
    Toward A Better Life

    Join Kevin Pennell on a journey Toward A Better Life. We can all move together toward creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives. You won't need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart. Toward A Better Life Podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.
    enKevin Pennell75 Episodes

    Episodes (75)

    Self Care for Caregivers with Dr Edward Smink

    Self Care for Caregivers with Dr Edward Smink

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Today’s episode is unique from the others, because it is part one of two.  We’re talking with Dr. Edward Smink, a passionate coach for caregivers.  His life has been one embraced by compassion beginning as a Registered Nurse, evolving toward counseling, and an earned PhD, now specifically working with caregivers.  In this episode we’ll be discussing Caregiver Burnout, Caregiver Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue and begin to share how to move forward from these conditions.  If you are a Caregiver, and we all are as you will learn, this episode will help you with self care or soul care as Dr. Ed likes to call it and how to return to the passion and joy you have known as a Caregiver.  Join me now for Part 1, Self Care for Caregivers on this episode of Toward A Better Life. 

    Contact Dr. Edward Smink:


    Transformative Yoga with Amy Zellmer

    Transformative Yoga with Amy Zellmer

    Hi and welcome to Toward A Better Life.  This is your host Kevin Pennell.  Amy Zellmer is today’s guest.  She’s an award-winning author, speaker, TBI survivor, and Editor-in-chief of MN YOGA + Life magazine.  Amy’s sharing her story of how she went from her career as a professional photographer to a passion in spreading the message that yoga is for every BODY, regardless of size or ability, and a mission to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of TBI.  It’s time for Transformative Yoga with Amy Zellmer on this episode of Toward A Better Life.

    Amy Zellmer's Website: https://mnyogalife.com/

    Amy Zellmer's Blog: https://mnyogalife.com/blog/

    Contact Amy Zellmer: https://mnyogalife.com/contact/

    Transformative Yoga Promo

    Transformative Yoga Promo

    Hi everybody this is Kevin Pennell from Toward A Better Life.  I’ll be talking with Amy Zellmer on our next episode.  Amy is an award-winning author, speaker, TBI survivor, and Editor-in-chief of MN YOGA + Life magazine.  She’ll be sharing her story of how she went from her career as a professional photographer until 2014 when she suffered a life-changing traumatic brain injury after a slip and fall on black ice.  Since then, she has published four books focusing on concussion and TBI, and began publishing The Brain Health Magazine in 2019.  In addition, she’ s contributed to Huffington Post and Thrive Global.  Amy has a passion to spread the message that yoga is for every BODY, regardless of size or ability, and a mission to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of TBI.  Join us for Transformative Yoga with Amy Zellmer on the next episode of Toward A Better Life available on the podcast platform of your choice.

    Overcoming Trauma with Contessa Akin

    Overcoming Trauma with Contessa Akin

    In this episode of Toward A Better Life, Contessa Akin, a highly certified coach who lives to help other women who, like her former self, struggle to to find love and peace in life.  Contessa employs her Phoenix Process that takes women, in a structured way, on a journey to sustainable healing and a life worthy of themselves.  She’s going to  talk specifically about trauma in this episode that includes how to first create a safe space and then apply the needed steps for working through that trauma.  Let’s join Contessa Akin and as she shares the fundamentals of Overcoming Trauma.

    Contessa's group coaching container is her highest form of service.  It is a safe space and only open once a year.  In the meantime, listeners will receive weekly pearls of wisdom so they can start their journey to happier and healthier.  Click the link to connect with Contessa!


    Forest Bathing with Kelly Bruce

    Forest Bathing with Kelly Bruce

    Okay everyone, let’s go Forest Bathing!  Kelly Bruce is our guest today on Toward A Better Life.  She’s going to teach us some basics and benefits that surround Forest Bathing an activity that was developed in Japan in the mid 1980’s.  As a certified guide and trail consultant with Asheville Wellness Tours here in Asheville, North Carolina, Kelly helps people from all walks of life enjoy the benefits from connecting with the natural world to create a Better Life for themselves.  Join Kelly and me, Kevin Pennell, as we talk about Forest Bathing!

    Forest Bathing with Kelly Bruce

    Forest Bathing with Kelly Bruce

    Hi everyone.  This is Kevin Pennell.  It summer time here, the peak of outdoor recreation.  Our next episode of Toward A Better Life will find us learning about Forest Bathing here in Western North Carolina, a practice developed from Japan in the 1980’s, but what is it exactly?  Kelly Bruce will be our guest.  She’s a certified guide and trail consultant with Asheville Wellness Tours here in Asheville, North Carolina.  People from all walks of life enjoy many opportunities to connect with the natural world to create a Better Life for themselves in North Carolina and around the World.  Kelly Bruce will be sharing many of the positive qualities and how you can enjoy the practice of Forest Bathing on the next episode of Toward A Better Life. 

    Fear The Gateway to Joy

    Fear The Gateway to Joy

    Let’s talk about fear.  First, many may believe hate is the opposite of love, but I suggest it’s fear because hatred is more of a result of fear.  Actually our brain responds to fear by releasing biological molecules that accelerate breathing, increases heart rate  and blood pressure.  Fear tends to hyperfocus one’s attention, slows digestion, and dilates the pupils.  Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From the time we're infants, we are equipped with the survival instincts necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe.

    In this episode we’re going to look at fear from a different perspective with the help of Jill Heiman.  Jill leads women and women’s group on to better understandings about themselves and how they can embrace fear.  Fear no longer blocks our froward momentum.  Jill Heiman will explain some basics in this episode of Toward A Better Life with Fear The Gateway to Joy.

    Here are some Links to connect with Jill Heiman

    Jill's gift for listening to this podcast is a FREE 30-minute Vision Blueprint Call 

    Fear The Gateway to Joy - Promo

    Fear The Gateway to Joy - Promo

    Fear… What do you fear?  Fear can be healthy.  It’s a natural instinct that’s written into our DNA all the way back to the hunter gatherer of our species.  It’s believed to be a very powerful basic human emotion that’s wired into the nervous system and works like an instinct protecting us from imminent danger.  Fear can also impact our thinking and decision making processes in negative ways which leaves us susceptible to more intense emotions and impulsive reactions.  In the next episode of Toward A Better Life, we’re going to examine fear from a different perspective.  Jill Heimen and I explore how fear can be a very powerful tool to bring joy for your life. Tune in to the next episode of Toward A Better Life as Jill Heiman talks about Fear The Gateway to Joy.

    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    Taking Ownership of Your Life

    I’m excited to welcome Krystal Jakosky today.  She’s from Colorado where she teaches, writes, and hosts a regular podcast.  Helping people is Krystal’s passion through guiding compassionately and even giving them a push in the right direction when needed.  She encourages people to walk into more authentic and fulfilling lives.  In this episode, we’ll learn to tune in to ourselves and our joy.  Stay tuned as Krystal Jakowsky shares methods of Taking Ownership of Your Life.

    Learning how to own your stuff isn’t an instant shift. Like any new skill, it’s something that must be intentional and uncomfortable before it can ever become second nature. To help you practice this new muscle, we’ve created Intro to You: an Online Course from Krystal Jakosky – a teacher and writer based in Boulder County, Colorado.
    As a gift to listeners of this podcast, enter "Better Life" for 10% Off the cost of her lesson!


    Krystal Jakosky Promo

    Krystal Jakosky Promo

    On the next episode of Toward A Better Life we’re talking with Krystal Jakosky Colorado based teacher, writer, and podcaster.  She simply adores helping people and enjoys guiding them with a push in the right direction, motivating them to step into a more authentic and fulfilling lives.  In this episode, learn to tune in to you.  Tune in to your joy.  Join us for the next episode when Krystal Jakowsky shares methods of Taking Ownership of Your Life.  That’s Toward A Better Life available on the podcast platform of your choice.

    Connecting With The Magic of Life

    Connecting With The Magic of Life

    Connecting, connecting with children, of family members, and connecting with each other.  Connecting with the essence of life itself.  This is Kevin Pennell.  Join me as we visit Timothy Stuetz in Spain.  In this episode of Toward A Better Life, Connecting with the Magic of Life. 


    For More Information Visit:  

    https://www. timothystuetz.com


    Immediately boost your happiness, vitality and connection with your Divine Design with several Free Tales Of The Heart, time-tested guided meditations and exercises, songs and much more—something for you and everyone in your family!

    Explore Our Soul Connection

    Explore Our Soul Connection

    Phillip Mountrose is this episode’s guest on Toward A Better Life.  Hi this is Kevin Pennell.  Phillip and his wife Jane have been exploring the connections with our souls for many years.  Today, Phillip will share several insights and methods related to connecting with our souls and how that connection can make our life a truly amazing adventure.  We’ll also be talking about their book, The Loving Power of Your Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Potential.  Join Phillip and I now as we Explore Our Soul Connection on Toward A Better Life!

    Episode 11 Free Spiritual Healing Gift - Claim your gift by visiting https://tinyurl.com/spiritual-gift  You may also connect for a Personal Strategy Session at https://tinyurl.com/heal-awake

    Contact Phillip & Jane Mountrose through their extensive website www.gettingthru.org

    Explore Our Soul Connection

    Explore Our Soul Connection

    in the next episode of Toward A Better Life as we explore our souls with Phillip Mountrose.  Phillip and his wife, Jane, have spent over 30 years together in the holistic and spiritual fields guiding many to fulfilling vital connections with their souls.  They Co-Authored "The Loving Power of the Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Purpose.” Be sure to join us next time as we Explore Our Soul Connection with Phillip Mountrose.

    The Incredible Power Within

    The Incredible Power Within

    Hello and welcome to another pathway of Toward A Better Life.  This is Kevin Pennell, your host.  Emotional Freedom Technique, often referred to as EFT, is a unique approach to address chronic pain and emotional distress. EFT is characterized by tapping using one’s finger tips to stimulate energy points in the body.  Today we’re privileged to talk with Ann Hince in this Episode.  Ann will be sharing her first hand story of how applying EFT and other related techniques helped her physically and emotionally tap into The Incredible Power Within  on her personal journey Toward a Better Life… 

    A personal message from Ann: 

    "What I want most is for other people to realize they can do this too. My YouTube channel shares my story  and the steps I took in great detail, as does my book."

    Please vist Ann's You Tube Channel

    The Incredible Power Within

    The Incredible Power Within

    Hi this is Kevin Pennell from Toward A Better Life.  The next episode will feature Ann Hince who has learned the ability to sense and release physical tension within her body through establishing a life changing connection between the physical and spiritual elements of our lives.  She focuses inside her body to experience incredible changes for her life.   Join us next time on Toward A Better Life as Ann Hince shares how you can unleash The Incredible Power Within.

    Living A Life You Love - Kara Bitar

    Living A Life You Love - Kara Bitar

    In this episode we’ll be talking with Kara Bitar Lawyer turned Optimization Coach and Kundalini Yoga Teacher.  Kara thought she had it all as a successful corporate litigator along with all the lifestyle perks, everything BUT happiness.  Kara learned her career was no longer a good fit for her as a person.  Let’s learn how she changed her life and how you can change yours in Living a Life You Love with Kara Bitar on this episode of Toward A Better Life.

    You can find more information about Kara's Optimization Programs and Coaching and sign up for her live-streamed Kundalini Yoga classes by visiting her website at www.karanicolebitar.com.  You can also sign up for a complimentary discovery call to learn more about how her Optimization Programs and Coaching can benefit you.  


    Living A Life You Love - Kara Bitar

    Living A Life You Love - Kara Bitar

    This is Kevin Pennell your host for Toward A Better Life.  Our next episode will feature Kara Bitar, Optimization Coach and Kundalini Yoga Teacher.  Kara was once a corporate litigator having achieved what she thought was her lifetime goal with all the perks.  After working in that environment, Kara discovered that life wasn’t for her.  She will be sharing her story of moving from an unhappy life to one of joy and fulfillment.  Tune in for Living a Life You Love with Kara Bitar on the next episode of Toward A Better Life.

    You can find more information about Kara's Optimization Programs and Coaching and sign up for her live-streamed Kundalini Yoga classes by visiting her website at www.karanicolebitar.com.  You can also sign up for a complimentary discovery call to learn more about how her Optimization Programs and Coaching can benefit you.  

    Life Coaching for Women

    Life Coaching for Women

    It’s time once again for Toward A Better Life.  This is your host, Kevin Pennell.  This episode is devoted to women everywhere.  We’re talking with Michelle Woods, Certified Life and Leadership Coach who will be sharing how women can pursue returning to the driver’s seat and live their lives authentically.  If you’re seeking fulfillment, but it seems juts out of reach, Michelle can help you bridge the gap to identify and achieve your goals.  Now, join Michelle Woods and me, Kevin Pennell, with a discussion about Life Coaching for Women on this episode of Toward A Better Life.

    Contact Michelle through her website woodslifecoaching.com.  While there, be sure to [FREE] Journal Prompts: What's the Missing Piece? You want fulfillment, but it seems just out of reach. It's like looking over a chasm.....you know what you want but it's just out of reach and you don't know how to bridge the gap. These prompts, along with a short activity, will help you identify what's missing and how to take to fill the gap so you can feel fulfilled again.

    Also, You can connect with Michelle over on Instagram at @woodslifecoaching or download her free Midlife Misery Mini Guide at woodslifecoaching.com. 

    Life Coaching for Women

    Life Coaching for Women

    Certified Life and Leadership Coach Michelle Woods will be sharing some valuable information for women on our next episode of Toward A Better Life.  Michelle will be sharing how she enjoys helping women find fulfillment in their lives as a Midlife Design Coach.  She began her coaching career in pursuit of helping women get back in the driver’s seat and live authentically.  She’s been featured in Voyage Raleigh Magazine as one of Raleigh North Carolina’s Most Inspiring Stories.  Join Michelle Woods and me, Kevin Pennell, for the next episode, Life Coaching for Women, on Toward A Better Life.  Available on the podcast platform of your choice.

    Intuitive Decision Making with Laura Haehl

    Intuitive Decision Making with Laura Haehl

    Welcome to this episode of Toward A Better Life!  I’m excited to welcome Laura Haehl.  Laura is an Intuitive guide, yoga instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, and hypnosis therapist.  She loves to help people access and trust their intuition.  When we think of intuition thoughts about instinct, sixth sense, a hunch, or maybe even clairvoyance may come to mind, you know… the ability to immediately understand something, without any need for conscious reasoning.  It’s just knowing.  Laura will be taking us beyond what we think about intuition and apply those thoughts to Intuitive Decision Making. 

    Here's a link to Laura's website for more information...

    Rely on your inner oracle as your primary decision maker. Get your FREE Activate Your Inner Oracle Kit.