

    The Unlimited Podcast is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, joyful, and intentional life. It's about reaching for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground. Your Host, Valerie Friedlander is an ICF certified coach, sociologist, business owner, and mom. You can find out more at www.valeriefriedlander.com and follow her on Instagram @unlimitedcoachval

    en-usValerie Friedlander99 Episodes

    Episodes (99)

    Creating Healthy Relationships

    Creating Healthy Relationships

    Creating healthy relationships in all areas of our life is the focus of this season of Unlimited. A relationship is how we relate to another person, place, thing, or even concept. How we relate to ourselves is at the core of how we relate to others. Yet, how we understand and relate to ourselves is also built from those external relationships. Unfortunately, most of us haven’t been taught how to cultivate healthy relationships let alone experienced examples of them. In many cases we need to first unlearn harmful ways of relating before we can learn healing ways of relating. First, we’ll lay a foundation of understanding healthy and unhealthy relating. Then, over the next several months, we’ll explore how it applies to all areas of our life.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m kicking off the focus of season 4 by setting a foundation for creating healthy relationships.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • Understanding relationships beyond the interpersonal
    • Qualities of healthy relationships like trust, honesty, communication, and self-awareness
    • Relationship red flags like control, disrespect, imbalances, and hurtful language
    • Building self-trust and growing through conflict
    • What to expect in Season 4 of Unlimited

    Signs of a Healthy Relationship
    Tips for Building a Stronger Relationship
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    Season 3 Wrap-up and New Year Transition Tips

    Season 3 Wrap-up and New Year Transition Tips

    Discover valuable New Year transition tips in this Season 3 wrap-up for the Unlimited Podcast. The period between one cycle and the next is a great time to reflect both on where you’ve been and where you’re going. It’s important to create supportive space to engage and focus that reflection. You can set that foundation through honoring your humanity and connecting to what’s really important to you. Celebrating helps you acknowledge yourself even in the small spaces we too often overlook. From there you can create the next phase of your life. 

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m diving into a season 3 wrap-up and new year transition tips to help you maximize the time between this cycle and the next.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • Review of Season Three
    • What’s coming in Season Four
    • Creating aligned focus in the new year (If you want to skip the recap, the tips start about 15 mins in)
    • Supports for you in 2024

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    Setting Healthy Boundaries
    How to Say No Without Guilt
    What to Do When You’ve Fallen Behind
    A Simple Way to End the Year Strong – Seeds For Growth Presentation
    The Unlimited Podcast Mix
    Rest is Resistance – A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey
    You're More Than Your Personality Test
    Energy Leadership Index Assessment
    Valerie's Free Resources
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    Aligning With Your Astrology with Babs Cheung

    Aligning With Your Astrology with Babs Cheung

    Aligning with your astrology is a way to explore what works for you. From new year plans to parenting, it’s one thing to recognize that there’s no one size fits all, but it can be hard to step outside the norms without some kind of framework to work from. Not to mention, it’s even harder to think outside the box when you’re already exhausted from trying to function within the normalized systems that aren’t working for you. Astrology is a tool that can help you explore other ways to look at challenges and maximize opportunities both in preparing for the year ahead as well as looking at dynamics in your relationships with kids and parents.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited Babs Cheung to join me in a conversation about how to align with your astrology as you plan for a new year.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes:

    • Calendar year vs Fiscal year
    • Understanding your cosmic flow
    • Astrology as a parenting tool
    • Cycles in your life and generational patterns

    Café Astrology
    Café Astrology 2024 Ephemeris
    The Myth of Normal

    Discovery Quiz


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    Accessing the True Power of Gratitude: Beyond Individualism

    Accessing the True Power of Gratitude: Beyond Individualism

    Accessing the true power of gratitude requires going beyond the individual mindset approach that is typically referenced. Expressions of gratitude have been observed among many communally based species. It supports group functioning. Thus, the true power of gratitude is in collective connection, not individual mindset. Studies show that there are a plethora of benefits to gratitude. The problems of toxic positivity and tolerating unacceptable behavior shows up when gratitude is used as a tool of individualism.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m exploring accessing the true power of gratitude through shifting out of individualistic thinking and into collective consideration.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • The biological purpose of gratitude
    • Guilt vs responsibility
    • Individualism’s distortion of gratitude
    • Developing a gratitude practice

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    The Science of Gratitude white paper
    Neuroscience Reveals Gratitude Literally Rewires Your Brain to be Happier
    How to Make Stress Your Friend TedTalk
    The Book of Joy
    Understanding Your Stress Language episode
    You’re More Than Your Personality Test episode
    Toxic Positivity episode
    Helpful vs Harmful Mindset Work episode
    Making Holiday Magic Workshop
    Private coaching session

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    How to Create Belonging with Amena Chaudhry

    How to Create Belonging with Amena Chaudhry

    How to create belonging starts with understanding that most of us don’t know what belonging really is. It’s hard to create something that you haven’t first experienced and there is a difference between intellectually understanding vs experiencing something. What most of us do experience is strong conditioning from a young age around fitting in - to our families, in our school, and, ultimately, in society. This “fitting in” is part of how we are taught to uphold oppressive social systems because creates a faux belonging that activates our need for belonging but only fills it by exclusion. So, no wonder this is a struggle for many organizations and why we need help to understand and create it.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited Amena Chaudhry to join me in a conversation about how to create belonging in a true way for all.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes:

    • What is belonging?
    • Fitting in vs belonging
    • Disrupting social norms
    • Building emotional literacy
    • Leadership skills for DEI & antiracism work

    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté
    The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
    The Wake Up by Michelle Mijung Kim
    The Roundtable Talk by Meena Malik

    Art of Interrupting Racism workshop


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    Reclaiming Humanity Through Grief

    Reclaiming Humanity Through Grief

    Reclaiming humanity through grief is necessary for our ability to intentionally create a world that honors each person's humanity. Understanding and having space to grieve and support each other through our grief helps us to connect to our shared humanity. In so many often unconscious ways, we are encouraged to dehumanize ourselves and others. One way this happens is a disconnect from our emotions and especially a lack of understanding and space to honor grief, not just our individual grief but also our communal grief. To rehumanize ourselves and overcome the pressures to dehumanize others, we must allow the space necessary for grief and healing. 

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m exploring understanding grief and how we can reclaim our humanity through grief.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • Types of grief: traumatic grief, communal grief and historical grief
    • Understanding anger and processing grief
    • Algorithms and community
    • Discernment in media
    • Reclaiming humanity

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram
    The Lived Experience of Traumatic Grief
    Why Historical Trauma Is Critical Understanding Black Mental Health
    The Link Between Trauma and Anger
    The Process of Grief
    Why Clients Smile When Talking About Trauma
    Social Media, The Matrix, and Digital Tribalism
    Misinformation and Trauma: How to Watch a War Online
    See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur
    My Grandmother's Hands by Resmaa Menakem
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté
    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

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    Rethinking Empowerment and Releasing Comparison

    Rethinking Empowerment and Releasing Comparison

    Rethinking empowerment and releasing comparison go hand in hand in a society where empowerment is treated as a commodity and lifestyle is used as a sales tactic. Lifestyle as a sales tactic encourages us to compare how happy we are to how happy someone supposedly living a particular lifestyle appears to be. When empowerment is the commodity being sold, it becomes the way to achieve that lifestyle. These idealized lifestyles tend to uphold societal norms and often become internalized through frequent messaging. Comparison can be a helpful tool for noticing what you have internalized as preferable in life, which may also help you release the comparison. 

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m exploring rethinking empowerment and releasing comparison to create a more aligned and authentically joyful way of life.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • Re-thinking empowerment
    • Walking through change
    • The influence of norms
    • Buying out of the fantasy
    • Using comparisons for self-reflection

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

    Amena Chaudhry LinkedIn
    How to Manifest What You Want Podcast Episode
    Implicit Bias Defined video by The Center for Social Justice
    TEDx What Do We Do About Implicit Bias video by Dushaw Hockett
    Thinking Under the Influence video by Brenda J. Allen

    Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey

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    How to Cure Comparisonitis

    How to Cure Comparisonitis

    How to cure comparisonitis starts by understanding the cause and that this isn’t just a “you” problem. It’s something that impacts you, your confidence, your sense of self, and your well-being, so it feels deeply personal. Since it’s internal, comparisonitis feels like a habit of comparing yourself to others in one or multiple areas. It’s usually triggered in an area that already feels endangered in some way – often things like financial success or belonging. It turns into a cycle of validation seeking where you feel inadequate or less than, doubt yourself and your abilities and seek validation from others which tends to further erode self-esteem. It’s also framed as an individual issue even when noted as being exacerbated by things like social media. But you can tell there’s more to it both in what feels threatened and how it’s exacerbated.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m exploring the causes of and how to cure comparisonitis.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • Losing my self and self-trust
    • Sacrificing authenticity for belonging
    • Survival mode upholds societal norms
    • Engaging individual and collective healing
    • 4 steps to recalibrate your inner compass

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!
    Amena Chaudhry LinkedIn
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
    #TradWife Life as Self-Annihilation by Anne Helen Peterson

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    en-usSeptember 27, 2023

    Insights from Change Making Feminist Founders with Becky Mollenkamp

    Insights from Change Making Feminist Founders with Becky Mollenkamp

    Insights from change making feminist founders are an important type of support for other feminist business owners and leaders. We are surrounded by stories of what success is and what you must do to achieve it that perpetuate exploitation of ourselves, of others, and of our planet. These stories are what is normalized but they aren’t the only way. Hearing other stories and ways of doing business helps us believe and trust in the possibility of change. It helps us tap into and generate ideas outside the normalized boxes. Additionally, and maybe most importantly, it helps us know that we are not alone.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited Becky Mollenkamp to join me in a conversation about the insights she's gotten from interviewing change making feminist founders.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes:

    • Unlearning and the journey to find a new path
    • Hierarchical vs egalitarian business structure
    • Exploring the term Feminism
    • Recognizing where you still need work and doing it
    • Collective work and enoughness

    Working it Out Podcast

    Feminist Founders Podcast

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    How to Create A Schedule That Works For You

    How to Create A Schedule That Works For You

    How to create a schedule that works for you cannot take a one size fits all approach. Most so called “successful people” strategies play on the false idea that we all have the same 24 hours and should, therefore, be able to get the same amount done. These strategies fail to factor in our humanity, discount our lived experiences, and fuel self-doubt. Instead of trying to fit someone else’s mold, you deserve routines that honor your humanity and support you where you are. Part of creating a schedule that works for you also means acknowledging that what works for you may look different at different times too. 

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m diving into the foundations that help you create a schedule that works for you with both structure and flexibility.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • How to bake flexibility into your plans
    • Determining routines that support you
    • Meeting yourself where you’re at in creating new habits
    • Understanding the relationship between time and energy
    • Exercises to assess where you’re spending your energy

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval

    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
    You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

    Episode 7 – Can I Make Plans Yet
    Reclaim Your Routine Workshop Series

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    How to Cultivate Self-Love

    How to Cultivate Self-Love

    How to cultivate self-love is also how you develop self-confidence, make room for self-care, and show up as your best self. This episode is an updated replay of the season one episode, Relearning Self-Love. Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for your relationship with everyone and everything in your life. Unfortunately, it is also the relationship that we are constantly conditioned to ignore. Even the emphasis on the importance of self-care turns into a pressure when the foundation for care hasn’t been given room to be cultivated. Instead of helping us take care of ourselves better, this pressure further fuels the disconnect within ourselves.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I’m diving into how to cultivate self-love, especially in times when life is happening and we feel out of control.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • The difference between self-love and self-care
    • Identifying your level of self-love
    • Noticing if and how you express love to yourself
    • Ways to build self-confidence through love
    • Preventing self-love sabotage

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval
    I love to hear your thoughts and I'm always happy to answer any questions.
     You can shoot me an email at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

    The 5 Love Languages
    What’s Your Stress Language Quiz
    #3 Understanding Your Stress Language

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    7 Ways to Relax this Summer and Beyond

    7 Ways to Relax this Summer and Beyond

    The 7 Ways to Relax this Summer are also the ways we can learn to bring more rest into our lives. We have seven areas that influence our energy and each needs care as we learn to release, relax, and rest. Our society is infused with stories that pull us away from our humanity, which includes devaluing rest. Part of the process of truly relaxing is recognizing the stories we’ve internalized that keep us from relaxing. This allows us to see the systems that feed us these stories more clearly. Another part is forgiving ourselves, not because it’s our fault, but because beating ourselves up is another way we’ve been conditioned to dehumanize ourselves.

    In this episode of Unlimited, the podcast, I explore 7 ways to relax this summer that support healing beyond the vacation.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • The pressures of perfectionism & productivity
    • Releasing the lie of lazy
    • Embracing a growth mindset
    • Learning and forgiving yourself
    • 7 ways to make space to relax 

    Rest is Resistance – A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey
    Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price, Ph.D.
    The Femme Historian Instagram
    The Femme Historian Buy Me A Coffee

    The Value of Rest
    Navigating Obstacles to Rest
    Clarifying What You Want

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    How to Navigate Societal Gaslighting and Stay Empowered

    How to Navigate Societal Gaslighting and Stay Empowered

    How to Navigate Societal Gaslighting and Stay Empowered is an updated replay of the season one episode “No, You’re Not Crazy.” Most information regarding gaslighting focuses on the psychological experience within individual relationships. However, gaslighting is actually a societal phenomenon with roots in social power dynamics. Those roots are why it is common to experience the psychological impact of gaslighting during periods of social change. However, because we tend to think of gaslighting as an individual experience, the effect of the societal gaslighting is exacerbated and our ability to navigate the stress is inhibited. We must step out of this over-individualization in order to develop support ourselves through the stress and engage this time with intention.

    In this episode of Unlimited, the podcast, I engage how to navigate societal gaslighting and stay empowered in times of social change.

    Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:

    • What a period of anomie looks like
    • Gaslighting and how it’s showing up in our lives
    • Shifting how you think about and engage stress
    • Intentionally connecting to your values and setting boundaries
    • Visioning through risk assessment

    The Sociology of Gaslighting
    The Sociological Definition of Anomie
    Anomie in the Sociological Perspective of Emile Durkheim
    Stop Telling Women They Have Impostor Syndrome
    Is Someone Gaslighting You?
    Here’s How To spot If You’re Being Gaslighted
    Embracing Stress Is More Important Than Reducing Stress

    3 Things You Need to Create Stability in Times of Uncertainty
    How to Start Meditating
    Understanding Your Stress Language
    Relearning Self-Love
    Girl, Learn to Apologize
    Red Flags in Online business
    Toxic Positivity

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    Resilience Through Unexpected Career Shifts with F. John Potter

    Resilience Through Unexpected Career Shifts with F. John Potter

    Resilience through unexpected career shifts is often something you realize in retrospect. It's natural to feel stress in times of change, especially during unexpected transitions that impact your financial security. It can feel overwhelming when you're walking through them. Once you know that you successfully regained a certain equilibrium in your life you can look back with greater perspective. It's rare these days to have a job that lasts a life time or even to have a linear career journey. We're in a time of transition societally and many people are experiencing that in a very personal way, particularly in their career. 

    One way to gain perspective in the moment is to recall times where you have successfully navigated unexpected shifts in the past. Another way to gain perspective is to tap into other people's experience.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited F. John Potter (aka my dad) to join me in a conversation about what resilience looks like through unexpected career shifts.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes: 

    • Being open to the unexpected
    • Decision-making with the support of friends
    • Courage and defining enough
    • Navigating unemployment
    • The accumulation of skills

    Thank you for listening!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast!

    John’s Ignite Talk
    Leaning Into a Mid-Life Career Change
    Three Things You Need to Create Stability in Times of Uncertainty
    Tao Te Ching


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    3 Things You Need to Create Stability in Times of Uncertainty

    3 Things You Need to Create Stability in Times of Uncertainty

    Three things you need to create stability in times of uncertainty are to know yourself, to stay curious, and to build community. We are in a massive period of change and that comes with a great deal of uncertainty. Uncertainty naturally triggers feelings of overwhelm, which make it hard to take action. This is NOT an individual failing. Much of what feeds this instability is systemic, not individual. With that in mind, I invite you to remember that you are part of the system and you DO have power. In order to engage that power and help build a healthier foundation, you need to start with building your own foundation. This will give you the stability to do something different, which is the only way we can begin to create something different.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I explore the three ways you create stability in times of uncertainty.

    Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:

    • Shifting out of overwhelm
    • Establishing a foundation of self-connection
    • Fear of failure and binary thinking
    • Cultivating a curious mindset
    • The necessity of community

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram
    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast!
    Can I Make Plans Yet
    Reflections and A Way Forward
    Getting Comfortable in The Uncomfortable
    Relearning Self-Love
    Clarifying What You Want
    Values Aligned Leadership
    How to Stop Reacting and Start Responding
    Shift From Drained to Motivated
    Understanding Your Stress Language
    You’re More Than Your Personality Test
    To Emotional Awareness and Beyond
    Setting Healthy Boundaries
    How to Say No Without Guilt
    How to Prioritize Your Needs

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    Values Aligned Leadership with Alesia Galati

    Values Aligned Leadership with Alesia Galati

    Values aligned leadership is central to running a values aligned business. Companies of any size that want to go beyond checking boxes must intentionally cultivate leadership based in clear values. A company’s most valuable asset is its people. Centering humanity at all levels of a company supports morale, efficiency, quality of work, and, ultimately, company health. Unfortunately, many people haven’t experienced examples of values aligned leadership and that makes it hard to create.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited Alesia Galati to join me in a conversation about what values aligned leadership looks like in practice.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes: 

    • Aligning personal and business values
    • Setting boundaries and expectations
    • Considering employee AND client experience
    • Too little or too much work is a problem
    • Investing in your team

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

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    Creating a Human-Centered Work Culture with Marissa Badgley
    The Pressure to Love Your Job with Cristin Downs
    Why Work Life Balance is a Myth
    Winners Take All – the Elite Charade of Changing the World by Anand Giridharadas
    The Four Agreements – A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

    Listeners to Leads Podcast

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    Am I Just Making Excuses?

    Am I Just Making Excuses?

    “Am I just making excuses?” is something most people wonder at some point when they are not following through on something they say they want to do. From health goals to work goals, the story we’re surrounded by is that of weakness. It’s self-sabotage. You aren’t trying hard enough, so you don’t want it badly enough. It’s lack of maturity. Basically, whatever the details of the message are, the energy is judgmental and shame inducing. This is the messaging because we’ve learned to use shame to motivate even though it doesn’t work. Actually, all it really does is block us from discovering what’s really going on and accessing our ability to find a solution.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I explore understanding why and alternatives to asking if you’re just making excuses.

    Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:

    • What is an excuse
    • Reasons people make excuses
    • Separating identity from behavior
    • How to stop making excuses
    • Supporting aligned action

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram
    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast!
    Deep Self Care to Shift Habits
    It's Simple, So Why Am I Not Doing It?

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    How to Prioritize Your Needs (beyond Maslow)

    How to Prioritize Your Needs (beyond Maslow)

    How to Prioritize Your Needs in a supportive way means going beyond Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. People often reference this motivational theory when trying to understand behavior and choices. It's popular because it creates a simple framework that makes sense in our hierarchical, over-individualized society. It's problematic for the same reason, AND because it's based in a highly biased study influenced by the colonial corruption of native wisdom. Additionally, modern neuroscience now provides evidence of the inaccuracies of this model. To create a healthier way of being in the world, we need a healthier approach to understanding and honoring our needs.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I explore deconstructing Maslow’s Hierarchy and creating an intuitive approach to prioritizing your needs.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes:

    • Understanding Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
    • Neuroscience of belonging
    • Decolonizing self-actualization
    • Discerning your priorities

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

    AND don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast!

    Why Work Life Balance Is a Myth
    What’s Killing My Motivation
    The Pressure to Love Your Job
    Managing with the Brain in Mind
    The Blackfoot Origins of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    Simply Psychology - Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
    National Women’s History Museum - Sarah Moore Grimké
    In Defense of Witches – The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women Are Still On Trial by Mona Chollet
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate

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    Creating a Human-Centered Work Culture with Marissa Badgley

    Creating a Human-Centered Work Culture with Marissa Badgley

    Creating a human-centered work culture is the antidote to the burnout that is now pervasive in the work place. While learning how to create a human-centered work culture is of particular importance to managers and leaders in organizations, it is not for them alone. Brains love patterns and, without intentional engagement, people carry this dehumanizing relationship with work when they leave a particular workplace and even into their own entrepreneurship. So, regardless of your current work or workplace, we all need tools to intentionally engage our relationship to work. Being able to understand, create, and advocate for healthy boundaries in work is a skill that benefits everyone.

    In this episode of Unlimited, I invited Marissa Badgley, MSW to join me in a conversation about creating a human-centered work culture.

    Some of what we talk about in this episode includes:

    • Why companies need an intentional culture
    • The importance of compassion AND accountability
    • The multiple layers and impact of trust in organizations
    • Setting boundaries and creating team buy-in
    • Who gets a seat at your table and creating a safe table

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! Take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me: @unlimitedcoachval

    Want to share your thoughts or have questions? Send me a message! I love to hear from you.  You can email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com or DM me on Instagram

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    The Millennial Manager Collective

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    Leaning into a Mid-life Career Change [coaching]

    Leaning into a Mid-life Career Change [coaching]

    Leaning into a mid-life career change isn’t easy. Yet it is a reality for many people, especially Moms, and even more so recently. This change often challenges our identity, worth, and sense of place since we are socialized to intertwine these aspects of our life. The woman I work with in this episode reached out to me feeling STUCK. A recent ADHD diagnosis rocked her world. Due to the reverberations of this diagnosis, she made the decision to leave a job that felt like the perfect fit in many ways. Her hope in signing up for a session was to gain a sense of how to figure out what to do next and that it will all be okay. 

    In this episode of Unlimited, you’ll hear us explore the process of reimagining purpose through leaning into a mid-life career change.

    Some of what we engage in this episode include:

    • Re-centering in yourself
    • Stepping into the unknown
    • Identifying what’s important in work
    • Finding your next step

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  @unlimitedcoachval
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