
    Toward A Better Life

    Join Kevin Pennell on a journey Toward A Better Life. We can all move together toward creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives. You won't need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart. Toward A Better Life Podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.
    enKevin Pennell75 Episodes

    Episodes (75)

    Meditation 2.0

    Meditation 2.0

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  Today we’re talking about Higher Consciousness Meditation with Blair Abee.  Blair shares some very practical doable methods to develop our spiritual awareness including five steps to develop higher consciousness.  Join Blair Abee and I now as we explore Meditation 2.0!

    Contact Blair Abee through his website https://www.hicmeditation.com/

    The Menopause Guru

    The Menopause Guru

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  Menopause… what is it exactly?  What are peri-menopause and post menopause.  In this episode, I encourage not only women, but men as well, to listen in as Jeanne Andrus and I discuss this vital subject in a very real and practical way.  We talk about support, reintroducing romance, and creating a new you in Menopause with The Menopause Guru Jeanne Andrus.

    Visit Jeanne Andrus on her wwebsite https://menopause.guru/

    Contact Jeanne Andrus:  jeanne@menopause.guru

    Self Care Through Gardening

    Self Care Through Gardening

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.

    Garden Girls Nicole Shah is my guest today and we’re talking gardening and how it can create a better life for you by connecting with the Earth, as a meditation tool, promoting deeper connections with others including all members of you family.  Join Nicole and I now as we talk about Self Care Through Gardening!

    Connect with Nicole Shah through their website:


    Archetypal Life Coaching

    Archetypal Life Coaching

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  In this episode, we’re revisiting with Amanda Kate.  Amanda is a Life Coach in Australia and authored her book Divine Messy Human.  Today we’re talking with her about Archetypes and Life Coaching from her quilt of knowledge that helps people identify and how to work with their personality traits.  It’s time for Archetypal Life Coaching with Amanda Kate in this episode of Toward A Better Life.

    For More Information or to contact Amanda
    This is a link to Amanda's website where you can find more information about. Divine. Messy. Human. and her additional work. This book contains the tools and techniques she's discovered and used in her own healing to turn her life around from being unwell, out of alignment and miserable to happiness, vitality and connection to the Divine.


    What's Your Life Passion

    What's Your Life Passion

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives. You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  In this episode, Michelle DeKeyser will be sharing how to figure out your passion and make your goals happen through making connections in a supportive environment.  Join me now as I talk with Michelle about What’s Your Life Passion.

    Connect with Michelle https://connectingmamas.com/

    This is a free course that goes through Michelle's frame work CHECK-IN.  The course includes a video for each letter and activity that should take 15 minutes each. This will help mamas learn to check-in with themselves and other mamas.

    True Life Purpose

    True Life Purpose

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  In this episode, I’m talking with Bill Heinrich.  Bill has been a successful businessman owning businesses since he was 25.  He made money, but wasn’t happy, he was miserable.  He decided to to change knowing there was something he was called to do.  He began his spiritual quest alone on a beach in Mexico which transitioned into a 25 + year journey which continues today.  Bill cracked the code and is able to show people how to identify, access, and live their…Their True Life Purpose.  Join me as Bill Heinrich and I discuss True Life Purpose. 

    Schedule a time to speak with Bill Heinrich: http://speaktobill.com/

    Listeners can dowload Bill's Book through https://www.myfreebook.me/
    A message from Bill about his free book...
    "Listeners can download a free copy of my book "Clarity Has No Story". Everyone has a tendency to get trapped in their stories. This is the reason that we struggle, protecting our stories and beliefs. It blocks our clarity and creates suffering, stress and overwhelm in our life. The book explains how to use your language to create more power, potential and abundance in your life.  Our ability to communicate with clarity is the key to living a fulfilled and abundant life."

    Kickstart Your Nutrition

    Kickstart Your Nutrition

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  I’m talking with Tina McDermott Chef, Speaker, and Weight Loss Coach in this episode.  We’re talking about some great tips and insights surrounding nutrition like Tina’s number one health tip, her thoughts on Yo-Yo DIE-ting - Weight Loss the natural way without yo-yo dieting and even the magical and vital part water plays in our lives.  Kickstart Your Nutrition with TINA MCDERMOTT.

    Transforming Clutter

    Transforming Clutter

    Two Words - Spring Cleaning.  Connie Ellefson shares that Whether physical, mental, or possessional, clutter takes up space in our psyches and calendars that could be put to more productive, creative, and fun use.  Hi this is Kevin Pennell your host for Toward A Better Life.  We’re talking clutter in this episode, how to reduce it and even transform it.  Let’s hear what Connie Ellefson as to say about Transforming Clutter  on this episode of Toward A Better Life!

    Connie Ellefson can be contacted through her website Clear the Space.com

    Embracing Hospice Care

    Embracing Hospice Care

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  We’ll be talking with Marty Machia about hospice care and creating a better end of life experience for patient and a better life for the family and those who are close to the patient. This is a subject not often discussed whether because of its sensitive nature or people just prefer not to think about the subject of death and dying.  Marty has been a hospice nurse in Vermont for several years and had this to say about hospice.

    Many people ask those of us who work in hospice, ‘How do you do this work?’ ‘It takes a special kind of person.’ People often say to us, ‘How DO we do it, exactly?’ Though being with death and dying CAN be hard — of course — it is also a deep privilege. What could be more meaningful, more intimate, more raw or real, aside from birth, than to be with those who are at end of life? We are given permission to not only glimpse into this intimate world, but often be in the center of it. To be a part of someone’s life story. And to witness this process, an opportunity not given to many. As Ram Dass paints so beautifully and accurately, death brings you up close and personal to the truth.”

    So, hospice can certainly be a time to experience deep compassion and limitless love.  Join Marty Machia and me now for conversation about Embracing Hospice Care.

    Happiness After Divorce

    Happiness After Divorce

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Think of me as your guide while we travel together, creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives.  You won’t need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart.  Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  In today’s episode Leah Mazur will be talking with me about the challenges and how to move forward toward a better life following divorce.  Leah has helped women find acceptance, rebuild their self-esteem, confidence and make their best life after divorce.  Join Leah Mazur and I as we help people find Happiness After Divorce  

    Send Audience To:
    Get your FREE Divorce Empowerment Guide to help you find acceptance, build your self-esteem, & gain clarity on what to do next.

    Seeking Internal Truth

    Seeking Internal Truth

    Prioritizing Internal Truth over External Influences.  What exactly does that mean?  Keep listening to this episode of Toward A Better Life for the answer.  Hi this is Kevin Pennell.  Today I’m talking with Amanda Kate, an author, life coach, and kinesiologist based down under in Australia.  I enjoyed a wonderful talk with Amanda a little before the holidays that I’m sure you’ll enjoy as well on this episode of Toward A Better Life Seeking Internal Truth

    New Year Nutrition with Amanda Love

    New Year Nutrition with Amanda Love

    Hi and welcome to this New Year’s edition of Toward A Better Life… "New Year Nutrition".  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Resolutions… yep the cliche for the New Year.  They typically last for a few days to a few months.  Doing some brief research identifies The Statista Global Consumer Survey conducting a survey involving several adults between the ages of 18 and 89.  The number one resolution for 2023 from the participants revealed 52% desiring to exercise more and number two, at 50% desire to eat healthier followed by losing weight at 40%.  Health News states “These three connect to the ongoing obesity crisis in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. was 41.9% as of March 2020.”  Good Housekeeping says, “If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't take health and wellness for granted. In 2023, improving your body, mind and soul is a great way to organize your long-term goals for the new year.”  So, maybe we should think of improving and sustaining a healthier lifestyle in 2023 with those lifestyle choices to include our nutritional choices.  When we think of nutrition we may think about what we eat to feel better, to lose weight, or maybe fill an emotional void.  Registered Holistic Nutritionist Amanda Love explores those areas that focus on the physical and emotional aspects of nutrition in her practice, her online cooking classes, and her podcast.  Join us now for "New Year Nutrition".

    The Universe is Speaking Are You Listening

    The Universe is Speaking Are You Listening

    Hi everyone and welcome to this holiday edition of Toward A Better Life.  This is Kevin Pennell.  I’m so glad you’re listening and I’m excited for to be tuned in as I’m welcoming Krystal Jakosky to join me once again.  This season is so magical for several reasons.  That said, how do you prepare for the holidays, buying gifts, making travel plans to get away or going loved ones?  No matter Krystal and I are talking about how you, your family, loved ones, and friends can all create a joy-filled and magical time this holiday season, no matter if it’s you or if it’s among many.  This is going to be a great episode that we, Krystal and I, are sure you’ll enjoy.  Settle back and enjoy The Universe is Speaking Are You Listening starting right now on Toward A Better Life!

    Learning how to own your shit isn’t an instant shift. Like any new skill, it’s something that must be intentional and uncomfortable before it can ever become second nature. To help you practice this new muscle, we’ve created Intro to You: an Online Course from Krystal Jakosky – a teacher and writer based in Boulder County, Colorado.

    Healing From Within

    Healing From Within

    Hello everyone this is Kevin Pennell and welcome to this episode of Toward A Better Life.  The holiday season, often a joy for most, can be challenging for many who face trauma.  Trauma can engender deep and difficult feelings from past experiences.  This episode may seem unusual for the holiday season, but I believe it’s important for those that may face challenges associated with trauma.  Please note the we’ll be discussing PTSD and CPTSD in this episode which may be difficult for some to hear, so listener discretion is advised.  At the same time, I’d like to assure you, there are answers and resources available for those that are facing trauma and seeking support to overcome that trauma. Charles Smith is a life long survivor from several traumas and now finds his life filled with a sense of thankfulness as he helps others overcome their traumas through counseling and offering them their needed support.  Join me as Charles Smith and I talk about Healing From Within.




    The Thanksgiving Address with Mike Douglas

    The Thanksgiving Address with Mike Douglas

    Thanks for joining me on Toward A Better Life.  Thanksgiving, a special time of year touching on thankfulness, gathering together with family, friends and loved ones, a time to witness the many changes in the weather and landscapes.  Thanksgiving can also be a year round state of mind, heart, and spirit.  Join me, Kevin Pennell as I welcome a return visit with Mike Douglas founder of the Maine Primitive Skills School.  Mike shares the significance of a giving spirit as we enter this time with reflections on and exploration of the Thanksgiving Address.

    Maine Primitive Skills School


    Email: staff@primitiveskills.com

    Life Transformative Challenges with Edward Sturm

    Life Transformative Challenges with Edward Sturm

    Welcome to Toward A Better Life.  In this episode we’re talking about habits, creating, deleting, and recognizing them with Edward Sturm, world traveler, a self-improvement fanatic, and who’s made viral videos totaling hundreds of millions of views.  Edward likes to encourage people toward their own self improvement through self improvement challenges.  Join Edward Sturm and I as we talk about creating good habits through Life Transformative Challenges.

    30 day challenges have had the most significant impact on my life out of anything I've done.
    This link lets people create their own 30 day challenge and gives ideas for transformative challenges to do. Challenges can be done solo or in a community. You can stake money to hold yourself accountable, have friends and family check your progress, and have your incomplete stakes go to charities and successful participants.

    Sacred Spaces

    Sacred Spaces

    Hi everyone and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  I’m your host Kevin Pennell.  On this episode I’m excited to welcome Jill Heiman Back to the program.  She’s a contributing author to a new book Sacred Spaces 2 which is available through Amazon among other sources.  It’s a great read about, you guessed, Sacred Spaces and how to create your own in your life.  Jill has helped so many women find clarity and connect to their own vision through Awake Journey.  Without further delay, let’s hear from Jill Heiman and Sacred Spaces.

    Contact Toward A Better Life www.towardabetterlife.com

    Contact Jill Heiman: https://www.awakejourney.com/ 

    Sacred Spaces Promo

    Sacred Spaces Promo

    Hi everyone, this is Kevin from Toward A Better Life.  Jill Heiman will be joining me on the next episode.  Jill and I spoke last about Fear as the Gateway to Joy.  This time we’ll be talking about her contribution to a new book Sacred Spaces 2 available through Amazon and through a website that’ll be in the show notes for that episode.  Jill helps Corporate Women Find Clarity & Connect to Their Vision so It Becomes Their New Reality through AwakeJourney.com.  The next episode is filled with possibilities to enlighten and encourage you on your journey.  Join Jill Heiman and I next time on Toward A Better Life as we talk about Sacred Spaces. 

    Get Unstuck

    Get Unstuck

    Welcome to Toward A Better Life!  In this episode Dr. Michelle Maidenberg will be sharing her passion, helping countless individuals to transform their personal and professional lives.  She’s had a successful practice for over 30 years, written books, and appeared on Ted Talks.  Today she’ll be sharing some vital thoughts about life transformation using three pillars, Acceptance, Compassion and Empowerment. These mindfulness-based methodologies assist people to get unstuck.  Let’s join Michelle now and learn to Get Unstuck.  

    Contact Dr. Michelle Maidenberg:
    The link contains links to her blogs, guided meditations, quiz, resources and information for purchasing her book ACE Your Life.

    Caring for Caregivers

    Caring for Caregivers

    Welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  In this episode we’ll continue our conversation about Caregivers with Dr. Ed Smink.  In the last episode, we discussed Self Care for Caregivers examining Caregiver Burnout, Caregiver Fatigue, and Compassion Fatigue.  We also began to explore how to move forward from these conditions.  If you are a Caregiver, these episodes can help you with self care and how to help a Caregiver who’s seeking support.  Return to your passion and joy as a Caregiver.  Join me now for Part 2, Caring for Caregivers on this episode of Toward A Better Life. 

    Send Audience To:https://soulofcaregiving.com/why