
    True Presence: Helping Overwhelmed Catholic Moms Find Focus, Clarity, and Connection | a Catholic Podcast

    A podcast for Catholic moms who struggle to juggle All THE THINGS: tune in to discern your high-impact actions, and bring more presence to your days. Welcome to True Presence; the place where overwhelmed Catholic Moms learn to break free from hurry, worry and social media and build a life of intentionality, connection and presence. I'm Kelsey, a Time-Freedom Coach for Catholic Moms. I'm a mom of many, and a homesteading + homeschooling Catholic mom obsessed with learning to parent with gentleness, live healthfully as a good steward of our bodies and creation, and create a home where virtue can flourish. Want to learn about Mother Theresa's secret to time management? Check out www.truepresence.life Tune in to this Catholic Podcast for interviews and insights from Catholic moms from all walks of life.
    en-usKelsey Pasquarell55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    "I'm Bored!!!": How Catholic Moms can handle the dreaded summer doldrums without micromanaging their kids.

    "I'm Bored!!!":  How Catholic Moms can handle the dreaded summer doldrums without micromanaging their kids.

    Have your kids been complaining about boredom?  What's the best response?

    We're making two bold claims today:  First that boredom is good for your kids, and second, that with just a little empathy and coaching, they can figure out what to do with their time and learn to handle boredom on their own.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of teaching kids how to handle boredom, fostering their creativity, and why it's essential for their development. Join us as we dive into the research on the benefits of boredom and explore practical ways to guide your children in finding their own solutions.

    *****August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.

     Episode Highlights:

    1. Boredom: Not a Bad Thing After All
       - Discover how boredom can be beneficial for children's self-directed learning and curiosity.
       - Learn why summer vacations without structured schedules can be challenging for kids who are used to constant direction and entertainment.

    2. Teaching Kids to Be Self-Directed
       - Understand why it's crucial to give kids opportunities to practice handling boredom regularly.
       - Embrace the discomfort of hearing "I'm bored" and see it as an opportunity to raise resilient problem solvers.

    3. Empowering Kids to Make Decisions
       - Learn how to respond to your child's boredom with curiosity instead of providing immediate solutions.
       - Discover the importance of sparking your child's thinking process without giving them direct answers.

    4. Building Confidence in Creativity
       - Explore the power of open-ended activities, like playing with a cardboard box, in fostering creativity.
       - Find out how being real and hands-off can help build your child's confidence in their creative abilities.

    5. Nudging Kids in the Right Direction
       - Understand the value of asking open-ended brainstorming questions to help your child discover their interests.
       - Learn to be patient and empathetic as your child explores their options and finds their own solutions.

    Boredom can be a valuable teacher for Catholic kids, helping them develop self-directed learning and creativity. As Catholic parents, our role is not to entertain them constantly but to guide them in finding their own solutions. By responding to their boredom with curiosity and asking open-ended questions, we can empower them to take ownership of their time and explore their interests. So the next time your child says, "I'm bored," embrace the opportunity to help them become self-sufficient, creative problem solvers.

    Parental Rights in Medicine and Navigating HealthCare as Catholics: Interview with Nurse Coach Nichole Haugen: How Catholic Moms can handle tough medical conversations

    Parental Rights in Medicine and Navigating HealthCare as Catholics: Interview with Nurse Coach Nichole Haugen:  How Catholic Moms can handle tough medical conversations

    What do you do if your doctor tries to push you to do something that goes against your faith?  What about your kids?  Nurse Coach Nichole Haugen is on the podcast today to share all about how to navigate the world of health care as a catholic.  We're covering how to know your rights as a patient and parent, the language to use and listen for, and how to prepare your children for medical decisions.  Check out her webinars for nurses HERE

    **True Presence Podcast August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.

    In this enlightening podcast episode, Kelsey and Nichole Haugen, a Catholic nurse coach and mother of six, discuss the current healthcare atmosphere and its intersection with Theology of the Body and the dignity of the person. As healthcare workers face burnout and cultural shifts, Catholic parents grapple with questions about their parental rights and ethical decisions, including issues surrounding birth control and abortion. Nichole offers valuable insights and advice to empower Catholic moms in making informed healthcare choices.

    Key Points:
    1. Understanding the Current Healthcare Atmosphere: Nichole highlights the burnout and stress faced by healthcare workers post-pandemic, leading to various challenges, including issues concerning parental rights.

    2. Know Your Parental Rights: As a Catholic mom, it is crucial to be aware of your parental rights in your state. You have the right to refuse treatments and services for your children, ensuring they receive the care that aligns with your values.

    3. Asserting Yourself Gracefully: In countercultural situations, it can be challenging to assert your beliefs without feeling judged. Nichole advises using respectful language and having go-to phrases to confidently communicate your decisions without the need for extensive explanations.

    4. Recognizing Disguised Terminology: In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, some terms may be used to downplay the ethical implications of certain treatments. Nichole warns about how terms like "conception" have been redefined and how that may hide the abortifacient nature of treatments like the morning after pill, and encourages asking questions and seeking advice when uncertain.

    5. Educating Children about Ethical Healthcare: As a mom, Nichole emphasizes the importance of educating children about their bodies and healthcare choices. Honest discussions about the Church's teachings and using informative resources help prepare them for future medical decisions.

    This podcast sheds light on the challenges faced by Catholic moms in navigating the healthcare system, preserving their parental rights, and making ethical decisions. Nichole's insights and advice provide valuable guidance for Catholic parents to confidently advocate for their children's well-being while remaining true to their faith.

    Find Nichole Haugen:
    Website: www.catholicnursecoach.com
    Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok - @catholicnursecoach

    Find True Presence on Threads and Instagram- @truepresencepodcast

    Reclaim your Energy with Janna Kerr: How Catholic Moms can tune in to the things that refuel them for their mission

    Reclaim your Energy with Janna Kerr:  How Catholic Moms can tune in to the things that refuel them for their mission

    Janna Kerr shares how Catholic moms can reclaim their energy holistically by paying attention to the things that deplete and refuel them and making small adjustments that pack a punch.

    Want to learn more about Janna?  Check out Atthewellcoaching.com

    **True Presence Podcast August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.

    In this episode, host Kelsey interviews Janna Kerr, a health coach with expertise in Integrative Nutrition. They discuss how to nourish the body and maintain energy levels amidst the challenges of motherhood. Janna shares valuable insights on primary and secondary food, habits, and the importance of awareness. Through her practical approach, she helps moms find balance in their lives and develop a positive relationship with food. Here are the key takeaways:

    **Introduction to Integrative Nutrition**  
    Janna explains that Integrative Nutrition focuses not only on the food we eat but also on primary foods, which include spirituality, career, finances, physical activity, relationships, and more. These aspects can nourish or deplete us even more than the food we consume.

    **Building Awareness and Establishing Healthy Habits**  
    Janna emphasizes the importance of being aware of our daily routines and habits. By recognizing areas that need improvement, moms can make positive changes that contribute to overall well-being. Developing healthy habits that fit into their busy schedules is key to sustainable progress.

    **Bio Individuality and Personalized Nutrition**  
    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. Janna encourages moms to experiment and discover what foods and eating patterns work best for their unique bodies. She helps them tune into their bodies' signals and requirements, taking into account factors like blood type, preferences, and lifestyle.

    **Overcoming Guilt and Diet Culture Pressure**  
    Janna addresses the guilt many moms feel about their food choices and body image. She emphasizes self-compassion and advises moms to focus on nourishing their bodies with wholesome foods while allowing themselves occasional treats without judgment.

    **Embracing Holy Curiosity**  
    Instead of fixating on strict rules or diets, Janna advises moms to approach their nutrition journey with "holy curiosity." This mindset fosters openness to learning, experimenting, and finding what truly nourishes their bodies and souls.

    **Upcoming Program: The Exhausted Mom Solution**  
    Janna is launching a new 12-week program called "The Exhausted Mom Solution," which focuses on helping moms regain energy, balance, and overall well-being. The program addresses various aspects of daily life, from bedtime routines to breakfast choices, and empowers moms to make sustainable changes.

    By paying attention to their body's signals and being open to experimentation, Catholic moms can cultivate a nourishing relationship with food and lifestyle. Janna Kerr's approach emphasizes self-compassion and balance, guiding moms towards a more energized and fulfilling life.

    To learn more about Janna's upcoming program and get valuable tips on nourishing energy, visit her website and join the beta test waitlist.

    Break Out of Overwhelm and Make the Most of your Summer with a Rule of Life: How Catholic moms can live a well-ordered life.

    Break Out of Overwhelm and Make the Most of your Summer with a Rule of Life: How Catholic moms can live a well-ordered life.

    How do you want to design your days?  Our lives aren't made up of a series of significant core memories.  They're actually the sum of our ordinary days.  Let's design them on purpose.



    Feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of motherhood?  Wondering how to get things done without neglecting:

    • your kids
    • your health
    • or your prayer life

    You'll Learn Mother Theresa's secret to balancing productivity with prayer and presence.  BUILD YOUR RULE OF LIFE here.  

    Special launch discount for a limited time:  Apply the code BUILDMYRULE for 20% off 

    I absolutely loved this course! It helped me visualize the type of person I want to be and gave simple and doable ways to get there. I was able to recognize roadblocks that had simple solutions in areas such as meal planning and my prayer life.

    My confidence grew in each lesson as I gained clarity about the many roles I have as a mother and wife. The course helped me realize how many strengths I have and gently helped me uncover ways I could continue to grow. The entire course was so motivating and inspiring. Each lesson and the pages in the workbook are beautiful and make me eager to continue. I am so thankful I found this course!”


    This is a beautiful course for Catholic moms, and especially helpful for moms who are busy, overwhelmed, or struggling.

    As a homeschool homesteading mom of 6 children under 9yrs, this course helped me step out of the chaos to reevaluate what I'm doing each day. Putting my life work into perspective and redirecting me through faith and prayer to the truly important things.

    It helps not only with prioritizing and organizing tasks and duties, but also managing energy and mental load. Working through the modules you build a framework for a way of life. You compose a routine that puts your priorities in order and helps manage all the roles and duties of a mothers life. I loved all the practical tips on daily productivity, home management and planning.

    Kelsey gives wonderful advice on getting things accomplished with children, making time for mom's needs and dealing with suffering, as well as simple ways to get healthy meals planned and on the table.  This is a true treasure trove and guide to nourish mind, soul and body as well as connection with God and family."

    Anna D

    Porn-Proof your family: Interview with Rhonda Caluttung on How Catholic Moms can dive into the theology of the body to protect kids from porn in a porn-obsessed world

    Porn-Proof your family:  Interview with Rhonda Caluttung on How Catholic Moms can dive into the theology of the body to protect kids from porn in a porn-obsessed world

    Porn is an epidemic--and an addictive one at that.  How do we protect our kids?  Studies show kids are being exposed to porn at younger and younger ages. 

    Rhonda Caluttung of Catholics Free for Life is on today to chat about how catholic families can porn-proof their kids, and do so in a way that protects their innocence.

    In this episode we dive deep into the theology of the body, the communal effects of sin, and the top five things you need to porn-proof your kids. 

    Entrust your family to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


    God doesn't want you stuck in OVERWHELM.

    Feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of motherhood?  Wondering how to get things done without:

    • neglecting your kids
    • excessive screen time
    • or burning the candle at both ends and resenting your husband? 

    I've got you. 

    I'll teach you Mother Theresa's secret to balancing productivity with prayer and presence.  BUILD YOUR RULE OF LIFE here.  

    Special launch discount for a limited time:  Apply the code BUILDMYRULE for 20% off 

    Read a testimonial from Virginia who purchased the course in the pre-sale:

    I absolutely loved this course! It helped me visualize the type of person I want to be and gave simple and doable ways to get there. I was able to recognize roadblocks that had simple solutions in areas such as meal planning and my prayer life.

    My confidence grew in each lesson as I gained clarity about the many roles I have as a mother and wife. The course helped me realize how many strengths I have and gently helped me uncover ways I could continue to grow. The entire course was so motivating and inspiring. Each lesson and the pages in the workbook are beautiful and make me eager to continue. I am so thankful I found this course!”


    Picky eaters, allergies and special diets complicating your meal planning?  Grab my meal-planng formula here

    Want to teach little kids the skills they need to do their chores? Grab it here.


    Picky Eating Roundup: Occupational Therapist Clare McCullough and Jessica Fisher of Good Cheap Eats share advice for Catholic Moms feeding picky eaters and managing sensory processing disorder

    Picky Eating Roundup: Occupational Therapist Clare McCullough and Jessica Fisher of Good Cheap Eats share advice for Catholic Moms feeding picky eaters and managing sensory processing disorder

    Today's episode is a round up of excerpts from great interviews we've done that covered strategies for picky eating.  Occupational therapist Clare McCullough of CuriousOT dives into the sensory processing side of things and Jessica Fisher of Good Cheap Eats discusses shopping and meal planning for picky eaters


    Picky eaters, allergies and special diets complicating your meal planning?  Grab my meal-planng formula here

     Let's do real life WITH our kids.  Want an age-by-age guide to teaching little kids how to do chores? Grab it here.


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Take my course HERE to build your personal rule of life.



    Breaking Generational Cycles with Compassion this Mother's day: How Catholic Moms can improve their positive parenting skills from a simple perspective shift around how they think about their own parents

    Breaking Generational Cycles with Compassion this Mother's day: How Catholic Moms can improve their positive parenting skills from a simple perspective shift around how they think about their own parents

    Some of us have amazing relationships with our moms and mother-in-laws and some of us have some deep hurt and pain.  We're talking about how a perspective shift in terms of how we view the generation that raised us can help us to keep a growth mindset in breaking generational cycles for our own kids.

    God doesn't want you stuck in OVERWHELM.

    Feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of motherhood?  Wondering how to get things done without:

    • neglecting your kids
    • excessive screen time
    • or burning the candle at both ends and resenting your husband? 

    I've got you. 

    I'll teach you Mother Theresa's secret to balancing productivity with prayer and presence.  BUILD YOUR RULE OF LIFE here.  

    Special launch discount for a limited time:  Apply the code BUILDMYRULE for 20% off 

    I absolutely loved this course! It helped me visualize the type of person I want to be and gave simple and doable ways to get there. I was able to recognize roadblocks that had simple solutions in areas such as meal planning and my prayer life.

    My confidence grew in each lesson as I gained clarity about the many roles I have as a mother and wife. The course helped me realize how many strengths I have and gently helped me uncover ways I could continue to grow. The entire course was so motivating and inspiring. Each lesson and the pages in the workbook are beautiful and make me eager to continue. I am so thankful I found this course!”

    -Virginia, Mom of 2



    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Take my course HERE to build your personal rule of life.



    Feeling Tired and Anxious all the time? Maybe it's your neurotransmitters! An interview with Certified Recovery Nutrition Coach Lindsay Miendl on how to increase serotonin and dopamine and other neurotransmitters that might be out of balance.

    Feeling Tired and Anxious all the time?  Maybe it's your neurotransmitters!  An interview with Certified Recovery Nutrition Coach Lindsay Miendl on how to increase serotonin and dopamine and other neurotransmitters that might be out of balance.

    Ever feel like you've tried everything to improve your mood and energy and it's just not working? Sometimes self-care doesn't help with our mood because there is an underlying imbalance in our bodies; specifically, our neurotransmitters.

    Certified Recovery Nutrition Coach Lindsey Marie Meindl is on this week to tell us all about how moms can balance their neurotransmitters and reclaim their energy.

    Plus she has an amazing Mother's Day special going on right now for her program! Check out her resources here:

    Mood Checkup

    Feeling Good in Motherhood Program and the Mother's Day Bonuses


    Want to detox from social media?  Sign up for the True Presence Challenge HERE


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul so you can show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Get on the waitlist for my course Here to learn to build your personal Rule of Life.


    School, Homeschool and Artificial Intelligence (AI): How Catholic Moms should be rethinking the way we do Catholic school and Catholic homeschool in a world with AI

    School, Homeschool and Artificial Intelligence (AI): How Catholic Moms should be rethinking the way we do Catholic school and Catholic homeschool in a world with AI

    Are you wondering how your kids' future will be affected by the entrance of AI Artificial Intelligence to the world?

    I've been thinking about this one a lot.  It's going to change everything, and we need to start rethinking the way we do school to set our kids up for success.

    Tune in to see what you can do!


    Want to detox from social media?  Sign up for the True Presence Challenge HERE



    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul so you can show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Get on the waitlist for my course Here to learn to build your personal Rule of Life.


    Hate Grocery Shopping with your kids? How Catholic Moms can take their kids grocery shopping and turn it into a time of family fun, connection and learning

    Hate Grocery Shopping with your kids? How Catholic Moms can take their kids grocery shopping and turn it into a time of family fun, connection and learning

    Does grocery shopping with your kids exhaust and frustrate you?  What if I told you it doesn't have to be that way?

    With the right mindset and strategies grocery shopping can be a truly wonderful activity to do together as a family--something you all look forward to!


    Let's do real life WITH our kids.  Want an age-by-age guide to teaching chores and practical life readiness? Grab it here.


    Want to detox from social media?  Sign up for the True Presence Challenge HERE


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul so you can show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Get on the waitlist for my course Here to learn to build your personal Rule of Life. 

    Top 5 tips for when your kids won't do their chores: How Catholic Moms can troubleshoot cleaning with kids and get their kids to do their chores more consistently

    Top 5 tips for when your kids won't do their chores:  How Catholic Moms can troubleshoot cleaning with kids and get their kids to do their chores more consistently

    Tired of the chore wars?  Let's dig in to how to set your kids up for success!

    I'm telling you the first five things you need to look at to get to the root of the problem and troubleshoot chore time with your kids.

    Download your age by age guide to learn how to teach your kids the skills they need to help out around the house.   Grab it here.


    Want to ditch social media?  Sign up for my summer challenge HERE.


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul. 

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Sign up for my course waitlist here. We are in full-on beta testing mode with a small group and opening to the public in Summer 2023!! YAY!!

    Contact me:  kelsey@truepresence.life


    Ginny Kochis shares Strategies for how Catholic Moms can individualize their parenting approach for Neurodiverse kids

    Ginny Kochis shares Strategies for how Catholic Moms can individualize their parenting approach for Neurodiverse kids

    Ever feel like the typical parenting strategies don't work for your family?  Chances are good that you have at least one kid who is a little differently wired.

    True Presence Podcast Announcement: August Webinar:  SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHOOL YEAR.  Save your Seat.

    This wonderful interview with Ginny Kochis of Not So Formulaic is about embracing our kids' individuality and finding the tools we need to parent them for the way God made them.

    Want to know more about Ginny's amazing resources?  Check them out here!.

    In this episode, Ginny shares her personal journey and experiences as a Catholic mom raising neurodiverse kids. She talks about the challenges she faced when her first child was diagnosed with autism and how that led her to start a ministry for differently wired families. Ginny emphasizes the importance of accepting and embracing the uniqueness of each child while also building executive function skills to help them navigate daily tasks.

    Ginny offers valuable insights into parenting differently wired kids, highlighting the need for moms to take care of themselves and find respite care. She advocates for cultivating an appreciation for the mysterious in faith and focusing on mercy and grace when approaching faith formation. Ginny draws inspiration from the life of St. Zelie Martin, who faced her own struggles with anxiety and depression, making her a relatable figure for moms on this roller coaster journey of parenting.

    If you're a Catholic mom raising neurodiverse kids and looking for support and resources, join Ginny's Facebook group, where you'll find a supportive community of like-minded parents. Check out her blog for free information on various aspects of parenting differently wired kids, and explore her paid resources, including workbooks, masterclasses, and family toolkits for handling anxiety and fostering growth mindset.

    Whether you're a Catholic mom or just interested in learning more about parenting neurodiverse kids, this podcast offers valuable wisdom and support from Ginny Kochis, a compassionate and relatable Catholic mom.

    Garden with kids: A Catholic Mom's guide to presence with kids series

    Garden with kids:  A Catholic Mom's guide to presence with kids series

    Have you been wondering what screen-free activities to do with your children this summer?  How about gardening?
    In today's episode we are diving in to a ton of ways to incorporate your kids into your gardening plans and have a blast doing it even if you are all complete beginners.

    Let's do real life WITH our kids.  Want an age-by-age guide to practical life readiness? Grab it here.


    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I put raising my family first and help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul. 

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.



    Do I have to play with my kids? A deep dive into how to connect with your kids and teach them about God's love

    Do I have to play with my kids?  A deep dive into how to connect with your kids and teach them about God's love

    Playing with our kids--Do we have to?  How much is enough?  How much is too much?  Should we feel guilty if we don't?  Is there something else we can do instead?

    Mama, first of all, you are doing great.  And second of all, we don't necessarily need to play with our kids.  We need to have a relationship with them.  And this episode is all about how to build that relationship whether or not you do it through play.

    Let's do real life WITH our kids.  Want an age-by-age guide to practical life readiness? Grab it here._______

    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!  It's going to be up all through lent, so hop on in even if you are late to the game and go ahead and grab the earlier episodes too.

    How to handle Unsolicited Parenting Advice: How Catholic Moms can handle Unsolicited Advice with Grace and Humility

    How to handle Unsolicited Parenting Advice: How Catholic Moms can handle Unsolicited Advice with Grace and Humility

    Unsolicited parenting advice can be so upsetting!  It hits us right in our vulnerable spots--overwhelm and insecurity.

    Isn't figuring out parenting hard enough without all the extra advice (and that judgement we feel is behind it?)

    Let's talk about how to handle this inevitable rite of passage in parenthood--unsolicited advice--with the superpowers of grace and humility.

    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!


    Cycle Syncing with Megan Faller: How Catholic Moms can work with their natural rhythms to prevent burnout, enrich their life and manage their energy levels.

    Cycle Syncing with Megan Faller:  How Catholic Moms can work with their natural rhythms to prevent burnout, enrich their life and manage their energy levels.

    Have you ever heard of Cycle syncing?  Basically, it's the idea that, unlike men who are the same energy every day, women's energy and effectiveness shifts from one type to another throughout her menstrual phases. Cycle syncing work and productivity or cycle syncing workouts and physical ambitions can give you that extra ooomph you were looking for--without the burnout!

    Megan Faller of the Aligned Cycle is joining us this week to discuss how Catholic Moms can manage our energy levels and productivity by working with our fertility cycle instead of against it.  Join us as we more deeply embrace God's unique and beautiful design for women.

    Want to work with Megan?  Check her out here:

    (1) free "Goals Aligned" Guide - https://thealignedcycle.com/?page_id=463

    **Headphone advisory: Content best suited for folks who have had the puberty talk!


    Want to detox from social media?  Sign up for the True Presence Challenge HERE

    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul so you can show up as a calm, present parent and live an intentional life.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Check out my course Here to learn to build your personal Rule of Life.



    Am I a good Mom? Catholic Parenting isn't easy but here's how Catholic Moms can know whether they are on the right track in a world of not-enoughness.

    Am I a good Mom? Catholic Parenting isn't easy but here's how Catholic Moms can know whether they are on the right track in a world of not-enoughness.

    "Am I a good Mom?"  is a question we all ask ourselves at times.  In a world where there are so many points of comparison--instagram, pinterest, snapchat--it can be so easy to feel that we aren't doing enough or that we are failing.  So how do we know if we are on the right track?

    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!  Hop on at any stage during lent--it's not too late!



    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I put raising my family first and help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul. 

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

    Are you fighting Mommy Burnout? Reverse your burnout with these first steps.

    Are you fighting Mommy Burnout?  Reverse your burnout with these first steps.

    We're digging in to the symptoms of burnout and the first baby steps you need to reverse it.

    Moms work so hard, often from sunup to sundown and sometimes through the night as well.  Burnout is something we all experience at some point.  How do we get our energy back when we're deep in the pit?

    Want to save your seat at one of my live monthly workshops?  Grab your spot here-->

    Burnout Reversal Workshop


    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I put raising my family first and help other Catholic moms fight the good fight with routines, boundaries and home systems that let you nourish your mind, body and soul. 

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.


    St. Valentines Day special: How to find balance between nagging and martyrdom for Catholic Moms

    St. Valentines Day special:  How to find balance between nagging and martyrdom for Catholic Moms

    This episode is about bringing healthy balance to our marriages!  We don't have to nag our husbands to meet our needs as wives and mothers--and we don't have to resent our husbands!  It starts with knowing our value and having some perspective shifts that set us free to love our husbands and ourselves in a healthy way.


    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!


    How Catholic Moms can get their family off screens

    How Catholic Moms can get their family off screens

    Excessive screen time is an epidemic in our families.  And it doesn't seem to be creating a healthy, holy family life.  What can Catholic Moms do to build a culture of connection at home?  What can help our children to make wise choices about screentime even into adulthood when they are no longer under our roof?


    Giving up Social Media for lent?  Get access to our special lenten podcast here and find encouragement without opening your internet browser.  Access is by sign-up only!


    Hi there!  I'm your host, Kelsey. 

    I started my economics career passionately helping charities and social entrepreneurs maximize their impact in the greater Washington D.C. area.  But then I became a mom and finally understood what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." 

    Now I put raising my family first and help other Catholic moms build a life that is simple, healthy and holy.

    Catholic Moms don't have to feel stressed and burned out all the time and I want to help you set yourself free so you can show up as the mom you want to be.