
    Where Health Lies

    Welcome to 'Where Health Lies’ For over 30 years Don has travelled the globe sharing his unique and empowering messages of Self Care and Self-Education. We've put together for you a collection of what Don calls "truest-truths". It’s unrehearsed, we hope you enjoy it…but more importantly, we hope it inspires you to make greater, positive choices. Please visit tolmanselfcare.com to join our community, receive free health tips, product offers & complimentary event tickets when Don comes to town. If you would like to help us spread Don’s message, please tell a friend, or leave an honest iTunes review at the iTunes store. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for our next episode.
    enDon Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    11 Eight Common Drugs

    11 Eight Common Drugs
    • The phrase "Cool as a Cucumber" is a Truest Truth as it does in fact cool your body down, on the other hand hot food like jalapeños heat you up and help Clean the river of Life
    • Our Ancestors were close with Nature so they passed on the wisdom and the nuggets of the truth about what they Observed and Experienced and there results from mouth to ear and then they tried to hand their records down, but they were all taken away and destroyed
    • A Quote from Robert Ingersole "The noblest work of man, is to create kind gods"
    • There's no doctor in the world that would ever personally take or give a number of Drugs to their own family but 95% of them will Prescribe them to you and your family
    • The most 8 Common Drugs we know of have over 900 names now for different disease symptoms
      • 1.  Advair - An Asthma drug that creates greater severity to an asthma attack that can lead to death. When this was introduced under another name Fenoterol,  in the 1980's in New Zealand, in less than 1 year the death rate had multiplied 13 times. Asthmatics need to rub 3 drops of Essential Peppermint Oil into your palms until it's warm 6 x twice a day, go for a walk and lay out in the sun for 20 mins a day and eat plenty of Sea Salt for about 28days.  You will not be asthmatic anymore
      • 2.  Avandia - for Diabetes which leads to heart attacks.  Diabetics need to go on nothing but Water and Raw Food for 28days and will no longer be diabetic
      • 3.  Celebrex - The super Aspirin which eats holes in the Stomach and causes Internal Bleeding, destroys the Liver and leads to serious Kidney problems and killed tens of thousands of people
      • 4.  Ketek - A Lung and Sinus Antibiotic which kills the liver and causes heart rhythm problems
      • 5.  Prilosec And Nexium - For Heart Burn which has been linked to more heart attacks and phenomena deaths than any other studied drug.  If you go on just apples and water for 14days you'll be rid of heart burn
      • 6.  Visine - Original eyedrops for redness. Creating more dilation and constriction problems which lead to more redness, ultimately leading to more serious problems known as Glaucoma and Cataracts 
      • It is in Published Studies that they haven't created a new drug since 1974, they repackage, rename and re-prescribe for other Diseases, they never go away
      • 98% of all human Chronic Diseases can be completely remised in 28days of doing nothing but Raw Plant food and drinking Water, getting in the sunshine and taking no Medicines and Supplements
      • Grapes are good for your Lungs, they are also good for your Heart and they  drive the Nutritional Components of themselves through the blood stream to the bronchioles and can heal and repair any condition thats going on there
      • To be Continued….

    10 Whole Food Miracles

    10 Whole Food Miracles
    • People with 'Credentials' have now changed their minds about things, and in fact changed 180 degrees away from their trainings
    • Don's friends Ray and Charles Eaems made a film back in the 70's named 'Powers of Ten' which was stimulated from Don's written articles about the cosmos being an Electrical Frequency of design at every level of Organisation of matter 
    • Don created and wrote a script 'A licence to kill' which he put out in 2001 and later in 2003, it got slammed by the Federal Government & a few other large Corporate organisations which lost Don his business and put him in legal handcuffs
    • Published studies show that in the USA, Doctor induced deaths is and has been the Number #1 killer of US citizens since 2001
    • The guiding moto of the modern medical and Pharmaceutical industry is Profits through Fear
    • Our problem is Consumers just want 'Convenience' 
    • Instead of cutting out and replacing your liver, you could drink 1 freshly squeezed lemon a day for 90 days and you will have a brand new liver with 100% function.  A Lemon is the only thing on earth that is filled with ionic orbits of nutritional components
    • To avoid open heart surgery you should Stop medicine and start eating 3 Grapefruits a day for 28 days and you won't have a heart problem anymore, because the arterial flow will be 100%
    • The body can Heal itself and Repair itself if you allow it to do that
    • In the last 200 years we've gone from 7 to 10,000 diseases and from 10 to over 500,000 patented medicines
    • There is more sickness and disease now than ever before, but why is it not going down? Why is it increasing with our 500,000 Weapons of War?
    • If you give babies a Vaccine K shot or any other antibiotics at birth you will be destroying their brain function

    09 Mal-Practice

    09 Mal-Practice
    • The very fact that we have the highest rates ever of Chronic Disease in our society is a test of the complete inability of the Medical profession to treat these diseases successfully, which shows that something's going on
    • One of Don's Goals is that he has absolutely no doubt that Natural Whole food eating and whole foods used as natural Medicine could kill and eliminate most, if not almost all, chronic diseases on the entire earth
    • Drug 'Experiments' are costly and kills over 2 million people just in the USA every year
    • Health and Beauty tip: You should have a very clean and free flowing Colonic canal
    • Dr Moon was one of 33 doctors who lost his Mal-practice insurance after giving 36,271 angeograms, and sending 33,000 people into open heart surgery within 45mins of visiting his clinic.  Studies show that none of them actually needed the surgery.  Being a cardiovascular surgeon and choosing to just do angeograms, he earnt $65 million annually
    • The shocking Truth is that these doctors only loose their mal-practise in the state it is identified in, therefore they just pick up and move, and are now Practising in other states  
    • Dr Smith, from Payson, Utah, killed more people in a 3 week period than any other doctor in the entire state, however he now practises in Michigan
    • If you have a pace maker or you went through open heart surgery the chances are less than 1/2 of 1% you actually needed that
    • Doctors are not licensed as a 'Healer' they are licensed as an individual who can Practise and Experiment by prescribing different drugs upon you and surgical procedures  
    • Doctors Weapons of War against disease fall into 3 categories - Cut, Burn and Poison
    • Pharmaceutical = Pharmakaos in the Greek term means Poisonous

    08 Self-Care Foundations

    08 Self-Care Foundations
    • In the Ancient worlds the museums, libraries and temples always put 2 pillars out front of the building which was a symbol of 'You'. The 2 pillars were given the same name in every culture which meant the exact same thing; Jachim 'He shall establish and make strong' and Boas 'He shall add splendour and light' in todays vernacular they stand for 'Vegetables' and 'Fruit'
    • The less you eat the longer you live and the more you will be Disease free
    • Some of the most happiest and successful people in the world are Artists and other people in Performance who do not have a University degree 
    • Everybody should be Living a Minimum of 121 years or more
    • If you spend less than 8 hours a day with the people that you love then it will take away from your life force.  If you haven't heard this song for a while, make sure you go and Listen to Harry Chapin 'Cat's in The Cradle'
    • In 2009 Don designed vertical window gardens so if you have at least 6 windows in your living quarters then you can Grow all the food you need for a Family of 4
    • Don, with a friend of the pastors named Vucky Fuller and a few others have figured out a way to develop building homes through polymer plastic bags made from fruit wood from the trimmings of the orchards. If you have a shovel and these bags, within 2 weeks you can build yourself a home out of sand or dirt that has the most beautiful space within it for a family of 6
    • The Dangers of having your home built in todays Society
    • Your Health, Vitality and Longevity is based upon your behaviours and your decisions that you make on a daily basis
    • The Number 1 thing that you can do for your own good health is to turn your Dying quarters into Living quarters, which you usually are not aware of, by opening your Windows and Doors every single day and let it Air out

    07 Fragmented Medicine

    07 Fragmented Medicine
    • Humour is the best Medicine
    • In our Society today things are presented with Intention and Purpose in a Fragmented way  
    • Don's purpose is to help you bring an absolute end to the use of medicine in your life
    • Dr O.H. Holmes, Professor of Medicine, Harvard University said "If all of the medicine in the world were dumped into the oceans it would be bad for the fish, but it would be the best thing that could of happened to humanity"
    • We need to get off 'Supplements' which = Fractured and Incomplete
    • Instead we need to have 'Compliments' which = Whole and Complete and is brought to you by the forces of cosmological design which on this earth is called 'Mother nature'
    • A single blade of grass has been known as scientifically studied, confirmed and identified in published studies as 'Nutrition' 
    • Some of the most powerful cultures who ate nothing but red clover, barley grass, wheat grass, mountain grass can run and leap into the air 4-20 meters on their own
    • Gorillas eat nothing but fruit and chew leaves off of specific trees and they have the same anatomical and physiological make up as a human being
    • Their is not a single plant that is not made up of Pure Protein
    • To get Pure Protein you should eat a plant in 1st source, which is much more beneficial than consuming an animal, which you then get Protein as 2nd source

    06 The Fascinating 7 Principles Of Health

    06 The Fascinating 7 Principles Of Health


    • 'Fluing' is naturally what our Body does 
    • Our body is 'Venting' 24 hours a day and it's Healthy to do so
    • Don Dissects the Real Meaning of all the Terms, Marketing and Myths around Published Studies
    • The Conclusion to Episode Fives Story
    • The Fascinating 7 Principles of Health
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014

    05 The 2 Causes Of Disease

    05 The 2 Causes Of Disease


    • The Meaning and Interconnection of Disease, Atoms, Chaos and Symptoms
    • Breaking down 'Headaches'
    • The 2 Causes of Disease = Toxicity & Deficiency
    • People today are listening to the Poison Makers rather than the Wisdom Healers
    • A Story of Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda and instead of listening to the Wise man and Healers we want to Listen to the Doctors, Go to War and try and Fight fire with fire 
    • Say NO to anything Anti anything!
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014

    04 How Plants Speak Sign Language

    04 How Plants Speak Sign Language


    • Two Years after Don quit his 'Pulse' search, a chance meeting with a Billionaire Changed his Life and finally Fulfilled his Heart of Hearts and his Quest in finding 'Pulse'
    • A Profound look into The Meal of Hercules and The Law of Similarities
    • The Real Facts about Food.  Food = Medicine
    • An Insight into Whole foods and How they Benefit the Body
    • Another Truth - Nature made salt and salt is one of the most Critical Nutrients the Body has to have
    • The Meaning of eating a Raw food Diet to our Ancestors doesn't mean the same as it does to us today
    • The Real Facts and Fight regarding 'Cancer' 
    • Our body is physically made up of Ten thousand trillion Cells that make up our body of complete Tubes
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014

    03 The Story Behind Don's Quest For Pulse

    03 The Story Behind Don's Quest For Pulse


    • A little background on Don's life Growing up 
    • The first day Don ever attended Sunday school he learnt about the Historical story of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon which started Don on his quest for 'Pulse'
    • Don figured out his purpose in life was to find 'Pulse' so that's what he set out to do for the next 17 years
    • Don Travelled to 33 countries on all 7 Continents, Living and Learning amongst other Cultures
    • Don went to every major University in the World but still couldn't find 'Pulse' so he finally Quit the big search
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014

    02 Health Care or Sick Care?

    02 Health Care or Sick Care?


    • The Real Facts of the terminology used around the Science of Pharmaceuticals
    • 'Health Care' is in fact 'Sick Care' 
    • Their is published Literature out there on Medications for Diseases that don't even exist, and which are killing Trillions per Year
    • Our Ignorance is what is Harming us
    • It's all in the Food. Their's just no Money in Food
    • The Truth about Credentials and Authority 
    • The Cultures that are living longer today do not have any Hospitals, Doctors, Pharmaceutical Drugs or Miracle Supplements
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014

    01 The Three Revolutions - Self Care, Self Education and Self Governance

    01 The Three Revolutions - Self Care, Self Education and Self Governance


    • The Three Revolutions - The Revolution of Self Care, Self Education and Self Government
    • We were born as 'Geniuses' and 'Scholars' created by imagination, nothing actually comes about from being 'Academic' 
    • The System today is made up of kids being taught their 'correct' and Doctors are now being good little chant memorizors
    • Don's invited in as 'the enemy in the camp' and disagrees with 98% and agrees with about 2% of what 'medical symposiums' do 
    • Two statements Don always reiterates regarding 'medical symposiums' 
    • What the Number #1 killer is in developed countries and the statistics behind it
    • The history and difference of Pharmaceutical (Poison) Makers and our ancestors the Healers
    Where Health Lies
    enApril 18, 2014