
    The Verbal Process

    There is a reason we exist. You have a purpose. The Verbal Process Podcast hosts Amanda Humberson and Katie Samuels invite you into meaningful conversations where quirks and idiosyncrasies are celebrated and masks are removed. There is power in connection and communication. They hope each episode leaves you feeling compelled to grow in your God given journey. Sit down, grab a drink and make yourself at home. Everyone has a perfectly imperfect story.
    enAmanda Humberson & Katie Samuels51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    Are We Keeping God In A Box? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Ally Ley

    Are We Keeping God In A Box? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Ally Ley

    If someone asked you if your faith lives in your head or in your heart, how would you respond? Have you ever thought about who God is to you? Is he a judge in the sky? A genie granting wishes? A pupeteer pulling the strings? Your dad!? We tend to personify what we cannot understand.

    Katie and Mandy sit down with guest Ally Ley to get real about deconstruction in the church, the problems with a "house of cards" style faith, and the importance of exploring and understanding who God is to you. They also discuss the sacred feminine traits of God that we often look past. Could he be more than the box we keep him in?

    Ally is a graduate of the Chistian Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Masters program at Denver Seminary. As a trained Spiritaul Director who owns her own practice, she is dedicated to creating space for individuals and groups to encounter God in transformative ways. She companions women on the journey of wholeness, specializing in female faith leaders and mothers. She delights in walking with women as they examine everything from perfectionism, to shame, to taking up their space as leaders, to integrating the various parts of themselves and their stories as they are unleashed more fully into the freedom of who God has created them to be. 

    Show notes:

    Searchable directory for Christian Spiritual Directors:





    The Verbal Process
    enOctober 10, 2023

    The Marriage Blame Game

    The Marriage Blame Game

    Mandy and Katie open up about the feeling of being taken for granted by their spouse in parenting and marriage responsibilities, and how good it feels to point the finger at their husbands shortcomings. But they eventually unfold the layer beneath that, where their role of loving well, appreciating what their spouse does offer, and owning their own shortcomings might just be worthy of discussion. They challenge each other to self reflect and shift their posture of critical correction to a posture of accountability and gratitude. 



    Weekly Spouse Check-In Questions:

    1. This week I am thankful that you...
    2. What did I do this week that made you feel loved and honored?
    3. Is there anywhere in our marriage where God is missing
    4. Is there anything you need that I haven't been giving you?
    5. Is there anything that I've done that hurt you?
    6. Is there something that I used to do that you wish I would restart?
    7. How do you feel about our split of responsibilities
    8. What do you think about our sex life?
    9. What's coming up next week?
    10. How can I pray for you?


    ReEngage Marriage Courses Near You:


    Living All In featuring Author and Coach Chris Janssen | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Chris Janssen

    Living All In featuring Author and Coach Chris Janssen | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Chris Janssen

    Katie and Mandy talk with Author and Board-Certified Coach, Chris Janssen, MA, BCC, about what it means to coach and how we can apply the framework from her latest book "Living All In". 

    "Living All In" gives you the tools to tap into your resourcefulness, embrace an empowering mindset, and move to action. Chris shares what she's learned, personally and from her clients, then places the keys to a life you love in your hands.

    In "Living All In" you will learn to think thoughts that serve you and dump those that don't, because you are magnificent and you deserve the right to decide how you feel and show up for the life you want.

    In this tranformative guide you will discover:

    • Strategies to identify and overcome unhelpful narratives you may tell yourself.
    • Techniques and tools to cultivare a positive mindset.
    • Inspiring success stories that showcase the healing power of embracing change.

    Chris Janssen is a Board-Certified Life Coach with a Masters in Counseling Psychology who has helped hundreds of clients, successfully and sustainably, move forward with a mindset that serves them. In 2021 and 2023, Brainz Magazine named Chris on of the Global Top 500 Influential Leaders for her accomplishments in mental health and dedication to helping others.

    For more information visit: www.chrisjanssencoaching.com 




    The Verbal Process
    enSeptember 26, 2023

    You Don't Know What Someone's Going Through | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    You Don't Know What Someone's Going Through | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    You never quite know what lies behind someone's facade. It can be extremely tempting to take people at face value but everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Katie and Mandy talk about how hard it is to override our humanity with compassion and empathy but agree that we have a shared responsibility to work on ourselves, let down our walls of self preservation and walk alongside people through this one life. Love God and Love Others is not just something we recite but something we need to practice.

    The Verbal Process
    enSeptember 19, 2023

    God Blesses You So You Can Bless Others | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Sarah Gillis

    God Blesses You So You Can Bless Others | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Sarah Gillis

    Blessing others with our gifts is an amazing way to show someone love. It can be anything from a simple act of kindess such as a compliment to a more significant gesture such as donating to a charity or volunteering at a local shelter.

    Katie and Mandy have guest Sarah Gillis on for a rich discussion about what a life of serving can look like, and how to start a legacy of serving as a family. They talk about how to find ways to serve that align with our natural giftings. Sarah grew up watching her mother volunteer and it grew a strong internal desire to serve with her family and a hope to instill the heart of a servant in her children.

    Together they talk about everything from serving in the classroom and coaching soccer to local ministry and global outreach. Everyone possesses unique talents and giftings to give back which is part of the beauty of how we were designed. The hope is to encourage everyone to take a step forward in giving back.

    The Verbal Process
    enSeptember 12, 2023

    Love Outsourced: Minisode | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Love Outsourced: Minisode | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Love Outsourced is bringing joy, one laugh at a time and is on mission to spread laughter and lighten hearts through an incredibly quick, convenient and personalized card service. You have to hear Katie and Mandy break down Mandy's new venture that will become an empire and change the world.

    The Verbal Process
    enSeptember 05, 2023

    The Gap Between Reality and Expectation | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    The Gap Between Reality and Expectation | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Katie and Mandy process having unrealistic expectations of others, themselves and God. They speak of the challenges they face when reality does not match expectation. They talk about the natural and cultural inclination to bail, suffer and wrestle when your expectations are not met and how accepting your own humanity, showing grace to others and allowing God to be God can help. They work through what it looks like to set realistic expectations and how that can help yield stronger relationships personally, intimately and spirtitually.

    The Verbal Process
    enAugust 29, 2023

    Navigating Spiritual Pain & Disillusionment featuring Renowned Author & Mentor Dr. ABC | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Dr. Alicia Britt Chole

    Navigating Spiritual Pain & Disillusionment featuring Renowned Author & Mentor Dr. ABC | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Dr. Alicia Britt Chole

    When our faith feels ungrounded, something we are certain of begins to feel uncertain, or someone we hold in high regard lets us down, we experience pain. We begin to lose hope. This is where disillusionment begins. Katie and Mandy sit down with Dr. Alicia Britt Chole to discuss her life's work poured into her newly released book, "The Night is Normal: A Guide Through Spiritual Pain." Alicia describes how even though faith shines best in full sun, it grows depth in the dark. That the roots―and fruits―of spiritual pain are actually an invitation to deep love. She explains "night faith" and how the night is not our enemy, but in fact―the night is necessary.

    Dr. ABC, a former atheist, an award-winning author and international speaker has messages that have been featured on TBN, Daystar, Propel, Christianity Today, Guideposts, FaithGateway, and "Chicken Soup for the Soul." Often described as a captivating communicator, Alicia speaks, writes, mentors and serves as the founding director of Leadership Investment Intensives, Inc., a non-profit devoted to providing personal soul-care to leaders in the marketplace and church. Her book, "Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years and Yours," is highly regarded by leaders and learners around the globe. She holds a doctorate in Leadership and Spiritual Formation (George Fox Evangelical Seminary). With her husband Dr. Barry Jay Chole) of 27 years, she joyfully parents their three extraordinary children in a country home off of a dirt road surrounded by loads of laundry, laughter, and love. 

    To learn more about Alicia, visit her website at www.aliciachole.com , on Instagram @aliciabrittchole or on twitter @aliciachole. 


    The Struggle Bus | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    The Struggle Bus | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Katie and Mandy talk about what it looks to be a mom with no energy, a wife with no patience, and how life can feel like you are walking around as an exposed ball of nerves with little to no margin.  They express how important it is to lean into God harder during these times and offer tools to help you keep focused on what matters. Katie and Mandy give you hope that these seasons too shall pass and you will eventually make it back to yourself. 

    The Verbal Process
    enAugust 08, 2023

    Asking Questions Increases Our Faith | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Will Freyschlag

    Asking Questions Increases Our Faith | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Will Freyschlag

    Mandy and Katie sit down with long time friend and Pastor, Will Freyschlag, to discuss how asking better questions ultimately leads to a stronger relationship with God. They talk openly about the importance of humility, community and context when discussing faith. Will candidly explores how confusing and challenging the Bible can be, why people are leaving the church and offers helpful perspective for believers and non-believers alike. 



    God, Is That You...Or Is That What Someone Told Me To Do? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    God, Is That You...Or Is That What Someone Told Me To Do? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Katie and Mandy discuss the affect others have on their decision making, and the importance of self-awareness when it comes to what influences them. From mentors to friends to the white noise of the masses, it seems to be getting harder to discern God's voice from the blur of opinions around us. Mandy brings some applicable tools to the table and they peel back the layers on what can hold us back from a state of true peace and purpose.

    Learning To Lament: The Process of Inviting God Into Our Pain | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Courtney Rosepink

    Learning To Lament: The Process of Inviting God Into Our Pain | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Courtney Rosepink

    Mandy and Katie talk to friend Courtney about what it looks like to lament.  Lamenting is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.  It is more than the feeling of heartache.  It is openly admitting to God your intense and confusing pain.  Courtney details the pain and confusion she's experienced in life and how she's always been able to remedy it with control until now. She talks about "sitting in the suck" and how that led her to lament and the peace that comes with it.

    The Verbal Process
    enJuly 04, 2023

    The Infamous Sex Talk | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    The Infamous Sex Talk  | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Mandy and Katie have the sex talk. When it comes to raising six chicks between the two of them, it’s obvious they need to process what it looks like to raise girls in a hypersexual society. Through both hilarity and sincerity, they process how to ensure their daughters respect themselves and understand the rewards of purity.

    The Verbal Process
    enJune 27, 2023

    The Anchor of Hope: From Infertility to Motherhood | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Sam Knipp

    The Anchor of Hope: From Infertility to Motherhood | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Sam Knipp

    Mandy and Katie celebrate new mom, Sam Knipp, and her journey through infertility and adoption. Sam talks about remaining expectant through 8 years of countless attempts to become a mom.  When it would have been easier to give up hope, Sam talks about each step of the way being critical to developing her heart and soul, so that she was fully prepared to receive the miracle that had been in the making.

    The Verbal Process
    enJune 20, 2023

    When Did I Become So Lame? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    When Did I Become So Lame? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Mandy and Katie reminisce about a time when they weren't so lame.  It's easy to let the day-to-day details of life take over but what if you were challenged to see everything through the lens of humor until it became a habit? After all, if you believe there is life beyond this one, why take it so seriously?

    The Verbal Process
    enJune 13, 2023

    Their Baby, My Body: The Selfless Journey of Surrogacy | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Surrogate Ellen Berger

    Their Baby, My Body: The Selfless Journey of Surrogacy | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Surrogate Ellen Berger

    Mandy and Katie sit down with friend and surrogate, Ellen Berger, to discuss what led her to carry and give birth to a baby for someone else.  Ellen explains that she knew it was her calling to help others have the family they yearned for. Through prayer and optimism Ellen details the journey of being rejected from surrogacy agencies to giving birth to a beautiful baby and all that came along with it. 

    The Verbal Process
    enJune 06, 2023