
    The Superwoman Code

    Searching for the most kickass version of yourself? Each episode we dive into the science of lifestyle to bring a little inspiration to your life - from periods, to mental health, to relationships and to the Superwomen walking among us; The Superwoman Code is a raw and real deep dive into thriving in the modern day world. Join host and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Ashley Margeson; natural women's health expert and hormone whisperer as she navigates the world of women's health and shares her experiences, research and favourite wines (of course!) to help you become the Superwoman you always knew you could be - on your own terms.
    enDr. Ashley Margeson131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    131: Cultivating Curiosity (Happy Birthday Dr. Ash!)

    131: Cultivating Curiosity (Happy Birthday Dr. Ash!)

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Superwoman Code, where we journey through the transformative power of curiosity. Last week I turned 34 (!!) and as I celebrate another year of life and growth, I’m embracing the theme of "Cultivating Curiosity," inviting us all to view the world with wonder, ask questions, and remain open to life's vast array of answers. What a way to approach this new year... 

    Key Takeaways In Today's Episode:

    Embracing Curiosity in Life’s Seasons: Reflecting on personal and universal experiences, we discuss the importance of being curious about the seasons of our lives and how this perspective can bring about growth and change.

    Curious Conversations and Inclusive Empowerment: By engaging in discussions across various industries and with people from different walks of life, we can enrich our understanding and advocate for a more inclusive approach to personal and professional empowerment.

    Intentional Learning and Exploration: Setting learning goals driven by curiosity, such as reading books from every continent and challenging ourselves with new skills or hobbies, can expand our horizons and introduce us to new ideas and cultures.

    Curiosity as a Daily Practice: Integrating curiosity into our daily lives through rituals, routines, and reflections can open up a world of continuous learning and discovery, guiding us to ask more "why" and "how" questions in our interactions.

    So, on this turn around the sun, I'm committing to fostering a culture of curiosity within myself, and others. . By asking more questions, exploring uncharted territories, and remaining open to the myriad of answers life offers, I truly believe we can find joy, wonder, and ultimately, a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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    130: Why Am I So Tired?

    130: Why Am I So Tired?

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Superwoman Code, where we delve into the complexities of managing fatigue in our fast-paced lives. Today, we're exploring the intricate dance between our body's signals and our mental hurdles, understanding fatigue not just as a physical symptom but as a multifaceted experience that encompasses our mental and emotional states.

    Key Takeaways In Today's Episode:

    Understanding Fatigue: Fatigue transcends the physical; it's a blend of physical, mental, and emotional elements. Recognizing the root cause is crucial, yet challenging, due to the different types of fatigue we experience.

    The Role of Emotional States: Our emotions can amplify feelings of fatigue. Stress and anxiety about the fatigue itself can trigger a deeper level of exhaustion, making it essential to address both the physical and emotional components.

    Differentiating Types of Fatigue: It’s vital to distinguish between physical fatigue that demands rest and the kind of fatigue rooted in mental or emotional resistance. This distinction helps us address our needs more effectively.

    Practical Support Strategies: Incorporating mindfulness practices, journaling thoughts and feelings, and engaging in nature walks can significantly impact our overall well-being, helping to reduce fatigue.

    The Rule of Thirds: This concept helps us gauge our energy distribution throughout the day, ensuring we're not overwhelmingly fatigued. It's about finding a balance and listening to what our bodies need, whether it’s more rest, more activity, or simply a change in our routine.

    In this episode, we unravel the signals our bodies give us about fatigue, reminding ourselves of the importance of listening and responding to these cues. 

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    The Superwoman Code
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    129: The Power Of Lifting Others Up

    129: The Power Of Lifting Others Up

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Superwoman Code, where we explore effective strategies for navigating the complexities of life as a modern woman. Today, we're delving into a powerful concept: The Power of Lifting Others Up. This episode is a testament to the transformative impact of mutual support and encouragement in preventing burnout and fostering a fulfilling life.

    Key Takeaways In Today's Episode:

    The Importance of Connection: When burnout looms, our instinct might be to retreat. However, connecting with others and uplifting them is a pivotal strategy in not just aiding others but fortifying our own resilience against burnout.

    Actionable Empathy: True support extends beyond mere words of encouragement. It's about showing up with actions that reflect understanding and genuine care, thereby fostering a supportive environment that resonates with our values and goals.

    Creating Supportive Spaces: Whether it’s through workplace appreciation or personal growth projects, cultivating an environment that encourages the sharing of challenges and victories alike is crucial. This community spirit uplifts everyone involved, contributing to a collective well-being.

    Practical Strategies for Upliftment: From mentorship programs to personal growth through encouragement, implementing tangible methods of support can significantly alter the dynamic of any group or individual, injecting fresh energy and motivation.

    As we navigate through life’s ups and downs, I hope today serves as a reminder that in lifting others, we elevate ourselves, creating a cycle of positive change and growth.

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    128: Burnout Prevention Strategies For When You Can't Just *Quit*

    128: Burnout Prevention Strategies  For When You Can't Just *Quit*

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Superwoman Code, where we explore practical strategies for overcoming life’s challenges and thriving. In today’s episode, we dive deep into managing burnout and discover how to navigate life more gracefully, even when it feels like you’re stuck in the muck of overwhelming responsibilities.

    Key Takeaways In Today's Episode:

    Recognizing Burnout: Understand that burnout stems from an unsustainable energy output, often driven by adrenaline. It’s important to acknowledge this state without aiming to halt all activities but rather to slow down and proceed with a more measured pace.

    Slowing Down, Not Stopping: The first step in addressing burnout is to consciously slow down your daily activities. This doesn’t mean stopping altogether but reducing the speed at which you operate, allowing you to step out of the constant adrenaline rush and begin to regain control.

    Prioritizing and Planning: By creating moments of calm and slowing down, you can better assess your tasks and responsibilities. This allows for effective prioritization, focusing on what truly aligns with your values and the needs of your family or work environment.

    Building Mini-Decompression Moments: Integrate short periods of calm into your day, whether it’s a quiet moment after work, a peaceful commute, or designated quiet time at home. These moments help transition from high-stress periods to a more balanced state.

    Investing in Relationships: One of the most prescribed remedies for burnout is investing time in relationships that matter. Whether it’s date nights, friendship dates, or sending a thoughtful message, these interactions contribute significantly to your emotional bank account, helping you move from a state of constant withdrawal to one of balance and eventually, growth.

    As we embark on the journey of 2024, let’s approach the year with the mindset of making small, sustainable shifts that lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, it’s not about a sudden overhaul but about finding the next right step that guides you towards a state of well-being and joy.

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    127: Decreasing Holiday Burnout

    127: Decreasing Holiday Burnout

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Superwoman Code, where we dive into strategies for designing a life that works for you, not against you. Today, we're tackling a crucial topic as we approach the holiday season: Decreasing Holiday Burnout.

    Key Takeaways In Today's Episode:

    1. Blackout Dates: Borrowing from hotel chains, we implement blackout dates in our family calendar. These are days where we don't plan anything and allow ourselves to recover. We strategically plan these, especially during the holiday season, to ensure we have time to relax and recharge.

    2. Shared Responsibility in Gift Planning: To reduce the mental load, we use an Excel spreadsheet (eg, our handy AirTables) to track gifts, ensuring the responsibility doesn't fall on one person. This approach allows us to split the task of purchasing and organizing gifts, making it a shared and more manageable effort.

    3. Quiet Time Implementation: Inspired by preschool routines, we've incorporated quiet time into our daily schedule. This means a period during the day where everyone engages in calming, individual activities. It’s crucial for maintaining a sense of peace and preventing burnout.

    4. Reducing Cleanup Effort: Simple yet effective – using paper plates during the holiday season can significantly cut down on cleanup time, giving you more moments to relax and enjoy with family.

    5. Prioritizing What Matters Most: Inspired by Kendra Adachi's philosophy from "The Lazy Genius" podcast, we focus on what's truly important to our family. This involves asking what matters most to each family member and planning our activities and traditions around these preferences.

    We also discuss our unique tradition of gifting our tiny human's eight presents each, labeled with specific tags like "something you need" or "something to read," ensuring a balanced and meaningful gift-giving experience.

    As we wrap up the year, this episode is all about finding joy and restfulness amidst the holiday hustle. Let’s make this season less about stress and more about celebrating what truly matters.


    Remember, the key to a joyful holiday season is not just about managing tasks but about creating moments of rest and togetherness. Happy holidays, and here’s to a burnout-free end of the year.


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    The Superwoman Code
    enDecember 19, 2023

    126: Creating Capacity To Build Energy

    126: Creating Capacity To Build Energy

    What if I told you that you didn't have to feel exhausted at the end of the day? 
    And that by engaging in simple, and quick, deposits throughout the day, you could increase your capacity to actually engage in the things that truly make a difference for you, your energy ... and your life? 

    On today's episode of The Superwoman Code I'm going to walk you through how you can increase your capacity to build yourself back from burnout. 

    If you like this episode, please help other people find us by leaving a review and sharing your thoughts on Social Media! I would love that <3 

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    125: How to Develop a SHTF Plan (Burnout Support)

    125: How to Develop a SHTF Plan (Burnout Support)

    A SHTF Plan is one of my favourite preventative measures for Burnout, because it is a plan that makes NO sense to anyone but you. The whole goal of it is to be activated when Shit Hits The Fan. 

    This is literally a plan to decrease adrenaline, decrease decision making and increase capacity when you are in serious need. 

    On today's episode I'm going to walk you through a few things I would suggest you include in the google doc that you send an email to someone who can support you in activating the plan. 

    As I mention in this episode, I use a few spotify playlists as part of my SHTF Plan. They're copied below :) 
    Chill Out Playlist
    Create Magic Playlist
    Dance Party Playlist

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    124: PMS Research Update (Food, Movement & Stress)

    124: PMS Research Update (Food, Movement & Stress)

    Ah, one of my favourite things to talk about - PMS

    Today on the podcast, I'm bringing y'all up to speed on the new research around how stress, food and movement affect your physical and mental state before your period. 

    Perceived stress from the cycle before can make PMS in the following cycle worse
    Aerobic activity helps more with physical PMS symptoms, Yoga/Pilates helps more with mental PMS symptoms 
    A well balanced, unprocessed nutritional intake is best long term, but more research is definitely needed in this area

    Research Quoted: 

    123: Creating Time & Reducing Burnout Risk

    123: Creating Time & Reducing Burnout Risk

    Do you feel like you have enough time?

    Do you feel like you're constantly going through your day feeling rushed feeling overwhelmed and feeling like you just can't get it all done?

    If you have ever feel that way, today's episode is for you.

    On today's episode I'm going to talk about this magical little survival hormone known as adrenaline, how this plays into making decisions out of fear, our limbic system and why feeling like you're constantly running out of time triggers your burnout response. 

    Plus, a quote from Winnie the Pooh - The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get... Anyone else ever feel that way? 

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    122: Defining Your Season of Life

    122: Defining Your Season of Life

    I am so unbelievably excited to enter our fifth season to chat about burnout, our seasons of life, hormones, and how all of that blends together to help us create a life that we are excited about living - on our own terms.

    Today on the podcast, I'd like to introduce you to a concept I introduce so many of my patients to, and that is our Season of Life. We all have a season of our own life where there is a rhythm and a ritual and a routine within that seaon. Unlike the weather, our season of life isn't defined by what the calendar month is, our season of life is really defined by how much capacity we have at any given time.

    I'm talking today about how to recognize your own season, how to contextualize the supports that your season needs, and how to cricitally think about what other people's seasons may look like as we grow together. 

    Have fun friends!

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    121: This Is Your Gut on Menopause with Nishta Saxena, RD

    121: This Is Your Gut on Menopause with Nishta Saxena, RD

    What do you know about your gut?

    It's a massive question and it's a question that I asked today's guest Nishta Saxena, RD to explain to us. Nishta is a Registered Dietitian and the creator of Vibrant Nutrition. She loves distilling science-based nutrition research into practical tips. So y'all know that we are getting along very well during today's episode.

    On today's episode we talked today about how your gut changes as you age (e.g. perimenopause and menopause), what you need to be looking out for, and how to incorporate healthy food and habits into our lives.

    Today is the third episode in our four-part series sponsored by Bend Beauty, a Nova Scotia-based company who truly believe that beauty comes from within. I've been nerding out on their research for years now, and when they approached me to create this series I figured it was the perfect time to make it happen! 

    You can find out more about Bend and their new product, Gut Glow, here

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    120: Making Your Gut Glow with Bend Beauty Founder Marc St. Onge

    120: Making Your Gut Glow with Bend Beauty Founder Marc St. Onge

    When it comes to wellness there's nothing quite like sitting down and chatting with Bend Beauty founder Marc St Onge. 

    Marc and I have been friends for a number of years, and every time I get to pick his brain about what he's musing about, like his definition of beauty for men and women, and how he sees the inside of our bodies affecting our longevity and the outside of our bodies, I'm here for it! So when Bend asked if I would sit down with Marc to chat about their new product Gut Glow, and how we incorporate dietary lifestyle supports into our wellness strategies you bet I was totally here for it.

    Join me today on an extended episode of The Superwoman Code as we chat with Marc about what's inside his fridge, how he manages his own wellness strategies, and why a little mushroom created a big change.

    Today's episode is the second in our four-part series sponsored by Bend Beauty, a Nova Scotia-based company who truly believe that beauty comes from within. I've been nerding out on their research for years now, and when they approached me to create this series I figured it was the perfect time to make it happen! 

    You can find out more about Bend and their new product, Gut Glow, here

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    119: Burnout & Your Gut

    119: Burnout & Your Gut

    It's the POOP EPISODE.

    We're here with a four-part series on the gut. I can't believe it's taken us until episode 119 to have this conversation! 

    Today on the podcast, I'm going to walk you through how your digestive system functions, the three areas that are critical for good digestive health, and how a little (or a LOT) of stress can make your digestive system turn from a well-oiled machine to a fermented, inflamed, uncomfortable bloat.

    Top Take Aways To Support Your Gut: 

    1. Ditch the Raw - choose warming foods like soups, stews, braised meats, slow cookers, ginger, cardamon and cinnamon as often as possible.
    2. Schedule your lunch - yes. Put it into your calendar and BLOCK it to remind you to eat something. 
    3. Set a defined grocery shopping time in your schedule, and buy foods you're actually going to at. I don't care if the spinach is a good idea, if it's dying at the back of your fridge it's not worth it. 
    4. Eat Easy To Diges Foods - going alongside the "ditch the raw" conversation, sometimes when you're burnt out salad, steak and quinoa can be harder to digest. Try roasted veggies, lean proteins and rice or potatoes instead. 

    Today's episode is also the first in our four-part series sponsored by Bend Beauty, a Nova Scotia-based company who truly believe that beauty comes from within. I've been nerding out on their research for years now, and when they approached me to create this series I figured it was the perfect time to make it happen! 

    You can find out more about Bend and their new product, Gut Glow, here


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    118: Why Strong Communication Is Important For Burnout Prevention

    118: Why Strong Communication Is Important For Burnout Prevention

    Today we are talking about communication and its importance in preventing and treating burnout in relation to our social support systems. The stronger the support system we have, the more likely we will be able to handle stress in our lives positively and move on and pass the stress without wearing us down and leading to burnout. 

    The most important aspect of having a solid social support system is our ability to communicate positively and effectively.  We discuss what strong communication is. 

    We also define how loneliness is measured and the risks associated with feeling lonely. 

    Finally, we discuss one method of categorizing various communication methods: Think, Feel and Know.



    The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

    The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

    The UCLA Loneliness Scale

    Loneliness and neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, and inflammatory stress responses in middle-aged me and women

    Think Feel Know, Communication Tool

    117: 5 Anti-Burnout Routines I Live By

    117: 5 Anti-Burnout Routines I Live By

    There are so many ideas for anti-burnout routines, but if you google this term, all you'll generally find is a list of bullet points with things like "do more self-care", "take a break" and "go to sleep".

    All of those are true.

    But today I'm going to bring you insight to five of the anti-burnout routines that have supported myself, my partner (Ben!) and our family unit through the last number of years. I hope you find inspiration in these ideas, and take the advice of building routines and rhythms over a long period of time to support your goals. 

    1. Protein Prep
    Favourite Recipes Include: 
    Buttermilk Chicken
    Chinese Five-Spice Pork Marinade
    Reverse-Sear Steak

    2. Put A Timer On It!

    3. Teach, Don't Do

    4. Make Mornings Less Chaotic

    5. Communicate in the other person's language

    Thanks To Our Sponsor, Take It Outside!

    Today's podcast is sponsored by my long-time friends, Take It Outside

    Use the code Superwoman10 for 10% off your order at www.takeitoutside.ca


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    Ep 116: Grace Over Guilt

    Ep 116: Grace Over Guilt

    There are three words that have been percolating and turning over and being said and verbalized multiple times a day over the last number of weeks in my office. Both to myself and to the people sitting with me. 

    Those three words are "Grace Over Guilt", and the awareness of those three little words are what brought me (and you!) into today's podcast. 

    Three Takeaways: 
    1. Guilt can snowball, but so can Grace.
    2. The feeling or emotion of guilt is really just our bodies bringing an awareness to something, we can choose to let it stay as guilt or we can work to add another layer - I like Grace as layer #2.
    3. We don't have to fix anything, we just have to not ignore it. 

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    Thanks To Our Sponsor, Take It Outside!

    Today's podcast is sponsored by my long-time friends, Take It Outside

    Use the code Superwoman10 for 10% off your order at www.takeitoutside.ca or join me at the Adventure Is Life Grand Opening Weekend March 10-13 at 1980 Vernon Street


    115: Building a Burnout Prevention Plan (Updated!)

    115: Building a Burnout Prevention Plan (Updated!)

    Have you ever experienced burnout, or the feelings of burnout, and thought to yourself, oh! I wish I had a plan in place to help me avoid getting to this place?

    Today's podcast is all about to create a burnout prevention plan. That …. actually works. No bath bombs, candles or trips to the spa here friends. Nope. Today’s podcast is all about designing a plan that you can set in motion at any time.

    We did a podcast about this back in 2020/2021, but I figured an update was in order, so please enjoy :) 

    STEP ONE: Identify your warning signs

    STEP TWO: Identify your support squad

    STEP THREE: Create bumper boundaries 

    STEP FOUR: Develop healthy habits

    STEP FIVE: Make it sustainable

    Thanks To Our Sponsor, Take It Outside!

    Today's podcast is sponsored by my long-time friends, Take It Outside

    Use the code Superwoman10 for 10% off your order at www.takeitoutside.ca


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    The Superwoman Code
    enFebruary 14, 2023

    114: How To Rest Well

    114: How To Rest Well

    The world tells us: Work is important; we need to reply: Rest is important too.

    I’d like to change an idea in your head today. And it’s an idea that you probably didn’t realize how engrained it had become… that the idea of rest, and the idea of work, are not opposites. In fact, they are partners.

    Welcome to the Superwoman Code, friends. Where I strive to give you a little glimpse into how to make your health work for you, not against you. And today, that glimpse involves changing your definition of rest. Because, for most of human history, rest – time in which we can recharge the mental and physical batteries we use while labouring – was prized as a gift.

    Here are the Seven Ways To Rest Well I talk about in today's episode. 

    1. Take rest seriously

    2. Establish clear boundaries 

    3. Treat rest as a skill

    4. Craft a daily schedule layering work and rest

    5. Practice deep play

    6. Don't neglect sleep and naps

    7. Encourage others to rest with you


    Happy resting, Superwomen!


    PS - the episode on the Say-Do Gap for those of you who want it!


    Thanks To Our Sponsor, Take It Outside!

    Today's podcast is sponsored by my long-time friends, Take It Outside

    Use the code Superwoman10 for 10% off your order at www.takeitoutside.ca

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    113: Decision Making During Burnout - 3 Tips To Help

    113: Decision Making During Burnout - 3 Tips To Help

    If there's anything that Burnout creates trouble for, it's decision making. Call it what you will; decision-fatigue, analysis paralysis, I-don't-have-enough-brain-power-for-this. Whatever you want!

    But the fatigue that accompanies burnout can very well make your ability to make a rational decision difficult. And during those early stages of burnout, you need to know that you will be able to make decisions at work perfectly fine - it's the decisions at home that go down hill first. 

    Anyone else ever have a meltdown over not being able to decide what to have for dinner? No... just me? Ok then... 

    Today's three tips on the podcast to support your ability to make decisions when you're burnt out include: 
    1. practicing making decisions without using False Urgency 
    2. remove guilt and other emotions from your decision making process
    3. create a "rule" to support your decision making that ensures you use less energy (not more!) 

    Thanks To Our Sponsor, Take It Outside!

    Today's podcast is sponsored by my long-time friends, Take It Outside

    Use the code Superwoman10 for 10% off your order at www.takeitoutside.ca

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    112: Feeling Seen with Dr. Jody Carrington

    112: Feeling Seen with Dr. Jody Carrington

    I am so excited to welcome Dr. Jody Carrington to today's episode of The Superwoman Code! Jody is a wealth of knowledge, a psychologist by training and is obsessed with understanding how we create a community. Jody focuses much of her work around reconnection – the key to healthy relationships and productive teams.

    Jody just launched her latest book (you can check it out on Amazon and Chapters Indigo) and she is gearing up to change the way we think about each other. And it starts with connection. 

    On that connection note, I'm getting pumped up to see Jody LIVE in person in Halifax during her book tour, and there's still a few spots left (you'll get a ticket AND a copy of her book!) and I'd love to see you there. If you're not in Halifax, you'll still get to see her at one of her tour dates. I'll report back later, but I don't think we're going to be disappointed. 

    I hope you enjoy today's episode, I know I laughed hard (and reflected hard) during this recording. 


    Tour Dates & Tickets:

    Toronto | January 28 | Glenn Gould Studio | 7 PM  SOLD OUT

    Halifax | February 1 | Bella Rose Arts Theatre | 7 PM

    Vancouver | February 4 | The Cultch’s, York Theatre | 7 PM  SOLD OUT

    Saskatoon | February 11 | Broadway Theatre | 2 PM

    Saskatoon | February 11 | Broadway Theatre | 7 PM  SOLD OUT

    St. John’s | February 20 | LSPU Hall | 7 PM  SOLD OUT

    NYC | March 14 | Manhattan | 7 PM

    Winnipeg | May 15 | Museum of Human Rights | 7 PM

    Calgary | May 24 | Martha Cohen Theatre | 7 PM  SOLD OUT


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