
    The Verbal Process

    There is a reason we exist. You have a purpose. The Verbal Process Podcast hosts Amanda Humberson and Katie Samuels invite you into meaningful conversations where quirks and idiosyncrasies are celebrated and masks are removed. There is power in connection and communication. They hope each episode leaves you feeling compelled to grow in your God given journey. Sit down, grab a drink and make yourself at home. Everyone has a perfectly imperfect story.
    enAmanda Humberson & Katie Samuels51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    Know Your WHY | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Know Your WHY | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Mandy and Katie celebrate their 1-year anniversary of The Verbal Process and 10,000 downloads by discussing everything this last year has revealed to them. They breakdown their WHY and how that has inspired them to take action on their God given and purpose driven work. 

    The Verbal Process
    enMay 30, 2023

    When Everything You Believed Was a Lie: | A Larry Nassar Survivor Story | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Bree Schlereth

    When Everything You Believed Was a Lie: | A Larry Nassar Survivor Story | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Bree Schlereth

    Content warning: emotional and sexual abuse of children. Mandy and Katie sit down with their friend, former elite US gymnast, Bree Schlereth to break down her journey of unpacking childhood abuse. Bree was one of the hundreds of sister survivor gymnasts seen and treated by Larry Nassar, former world renown sports medicine physician turned convicted serial child molester.  For 18 years, he was the team doctor of the United States Women's National Gymnastics team, where he used his position to exploit, deceive, and sexually assault hundreds of children and young women.  Bree explains how she endured pain and trauma yet has been able to keep perspective through God’s love and truth which ultimately led to her healing. 

    The Verbal Process
    enMay 23, 2023

    God in Every Circumstance: Katie's Trip to Guatemala | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    God in Every Circumstance: Katie's Trip to Guatemala | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Katie breaks down her heart wrenching mission trip to Guatemala and the emotions of seeing oppression, hunger, suffering, and the joy that exists for those living inside of it. The women of Guatemala are cut off from education after 6th grade, culturally mistreated by men, and expected to amount to very little outside of child rearing. Katie and Mandy talk about the role "Convoy of Hope" plays in coming alongside of those who are in desperate need, and not just giving them handouts, but empowering them to break generational ties. They dig in to how only God has a way of using dire circumstances to provoke change. 

    The Verbal Process
    enMay 16, 2023

    Trust Fall | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Trust Fall | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Join Mandy and Katie as they kick off Season 2. Mandy walks us through what it’s like to trust fall and believe that God has greater things ahead. She became a mother of two, quit her 20 year career and stepped into a season where she can no longer answer the question “What’s next?”.

    The Verbal Process
    enMay 02, 2023

    The Call To Love: A Wrap On Season One | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    The Call To Love: A Wrap On Season One | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Mandy and Katie close out Season 1 and reflect on what The Verbal Process means to them. Together they have brought you their stories and the stories of others in hopes you see that love wins and God is in all of it. Stories of pain, joy, suffering and redemption from incredible guests brave enough to open their hearts in hopes of transforming others. They end the season challenging all to love themselves and others more and better each day. Don’t miss this final episode! Goodbye season 1…hello season 2!

    Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt. Wisdom We Can Glean From A Different Generation | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Katie's Mom, Hillary Humberson

    Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt. Wisdom We Can Glean From A Different Generation | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Katie's Mom, Hillary Humberson

    Garth Brooks sums it up perfectly in his song Mom. “And when she's talking to you, make sure you listen close, ‘cause she's gonna teach you everything you'll ever need to know. Like how to mind your manners, to love and laugh and dream. She'll put you on the path that brings you back to me.”

    Today, Katie and Mandy bring you Katie’s mom, Hilly Humberson. They walk with Hilly through her motherhood journey, gleaning wisdom, while getting a sneak peek into the woman responsible for raising Katie and Mandy’s husband, Andy, to love God and others.

    Mandy's Mom Has Got It Going On | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Laurie McDougall White

    Mandy's Mom Has Got It Going On | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Laurie McDougall White

    Let’s honor women in our lives who have nurtured us. Whether you love your own children, someone else’s children, four-legged children or have decided that having children isn’t something you want to pursue, we are all greatly affected by the role of motherhood with our own moms–by the pain of their loss or the impact of their presence.

    Today, Katie and Mandy bring you Mandy’s mom. They walk with Laurie through her motherhood journey, digesting pearls of wisdom while getting a sneak peek into the woman responsible for raising Mandy.

    When Your Brokenness Becomes Your Superpower | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Andrea Kitsmiller

    When Your Brokenness Becomes Your Superpower | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Andrea Kitsmiller

    Life isn’t always up and to the right.  Andrea Kitsmiller knew from a young age that she wanted to work in ministry and serve God.  She had visions of the perfect marriage, the perfect life but God had different plans. Today, Andrea is a strong believer that transformation comes through transparency. Join Katie and Mandy as they walk with Andrea through her journey of addiction, disordered eating, lack of self-worth, and failed expectations. Andrea opens up about how her idea of what life would be versus what life is, has proven to more fulfilling and God-breathed than she could’ve expected.

    I’m About To Lose Control And I Think I Like It | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    I’m About To Lose Control And I Think I Like It | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    You don't always have the power to control, but you do always have the power to surrender. The more we overestimate our ability to control, the more we underestimate the power and goodness of God. To live this out takes faith. Join Katie and Mandy as they reflect on the common theme throughout the season…blessings that follow surrender. 

    The Beautiful Messy Miraculous Blessing Of Adoption | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Adoption Now Host, April Fallon

    The Beautiful Messy Miraculous Blessing Of Adoption | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Adoption Now Host, April Fallon

    Motherhood doesn’t always start in the womb. April Fallon knew from the time she was born, her calling was to adopt, to work with the vulnerable and be a voice for children.  Today, April is the adoptive mom of four and shares her journey through her four successful adoptions along with three disrupted adoptions. Join Katie and Mandy as they walk with April through her journey of adoption, the beautiful messy journey of love that not only changed the lives of the April, her husband, and her children but the birth parents they took in along the way. April Fallon is currently the host of the Adoption Now podcast and is spreading adoption awareness by sharing people’s stories of adoption around the world.

    The Disease To Please | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    The Disease To Please | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    People pleasers tend to be good at tuning into what others are feeling. They are often empathetic, thoughtful, caring individuals, but possess an unhealthy urge to please others, even at their own expense. "People pleasing" behavior arises when compassion spills into worrying about what others think of you, allowing it to dictate your self-image and choices. Join Mandy and Katie as they talk through identifying their people pleasing tendencies. They share what has encouraged them to change their mindset from earning the acceptance of others to earning the respect of others. 

    Living Courageously | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Author, Jamie Klusacek

    Living Courageously | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Author,  Jamie Klusacek

    We all want to step into purpose and unlock who God created us to be. We want to lead courageous lives and make a difference in the lives of others. What if being courageous looks different than we imagine? Join Katie and Mandy as they talk to their friend, and successful author, Jamie Klusacek about what true courage is, and how you can embrace the life God is calling you towards.

    Get Lit. | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Get Lit. | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

    When Katie and Mandy first started hosting a faith-based podcast without a perfect Christlike resume, they questioned feeling qualified to share God’s name with believers and non-believers alike. But turns out God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

    Join Katie and Mandy as they talk about getting lit and sharing their light with others.

    What Do You Want? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Andy Humberson

    What Do You Want? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Andy Humberson

    Mandy and Katie talk to Mandy's more heroic half, and Katie's brother from the exact same mother, Andy Humberson, about the journey to discovering and embracing his purpose. 

    Andy talks about leaning into who God created him to be, embracing intentional living, boldly setting goals and asking himself, "What do I want?"

    When Doing Less Brings Out Your Best: Margin Matters | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    When Doing Less Brings Out Your Best: Margin Matters | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Anyone else feel like their value comes from how much they accomplish? What if you did less in order to accomplish your most meaningful work? Join Mandy and Katie as they talk through margin, and how it carries different meaning for different people.

    They discuss how to take inventory of where you are physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually through the P.I.E.S exercise and dive into Gary Thomas' book, "Sacred Pathways,” as a way to increase awareness around intimate connection with God and how that lends itself to prioritizing what matters most. 

    What is True Wealth? Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Mason Samuels, CKA, CRPC, AIF

    What is True Wealth? Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Mason Samuels, CKA, CRPC, AIF

    What emotions come up for you when you think about budgeting? Saving? Donating? Investing? Join Katie and Mandy as they talk to Mason Samuels a.k.a. Katie's hubby about the behaviors and heart that drive sound financial decision making. Mason runs True Wealth Advisors in Denver, CO. His approach to finances using biblical principles and truths are what set him apart in his pursuit of integration between faith and work. He has helped thousands of individuals, families and business owners work towards and achieve their financial goals. In this episode, he shares advice based on common financial mistakes and successes he's seen throughout the years. 

    Mom Guilt: The Biggest Lie Of All Time | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    Mom Guilt: The Biggest Lie Of All Time | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels

    We all want to be the perfect mom to our children, but where does that concept even come from? Simply being a mom is challenging enough, but comparison to others and chasing unrealistic expectations can lead us to feeling like we're never doing enough for our kids. Join Mandy and Katie as they share mom guilt stories, and encourage all moms in the game to stay strong. Take a mom break to listen, and remember that your children need every perfectly imperfect part of who you are. 

    Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Brent Myers

    Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen? | Mandy Humberson & Katie Samuels + Brent Myers

    Why does God allow bad things to happen? This question is frequently asked among Christians and Non-Christians alike, and can be the reason many resist faith entirely.  If God is all-powerful, in control and loving, then why do we continue to suffer, experience horrific tragedies, and face trials? Join Katie and Mandy as they pose these questions to guest Brent Myers. Brent, who currently serves as a pastor, lovingly discusses free will, forgiveness, control, and relationship.  Our hope is to better understand God and how He remains close even when we feel He is far away.