
    The Tennis Psychology Podcast

    Improve your inner game of tennis quickly with mental game expert Dr. Patrick Cohn, sports psychology for tennis expert at www.sportspsychologytennis.com. Learn how to play to your potential in matches using powerful sports psychology strategies for tennis.
    enPatrick Cohn100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Should You Quit Tennis?

    Should You Quit Tennis?

    Do you feel nervous before matches and are under a lot of pressure to the point where you don't want to play the game anymore?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Dwayne who's questioning whether he should continue to play tennis.

    Here's what Dwayne had to say about his game:

    "My problem is that I hate that nervous feeling before going into a match and all the pressure of wanting to be good enough to showcase what I've practiced for months. I hate the feeling, I'm even thinking about quitting the game. I do try to focus on the game itself but that feeling of being nervous really gets to me at my core. What should I do? Should I just quit the game?"

    Listen to the podcast to hear what Dr. Cohn suggests to do overcome nerves before going into a match.

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    Are You Getting Aced By Slower Serves?

    Are You Getting Aced By Slower Serves?

    Are you getting beat on your return of serve by getting aced by slower serves?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Tony about getting aced by slower serves and how this is so frustrating.

    Here's what Tony had to say about his game:

    "I keep getting aced by slower serves which is so irritating. Someone hits a banger and I'll get my racquet on it. someone dinks one over and I'll get it back easily. But when someone hits a medium paced serve into a corner, it beats me clean, I don't even move! Strange because I can get my racquet to slow and even fast balls but medium paced serves catch me off guard. How can I get better with this? What's breaking down mentally?"

    Listen to the podcast to hear what Dr. Cohn suggests to return off-paced serves.

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    How to Play Opponents That Get Into Your Head

    How to Play Opponents That Get Into Your Head

    Do you struggle with playing 3 or 4 specific opponents and keep losing to them over and over and it gets into your head?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Megan who struggles to beat a few specific opponents.

    Here's what Megan had to say about her game:

    "My problem is that I have too much pressure on me when I play 3 or 4 specific players because I've lost to them constantly since the past 8 years and it's actually all mental because I've been told that I'm better tan them, quickest than them, fitter than them, stronger than them... Other's don't understand why i lose to them every time. I get too nervous or anxious or just mentally breakdown in the match against them. I care a lot about beating these players and I really need your help."

    COHN: Thanks for the questions... I think this is very common for players to get certain individuals into their head, certain opponents in their head where they feel like they can't perform their best against these opponents.

    COHN: Now, I will say, sometimes you aren't going to match up well against specific players. For examples, if you play a baseliner that gets everything back and that's just not your game or you struggle with that type of player.

    COHN: That can happen in tennis where you just simply don't match-up well. Your style of tennis doesn't match up well with your opponents...

    COHN: With that said, let's talk about the mental factors that go into this...

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    How to Let Go of Comfort Zones in Tennis

    How to Let Go of Comfort Zones in Tennis

    Do you ever find yourself cruising along in a match and the second set or third set you're in command and controlling your opponent and then all of the sudden, BOOM! Something happens and you lose the match?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Sebastian who said he was recently playing a 3rd set, was in command and eventually lost the match.

    Here's what Sebastian had to say about his game:

    "Yesterday I was up 4-0 in the 3rd set and was controlling my opponent and then something just happened... I lost my focus and lost the match and the 3rd set for 6."

    COHN: You are not alone, Sebastian. I see a lot of junior players that tend to tighten up when they get in the lead. They maybe split sets and now they are playing a 3rd set, they might be well in command, up maybe 5-2, 4-1 or 4-0 like you and then all of the sudden BOOM! something happens.

    COHN: Well, what happened? Certainly, you lost your focus but most of the time this issue is around comfort zones.

    COHN: Comfort zones prevent you from stepping outside and continuing to play your game when you're in the lead and when you are in command of the match.

    COHN: Typically what will happen is you go into protect mode. You start to play safe, you worry about missing and you wait for your opponent to miss.

    COHN: Essentially, you stopped playing the game that got you to 4-0 in the 3rd set...

    COHN: What is the problem?

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    What's The Challenge With Perfectionism?

    What's The Challenge With Perfectionism?

    When you lose your cool on the tennis court, do you give up, thank or start pushing the ball?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Sarah who needs help managing her expectations.

    Here's what Sarah had to say about her game:

    "I'm 14  years old an have been playing tennis for about 8 years. Once of my coaches calls me a bull because I'm always so stubborn and get so upset when I do something wrong but the only reason I get upset is because I know I can do better but when I get upset its like i just stop trying. I give up. So I've been trying to find ways to keep my cool and stay mentally tough. I hate losing and then I get all the thoughts of what people are going to think f me, especially my parents. Ive been trying to deal with this but I cant and as soon as is tart to think of it, i start to push the ball in the court or hit extremely had for no reason. I can be extremely hard on myself and I could really use your help."

    COHN: Part of the reason that your hard on yourself and that you get easily frustrated and hate losing is because it it sounds like there is some perfectionism that you have with your game

    COHN: Now, what goes with the perfectionism?

    COHN: One of the things that goes with the perfectionism is very high expectations for your performance, even in a practice situation when your coach sees that, where you're not being able to learn fast enough or you miss hitting shots and you probably get upset.

    COHN: I don't think its so much about being stubborn or being a bull as it is that you demand so much of yourself that you price in perfection in terms of your performance.

    COHN: Whats the challenge with perfectionism? What can you do?

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    How to Take Your Tennis Game to The Next Level

    How to Take Your Tennis Game to The Next Level

    Do you have trouble taking your game to the next level and maybe beating that person that is 1 level ahead of you or higher ranked than you?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Riley about how do you take your game to the next level without falling into the mindset of happy loser.

    Here's what Riley had to say:

    "Maybe you could give some tips or advice on how young players can go to the next level... Maybe beat that person who is on that next level above them without being the happy loser without falling prey to the tennis demons? the answer might be just keep going until it happens but the problem with that approach is that it does not address the happy loser mentality and if this is a real thing, then you may never win because of it."

    COHN: Riley, good question...

    COHN: I've worked with a lot of juniors that tend to get psyched out when they are playing an opponent that is seeded higher than them or is ranked higher than them for example and get into that mentality that they chalk this one up to another loss before they even get on the court and that's not going to help.

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    Helping Young Tennis Players Stay Composed

    Helping Young Tennis Players Stay Composed

    Do you have a young tennis player that tends to implode after a couple of double faults on the tennis court?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a questions from a tennis parent.

    Ramona wrote in and said:

    "My son is 11 years old. He's been playing tennis since he was 5. He's a top player in India in the 12 and unders. At times he has a couple of double faults in a row. The body language gets really bad and he's in tears after a couple of double faults. However, when is first serve is spot on, the rest of the game will pick up. I'm assuming that the state of mind determines whether you'll have a good serve or not."

    Yes, your state of mind is going to affect your entire tennis game whether it is your serve or ground strokes or your return or volleys.

    The mindset that you take to the court and that you maintain on the court is going to be extremely important...

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to sports parents about how they can help their young athletes overcome double faults and remain composed.

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    Taking Your Practice Game to Tennis Matches

    Taking Your Practice Game to Tennis Matches

    What causes tennis players to not take their full game that they’re capable of to a match situation and what can you do about it.

    Arry wrote in and said:

    "I am a competitive junior tennis player. Recently, I’ve been having a lot of trouble bringing what I practice to tournaments. I’m playing a lot of tennis and my improvement shows in practice matches. Do you have any strategies that will help me perform more freely in tournaments?"

    First you need to identify what’s changing for you from practice to tournaments.

    Often, it is about fear of failure.

    If you aren’t playing freely, you are playing tight and controlled.

    How can you overcome fear of failure to play more freely?

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    Helping Tennis Players Who Get Frustrated and Tank

    Helping Tennis Players Who Get Frustrated and Tank

    How can you help your young tennis player stay composed on the tennis court?

    Suzy wrote in and said:

    “My 10 year old son plays tennis four times a week at his club. However, when he’s in a tournament, a bad shot, tough opponent and a double fault will literally have him crying his way through the match.He shouts at himself and his negativity is unbearable to watch as a parent. I need help, I don’t know how to help him anymore.”

    This is the #1 complaint that we get from sports parents about how kids tend to act out, check out, tank, get emotionally upset and frustrated and then their performance snowballs out of control because they can’t regain emotional control.

    One of the worst things you can do as a parent is bring attention to their frustration and punish them for it.


    They only learn that the behavior is wrong but not the skills to improve that behavior.

    What can you do as a sports parent to give them the skills to stay composed?

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    How to Let Go of Errors in Tennis

    How to Let Go of Errors in Tennis

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses:

    How can you let go of past mistakes and move on on the tennis court?

    Lori wrote in and said:

    “I play tennis and very frequently get mad at myself and my game. I cannot seem to let go of my mistakes and need help with myself mentally on the court. I am constantly blaming myself for all the mistakes. What would you suggest?”

    This is a common question from tennis players who tend to get upset, frustrated and angry on the tennis court.

    How can you move on from mistakes and focus on the present?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to tennis players for letting go of on court errors

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    Mental Training For Tennis Juniors

    Mental Training For Tennis Juniors

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses:

    How can you help young tennis players when they get upset on the court?
    This is a common complaint that we get from sports parents… Kids struggle mentally then they are losing or missing shots.
    Give your athletes the skills to improve composure in matches.

    How do you give them the skills?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to sports parents to help their young tennis players with emotional control.

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    Emotional Control on The Tennis Court

    Emotional Control on The Tennis Court

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses:

    How can you help a tennis player let go of bad shots?

    First, you need to identify what is causing the frustration.

    Hitting a bad shot is not frustrating in and of itself. You’re reaction to bad shots makes them frustrating.

    Think of the mistake as the trigger. Your reaction to the trigger as the source of your frustration.

    What is creating the frustration?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to help tennis players improve their mental game.

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    Mental Tips to Close Out Tennis Matches

    Mental Tips to Close Out Tennis Matches

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses:

    Why do some tennis players sabotage themselves when leading a match or set and eventually end up losing in a 3rd set tie breaker?

    First, you need to identify the problem: What is the challenge?

    Sometimes when players are up, they start to play safe instead of aggressive.

    What is the solution?

    How can players close out the match when winning?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to Alex about helping him close out a match..

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    Coping With Frustration in Tennis Matches

    Coping With Frustration in Tennis Matches

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses:

    When tennis players get frustrated with their game, what can they do to turn it around and not tank the match?

    When things aren’t going a players way and they are losing, they tend to get down and disappointed.

    If this happens, you may have some perfectionism, or high expectations set for yourself.

    How does that affect your tennis game?

    How can players stay composed and overcome frustration during a match?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn what tips Dr. Cohn gives about helping him over come mistakes and stay composed..

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    Tennis Players Who Worry About Mistakes

    Tennis Players Who Worry About Mistakes

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers:

    How can players get over their fear of failure and anxiety in matches?

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

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    What Can Tennis Players Do To Be More Confident, Calm & Focused?

    What Can Tennis Players Do To Be More Confident, Calm & Focused?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about ways to improve your confidence, focus and composure in tennis.

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

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    Does Internal Chatter Disrupt Your Focus?

    Does Internal Chatter Disrupt Your Focus?


    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about overcoming internal distractions that disrupt your focus in matches.

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

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    How Can Athletes Bounce Back From Missed Points?

    How Can Athletes Bounce Back From Missed Points?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about coming back from missing points and how to turn athlete's expectations into process goals.

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

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    How To Overcome Tentative Performances In Tennis

    How To Overcome Tentative Performances In Tennis

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about tentative performances in matches and things you can do to help you stay relaxed during those important points.

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

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    What's The Best Age To Start Mental Training?

    What's The Best Age To Start Mental Training?

    In this week's tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn talks about the best age to start mental training and if they are too young, he talks about some products that would be helpful.

    Listen to this month's tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.

    Resources Tennis Players and Parents

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