
    The Wild Roads

    Conversations about how we don't do stuff normal. (Stuff) all the things building businesses, making money, navigating relationships + parenting, things we nerd out about AND running at our wildest dreams.
    en-auShonah Lee and Paula Ivy61 Episodes

    Episodes (61)

    Connect to your intuition with Psychic Medium Lyndy Jewell.

    Connect to your intuition with Psychic Medium Lyndy Jewell.

    Have you ever met a woman that makes you want to hang out all day eating Cheezles and drinking Bourbon, while channelling your gifts? You have probably never thought about it. Well, let us tell you, that this amazing being will have you pulling up the chair at the table.

    Lyndy Jewell is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer like no other. Down to earth, sooo knowledgable and a great chick.  Her work is phenomenal. We know...we have both experienced it first hand.

    'It's the guides, not me I swear!' Lyndy gives the information and in her words 'You've got to run this sh*t through your own filter' and prefers to work with people to help them step into what works for them as opposed to the methods of some healers and mediums in the industry.

    Finding her own way and the sense of freedom in that has given her the perspective of finding this with her clients while helping them tap into their intuition and learn how to develop the skills to heal and drive their own guidance and motivation.

    You have got to listen to this episode. Short and sweet, it honestly is so unfiltered that you cannot not know how amazing Lyndy is.  We just love her.

    Join us.

    Want to connect?

    Lyndy Jewell!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lyndyjewellhealing

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyndyjewellpsychicmedium


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    The Aquarian Method with Shannon and Megan

    The Aquarian Method with Shannon and Megan

    Our first foursome!! Conversation that is. Ha Ha! And our souls connected from the get go!

    Shannon and Megan are the creators of The Aquarian Method, a manifestation program that fuses many spiritual modalities together to help people create their dream life. Like Boom. How epic is that? From Akashic records to past life clearing and a whole lot of energy work, the experience is taught to you however guided by you.

    Harnessing self discovery and taking it to the next level. Learning so many skills to move forward for your own healing and to help others.

    These women are all about normalising spirituality.  Being so open about co creating and manifestation and guiding people with the shift in awakening that is happening right now.

    Come join this conversation, learning about Akashic records AND how amazing these two women are.....

    This was recorded in late 2021 and is now live as their next round begins.

    Want to connect?

    Shannon and Megan!

    Website: https://www.shannonandmegan.com

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/theaquarianmethod


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Does it really matter if you pick a word of the year?

    Does it really matter if you pick a word of the year?

    Does it? Paula and Shonah have an epic conversation and they are next level raw and vulnerable for their first episode together in 2022.

    #awkwardquestiontime was interesting and was a brilliant segue to this episode. What is the intention that inspires you to go to the next level?

    Diving into this was a wonderful insight into the journey to where they are now and how they embodied their intentions...when they didn't have a word for the year and when they did.

    It leads to all the different laneways and roads on this topic. All about understanding their energies, their power and the entrepreneurial spirit and what happens when they apply these intentions.

    Are you ready to apply the shifts that the intentions bring?... come join us.

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Searching for your life purpose with Maria Portas

    Searching for your life purpose with Maria Portas

    Maria Portas is in the house! Hot Jesus, as Paula so lovingly calls her, came in to this space with a presence you cannot articulate.

    Maria Portas is the Channel of the Divine, Creator of the Supreme Being and a teacher in The Little Course of miracles.  Before I continue...if you want a life purpose reading, go no further. This woman...WOW!

    We wouldn't describe ourselves as religious people, but the way Maria talks about God and Spirituality, we love how it gives you an amazing connection to yourself through the channelling of the divine. It's powerful. It changes your life path.  We both have and do work with Maria for this very reason.

    She see's your inner music. Yep see's.

    She see's you sitting before her. Your greatness, your purpose. Connecting you to your wholeness.

    Peace, love and connection....come join us.

    Want to connect?

    Maria Portas!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariaportaspurposementor

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariaportas


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Active and Attractive with Samantha Nicole

    Active and Attractive with Samantha Nicole

    Do not miss this episode!! That's it. Done! Ok we will give you the heads up.  Samantha Nicole specialises in helping women embrace movement in order to compliment their busy schedules and extraordinary life goals. A teacher before she is a trainer... love that. Sam believes you should feel empowered by deciding what works best for you.

    Exercise Physiology is her genius! There is so much more to mastering exercise... Samantha has a deeper connection to developing an understanding what everyone's Spirituality, Energy, Identity, and makeup is to give you the power of understanding it all yourself. Your body, your heart, your cells.... all of it, connecting with it. As a byproduct, your health becomes a tool to help you become leaders.  More magnetic, creative, clear because we are attuned to what we exist in all the time...our body.

    Seriously, this AMAZING woman will inspire you to look after your body in a way that will blow your mind! Want success? Listen and learn from this phenomenal human. We are totally inspired to make changes. Internally and Externally. 

    'The Body you want is the byproduct of your internal transformation' - Samantha Nicole.

    Want to connect?

    Samantha Nicole!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theactiveattractive/

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/activeattractive


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Creating a Safe Haven and Finding Home after Trauma with Amy Holmberg... *TW

    Creating a Safe Haven and Finding Home after Trauma with Amy Holmberg... *TW

    *Trigger Warning. This episode contains conversations about Domestic Violence. If you or anyone you know needs assistance, please contact your Domestic Violence Helpline in your country.

    White Ribbon Australia - 1800RESPECT

    Ms Empress of Light herself, Amy Holmberg, joined us for this episode to tell her story of a Wild Road she never thought she would ever take. 

    Her marriage and her life took a turn and it meant Amy found herself in the most difficult of circumstances. We spoke about what she went through, the trauma, being a single parent and how she navigated her way through the systems that are in place to help women, that didn't actually feel like it was helping at all. The disconnect, the disempowered.

    Such a raw and vulnerable share. Her strength is admirable, inspiring in fact. The breakthrough, the healing AND throwing herself into Personal Development and learning so many modalities to help her catch her breath.

    You should see what she is up to now! Wow. What a woman.  Come join us for the chat.

    Want to connect?

    Amy Holmberg!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amyholmberg

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/msempressoflight


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    The Secret We Found to Succeeding In Business.

    The Secret We Found to Succeeding In Business.

    Join us for this episode where we continue the conversation about how we don't do things normal.

    We talk about being an Entrepreneur, building our businesses and the roads we have taken to get where we are and what we had to UNLEARN.

    Such an interesting take on how life learnings through the school system and how that filters through the entrepreneurial journey and what it takes to find YOUR success.

    Innovation and creativity! Let's explore....

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Helping women find their roots and wings with Rebecca Nash

    Helping women find their roots and wings with Rebecca Nash

    Rebecca Nash Emerson!!! A Canadian Powerhouse! A Wedding and Brand Photographer, a Creator, Mentor and Multi-passionate Entrepreneur...this Magical Mermaid is undoubtedly the wildest, kindest bff you will ever have.  Living from the heart in Curiosity, Courage and Connection. So unique, so beautiful, so warm. This conversation talked about her home life and collections as well as seeing the world through her lens.

    We loved hearing Rebecca's evolution with her work and her genius and the serendipity when the Pandemic hit. As an Educator and Business Owner, previous plans went full speed ahead.

    What is your actual dream? Not a dream you 'should have' but your real dream deep down inside. This is the beginning of Rebecca's mission in helping woman to find their own way through that. Changing the way we do things. Finding the in between of the Masculine and Feminine way of Entrepreneurship as a Feminine Core Being.

    The way Rebecca articulates this ..is empowering and sooo motivating. We need Roots AND Wings. OMG, mind blown.

    Come check it out.

    Want to connect?


    Rebecca Nash Emerson!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebeccanashemerson

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccanashemerson

    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    What happened the year Shon was born - 1975

    What happened the year Shon was born - 1975

    An ode to the year Shonah was born...1975.  This was a fun episode! Taking us back down memory lane. We began with our awkward question time as always and it lit us up talking about posters on our walls, our famous crushes. Loads of laughing. It was like a chick slumber party... actually we should have totally been in our pj's with face masks on.

    What did we come up when we googled 1975. We put our two bobs worth in about it all! So good.

    Entrepreneurs, Business Women, 'Professional Podcasters' and Online Brands.. showing how real it is behind the scenes.

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Had a Million Jobs? Us too, and this is why we think it was so worth it.

    Had a Million Jobs? Us too, and this is why we think it was so worth it.

    Back in the 'olden days' .... are we that old? Yeah maybe.

    Remember when it was frowned upon to go from job to job, industry to industry? Well, we did that. Both adventurers when it came to finding what they wanted to do in life. Their employment history was colourful. Here they share what served them well, what they took away, what they definitely let go! Human connection, relationship dynamics, Selling methods, Reading people 's energy and body language plus more.

    Bars, Cake shops, Vet Surgeries, Dental, Tatts-lotto, Photography, Colour Consulting...that's just part of it. Very cool stories. Humorous as always.

    See if this brings back memories. No job wasted. All wild experiences. Which lead us both to our Entrepreneurial world.

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Receive Money, Love and Abundance with Chloe Saffron

    Receive Money, Love and Abundance with Chloe Saffron

    Chloe Saffron is in the house!! Oh this girl is divine! Wise. Funny. Real. Sensual. What can we say....she is a package. Seriously.

    Besides nearly passing out on recording, laughing so hard we nearly fell off our chairs... This woman shared so much with us.

    As an Embodiment Coach, Chloe is changing women's lives by the power of supporting you to
    receive money, love, abundance in your life and business, led by p*ssy, power and pleasure. Creating a life of limitless abundance.

    This Belfast beauty has the most interesting life  and we had the most amazing conversation about the mind v's the body.  We are so excited to share her with you.

    Want to hook up? Come join us!

    Chloe Saffron!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chloesaffrongibson

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/chloe_saffron

    Podcast: Between the Sheets


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    What happened at the end of our quests!

    What happened at the end of our quests!

    The fun continues when we begin this episode with #awkwardquestiontime ....the lyrics we got wrong.

    The end of our quests. This conversation delves into the reason why we put ourselves out there and choose something that fires up our creativity and clarity.  It breaks up the auto pilot and reignites our conscious living and expanding our businesses and mindset.

    Both Paula and Shonah had a different idea of what this was going to look like for each and the outcomes were completely different.  The external influences and your mind tricks. It was such an interesting debrief. Raw, honest and unfiltered as always. As entrepreneurs that have been doing this work for a while... it was amazing to reflect and work out the gifts of completing one and not completing one. Do you think it's failing? The results will be revealed.

    Come join us. 


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Being in a relationship with life with Callie Brown.

    Being in a relationship with life with Callie Brown.

    Welcome to this magnificent episode with the amazing Callie Brown. Her story is so mesmerising. A Traveler, a Wanderer,  an Actor and now Life Coach of 11 years, this beautiful story teller has you transfixed in her journey. You laugh, you go deep, you have epiphanies and it is such a soulful conversation.

    Studying theatre and acting  and doing this for so long, Callie reveals her breakdown before her break-though and 'following the joy'. She reminds us to question everything and be curious and shares what it truly means to be a leader.

    Her wit, her charm and her freaking epic mind will leave you feeling so inspired and chasing the fun in your life. And apparently she is one hell of a cook...Just ask Paula! These two have had a long friendship and it shows how fond they are of each other.


    Come find us:

    Callie Brown!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/calliebrowncoach

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/calliecoach


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Going Straight To The Top with Online Business Manager, Kirsty Lee!

    Going Straight To The Top with Online Business Manager, Kirsty Lee!

    A fascinating conversation with the adorable and admirable Kirsty Lee! Kirsty's story is so intriguing. This woman can do everything! Her business background is diverse and adventurous and so it is no wonder that she is now and Online Business Manager for one of the most successful Online Mentor/Business woman in Australia right now.

    With so many chapters to share, her 'straight to the top' achievements had Paula and Shonah in awe!

    Her lessons of doing what makes her feel amazing and not burned out were so relatable. But how she rolls is like...yep it's not working for me...next!

    Come listen to this beautiful Aussie woman who is a Wildlife Warrior, Business Woman and Mentor.  Her story is so magnificent. Especially about Wildlife Rescue and if you love Kangaroos.

    Want to connect?

    Kirsty Lee

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirstyleecoaching

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kirstyleeblack

    Wildlife Rescue

    Fauna Rescue Whitsundays: https://www.frw.org.au

    Wires: https://www.wires.org.au


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    When Entrepreneurship Gets Hard!

    When Entrepreneurship Gets Hard!

    The hardest things we have ever had to do.  That was what kicked this episode off. Wow man, they were pretty epic stories that gets you in the feels.

    How many times do we push ourselves to a limit where we say - 'I can't do this'.  Then wonder 'what if?' or have some shame around not achieving or following through.  In this episode Shonah and Paula dive into the parallels of their personal endeavours with entrepreneurship and having the conversations about creating the normality with the state of feeling like we are always climbing a big freaking mountain! 

    Do we do stuff to get to the days when we can sip Pina Colada's all day and have everything easy or do we enjoy the climb?  Is the goal to arrive or to journey.

    A brilliant episode. It's fun and playful as well going into depths of the personal development and entrepreneurial journey. 

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    The Adventure Lifestyle and Cringe Worthy Travel Stories with Vivi Dahms.

    The Adventure Lifestyle and Cringe Worthy Travel Stories with Vivi Dahms.

    This episode is such an eye opener! Vivi is an adventurer and traveller of over 70 countries, who has written multiple books ( 7 in 2021 by the way!) and helps people all over the world on their travel adventures.

    What is interesting is how the pandemic has impacted her identity and her livelihood. However, this amazing woman has such in-depth knowledge on adventure, she has adapted in the most amazing and FUN ways!  If you want to know how to create it in your life have a listen to this!

    Vivi Dahms - 'Adventure is my Million Dollar Vibe'.  Travel Designer, Adventure Coach, Experience Organiser and all round Fun and Beautiful human.

    Come Find us!

    Vivi Dahms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vivi.dm.3

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/viviwilds


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Reclaiming You with Emma Clayton

    Reclaiming You with Emma Clayton

    This episode we talk to the creator of the #Rebelution. How amazing is that word!
    This woman is delight, so fun and a powerhouse. One of our favourite humans.  Emma helps women shine a light on their inner world to become a better a place to live by activating a deeper awareness of who we really are at our core. 'Reclaiming you'.

    Emma is heavily involved in organising Ted X talks, has an amazing Podcast called 'The Emma Clayton Show' and is so passionate about bringing what she learns to the forefront as well as bringing these learning to the Corporate environment, which was her background, shifting the way she helps people and helping others change perspective and change ways in a very conditioned world. 

    This is an incredible conversation with how her Entrepreneurship began.  Come join us....

    Want to connect?

    Emma Clayton!


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmaclayton

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/emmaclayton.xo


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    The Life Changing Thing We Do PART 1

    The Life Changing Thing We Do PART 1

    Oh wow this episode started so random but the #awkwardquestiontime was sooo good. What we did that we didn't think 'wasn't' normal? 'Who even does that?' A little bit cringey and a lot funny.

    This is an epic conversation about Personal Growth Quests and Paula is the Queeeen of them. She openly discusses her Winter swims and why she does it and Shonah is like 'why would you do that?!'  Freezing cold waters in the middle of winter.  The stories of different beaches and pools in Sydney's Northern Beaches in Australia, the days, the weather, the wild swells, ocean creatures...it is truly inspiring.

    Paula talks about the breathing techniques to endure it and the clarity that comes, not only by resetting your nervous system but also clearing your thoughts and pattern interruption. 

    Shonah talks about her idea for her Quest to change her sleep pattern, to get up early! She wants to be an early bird as she knows that there is growth there. 

    The conversation talks about gratitude practices, where they have been and where they are going in the coaching industry and their entrepreneurship journeys.

    Come join us for another epic episode.

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Human Design and Coaching with Michelle Wong

    Human Design and Coaching with Michelle Wong

    This amazing convo with Human Design expert, Michelle Wong, began with talking about her travelling around the world and working nomadically, even in the pandemic and how she is managing that. Creating a business travelling the world. She is actually doing this! A dream of both Paula and Shonah.

    So what is Human Design?  It's a map of our energy. It is what our consistent life force energy is.  What we are here to learn and here to receive.  It includes all sorts of modalities such as Astrology, Quantum Science, the Chakras.... so cool.

    When Michelle first heard about Human Design, she thought she didn't need another system, but her curiosity got the better of her...and so she dove in. It helped her understand how she was relating to people and validating her experiences and also showed her how to best understand and work with her energy.

    'People are wanting the answers' - Michelle.

    So come and find out what they are and hear how it has shaped both Shonah and Paula with their relationships and coaching. Michelle explains how it all comes together.

    Want to connect?

    Michelle Wong!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michellewong

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/michellewong.xo

    Work with Michelle: http://bit.ly/hdembodied


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Feng Shui Tips When Looking For A New Home.

    Feng Shui Tips When Looking For A New Home.

    In this episode, Shonah shows off her designing skills which Feng Shui is a massive part of.  Here she helps Paula discover parts of her current home that aren't quite working for her and what does. There are some amazing tips on how to attract money, wealth, health and how to create flow in a home.

    It's fun, it's genius.  The best bit....the stories, as always.

    If you are wanting to create abundance in your life and your home, this is a cool introduction to the art of Feng Shui.

    Want to connect?


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.