
    Turn the Dial

    Scott & Renee Comey are coaches, trainers and speakers in the Real Estate space. In addition, they have reached a sales level that had put them in the Top 1% nationally in Real Estate sales. Each episode focuses on a different subject matter in either business or sales. They have featured guests from CEO's, to Bestselling Authors to Business & Team Leaders from around the world. We hope you get a good nugget out of each podcast episode.
    enScott Comey217 Episodes

    Episodes (217)

    Real Estate Fast Track - From an Idea to a Bestselling Book - Featuring Sam Olson

    Real Estate Fast Track - From an Idea to a Bestselling Book - Featuring Sam Olson

    Real Estate Fast Track -  In this episode, Scott & Renee interview new Author Sam Olson about his new book "Real Estate Fast Track" which just became a Best Seller on Amazon.
    Sam co-authored the book with our very own Scott Comey.  Together they share in the book their wisdom and mistakes to help propel you into a fast track to success in real estate.

    6 Strategies to Spring Clean your Business

    6 Strategies to Spring Clean your Business

    6 Strategies to Spring Clean Your Business

    • CRM - Contact Relationship Management System - Time to clean up the database
    • Streamline your workflow - Sync calendars - Schedule posts on Social Media
    • Clean up Marketing Materials - logo - branding consistent? - Need to redo your Listing Marketing? 
    • Clean up digital space - Current bio - recent reviews?
    • Clean up office - declutter - designate an area that becomes a "work in progress pile"
    • Goal check in - Are you on track? - Reflect - Set new Short term goals

    So many great ideas shared that you can execute on before the busy season comes.

    How to Network like a Champ to Grow Your Business - with Esther Clarke

    How to Network like a Champ to Grow Your Business - with Esther Clarke

    Today Scott & Renee interview "Salt Lake Esther".  She is a Master Networker and has built real relationships with other agents all over the world.  She now gets more than 70% of her business through networking and she will share her best tips on staying connected and what works so that you too can get referrals from other agents.
    In addition, Esther will offer tips for any agents that attend conferences, specifically the upcoming RE/MAX R4 conference in Las Vegas.

    PART 2 - 5 Key Things to have your BEST Financial Year Ever!

    PART 2 - 5 Key Things to have your BEST Financial Year Ever!

    5 Key Things to Make 2024 Your Best Year EVER!  PART 1 of 2

    1. Think It - Make up your mind
    2. Teach it - Educate Consumers
    3. Plan It - Manage your Calendar
    4. Fund it - Fill your pipeline
    5. Control It - Personal Finance

    In this episode, Scott & Renee touch on the #4 & #5 Key things.  If you missed the first 3 Key Things, then plug in to last week's episode.

    Having Tough Conversations with Your Clients and Leads (Part 2 of a 2 Part Series)

    Having Tough Conversations with Your Clients and Leads (Part 2 of a 2 Part Series)

    In this two part series, Scott & Renee cover 4 different buckets of challenging conversations and share tips and dialogues to help you through each.  The buckets they discuss are:

    Topics covered in Part 2 (this episode) are highlighted in bold below.

    1. Starting Relationships with Potential Clients
      1. NEW agent dialogues
      2. Location
      3. Expectations
      4. Listing Preparation
    2. Pricing Conversations
      1. Price entry point
      2. Price adjustments
      3. Buyer Offers
    3. Compensation Conversations
      1. Knowing your value
      2. Getting transparent
    4. Referral Requests

    Having Tough Conversations with Your Clients and Leads (Part 1 of a 2 part series)

    Having Tough Conversations with Your Clients and Leads (Part 1 of a 2 part series)

    In this two part series, Scott & Renee cover 4 different buckets of challenging conversations and share tips and dialogues to help you through each.  The buckets they discuss are:

    Part 1 is in BOLD below.

    1. Starting Relationships with Potential Clients
      1. NEW agent dialogues
      2. Location
      3. Expectations
      4. Listing Preparation
    2. Pricing Conversations
      1. Price entry point
      2. Price adjustments
      3. Buyer Offers
    3. Compensation Conversations
      1. Knowing your value
      2. Getting transparent
    4. Referral Requests

    Video for Real Estate with Special Guests Kate Rossart & Sandy Meyer

    Video for Real Estate with Special Guests Kate Rossart & Sandy Meyer

    Video for Real Estate:  Ideas to Grow Your Social Following and Get Leads using Video
    In this episode, Scott & Renee host special guests Kate Rossart & Sandy Meyer (REALTORS in WA State) who participated in our last Video Challenge.  They share what worked for them and tips on getting leads through your social channels using video.

    To sign up for our February 30 Day Video Challenge, please visit turnthedialcoaching.com/videochallenge

    Open House Success w/Special Guest Sam Olson

    Open House Success w/Special Guest Sam Olson

    Open House Success with Top Team Leader Sam Olson.  In this episode, Scott & Renee ask several questions to Sam, who is an expert with Open Houses.  He and his team close many deals every year successful hosting Open Houses.  They cover the following:

    • How to drive more traffic to your open houses
    • How to engage the consumer that comes through for greater conversion success
    • Dialogues and other tips

    If you want to up your game with Open Houses, then this episode for you.

    Business Planning PART 2: Creating your Actionable Plan (Monthly / Weekly / Daily)

    Business Planning PART 2: Creating your Actionable Plan (Monthly / Weekly / Daily)

    Business Planning PART 2:
    In this episode, Scott & Renee discuss the actionable pieces of a true business plan (often missing).  They specifically go over...

    • Choosing your 3 Prospecting Pillars
    • Creating specific tactics for each pillar (weekly & daily)
    • Setting up your Annual Marketing Calendar
    • Establishing your weekly Social Media cadence

    Business Planning PART 1: Starting with a Clear Vision

    Business Planning PART 1:  Starting with a Clear Vision

    This is PART 1 of a 2 PART series.  Business Planning and starting with a clear vision.  In this episode Scott & Renee break down the importance of setting 5 year, 3 year and 12 month goals BEFORE completing a business plan.

    • Creating visualize (vision and goal boards)
    • Allowing Affirmations to help you move towards achieving goals
    • Understanding your B-H-A-G )Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
    • Set yourself on the road to pushing through despite outside distractions

    Part 2 will cover Creating Tactics to Thrive in 2024 (Come back next week for that episode)

    Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciation in your Business

    Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciation in your Business

    In this episode Scott & Renee discuss the importance of being grateful in your business.  They share real stories of how they personally showed gratitude in their business, as well as giving you some new thoughts on incorporating more giving and appreciation into your business.
    They also wish to thank each and every one of you for listening to the show as this is our 200th episode!  For all of our listeners in 50+ countries, we are grateful.  

    Which Wolf are you Feeding?

    Which Wolf are you Feeding?

    Which Wolf Are You Feeding?
    This is an episode on having the right mindset for success.  Often we let outside elements affect the way we think and also our business.  Why?  There will always be things that happen that can effect our industry like interest rates, lack of inventory, wars, recessions, politics and more.  The agents that don't focus on those will have the best success throughout their careers.  Easier said than done, right?  Well, if you focus on what you can control, you will have a better life and business.  This episode dives into mindset.  You won't want to miss it.

    Creating Morning Routines using S-A-V-E-R-S from Miracle Morning

    Creating Morning Routines using S-A-V-E-R-S from Miracle Morning

    In this episode Scot & Renee share the SAVERS routine from the Miracle Morning book.  
    S = Silence (Keep your cell phones off, TV off, no news)
    A = Affirmations (Speak to yourself about what you truly want and how you want to be)
    V = Visualization (1. The end result    2. The actions needed to achieve it)
    E = Exercise (pushups sit ups, go for a walk, get some oxygen into your lungs)
    R = Read (10 pages a day can allow you to read 18 books over the year.)
    S = Scribe (Journal)
    Scott has shared how Miracle Morning has transformed his life more than any other book.  You don't want to miss this episode.
    For resources from SAVERS got to www.TMMAgents.com