
    The Worthiness Mindset Podcast

    Worthiness is the foundation of everything in our lives. Success in relationships, career, happiness, and life all depend on feeling worthy of living the life we create. In this podcast, I use storytelling, coaching, and daily practices to teach how to cultivate worthiness. It is a compilation of stories, coaching, and interviews to shine light on both the dark and the light in our lives. My mission is to empower people to rediscover their voice, worth, and power. You are already worthy.
    enJillie Johnston100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Failure & Self Love w/ Nikki REPLAY

    Failure & Self Love w/ Nikki REPLAY

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Welcome back to the Worthiness Mindset Podcast! This week, we have replay of an episode with Nikki Bannister, Nikki talks about dropping the ball or falling short in her world. She highlights failures that impact others, and how she navigates letting someone else down. She also shares how she’s allowed failure to not shake her to her core. 

    With this series I'll be interviewing people who have experienced failure, and found ways to love themselves anyway. Included will be a profound movement to write ourselves a love letter. This project has been on hold through some of my failure, and now I'll be compiling a book of love letters from people loving themselves through the unsuccessful. 

    Thank you for joining me this week, and please make sure to subscribe where you listen to podcasts.

    Follow Nikki on Instagram @nikkibannisterlanguagecoaching or nikkibannisterlanguagecoaching.com.

    Failure & Self Love w/ Rose REPLAY

    Failure & Self Love w/ Rose REPLAY

    Hello Worthy Warriors, and happy Thursday. On the pod this week, we have replay of an episode with my good friend, Rose! Rose goes into detail about where she has failed, and how she's loved herself through it all! She shares how important it is to accept that you are going to be a failure, but finding a way to be empowered through the failure really changes the game. 

    With this series I'll be interviewing people who have experienced failure, and found ways to love themselves anyway. Included will be a profound movement to write ourselves a love letter. This project has been on hold through some of my failure, and now I'll be compiling a book of love letters from people loving themselves through the unsuccessful. 

    Thank you for joining me this week, and please make sure to subscribe where you listen to podcasts.

    Follow Rose on Instagram @rose_upwards and roseupwards.com.

    Welcome to Failure & Self Love REPLAY

    Welcome to Failure & Self Love REPLAY

    Hello Worthy Warriors, happy Thursday. We’re going to change gears for a bit here, and share a series replay from 2021 about Failure & Self love. This series creates space to talk about and normalize failure, and finding self-love through it all. Failure is the greatest catalyst to learning how to love ourselves and to not define our worth through our achievements and accomplishments. 

    With this series I'll be interviewing people who have experienced failure, and found ways to love themselves anyway. Included will be a profound movement to write ourselves a love letter. This project has been on hold through some of my failure, and now I'll be compiling a book of love letters from people loving themselves through the unsuccessful. 

    Thank you for joining me this week, and please make sure to subscribe where you listen to podcasts.

    How to Create A Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 3: See How Brave You Really Are

    How to Create A Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 3: See How Brave You Really Are

    Hello Worthy Warriors, happy Thursday. It has been a difficult week here. For those of you who don’t follow me elsewhere, my soulmate Soso passed away last week. As devastating as it is, I realize that the grief is only a testament to how much I loved her, and is a part of fully experiencing life.

    When we’re able to see our own bravery and unreasonable joy demonstrated it’s only a lighthouse for bringing our awareness back to that space when it’s needed. Soso's incredibly adventurous life over 9 years spanning 4 countries and 35 states, despite the trauma she’d experienced, just shows her persistence, flexibility, and lack of fear. Soso was an inspiration to everyone who met her and spent time with her.

    I want to call on my listeners to reflect on their bravery, be unreasonable in pursuing passions without fear or limits, and donate to an animal shelter in Soso's memory. I am looking to raise $300 to save a dog's life. I volunteer at a high-kill shelter here in Mexico with Yo Amo Animalitos (on FB) and it costs about $300 to save a dog's life. The dog I am looking to save is name Frida. She is about 2.5 years old, and just had puppies. One died and one is being sent to Colorado to a sanctuary. For two weeks, she wouldn't come out of her cage, she was abused and frightened. She's been in there about 4 weeks (2 weeks longer than they normally allow them to live). She has come out of her shell, wants belly rubs, and to be next to you. She is sweet & kind and we are looking to foster her until we find her forever home. I'm using this workshop as a way to fundraise. Donate and sign up here.

    If you donate, I will send you updates on Frida and the ways you can help the other dogs in the shelter. 

    How to Create a Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 2 Building Self Trust

    How to Create a Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 2 Building Self Trust

    Hello Worthy Warriors! This week we’ll continue on the series to create a Brave & Unreasonable Life. This episode builds on part one about dreaming without attachment by focusing on building self-concept and self-trust as crucial foundations before taking action. I will walk you through a 4-step system to build trust in yourself. The process includes examining past evidence of follow-through, making small daily commitments, seeing accomplishments created, and noticing what is already desired.

    When we cultivate a hypothetical 'what if it were possible' self-concept to reinforce that big dreams can happen, and remove our limiting beliefs. If this series is helpful for you, I will be holding a workshop on creating a brave life at a low cost. If you’re interested, fill out the form here.

    My friend Autumn is trying to sell 1000 books this month, and, as a guest of the podcast, I think you would love it. Buy Autumn’s book here!

    How to Create a Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 1

    How to Create a Brave & Unreasonable Life - Part 1

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday! I’m passionate about speaking to others about how to live a brave and unreasonable life, and so I thought we would start a little series. This is my way of life. And part of that is by doing it scared, right? If you wanna live a brave and unreasonable life, you have to start by doing it scared.

    The key to living this kind of life is taking steps to feel safe in your body. This alone will allow you to dream without limits or logic. By visualizing your desired outcomes, calming your nervous system, identifying the feelings behind your dreams, and being willing to pivot if needed you’re setting the stage for a healed and unimaginable future.

    Join me for a 28-day self-love challenge in February. Hosted in Doing it Scared, my online membership community, you’ll be in a supportive and encouraging environment to build a foundation for your unreasonable life.

    Write Your Book w/ Autumn Freed

    Write Your Book w/ Autumn Freed

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday! We are spoiled with guests lately, and my friend Autumn Freed is no exception. Autumn recently started her own business as a book writing coach, but she’s more like a life coach and writing coach all rolled into 1. Autumn loves helping people figure out how to write their story or tell a story, but more than anything, to help people feel fulfilled in their lives. She knows all too well how it feels to not even know what you like anymore. Her favorite part is helping women decide what they want, and then watching them make it happen.

    In this week’s conversation, we’ll discuss common reasons people don't write books, strategies to push past blocks, the importance of focusing on reader value versus original ideas, and how Autumn overcame her resistance by borrowing others' belief in her abilities. Autumn outlines her coaching services and emphasizes that everyone has a unique story worth sharing that could help others.

    Autumn is a @autumn_ruhl  Coaching Services Email List

    There’s only ONE more day to sign up for the Best Year Yet; Doing it Scared Edition bundle. Sign up before midnight on Friday, January 26th to have access to more than $3,000 in free offers from 16 contributors. Let’s make 2024 the best year yet!

    Me-ple Pleasing w/ Maggie Leon-Guerrero

    Me-ple Pleasing w/ Maggie Leon-Guerrero

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday! We have a very special guest on the podcast, my friend Maggie Leon-Guerrero is here! For 34 years, Maggie has been bringing joy to the world around her. It wasn’t until three years ago though, that knowing she was made for more, she started to strip away all the people-pleasing layers by showing up with intention in her life. 

    That intention led her to become a life coach and online course creator - her first course, The ME-ple Pleasing Pattern, launches this month. Through her 1:1 coaching and online course, Maggie helps you choose yourself over people-pleasing so that you can unlock a level of joy that you've never tapped into before.

    It's through that very joy that she founded The Joy Table, a dinner party experience, in Cincinnati, OH, designed to connect women to and through their joy.  She had a dream of a space where women connect through friendship, joy, and their dreams, instead of pain, gossip, and judgment.  And then... she brought it to life and you're invited to it all. 

    @Maggie Leon-Guerrero  Website Email List

    There’s still time to share your interest in round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! Want to join us?!

    Compassionate Leadership

    Compassionate Leadership

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday from Jillie, and Rosa, the best foster dog in the world! If you’re interested in being her forever home, contact me! :)

    With spending time at the shelter, I’ve had to dedicate space to journalling, and feeling through my emotions with somatic exercise. Through that, I’ve thought a lot about my comfort in the 'lead from the front' style. I have previously grown the most out of leadership when all eyes are on me, however, I recognize that my current phase is asking me to develop more supportive 'lead from behind' roles.

    In this episode, we’ll look at all three compassionate leadership styles and reflect on why I think leaders should cultivate the ability to fill all these roles.

    There’s still time to share your interest in round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! Want to join us for round 2?!

    What to do if you don't have goals for 2024...

    What to do if you don't have goals for 2024...

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday & Happy New Year!! In this first episode of 2024, I want to focus on embracing self-worth and releasing unhealthy attachments to goals and control.

    2023 was an unpredictable year and I encourage you to seek self-trust instead of annual planning. In our society, it’s difficult to release goal-based self-judgment, but there’s something powerful about leaving it behind, at least for this year. I’ve found that the resolutions and planning that go along with this time of year often bring me to question our desire for control. The thing is, I believe in opening ourselves up to life's uncertainty and magic and committing to feel it all.

    There’s still time to join the Doing It Scared 30-Day Challenge AND share your interest in round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! This is the best gift you can give yourself.

    What Brave Really Is w/ Autumn Freed REPLAY

    What Brave Really Is w/ Autumn Freed REPLAY

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday! This week we have a replay of the most listened-to episode of 2023, and it’s special! My good friend Autumn is joining us, and Autumn Lynne is a book writing coach and author. She helps women who’ve realized that something isn’t working anymore but don’t know where to start making a change.

    Back in 2014, her proverbial carton of eggs had dropped and splattered all over the floor. Autumn didn’t know who she was, didn’t know what she wanted, and didn’t have a clue what to do next. Listen for a dose of inspiration for 2024.

    She applied what became the Fresh Start Formula to herself. One decision at a time, Autumn became a woman who prioritizes herself, who makes time for the things she enjoys, and who knows what she wants her life to look like.

    In Autumn's book, “How Do You Like Your Eggs?” she takes you through her Formula and helps you create your very own Fresh Start, one decision at a time. You can find more about Autumn here on her website, and purchase her book here.

    I want to kick 2024 off with courage, and great momentum, so I’m offering a Doing It Scared 30-Day Challenge AND starting round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! This is the best gift you can give yourself.

    Holiday Handbook - 3 questions to help you care less about what people think

    Holiday Handbook - 3 questions to help you care less about what people think

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday before Christmas! If you don’t celebrate, happy holidays!

    In continuing with our Holiday Handbook series, let’s work through strategies for caring less about what other people think during holiday gatherings and family events. Start by setting boundaries, backing away from conversations you don’t feel comfortable with, giving less weight to opinions from 'couch potato quarterbacks', only valuing input from those with lives you admire, protecting your inner peace, and not needing to prove yourself.

    I want to kick 2024 off with courage, and great momentum, so I’m offering a Doing It Scared 30-Day Challenge AND starting round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! This is the best gift you can give yourself.

    Holiday Handbook - Setting & Upholding Boundaries

    Holiday Handbook - Setting & Upholding Boundaries

    Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday!

    In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into a topic that's close to my heart: the crucial role of setting boundaries for our well-being, relationships, and work. I'm excited to share my personal experiences and insights on the journey.

    You'll hear about my experience setting boundaries with sleep, navigating social drinking, and how I manage social engagements to protect my energy.

    A good shift happened when I started exploring the difference between rigid and flexible boundaries. I’ve found that rigid boundaries often stem from feeling unsafe, and by cultivating trust there can be more flexibility. I encourage you to reflect on your own boundary-setting journey and the steps you can take to strengthen it.

    I want to kick 2024 off with courage, and great momentum, so I’m offering a Doing It Scared 30-Day Challenge AND starting round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! This is the best gift you can give yourself.

    Holiday Handbook - The Power of Perspective

    Holiday Handbook - The Power of Perspective

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! I am officially in Mexico! I’m recording from the casita today, and let me tell you, there’s a lot more noise here than we are used to. There is a lot of getting used to something new, but it’s good! In today’s episode, we discuss dealing with change and making the most of the holidays.

    Growing up I had idyllic childhood holidays and close-knit family traditions. When I was 21 my parents divorced and that’s when my holidays became volatile and sad. For years I grieved and felt the emotions around the holidays.

    When I was living in Peru, without my family, I realized the freedom of creating my traditions. I encourage you to feel your emotions, but at some point begin moving forward into curiosity about new possibilities. Traditions can evolve and change is meant to happen. What rules and traditions truly fit who you are now?

    I’m offering a free Masterclass on December 13th, called From Stuck to Start. Are you STUCK and paralyzed from taking action? Register here!

    Holiday Handbook - Courage to Change

    Holiday Handbook - Courage to Change

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! I am officially in Mexico by the time you hear this!!

    I hope that you had a lovely long holiday weekend, and if it wasn’t, just remember we aren’t here to perfect. Instead, focus on progress, and how we can move forward. It’s important to identify your courage comfort zone vs courage discomfort zone - areas where you avoid growth and challenge yourself but remember, discomfort is part of the process of change. You need to create a support system to hold space for you, not fix you. Shift your inner dialog from catastrophic what-ifs to what if it DOES work out.

    Courage happens in a split second when you decide to do something different. Focus on 10 one-second moments of courage daily instead of perfection. And know you're worthy of the effort to create change in your life.

    If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, it’s a good time to jump in! Subscribe here and get weekly doses of worthiness, inspiration, and opportunities to work with me.

    Holiday Handbook - Outgrowing those you love

    Holiday Handbook - Outgrowing those you love

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! Happy Thursday, and Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so grateful that I get to be a part of your day, I’m sending you all of the Thanksgiving gratitude and gratefulness. Please take that in and receive it, because I could never do what I do without you!

    This week we’re going to talk about strategies for having positive conversations with family members who hold different beliefs and opinions, particularly around the holiday season. It’s important to avoid shaming or trying to fact-prove, but instead, lead with curiosity and seek to understand the other person's perspective and experiences. I suggest going in with the intention of understanding, not changing other’s minds, watching their judgments, and recognizing the complexity of issues.

    By setting a compassionate environment and asking if it's a good time to talk, having self-compassion, living in the 'gray' nuance of issues, and asking open questions to learn more like 'What has your experience been?' Please protect your own peace while bridging divides.

    If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, it’s a good time to jump in! Subscribe here and get weekly doses of worthiness, inspiration, and opportunities to work with me.

    Holiday Handbook - Communication

    Holiday Handbook - Communication

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors, from Dallas, TX! The van has been handed off, and she’s in Sedona right now. I did a lot of grieving before she left, so the moment of her leaving was much more neutral than expected. Here’s to the next chapter, the next adventure, and being present in the here & now.

    I want to make sure you have the most pleasant and joyful holiday season, your way! Today, I wanted to talk about how to speak with someone who thinks differently than you do. I’ve said before that only 1 person in a relationship needs to change to create change in a relationship. Your peace is within your hands, and nobody can take that away. Remember, perfection is not necessary, only progress.

    Two things that never work to change relationships; shaming someone or trying to prove the other wrong & fact sharing. People don’t make decisions or change their minds based on facts, decision-making is a much more emotional place.

    If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, it’s a good time to jump in! Subscribe here and get weekly doses of worthiness, inspiration, and opportunities to work with me.

    Here for it All

    Here for it All

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors, from Marshall, TX! We left Chicago and my mom to come to Texas to spend time with Robbie’s family. By the time you’re listening to this, we would have handed over the keys to our van, and there are very few podcasts from the US before we spend time in Mexico for the winter. In this episode, I want to talk about how you feel in large transition, during the holidays, so much is happening in the world, and in our personal lives. It’s okay to not be okay.

    I’m reading the book Bitter Sweet, which is about how sadness can make our lives feel more full. It’s showing me how important sitting in complex emotions is. We spent the whole weekend cleaning out the van and taking out all of our stuff. Everything we have gathered over the last 4 years, and we’re looking at all the van imperfections, and the moments we remember from this adventure.

    If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, it’s a good time to jump in! Subscribe here and get weekly doses of worthiness, inspiration, and opportunities to work with me.

    4 Years of Vanlife

    4 Years of Vanlife

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! This week, I’m reflecting on the last 4 years living in the van and the lessons I’ve learned. Vanlife comes with freedom, unpredictability, and challenges, that is why we are taking a 6-month break to rejuvenate in Mexico. I’m looking forward to focusing more on hobbies, health, and community.

    Van life has taught me that the grass isn't always greener, there are just different weeds. Nothing is certain and you have to let go of control and be adaptable. I’ve learned to not get too attached to plans, prepare rather than overly plan, and make emotionally sober decisions. I challenge you to apply these lessons in small ways to your own life to shift trajectory.

    If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, it’s a good time to jump in! Subscribe here and get weekly doses of worthiness, inspiration, and opportunities to work with me.

    Follow Your Feel Good REPLAY

    Follow Your Feel Good REPLAY

    Happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! This week, I'm bringing back a cherished episode from our archives. Today, I'm sharing the profound message of following what feels good. Don't mistake it for fleeting pleasure; this is about the deep-rooted joy that bubbles up when I truly connect with my heart and soul. It's that intuitive pull and passion that has shown me the way to a life filled with purpose and alignment.

    We dive deep into what it really means to follow that inner "feel good". I'll share insights on how to recognize these heart and soul signals, and how they've been my guiding stars. Acting on these feelings has been instrumental in ensuring that I live a life that truly resonates with my essence. It's essential to remember that our value isn't swayed by the outside world. This episode is my way of reminding myself, and all of you, to listen to that inner voice and the profound joy it brings forth. If this message touches your heart, or if you think of someone who needs to hear this, please share this episode. Let's spread this message far and wide.

    I encourage you to take the time to trust yourself, and in turn, face your fears. I personally would like to invite you into Doing it Scared. If you have someone in your life who this podcast would resonate with, please send it to them. Let’s make this message a movement.