

    The FemiNinja Project is about overcoming obstacles, personal empowerment, finding your voice, standing your ground, alternative health and healing, restoring human dignity one person at a time and helping YOU unleash your personal power. It is also about living well and looking good, at every stage of life.
    enCheryl Ilov300 Episodes

    Episodes (300)

    Episode #314: Living a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with Larry Stein

    Episode #314: Living a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with Larry Stein

    Larry Stein is a speaker, mentor, author, CEO, and investment advisor. His book titled “Free to Speak: My Journey from Stuttering to Public Speaking,” chronicles his own personal journey of stuttering and how he finally found his voice. 

    Larry describes how he struggled with stuttering for decades, and how it dominated his life, compromised his career, impacted his relationships, and caused him recurring bouts of devastating depression. Finally, at the age of 55, he developed strategies which not only changed his life, but also the lives of the people he now mentors.

    Today, Larry runs the business of his dreams, is a public speaker, and mentors people who stutter all over the world, free of charge. He explains how finding his voice was a gift which changed his life, and he is passionate about helping others do the same.     

    Larry shares how he finally changed his paradigm from victim mentality to exploring his speech instead. He includes valuable information and tips which can be applied not only to stuttering, but to a variety of different life challenges we might face.

    His book takes the reader inside the mind of a small child all the way through the entire life of a stutterer, including the two year stretch when Larry improved his speech and transformed his life forever.

    Download this poignant and heartfelt episode to hear Larry’s remarkable story and discover how you can start living a life beyond your wildest dreams.

    QUOTE: “There may not be a solution, but there is always a way forward.” 

    disciplined-investment.com (Disciplined Investment)






    Episode #313: Permanently Eliminate Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life with Daniel Packard

    Episode #313: Permanently Eliminate Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life with Daniel Packard

    Daniel Packard is an Anxiety Solution Pioneer and a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer, who turned his painful 10-year-long battle with severe anxiety into a mission to engineer a permanent solution for anxiety. 

    After eight years of intensive research and testing, Daniel and his research developed the world’s only permanent anxiety solution program with a 90% success rate. And because he is so passionate about achieving results, his company is the only emotional health company in the world where clients only pay at the end, once their anxiety is completely resolved. Daniel also has a background in acting and has had fifteen years’ experience as a stand-up comedian.   

    Daniel’s father was an inventor, who told him that if something isn’t working, invent something better. Daniel was so fascinated by this philosophy as well as his dad’s creations, that when mountain bikes burst onto the scene, instead of buying one he built his own, eventually earning his degree in Mechanical Engineering.

    Through his own struggles with anxiety, spending $100,000 over ten years with no results, he finally decided to look at anxiety through the eyes of an engineer. Which is to see a problem, find a solution, test, and retest the results until the problem is solved.

    Daniel explains that he started looking at anxiety as a mechanical problem, not a psychological one, since he realized that anxiety is in the body, not the mind. He further describes that the human body consists of a series of systems, and the one which was broken was being ignored, which was the nervous system. Which is why he and his team focused on the nervous system, and developed the 6-week program called Nervous System Reset which has helped hundreds of individual clients but also over 3,000 people at over 300 companies and universities all over the world.  

    Daniel’s unique background as an engineer as well as an actor and comedian makes for a fascinating, enlightening, and entertaining episode, where he explains the mechanics of anxiety, why it took an engineer to solve the problem, and why the mental health and self-improvement industry owe their followers an apology.

    Download this informative episode with its positive message of hope and healing. Because Daniel passionately believes another important lesson his dad told him years ago, which is that if you really want to make people's lives better, results matter. And because results do matter, no one has to live with anxiety, and all of us can find our path to permanently eliminate it and reclaim our lives.  





    QUOTE: “Anxiety is a feeling of being unsafe, which is mechanical, not psychological.”  

    Episode #312: The Medical Matrix and the 100 Year Heart with Dr. Jack Wolfson

    Episode #312: The Medical Matrix and the 100 Year Heart with Dr. Jack Wolfson

    Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board -certified cardiologist, best-selling author, husband, father, and the nation’s #1 natural heart doctor. 

    For over two decades, more than a million people have experienced the transformational power of his courses and events. He is named one of America’s top Functional Medicine Doctors and is a five-time winner of the Natural Choice Awards as a holistic MD. His book titled “The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health,” was an Amazon #1 Best-Seller. He and his team are passionate about preventing, treating, and reversing heart disease naturally while reducing and/or eliminating pharmaceuticals and dangerous surgeries.

    Dr. Wolfson explains that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death around the world, which has become a pandemic which modern medicine cannot cure. He also describes how the current medical model is broken, keeping patients sick and often making them worse instead of getting to the root cause of the problem. His father was also a cardiologist as well as his role model and hero, who was diagnosed with a rare brain disease similar to Parkinson’s. Doctors had no idea why this was happening, and even the experts at the Mayo Clinic couldn’t help him.   

     Then Dr. Wolfson met a young woman who was destined to become his wife, partner, and mother of their four children. Without even meeting his father, she was able to tell him the cause of what was making him sick. Unfortunately, it was too late to help his dad, but not too late to help others. The same woman was a Doctor of Chiropractic medicine, helped pull him out of the haze of modern medicine, and into the realm of natural healing and alternative health.

    He shares his fascinating story along with many valuable information and tips to live a healthy, natural life free from toxins and harmful chemicals, how to follow his natural “prescription” to “Eat Well, Live Well, and Think Well,” along with the secret to the 100 year heart.

    Download this empowering and information packed episode to learn how you could live the healthy life you were meant to have by living naturally, by taking charge of your life, and by getting out of the medical matrix.    

    QUOTE: I believe that living in a home with water damage is the #1 killer around the world.  






    Episode #311: Healing Pain from the Ground Up with Gregory Stern

    Episode #311: Healing Pain from the Ground Up with Gregory Stern

    Gregory Stern is the Chief Foot Officer and Owner of From the Ground Up Physiotherapy, where he helps people get to the root cause of their pain by teaching them to move their entire body in new ways to wake up sleepy muscles and introduce new and healthy movement patterns. 

    Greg’s chief mission is to help guide people through their own path of self-discovery, to not only be pain-free, but to thrive in every aspect of their life each and every day.

    He shares how a simple ankle sprain sustained at the age of nineteen spiraled out of control into a chronic problem which caused constant foot, back, and hip pain, which impacted him physically and mentally for five years. Although he was planning on going to medical school, he decided to earn his master’s degree in physical therapy instead.   

    Greg describes how he became obsessed with learning and understanding how the body moves, experimenting and learning from some of the best therapists and movement experts from around the world. As a result, he made a complete recovery, is living a pain free life, playing the sports he loves, and is enjoying freedom in movement that he never experienced before in his life. And now he is passionate about helping others do the same.

    Download this episode with its positive message of hope and healing, and learn how we can all move better, feel better, and live better by healing from the ground up.








    Episode #310: Fearless Flying and VASK Therapy with Victoria Ann Spencer-Kibble

    Episode #310: Fearless Flying and VASK Therapy with Victoria Ann Spencer-Kibble

    Victoria Ann Spencer-Kibble is a former flight attendant and flight supervisor who flew during the 9/11 era. She is also the founder and owner of VASK Therapy, a technique which helps people overcome their fear of flying, especially those who struggle with autoimmune disorders. 

    Victoria loved her job and working with the public, but stopped flying when she lost her beloved husband in a tragic accident, leaving her to raise her two young children on her own. Over the next four years, Victoria struggled with the intense grief, anxiety, stress, financial strain, and life-threatening illness, until she transformed herself through Rapid Specialist Hypnotherapy.

    She now helps others overcome their fear of flying as well as overcome autoimmune disorders and symptoms by reducing stress and inflammation to give them the health and energy to fly fearlessly and with confidence.      

    Victoria shares her remarkable story along with her heart and passion for helping others. She also takes the listeners behind the scenes of the aircraft and cockpit, describing the extensive safety measures used by the airlines and seamlessly performed by the flight attendants, ensuring the safety and comfort of their passengers.

    She also explains how stress impacts our immune system, the destructive nature of inflammation, the power of somatic emotion, and how we can reverse the process to live a full and healthy life.

    Download this powerful episode to hear Victoria’s story along with her remarkable snark and humor, and learn how you can reverse the symptoms of autoimmune disorders as well as fly fearlessly and with confidence!   







    Join Victoria’s  FREE FBG for Fear Of Flying Emotional Support here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearofflyingemotionalsupport/

    Purchase your ticket to FLY! https://vasktherapy.com/meditation-audios/


    Episode #309: The Secrets to Unlimited Success with John Brink

    Episode #309: The Secrets to Unlimited Success with John Brink

    John Brink is a best-selling author, body builder,  fitness expert, CEO and owner of over ten companies, survivor, and thriver, who was born in Nazi-occupied Holland during WWII. He is also the author of three books and host of the On The Brink podcast series. He is also a fierce advocate for erasing the stigma of ADHD, something he has lived with his entire life.  

    John shares his story of growing up in harsh warlike conditions, and the horrors and hunger he experienced as a small child. From the time he could walk, his days often consisted of foraging for food with his brother and sister, surrounded by death and destruction, especially during the hunger winter of 1944/45. His mother was left to raise her three kids alone when their father was drafted into the Dutch Army. They wouldn’t know if he was dead or alive until the liberation of their village, by Canadian soldiers, on April 12, 1945.

    This was the exact moment when John determined he would one day move to Canada - the land of his heroes. He was only five years old when this decision was made. Like many others who lived through that time, John has lived his entire life with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resulting from being in a warzone.

    John describes how he finally made his dream come true, ultimately emigrating to Canada in July 1965, arriving in Prince George with $25.47 in his pocket. His journey in life and business has been filled with highs and lows. However, through his entire life, the one thing which has remained constant is John’s optimistic attitude, passion for entrepreneurship, and relentless work ethic.

    Download this powerful episode to hear John’s story and his infectious optimism, positivity, sense of humor, and how you can discover the secrets to his success.           







    Episode #308: How Dogs Help Their Men Transform Stress into Peace with Michael Overlie

    Episode #308: How Dogs Help Their Men Transform Stress into Peace with Michael Overlie

    Michael Overlie is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach who helps dogs, and their men transform stress into peace by using his signature D.O.G. method. He is the author of the book titled “Let Your Dog Lead: Musings on how to Create an Exceptional Life,” and co-author of “The Change17: Insights Into Self-Empowerment.”

    He is also the founder of the non-profit called “Save Two,” which focuses on saving lives at both ends of the leash. Michael shares his personal story of how his own dog literally saved his life at a young age when his father abruptly left his family, leaving them to fend for themselves. Looking back, he realized that his dogs have always been a huge part of his life and how he has always had a special bond with them.

    Michael also explains the importance of the relationship between men and their dogs, and how often times their dog is their primary source of support and understanding. As a coach, Michael funnels this relationship to help men through their healing journey, regardless of what it may be.

    He shares how his own healing journey shaped his desire and his passion to help others, which inspired him to start his non-profit program, and how he is building a strong community and network reaching with other like-minded non-profits and organizations.  

    Download this enlightening, informative, and very entertaining episode to hear Michael’s story along with his fantastic sense of humor, and discover how dogs can help all of us transform our stress into peace.     





    Episode #307: Re-Discovering Your True Self with Nichole Lee

    Episode #307: Re-Discovering Your True Self with Nichole Lee

    Nichole Lee is a Trauma-Informed Multi-Disciplinary Healer, Intuitive Guide, Life Transition Coach, Speaker, Well-Being Educator and Transformative Retreat Curator who is recognized for her unique and holistic approach to personal fulfillment and transformation. 

    Known affectionately as “the woman who gives you your life back,” Nichole is dedicated to guiding individuals, particularly those who have achieved much success yet seek deeper meaning as well as a path to living more joyful and fulfilling lives. She is also the host of the global podcast called Transcending Identity, where she engages her audience in insightful discussions about personal transcendence, transformation, and triumph.

    Nichole describes how her journey towards becoming a catalyst for personal fulfillment was profoundly shaped by a pivotal moment in 2018 when she lost her mother to cancer. That experience led her to a deeper exploration of life’s purpose and the legacy she aspired to create, influencing her approach as a healer, guide, and coach.

    She shares many of her profound and valuable insights she gleaned from her journey, including the factors which impact our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, the importance of self-education regarding our health and wellness, the value of adding playtime into our life, the power of joy over happiness, and how the human essence of our stories and sharing them give each other hope, faith, and belief for a better life.

    Download this positive, informative, and uplifting episode to hear Nichole’s story and learn valuable tools to learn her YOU can re-discover your true self!     

    QUOTE: “The greatest gift you can give to the world is being your authentic self.”  






    Episode #306: Overcome Fear and Achieve Freedom with Damon Nichols

    Episode #306: Overcome Fear and Achieve Freedom with Damon Nichols

    Damon Nichols is an entrepreneur, Reform Coach, keynote speaker, business owner, and best-selling author of the book titled “The Breakout Blueprint.”

    After spending many years in and out of jails, prisons as well as other institutions, and dealing with drug addiction, Damon has overcome life changing trauma and worked many deep dark areas of his life to become a successful entrepreneur and live a meaningful and intentional life. 

    Along the way he has gained many insights and learned a multitude of valuable tools and life skills during his personal journey of healing his own severe traumas. And now he is passionate about helping others and sharing these tools with the world.

    Damon shares his story of growing up in a dysfunctional household as a child while looking out for his younger brother at the same time. Bouncing from several different homes and different schools, he began having issues at the age of thirteen, eventually resulting in substance abuse and multiple arrests and incarcerations. 

    His life spiraled out of control with meth, cocaine, and other substances, becoming even worse when a tragic car accident killed his wife and severely injured his two sons. Damon explains how he was stuck in a horrible cycle of self-destruction fueled by guilt, shame, and self-loathing. 

    Download this episode to hear Damon’s incredible story of recovery, redemption, and self-forgiveness. Discover  how he managed to turn his life around, and learn how you can overcome fear and achieve freedom.  






    Episode #305: The Strength and Determination of a Warrior Mom with Tracy Slepcevic

    Episode #305: The Strength and Determination of a Warrior Mom with Tracy Slepcevic

    Tracy Slepcevic is a Certified Integrative Health Coach, Speaker, Air Force Veteran, mother, and the bestselling author of Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey In Healing Her Son with Autism. 

    She is educated in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and has dedicated over 14 years to researching various treatments and therapies for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Over the years, she has worked with various doctors, scientists, advocates, and researchers, and she has made it her mission to educate families on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

    The rate of autism continues to climb. Warrior Mom is all about addressing the underlying biological conditions that plague our children so they can live a healthier, more functional life. It is an alternative approach to healing and gives parents and listeners information on alternative treatments and therapies, including options for alternative medicine, nutrition, schooling, therapies, and more.

    Tracy shares her own personal story of having a child diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Along with the diagnosis came a dire prognosis from the medical experts who told her that her son would never be able to function on his own and require constant care and supervision.

    Instead of accepting such a dire future for her young son, Tracy immediately went into Warrior Mom mode, doing extensive research in the realm of nutrition, health, and a biomedical approach to healing her son. As a result, her son is a fully functioning healthy young adult, thanks to Tracy’s refusal to give up on her son.

    Download this inspiring and encouraging episode with its powerful message of hope and healing as well as how we can all find the strength and determination of a Warrior Mom.     









    Episode #304: Overcoming the Victim Mentality with Jack Sernett

    Episode #304: Overcoming the Victim Mentality with Jack Sernett

    Jack Sernett is a professional keynote speaker and Certified Mindset Coach who has overcome many obstacles in his 29 years of life, which include battling a chronic illness, spending over 800 days in the hospital, having 22 surgeries, mental health challenges, an eating disorder, and more.

    He sincerely believes these obstacles have been put in his life to provide him with the opportunity to “grow” instead of “go” through adversity. And now, it is his life’s work to teach as many people as possible how to overcome adversity, eliminate the victim mentality, and improve their mental health by sharing his story and positive message of hope and healing at universities, colleges, high schools, middle schools, conferences, and events.   

    Jack shares how he was plagued with sickness and injuries at a young age, but never really learned how to deal with them, resulting in a victim mentality and a self-sabotaging mindset. Until he decided to change the trajectory of his life by changing what was going on between his ears.

    He describes his life as pre-twenty-three and post twenty-three. Pre-twenty-three he was the self-proclaimed king of victim mentality. Post twenty-three he had a lot of downtime with a prolonged hospitalization, providing him the opportunity to practice more positive ways to respond to adversity and mastering his emotions.

    Jack shares valuable insights regarding how to respond to adversity including how to love your destiny and use it for personal growth, how to focus on what you can control, how to practice strategic adversity, how (and why) to include Belgium horses in your circle of friends, and having the courage to ask for help. He also explains that you are in control of your own personal thermostat, rather than at its mercy.

    Download this powerful and insightful episode to hear Jack’s positive message and how we can all take our power back by overcoming the victim mentality. And please share it with everyone you know who needs to hear his uplifting and encouraging message of hope.   







    Episode #303: Health and Wellness for a New Generation with Simon Lüthi

    Episode #303: Health and Wellness for a New Generation with Simon Lüthi

    Simon Luthi is Chief Wellness Officer of Sacred Healing LLC, and the Creator of Applied Neuro-Cellular Therapy, which combines modern technology and ancient wisdom into a unique and powerful healing modality. He is also a Corporate Strategist, and Alternative Medicine Practitioner.

    He is also the CEO and founder of Healthee Inc., a unique Wellness-as-a-Service software platform, helping companies save money on healthcare costs, and encouraging their employees to stay or get healthy, and the founder and chief wellness officer at Sacred Healing LLC, where he has leveraged a personal health crisis to enhance the well-being of 300+ clients with a focus on healing trauma, physical pain, and mental and emotional limitations.

    Simon is on a mission to change the way we think about healthcare and stress management. He draws on his 30 plus years of corporate experience and his own health journey to provide health and wellness solutions to both employers and individuals.

    He shares his personal story of being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder without hope of recovery until he went to Switzerland and discovered the root cause of his illness. He received chelation therapy to remove the heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins in his body, resulting in a complete recovery, only to be diagnosed with cancer a few years later.

    Fortunately, the cancer was very curable, and after a full recovery, Simon launched his journey into alternative health and healing. He now provides services to help others take their own power back regarding their own health and healing.

    Simon shares valuable information regarding a new generation of health and wellness, including how we can work towards a health system which focuses on keeping us healthy, how to change the script regarding health and healing, the power of the mind, the impact of positive affirmations, and the value of spending time in nature and loving yourself.

    If you value your health, this episode is for you! Download it today and share it with everyone you care about, as well as anyone who is interested in creating a new generation in health and healing!   






    Enjoy a complimentary 15 minute meditation: https://www.sacredhealing.us/meditations


    Episode #302: Winning the One-Horse Race of Life with Shane Jacob

    Episode #302: Winning the One-Horse Race of Life with Shane Jacob

    Shane Jacob is a Certified Life Coach, Professional Horseman, Entrepreneur, Author, and host of The Horsemanship Journey podcast, who combines horsemanship with personal development empower people to find and use their horsepower within to develop the confidence and strength to blast past their perceived weaknesses and become whomever they desire.

    Shane launched The Horsemanship Journey in 2021, and it has become the leader in personal development for horse people. The great horsemen have always known that in order to have the best outcomes with horses, the primary focus needs to begin within ourselves. The Horsemanship Journey combined that idea with a proven system and made it available for everyone who is interested in pursuing excellence. His core message is that your value is immeasurable regardless of what you have done., and his mission is to help people improve their horse experience and to have happier lives through living with purpose on purpose.

    Shane shares his personal experience of growing up on a sheep ranch in Central Utah where riding horses was part of everyday life. He also describes how his low self-esteem and self-image eventually led him to a path of addiction, until he finally made the decision to quit drinking for good. He chronicles his journey to recovery with candor and humor, sharing many insights and stories that a lot of us can relate to.       

    He also shares how he decided to take the many important and valuable life lessons he has learned from horses. How horses can help us with everything from our relationships, problem solving, setting goals, and finding our courage and confidence. Shane’s enthusiasm and positive energy is so contagious you’ll want to listen to his story over and over again.   

    Download this episode to hear his story and the powerful lessons and horse sense you can use to win the one horse race of life!     







    Episode #301: Walking the Camino de Santiago with Reino Gevers

    Episode #301: Walking the Camino de Santiago with Reino Gevers

    Reino Gevers is an author, mentor, speaker, and walker, who decided to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage path for the first time in 2006 when he was at a low point in his life. That experience changed his life forever. Since then, he has walked this ancient path more than a dozen times, leading to life changing spiritual insights and transformation. His mission is to serve others to help them find their passion, purpose, and authenticity. 

    He is the author of the thought-provoking novel, “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago,” the enlightening non-fiction book, “Deep Walking for Body Mind and Soul,” and  his latest book, “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living.”

    In addition to his literary pursuits, Reino shares his wisdom and inspiration through his regular weekly Podcast and Blog, "Living to Be." Dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace their true purpose and live authentically, his engaging content offers practical guidance, mindful practices, and uplifting insights.

    Reino shares his personal experience of walking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage path for the first time and the many lessons and insights he learned, which drove him to pursue a deeper wisdom and understanding of his own life’s purpose by returning to the trail, gaining even more insight each time.







    Episode #300: Take Charge of Your Health without Pharmaceuticals with Darlene Greene

    Episode #300: Take Charge of Your Health without Pharmaceuticals with Darlene Greene

    Darlene Greene is a GHK-CU and Stem Cell Activation Technology Consultant who helps you activate your stem cells, repair DNA, reverse aging,  improve the health and function of your brain, cardiovascular and pulmonary system, and eliminate pain.

    She is also a retired US Navy Commander who helped establish the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop which helps warriors and their families reintegrate successfully. Darlene has had an incredible and diverse career, including as the Former Dean of Girls, Culver Girls Academy At Culver Academies and Former Vice President Strategic Technology Partner at McAfee.

    Darlene now focuses on helping people optimize their health, get to the root causes of issues which are causing illness, and eliminate pain without drugs or pharmaceuticals. She shares the affordable photo biomodulation technology she wished she knew about four years ago when her husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. After a four year long steep progressive decline, he experienced dramatic improvement in his memory, energy, engagement, sleep, and task capabilities in his first week of using this photo biomodulation technology. And now she’s on a mission to share this incredible technology and powerful natural healing capabilities with the world.  

    Download this fascinating and powerful message of hope and healing to discover how you can take charge of your health and heal naturally, without pharmaceuticals.  




    Episode #299: Rock Your Blocks with Denise Miceli

    Episode #299: Rock Your Blocks with Denise Miceli

    Denise Miceli is a captivating and compassionate guide, coach, and mentor who facilitates transformative change and fosters positive growth for her clients. 

    With profound expertise in energy healing, intuitive coaching, and approach to authenticity, Denise empowers individuals to embrace self-awareness and embark on a journey of healing, meditation, breathwork, and body mind release to facilitate natural healing experiences which last a lifetime.    

    Denise shares how she discovered her natural sense of intuition and empathy at a very young age, which led her to pursue a path of self-education in meditation and yoga, even teaching her young classmates how to meditate when she was in the 3rd grade, raising the eyebrows and the attention of the nuns in the Catholic school she attended.

    She also shares many valuable pearls of wisdom and information including the importance of self-awareness, how to leverage mindfulness, the power of subconscious healing, and how our words and thoughts impact our feelings and actions. Denise also explains the power of neuroplasticity, the incredible flexibility and malleability of our nervous systems, and how her work taps into this miracle of nature to make gentle but effective and long lasting change so help us break through the blocks that are holding us back from living our best lives.   

    Download this powerful episode to hear her story and discover how you can unlock the secrets of subconscious healing and rock your blocks to achieve ultimate health and healing. You do not want to miss this!  






    Episode #298: The Heart of Being a Man with George @thetinmen

    Episode #298: The Heart of Being a Man with George @thetinmen

    George, simply known as @thetinmen, is a blogger and advocate who is broadening perspectives and conversations regarding men. He shares uncomfortable conversations and ugly truths that others don’t want to talk about, along with the unpopular other half of gender equality, and men’s mental health. 

    He courageously and unapologetically shares valuable information and statistics regarding how men are treated in today’s society, including being marginalized, denigrated, and disrespected. Through creating important content and developing a strong community of followers, George exposes the myths regarding the role of men in society, in the educational system, in relationships, and the horrific statistics regarding depression, mental health issues, and the epidemic of suicide among men.

    Download this fascinating episode and discover why George’s message is having such a positive impact, why it really isn’t controversial, why so many of his followers happen to be women, and the heart of being a man.    


    Episode #297: Nerds, Neurons, and Health…Oh My! with Dr. Kelly Olson

    Episode #297: Nerds, Neurons, and Health…Oh My! with Dr. Kelly Olson

    Dr. Kelly Olson is a former law enforcement officer turned molecular nerd. She is an experienced neuroscientist, author, and keynote speaker who believes that assessing and addressing disease requires an integrative approach. Her ability to illuminate molecular misadventures which lead to disease is what makes her work extraordinary. She consistently proves that a splash of nerdy plus a big dose of passion goes a long way, and that a healthy body begins with a healthy mind. 

    Kelly shares her incredible passion for learning as well as teaching and educating her clients and her audiences how to make small changes that lead to healthy habits and ultimate wellness. She explains the molecular component of health, and how to maximize our body’s own ability to regulate itself. She also shares valuable information that we can apply to all aspects of our health and wellness, the importance of maintaining a positive and healthy mindset, and most of all that we are never too old and it’s never too late to pursue healthy habits.

    Download this positive, energetic, and uplifting episode to hear her story along with fantastic information regarding how we can all live a healthy life by getting nerdy, growing our neurons, and following a few simple steps. There is so much fantastic information in this episode you’ll want to listen to it over and over and over again!  








    Episode #296: Emotional Fitness with Drama Therapist Nina Garcia

    Episode #296: Emotional Fitness with Drama Therapist Nina Garcia

    Nina Garcia is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Registered Drama Therapist, and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional who is passionate about creatively supporting people to redefine their relationship to trauma, emotional drama, and intersectional identity. 

    While specializing in trauma, Nina has a unique interest in empowering people with mixed identities and diverse narratives to heal from traumatic invalidation. As a therapist in private practice, empowerment consultant, and host of the Empowered Human with Nina Garcia podcast, she is proud to empower people from all walks of life to own their truth, without oppressing themselves and without oppressing others in the process.  

    Nina describes how singing, dancing, and drama have always been part of her life and her personality, resulting in her obtaining a degree and launching a career in musical theater. As much as she loved being on stage and performing, one day she realized that she wanted more, and she wanted to teach the same skills to others, which brought her to teaching drama to high school students.

    As much as she loved her students and she loved teaching, she realized that a lot of them were struggling with difficult life and family situations without the tools and the skills needed to deal with them. In an effort to learn the skills she needed to help them and others who might be suffering with emotional issues, Nina found a way to combine her love for drama and desire to help people become emotionally fit and healthy, she earned her master’s degree in drama therapy, and eventually opened her own private practice.

    Nina shares her story with dynamic energy, enthusiasm, positive messages and pearls of wisdom. As well as a bit of drama and some fantastic vocals along the way.

    Download this positive and upbeat episode to hear her story and learn how a little bit of drama can help all of us find emotional fitness in our lives.       





    Episode #295: Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month with Carl Berryman

    Episode #295: Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month with Carl Berryman

    Carl Berryman is a Certified Personal Trainer, Men’s Health Advocate and Coach with a focus on men’s mental health as well as their physical health and well-being. He is also the host of the Inspired by Impact podcast, and recently hosted a series of multi-guest episodes in recognition of Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month.  

    Carl shares his passion for helping men support each other in their life’s journey, creating a community of brothers and brotherhood where men can freely express their emotions and mental health struggles, without judgement or fear of ridicule. He openly and honestly describes his own mental health issues, which almost ended in suicide, until he finally took the steps he needed to begin his healing journey. And now he helps other men do the same.  

    Carl also shares the statistics regarding depression in men, often as a result of feeling isolated, shame, guilt, and not being enough. Unfortunately, this frequently ends in suicide. The good news is that Carl and his community of brothers are working hard to break the cycle by raising awareness and helping each other.  

    Download this informative and heartfelt episode to hear his important message and to help bring awareness to men’s mental health, and how we can prevent the terrible statistics regarding men’s suicide.




