
    Unpacking Mormonism

    Unpacking is in the title of the show and it applies to all of us; being self-aware requires us to be critical of unhelpful patterns, but we also have to give credit and forgive ourselves as well. Understanding why you did what you did, is extraordinarily helpful. Sarah an ex-Mo and licensed counselor on a journey to unpack Mormonism and other religious trauma is joined by her husband Mason, a former bishop and active member of the Mormon church. Sarah and Mason have been married for 23 years and have 7 children together. Sarah is an author, podcast personality and counsels in her private practice. Mason is a retired Army officer and registered nurse anesthetist. We hope our show will demonstrate how to communicate with respect on difficult topics that we don't always agree about; but still take time to have a chuckle about our personal foibles and peeves. This is of supreme importance as we learn about ourselves. Using the lessons in our podcasts, you will learn how to become your authentic self and that you can still be in a good place, even with changes to make in your life. We love hearing from you, drop us a line and let us know how your heart and head are doing. daisygirlcommunications@gmail.com
    enSarah Westbtook226 Episodes

    Episodes (226)

    Westbrook Wisdom - "That's an indication that maybe you need to change the environment that you are in with that person."

    Westbrook Wisdom - "That's an indication that maybe you need to change the environment that you are in with that person."

    It's time to armor up. Get your emotional checklist ready, we are heading down the holiday highway, and Sarah is going to help you navigate conversations that might range from truly abusive to general assholery. 


    One thing we should all do, which might sound extreme, is always have an escape plan, no matter the gravity of your situation. 


    If you or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse. 1-800-799-7233


    Domestic Violence Support

    https://www.thehotline.org/ (Comes with instructions on how to wipe the website from your history)


    In the United States a suicide and crisis hotline is available by dialing 988. 










    214 - Holiday Reminders

    214 - Holiday Reminders

    As we hurtle towards the holiday seasons, like a barrel full of metaphors rushing headlong into a relevant meme invoking family meals and awkward holiday scenes...Sarah presents reminders for how to leave space for complex communications that click all the boxes on how to get our amygdalas fired up. 


    Trauma Bonded is avilable on Audible. Get it friends. 






    Forward This Friday - Listener Email Reply

    Forward This Friday - Listener Email Reply
    As we approach the holidays, we sometimes need reminders to leave space for ourselves to have human reactions to situations, people, scenes, and communication loops with friends, frenemies, relatives...relenemies? Yes, and maybe some people who we think treat us like enemies. 
    "Dear Sarah and Mason. I recently had a heated exchange with a colleague I work with. They had some valid issues, entirely fair, but the tone and volume were hostile and mocking at times, and with no space to allow me to respond. When prompted to respond, I would be interrupted and mocked or told I was wrong..."
    Get Trauma Bonded on Audible. 

    Westbrook Wisdom - "Mormonism isn't a safe place for women's voices to be heard..."

    Westbrook Wisdom - "Mormonism isn't a safe place for women's voices to be heard..."

    Our excellent guest, Kayla, shares how learning the truth about how the Mormon church dealt with tithing, sexual assaults, and gender issues led her to leaving. 
    Do you feel that Mormonism is a safe place for women to be heard, understood, or to influence change?  
    Trauma Bonded is available in all book-selling places, and you can even get it on Audible. 







    213 - Heavenly Mother

    213 - Heavenly Mother

    What do you know of the Heavenly Mother? Have you ever spoken with her? Felt her presence? 


    The power of days by Celeste Mergens.




    From Church of Jesus Christ.org: 


    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that all human beings, male and female, are beloved spirit children of heavenly parents, a Heavenly Father, and a Heavenly Mother. This understanding is rooted in scriptural and prophetic teachings about the nature of God, our relationship to Deity, and the godly potential of men and women. The doctrine of a Heavenly Mother is a cherished and distinctive belief among Latter-day Saints. 
    While there is no record of a formal revelation to Joseph Smith on this doctrine, some early Latter-day Saint women recalled that he personally taught them about a Mother in Heaven. 



    Unpacking Mormonism
    enNovember 06, 2023

    212 - Anatomy of Conspiratorial Thinking

    212 - Anatomy of Conspiratorial Thinking

    No matter your favorite flavor of conspiracy theory, they all tap into parts of your brain that can be very unhealthy if not accompanied by reasoning, compassion, empathy, understanding, and professional help. A great question to start with when...unpacking a narrative: ask yourself, who is the scapegoat. Click that play button, dear listener. 








    @sorryitsjustin, Justin Collette


    @Isabella.esler, Isabella Esler



    Forward This Friday - Everyone, get your egos ready for our conspiracy series. Yes, all of us.

    Forward This Friday - Everyone, get your egos ready for our conspiracy series. Yes, all of us.

    Do you know someone with a fragile ego? Do you have a fragile ego? Do you have anxiety? Do you feel the need to be right? Guess what? You might be an average human. What we do with this information is vital to being our best selves. 

    Dear listener, regardless if you have a run-of-the-mill ego or fear you might be on the narcissism scale, we can all do the following things: listen to this show, get professional help, or check in with a trusted friend. We are all in this together. 

    Westbrook Wisdom - "They were smoking something when they thought that happened..."

    Westbrook Wisdom - "They were smoking something when they thought that happened..."

    Dear listener, have you ever had a spiritual experience you could not explain? Please share with us. Allowing space in your brain for an understanding that you do not and cannot understand everything is critical to avoiding conspiratorial thinking. 


    Share your story with us down on the Facebook group or drop us a line at DaisyGirlCommunications@gmail.com





    211 - Narcissism and the Cult of Your Own Personality

    211 - Narcissism and the Cult of Your Own Personality

    What do you do when your producer has an odd idea for a show, and your co-host has a scheduling issue? You make lemonade! It's a delicious audio "program-ade," if you will. See, in this example, the lemons are the scheduling issues and the producer's weird idea...and I lost you. 
    Click the link and enjoy this episode with special guest producer Alex and our beloved and charismatic host, Sarah. 
    By the way...Trauma Bonded is also available on Audible now, so go get it, dear listener. 





    Forward this Friday - Sarah and Mason go to see Beetlejuice the Musical

    Forward this Friday - Sarah and Mason go to see Beetlejuice the Musical

    What's up?! Mason ponders if he would have enjoyed Beetlejuice before he left the Mormon church, and we learn that he can't start the show without his beloved Rubik's cube. 
    Forward this clip to your friends, tell us how you felt about Beetlejuice or this show clip, or perhaps you want to tell us how your head and heart are? 
    Trauma Bonded is available on Amazon and Audible. Go get it, dear listeners. 



    Westbrook Wisdom - "...so that they learn to have grace for those that are different..."

    Westbrook Wisdom - "...so that they learn to have grace for those that are different..."

    If we can postpone our hurt from having a mistake pointed out, we can tune into the person expressing how we have wounded them. 
    Dear listener, do you have three minutes to make your life better? And likely someone else's life, too. Forward this clip across your social channels for us and get a dialog going with the intent to keep us all from causing each other more harm.

    210- Addictive Ideologies - Finding Meaning and Agency when Politics Fail You With Dr. Emily Bashah

    210- Addictive Ideologies - Finding Meaning and Agency when Politics Fail You With Dr. Emily Bashah

    Dr. Emily Bashah is an author and licensed psychologist with a private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Bashah was awarded the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Policy Fellowship and served within the American Psychological Association’s Public Interest Government Relations Office in Washington, D.C. 



    Forward This Friday - "I opened up the conversation for him to express his concerns..."

    Forward This Friday - "I opened up the conversation for him to express his concerns..."

    Sarah demonstrates how to have difficult conversations around feelings, perceptions, and parental responsibilities, along with her book, career, and podcast duties.  
    Shout out to all the parents and caregivers who spread their energy into multiple passions driven by the underlying human spirit. We are all in this together, dear listeners. We implore you this Friday to forward this clip to a person who might have hurt you or a person whom you might have hurt. Use it to start a dialogue; life is too short to hold a grudge forever. 

    209 - Truth Telling - Conference Talk Pushback "Beware of Pride"

    209 - Truth Telling - Conference Talk Pushback "Beware of Pride"

    Sarah goes for the show record on eff bombs. Mason gets mega-squirreled while reflecting on what has changed in his perspective as it pertains to the conference talk "Beware of Pride," and your buddy Alex, the producer, gets to try out his crickets sound effects for the first time, stay past the credits to hear them in action. 
    We couldn't and probably wouldn't do this without you. Who would listen to it? This support means everything, honestly, but we MUST ask more of you. We NEED you to forward this episode to your social feeds, do it NOW! We summon the powers of love, compassion, and social media-powered virality...NOW! 





    Forward This Friday - Will bringing in a cup of coffee make the holy spirit leave your home?

    Forward This Friday - Will bringing in a cup of coffee make the holy spirit leave your home?


    Every Monday, we drop a new episode on you, and we deliver snippets of wisdom every Wednesday and Friday. Why? We are just trying to make the world a better place for all of us. ALL of us. 


    Sarah's first book is available here, but a heads-up: it's harder to get a copy of it than get a Tickle me Elmo back in '96. 




    Keep up with all Daisy Girl news here. 



    Unpacking Mormonism
    enOctober 06, 2023

    Westbrook Wisdom - "An effective counselor is going to realize there are multiple ways..."

    Westbrook Wisdom - "An effective counselor is going to realize there are multiple ways..."

    Dear listener, the trigger warning from episode #208 should have also included that, in general, it is a really difficult listen. From the perspective of hearing what a myopic ego run amok sounds like, from a clearly misguided desire to manipulate spirituality to maintain power structures like patriarchy, shame, and frankly shitty gender and sex ideas. Yes, Jodi said mobile phones will turn you gay and are more dangerous than a gun. 

    Full episode here. 





    Unpacking Mormonism
    enOctober 04, 2023

    208 - Let's talk about Jodi Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke's Internet "advice"

    208 - Let's talk about Jodi Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke's Internet "advice"

    Trigger warning, we play clips from Jodi and Ruby that discuss rape, social media turning people gay, how mobile phones are more dangerous than guns and how you should hate your therapist...or something.


    Shout out to Julia and America from Analyzing Mormonism for lining up the content for today's show. 

