
    Then, Why Don't You

    Come along with me on this journey of creating and enjoying our life list! We all want to do a little more of what we want, and less of what we don't. Let's live a life full of joy, love and adventure.
    enRachel Okazaki32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    011 TWDY...Create and Plan Your Next Sabbatical

    011 TWDY...Create and Plan Your Next Sabbatical
    This episode is inspired and dedicated to my friend Leslie! Can't wait to hear about your sabbatical!!!

    Have you dreamt of taking an extended leave of absence to do whatever you wanted? Travel? Explore a different career? Spend more time enjoying your hobbies? It's not only possible but can be inspiring, rejuvenating, and just what you need right now. Tune in to learn different ways to curate your own sabbatical experience to live your best life.

    Thinking about taking your own sabbatical? Or are you in the midst of your own right now? Let us know how the planning process is or how it's going. We'd love to hear from you!


    010 TWDY...Channel Elementary School Vibes

    010 TWDY...Channel Elementary School Vibes

    Do you remember when you were in elementary school? It was about creativity, learning, exploring, and lots of arts and crafts. If you're like me and enjoyed your time in elementary school, you may be wondering, "I had so much fun back then, how can I do more of that now?". Now a days there are new terms for what we did back then. It is sometimes referred to as design thinking learning. I've recently renewed my passion and desire to tap into my creative side and it's been so much fun! Tune in to see how you can channel "elementary school you" and live a more creative life!

    009 TWDY...get up for the sunrise, it's worth the view

    009 TWDY...get up for the sunrise, it's worth the view

    Getting up for a sunrise hike, especially in Hawaii, is 100% worth the view. There is also a great life lesson I appreciated while on this hike. Everyone may be on the same path/hike but the goal and way each person approaches it is different. Listen to find out how this hike helped bring some clarity and kindness to how I've been approaching my life and avoid compare and despair.

    I hope this helps and as always ask yourself, "then, why don't you?"

    IG @thenwhydontyou

    008 TWDY...take a hike

    008 TWDY...take a hike

    Getting out in nature can be so therapeutic, refreshing, and just so much fun! After joining No Worries Amigo Hiking Club (https://noworriesamigo.com and IG: @noworriesamigohikingclub), I found a new appreciation for hiking, had fun socialzing as an introvert, and met so many great people. We also met some cute pups from @adopt_my_block. Oh I wish I could adopt one!

    Challenge for you: go out and hike, spend time in nature, and enjoy the fresh air! Share with me where you end up going! Enjoy the episode!


    Tag us on your next outdoor adventure on Instagram @thenwhydontyou 

    Then, Why Don't You
    enAugust 31, 2022

    007 TWDY...stop holding it all together, get a grocery bag

    007 TWDY...stop holding it all together, get a grocery bag

    Then, why don't you...stop holding it all together and get a grocery bag (literally and figuratively). Have you ever gone to the grocery store for 1 item, leave with 10 and think, "It's not that many items. It's not heavy. I'll just carry them." Same here. I realized that I do this with my life too. Take on too many small "easy" tasks only to end up overwhelmed and stressed out because I cannot get them done, or I can at a lower quality that I'm not satisfied with. Today I'll share some resources, stories, and time saving tips that will be your 'grocery bag' for your life tasks.

    Find us on Instagram @thenwhydontyou

    Contact us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com

    006 TWDY...be curious

    006 TWDY...be curious

    Then, why don't you...be curious. Think back to your childhood when you were continuously exposed to new ideas, concepts, and activities. Were you as excited as I was to dive into a new book, explore new parks, or watch science experiments in awe? Have you found yourself bogged down in life that the curiosity is rare these days? This episode is a reminder to stay curious and explore the world around you with openness and wonder.

    Find us on Instagram @thenwhydontyou

    Contact us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com

    005 TWDY...make time for love

    005 TWDY...make time for love

    Grandma's advice is always the best, "make time for love." Self-love, romantic love, and doing things we love are all important and beneficial to our overall well-being. Where can you add more love into your life?

    Then, Why Don't You
    enOctober 30, 2021

    004 TWDY...write your next book, not just the next chapter

    004 TWDY...write your next book, not just the next chapter

    You've heard the phrase "you're starting the next chapter of your life" before, right? But what if you wanted to start a whole new book? Sometimes we need a fresh start, a new cast of characters, and maybe even a whole new genre. You have permission to start a whole new book. I'll share part of my journey, where my next books starts off from, and some questions to ask yourself to start your next book.

    Then, Why Don't You
    enJuly 21, 2021

    003 TWDY...Re-connect

    003 TWDY...Re-connect

    Have you lost touch with people that you miss? Are there activities you enjoyed doing that brought you joy and happiness that you stopped doing? Call or text those people. Do the things you enjoyed doing. Now is the time. Get some tips on how to stay connect and some simple steps you can do today to re-connect with yourself, your friends, and the things you enjoy doing. Let me know who you reached out to and what you started up again at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com