

    The FemiNinja Project is about overcoming obstacles, personal empowerment, finding your voice, standing your ground, alternative health and healing, restoring human dignity one person at a time and helping YOU unleash your personal power. It is also about living well and looking good, at every stage of life.
    enCheryl Ilov300 Episodes

    Episodes (300)

    Episode #294: The Warrior Spirit and Facing the Dragon with Jayson Downing

    Episode #294: The Warrior Spirit and Facing the Dragon with Jayson Downing

    Jayson Downing is a former Marine Corps Captain and combat veteran with multiple overseas deployments. He holds multiple graduate degrees with honors and has worked as a college professor and business consultant. 

    Jayson is also an author. His recently released book is titled “Reawakening the Warrior Spirit: Exploring What It Means to Be a Warrior in the Modern West,” which engages some of the most challenging topics of the day from the unique perspective of the military Warrior Mindset.     

    He shares his personal story of always being drawn to service, with both of his grandfathers having served in WWII. He was especially drawn to the Marine Corps, who seemed to live differently, holding themselves to a high standard of achievement and service in every aspect of their lives. Jayson describes the warrior spirit as the spirit which enables us to confront the opportunities and challenges we encounter in life confidently, courageously, and honorably.

    Jayson also shares many valuable tips and important information to help you discover and unleash your own inner warrior, how to silence the voice of imposter syndrome, how to find your purpose, the grand adventure of trying new things, the four primary virtues of a warrior, and the power of “facing the dragon.”

    Download this fascinating and informative episode to hear Jayson’s many words of wisdom and discover how you can find your warrior spirit as well as the courage and confidence to face the dragon. You do not want to miss this!          

    Episode #293: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Becoming Unstoppable with David Falco

    Episode #293: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Becoming Unstoppable with David Falco

    David Falco is the founder and owner of the Inner Anthem Academy, who has always been an underdog, which caused him to be creative and resourceful in life as well as his business. 

    He built a brick-and-mortar gym by using old equipment purchased from garage sales, thrift stores, and Craigslist. With over 16 years’ experience in the fitness industry, he went from making $15/session to growing a multi-6-fgure income online program which encompasses the United States, Italy, and Korea.  

    David’s mission is to help people see their challenges as blessings rather than burdens, and to overcome self-sabotage with a focus on overcoming their personal demons.

    He shares his personal story about growing up without a strong father figure, running away from home at 17, and going out on his own at 18. As a result, he had to develop strong problem-solving skills as well as critical thinking skills. Those skills along with his resilience, determination, and tenacity of spirit helped him become successful in his professional and personal life.

    David also explains his unique approach to working with his students by addressing their belief system, self-image, and addressing what happens outside the gym as well as in it.

    Download this very positive, uplifting, and motivating episode to hear his story and discover how you can overcome obstacles and become unstoppable.



    https://www.insta gram.com/david.f.falco/

    Episode #292: Healing Is Always Possible with Megan Connor

    Episode #292: Healing Is Always Possible with Megan Connor

    Megan Connor is a mother, author, coach, and survivor. She is the author of two books, one titled “I Walked Through Fire to Get Here,” and “100 Ways to Practice Self-Care: Meaningful ways to relax, de-stress, and prioritize your mental health.” 

    Megan is the mother of six spectacular human beings and a breaker of generational trauma cycles. She experienced her own trauma when she was trafficked in a child pornography ring from the age of seven to eleven. As a result of the trauma, she spent almost forty years in abusive relationships before finally learning how to break free through her journey of healing. She now helps others recover from trauma and heal their relationships, beginning with their relationship with themselves.

    Megan shares her own personal story of trauma and subsequent recovery, as well as important information and valuable tips on how to protect ourselves and our children from grooming and abuse, how to recognize and get out of abusive relationships, and how to heal the most important relationship we have—the one with ourselves.

    Download this powerful episode to hear Megan’s story, and how to heal your relationship with yourself.    







    Episode #291: Shifting Your Mindset and Taking Control of Your Life with Debbie Weiss

    Episode #291: Shifting Your Mindset and Taking Control of Your Life with Debbie Weiss

    Debbie Weiss is a best-selling author, coach, speaker, and podcaster who inspires women to take control of their lives by harnessing their inner power regardless of their circumstances. 

    With over 50 years’ experience dealing with some of life’s toughest challenges, Debbie is an expert in chasing your own dreams in spite of your circumstances. She is the author of the book titled “On Second Thought, Maybe I Can,” and co-author of the Amazon best-selling collaborative book “Heart Whispers.” She is also an entrepreneur, running both an insurance agency and her online store, “A Sprinkle of Hearts.”  She hosts the Maybe I Can podcast and is a family caregiver and mother.

    Debbie has overcome her own limiting beliefs and fears, allowing her to live her best life and it is her passion to help others do the same. She shares her personal story of having an epiphany when she turned 50 and she realized that she was stuck in a victim mentality, which was controlling her life.

     She decided she needed to make a change, so she changed the script, took matters into her own hands, and began her journey of transformation by taking small steps, and the first one on her list was to get healthy. That one small step led to another, and another, with Debbie eventually overcoming her own limiting beliefs and fears, allowing her to live her best life.

    Download this uplifting and positive episode to hear her story along with valuable pearls of wisdom on how you can shift your mindset and take control of your life!         








    Episode #290: Save Your Thyroid with Dr. Eric Osansky

    Episode #290: Save Your Thyroid with Dr. Eric Osansky

    Dr. Eric Osansky is a chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, and certified functional medicine practitioner with over 20 years’ experience in health and wellness who has been helping people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions since 2009. 

    Dr. Osansky was personally diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2008 and has been in remission ever since 2009 after taking a natural treatment approach. He now implements these same natural treatment protocols to help others with thyroid and autoimmune conditions.

    He is the author of two books titled, “Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease,” and “Hashimoto’s Triggers.” He is also the host of the Save My Thyroid podcast.”

    Dr. Osansky shares his vast amount of medical knowledge, experience, and expertise in this episode, including valuable information regarding the treatment options as well as prevention for Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disorder, and other autoimmune diseases. He explains the symptoms of these diseases as well as the various treatment options, including both traditional and natural treatment methods.

    He also shares great information on how to prevent autoimmune disease by creating a better environment by decreasing the amount of toxins we are exposed to. This episode is full of fantastic information that can benefit each and every one of us who want to improve the quality of our health and wellness. Download it today and share it with your friends and family to get started and learn how you can be healthy and save your thyroid at the same time.       







    Episode #289: Stay Younger, Live Longer, and Die Healthy with Al Lyman

    Episode #289: Stay Younger, Live Longer, and Die Healthy with Al Lyman

    Al Lyman is an author, speaker, and coach, who made a conscious decision to “die healthy” when he was twenty-five. 

    Ever since that day, Al made it his goal to learn how to create good health and vitality, and to share what he learned to empower others to do the same. He is known as The Age Optimizer, helping people live stronger in their second half, and specialized in age-related health coaching for mature adults who are determined to beat “the doctor dance” and take back their lives.

    Al is the author of the book titled “Age Well & Feel Great: The Proven Path to Solving the Aging Puzzle & Going the Distance.” He is also the creator of B.E.A.T. Aging Transformation.  

    Al shares his personal story of being bullied when he was young, not being interested in physical activity, and being the last kid to be picked to play on a team. Eventually, he discovered that physical activity could help him with his strength and endurance, so he began running.

    During his pursuit of physical fitness, Al became fascinated with health and longevity, immersing himself in information regarding health, wellness, fitness, and anti-aging. His journey includes multiple professional certifications and businesses, and helping thousands of individuals take back their health, beat the doctor dance, and live stronger in their second half of life.

    Download this positive and uplifting episode which is full of valuable information as well as a message of hope for fitness and vitality so you can stay younger, live longer, and die healthy.      








    Episode #288: Putting Purpose Over Pleasure and Finding Your Passion with Justin Crane

    Episode #288: Putting Purpose Over Pleasure and Finding Your Passion with Justin Crane

    Justin Crane is a Special Forces Veteran who spent 12 years in the military, which was his passion. He started his military career as a rescue swimmer, rescuing multiple people in Hurricane Katrina along with many other rescues as well. He also worked for an elite military unit in Iraq, executing special operations missions. 

    Justin left the military due to medical reasons, which resulted in losing his passion, his purpose, and leading him down a dark path of depression, drugs, alcohol, and contemplating suicide. Until the day he woke up, took control of his life, and re-discovered his passion and purpose. And now he helps others do the same.

     Justin shares his remarkable story of personal transformation and reclaiming his physical and mental health by implementing daily habits and changing his mindset, including many valuable tips how we can all do the same.   

    Download this positive and empowering episode to hear Justin’s story and discover how you can put purpose over pleasure and find your own passion.  



    Episode #287: Flying with Dad and Living Our Dreams with Yvonne Caputo

    Episode #287: Flying with Dad and Living Our Dreams with Yvonne Caputo

    Yvonne Caputo has been a storyteller all her life. As a teacher, psychotherapist, corporate trainer, and consultant, she used stories to widen the eyes of her students and clients. 

     She is also the author of two books titled “Flying with Dad” which was published in 2019, and “Dying with Dad,” which was published in 2022. Yvonne has master’s degrees in both education and psychology, loves history and traveling, lives in Southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband Kirk and their Bernedoodle, Ellie.

     Yvonne shares her story of how her relationship with her father, a WWII veteran, completely changed after her dad told her a quirky and entertaining story that happened during his service overseas. That one story led to a flood of more stories, prompting Yvonne to writing her first book, “Flying with Dad.”

     She explains how these stories and the sharing of them deepened their relationship, creating a bond between them that had not existed before, resulting in Yvonne discovering the father she always wanted, and how her dad discovered the daughter he never knew.

    This beautiful and heartwarming episode highlights the importance of sharing our stories, creating deep and meaningful relationships with our elders, and passing these stories on to future generations.

    Download this episode to hear Yvonne’s story, learn about her incredible family history, and why she believes that we all need to just live our dreams.    




    Episode #286: Be a Better Being with Michelle Zellner

    Episode #286: Be a Better Being with Michelle Zellner

    Michelle Zellner is an author, speaker, health and happiness strategist, Founder of Better Beings, creator of the You Revolution, YOU Revolution Youniversity, and host of the Better Being Podcast. 

    As a former competitive gymnast, exercise has always been an integral part of her life. After earning her master’s degree in Kinesiology, she launched her own business called Better Beings, providing personal training services. Michelle eventually expanded her services to help people not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

    Her tagline is Better Minds, Better Bodies, Better Beings. Her book is titled “The YOU Revolution: the Journey of a Better Being, followed by another passion project called “The PFF is your BFF Handbook: a Simple Guide to Fueling Your Busy Body.”

    Michelle describes the many life lessons she learned as a competitive gymnast, along with her journey into the world of personal training before it was recognized as a profession. She also shares valuable information regarding how to be a better being by finding balance in your life, including recognizing your goals and values, and finding the passion that fuels your fire.

    Michelle also busts the many myths of weight loss, including that not all calories are created equal, why sugar is the devil, why fat is your friend, and how you can have the health and body that you’ve always strived to have.

    Download this informative episode to learn how you can be a better being, and hear Michelle’s big reveal, and how YOU can be a part of it.






    https://a.co/d/7kAfICI  YOU Revolution

    https://a.co/d/3oZ2lda  PFF is Your BFF Handbook

    Episode #285: Period to Pause with Amanda Laden

    Episode #285: Period to Pause with Amanda Laden

    Amanda Laden is a women’s health advocate who is dedicated to changing an outdated system. She is the founder and CEO of Period to Pause, a leading platform for elevating people’s voices in their own health, healthcare system, and well-being. 

    Her mission is to help women and other individuals to use their V.O.I.C.E. to change a system that wasn't set up by or for them and to leverage the power of story to see the humanity in all of us. Amanda spent decades being undiagnosed with a disease called adenomyosis, a disease which caused immense chronic pain, cost her the opportunity to have children, and years of suffering.

    Once Amanda was diagnosed and learned that she could have taken measures to reduce it, but the lack of diagnosis was the result of a system of the medical industrial complex and the money-making machine of IVF. It infuriated her, causing her to dig deeply into womxn's issues and uncover hidden truths as well as new information that all of us need to know.

    Amanda shares her story along with valuable tips and golden nuggets that I know share my story as well as those of others so that we take back out power to advocate for much-needed change.

    Download this episode to learn how you can empower yourself, find your voice, and be your own advocate for your health and well-being.





    Episode # 284: A Fearless Champion for Masculinity with Nico Lagan

    Episode # 284: A Fearless Champion for Masculinity with Nico Lagan

    Nico Lagan is an influential entrepreneur, men’s coach, and host of the thought-provoking podcast The Nico Lagan Show. 

    Growing up without a strong male figure, Nico found himself idolizing the wrong role models and fell into a life of addiction and drug dealing until he eventually realized the need for positive change in his life. He is now on a mission to be a voice for men and empower them to reclaim their purpose and masculinity.

    During his life’s journey and personal transformation, Nico realized that in today's society, masculinity is often under attack, and traditional values associated with men are deemed controversial. Undeterred by opposition, Nico fearlessly advocates for strong men and believes in bringing back the fundamentals of true masculinity. He emphasizes the importance of virtues such as being a protector, a provider, courageous, temperate, and having faith. Nico's journey towards self-discovery and purpose was catalyzed when he decided to take a step back from the corporate world and embarked on a transformative solo motorcycle journey. This soul-searching adventure led him to embrace his true calling and ignited his passion for helping men find their purpose and identity.

    Nico's approach to empowering men is encapsulated in the "5 Virtues of a Good Man." He stresses the importance of being a protector, provider, courageous, temperate, and having faith. These virtues serve as a guideline for men to cultivate their manliness and become better leaders in their families, communities, and society as a whole.    

    Download this powerful episode to hear Nico’s story and what he refers to as his sometimes-controversial point of view.  







    Episode #283: Surviving the Holocaust with Vivien Sieber

    Episode #283: Surviving the Holocaust with Vivien Sieber

    Dr. Vivien Sieber is a biologist and experienced lecturer with a specialty in genetics and academic development. She is also an author, daughter, and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. 

    Vivien’s book titled “Kino and Kinder” chronicles the story of a European Jewish family’s struggle to survive in the face of Nazi antisemitism and the Holocaust. It is a family Holocaust history that chronicles the journey of a family run cinema in Vienna to a matron of a hostel for girls saved by the Kindertransport.

    Vivien shares her poignant and powerful family history including how her grandmother had owned and run a cinema as a family business with her older sister, losing her cinema when it was seized by Nazis, and sending her young son to the UK to escape the Nazis, and finally leaving Vienna herself and ultimately becoming a matron at a hostel which served as a safehouse for girls who escaped the Nazis.

    Although she shares the horrors and atrocities of the Nazis and the Holocaust, Vivien also shares the many positive stories of hope and the kindness of strangers who not only helped Jews escape to safety, but also the many who helped her with the extensive research that went in to writing the book. She also shares the many lessons that came from this terrible time in history, and the most important message of all—never forget. 

    Download this moving and enlightening episode to hear her story, as well as the many important lessons learned, and why we need to never allow it to happen again.  









    Episode #282: Standing on the Ashes of Burned Bridges with Isaiah Orozco

    Episode #282: Standing on the Ashes of Burned Bridges with Isaiah Orozco

    Isaiah Orozco went from making over a six-figure income to becoming an alcoholic and drug addict with legal problems and struggling with severe anxiety and depression, to eventually losing it all. He managed to climb out of the mud and build something much bigger and better than he had before. 

    Isaiah is now making more income than ever before and is also helping others evaluating themselves to improve themselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He shares his own personal experience of childhood trauma and feeling lost without any direction or purpose.

    He described how he moved to Denver to find himself, but instead he found himself hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking, and doing drugs, losing his job, living out of his car, and ending up in jail without even knowing why. Isaiah confesses that he made a lot of bad choices, especially with his relationships, and describes his past self as standing on the ashes of burned bridges.

    Download this powerful episode to hear his story, his incredible insights and lessons learned, how he rose out of the ashes to recreate himself, and how he now helps others do the same.   



    Episode #281: Self-Healing, Self-Actualization, & Self-Mastery with Colton Hall

    Episode #281: Self-Healing, Self-Actualization, & Self-Mastery with Colton Hall

    Colton Hall is the founder and owner of Truth Prescribed, a program of self-mastery and self-actualization, which helps people to transform themselves and discover true healing and awakening. He is also a renegade pharmacist who no longer subscribes to the pharmaceutical paradigm, except in emergency or acute medical situations. 

    After a lifetime of suffering with severe anxiety, drinking heavily and smoking every day for 18 years, Colton embarked on a remarkable journey of self-healing, and is now dedicated to helping others begin their own journey of healing, self-actualization, and self-mastery.

    Colton describes how his journey began when he found himself, literally and figuratively, on an island in Thailand. He discovered a spiritual healing community, which began his remarkable transformation, including the healing power of breathwork. He also explains the importance of taking radical responsibility for your own health, the power of listening to your intuition, and the value of critical thinking.

    Download this episode to hear his incredible story and learn how you can begin your own self-healing journey.      





    Episode #280: Sharing the Love with Paul Zolman

    Episode #280: Sharing the Love with Paul Zolman

    Paul Zolman is a Love Language Linguist who created a new and innovative way to demonstrate the principles of the love languages. It is a profound method to learn all five love languages, and to give them to others in a way that you can see them coming back to you. The system is a game changer and is so easy that even young children can be trained in this love-training system.     

    Paul shares his personal story about growing up in an abusive household and learning the language of anger and resentment. At the age of thirty-five, he had an epiphany when he realized that the anger he had been harboring against his father was not serving him well. This launched him on a journey of learning and self-discovery, eventually discovering the power of the love languages, which changed the trajectory of his life.

    Paul discovered how love positively impacted his life, his relationships, and even the ability to share and receive love from perfect strangers. He now helps others discover and develop this incredible life skill with the world through his amazing system called The Role of Love.

    Download this fascinating and empowering episode to hear Paul’s incredible story and discover how you can learn the and share the language of love.      









    Episode #279: Build Your Best Physique with Philip Pape

    Episode #279: Build Your Best Physique with Philip Pape

    Philip Pape is a Certified Nutrition Coach, Physique Engineer, and the voice behind the popular podcast called Wits & Weights, a top 25 nutrition podcast which is transforming lives, one episode at a time. 

    Philip’s podcast is for skeptics of the fitness industry who want to live longer through strength training and sustainable nutrition. He is also a lifestyle coach for high performing professionals. He is a husband, father, and tech junkie who is a late bloomer to the fitness game after spending years struggling with diets and exercise. He now helps others do more with less while smashing through plateaus, fueling their performance, and revealing the body they’ve always dreamed of having.   

    He shares what motivated him to create the transformational change in his health and fitness, how he applies the principles of engineering to help you build your best physique, and why he is passionate about helping others build their best physique as well as their best life at the same time.

    Download this energetic and informative episode to discover how you can build your best physique!   







    Episode #278: Making a Difference, One Paw at a Time with Orazie Cook

    Episode #278: Making a Difference, One Paw at a Time with Orazie Cook

    Orazie Cook is the founder and Executive Director of Praline’s Backyard Foundation, which is tirelessly dedicated to removing barriers that domestic abuse survivors face when seeking safety for themselves and their cherished pets. 

    With a background in public health and a passion for animal welfare, Orazie navigates the complexities of helping survivors find safe housing for their pets. She is an advocate for both the survivors and their beloved pets, giving a voice to the voiceless by speaking in their behalf.

    Orazie has built an incredible network and community of services which provide safe, temporary housing for pets until their owner can find appropriate housing for themselves and their pet. She invites all of us to join her on her mission and journey to empower survivors, educate communities, and create a world where no pet is left behind. She also believes that we can all work together to make a difference in the world, one paw at a time.

    Download this powerful and inspiring episode to hear Orazie’s story, and how you can help her, and millions of pets and survivors stay together while staying safe and secure.      









    Episode #277: Build Better Bones, Build Better Health with Dr. Doug Lucas

    Episode #277: Build Better Bones, Build Better Health with Dr. Doug Lucas

    Dr. Doug Lucas is a Stanford fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon who was consistently saddened by the status of his patients, because the health care system failed to provide the right guidance to prevent bone loss, which ultimately led to the need of his surgical services.

    Dr. Lucas saw a problem, and he found a solution. He pursued an additional fellowship in anti-aging, metabolic and functional medicine, received a second board certification and began his own health optimization practice, Optimal Bone Health MD. He now serves and educates people around the world that we are more than our bone density, that a natural comprehensive approach to bone health can reverse osteoporosis in most people, and that no one should have to live in fear of fracture.

    Download this important, informative, and entertaining episode to learn how we can all build better bones and build better health.




    Book Link--> https://a.co/d/eNgmiKX

    Episode #276: Reverse the Root Cause of Back Pain for Life with Ryan Peebles

    Episode #276: Reverse the Root Cause of Back Pain for Life with Ryan Peebles

    Dr. Ryan Peebles is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and creator of Core Balance Training, a unique movement retraining program which permanently reverses the root cause of back pain. He now helps thousands of back pain sufferers every year to get back to the activities they want to do and love to do while living a pain-free life. 

    Dr. Ryan shares his own personal experience of chronic and debilitating back pain beginning at the young age of seventeen, and struggling with it for over a decade, until he final had an epiphany and realized he had to take responsibility for his health and heal his own back.

    That decision launched him on an incredible journey of research, self-education, eventually earning his DPT, and creating a program to help people completely eliminate low back pain by teaching them how to activate the deep core muscles which stabilize and support their spine. Dr. Ryan explains how his method is based on natural human development, the connection of the core to functional movement, the importance of listening to our body, and shares the one little known secret that can prevent and eliminate low back pain forever.

    If you or anyone you know struggles with low back pain, this episode is for you! Download it today and learn how you can reverse the root cause of back pain, for life.  





    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYFOwxhI3OM (Master Class)

    Episode #275: Ditch the Diets and Lose the Fat with Dr. Cody Golman

    Episode #275: Ditch the Diets and Lose the Fat with Dr. Cody Golman

    Dr. Cody Golman is a Quantum Life and Health Coach and Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine. At the young age of 17 he joined the military, and at 19 became a tank commander in the United States Army. He struggled with severe injuries and multiple injuries until he discovered natural ways to regain his health.

    He transformed his life, became a chiropractor, and at 25 established one of Denver’s largest healing centers. Since then, he has integrated his experience, education, and expertise to create a virtual weight loss company, combining natural health methods with uplifting psychological principles.

    Dr. Golman has a deep desire to inspire, empower, and help others unlock their full potential by improving the quality of their health. He shares his remarkable story of transformation and healing as well as many valuable tips and terrific information including, why diets don’t work, why sugar is killing us, why fat in our diet is imperative to health, wellness, and permanent weight loss.

    If you are interested in health, wellness, and permanent weight loss for life, this episode is for you! Download it today and share it with everyone you know who would like to ditch the diet and lose the fat, for life!       



