AND gotten the ALL CLEAR to train) to exercise after injury, this is the episode for you!

    This is the start of a 4 part series in maximising your exercise! Stay tuned for part 3 next week!


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


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    4 Ways to Maximise Your Exercise Sessions

    4 Ways to Maximise Your Exercise Sessions

    “Where will I find enough time for that??” “I don’t have HOURS every day to do a workout” These were thought processes that went through my head when I thought about exercise.

    Over the years, I’ve found that so many of us have huge misconceptions on what we can do in our training/exercise sessions.

    These misconceptions definitely affect our training AND mindset too! So today I’m going to outline a few simple ways to maximise your training session (and be efficient about it!)

    This is the start of a 4 part series in maxising your exercise! Stay tuned for part 2 next week!

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group - Every Friday at 12.30pm AEDT


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    5 Ways to Feel More Comfortable at the Gym

    5 Ways to Feel More Comfortable at the Gym

    Gym anxiety is SO COMMON and yet not many of us know how to deal with it. The stress of not knowing what to do, whether other people are watching and judging etc. is enough to make us not even go to the gym

    So today I’m going to share on some tips on how you can work around the fear/stress and feel more comfortable going to the gym to get you started on your goals!

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 11th Feb 12.30pm AEDT

    Join the free Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group:


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    Are your beliefs holding you back from your goals?

    Are your beliefs holding you back from your goals?

    How many times have we tried to change something in our lifestyle - eating habits, exercise etc and find ourselves back at “square 1” and maybe a little “extra”?


    What if I said that this was due to your belief system and how your identity? In this episode we explore how your beliefs and the concepts that you may have learnt are actually holding yourself back from achieving your goals.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 4th Feb 12.30pm AEDT


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    https://www.instagram.com/_christinelexy Learn more about how we work with you:


    The 3 Key Pillars to Balance in Life

    The 3 Key Pillars to Balance in Life

    So often we struggle to find time for ourselves, to prioritise our needs while trying to fulfil the needs of others. We focus on work, family, friends - everything and everyone ELSE and put ourselves last.

    In this episode, I talk about why we should flip that thought process on it’s head (almost literally) and focus on our self first.

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 28th Jan 12.30pm AEDT


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    The 3 Key Pillars to Balance in Life

    The 3 Key Pillars to Balance in Life

    So often we struggle to find time for ourselves, to prioritise our needs while trying to fulfil the needs of others. We focus on work, family, friends - everything and everyone ELSE and put ourselves last.

    In this episode, I talk about why we should flip that thought process on it’s head (almost literally) and focus on our self first.

    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 28th Jan 12.30pm AEDT


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