
    True Presence: Helping Overwhelmed Catholic Moms Find Focus, Clarity, and Connection | a Catholic Podcast

    A podcast for Catholic moms who struggle to juggle All THE THINGS: tune in to discern your high-impact actions, and bring more presence to your days. Welcome to True Presence; the place where overwhelmed Catholic Moms learn to break free from hurry, worry and social media and build a life of intentionality, connection and presence. I'm Kelsey, a Time-Freedom Coach for Catholic Moms. I'm a mom of many, and a homesteading + homeschooling Catholic mom obsessed with learning to parent with gentleness, live healthfully as a good steward of our bodies and creation, and create a home where virtue can flourish. Want to learn about Mother Theresa's secret to time management? Check out www.truepresence.life Tune in to this Catholic Podcast for interviews and insights from Catholic moms from all walks of life.
    en-usKelsey Pasquarell55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    How to Love your Catholic Homeschool Life with Sarah Mackenzie of Read-Aloud Revival

    How to Love your Catholic Homeschool Life with Sarah Mackenzie of Read-Aloud Revival
    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the idea of Catholic homeschooling?  Ever wonder if you're doing enough?  This episode cuts to the heart of homeschooling for YOUR unique family.  Sarah Mackenzie of Read-Aloud Revival joins us in a delightfully humourous episode about all the ins and outs of loving your homeschool life.

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership 


    Sarah Mackenzie is the author of Teaching from Rest, The Read-Aloud Family and several picture books, including the soon-to-be-released Because Barbara. She's the host of the Read-Aloud Revival Podcast, which has been downloaded over 14 million times in more than 160 countries, and is the Publisher at the boutique publishing house, Waxwing Books. Her best work though, is at home in the Northwest, where she and her husband homeschool their 6 children. You can connect with Sarah at readaloudrevival.com.
    Legendary picture book creator Barbara Cooney once noticed that the library in her little town by the sea needed attention. A library, she knew, should be a kind of paradise. And because Barbara did whatever she set her mind to, she made it one. Barbara Cooney set her mind to lots of things - none so dear as capturing the beauty of the world in her paintings. These paintings would form the setting for her award-winning picture books, including Miss Rumphius, Roxaboxen and Ox-Cart Man. 
    Because Barbara follows the story of Barbara's life as she grows from a little girl with a dream into one of the most well-known and well-loved children's picture book illustrators. Don't miss this new picture book, written by Sarah Mackenzie and illustrated by Eileen Ryan Ewen, releasing this spring. You can pre-order your copy at waxwingbooks.com

    Making room in the budget with Amanda Teixeira: Catholic Money Mindset and Stewardship | Making room for our Goals Series 2024

    Making room in the budget with Amanda Teixeira:  Catholic Money Mindset and Stewardship | Making room for our Goals Series 2024

    It's January and a great time to revamp the budget,  But between inflation causing stress and confusion about church teaching on money, it can be challenging to figure out how to have a healthy relationship with money.  On the one hand, we know we shouldn't love money, but on the other, worrying about making ends meet doesn't feel quite right either.  What's a Catholic Mom to do?

    Amanda Teixeira of WalletWin is here to help us sort through all that today.  We're diving in to Catholic Money Mindset and you'll walk away with a much better understanding of church teaching and how to handle your own thoughts and feelings around your budget!  Check out her budget guide HERE.

    Ready to cut your scroll time for Lent?  Pre-Register HERE for the True Presence Challenge and let's get really intentional about social media and phone use!

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:


    The Catholic Mom's guide to Decluttering: Making Room for our goals in 2024 Series

    The Catholic Mom's guide to Decluttering: Making Room for our goals in 2024 Series

    Happy New year!  Calling all Catholic moms who feel like all the stuff in their space is holding them back!  We're making room for our goals this year, starting with our homes.  Out with all the excess stuff weighing us down and taking our time and attention.  Grab your free decluttering dashboard here: welcome.truepresence.life/declutter

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership and finally figure out the best way to plan your time.  It's a membership for Catholic Moms with complicated situations like chronic illness, neurodiverse kids and other challenges that make your days unpredictable.  If chaos is eating you alive, come on in and let's get your life back!


    Uncertainty ahead? How Catholic Moms can make New Year's plans even when the future is foggy

    Uncertainty ahead?  How Catholic Moms can make New Year's plans even when the future is foggy

    Are you in a season where you don't feel like you can see far enough ahead to make big plans?  Today, we're talking about how to plan from littleness like St. Therese.  

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    In this episode, we explore the challenge of planning amidst uncertainty, especially as we approach a new year. The host reflects on the unpredictability of life, sharing a personal journey of unexpected health struggles within their family.

    Despite meticulous planning for a "year of health," unforeseen circumstances led to surgeries and an uncertain future. Through this turmoil, the host emphasizes the importance of surrendering to uncertainty while maintaining faith.

    The episode delves into the power of intentionality, highlighting the significance of choosing love and purpose in every moment, even when concrete plans seem impossible.

    Drawing from spiritual wisdom, the narrative emphasizes trust in divine providence and nurturing goodwill in all circumstances as pathways to peace amidst chaos.

    Practical advice includes leaning into divine grace, focusing on living out God's will, and accepting reality while discerning a path guided by faith and love.

    Ultimately, the episode encourages listeners to prepare themselves to receive grace, embrace loving others, and live intentionally, laying the groundwork for clearer goals when uncertainties lift.

    Disapproving Relatives and how to handle them: A Catholic Mom's guide to confidence at holiday get-togethers

    Disapproving Relatives and how to handle them:  A Catholic Mom's guide to confidence at holiday get-togethers

    Join us in this insightful episode as we delve into the challenges Catholic moms face when met with family criticism, especially during holiday gatherings. Discover effective strategies to navigate these situations and regain confidence in your parenting decisions.

    Holiday Boundaries Scripts:  Grab yours here

    Want some time-freedom coaching?  Book a call with Kelsey  HERE

    Key Points:

    1. Embracing Imperfections: As Catholic moms, acknowledging imperfections is pivotal. Parenting involves experimentation without a one-size-fits-all approach.

    2. Confidence in Choices: Reaffirming confidence in intentional decisions, emphasizing that parenting choices are personal and not subject to external opinions.

    3. Boundaries and Respect: Differentiating healthy disagreement from disrespect. Setting boundaries when conversations turn disrespectful is crucial for maintaining self-respect and teaching healthy interaction to kids.

    4. Taking Time for Consideration: Highlighting the importance of not feeling pressured to make instant decisions. Taking time to reflect and consider advice shows thoughtfulness.

    5. Modeling Emotional Maturity: Illustrating the value of modeling emotional maturity to inspire positive change in family dynamics.

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:




    Parenting for Moral Courage: Kimberly Begg teaches how Catholic parents can equip their children for a secular world

    Parenting for Moral Courage: Kimberly Begg teaches how Catholic parents can equip their children for a secular world

    Join us today in an important discussion about parenting for moral courage.  Kimberly Begg, the author of 'Unbreakable,' shares the inspiring journey that led to her book. Motivated by the lives of saints who inspired other saints, she emphasizes the vital role of courage as a habit, essential for raising children in today's increasingly secular world. Highlighting the need to instill courage in children's daily lives, Kimberly shares some practical ideas for how to start small and encourage our children to fearlessly live out their Catholic identity.

    Kimberly Begg is the editor of Catholic School Playbook, project advisor to Run With Saints, and director of programs and general counsel of the Ortner Family Foundation.  She lives in Virginia with her husband and five children.

    Key takeaways:

    1. Courage as a Habit: Emphasizing the necessity of instilling courage in children's daily lives.
      2. Safeguarding Innocence: Stressing the importance of protecting innocence until puberty.
      3. Parenting and Exposure: Balancing insulation from and exposure to the world.
      4. Catholic Imagination: Fostering a Catholic imagination through stories of saints.
      5. Generational Impact: Recognizing the influence of parenting on future generations and the duty to instill faith.
      6. Building a Catholic Culture: Advocating for authentically Catholic home libraries to guide children in discerning God's will.
      7. The Power of Saintly Stories: Using stories of saints to inspire courage and guide children in living out God's will.

      Want to learn more? Signed copies of Kimberly's book Unbreakable and a free 17-page study guide are available at kimberlybegg.com.

    📅✝️Break out of overwhelmJoin the True Presence Membership with a 7-day free trial.📆


    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.


    Dive Deeper into True Presence:



    When your Husband doesn't help with chores: How to have tough conversations about housework with your spouse.

    When your Husband doesn't help with chores: How to have tough conversations about housework with your spouse.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of maintaining a mature and respectful dialogue with your spouse regarding the division of household tasks, managing your needs, and fostering a deeper connection in your marriage as Catholics.


    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.


    This isn't about making your husband do chores; it's about having a healthy conversation on housework. We explore how to find a balance between responsibilities, respecting each other's time, and nurturing your relationship. 

    📅✝️Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership with a 7-day free trial.🙏📆


    The key takeaways from this episode include:
    - Recognizing that you are responsible for meeting your own needs, including sleep, mental health, and personal time.
    - Learning to communicate your needs and boundaries in a mature way, without nagging.
    - Emphasizing the importance of your shared vision within your marriage, focusing on raising your children in the faith.
    - Assessing your capacity for housework and the option of outsourcing or delegating tasks.
    - Approaching the conversation as a neutral problem-solving discussion rather than an emotionally charged one.

    Remember, it's all about doing the work out of love for your family. If you're seeking more guidance on finding balance and improving communication within your family, consider joining our True Presence membership with a free trial to access valuable resources and support.

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    Disconnect to Reconnect: A Catholic Dad's Path to Impact

    Disconnect to Reconnect: A Catholic Dad's Path to Impact

    Summary: In this episode, Kelsey interviews her husband who shares his transformative journey of disconnecting from the overwhelming news and social media noise to reconnect with his family and realign his focus on what truly matters.

    The episode discusses the challenges and anxieties faced during the tumultuous year of 2020 and how he made a conscious decision to shift his attention toward his immediate circle of influence.

    This episode introduces the concept of a "circle of control" and a "circle of influence," highlighting the importance of investing time and care in the relationships that are within our reach. The conversation explores how this shift led to personal growth, recognition at work, and a deeper sense of purpose.

    Kelsey's husband also touches on the application of these principles during a recent spinal injury, emphasizing the need for focusing on what CAN be done rather than what cannot.

    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.


    📅✝️Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership with a 7-day free trial.🙏📆


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    On Suffering Well with Christina Brown | How Catholic Moms can build resilience in times of trial and hardship

    On Suffering Well with Christina Brown | How Catholic Moms can build resilience in times of trial and hardship

    In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of choosing our thoughts and the importance of recognizing the beauty and holiness in ordinary moments. Join us for a conversation with Christina Brown, a life coach, speaker, and podcaster, as she shares her insights on finding joy amidst suffering, holding thoughts captive, and sanctifying everyday tasks.

    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership with a 7-day free trial.

    Connect with Christina:

    YouTube: @christina__m__brown


    Episode Highlights:

    1. Introducing Christina Brown (0:00 - 1:45)
       - Brief overview of Christina's background.
    2. Choosing Faith Over Feelings (1:46 - 4:30)
       - Discussion on how choosing faith and action over feelings can bring a profound shift in one's perspective.
       - Christina's personal experience during a challenging time in her life.

    3. Recognizing Thoughts as Choices (4:31 - 8:15)
       - The concept of thoughts as choices and recognizing the power of our thoughts.
       - The "model" of analyzing circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.
    4. Holding Negative Thoughts Captive (8:16 - 11:45)
       - Empowering individuals, especially women, to challenge negative thought patterns.
       - The importance of holding thoughts to a higher truth and accountability to the Lord.
    5. Navigating Suffering with Joy (11:46 - 15:30)
       - How faith isn't just about feelings but a decision and an action, even in times of suffering.
       - The quote by St. Therese of Lisieux that shifted Christina's perspective on faith.
    6. Embracing Both Joy and Suffering (15:31 - 18:30)
       - Discussion on the idea that both joy and suffering can coexist in our lives.
       - The importance of not feeling guilty for experiencing joy amidst the world's suffering.

    7. The Power of Thought and Emotion (18:31 - 21:00) 

       - How recognizing and choosing our thoughts can lead to a deeper sense of freedom and love.
       - The analogy of thoughts as train choices at a station.

    8. Finding Holiness in Ordinary Tasks (21:01 - 25:15)
       - Navigating the challenges of everyday tasks as a stay-at-home mom.
       - Sanctifying daily routines and experiences through prayer and love.

    9. Embracing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary (25:16 - 28:00)
       - Living out the extraordinary in everyday life by infusing it with love and faith.
       - Recognizing pain and suffering as opportunities to love more deeply.

    10. Closing Thoughts and Where to Find Christina (28:01 - 30:00)
        - Summarizing the key takeaways from the conversation.
        - Information on how to connect with Christina Brown on Instagram and her website.

    In this episode, Christina Brown shares valuable insights into the power of choosing our thoughts, finding joy amid suffering, and sanctifying everyday moments. She reminds us that, as Catholics, we have the opportunity to embrace both joy and suffering, recognizing that they can coexist. By holding our thoughts captive and seeking holiness in the ordinary, we can experience a profound shift in our perspective and draw closer to God.


    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership and get access to the all new homemaker dashboards!  Make a plan for prayer, chores and personal care for everyone in your unique family!

    Infant Loss and Reshaping our Motherhood Identity as Catholic Moms: A deep dive into Healing with Emily Adams

    Infant Loss and Reshaping our Motherhood Identity as Catholic Moms: A deep dive into Healing with Emily Adams

    Join us today as Emily Adams explores how the Lord is at work even in the midst of infant loss. 

    Emily is a Catholic wife and mother of 10. She has four living children here on earth, and 6 little souls in heaven.  Emily is a Resident Catholic Coach for Metanoia Catholic and is on a mission to help Catholic women discover hope and find purpose within their pain after baby loss. She helps her clients through 1:1 and group coaching learn how to embrace their story, process through their emotions with integrity, and become open to understanding God’s unique call to sanctity in sorrow.

    FREEBIE Download: 6 things I wish someone would have told me after my baby loss



    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership free for 7 days and get access to the all new homemaker dashboards! Design your days on purpose with the Lord.

     Part 1: Introduction and Coping with Infant Loss

    - **Introduction (0:00-2:00):** 
       - A brief introduction to the podcast and the host.
       - Introduction of the guest, Emily, who shares her personal journey of coping with infant loss.

    - **Infant Loss Experiences (2:00-5:00):**
       - Emily discusses her own experiences with infant loss and multiple miscarriages.
       - The emotional and physical challenges she faced during her losses.

    - **Coping Mechanisms (5:00-8:30):**
       - Emily shares the different coping mechanisms she and her husband used to navigate the grief.
       - The importance of finding a support system during such challenging times.

    - **Healing and Hope (8:30-12:00):**
       - How Emily and her husband found healing and hope through their faith.
       - The role of prayer and spirituality in their journey towards healing.

    **Part 2: Creating a Sacred Space for Healing**

    - **Support and Encouragement (12:00-15:00):**
       - The importance of support from family and friends during difficult times.
       - How these relationships can be a source of encouragement and strength.

    - **Creating a Memorial (15:00-18:00):**
       - Emily shares how they created a memorial for their lost children.
       - The emotional significance of having a place to remember and honor them.

    - **Celebration of Life (18:00-21:00):**
       - The role of faith-based ceremonies and celebrations in the healing process.
       - How these events helped bring closure and peace to their experiences of loss.

    **Part 3: Identity and Trust on the Healing Journey**

    - **Challenging Self-Perception (21:00-24:00):**
       - Emily discusses how she grappled with her self-perception as a mother and wife following infant loss.
       - The negative self-talk and self-doubt that can arise in such situations.

    - **Rebuilding Self-Image (24:00-27:00):**
       - Emily describes how she began to rebuild her self-image and trust in God.
       - The role of Ignatian prayer and visualization in her healing process.

    - **The Importance of Trust (27:00-30:00):**
       - The significance of learning to trust God even in times of fear and suffering.
       - Embracing pain and grief as opportunities for transformation.

    - **Conclusion and Contact Information (30:00-End):**
       - The transformation of Emily's self-perception and journey toward healing.
       - How to connect with Emily for support, guidance, and coaching.


    Not Good Enough: How Catholic Moms can stop imposter syndrome from holding them back

    Not Good Enough:  How Catholic Moms can stop imposter syndrome from holding them back

    In this episode, we explore how imposter syndrome holds us back and exhausts us as Catholic mothers—Discover how these feelings of inadequacy can affect your daily life and learn actionable steps to conquer them.

    Overwhelmed?  Email kelsey@truepresence.life to book a call._____________________

    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Pre-Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.


    Episode Summary:

    Understanding Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome is that persistent inner voice that constantly reminds you of your perceived inadequacies as a mother. It can make you feel like you're failing or merely pretending to have it all together. However, remember that these thoughts are entirely normal and often indicate that you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

    The Impact of Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome can act like an unwelcome guest in your mind, distracting you, sowing self-doubt, and making you question every decision. It can lead to mental exhaustion and hinder your ability to focus on what truly matters. It may also manifest as procrastination or perfectionism, preventing you from taking essential actions in your motherhood journey.

    Embracing Growth and Learning Understand that motherhood is a continuous journey of growth and learning. No one is born a perfect parent, and each new stage brings unique challenges. Embrace the idea that making mistakes is normal and focus on your personal progress rather than pursuing perfection. 

    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Overcoming Imposter Syndrome involves challenging negative thoughts  Remember that God chose you to be a mother, and His grace is more than sufficient for your journey. Reframe your mistakes as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. 

    Finding Support and Solutions If you find yourself constantly overwhelmed and struggling to manage your responsibilities, don't hesitate to seek support and practical solutions. Reach out for help when needed, as there are effective ways to organize and prioritize your tasks to reduce overwhelm.


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    Kendra Tierney explains Liturgical Living as a way of life; the overwhelmed Catholic Mom's guide to building Liturgical Family Traditions

    Kendra Tierney explains Liturgical Living as a way of life; the overwhelmed Catholic Mom's guide to building Liturgical Family Traditions

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the practical side of Catholic liturgical living with Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year.  Join us as Kendra takes you on a journey through the heart of her family's faith-filled traditions and rituals and how it can be so very approachable even for moms who are usually extremely intimidated by the idea of adding in liturgical living traditions.

    We're talking about meal planning, prayer routines, messy houses and, above all, the joy of friendship, connection and building family traditions.  If you want to step out of the usual rhythm of the world and enrich your family's lives with the liturgical year, tune in.

    Tired of the crazy commercial holiday season each year?  Wanting something a little slower and more prayerful?

    Pre-Register for SAVOR ADVENT--a guided challenge for Catholic Moms who want a slow and beautiful season with their family and are ready to get ahead of the crazy holidays this year.


    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership and get access to the all new homemaker dashboards!  Make a plan for prayer, chores and personal care for everyone in your unique family!


    How Catholic Moms can recognize their Charisms: Jill Simons teaches about identifying and leaning into our unique supernatural gifts from the Holy Spirit

    How Catholic Moms can recognize their Charisms: Jill Simons teaches about identifying and leaning into our unique supernatural gifts from the Holy Spirit

    In this episode of True Presence, we're delving into an enlightening conversation with Jill Simons, founder of Pink Salt Riot and executive director at Many Parts Ministries. Join us as we explore the intriguing world of charisms and their role in motherhood.

    Dive Deeper into True Presence:

    Plan your days with the Lord: Join the True Presence Membership and get access to the all new homemaker dashboards!  Make a plan for prayer, chores and personal care for everyone in your unique family!


    Episode Highlights

    - **Understanding Charisms and Their Significance:** Jill Simons, creative director and founder of Pink Salt Riot, shares her insights on charisms—spiritual gifts that every baptized individual receives to serve the larger body of Christ. She explains how these gifts are unique and how they contribute to building the Church.

    - **Embracing Diversity in Spiritual Gifts:** Jill emphasizes that charisms encompass a wide range of gifts beyond the typical "public" spiritual gifts. She elaborates on the diverse and essential roles each charism plays in the body of Christ, drawing parallels with the functioning of different cells in a body.

    - **Discerning Your Charisms:** Jill introduces a three-fold approach to discerning spiritual gifts. She discusses the importance of feedback from others, recognizing supernatural fruit, and observing the presence of the Holy Spirit's fruits in your life as key indicators of your charisms.

    - **Charisms in Motherhood:** Exploring the dynamic relationship between charisms and motherhood, Jill addresses the misconception that certain gifts are more suited to specific seasons of life. She reveals how various charisms can be prominent at different stages of motherhood, enhancing the way moms interact with their families and the Church.

    - **Transformative Stories:** Through compelling anecdotes, Jill illustrates how discovering and embracing charisms can lead to life-changing transformations. She shares stories of two nurses who found newfound purpose and satisfaction in their professions by aligning their charisms with their work.

    - **Decisions Guided by Charisms:** Jill discusses how recognizing and valuing one's charisms can lead to more intentional decision-making. By focusing on their unique strengths and roles, moms can cultivate a sense of purpose, prioritize their commitments, and contribute to the larger mission of the Church.

    As we conclude this enlightening episode, it's clear that the journey of uncovering charisms is a profound path towards self-discovery, empowerment, and embracing one's divine calling. Join us in the next episode for more insightful discussions on nurturing the soul and enriching our lives.

    - To learn more about charisms, visit Many Parts Ministries.
    - Download the free guide to the 24 charisms from the Many Parts Ministries website.
    - Engage in the charism discernment process through assessments and personalized reports available on the website.


    Homeschooling with multiple ages: Tips for Catholic Moms on How to homeschool with babies, toddlers and older kids

    Homeschooling with multiple ages: Tips for Catholic Moms on How to homeschool with babies, toddlers and older kids

    If you're feeling overwhelmed by teaching multiple children with varying ages, this episode is perfect for you. We'll share practical strategies to make your homeschooling journey smoother and more effective.

    Build your Family's Routines:  Truepresence.life/course

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    Well-Ordered Week newsletter: weekly inspiration and journal prompts


    1. Early Years:
    If your kids aren't reading yet and don't have established habits, don't worry. Young children learn a lot through everyday activities like cooking, walking, and reading together. Focus on quality interactions rather than replicating a traditional school setting at home.

    2. Balancing Work:
    Organize your children's work into lessons (you actively teach), independent work (practice), and question time. This lets you provide targeted attention when needed and encourages self-learning.

    3. Mixed-Age Learning:
    Combine lessons like science, history, and literature for multiple ages. Tailor activities to each child's level. Older kids can help younger ones, creating a supportive learning environment.

    4. Including Little Ones:
    Create a safe space for focused learning. Use nap times and play hours for teaching. Involve babies and toddlers in simple activities to manage distractions.

    5. Flexibility Matters:
    Remember, homeschooling is adaptable. Customize routines to your child's preferences—morning, afternoon, or evening. Flexibility nurtures individual growth and learning.

    As a Catholic mom homeschooling kids of different ages, embrace flexibility and collaboration. Simplify lessons, involve younger siblings, and adapt routines to each child. Your tailored approach will create a rewarding homeschool experience.

    For more guidance on intentional living, visit truepresence.life Let's make this homeschooling year the best one yet for you and your family.

    Thanks for tuning in to True Presence. Happy homeschooling, Catholic moms!

    Secrets of Presence in Parenting: Three challenges and solutions for Catholic Moms learning to be Present Parents

    Secrets of Presence in Parenting:  Three challenges and solutions for Catholic Moms learning to be Present Parents

    Join host Kelsey Pasquarell l in this episode as she delves into the challenges of being a present parent. Kelsey explores common pitfalls that hinder our ability to be fully present to our children. 

    Enroll in the True Presence Course

    August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Watch the Replay.

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    NEW!! Instagram/threads: @truepresencepodcast

    NEW!! Facebook: True Presence Podcast

    Well-Ordered Week newsletter: weekly inspiration and journal prompts


    Episode Highlights:
    - Introduction (00:00:00)
        - Welcome to "True Presence for Catholic Moms" with Kelsey Pascal.
        - Mission: Helping Catholic moms design purposeful days with the Lord.
    - The Journey of Being a Present Parent (00:00:30)
        - Reflecting on the challenge of being fully present as a parent.
        - A moment shared with a two-year-old climbing stairs and the significance of presence.
    - Embracing the True Presence (00:01:30)
        - Drawing parallels between the true presence of the Eucharist and the presence of parents to their children.
        - Delving into the incarnation as a model of God's love and closeness to humanity.
    - Emulating God's Patience (00:02:45)
        - Imagining God's patience as parents walk alongside their children.
        - The importance of embracing slowness and unhurried moments with children.
    - Preparation for True Presence (00:04:10)
        - Sharing a personal story of moving to a new house with limited internet and its impact on presence.
        - Emphasizing the need for proactive preparation to avoid reactionary escapism.
    - Intentional Time Management (00:07:00)
        - Encouraging structured time for personal rest, prayer, and rejuvenation.
        - Exploring options for finding support or assistance even without traditional childcare.
    - Balancing Productivity and Presence (00:09:30)
        - Discussing the trap of measuring self-worth by productivity and accomplishments.
        - Embracing St. Therese's "Little Way" philosophy of doing everything with love.
    - Shifting Perspectives on Setbacks (00:14:00)
        - Transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth and love.
        - Reflecting on St. Francis de Sales' wisdom on inner peace and calm spirit.
    - Surrendering to God's Presence (00:18:00)
        - Recognizing the need to seek God's presence and grace for true presence as parents.
        - Embracing humility, acknowledging human limitations, and relying on God's strength.
    - Conclusion and Invitation (00:20:00)
        - Recap of key takeaways: proactive preparation, balancing productivity, and embracing God's presence.
        - Inviting listeners to embark on the journey of true presence in their motherhood.

    Tune in to "True Presence for Catholic Moms" and discover how to navigate the challenges of parenting with grace, love, and a deep sense of God's presence. Subscribe to the podcast for more insightful episodes on thriving as a Catholic mom.

    Setting Your School Year Up for Success: the Top 3 things Catholic Moms need to have a peaceful and purposeful school year.

    Setting Your School Year Up for Success: the Top 3 things Catholic Moms need to have a peaceful and purposeful school year.

    August is here, and the school season is upon us. Join us as we share valuable insights to help you navigate this school year with confidence and purpose. From education goals to relationships, we've got you covered.

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    1. Crafting a Vision for Education

    Start with a clear vision: Begin by envisioning the type of education you want for your children. Consider what values, virtues, and skills you want to instill in them.

    Long-term and short-term goals: Establish both long-term and short-term goals for the school year. Think about what you want your children to achieve by the end of the year and how it aligns with their overall educational journey.

    Tailoring education: Choose methods and curricula that match your children's learning styles and preferences. Remember that flexibility is key to achieving your vision.

    2. Learning from the Past for Future Success

    Reflect on the past: Take a look back at the previous school year to assess what worked well and what didn't. Identify successes and challenges to better plan for the future.

    Problem-solving: Use insights from the previous year to troubleshoot potential issues in advance. Adjust your approach based on what you've learned to create a smoother school year.

    Overcoming obstacles: Understand that challenges are normal and can be overcome. Plan for the unexpected and be prepared to adapt your strategies as needed.

    3. Prioritizing Relationships and Self-Care

    Emphasizing relationships: Focus on nurturing your relationship with your children. Find ways to spend quality time together, engage in activities they enjoy, and communicate openly.

    Strengthening marriage: Prioritize your relationship with your spouse. Maintaining a strong marital foundation positively impacts the family's overall well-being.

    Self-care and time management: Invest in self-care to ensure you're your best self for your family. Implement effective time management strategies that allow you to be present and focused.


    This school year, Catholic moms can achieve success by setting a clear educational vision, learning from past experiences, and prioritizing relationships and self-care. By focusing on these aspects, you'll create a harmonious and purposeful environment for your family. For further guidance and support, consider enrolling in the True Presence course to empower yourself with practical tools for a peaceful and purposeful year.

    For more information and to enroll in the course, visit truepresence.life/course Let's make this school year your most impactful yet!

    Demystifying Unschooling | Sterling Jaquith: How Catholic Moms can decide if unschooling is a good fit for their family or catholic homeschool

    Demystifying Unschooling | Sterling Jaquith: How Catholic Moms can decide if unschooling is a good fit for their family or catholic homeschool

    Today we have a special guest, Sterling Jaquith, of Made for Greatness who will be sharing her expertise on unschooling – a unique approach to homeschooling that empowers children's natural curiosity and interests. We'll dive deep into the concept of unschooling, its benefits, and how it can be applied in a Catholic homeschooling environment. Check out the Masters Program at Made for Greatness

    👉August Workshop:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.


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    Episode Highlights:

    1. Exploring Unschooling:
    Sterling shares her journey into homeschooling and unschooling, even before her religious conversion. She recounts her fascination with midwives and waterbirths, which led her to explore countercultural living. This early interest in alternative approaches to learning laid the foundation for her eventual exploration of unschooling.

    2. The backstory:
    Sterling explains how her views on education were shaped by the history of traditional schooling, particularly its origins in World War II-era factory-oriented education. This historical context highlights the need for a more personalized and child-centered approach to learning, which is central to unschooling.

    3. From Skepticism to Embracing Unschooling:
    Transitioning from a traditional homeschooling approach to unschooling wasn't an instant decision for Sterling. She reflects on her initial skepticism when introduced to the term "unschooling." Over time, as she faced challenges and resistance in traditional homeschooling methods, Sterling was drawn to the idea of child-led learning through unschooling.

    4. The Essence of Unschooling:
    Sterling breaks down the concept of unschooling – a child-led learning approach where children's interests guide their education. She highlights how her children's passions, such as chickens and baking, become avenues for learning various subjects, including math, science, and even writing.

    5. Overcoming Concerns and Nurturing Independence:
    Kelsey and Sterling discuss common concerns about unschooling, including worries about chaos, disorganization, and delayed learning. Sterling emphasizes that while it may appear chaotic initially, children catch up quickly as their interests drive them to learn independently.

    6. Navigating High School and College Preparation:
    Sterling provides insights on addressing concerns about unschooling's compatibility with high school and college preparation. She encourages parents to focus on nurturing emotional intelligence, self-motivation, and critical thinking skills. For college-bound students, Sterling suggests teaching essential skills like test-taking strategies, preparing for standardized tests, and exploring dual enrollment opportunities.

    7. Embracing the Future:
    In a rapidly changing world influenced by artificial intelligence and technology, Sterling emphasizes the importance of cultivating skills like asking insightful questions. She cites AI-powered chatbots as an example of how knowing how to ask the right questions will become a valuable skill in the future.

    8. Trusting the Unschooling Process:
    Sterling wraps up the episode by reaffirming the transformative power of unschooling. She encourages parents to trust the process, embrace uncertainty, and recognize that children's innate curiosity and desire to learn will naturally lead them to knowledge and growth.


    Emily Brown Teaches Boundaries: Empowering Catholic Moms for Schoolwork and Homeschooling through Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Balanced life as we head back-to-school

    Emily Brown Teaches Boundaries: Empowering Catholic Moms for Schoolwork and Homeschooling through Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Balanced life as we head back-to-school

    In this episode, we delve into the importance of setting healthy boundaries for Catholic homeschooling moms. Emily Brown, a seasoned homeschooler and life coach, shares insightful tips on protecting your peace and fostering a more balanced homeschooling journey. Discover how to define boundaries, why emotions play a vital role, and how to embrace a more intentional approach with your children. Learn how to transition from being a doer to becoming a mentor and consultant in your children's educational journey. Get Emily's Creating Healthy Boundaries worksheet HERE.

    August Workshop:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.

    Amazing news: True Presence is on Feedspot's list of the Top 15 Catholic Mom Podcasts!!!! Thanks to everyone who tunes in.

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    Episode Notes:

    Understanding Boundaries:
    - Boundaries are often misunderstood. Emily explains that they are about protecting your peace, not controlling others.

    - The goal is to have peace within yourself and to decide how you want to show up in any situation.

    - Understand what is within your control: thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Implementing Boundaries in Homeschooling:
    - Emily shares her experience of starting homeschooling and feeling overwhelmed with trying to do everything.
    - She recommends transitioning from a doer to a teacher and eventually a mentor and consultant as children grow.
    - Determine the best time for learning based on your child's unique needs and creativity.

    Preparing Ahead of Time:
    - Emily suggests setting time aside in your daily preparation to remember what you love about your kids and how you want to show up for them.
    - Teaching From Rest by Sarah McKenzie is an excellent resource to ease overwhelm in homeschooling.

    Applying Boundaries to Chores:
    - Emily realized she was guilting and shaming her kids to do chores, leading to overreacting.
    - By adopting an employer-employee approach, she detached emotionally from the outcome and allowed natural consequences to play out.
    - Children become more responsible when they experience the natural consequences of their actions.

    - Remember to prioritize relationships over tasks in homeschooling.
    - Get Emily's free download, "Creating Healthy Boundaries" worksheet, to explore your desires and show up intentionally in your homeschool journey.
    - Check out the Happy Holy Mama podcast and explore life coaching options at fiatlifecoaching.com.

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    Where does the time go? 6 Hidden Time Thieves Catholic moms struggle with.

    Where does the time go? 6 Hidden Time Thieves Catholic moms struggle with.

    Kelsey introduces the concept of time thieves, which are sneaky things that steal our time and prevent us from accomplishing our goals. She discusses six common time thieves and provides insights on how to overcome them. These time thieves include avoiding our feelings, neglecting our health, multitasking, resisting reality, focusing on unspoken goals, and prioritizing urgent tasks over important ones.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Time thieves can prevent us from achieving our goals and leave us feeling unproductive and overwhelmed.
    • Avoiding our feelings can lead to unintentional time-wasting behaviors, such as excessive smartphone use.
    • Neglecting our health can drain our energy and mental clarity, making it difficult to accomplish tasks.
    • Multitasking is not as efficient as focusing on one task at a time, as our brains switch between tasks, resulting in time and quality loss.
    • Resisting reality and failing to accept and plan for recurring situations can lead to wasted time and frustration.
    • Unspoken goals that are more important to us than our stated goals can distract us and lead to time mismanagement.
    • Focusing on urgent tasks instead of important ones can keep us in a reactive mode and prevent us from making progress on our goals.


    • "You don't rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems." - Atomic Habits
    • "Neglecting our health takes more time in the long run than taking small steps to care for ourselves."
    • "Multitasking is a time thief. Our brains can't truly multitask, and switching between tasks comes at a cost."
    • "Resisting reality leads to repeated unexpected situations. Acceptance and planning can save time and reduce stress."
    • "Climbing the wrong mountain wastes time and effort. Align your actions with your most important goals."
    • "Focusing on urgent tasks instead of important ones keeps us in a reactive mode and hinders progress."

    For more on productivity and intentional living, visit Truepresence.life

    Amazing news: True Presence is on Feedspot's list of the Top 15 Catholic Mom Podcasts!!!! Thanks for everyone who tunes in.

    Embracing Sacred Self-Care: Insights for the Catholic Mom | Denise Jelinek: How Catholic Moms can see themselves as God sees them, recognize what is holy self-care for moms and rebuild their self-image as a Daughter of our Heavenly Father.

    Embracing Sacred Self-Care: Insights for the Catholic Mom | Denise Jelinek:  How Catholic Moms can see themselves as God sees them, recognize what is holy self-care for moms and rebuild their self-image as a Daughter of our Heavenly Father.

    In this episode, Kelsey interviews Denise Jelinek about the concept of a sacred self-image and the importance of self-care for women. Denise emphasizes the need for women to prioritize their own well-being and recognize their unique value and purpose. She explains how societal influences and external expectations often lead to self-neglect and offers practical steps to develop a healthier self-image.

    Denise highlights the significance of tuning into one's feelings and needs as a starting point for self-care. She introduces a five-day challenge, encouraging listeners to ask themselves two questions throughout the day: "What am I feeling?" and "What do I need?" This simple exercise helps individuals become more aware of their emotions and real needs, separate from self-sabotaging behaviors such as overeating or excessive phone use.

    The conversation delves into the root causes of self-neglect, such as society's emphasis on external measures of success and the avoidance of uncomfortable feelings. Denise encourages listeners to embrace their quirks and explore their unique qualities, acknowledging that each person has a specific role and purpose in the world. By understanding and valuing themselves, women can better care for others and live a more fulfilling life.

    The episode concludes with practical suggestions for fostering a healthier self-image, including engaging in introspection, practicing stillness and reflection, and inviting the Lord into the journey. Denise invites listeners to write a letter to themselves, expressing God's love and perception of their unique qualities. She also encourages individuals to create moments of stillness, where they can ask the Lord for guidance and gain insight into their true selves.

    To learn more about Denise Jelinek and her work with emotional eating and weight loss, visit her website at turntogodnotfood.com.

    Key Points:
    - Self-care is essential and aligns with the Lord's teachings.
    - Society's focus on external measures leads to self-neglect.
    - Tuning into one's feelings and needs is crucial for self-care.
    - A five-day challenge: Ask yourself, "What am I feeling?" and "What do I need?"
    - Embrace quirks and unique qualities to develop a healthier self-image.
    - Engage in introspection and invite the Lord into the journey.
    - Create moments of stillness to gain insight and guidance.

    - Denise Jelinek's website: turntogodnotfood.com

    Resources for Intentional Living:
    August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.