
    The Truth Of The Matter Is

    "The Truth Of The Matter Is" Podcast is about providing an honest, contextual, historical, psychological, socialical, political, and philosophy view of the Bible through the use of Hermeneutics, and from time to time personal experiences from Brothers, Johnathan and Daniel. We hope to help listeners obtain knowledge, open perspective, as well as give practical ways of applying the teachings to everyday life all through the inspiring word of God. Access to reach out email: Speeded83@gmail.com Ig: Thetruthoftmis. Facebook group: "Im a believer."

    en-us145 Episodes

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    Episodes (145)

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 65: "Strive to Serve One Another."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 65: "Strive to Serve One Another."

    As followers of Christ, one of the many things we are called to do when opportunities present themselves is to serve one another. Now we don't do it just any kind of way but we do it humbly with love. As we continue in the Gospel of Luke series we will dive into the performance of serving and why we ought to do it with love. Jesus and Paul had plenty to say about love and serving therefore we will explain why both must co-exist with one another. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usAugust 29, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 64: "Making/Destruction of temple and End times."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 64: "Making/Destruction of temple and End times."

    The scene was the British House of Commons in 1948 where Churchill paraphrased philosopher George Santayana saying, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it." Now, it was our Lord Jesus who wisely mentioned that we should not become alarmed with world events, natural disasters, wars, rumors of wars, etc. On today's podcast, we will examine the history of the temple, its creation, and its eventual destruction. We will carefully unpack the words of Jesus, hinting at events destined to occur and signs of the end times. We will view this from a historical and biblical lens, reflecting on some of what we lived to see and world history. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usAugust 22, 2022

    The Truth Of the Matter Is Episode 63: "Tithing/Offerings: Understanding The Power of Sowing."

    The Truth Of the Matter Is Episode 63: "Tithing/Offerings: Understanding The Power of Sowing."

    Why does the church ask for money? Where does the money go? How do I know my money is going in the right places? These three questions are usually asked in a variety of ways from church goers, unbelievers, and those who have migrated away from the church. Today on the podcast we will unpack Luke 21:1-4 and speak to the value of sowing in the kingdom of God. Let's understand why tithing/offering is a matter of choice to exercise faith and not an obligation. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usAugust 15, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 62: "Ignorance is Unacceptable."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 62: "Ignorance is Unacceptable."

    When a person is ignorant they are lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing. Ignorance isn't anything you should be ashamed of, it's simply a lack of understanding. We're all ignorant to all sorts of things, which is the reason why we educate ourselves or allow those who are in the know to inform us. Today we take a look at Luke 20:27-40. The focus will be on verse 27 as we view the history of the Sadducees. When reading scripture you obviously hope to learn something however, there will be times when scripture points you in a direction requiring research. Understanding a group or person from a historical point of view provides a better appreciation of the scripture, and that opens the door for implementation. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usAugust 09, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 61: "It's Not So Obvious."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 61: "It's Not So Obvious."

    One of the challenges that a new convert faces is how to balance their Christian values and ethics with personal decisions. What requires a Biblical approach and what is just common sense. "On The Truth of the Matter is" we take a look at the example Jesus provides in Luke 20:20-26 and we go through several books in the Bible to really unpack the right temperament in certain situations. If there's anything you'll learn from tuning in, is that everything isn't so obvious to all believers. Therefore a conversation like this has no harm no foul and can be useful moving forward.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usAugust 01, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 60: "Reedification."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 60: "Reedification."

    In today's society, there seems to be a habit of revisiting popular catch phrases, and quotes, to later point out the potential hypocrisy in them. A great example of one is "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." The original take away, is that a physical attack can very well injure me but in no way does a verbal attack have the same impact. However, things have changed. Mental health has become much more of serious concern. A verbal lashing can have as much of an impact as a physical attack because of the underlying trauma it creates. On "The Truth of the Matter is" podcast we are going to discuss the Philosophical, psychological, and historical need for brokenness. How there's value in the state of brokenness from a biblical framework. If you're looking for language that unpacks this notion you've came to right place.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJuly 25, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 59: "The Reason for Gathering: Part 2."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 59: "The Reason for Gathering: Part 2."

    Continuing with last week's discussion, we are moving along in the gospel of Luke series and going into further depth on why the reason for gathering is so important. We will see why Jesus who is the center and the stable of the church is present and how he handles questioning from religious leadership. We hope that with our approach people can see our platform as more of a supporter of God's church, and not a competitor. All we want is for the body to be educated and an instrument for righteousness that God can use and control at his will. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJuly 18, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 58: "The Reason for Gathering Part 1."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 58: "The Reason for Gathering Part 1."

    As a podcast and voice for God, we understand that we have a responsibility to be truthful and honest from a biblical perspective. We don't see ourselves as authority figures but supporters of the church. This podcast was created to be an additional add on to your regular independent study and something to add to your Godly content for the week. This week on "The Truth of the Matter is" we explain the importance of why we should continue to gather as the "Body of Christ" and not just grow independently.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJuly 11, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 57: "God's Provident Presence."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 57: "God's Provident Presence."

    When we look throughout scripture we see that God has made his presence known based upon what surrounds us. It was Paul who said, in Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." God cares about us and he shows us this with provision for all his people as he guides us in our journey of faith through life, accomplishing his purpose in them. "The Truth of the Matter is" podcast plans to continue in it's studying of God’s word with the understanding that God is living through the person of Jesus Christ. It was well said in John 14:10 the message Bible, "The words that I speak to you aren't mere words. I don't just make them up on my own. The Father who resides in me crafts each word into a divine act." After today's study in the word we hope to educate, inform, and reveal that God speaks through his word time and time again. We must discern and not give up, but continue to study ourselves approved to see what God is saying in his word and through the life and person of Jesus Christ to better understand matters.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJuly 04, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 56: "Usage of Gifts, Talents, Skills, Abilities, And Money."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 56: "Usage of Gifts, Talents, Skills, Abilities, And Money."

    How many of us can say that we learned the value of a dollar in the early stages of our lives? How many of us remember how we spent our first allowance? When it comes to finances there is plenty to learn about especially with what we should and should not do. This may come as a surprise and many might find this hard to believe, but Jesus spoke about the management of money more than the kingdom of God. He also illustrated his message in parables for better understanding. Now, there's a possibility that many of us didn't know that Jesus spoke often about this topic and provided wisdom on the said topic. The Truth of The Matter is, we want to, encourages all comers to tune in as we unpack a parable that gives us insight on the management of money while also seeing the importance of using the gifts that God gave us, our talents, skills, and abilities. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJune 28, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 55: "Your Heavenly father Knows Your Name."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 55: "Your Heavenly father Knows Your Name."

    Unfortunately, everyone does not have the experience of growing up with the same love, and attention from their birth parents or those responsible for taking care of them. The domino effect is that there seems to be rare moments when a child won't aberrant in their pursuit of that love. It will just have to come from somewhere else. It's safe to say that children at that age, I think don’t carry any animosity towards those who take care of them. I think they begin to want love in any place they can get it, so they act up and create scenes to get it. The thing about God is, He knows who you are and that's been that way since you were born. One can argue there's no need for seeking attention because no matter how much you try to hide or draw it to yourself, God sees you the same. Therefore, you can guarantee that God our Father has a plan for you. Join us on Father's day as we continue in the Gospel of Luke series. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJune 20, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 54: "The Search for the Truth Part 2."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 54: "The Search for the Truth Part 2."

    As smart believers, if we read a portion of scripture and at first it doesn't make much sense or it seems complex; it is our job to be biblically inquisitive about it. Jesus encourages us to seek and keep on seeking, then you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. The truth of matter is, if you want God to reveal himself to you, study yourself approved. Being a detective and trying to find out why, takes it a step further. This is what makes you an active reader of scripture. Continue to look for those patterns, principles, and precepts. Make note of key points and familiar statements, so you can refer back to them. Re-read to understand, instead of going through the motions. Today as we continue in the Gospel of Luke series understand that we intend to go deeper.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJune 15, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 53: "I'm Just Curious."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 53: "I'm Just Curious."

    What makes life worthy of living is the opportunities we receive. Some believe that "Good things come to those who wait," while others believe, "That if you want something, you gotta take it! You gotta go after it." I'm here to say that both tactics can work, just under different circumstances. There's a song called "The Gambler" written by Kenny Rogers, and in this song he passes on wisdom. The purpose of the wisdom was to educate. On "The Truth of the Matter is" podcast, we will explain why being curious from a biblical standpoint can play a pivotal role in whether you can wait for a blessing or walk right into one.  

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usJune 06, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 52: "It's ok to be a Big Kid Sometimes."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 52: "It's ok to be a Big Kid Sometimes."

    If you're humble enough, you may come to the realization that you can learn a lot from raising and watching children. The impact that a child can have on a adult can be life changing. The thought of bringing a child into this world or adopting one and playing a huge or minimum role in their growth should be a special one. In this week's episode I want you to reminisce, take a trip down memory lane focusing on your mentality as a child. Ask yourself this: As an adult have you lost your child like excitement? Do you still approach things with the joy of a kid like you once did? Tune in to understand why you shouldn't stop being a "Big Kid" at times. In fact, you'll find value in embracing that side of yourself. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 51: "The Depths of Embracing One's Assignment."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 51: "The Depths of Embracing One's Assignment."

    In life, there are levels in how you live it. Something that would be easier to understand is the separation of living life with the luxury of having wealth, and living life with the unfortunateness of inheriting poverty. There's a lesson that can be learned on both sides. While the social class system does a great job of pinpointing the specifics of there being an upper, middle, working and lower class, the reality is, no matter where you place yourself you should clearly know there are levels to this life you live. What if I told you that someone existed and lived in very deep waters; for us to try and comprehend or even imagine it would be challenging. To occupy such power and authority it could only be one person. Tune in to learn of the specifics on this one. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 50: "The Error of Self Righteousness Part 2."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 50: "The Error of Self Righteousness Part 2."

    As believers, it's easy to sometimes get caught up with how good you are doing individually when it comes to your attempt to live "Christ like." Let's say before you came to Christ, you use to curse all the time and now since you have given your life to Christ you don't anymore. Amen! Congratulations!! You made a change for better. However, there isn't an easy way to say this, but you do not become "the expert" in "no cursing" all of a sudden. The error of self-righteousness here: is the belief that you are convinced of your own "goodness" in comparison with the actions of another, and therefore you come off thinking you are better than them. No sir, that's the wrong mentality. Instead, all glory, honor, and praises go to Jesus Christ who has turned your life from being upside down. Today it's personal. We are going to look at a parable Jesus shares and see where we can improve individual and not fall under the error of self-righteousness. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 49: "Words of Encouragement."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 49: "Words of Encouragement."

     When it comes to being encouraged or encouraging others, there are several different ways it happens. The !voices of those encouraging words can come from people you may or may not know. Some of these people are parents, friends, mentors, teammates, husbands, wives, pastors, teachers, public speakers motivators and strangers. I'm sure there are plenty of tactics and tricks you were told to incorporate, in order to keep you moving forward in life. Today on "The Truth of The Matter is" podcast, we take a look at the parable Jesus tells his disciples, encouraging them not to give up nor lose heart when praying for something they really need or want. Tune in to hear these words of encouragement.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 48: Cultural, Religious and Health Segregation.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 48: Cultural, Religious and Health Segregation.

    What drives a community into it's identity is culture and religion. This week on, "The Truth of the Matter is Podcast", Johnathan and Daniel have a deep historical conversation about the Ten Men with Leprosy. Through continuing with the Gospel of Luke series, learn how cultural and religious segregation existed during Jesus' day and still exists today. Lastly, there's an interesting dialogue about geography, the unpacking of "PAP" and defining borderline. Tune in to find out why.

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 47: "Be Appreciative & Take Initiative."

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 47: "Be Appreciative & Take Initiative."

    One of the ways to be appreciative is to say "thank you." When we say "thank you" we are being polite by acknowledging a possible gift, service, or compliment, from another. "Thank you" is a sign of a mannerism, which is a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving. We all were raised different based upon cultural differences however, there is still an idiosyncrasy, which is a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. Continuing with the Gospel of Luke series, we will be taking a look at Luke 17:7-10. The hope is, after this conversation we will take more initiative in being effective servants, not just doing our daily duty but going above and beyond it. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usApril 25, 2022

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 46: Resurrection Sunday

    The Truth Of The Matter Is Episode 46: Resurrection Sunday

    Today on "The Truth of the Matter is" podcast, we reflect and briefly discuss the interview we conducted last week with Pastor Roy Dockery. What did we learn? How can we, as independent thinkers, use the information we heard. Today we also acknowledge Resurrection Sunday. What is the meaning of today for the believer? Additionally, we will continue with the Gospel of Luke series, as we take a deeper dive into what the apostles' requested of Jesus. Listen close, you don't want to miss how we breakdown the significance of Christ's response. 

    The Truth Of The Matter Is
    en-usApril 18, 2022