
    The Worthiness Mindset Podcast

    Worthiness is the foundation of everything in our lives. Success in relationships, career, happiness, and life all depend on feeling worthy of living the life we create. In this podcast, I use storytelling, coaching, and daily practices to teach how to cultivate worthiness. It is a compilation of stories, coaching, and interviews to shine light on both the dark and the light in our lives. My mission is to empower people to rediscover their voice, worth, and power. You are already worthy.
    enJillie Johnston100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Enough As You Are REPLAY

    Enough As You Are REPLAY

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This week I have a very popular replay of a past episode. I reflect on growth moments over the past 10 years from when I first started public speaking with fear and anxiety. Circumstances don't change how we feel, our mindset does.

    Worthiness is inherent, but seeing your worthiness is a choice. When we step outside our comfort zone, we are faced with that choice. Though fear and doubt may arise, we can choose to see our worthiness by controlling our inner narrative. No matter the outcome, if we know we are worthy, we can find peace and act from a place of desire rather than lack. Acknowledge the progress you've made and let it be enough, so you can move forward fueled by your heart's calling rather than feelings of not being enough.

    Our worthiness remains unchanged regardless of circumstances or other's opinions. and I hope this message resonates, if you see fit please share this with others who need this reminder of their innate worth.

    I encourage you to take the time to trust yourself, and in turn, face your fears. I personally would like to invite you into Doing it Scared. If you have someone in your life who this podcast would resonate with, please send it to them. Let’s make this message a movement.

    Lessons I’ve Learned in My 34th Year

    Lessons I’ve Learned in My 34th Year

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! Today is a super special episode because it’s my birthday week!! I’m turning 35, and I wanted to share the lessons I’ve learned this year, including becoming more comfortable with failure and change, embracing slowness instead of busyness, trusting my intuition, and seeing myself as a powerful woman and leader.

    We also discuss the importance of allowing space for contrasting emotions like grief and joy to coexist, and not rushing to 'fix' difficult feelings. I also read my birthday letter to myself wishing for peace, adventure, success, impact, and healing in the coming year. I encourage you to write yourselves a love letter.

    I am offering 10 coaching sessions for $35 to celebrate my birthday, please follow this link to get yours.

    I encourage you to take the time to trust yourself, and in turn, face your fears. I personally would like to invite you into Doing it Scared. If you have someone in your life who this podcast would resonate with, please send it to them. Let’s make this message a movement.

    Getting Passed Judgment

    Getting Passed Judgment

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! In this week’s podcast, we’re going to chat about embracing self-worth and releasing judgment of yourself and others.

    You are not a failure if you need a side job while building a business, comparing yourself to others leads to judgment, relationships can be healing if you focus on your own growth, and judgment of others reflects how you judge yourself. Pause and reflect on why you judge and how to accept that part of yourself. Ask yourself what judgments say about you so you can accept all parts of yourself. Instead, give yourself permission to take your own path at your own pace in business and life, relationships can catalyze healing if you focus on your own growth, the judgment of others is a judgment of self - reflect on the meaning behind judgments so you can accept yours

    I encourage you to take the time to trust yourself, and in turn, face your fears. I personally would like to invite you into Doing it Scared. Our monthly call is tomorrow, so you’ve got time! If you have someone in your life who this podcast would resonate with, please send it to them. Let’s make this message a movement.

    Talking vs. Doing

    Talking vs. Doing

    Hey Worthiness Warriors, Happy Thursday from Peoria, Illinois! We’re going to be here for a while visiting my mom, and enjoying her beautiful garden. In today’s episode, I discuss embracing van life, taking meaningful risks, and turning ideas into action.

    There’s a difference between just talking about big goals versus having the courage to take action on them. Even though chasing dreams can be scary and uncomfortable when you're confronted by self-doubt, it's part of the growth process. You have to be willing to fail, make mistakes, and face discomfort in order to gain the confidence and self-trust that comes from taking risks. I challenge those of you who have been all talk and no action to finally call yourself out, stop seeking admiration, and start bettering yourself by showing up bravely. Taking the leap on that business idea or goal you've avoided is how you'll learn how resilient and capable you truly are.

    Sign up for a life of humanness, joy, and coloring outside the lines with Brave & Unreasonable Life, a payment plan is available.

    Your Power is Not Conditional REPLAY

    Your Power is Not Conditional REPLAY

    Hello Worthiness Warriors, welcome back for another episode of the Worthiness Mindset Podcast! I’m taking a week off from the podcast this week, so I thought we’d do a replay of one of my most downloaded episodes.

    Many around me are off of social media or spending less time there than ever. With this I tell you, that your power isn’t conditional, your worth isn’t conditional, and your joy is not dependent. I used to think that my power, skill, and value was dependent on how I felt! That's SO untrue.  

    Sign up for a life of humanness, joy, and coloring outside the lines with Brave & Unreasonable Life, a payment plan is available.

    You Can't Be Confined

    You Can't Be Confined

    Hello Worthiness Warriors, welcome back for another episode of the Worthiness Mindset Podcast! I’m still in Colorado, and it’s such a wonderful place. We love it here. I’m getting ready to leave the van behind for our move to Mexico. I keep getting questions asking about how it will feel to leave the van behind, and it’s reminded me that I don’t fit a mold, and can’t be put in a box. I am not only the Jillie who lives in her van.

    We all have different needs and desires. Growing up as a Disney kid, we only saw love a certain way, a man would swoop in a save a woman, and he completed her. I’m seeing these funnels in all parts of society. Regardless of where you exist or what you are into, the white supremacist patriarchy, capitalism, and diet culture all feed off of each other. The funnels are the shoulds of the universe. Your body should look this way, your marriage should be like this, and there is 1 goal you should always be going after. If you’re growing a business to 6 or 7 figures, if you’re not working on yourself you’re dying.

    College, travel, get a job, start a business, be healthy, grow, and work yourself to death. Are you inside all of these funnels? Instead, challenge the funnel, there are a million ways to the mountaintop. Sign up for a life of humanness, joy, and coloring outside the lines with Brave & Unreasonable Life, a payment plan is available.

    Being Loved vs. Admired

    Being Loved vs. Admired

    Welcome back Worthiness Warriors! Hello from Denver, we are tired after driving over 3,500 miles. We are going to be taking a break from the van for about 6 months this winter. We’ll be moving to the mountains of Mexico, and we cannot wait. I’ve been sitting with this concept from Whitney England, being loved and being admired.

    When I say loved, I’m reminded of this idea of wholeness, depth, courage, authenticity, and being human. A lot of us are not taught unconditional love, which is a realization of what different circumstances shaped our idea of love. I have definitely confused being loved and admired. With admiration there is a pedestal, it’s guarded. When I heard this concept I realized that I had confused the two for most of my life, and I felt a lack of connection and relatability. It is hard to be loved and admired at the same time.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! We start

    Pivoting & Creating with Luke Himmelsbach

    Pivoting & Creating with Luke Himmelsbach

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This week we are lucky enough to welcome Luke Himmelsbach on the pod. Luke is the Co-Founder & COO of CreatorPad, which is a dedicated place for up-and-coming creators to grow their brands/businesses faster through personalized mentorship from vetted experts in the creator space. Luke's background is in journalism and after college, it was a very difficult space to get a career, in order to pay bills he had to search for other methods of storytelling. After realizing that working copywriting jobs was stealing his creativity, Luke rediscovered a connection to digital journalism and telling the story through podcasting and content creation. We discuss the ultimate pivot into co-founding of CreatorPad, and how Luke has continued to do it scared.

    Visit CreatorPad to match with a personal mentor for free.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! We start

    Lessons on Love: Anniversary Episode

    Lessons on Love: Anniversary Episode

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This is a very special 1-year anniversary episode, the most special of guests, my husband, Robbie Wood. I thought it would be fun to have a conversation about what we’ve learned, what makes our relationship unique, and to shed light on how to create a relationship as well as share some wedding day stories. For some reason when you get married, everyone negates the fact that you’ve been together for a while.

    Robbie has taught me so much about loving unconditionally, and he shares what it took to be in a place to do so. We agree that it’s important to focus on the good because the trivial bad things will drive you crazy if you don’t. I’ve realized that it’s important to celebrate and make things a big deal in our relationship. It’s important to put in the effort and time to have a relationship that’s worth celebrating.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    People Pleasing w/ Maggie Leon-Guerrero

    People Pleasing w/ Maggie Leon-Guerrero

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This week I am joined by my friend, joy spreader, and client Maggie Leon-Guerrero!

    Maggie spent most of her life pleasing others without even knowing it.  She didn't even really learn about it until she hired her first life coach. Week after week it always pointed back to the same thing - putting what other people wanted above what she wanted. After years of digging into these patterns, she now teaches other people how to untangle old beliefs and step into their greatness. Clients have described their experiences when working with Maggie as an awakening.  They felt like they were asleep for years and are finally awake. 

    While people pleasing is a main focus of what Maggie helps clients with, she also serves as a general life and mindset coach. Her superpower is seeing the emotion and inner turmoil behind the words that are being said.

    Today we’ll unpack how Maggie became aware of her own people-pleasing tendencies and then evolved into helping her to help others realize it in themselves as well. Find Maggie’s website here, and her Instagram here.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    The Internet's Best Kept Secret

    The Internet's Best Kept Secret

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This episode is coming to you from Good Hope Lake, Canada. We are officially on our way back down from Alaska! It’s been an incredible summer.

    I recently hired someone to help me with my TikTok, and I realized a really unhelpful narrative that I’ve perpetuated over the last few years. I’ve told myself that I’m the internet’s best-kept secret, and I realized that I don’t want to be a secret any longer. It’s no longer serving me, and I don’t want to feel like I’m hiding my light any longer.

    What does that mean? This is all about feeling worthy as I am, in order to be seen. If we don’t feel enough because of our childhood, or something we’ve learned over the years, we can unlearn it. It’s been really scary to admit that I didn’t feel worthy of visibility, but that’s why I’m so passionate about helping others feel worthy as they are.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    Communicate with Your Angels w/ Melissa Kitto

    Communicate with Your Angels w/ Melissa Kitto

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This week on the podcast I have a very special guest. Melissa Kitto has been communicating directly with her angels since the age of 12. Being in touch with her guidance has changed Melissa’s life, and with her, you can learn tools to connect with your angels, find your life purpose, and TRUST your inner guidance! In this episode, we tap into how you can communicate with your angels and further your spiritual journey.

    Find Melissa on Instagram, & join her FREE Live Your Purpose Challenge!

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    Your Health, Worth, & Advocating for Yourself with Chelsea Rice & Sophie Rambaud

    Your Health, Worth, & Advocating for Yourself with Chelsea Rice & Sophie Rambaud

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! This week on the podcast I have an interview with Chelsea Rice & Sophie Rambaud the hosts of the podcast Wellness Why. They discuss different health and wellness topics to help you slow down and achieve a lifestyle of moderation. Together they share their health and fitness journeys, their wellness WHY, and give you tools to develop your own WHY to help you live a full life.

    In this episode, we dive into worth, how society devalues us, and how to find our value ourselves.

    Listen to the Wellness Why podcast, and find Sophie and Chelsea on IG.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    My Messy Middle

    My Messy Middle

    Hello and happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! Hello again from Homer, Alaska! We are doing a work trade with some new friends creating an event and art space. We’re just in love with Homer. Today I want to share something I’m going through, because as my friend Erin says, I like to heal publicly, hoping that it can make anyone else feel less alone in this world.

    I’ve been sharing about our plans to live in Portugal, and we’ve been forced to pivot this trip. We found out some new information and basically, we can’t go when we planned to. Something that van life has taught me is our life changes so rapidly all the time. We often have to completely change our plans, or leave on a dime. So we reimagined it, and next week it might be totally different, but you can be along for the ride.

    We’ve decided to embrace the messy middle.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    Be Unreasonable

    Be Unreasonable

    Hello and happy Thursday, Worthiness Warriors! Hello again from Homer, Alaska! We have been experiencing nature at its finest. I want to talk about being unreasonable today. I want you to think about how unreasonable your life and dreams can be. I want you to be unreasonable in your joy, in what you create, and ask for and manifest, in doing it scared and showing up brave, and unreasonable in the kindness you offer yourself.

    I look at my life and it’s not reasonable at all, but it’s mine. It’s not perfect but it leaves me in awe on a daily basis. I don’t want my life for you, I want the life you want for you. In Doing it Scare one of the biggest things we’re talking about isn’t doing, but pushing against productivity. How to let joy be enough is one of the biggest things I talk about with my 1-on-1 clients as well.

    So naturally, allowing myself to not do anything has been something that’s been coming up. I’ve found when I don’t do, I don’t work as hard as I possibly can, and unproductivity allows those beliefs to come up, the unworthiness beliefs.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value!

    Moments of Significance

    Moments of Significance

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! Hello again from Homer, Alaska! Last week I shared the first 3 moments that give life meaning. Here they are to refresh your memory…

    1. Moments of awe

    2. Moments of connection

    3. Moments of impact

    4. Moments of significance

    Today I’d like to share the 4th, & it seemed worthy of a dedicated episode, moments of significance. These moments are typically not easy but are pivotal. Moments of significance can look like so many different things and often feel passing when you’re experiencing them, but in the long run, make you question everything. I’ll share with you my pivotal moments, and I’d love you to look at your own life through that lens.

    When I was in 7th grade my friends were trying out for the volleyball team, and so I tried out for the volleyball team but I actually wanted to play soccer. So during the volleyball tryouts, I purposely hit the ball into the net and didn’t make the team. I had a dream of making the varsity soccer team as a freshman, and once I got to high school as a freshman I was the only one on my team to not make varsity. I decided then that I would be so good, that they had no choice but to bring me up 3 games into the season.

    At the moment when you make the decision, you choose your perspective and decide how I was going to respond to adversity.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! I’ll be holding a Free Doing it Scared Workshop on June 29th, if you’d like to join sign up here!

    3 Moments of Life

    3 Moments of Life

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! Hello again from Homer, Alaska! I want you all to be the first ones to know, that I have fallen in love. I’m in love with Homer. We just got back from this peninsula that you can only access by boat, and we had to take a water taxi to stay in a yurt on the peninsula. While we were there there were 3 beautiful days of sunshine, the first days of sunshine we’ve seen and will see in a while. It was so beautiful, and we had a whole beach to ourselves. I’m telling you this, because as we were sitting there on the beach I was moved by how nature takes you out of whatever is going on in your life, in your mind.

    This all made me realize that there are 4 moments in life that give life meaning, and I’m going to go over those first three moments today. I think what society is missing is the emphasis on these moments. I wish you to build your life around these 4 things.

    1. Moments of awe

    2. Moments of connection

    3. Moments of impact

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! I’ll be holding a Free Doing it Scared Workshop on June 29th, if you’d like to join sign up here!

    How to Handle When Things Don't Go Your Way

    How to Handle When Things Don't Go Your Way

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! Hello again from Alaska! We’re moving around and spending some time in Seward, and Homer. Today I want to talk about what to do when things don’t go your way. When you have a vision that doesn’t come to life. There have been so many things in my life that have not gone the way that I expected, in fact, nothing has gone the way I wanted it to. I don’t think anything really does. It’s not up to us. It’s divine.

    Even when things don’t go as you picture, it doesn’t mean anything other than, at this moment things didn’t happen as you wanted. It could just be timing, or it could be your own growth or circumstances. Usually what happens is better than you ever dreamed, and the pivot flows. How are you going to continue to show up?

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! I’ll be holding a Free Doing it Scared Workshop on June 29th, if you’d like to join sign up here!

    Healing the Idea of Broken

    Healing the Idea of Broken

    Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! Hello from Alaska! It’s sunny for the first time in a year, and I am living for it. I saw 4 orcas today, and it seems like everything is coming out to play in the sunshine! There is something so magical about Alaska, and really the reason why I decided to do retreats. I am now booking things for a summer 2024 Alaska retreat, I cannot wait.

    Today I want to chat about brokenness, about needing to be fixed. It’s hitting me really deeply lately, and I’m finding myself judging myself. We rush to fix ourselves and make so many things about us a problem. For me it’s anxiety, but for you, it may be productivity or perfection. I continue to make myself wrong for having anxiety, beating it back with a stick. I’m making myself wrong for having something that has a reason for existing, anxiety will do me good in certain situations. There’s nothing to fix, and there is nothing wrong with us. Anxiety, depression, and anything you experience are neutral, not good or bad.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $88 a month, and an incredible value! I’ll be holding a Free Doing it Scared Workshop on June 29th, if you’d like to join sign up here!

    Create Your Own Experience

    Create Your Own Experience

    Hello and Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! We are in the middle of nowhere in Yukon, CA. It’s absolutely beautiful. We were here last year, so it’s really nice to come back on our way back to Alaska.

    Today we’ll be chatting about creating your own experiences. How many times have you listened to people’s reactions or experiences and allowed them to affect your life or experience? We love going to coffee shops everywhere we go, and we usually will only go when they have a 4.5+ rating or more. There was one in Eugene, OR that was 4.5 that we almost didn’t go to. We went, and I had an Olive Oil Latte, and it was my favorite latte I’ve ever had.

    People often say that relationships are hard. but from my experience that isn’t true. My relationship is not hard, nor do I feel the need to perpetuate that narrative. Instead of projecting that onto my relationship, I choose to have a relationship that takes work and effort but is not difficult.

    Join me for Doing it Scared, now a monthly membership community to get you out of your shell, and into living your life! Just $55 a month, and an incredible value!