
    The Wild Roads

    Conversations about how we don't do stuff normal. (Stuff) all the things building businesses, making money, navigating relationships + parenting, things we nerd out about AND running at our wildest dreams.
    en-auShonah Lee and Paula Ivy61 Episodes

    Episodes (61)

    Sacred Wealth Embodiment with Stella Grace.

    Sacred Wealth Embodiment with Stella Grace.

    Guys seriously...get comfortable, this conversation is going to take you places. 

    Paula and Shonah catch up with the beautiful, Stella Grace.  This woman is initiating some of the most empowering lifestyle, business and wealth shifts for women.  Holding spaces for and supporting women to reclaim their right to have more, to be more, to experience more.

    Stella is bringing important messages to the world about women and wealth, being spiritual and successful and our sovereignty...to get to be what we want to be and do what we want to do and choose what turns us on in life...not just sexually, but what does something to us!

    'The spirit of money get's to be healed' - Stella Grace

    If you want to have a beautiful relationship with money, this convo is going to blow your mind!

    Come join us!

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.

    Stella Grace!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stellagrace

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/goddessmedicine



    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Sibling rivalry...

    Sibling rivalry...

    What a brilliant episode this is. Laughter, tears of said laughter and tears of sadness as Shonah and Paula reflect on growing up with brothers and how this has impacted on parenting their own children, watching the dynamics of the relationships.

    It was interesting talking about the masculine that is innately within our boys and fostering that at an early age and what they didn't know back then when the sibling rivalry was rife.

    Paula shared some of her story of losing her youngest brother tragically and how that changed things for her and her older brother. So deeply touching.

    Shonah shared her amazing relationship with her younger brother now as adults and the support they give each other through the falls and the celebrations in life.

    It's a wild ride they take you on. It's funny, entertaining and definitely an episode not to miss.  To get to know these online entrepreneurs, not just as business women, photographers, coaches, mentors, but also.... women who were girls who grew up with brothers who were sometimes brutal and sometimes their enemy, but mostly their greatest fans.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Ghosts, Aliens and Conspiracy Theories

    Ghosts, Aliens and Conspiracy Theories

    Ahhh this was funny and interesting as Shonah and Paula get to know one another on a whole other level. It's light hearted and fun, but some things blew their minds.

    Each sharing an experience with out of this world stuff. Non human stuff.  It's a bit goose-bumpy and totally random. Not a normal business or entrepreneurial related conversation, however, it is significant to their perspectives and how they process the happenings of the world.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Leading people home to love with the Badass Warrior, Ellie Bassick-Trovato

    Leading people home to love with the Badass Warrior, Ellie Bassick-Trovato

    Oh man this episode had us in absolute awe of this woman, Ellie Bassick-Trovato.

    As always we ask how our guests how they got started on the journey they are on now, Ellie's story is so so sad and also profoundly beautiful as she tells how she lost her husband early in their marriage when their son was only a year and half.  With all that she went through, she says she could have been a basket case, however she went in a totally different direction and opened a Wellness centre in honour of her late husband and her Father.

    Showing up as Love. Wow this really gave us a whole other level of what love means. Ellie has worked with Tony Robbins (was a Platinum Partner) as well as Allison Armstrong, author of The Queens Code and other teachings about men.  Ellie's knowledge is incredible and it is in her heart to embody the evolution of coaching by having the experience, investing her money in growth and learnings and passing it on to the person that is right behind, pulling them beside and taking them with her.

    We talk about God and spirituality and  the entity of God. God is love. It's not about which religion to follow...have a listen to hear what Ellie's perspective is.  It's phenominal.

    Oh and Ellie, this amazing woman, speaks about her experience with becoming a Pen Pal with a prisoner on death row.

    'Everything is love or a call for love' - Ellie Bassick-Trovato. Entrepreneur, Coach and epic Mum to Ben.

    Here's where to find her!

    Facebook: https://wwww.facebook.com/thenewbraveco

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/thenewbraveco

    Website: https://www.thenewbrave.com

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Your future self transformation: what is it?

    Your future self transformation: what is it?

    This episode was gloriously healing for Shonah. While she was in a funk and shared how it is when everything feels hard, Paula supporting her in this. It was gorgeous to be in it.

    We share our own understanding of what transformation is. A different perspective where it lands differently.

    Transforming into the next version of you. It is hard and sometimes like a good workout, it's laborious but there is peace in the rest period where it all integrates. It's helping us build the muscle to be able to handle what is next for us.

    We talk about trends and being true to ourselves and why that sticks much much more than going with the flow of what everyone else is doing.

    Through business, through life, our dreams are still us! Just the  next version.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Soul Ascension and Past Life roads with Kasia Bourke

    Soul Ascension and Past Life roads with Kasia Bourke

    Ahhh this conversation was so so glorious. Kasia is a Soul Ascension guide, past lives channeler, life purpose finder, soul contract breaker to activate your gifts, a podcaster AND MORE.... oh man she is more.

    We adore this woman, Her story is so uplifting, so profound. Both of us have the absolute privilege of working with this epic human on different ways and both share our stories of what was unfolded during each of our sessions with Kasia.

    This woman is so fun, so light, so internally happy and deliriously captivating...we get into the depths of her brand, her online business, her success. You really get a sense of her passion and her growth as well as her natural nurturing ways.  You just want to be best friends with this chick....seriously. One in a million!  Check out her links below to jump into her world.

    Enjoy xo

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.

    Kasia Bourke!





    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.



    In this episode, we talk about the responsibility with the influence we create and the impact the work we do online has on others.  Bandwagoning is a thing and we decided to have a conversation around this topic from our experiences with it and what we see on Social Media.

    There is a massive distinction between inspiring others and dictating and with the work that we do, we love to keep bringing our self awareness to the forefront of our personal development.  It was easy for us to have shiny object syndrome when we built our businesses.

    It's not an all or nothing mentality and we explain how we try things on for size and encourage others to do the same. We are all in different realms and are on different paths but we choose our life work to be about freedom and fun as well as being open to seeing all perspectives.

    Teaching and leading by embodiment is our jam.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    The Power of Podcasting with Nikki O'Brien

    The Power of Podcasting with Nikki O'Brien

    The Power of Podcasting isn't just about being out there. This epic human came in for a chat about the art of conversation. A self confessed Personal Development junkie, Nikki loves the spiritual, intuitive and all the stuff in between being part of her work in the world.

    Did you know that Nikki was once on the radio? She talks about her experience there and what drove her to dive deeper into the work of conversation and healing.

    Now as a Podcast Producer and Podcast Coach (amongst other things) her Business and Online Space is as authentic as you can get. A powerhouse, a wise soul, a beautiful and kind being. 

    It was such a beautiful free flowing convo about self projectory and the duality of being human and our higher selves...we talked about being frustrated at the gap in between. We all shared what helps each of us get through the tough time we can have with that.

    Embodying the journey being the poignant message here. So very cool.

    Nikki is one amazing woman and we invite everyone to go venture into the land of Nikki O'Brien, the Quint Essential Being.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Nikki O'Brien!




    The Sh*t we say to ourselves

    The Sh*t we say to ourselves

    This would have to be one of our favourite episodes so far! Paula ugly cried. It was a great belly laugh to begin with.

    Our convo in this episode was all about the sh*t we tell ourselves. Ego, Imposter Syndrome, the made up stories of worthiness and not being good enough.  Working through them and giving them time, space and awareness and watching how slowly they lose their voice.

    In here we share some of our own voices we had to work through and how we deal with perfection with our online businesses.  Perception and reality collide.

    Success for us, is about facing those stories and talking to them out loud and pushing through, trusting that they will dilute and dissolve.  Staying in our lane.

    They can be intense, they can feel so real. It gets messy. Have a listen to our Wild Road with this.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Living the Wild Roads with Jana Kingsford!

    Living the Wild Roads with Jana Kingsford!

    We are talking with our long term Big Dreams Coach...Jana Kingsford!  This was so much fun to talk behind the scenes of coaching, of building successful businesses and the misconceptions of these wild roads we take.

    But first! We give you a run down of Jana's big day when her and her husband renewed their vows at the beautiful Whitsundays, which we were so thrilled to be a part of. Paula was the official photographer for the day and Shonah was the prosecco queen. haha!

    'The quickest way to get everyone together is to have an adventure together' - Jana Kingsford. And that it was. How it IS!

    How Jana does business, how Jana does coaching, how Jana does love and family, how Jana does life, it all intertwines.  Her big heart lets everyone one in and that is why her clients get so much from her just as she gets from them.  Friendship and client-ship are compartmentalised yet welcomed, she is not afraid to love.  The pain of being hurt is less fearful than the pain of not having connection and close relationships with the people she works with.

    We talk about the benefits of long term coaching and how she doesn't do things for you, she does things with you.

    Holding good faith...now that is what we have both done and what Jana has held for us. Look at us now.

    Money, success, friendship. It's a ride!

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Jana Kingsford!

    Facebook: https://www.m.facebook.com/janakingsford

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/janakingsford

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    How diving with sharks changed me.

    How diving with sharks changed me.

    The fear was real!  In this episode we talk about going in and doing the very thing that scares you the most. How we navigate what is 'aligned' and what is out of our comfort zone and the powerful decisions to determine which one is going to create expansion and growth, in mind, in spirit and business.

    Shonah went diving with Great White sharks in South Australia. She didn't really want to but she took us on the journey of how it transformed her thinking around fear based action taking.  There is real audio in here of her on the boat leading up to it, when she was about to go in and THEN when she was out.  The massive shark she encountered a metre away from her. 

    Join us as we unravel some recent self beliefs that has now been turned on it's head!

    The Wild Roads we take in this life are the essence of success, relationships and self awareness. Personal development isn't just about more money or more love, it's way deeper. We know all this right?, but experiences like this take it to a whole other level.

    Happy listening....

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Shift Your Identity, Shift Your Reality.

    Shift Your Identity, Shift Your Reality.

    Horses, Giselle's and Mermaids.... just a typical introduction to Identity shifting right? haha!

    This episode we speak of Identity Shifts., our personal Identity shifts and how we identify them and go through them.

    As we achieve our goals in business and personal development, we shift the way we think about things and how we are seeing things. Once you have achieved a big goal or dream you have been wanting and working on for so long, you can't be the same after that.

    We also get to decide who we need to be in order to get to where we want to go.  But sometimes, that get's rocky when we hold on to who we are now. The transition can affect us all differently, but for us we lose our way a little and our ability to think. We feel that everything we have learned is lost. But it's not.

    We have gone through so many of these shifts we know them so well. However it never dilutes the intensity of a shift. It's how we navigate them.

    Our online business goes through this with us and that is why we are required to not settle in it, to keep moving forward.

    Self awareness is key to success and working through it all.  To get clarity. To get your vision.

     It feels uneasy, but you have got this.  

    Once you realise it's happening, there is nothing to fear. Don't worry, we have got you.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    What we do for our skin, hair and health.

    What we do for our skin, hair and health.

    Life Hacks!  This episode's starter question turned into being the whole episode! We got so caught up in how our bodies work and what we use to look after our vessels.  The beauty products, the hair products, the supplements we take.  However, we really dive into how our bodies align with our minds and how we achieve that.

    For us it's how we move our body, exercise is big for both of us. We believe that it is the best way to release emotions and stuff that is hurting us and how physical ailments will present themselves if we are holding things in. 

    We have nailed our energetics mostly and we share how.   Being both dairy intolerant, we also drool over sour cream and how we miss it all. So much fun to talk about. But also important to know how it affects our relationships with ourselves and our people as well as how we show up for business. 'Dairy is the Devil!' for us.

    Other than products for beachy waves and products to give us energy, we have our normal bantering fun.  Grab a beverage and join us.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Mentions - GoToSkin, Ecotan, Arbonne, Eco Minerals, Kevin Murphy Hair Care, Dr Bronners Castille Soap.

    Healing modalities, what we have tried.

    Healing modalities, what we have tried.

    What is your go to movie when you need to heal something or feel something? We tell you our favourites. Totally not on the same wave length here.

    This episode is about the healing modalities we have tried and how it worked for us. Paula speaks about the amazing woman she is working with that does forensic healing, muscle testing and Shonah speaks about her experience with Reiki and the traditional owners of the land as well as a beautiful experience with an in person experience with Melissa Ambrosini.

    There is some powerful moments but also some vulnerable moments that gave us fire in our bellies. Paula's experience with a teacher at school that she didn't know affected her until recently when it was revealed and Shonah opens up about ending her marriage and the impact that had on her.

    Intuitively, we know what we need and we are drawn to different modalities of healing...for relationships, business and personal growth. Not everyone has the same experience and that is why we believe it is the intention before you go for the healing that sets you up for the experience.

    It was soul expanding. What goes on physically....goes on energetically. Come take a listen.

    PS our audio is not level expert but it will be in a few episodes...because we got good at it. But the message...WOW.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    What happens when you live your dream life.

    What happens when you live your dream life.

    Daggy much? Our fashion was in different era's growing up and so funny to hear it.

    Pre-warning - our audio wasn't at level expert on this one...but it gets better part way through.

    'We don't go through it, we grow though it' - Paula the Ivy.

    This episode talks about big wild dreams and the responsibility of following them through vs letting them go when they no longer align with them.

    Paula, when she was growing up wanted to be a  Film Director,(there may be a Zoo Keeper slash model  in there...eeek)  but that meant to be a leader and as a child she never saw herself as that.  Too scared to be the person that people listen to.

    'The path reveals itself as we go. If you know the way you would already be there by now' Quote of the day!

    We get to grow into our dreams. Our lifestyle dreams. Our business dreams. Our wildest dreams.  Shonah speaks of how your inner compass always directs you to the things you need as a life skill and then your dreams are a beautiful expansion of that.

    Paula has so many 'mic drop' moments. This is one not to miss...so much gold. Get through the audio ...pretend it's the best you have heard and you are set!

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    How to be cool!

    How to be cool!

    It's so uncool it's cool!  Oh this is so fun.  Laughing at ourselves and finding our confidence and bravery to put our un-coolness out there which in turn brings so much coolness to the world to inspire others to do the same, especially on the road to success.

    As always we start the episode with our cringe worthy guilty pleasures. So funny.

    We talk about the impact Paula's work has had on women, bringing out their own coolness. It's not a labelled coolness, it's owning who you are. Life experience, business experience, heartbreak...all the things that make you YOU.

    Fear of being uncool can hold us back. Life experience has shown us what is actually true. 

    Is it what you wear or is it your ENERGY?  We have connected to how it is to be cool.

    In Business, in Self Development, in Branding, in Relationships...it's totally believing in yourself, not trying to fit in. 

    So much perspective in this. 'Every Rose has it's thorn'.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

    Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

    This episode was funny but also powerful.  What wild road are we going on today? Our entrepreneurship trip is just that...a trip.

    We talk about pushing through the uncomfortableness, escaping the mundane and learning how to trust the guidance we are given.  Especially as leaders.  It is so much more powerful showing people that you are following your soul and holding them through the hard part of following theirs.

    Paula talks about how it is uncomfortable to go first and how getting familiar with being uncomfortable and tuning in to your soul to work out if it's safe to push through.  There is also a beautiful moment where Paula talks about 'The Post'.  The post where she was THE most uncomfortable and scared.  Her vulnerability is powerful to witness here as she speaks of her brother who has passed and the weirdest dream that was a message from him.

    Shonah talks about ego and the cringe worthy feeling going through the things so that we inspire and not preach to people! It's her pet hate...the preaching.

    This is all about trust, about leading the way and about the wild roads we take.  It's also EPICALLY funny with the most cringe worthy stories with our signature dorkiness questions at the beginning of our episode.

    Join us on our coaching and mentoring journeys where we lead the way with our branding, our personal development and hold space through all of the tough things we go through.
    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    Doing the Big Bold Moves.

    Doing the Big Bold Moves.

    This is a big one. It's so raw and vulnerable. We talk about the big moves we have made in business and brands, but also personal ones.  Shonah talks about becoming a single mum,  and being paralysed by the decision to leave her marriage and parent on her own.

    Paula talks about jumping when the opportunity presents itself. Making the moves. Taking the 'once in a life time' opportunities even when she is scared.

    Going through the big bold moves are sometimes hard but it is all part of it and we can't avoid it.  The middle part. When we are really in it. You need to go through the journey of where we are now to where we want to be...and that makes us feel so alive.

    We talk about choosing them, being aligned with them and being ok to say no to them. But knowing what feels right. They aren't always logical, but they are worth it.  Your desire never leads you wrong.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    What to do when it feels funky.

    What to do when it feels funky.

    We all get in a funk.  We all go through it, it's a natural eb and flow. But do you remember when you didn't get what was happening ?
    In this episode, we discuss WHAT gets us in a funk, what triggers our emotions and how, with the Personal Development roads we take, we now move through them....and actually enjoy them.

    'It's not the ultimate goal to not feel anything. There's power in the funk as much as there is power in the flow' - Paula

    We talk about idea's and ownership of them, energy and sitting in the uncomfortable and how to let go.

    Each of us have different tools we use to move through the funks to continue on our paths to success and serving in our businesses and we share how we do it and the times we didn't.

    Come with us to explore opening up and being willing to see things differently.

    Want to connect? Come over to our places.


    Paula The Ivy!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulatheivy

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulatheivy

    Shonah Lee!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shonahbstyle

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/shonahleestyle

    Music written and performed by Simon Virgona.

    How we balance Parenting and Biz

    How we balance Parenting and Biz

    Running our online businesses and working from home, becoming successful while bringing up children has it's trials and tribulations.  It's what we call The Beauty and The Curse. In this episode we talk about balance and creating the way we do this where we are present as parents and present with our clients and teachings.

    Paula has young children and Shonah has late teens and young adults.  Mum guilt, work guilt, value and respect, money for time, nostalgia and not making parenting an excuse that we can't do things.  

    This is an episode that is jam packed with our experiences and why we do what we do. Getting up at 'Ridiculous-O'Clock' and the setting up expectations of availability for both worlds...parenting and business.  The best bit... we have created businesses where parenting is part of it and the new normal, all the while making money and bringing up epic humans.