
    Wealth and Life

    Each person has their own definition of what it means to be wealthy, and each person has their own definition of success for their life. Where Wealth and Life meet is what you will explore with Financial Planner, Consultant, Speaker and Business Owner, Tony D’Amico. You’ll hear stories from successful individuals and business owners about how they navigated the inevitable challenges that arose as they achieved each new level of success. And, you’ll get insights and strategies from leading wealth planning professionals on how to take your financial plan to the next level. Check out wealthandlife.com, where Tony will cover the latest in comprehensive retirement planning, planning for business owners and family wealth management.
    enTony D'Amico21 Episodes

    Episodes (21)

    Ep #21: 3 Levels of Care

    Ep #21: 3 Levels of Care

    Today we are going to be talking about the three levels of care that a financial advisor, insurance agent, or broker-dealer can provide. From the suitability standard to the best interest standard and the fiduciary duty, I will be explaining the details of each level of care so that you can identify the best advisor for your needs.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://www.fidatowealth.com/wealthandlife/episode-21    

    Ep #20: The Power of Compounding

    Ep #20: The Power of Compounding

    Compound interest has the ability to make your money work for you, instead of you working for your money. Compounding is—quite literally—money multiplying itself. Luckily, it is not as complicated as it may sound. In this episode, I will be explaining how you can grow your bank account whilst putting in minimal long-term effort, as well as the common missteps to avoid along the way.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3BZ0Y6z  

    Ep #19: Inflation: Managing Your Resources for the Future

    Ep #19: Inflation: Managing Your Resources for the Future

    Stable and predictable inflation is generally good for the economy—and for your finances. It helps money sustain its value and makes it simpler for everyone to plan how, where, and when they spend their hard-earned dollars. So, in this episode, I will be explaining how inflation affects you and how you can maximize your resources for the future.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2ZoHpGj 

    Ep #18: Roth Conversions: An Important Tax Planning Strategy

    Ep #18: Roth Conversions: An Important Tax Planning Strategy

    A Roth IRA conversion is a very powerful tool for your retirement. If your taxes rise because you earn more (putting you in a higher tax bracket), a Roth IRA conversion may save you a considerable amount of money over the long term. So, in this episode, I will be discussing this important tax planning strategy and the steps you can take now to utilize this tool.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2X791yl  

    Ep #17: The Power of After-Tax Contributions Into Your Retirement Plan for Alexion, Cleveland Clinic, & Ford Employees with Marissa Beyer

    Ep #17: The Power of After-Tax Contributions Into Your Retirement Plan for Alexion, Cleveland Clinic, & Ford Employees with Marissa Beyer

    As advisors, we’re always trying to set our clients up for success. Oftentimes we are looking for ways to maximize benefits, and this includes contributions into 401(k) plans. However, there may be one key step you’re missing in your retirement saving plan. So, to join in on this conversation today is Marissa Beyer, a Lead Wealth Advisor at Fidato Wealth. We will be discussing how to make after-tax contributions to a 401(k), the strategy behind this, and why it may be beneficial to you.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3B9fVTs 

    Ep #16: The Importance of Quality Conversations Between a Client and Their Advisor When the Going Gets Tough with Marie Swift

    Ep #16: The Importance of Quality Conversations Between a Client and Their Advisor When the Going Gets Tough with Marie Swift

    During the onset of the pandemic, there was a big opportunity created for advisors to step up and serve their clients in a meaningful way through quality conversations. It is no surprise that communication was truly the backbone of that, as it is a key component to creating valued relationships in most aspects of life. Our guest today is Marie Swift, the President and CEO of Impact Communications, and in this episode, she will be sharing some of her findings from a recent report she conducted titled Conversations that Matter.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3qwSJK0  

    Ep #15: Making the Most of Your Planning Meeting with Marissa Beyer and Brian Eberhardt

    Ep #15: Making the Most of Your Planning Meeting with Marissa Beyer and Brian Eberhardt

    One of the best things advisors can provide for clients is an annual review of their financial situation and progress. That’s why we make a point to prepare for these meetings and ensure we provide the most value to our clients, while also ensuring their success. So what measures do we put in place to do this? To help discuss this topic more in-depth are two of our lead advisors at Fidato Wealth, Marissa Beyer and Brian Eberhardt.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3irDLTn 

    Ep #14: How to Optimize Your Social Security Benefits with Brandon P. Smith

    Ep #14: How to Optimize Your Social Security Benefits with Brandon P. Smith

    One of the most important and biggest decisions for people heading into retirement is centered around Social Security benefits. In this episode, I’m joined by Brandon P. Smith, a Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration. He joins the show today to share insight on Social Security benefits and how you can put these benefits to work for you.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3vQdJwv

    Ep #13: Market Returns, Inflation and Taxes - Where Do We Go From Here?

    Ep #13: Market Returns, Inflation and Taxes - Where Do We Go From Here?

    Financial planning and investment management are always about opportunity versus risk. However, things are changing quickly in the current market and due to this changing environment, certain things are no longer front of mind. So today, Tony D’Amico joins Amy D’Amico to explain how to navigate the challenges being faced and how these changes may affect financial plans moving forward.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3tPHVaF 

    Ep #12: Everything You Need to Know About Medicare with Kevin Lowden

    Ep #12: Everything You Need to Know About Medicare with Kevin Lowden

    Medicare is such an important topic—and something that most people should be considering as they near the age of 65. On top of this being a big decision, there is a lot of tax planning associated with Medicare, as well. Here today to help us discuss this topic is Kevin Lowden, Account Manager for RetireMEDiQ. Listen in as Kevin shares how to determine the best plan for your needs and whether you should stay on your group plan or switch to Medicare.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3kVLhoO 

    Ep #11: Improving Your Communication Skills with Joel Weldon, Hall of Fame Speaker and Speech Coach

    Ep #11: Improving Your Communication Skills with Joel Weldon, Hall of Fame Speaker and Speech Coach

    Joel Weldon is a nationally known hall of fame speaker and speech coach. Today he joins the show to talk about the importance of communication between an advisor and their client. Communication is essential, whether it be in our professional or personal lives, and it is the ability to communicate effectively to others that can determine the level of success we can achieve. Listen in as Joel shares some great ideas on how you can improve your communication skills.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3sVlCAm 

    Wealth and Life
    enFebruary 05, 2021

    Ep #10: Trump vs. Biden – Does the Stock Market Care Which Party Wins?

    Ep #10: Trump vs. Biden – Does the Stock Market Care Which Party Wins?

    Should the upcoming election be on your mind as you create your next investment or financial plan? Today Tony will be walking you through historical data that relates to presidential elections and how they affect the market and your finances. You'll learn the best areas to be focusing on and the key to maintaining the right focus in order to be in the best position with your finances over the long term.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2EM250p

    Ep #09: Proactive Planning to Be Prepared for Uncertainty with Brian Eberhardt and Amy D’Amico

    Ep #09: Proactive Planning to Be Prepared for Uncertainty with Brian Eberhardt and Amy D’Amico

    We are always planning for exciting events in our lives, such as retirement or having children, but part of our wealth management should be planning for those unforeseen events as well. Today Tony has two special guests to help him discuss this topic, his wife Amy D’Amico, President and Managing Partner at Fidato Wealth, and Brian Eberhardt, Lead Wealth Advisor at Fidato Wealth. Listen in as the three talk about the importance of having a rainy day fund so that your clients and your team can feel confident and comfortable that they will be supported. 

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3atg0Vh 

    Ep #08: High Impact Personal & Business Tax Planning Strategies with Taki Bitounis

    Ep #08: High Impact Personal & Business Tax Planning Strategies with Taki Bitounis

    Taxes are one of our largest expenses in life, and proper planning in this area can make a huge difference. So today Taki Bitounis, Certified Public Accountant and Managing Partner at Pappas & Bitounis CPAs, joins Tony on the show to discuss high impact personal and business tax planning strategies. His insight into the industry is extremely valuable when it comes to specific tax laws and benefits that can be planned for in advance.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2NlROJH

    Ep #07: Investing for Long-Term Success with Christian Newton

    Ep #07: Investing for Long-Term Success with Christian Newton

    In today's competitive capital markets, it is important to be on the same page when it comes to investment strategy and philosophy. Christian Newton, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, joins the show today to share his philosophy on investments and how he helps financial advisors to leverage Dimensional’s capital markets research.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3dbivvP

    Ep #06: Business Planning to Thrive In All Market Conditions with John Furey

    Ep #06: Business Planning to Thrive In All Market Conditions with John Furey

    With the COVID-19 crisis—or any crisis we run into—we tend to look back at the business and financial decisions we’ve made to see how they are helping or hurting us. In this episode, John Furey, Managing Partner of Advisor Growth Strategies, joins Tony to discuss how you can put plans in place to help your business grow and thrive through challenging times.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2CAjjgo 

    Ep #05: Straightforward Life, Long Term Care & Disability Insurance Strategies with Kurt Thomas

    Ep #05: Straightforward Life, Long Term Care & Disability Insurance Strategies with Kurt Thomas

    There are a lot of misconceptions and overlooked areas of insurance plans and how they can help secure your business. Kurt Thomas joins the show today to discuss planning for the future of your business, as well as how to navigate the available insurance options. Whether you are looking into a succession plan or wanting to secure your business from various risks, this episode is full of great insight and tips on insurance for yourself and your business.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2RkTvt3 

    Ep #04: Personal & Business Insurance That Keeps You Protected with Michelle Hirsch

    Ep #04: Personal & Business Insurance That Keeps You Protected with Michelle Hirsch

    The families and businesses we work with have done a good job saving and growing wealth and we want to protect it. Michelle from Brunswick, a property and casualty insurance brokerage firm, joins the show today to share how you can keep your family or business safe. She highlights many of the key issues that come up and how these would challenge the safety of your savings and assets.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2XhKSDB 

    Ep #03: Bootstrapping Ownership with Dr. John Oswald

    Ep #03: Bootstrapping Ownership with Dr. John Oswald

    Dr. John Oswald joins the show today to share his career journey into dentistry and practice ownership, as well as the lessons he learned along the way. Tony and John discuss how important it was to not only learn how to be a good dentist, but also how to be good at business. Listen in to get some great insight on the value of delegating, reaching out for help when you need it, and more.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/34hWxDK 

    Ep #02: Estate Planning with a Focus On Family Harmony with Cindy Steeb

    Ep #02: Estate Planning with a Focus On Family Harmony with Cindy Steeb

    Estate planning can be a challenging and even uncomfortable topic, but it is something that we all must think about in order to ensure our loved ones are taken care of and prepared for when we are no longer here. Today Cindy Steeb of CLS Consulting joins the show to discuss estate planning and how to navigate the difficult decisions ahead of time in order to pass on businesses and wealth to future generations in a thoughtful way.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2JOMqwF