
    Vertical Playpen

    Want to learn more about Adventure and Experiential Education? Then this podcast is for you! Listeners of this podcast will get; - Adventure Programming Theory - Facilitation Tips - Activity Ideas - Industry Career Advice - Interviews from Industry Professionals High 5 Adventure Learning Center is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to helping individuals, teams, schools, communities and businesses improve the way they live, learn and work together. Connect with us at high5adventure.org
    enHigh 5 Adventure Learning Center223 Episodes

    Episodes (223)

    The Bear TV Series - Exploring Tina's Leadership Evolution

    The Bear TV Series - Exploring Tina's Leadership Evolution
    In this conversation, Chris, Phil and Lisa discuss the character of Tina from the show 'The Bear' and explore various themes related to team dynamics and leadership. They highlight Tina's incremental shifts in perspective and the importance of creating buy-in as well as the significance of allowing failure and highlighting mistakes as a means of growth. We emphasize the value of investing in the right tools and professional development to support individual strengths and also touch on the role of informal leaders in driving change within organizations. 
    • Creating buy-in is essential for successful team dynamics and implementing change.
    • Allowing individuals to fail and highlighting mistakes can lead to growth and learning.
    • Investing in the right tools and professional development supports individual strengths and benefits the organization.
    • Informal leaders play a crucial role in driving change and influencing team dynamics.

    Contact us;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    The Bear TV Series - Syd's Impact on Team Dynamics

    The Bear TV Series - Syd's Impact on Team Dynamics
    In this conversation, Phil, Lisa and Chris discuss the character of Syd, the sous chef, in the TV show 'The Bear.' They explore Syd's impact on team dynamics, her impatience and eagerness for change, and the challenges she faces as a young and confident newcomer. We also discuss the importance of transparency and vulnerability in navigating change and building trust within a team. Overall, Syd's character represents the need for balance between confidence and humility in a work environment.
    • The introduction of a new team member can disrupt team dynamics and challenge established routines.
    • Impatience and eagerness for change can create tension and resistance within a team.
    • Transparency and open communication are crucial in navigating change and building trust.
    • Age, gender, and identity can influence how a new team member is perceived and integrated into the team.
    • Confidence can be both a strength and a facade, and vulnerability is essential for growth and connection. Rediscovering the joy in what we do can reignite our passion and purpose.
    • Taking a step back from the daily grind and reflecting on why we do what we do is important.
    • Small moments of positive feedback and enjoyment can have a significant impact.

    Contact us;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    The Bear TV Series - Carmy and Richie

    The Bear TV Series - Carmy and Richie
    In this episode, the conversation focuses on the relationship between Carmy and Richie. It explores how their childhood friendship and non-family family dynamic contribute to their connection, the importance of building a strong foundation and trust in organizations is highlighted, as well as the impermanence of conflict and the need for touchstones and norms. The concept of finding purpose and aligning with a mission is discussed, along with the significance of supporting personal discoveries. The episode also delves into the appreciation for behind-the-scenes work and the value of authenticity and inclusion. Finally, it emphasizes that different purposes can still lead in the same direction.
    • Building a strong foundation and trust is crucial in relationships and organizations.
    • Conflict can be impermanent if there is a strong foundation and common purpose.
    • Supporting personal discoveries and allowing organic growth is important in leadership.
    • Appreciating behind-the-scenes work and valuing authenticity and inclusion contribute to a positive organizational culture.

    Connect with us -

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and Sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    The Bear TV Series - Team Dynamics and Takeaways for Facilitators

    The Bear TV Series - Team Dynamics and Takeaways for Facilitators
    In this episode, the Phil, Lisa and Chris Ortiz discuss the TV show 'The Bear', produced by FX and available on HULU, and its relevance to their work in team development and group dynamics. They explore the complex characters and the impact of first impressions. The family dynamics and relationships in the show are also highlighted. The hosts provide a brief synopsis of the show and discuss the symbolism and bookending used in the storytelling. They compare 'The Bear' to another popular show, 'Ted Lasso,' and discuss the raw emotion and uncomfortable moments depicted in 'The Bear.' The importance of observation and group dynamics in facilitation work is emphasized. The concept of individual expression versus conformity is explored, along with the resistance to change and the need for alignment. The episode concludes with a preview of future episodes.
    • First impressions can be misleading, and people often have more dimensions than they initially present.
    • The show 'The Bear' portrays raw emotion and uncomfortable moments, allowing viewers to sit in the discomfort and reflect on real-life experiences.
    • Observation of group dynamics is an essential skill for facilitators, and 'The Bear' provides valuable insights into the dynamics of a kitchen staff.
    • Balancing individual expression and conformity is crucial in team dynamics and program design.
    • Resistance to change can be overcome by creating alignment and focusing on the benefits of adopting new practices.

    Contact the podcast;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    Loneliness and the Power of Connection

    Loneliness and the Power of Connection
    Inspired by a New York Times article, this conversation explores the topic of loneliness and the importance of connection in adventure education. Jim shares his personal experience with loneliness during his hospital stay and highlights the power of connection in sustaining him. The conversation emphasizes the need for intentional community building in workshops and the adventure education industry. It also discusses the importance of creating a supportive community for newcomers in the field through mentorship programs and scholarships. The conversation highlights the importance of reaching out and connecting with others. It emphasizes the power of simple gestures and how they can create a positive reaction in the other person. 
    • Loneliness can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health.
    • Connection and community building are essential in adventure education.
    • Creating intentional moments for connection in workshops can enhance the overall experience.
    • The adventure education industry should prioritize community building and support for newcomers.

    NYT Article on Loneliness - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/opinion/loneliness-epidemic-solutions.html

    NYT Loneliness video - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/21/opinion/loneliness-epidemic-mental-health.html

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Client-focused Training, Collaboration and Cutaway Rescues | Andrew Bogue

    Client-focused Training, Collaboration and Cutaway Rescues | Andrew Bogue
    In this conversation, Phil interviews Andrew Bogue (Challenge Quest) about his love for training and teaching in the ropes course industry. Bogue shares his passion for sharing knowledge and helping others learn. He emphasizes the importance of allowing trainees to make mistakes and providing a supportive and fun training environment. Bogue also discusses the need for collaboration and the negative impact of ego in the training industry. He shares his opinion on cutaway rescues and expresses his dislike for butt belays. Bogue encourages trainers to normalize mistakes and shares personal experiences of learning from mistakes. He concludes by highlighting the importance of knowing why you do what you do in training.
    • Create a supportive and fun training environment that allows trainees to make mistakes and learn from them.
    • Collaborate with other trainers and organizations in the industry instead of viewing them as competitors.
    • Normalize mistakes and emphasize the importance of learning from them.
    • Know why you do what you do in training and focus on client needs rather than personal ego.

    Learn more about Challenge Quest - https://www.challengequest.com/

    Bogue's email - bogue@challengequest.com

    Bogue's Instagram - @bogue_sunshine

    VOTE FOR VERTICAL PLAYPEN - https://www.facebook.com/groups/outdoormediaawards/permalink/1023821898848554/

    Submit a workshop for the High 5 Symposium - 

    ⭐Workshop Title - Be captivating in a few words!
    ⭐Workshop Description - Craft a compelling 50-word summary.
    ⭐Audience - Identify who will benefit from your workshop.
    ⭐Outcomes - Outline what attendees will gain or achieve.
    ⭐Short Bio - Introduce yourself in 30 words or less.
    ⭐High-Resolution Photo/Headshot - Put a face to your name!
    All workshop sessions are 90 minutes. Email your proposal to amartino@high5adventure.org with "2024 Symposium Presentation" in the subject line. Submission Deadline: February 9, 2024.
    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Vertical Playpen
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Presenting at Conferences

    Presenting at Conferences
    In this episode, Phil and Rich provide advice on how to present at conferences. They discuss the process of preparing and submitting a presentation, including choosing a title and solving a problem. They also emphasize the importance of co-presenting and structuring workshops with experiential activities. They suggest submitting workshop ideas multiple times and highlight the benefits of presenting at smaller conferences for emerging professionals. They also discuss the challenges of presenting to a large audience and the value of vulnerability in presenting. They encourage listeners to practice and test their workshops with smaller groups and provide actionable steps for developing workshop ideas.
    • Everyone has something to present on at conferences.
    • Choose a title that solves a problem and grabs the audiences attention.
    • You don't need to have the full workshop figured out before submitting.
    • Consider co-presenting for your first few workshops.
    • Practice and test your workshops with smaller groups before presenting to a large audience.

    VOTE FOR VERTICAL PLAYPEN - https://www.facebook.com/groups/outdoormediaawards/permalink/1023821898848554/

    Submit a workshop for the High 5 Symposium - 

    ⭐Workshop Title - Be captivating in a few words!
    ⭐Workshop Description - Craft a compelling 50-word summary.
    ⭐Audience - Identify who will benefit from your workshop.
    ⭐Outcomes - Outline what attendees will gain or achieve.
    ⭐Short Bio - Introduce yourself in 30 words or less.
    ⭐High-Resolution Photo/Headshot - Put a face to your name!
    All workshop sessions are 90 minutes. Email your proposal to amartino@high5adventure.org with "2024 Symposium Presentation" in the subject line. Submission Deadline: February 9, 2024.

    Let us know what you would like us to discuss in future episodes.

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    Ruby Finds a Worry | Tom Percival

    Ruby Finds a Worry | Tom Percival
    Tom Percival, author and illustrator, discusses the importance of emotions in children's books and the power of vulnerability and empathy. He shares his personal experiences and how they influence his storytelling. Tom emphasizes the need for authenticity and creating a safe space for emotional expression. He also discusses breaking gender stereotypes and embracing all emotions. Tom explores the value of 'bad' emotions and the importance of feeling not alone in one's emotions. He concludes by sharing his future projects and his hope for readers to find solace and resilience in his books.
    • Emotions play a crucial role in children's books, helping young readers understand and navigate their feelings.
    • Vulnerability and empathy are powerful tools for connecting with children and creating a safe space for emotional expression.
    • Breaking gender stereotypes and embracing all emotions is essential for promoting emotional well-being.
    • 'Bad' emotions have value and can be used as a guide for personal growth and understanding.
    • Feeling not alone in one's emotions is comforting and reassuring, emphasizing the importance of community and support.
    • Authenticity and honesty are key in both personal and professional relationships, fostering trust and understanding.
    • Creating multi-layered stories that resonate with both children and adults allows for deeper engagement and shared experiences.
    • Challenges and obstacles in life provide opportunities for growth and resilience.
    • Children's books have the power to inspire and empower readers, offering hope and solutions to life's problems.

    This episode was originally published - 9/14/2021

    Check out our newest product - Emotions by High 5 - https://store.high5adventure.org/products/emotions-by-high-5

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    Intentional Culture | Jim Grout

    Intentional Culture | Jim Grout
    This conversation explores the importance of culture in organizations and how it contributes to staff appreciation, retention, and overall success. Phil and Jim discuss the role of culture in creating conditions suitable for growth and how it impacts relationships, trust, and collaboration. They share examples of modeling good culture and the impact it has on individuals and the organization as a whole. The conversation emphasizes the importance of building connections, fostering a sense of community, and creating an environment that supports growth and development. It also highlights the challenges and tests that organizations may face in maintaining a strong culture. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the value of intentional culture and human connection in organizations.
    • Culture plays a crucial role in staff appreciation, retention, and overall success in organizations.
    • Creating conditions suitable for growth is essential for fostering a positive culture.
    • Modeling good culture and building connections are key strategies for cultivating a strong organizational culture.
    • An intentional focus on culture and human connection can lead to a sense of community, growth, and development.

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Overcoming Fear | Ella Brown (2nd Grade)

    Overcoming Fear | Ella Brown (2nd Grade)
    In this short conversation, Ella Brown discusses her experiences learning and performing scary activities like skiing and circus skills. Ella also talks about managing nervousness and self-doubt, performing with an audience, and the importance of encouragement and support. She reflects on her own fears and how she overcomes them, as well as the role of empathy in understanding others' nervousness. Ella discusses her dreams for future challenges and the joy of learning new tricks.
    • Adults can be helpful when teaching and supporting children in scary activities by providing encouragement and support.
    • Managing nervousness and self-doubt is important for performing well in challenging activities.
    • Performing with an audience can be scarier, but the support and encouragement from the audience can also be motivating.
    • Empathy and understanding for others' nervousness can help in providing support and encouragement.
    • Overcoming fear and facing challenges can lead to a sense of worth and accomplishment.
    • Learning new tricks and taking on new challenges can be exciting and rewarding.

    Music and Sound Effects - epidemicsound.com

    The Gift of Laughter | Greg Kettner

    The Gift of Laughter | Greg Kettner
    In this conversation, Phil interviews Greg Kettner about the power of laughter and its role in creating connections and positive work environments. Greg shares his experience with standup comedy and how laughter can alleviate anxiety and stress. They discuss the decline of laughter in adulthood and the importance of incorporating laughter into daily life. Greg emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between mockery and positivity when using humor. They also explore the impact of laughter on mental health and the challenges of separating work and home. The conversation concludes with a discussion on embracing laughter and creating a work happy environment.
    • Laughter is a universal language that connects people and creates bonds.
    • In adulthood, the frequency of laughter decreases significantly, but incorporating laughter into daily life can alleviate stress and anxiety.
    • Finding a balance between mockery and positivity is crucial when using humor in serious topics.
    • Laughter has healing properties and can improve mental health.
    • Creating a work happy environment involves incorporating laughter and humor into the workplace.

    Connect with Greg - greg@gregkettner.com

    Check out his Ted Talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uVBePSXGSc

    Learn more about WorkHappy - https://www.gregkettner.com/workhappy

    Humor Lab Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehumorlab

    Music and Sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Free Play and When It Doesn't Work

    Free Play and When It Doesn't Work

    In this conversation, Phil and Lisa discuss the concept of free play and its benefits and challenges. They explore the pressure to maximize leisure time and the potential stress it can cause. They also delve into the difficulties of open-ended free play in group settings and the importance of finding the right balance and structure. The conversation highlights the risk and stress of complete open-endedness and the dilemma of providing examples in open-ended questions. They also discuss the benefits of open-ended play in decreasing facilitator dependence and share successful examples of structured free play. The conversation concludes with a call to seek participant perspectives on open-ended play.

    Have thoughts on this particular topic? Please let us know;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Adventure Education is a Methodology | Mark Collard

    Adventure Education is a Methodology | Mark Collard

    In this episode, Phil sits down with Mark Collard (playmeo.com) to discuss;

    • His introduction to the world of adventure education
    • How Playmeo came to be
    • That adventure education is a methodology and not an educational subject
    • His hopes for the future of the industry
    • Several answers to increasingly bizarre "would you rather" questions

    *Note - this is a re-production and edited version of a conversation recording in early 2019, back when I recorded episodes in my car.

    Learn more about Mark and Playmeo - playmeo.com

    Connect with Mark - hello@playmeo.com

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com



    Two Truths, No Lies

    Two Truths, No Lies


    In this episode of the podcast Phil and Rich host a game show "Two Truths, No Lies" for the High 5 staff as they make their way to this years all-staff retreat.

    The task - listen to all 23 pairs of truths and try to guess which pair belongs to which High 5 staff member.

    Start of the game - 3:25

    For those listening who do not work at High 5, I both apologize and equally welcome you to enjoy listening to the varied and diverse experiences that are team share.

    This episode also attempts to highlight 2 things;

    • An example of an activity you can do with your intact teams
    • That we are a fun (and interesting) bunch of humans!

    GIVEAWAY - Play along at home and if you believe you know how 2+ correct pairings then message me on Instagram @verticalplaypen or email me and depending on how many you get correct you will be entered into a drawing to win a sticker pack!

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Advice We Disagree With

    Advice We Disagree With

    In this episode, members of the training team (Phil, Lisa, Chris and Rich) sit down to discuss an often used theme of this podcast - What is something you were taught that you now disagree with?

    Topics covered;

    • Everyone joining in
    • Eye contact
    • Activity Sequencing
    • Do Low elements have much lead-in to High elements
    • Group goals

    Submit your questions to the team -

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and Sound Effects - epidemicsound.com


    The Story School | Chris Wiley

    The Story School | Chris Wiley

    Join Phil in a conversation with Chris Wiley, from The Story School, as they delve into the world of Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing) and how Chris has seen growth in the campers that attend.

    Chris passionately shares the many social and educational benefits hidden within this unique and immersive experience. From fostering creativity and problem-solving to building strong communities, LARPing has much to offer for both participants and educators.

    Learn more about The Story School - https://www.thestoryschool.org/

    Connect with Chris - cwiley@thestoryschool.org

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Adventure Park Facilitation | JJ Stapleton

    Adventure Park Facilitation | JJ Stapleton

    In this episode, Phil sits down with JJ Stapleton from The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring to dive into the world of facilitating guides and the ripple effect of investing in employee training and development. Together, they explore the benefits of teaching facilitation techniques to guides and how it enhances the overall guest experience. Discover how investing in your team's growth can lead to a workforce that's not only highly skilled but also fiercely loyal. If you're interested in the secrets behind successful employee development and creating exceptional guest interactions, this podcast is a must-listen.

    Learn more about The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring - https://sandyspringadventurepark.org/

    Employment opportunities - https://sandyspringadventurepark.org/employment/

    Music and Sound effects - epidemicsound.com


    Vertical Playpen
    enNovember 07, 2023

    Episode 200 - Thank You!

    Episode 200 - Thank You!

    We made it! Episode 200!

    4 years ago we decided to start recording conversations with the aim of supporting adventure educators and we are so proud of where we are now.

    200 episodes, 100+ educators interviewed, magazine articles written, live audience recordings made, 25+ countries listening, and countless lessons learned.

    This episode is a giant THANK YOU to you all.

    So thanks for listening.

    If you know someone who should be interviewed, or you have a topic for us to discuss, let us know;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.org

    Facilitation Differences - USA vs England

    Facilitation Differences - USA vs England

    In this episode, Lisa sits down with Phil to explore the intriguing question: Is there a difference between English facilitation style and the US facilitation style?

    *Note - these views are specific to Phil's experiences and thoughts.

    Phil delves into various aspects, shedding light on the nuances that make each style unique. From energy and positivity to the use of curse words, Phil shares his thoughts on the cultural distinctions that shape facilitation on either side of the Atlantic. Join the conversation as they discuss the role of summer camps in the US, providing an insight into how these cultural elements influence the world of facilitation. If you're curious about the cross-cultural aspects of facilitation, this episode is a must-listen.

    Share your thoughts on this subject;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com

    What Makes a Group "Great"?

    What Makes a Group "Great"?

    Join Phil and Lisa as they embark on an insightful exploration of the question, "What makes a group great?" We've all been there, finishing a program, and when asked, "How was the group?" we casually respond with "They were great."

    But what exactly defines greatness in a group? Is it the absence of issues, genuine camaraderie, collective learning, or something more?

    Here are some factors a facilitator might consider that impact how much a group may struggle (as mentioned by Lisa):

    • Social, Emotional, Economic and Cultural history of the group
    • Length of Program (hours)
    • Structure of the program (in school, year long, field trip)
    • Goals of Program
    • Relationship facilitator has to group
    • Relationship facilitator has to the “Client” or chaperone
    • Experience level of Facilitator

    If you have a topic or question for us to discuss you can send it to;

    Email - podcast@high5adventure.org

    Instagram - @verticalplaypen

    Music and sound effects - epidemicsound.com