
    Then, Why Don't You

    Come along with me on this journey of creating and enjoying our life list! We all want to do a little more of what we want, and less of what we don't. Let's live a life full of joy, love and adventure.
    enRachel Okazaki32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    031 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY...write in an journal

    031 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY...write in an journal

    In this episode of "Then, why don't you," we invite listeners into the enriching world of journaling for self-care and wellness. With a personal touch, the host shares their own journey, from childhood diaries to adult reflections, revealing the profound impact journaling has had on their mental and emotional well-being. The episode unfolds with insightful discussions on the therapeutic benefits of journaling, recounting moments where it played a pivotal role in navigating challenges and fostering clarity. Offering practical recommendations and thought-provoking prompts, the host guides listeners towards establishing their own meaningful journaling practices. The episode concludes with an encouraging message, urging listeners to embrace journaling as a flexible and valuable tool for self-discovery. Tune in to discover the transformative potential of putting pen to paper in nurturing a wildly beautiful life.

    What journaling prompt do you want to answer today?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    Focus: Exploring the self-care and wellness benefits of journaling

    Segment 1: The Art of Journaling for Well-Being

    • Highlights the therapeutic benefits of journaling for mental and emotional well-being
    • Encourages listeners to consider making journaling a regular part of their self-care routine

    Segment 2: Easy Actionable Recommendations for Journaling

    1. Start with Gratitude
    2. Morning Pages
    3. Reflect on Challenges
    4. Dream Journaling
    5. Weekly Check-In
    • Offers practical recommendations to kickstart a journaling practice

    Segment 3: Writing Prompts for Deeper Reflection

    1. What brings me joy?
    2. A challenge I overcame and the lessons learned.
    3. One thing I can do today to care for myself.
    4. A person or experience I'm grateful for and why.
    5. My aspirations and intentions for the upcoming month.
    • Provides journaling prompts for deeper self-reflection

    Closing Thoughts:

    • Encourages listeners to incorporate journaling into their self-care routine
    • Reiterates the podcast's challenge: Do more of what supports your well-being
    • Expresses gratitude for joining the exploration of journaling for self-care and wellness


    030 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Listen to your favorite music

    030 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Listen to your favorite music

    In this episode we’ll explore the self-care and wellness benefits of listening to favorite music. The episode delves into the emotional impact of music and its ability to reduce stress, setting the stage for easy actionable recommendations. Listeners are encouraged to create personal playlists, engage in mindful listening, dance it out, discover new tunes, and create a concert-like atmosphere at home. The closing thoughts reiterate the challenge of doing more of what brings happiness and invite listeners to indulge in the gift of music for their well-being. The podcast concludes with gratitude for joining the episode's journey and a reminder to keep listening to what makes the heart sing until the next episode.

    What’s a new artist or genre you could try and add to your playlist today?

    What could you listen to right now that would bring some joy into your life?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou


    Show Notes: "Then, why don't you Listen to Your Favorite Music?"


    • Focus: Exploring self-care and wellness through listening to favorite music

    The Healing Power of Music

    • Explores the emotional and scientific impact of music on well-being
    • Encourages listeners to harness the healing power of music

    Nurturing Your Soul with Personal Playlists

    • Practical recommendation to create personal playlists for different moods and activities
    • Highlights the transformative impact of curated soundtracks on daily experiences

    Mindful Listening for Inner Harmony

    • Encourages mindful listening for a deeper connection with music
    • Promotes the experience of fully immersing oneself in the beauty of the music

    Dance Your Cares Away

    • Advocates for dancing as a joyful form of self-care
    • Emphasizes the release of endorphins and the positive impact on well-being

    Exploring New Melodies

    • Challenges listeners to explore new artists or genres
    • Highlights the potential for discovering hidden gems and expanding musical preferences

    Concert Experience at Home

    • Recommends creating a concert-like atmosphere at home
    • Suggests dimming lights, using quality headphones, and fully immersing in the music

    Closing Thoughts:

    • Invites listeners to consider music as an act of self-love and self-care
    • Reiterates the podcast's challenge: Do more of what brings happiness
    • Expresses gratitude for joining the melodic exploration

    029 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Go for a mindful walk

    029 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Go for a mindful walk

    Summary: In this episode listeners are invited to explore the transformative power of mindful walking. We explore the question of why one should go for a mindful walk, emphasizing its conscious choice to connect with the present and foster calm. The episode explores the benefits of mindful walking, including stress reduction and improved well-being, and provides practical recommendations for creating an enriching mindful walking experience. We encourage listeners to take mindful steps as a simple yet powerful choice for nurturing well-being, the episode concludes with gratitude for joining the solo journey and a reminder to try walking mindfully.

    How can you incorporate mindful walking to your day?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou


    No Worries Amigo: Follow them IG @noworriesamigohikingclub to learn about upcoming hikes and check out their site for some great apparel https://noworriesamigo.com

    Some of my favorite places to walk/hike:

    • Castle Rock state park (love the rocks you can climb on and sit in!)
    • Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve (some trails are steep so choose wisely)
    • Redwood Grove Nature Preserve (great local park with mini trails and spaces to just enjoy for a coffee or lunch without being too far from main roads)
    • Mt Tam (budget extra time for this one. Its beautiful and there are so many trails to explore, you'll probably have to go back multiple times!)

    Today's Focus: Exploring the transformative power of mindful walking

    Opening Reflection:

    • Discuss life's relentless pace and the chaos of responsibilities, deadlines, and distractions.
    • Highlights the simple act of mindful walking as a powerful tool for grounding and finding peace.

    Segment 1: Understanding Mindful Walking:

    • Definition of mindful walking: Bringing full attention to the present moment while walking.
    • Emphasis on being aware of each step, breath, and the surroundings.
    • Poses the question: Why don't you go for a mindful walk? It's a conscious choice to connect with the present and cultivate calm.

    Segment 2: The Benefits of Mindful Walking:

    • Explores the numerous benefits of mindful walking, including stress reduction, improved mood, enhanced creativity, and overall well-being.
    • Encourages consideration of the positive impact on mental and physical health.

    Segment 3: Recommendations for a Mindful Walk:

    1. Choose the Right Setting: Select a resonant location like a peaceful park, scenic trail, or quiet neighborhood street.
    2. Start Slow: Begin with a slow, deliberate pace, feeling each step connect with the ground.
    3. Focus on Your Breath: Inhale and exhale slowly, syncing breath with steps.
    4. Engage Your Senses: Tune into sights, sounds, and smells around you, fostering a connection with the environment.
    5. Mindful Observations: Observe surroundings without judgment, allowing the mind to wander and gently bringing it back to the present.

    Closing Thoughts:

    • Encourages listeners to choose mindful steps as a simple yet powerful choice for well-being.
    • A reminder that mindful walking can be a path to inner peace.
    • Expresses gratitude for joining the solo journey and encourages mindful walking until the next episode.

    028 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Practice deep, intentional breathing

    028 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…Practice deep, intentional breathing


    Take a deep breath, be present, and be kind to yourself

    In this episode of "Then, why don’t you", listeners are invited to explore the transformative practice of deep intentional breathing for self-care and wellness. We'll begin with a guided breathing exercise, encouraging the audience to actively participate. Then we discuss the often-overlooked role of breath in our daily lives and shares personal insights gained from practicing yoga. The episode unfolds with a step-by-step guide to diaphragmatic breathing, emphasizing its calming effects on the mind and body. You'll get an introduction to the box breathing technique, highlighting its simplicity and accessibility. Throughout, we encourage listeners to set aside 10 minutes for intentional breathing, creating a quiet space for this practice. The episode concludes with an invitation for the audience to incorporate intentional breathing into their routines, promoting self-care through conscious breath and expressing gratitude for joining the journey. 

    How does deep intentional breathing help you throughout the day?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    Show Notes Summary: Episode - "Deep Intentional Breathing"

    - Focus: Deep intentional breathing as a self-care and wellness practice

    Breathing Exercise
    - Inhale for 4 seconds, Hold for 4 seconds, Exhale for 4 seconds (repeated three times)
    - Demonstrated by the host for audience participation
    - Encourages mindfulness through a simple breathing exercise

    Discussion on Intentional Breathing
    - Emphasizes the neglect of breath in our daily lives
    - Introduces intentional breathing as a game-changer for well-being
    - Personal experience with learning about breath through regular yoga practice
    - Highlights the importance of deliberate breathing, especially in stressful situations

    Guided Diaphragmatic Breathing
    - Encourages setting aside 10 minutes for intentional breathing
    - Suggests creating a quiet and comfortable space for the practice
    - Guides audience through diaphragmatic breathing with hands placed on the belly and heart
    - Emphasizes the calming effect on the mind and body

    Box Breathing Technique
    - Introduction to the box breathing technique
    - Inhale for 4 counts, Hold for 4 counts, Exhale for 4 counts, Pause for 4 counts
    - Encourages the audience to repeat the process for balance
    - Acknowledges the simplicity and accessibility of intentional breathing

    Closing Thoughts
    - Invites audience to incorporate intentional breathing into their daily routines
    - Highlights the beauty of the practice's simplicity and lack of special equipment
    - Encourages self-care through conscious breathing
    - Expresses gratitude for joining the journey and emphasizes the importance of being present and kind to oneself


    027 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…take a relaxing bath or shower

    027 *Self Care Adventure* TWDY…take a relaxing bath or shower

    In this soothing solo episode of “Then, why don’t you”, we’ll explore the transformative power of taking a relaxing bath or shower for self-care and wellness. The episode highlights the benefits of these simple yet profound rituals, emphasizing the importance of creating a space for reflection and relaxation.

    We’ll guide listeners through the process of drawing a warm bath, suggesting the addition of calming elements like bath salts or bombs with fragrances such as lavender or eucalyptus. For those who prefer showers, the episode assures that the benefits of hydrotherapy are equally accessible, acting as a reset button for the mind.

    The episode concludes with a heartfelt reminder to prioritize self-care and embrace these moments of tranquility. We encourage listeners to indulge in the art of relaxation, taking time to be kind to themselves.

    Check out Inoki Bathhouse to elevate your bath experience: Instagram: inoki_bathhouse, https://inokibathhouse.com 

    Spotify playlist: Instrumental Popular Songs 2024

    How can you elevate your bath/shower routine today?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    026 TWDY...do the thing

    026 TWDY...do the thing

    In this solo episode of "Then, why don’t you," we’ll explore the world of procrastination, honing in on the often-overlooked small tasks that persistently evade completion. The episode delves into the psychology of procrastination, dissecting reasons behind our reluctance to address seemingly insignificant responsibilities.

    We’ll discuss why small tasks linger despite managing more substantial responsibilities effectively. The tendency to prioritize tasks with immediate rewards, like work deadlines or time-sensitive sales, leaves smaller, less urgent tasks perpetually on the back burner.

    The impact of these lingering tasks on mental well-being is examined, emphasizing how collectively, they create mental clutter, leading to feelings of guilt, frustration, and chaos.

    To break free from the cycle of procrastination, we’ll introduce the concept of time blocking. This involves setting specific time blocks in the schedule to address smaller tasks, creating structure and prioritizing them. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps is also emphasized to make the process less daunting.

    Drawing from personal experience, we’ll share insights into the benefits of time blocking, such as a sense of completion and direction, especially for tasks one may initially be averse to.

    Take a moment to think about that one small task you've been putting off. It's time to tackle it and free up some mental space for more of what you love

    Listeners are invited to stay productive and take care as they gain practical insights and strategies to conquer procrastination.

    What is one small task you can complete right now?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    025 TWDY...make changes on your own timeline

    025 TWDY...make changes on your own timeline

    We show up differently, for different people and different situations. You may be wondering, "am I not being true to myself or authentic if I am different in different situations?" Absolutely not. We all do it and we all have different versions of ourselves, depending on what the situation calls for.

    In this episode, we touch upon creating change according to our own internal timeline without relying on external factors.

    Is there something you want to change in your life right now?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    024 *Australia Edition* TWDY...enjoy and reflect in Brisbane

    024 *Australia Edition* TWDY...enjoy and reflect in Brisbane

    The Makerspace Symposium at the University of Queensland was more than I could've ever dreamed of! Since diving into the world of makerspaces, I have only grown to love it more and more. Although I've enjoyed attending conferences in the past, this was more interactive and it's definitely one of those situations where you realize you don't know what you don't know. 

    What's something you've been curious about and wanted to learn more?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    023 *Malaysia Edition* TWDY...final days in Kuala Lumpur

    023 *Malaysia Edition* TWDY...final days in Kuala Lumpur

    You're more capable than you realize.

    After almost 3 weeks of traveling abroad, I learned how capable I am with navigating challenges, getting myself around in foreign countries, and appreciating "me time". 

    KL was such a different cultural experience than Australia, and I am so happy I made the decision to book the trip.

    What trip have you been hesitating to book?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    022 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Oceania Seating Symposium Part II

    022 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Oceania Seating Symposium Part II

    We made it to the Oceania Seating Symposium, the catalyst to this month long journey. (http://oceaniaseatingsymposium.com)

    Celebration: I'm offically an international speaker! A dream of mine for many years in addition to travelling to Australia. I share updates on the conference, what I've learned, and the newest products on the market (at least available in Australia)

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    021 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Oceania Seating Symposium Part I

    021 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Oceania Seating Symposium Part I

    We made it to the Oceania Seating Symposium, the catalyst to this month long journey. (http://oceaniaseatingsymposium.com)

    Celebration: I'm offically an international speaker! A dream of mine for many years in addition to travelling to Australia. I share updates on the conference, what I've learned, and the newest products on the market (at least available in Australia)

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    020 *Australia Edition* TWDY...try KOI Experiential in Sydney

    020 *Australia Edition* TWDY...try KOI Experiential in Sydney

    The one reservation I made for my whole trip was at KOI experiential in Sydney (https://www.koidessertbar.com.au/koi-experiential) and let me tell you...you'll hear in my voice how words can't fully express how magical the experience was. Plus the fact I apparently forgot my words when I met the chef, Reynold Poernomo (@reynoldpoer). Follow him in IG or check out his youtube series Salty x Sweet and you'll understand.

    Yes, I was totally fan-girling and no, I had no shame or embarrassment because I appreciate great talent.

    What place, restaruant, or experience have you been wanting to book?

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    We'd love to hear from you! Say 'hi' and share your stories at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    019 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Feed your inner kangaroo (and a real one too!)

    019 *Australia Edition* TWDY...Feed your inner kangaroo (and a real one too!)

    We made it down under! Join me as I share my journey through Australia, starting in Brisbane.

    If you're there, definitely visit Lone Pine Koala Sancuary and feed the kangaroos (https://lonepinekoalasanctuary.com). 

    Did you know, kangaroos and emus can only move forward?! It was one of the most interesting facts I learned and have taken to heart.

    We'd love to hear from you! Share your Australia or international adventures with us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or come hangout with us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    018 TWDY...Fall CUE 2023 and Inclusion Collaborative Update!!

    018 TWDY...Fall CUE 2023 and Inclusion Collaborative Update!!

    Finally knocked out my head cold and summarized my last 2 conferences! I had a blast at the Inclusion Collaborative and we painted our own cookies! (I got my supplies from this company on The Cookie Countess) and I got a variety of palettes and brushes. So much great creative energy.

    We talked about stress reduction, social connection, belonging and how the 3 intersect and contribute to overall wellness and self-care.

    Day 2 at the Fall CUE conference was all about coding and I was in awe of the San Joaquin Office of Educatiob FabLab. I could've spent all day there and thankfully I found it on day 2, otherwise I wouldn't have gone anywhere else!

    I'm heading down under to present at the Oceania Seating Symposium in Melbourne and the Makerspace Symposium at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. If you have any food or sightseeing recommendations, send them my way!

    Check out my makerspace adventures on IG @atypicalpt or listen in on some highlights and practical habits to implement on IG @thenwhydontyou

    Drop us a note at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com with any insights, aha's, or collaborations on all things creative and build your maker mindset!


    As always, ask yourself "then, why don't you?"

    Then, Why Don't You
    enOctober 30, 2023

    017 TWDY Fall CUE 2023 Day 1 recap

    017 TWDY Fall CUE 2023 Day 1 recap

    Friendship bracelets, building with Legos in the wellness room, designing a game with limited supplies, and adding SPICE to education...what more could a girl ask for?

    Tune in to hear about how day 1 went, a brief summary of my presentation, a exclusive peek at my SPICE framework, and what I'm working on for a future podcast episode.

    Join us on IG @thenwhydontyou

    Questions or ideas for future episodes? Email us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com

    Then, Why Don't You
    enOctober 22, 2023

    016 TWDY Pre Fall CUE check in

    016 TWDY Pre Fall CUE check in

    It's finally here! The evening before the Fall CUE conference. I'm excited to share all the things I'm learning, how I'm preparing for my presentation, and how it goes. Follow along these next couple days to hear a little behind the scenes. 

    Follow us on IG @thenwhydontyou


    Then, Why Don't You
    enOctober 21, 2023

    015 TWDY...Radically Reimagine

    015 TWDY...Radically Reimagine


    In a world filled with routine and convention, the idea of radically reimagining your life might seem like a distant dream. But what if it's not only possible but also profoundly fulfilling? Join us as we dive in to the challenges and practical insights that can help you transform your life in ways you've never imagined.

    From career changes to personal growth, relationship shifts to geographical relocations, we'll share what we've tried and provide some tips on how to start your own journey.

    Have you radically reimagined your life? What tips, tools, or insights do you have to share?

    Leave us a comment or share with us on IG @thenwhydontyou or email us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com

    As always, ask yourself "Then, why don't you?"

    014 TWDY...Build Your Own Reading Loft

    014 TWDY...Build Your Own Reading Loft

    When was the last time you lost track of time doing something you loved or enjoyed? Today's episode is about how to back to things that we love and get lost in. Whether it's creating a "reading loft" environment or envoking all your senses to improve your focus, we explore various ways we can get you back to your happy place.

    How have you set up your environment (home or work) to bring out the best version of yourself?

    Share your thoughts with us at thenwhydontyou@gmail.com or on Instagram @thenwhydontyou.

    We can't wait to hear from you!

    013 TWDY...Learn to Curl

    013 TWDY...Learn to Curl

    Do you remember what it was like to be a beginner? So focused on your own curiosity of the new skill or activity that you didn't compare yourself to anyone, even your past self? I recently joined a Learn to Curl class in Fremont CA, part of the Silicon Valley Curling Club (https://siliconvalleycurling.com/). To say I loved it is an understatement. I first heard about this from a colleague and have been wanted to try this for a couple months now. I finally found a date that worked and booked it right away.

    In 2 hours you are able to practice basic skills and get right into game play. I cannot wait to come back and it was a great reminder of what it's like to be a beginner and learn from curiosity, not out of necessity.

    Permission slip: try something so new that you can't, compare it to anything you've done before, even if you try

    Remember to ask yourself: Then, why don't you?

    IG: thenwhydontyou

    012 TWDY...Be Creative First, Ask Questions Later

    012 TWDY...Be Creative First, Ask Questions Later

    In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we delve into the powerful mantra of "Be Creative First, Ask Questions Later." Join us as we explore the importance of embracing your creativity and taking action before succumbing to doubts and fears.

    We discuss the notion that many of us tend to hold ourselves back by overthinking, seeking validation, or fearing failure. Moreover, we explore practical strategies to cultivate a "Create First" mentality in our daily lives, and give ourselves permission to try out new activities to see what brings us joy. We dive into the concept of rapid prototyping, encouraging listeners to experiment, iterate, and refine their ideas through action. 

    The podcast aims to inspire listeners to tap into their creative potential, ignite their passions, and create meaningful work. By challenging the conventional wisdom of waiting for the "perfect" moment or seeking external or internal approval, we empower individuals to take charge of their creative journeys and forge their own paths.

    So, if you're ready to break free from the constraints of self-doubt and unlock your full creative potential, join us on this exciting episode of "Then, Why Don't You...Be Creative First, Ask Questions Later" and discover the transformative power of embracing creativity and taking action.

    As always, ask yourself,  "then, why don't you?"

    IG @thenwhydontyou