
    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White

    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White are the dynamic duo who try to discuss the brave new divisive world where people are too scared to offend anybody. We take on controversial subjects and try to break them down into a basic understanding of how we ended up in this emotionally gentrified place. Banter, beers and lots of shouting. 

    en-usKit Johnstone and Sands Mahal51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    Episode 32: Just the Tip Ep 32: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White Sitcom Breakdown

    Episode 32: Just the Tip Ep 32: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White Sitcom Breakdown

    In this episode we discuss many frivolous things but mainly the Amanda Holden and Leigh Francis sitcom The Holden Girls and the impact it has on modern culture. Then we talk about other digressions until Wokie’s phone literally overheats. True Story. 

    Want to know more about Amanda Holden and Leigh Francis new series called The Holden Girls: Mandy and Mertyle. Check out the series here.

    Before Wokery was a tool to bash old fashioned sensibilities we all laughed at Bo Selecta until we realised it was wrong. Shortly after that Leigh realised it was wrong and did a tearful eulogy to his wrongful past. Watch him cry here:

    You know Scientology is insane but have a read of the even more insane things that happened:

    We all know L Ron Hubbard was a mental but how batshit mad was he? A lot if you read this:

    If you want to know more about the Martin Scorsese Classic, Last temptation of Christ, then look no further than this:

    We discovered that The Holden Girls idea may have been lifted from a French film called Tatie Danielle. Not convinced? Read the synopsis: 

    A slight digress to this obscure libellous short about Mickey Mouse going to Vietnam. You should find it somewhere on YouTube but read it here:

    Episode 31: Just the Tip Ep 31: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White Afghan Special!

    Episode 31: Just the Tip Ep 31: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White Afghan Special!

    This week Mr Angry Guy (Wokie) read about some white kid who did some dodgy racist stuff and got caught. The doddering old Judge, rather than hit some good ol’ jail time, has made the little pleb read the classics like Dickens and Shakespeare… such an old fashioned way to head-correct a racist mentalist. Anyway the usual angry rant on this madness. 

    After this mini rant we go straight into the belief that the Taliban have suddenly come back with a woke perspective. Who would have thought that they would finally get some good PR? We dissect the new normal for this heavily armed chaps. 

    This is positively the last time we talk about Shane Gillis (yes! He of the offensive Chinatown podcast!) where we advise on the best way to stay safe and try not to get in trouble by bleeping the shizzle out of the podcast so as not to draw attention to any controversy. 

    And to top off the podcast is some ranting from Egg White and then 4 episodes of the sitcom recorded in 2009 and generally not been heard since. 

    Afghan Warlord: The Sitcom is about… you guessed it, an Afghan Warlord assimilating into an English Family living in Surbiton and all the wacky things he does while living there. Sort of Like Channel 4’s Home but on a shoestring budget and made 10 years previously


    That twerp who had to read the classics rather than hit the slammer? You can read the story here:

    Read about Shane Gillis’s awkward podcast where he offended the whole of Chinatown:

    Piers Morgan loves reading about himself so we give you a Liverpool Echo article of his controversy:

    Episode 30: Just the Tip Ep 30: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on Diverse Television

    Episode 30: Just the Tip Ep 30: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on Diverse Television

    On this show, Wokie tries to understand why certain people stay in their lane when watching sitcoms and won’t view anything that is out of their comfort zone. For example some upper middle class friends are scared of HBO’s The Black Lady Sketch and Wokie himself is scared of films like Brakes which is a quirky MOR white people’s comedy (link below). Egg White tries his best to fathom why his friend has lost his sh*t over something small and the jury is still out on the resolution. Oh and we talk about Shane Gillis and his lack of forward thinking censorship.

    We have banged on about this show The Black Lady Sketch Show but is pretty amazing and definitely worth watching.

    Wokie lost his collective sh*t while watching Brakes but what does he know? Here’s a good review of the film. You watch, decide and send me hate filled messages on twitter.

    Run for your Wife is a close second to the worst film ever made, Plan 9 from Outer Space. This cinematic travesty is worth watching and should be studied in film schools on how not to make films. You have to see it to believe it and even though it has a lot of big names they are all wasted. 

    Run for Your Wife’s real star is super Camp Christopher Biggins who’s role here is like 12 Christopher Biggins in 1. Bargin in that sense.

    Read about the godfather of Hip Hop Ladies love Cool James.

    Aah, Shane Gillis… a man who blew up his own career for comedy bantz turned dark. Read about it here and google his chinatown podcast and you decide if it’s comedy or just anti woke hate speech.

    As we mention comedy legend Ricky Gervais, it’s time to post the Victor Lewis review of The Office who didn’t see that coming. Legend has it there was a grudge somewhere. 

    If you want your eyes to bleed with the man who puts ME-ME-ME in Mentalist follow him here. No matter what’s happening in the world it’s all about Piers bloody Morgan. Also he really doesn’t like Megan Markle because she stiffed him on the friends circuit. 

    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White
    en-usAugust 19, 2021

    Episode 29: Just the Tip Ep 29: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on right wing papers

    Episode 29: Just the Tip Ep 29: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on right wing papers
    More inane banter about things that are annoying Woke Asian Guy which include divisive rhetoric from the papers and ultra melon Tim Martin of Wetherspoons. We could go into a room and scream through a pillow for five hours but this is much more calming…
    If you stick around to the end we also have a pitch for Chechen Superman which would make an awesome film and some easy listening mentalness to calm the mind.. It’s like Andy Puddicombe’s headspace app but one that has had far too much alcohol

    WAG will be back next time with Egg White to battle the though crimes of the anti woke brigade. Think of Brown Batman and Chintzy Robin and you get the idea


    We discuss the right wing newspaper that is outraged at locking out posh white people to BBC jobs. Below is the article in question


    And for those that think nothing of the insanely batsh!t mad hatchet woman Katie Hopkins, here is her 2016 article on the same divisiveness

    Tim Martin… Brexit champion and (as someone called him) a homeless thundercat is a moany old sod now that he has thrown his toys out of the pram. Read about his whinging here

    Episode 28: Just the Tip Ep 28: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on Lawrence Fox and a Radio 4 Play

    Episode 28: Just the Tip Ep 28: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on Lawrence Fox and a Radio 4 Play
    What’s in a tweet? Not much but when you are anti-woke campaigner Laurence Fox trying to be witty then that says it all really. Here we have a brief deconstruction of the offending tweet and why sometime scrolling through life is not the best way to go chum.

    Also we have an exclusive play about a childhood bond that comes to an end. Sort of like a Radio 4 play (foreplay) on meth. The first unveiling of The Kettle. A love story that rivals Titanic and has the emotions depth of that micro pugilist Herve Villechaize.


    Have a fun read on how successful Laurence Fox’s race to be London’s Mayor turned out https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/laurence-fox-london-mayor-lose-deposit-b1844481.html

    You can watch his inane banter on twitter here: https://twitter.com/LozzaFox | laugh? I never thought I’d start

    If you want to actually listen to well written and well produced radio plays they can be accessed here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04xxp0g/episodes/player

    Episode 27: Just the Tip Ep 27: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on the Radio 4 Plays

    Episode 27: Just the Tip Ep 27: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on the Radio 4 Plays
    In this weeks episode we examine some of the current Radio 4 plays that are published and try to examine the individual stories to see if they pass the current woke authent-o-moter. Have the current commissions moved with the times? Do they want to and if so do they want to broaden their audience demographic? Traditionally they are a springboard for aspiring writers but the net has to be cast wider.

    This is a parody episode so don’t think this is our real opinion
    We mention Body and class dysmorphia and we don’t know what the hell that is so can someone check this and let us know as if you are talking to a five year old https://discoverymood.com/blog/understanding-difference-body-dysmorphia-self-esteem-negative-body-image/

    Our love of Fitzrovia knows no bounds so when we are able to drink like savages here is a list of the best bars to visit https://www.timeout.com/london/bars-and-pubs/fitzrovia-bars

    Bants aside you should check out the radio 4 plays here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04xxp0g/episodes/player

    Episode 26: Just the Tip Ep 26: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on the The Mayoral Election

    Episode 26: Just the Tip Ep 26: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on the The Mayoral Election
    Just the Tip is back in a brand new format because the last two formats were less than stellar. Instead of giving Life Wins to those with Life Woes we now take semi-topical subjects and break them down from this so called woke perspective. Who says it's not going to be fun?


    As we discuss the Alexei Sayle podcast you can give it a listen yourself. It’s quirky and fun: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-alexei-sayle-podcast/id1540500007

    If you have literally been living under a rock or solely basing your info-diet of news via the Daily Mail and The Sun then this is a primer on what it is to be woke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke

    For anyone that doesn’t know this relatively mentalist phenomenon Q Anon try this primer from The BBC website https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/53498434

    We all know Lawrence Fox won’t win this considering his popularity is pretty much at 1% and we all love Lord Bucket head for his fresh air insanity but if you want to see the sensible to ridiculous list of candidates try this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-55748037

    As a primer to us talking about Jim “why hasn’t he been cancelled yet” Davidson in the next podcast here is a link to his show https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMOgZtq9A8p1OAwYqnt4WQ

    Episode 25: Just the Tip Ep 25: The Recently Discovered Oscar Wilde Letters

    Episode 25: Just the Tip Ep 25: The Recently Discovered Oscar Wilde Letters
    In a world exclusive and a slight break from helping people, The Fuzzy Dice duo have unearthed previously unseen letters from Mr Wilde to his parents while he signed up to two tours of Vietnam during the hight of the offensive, 1968.

    Totally crazy and improbable right? Well. For anyone who watched Sapphire and Steel or Twin Peaks can attest to… sh*t gets weirder.

    Before anyone else can get their hands on this piece of unique history,
    we are showcasing them exclusively here. For your delicate ear.

    Get into the mind of how a man as majestic as this can field strip a rifle while under enemy fire and bond with his fellow grunts.


    If you are unsure of who Oscar Wilde is (and shame on you!) here’s the laziest primer on Planet Earth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Wilde

    And also Mr Wilde starred in a film about Stephen Fry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilde_(film)
    Can’t go wrong with a 71% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes!

    Episode 24: Just the Tip Ep 24: The Ron Pape Takeover

    Episode 24:  Just the Tip Ep 24: The Ron Pape Takeover
    Kit and Sands have had another falling out so Ron Pape: Social Media Influencer is doing a takeover to mercilessly plug his extremely eccentric Get Rich Quick schemes.

    This may sound like an aggressively marketed advertorial but it’s not. It is a podcast where we learn about Ron’s brutal upbringing and just getting to know him as a humble decent human being, incredibly talented and versatile individual.

    Also did we mention Ron’s incredible humanitarian work? He literally saved the incontinent from downing in their own stools.

    Ron has also put him forward as mediator to get Kit and Sands back.

    Episode 23: Just the Tip Ep 23: The Help Letters

    Episode 23: Just the Tip Ep 23: The Help Letters
    While Kit is still incapacitated after a freak jogging accident (remember, jog safely) we actually have some letters that came in. Some anonymous people actually want us to turn their life woes into life wins.
    Listen in and see the advice we have passed out


    After the sh*t show that was the Trump administration we along with everyone on the planet keep referencing Obama. We mention his biography but if you can’t be bothered to read his life story in detail just read his Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama

    Feeing crap because you never win arguments? Try this and be a mouthy champ: https://time.com/5318965/how-to-win-an-argument/

    Dirk Bogarde was a dashing closeted actor and the author of 10 biographies. Read one read them all but check him out here first https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirk_Bogarde

    Episode 22: Just the Tip Ep 22: Quest for Zen

    Episode 22: Just the Tip Ep 22: Quest for Zen
    In this weeks episode we try to add value to your ears with another rip roaring attempt to being a claustrophobic exercise machine! Live! Learn! Like! Subscribe!

    Below are links to some of the subjects we have talked about

    If you, dear listener, want to know what middle aged things there are to do then look no further than here. The URL says it all really. https://www.onefamily.com/talking-finance/wellbeing/50-things-to-do-now-youre-50/

    The most insane non David Lynch television series ever made was this piece of surreal eye candy starring the Man from Uncle and the the alcoholic Patsy…..Sapphire and Steele… read about the weirdness here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapphire_%26_Steel

    Basically we are poor and shamelessly need coffee money via sponsorships. Buy either Nescafe, Kenco, Cafe Direct, Douwe Egberts or but Starbucks and let us know if you have and then we can start begging ruthlessly.

    Like Lucozade? You must do. Buy them by the pallet and let us know so we can also approach them for money… do you get that we are broke?

    We think Sadiq Khan should create dining area on the underground carriages for people who eat while off to work. Try this while we petition TFL:

    We mention the 70s blackout in New York. Read about the time people talked to each other: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_blackout_of_1977

    Here is the full list of Hunter S. Thompson’s daily routine. No wonder he blew his brains out!

    Nancy Reagan's don’t do drugs really didn’t work did it? Well, at least she tried.

    Inspired about our Axe Throwing banter? You can go to this place and do some urban axe throwing

    Follow Sands on Twitter @sandip_mahal

    Follow Sands on Instagram @sandipmahal https://www.instagram.com/sandipmahal/

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    Follow Kit on Twitter @mungbeaner https://twitter.com/mungbeaner Follow Kit on

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mungbeaner Help Support Us https://www.patreon.com/join/fuzzydice

    Follow Fuzzy Dice Comedy http://fuzzydice.co.uk/ https://www.instagram.com/fuzzydicecomedy
    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White
    en-usJanuary 04, 2021

    Episode 21: Just the Tip Ep 21: The Nintendo Switch Workout

    Episode 21: Just the Tip Ep 21: The Nintendo Switch Workout
    For this podcast episode, Kit decides to stay indoors and create less of a risk to himself by playing along with an exercise game on the Nintendo Switch. You can’t cause that much damage unless you are a repressed deranged lunatic.

    I know what you are thinking. Why are you doing a visual game in a audio world? Well dear listeners it is because bantz is bantz and we guide you through how this digital health obsessed world operates.

    Below some show notes to make you smarter:

    Sands says Ying and Yang, not Yin and Yang for the proper pronunciation here is the wikipedia article

    Boxing Game Nintendo Switch try this piece of Clockwork Orange-esque ultra violence https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/boxing-champs-switch/

    Yes, some people are lonely and talking to a real girl freaks them out. Meet Erica the lifelike robot:

    The dummies guide to metrics. We sure could have used this:

    PRP PGP. We made this up so there is no link. It’s just innuendos for taking a sh!t and w@nking.

    For all you old school rap fans, at the end of this podcast is the first airing since 1988 of Silver Bullet’s live show on Tim Westwood’s Capital Radio Show. For it is he! The fast rapping mentalist famous for 20 Seconds to Comply and Bring forth the Guillotine

    Got any interesting exercise stories? Call to action! Email us on sands@fuzzydice.co.uk

    Just the Tip Ep 20: The Rebrand to Mind and Body Health

    Just the Tip Ep 20: The Rebrand to Mind and Body Health
    We made it to Episode 20 in the same way an 80 year old wakes up in the morning glad for another day of gardening. This is the rebrand. Who thought we’d run out of steam talking a lot of cobblers but we did!

    We are now Just the Tip Mind and Body Health and this Episode 20/New Episode 1Point2Point-0 is where Kit will show us his mindset when it comes to exercising. This all sounds like a professional approach in the vain of SuperProJoeWickes but as you indulge your ears it doesn’t go as planned.

    So listen in on this show and feel like you are on the Titanic about to hit an iceberg.


    We mention Joe Wickes and unless you have been living in a bank vault here is a breakdown of the great man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Wicks_(coach)

    As Kit used Tescos Peas to fix his battered leg here is a review of a Tesco Cafe involving mushy peas https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g186443-d4167516-r256273611-Tesco_Cafe_Holyhead-Holyhead_Anglesey_North_Wales_Wales.html

    Let’s say you are a Tescos snob and it is the ONLY place you want to go to…. Well here is the store locator so you can never be too far away from a Tescos Value Range https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/uk/

    Moose socks? where to buy? Lost in the noise of online shopping? The Cats Spazz of comfortable footwear is here—>>> https://road.cc/content/review/71033-moose-nordkapp-socks

    We went retro television and referenced Allo Allo and Mimi’s and Rene’s age during the series run… well read Mimi’s stats below and honestly do your own calculation of their ages using the internet…. Use some grey matter https://alloallo.fandom.com/wiki/Mimi_Labonq

    Just the Tip Ep 19: Revenge of the Trolling/ WhatsApp/ Sauce

    Just the Tip Ep 19: Revenge of the Trolling/ WhatsApp/ Sauce
    The First of three sections in our latest podcast before we have brand refresh.

    1- Revenge of the Trolling Part Deux

    This is where Kit again goes mental and starts making ‘’anonymous” calls pretending to be various celebrities but this time we HAVE PRIZES TO GIVE AWAY! Not good prizes but some old tat dug out from the back cupboard that nobody bought off eBay.
    For this you need to guess all the celebrities that Kit impersonates and some of them are quite difficult. Also another Boris Johnson one thrown in like a live humours hand grenade.

    All the answers will be on our website www.fuzzydice.co.uk

    2- The WhatsApp podcast

    How many people take their WhatsApp banter and make into a compelling piece of melodrama? We do! An entire weeks worth of back and forth has been magically transformed into a David Mamet style sweary twisted tale. Kit still can’t get over that the Urban Monologue shorts Sands did were done solo and not as part of a team.
    Even the Emojis are spelled out!

    3- The Sauce

    Sands dials in Kit to surprise him with an impromptu pod but…. Well what can I say? Oops. We may have dived into someone’s saucy evening.

    The Urban Monologues skits have been posted on our FaceBook Page so please do check it out. Also click the subscribe button to get more content.

    And Finally we are about to unveil our Socially Distanced Standup Short Web Series….. more details soon.

    Just the Tip Ep 18: The Awkwardness

    Just the Tip Ep 18: The Awkwardness
    After Sands last week went rogue with all the random phone messages this episode deals with the awkward fallout of that. Who knows where the pod chat will go? Also Kit has his nose bent out of shape as Sands is making his own side projects.

    The Osmo Mobile 3 is a great gimbal to run and film stuff and generally be a pretentious twat. If you can afford an iPhone then you can definitely afford this.

    When you don’t have a cameraman because all your friends are major alcoholics and you need to frame stuff correctly use the Filmic pro App in the Apple Watch. It’s amazing and you don’t have to rely on douchebags. Also for you geeks you can change the frame rate unlike using the native iOS video app

    Curry and Chips is mentioned again and you can watch the first episode here. It’s an eye watering feast of political correctness

    I tried googling Dutch porno cars but there isn’t much on there. You are going to have to buy a ticket to Amsterdam and check it out yourself. Make sure you bring a lot of change.

    You want to know what a Lucky Pierre is? You can never go wrong checking out the Urban Dictionary

    Dennis Waterman facts
    In 2011, he married his fourth and present wife Pam Flint.

    Just the Tip Ep 17: The Sands Takeover

    Just the Tip Ep 17: The Sands Takeover
    Yes, sands has done a Radio 1Xtra style takeover in Kit’s (enforced) absense and getting worried over the amount of ‘’celebrity calls” coming in. It’s a slow emotional breakdown… of the calls, not Sands

    Show notes

    Commissioners are easy o find. Google their name and you will find them.
    Here’s a head started https://www.bbc.co.uk/commissioning/tv/articles/who-we-are-how-we-commission
    The how to on all the commissioners for the flagship institution that is the British Broadcasting Corporation

    We all love a bit of the loveable rogue and absolute sweetheart menu list Russell Brand so if you want to re-read his career highlights (and character building lowlights) have a scan of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand

    We may sound bitter at the success of other podcasts but we do love our better equipped and more emotionally stable competitors so below re the links to our rivals.

    Quiet Time Podcast

    Pals Podcast

    Ears Wide Open

    Wine and Sass

    The Tomato Flame Podcast
    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White
    en-usAugust 25, 2020

    Just the Tip Ep 16: The How Not to Episode (Honest!)

    Just the Tip Ep 16: The How Not to Episode (Honest!)
    In this episode of Just the Tip Kit and Sands c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶l̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶d̶e̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶p̶o̶d̶c̶a̶s̶t̶ show you how not to do a podcast by 'pretending' to be 'unprepared' and 'sh*t'. This is excellent advice and a good example of being a podcast king! enjoy!


    As you can probably tell, faithful or even casual passive listeners Sands like to drink Guinness and for those who want to know the history read this entry y of

    With Kit being utterly middle class and taking a train home to the far outer suburbs here is a list of the crappiest train lines in England. Basically as Virgin will never sponsor us we can safely say every Virgin brand is total garbage

    If you want to know about socialism here’s an article about 6 questions some git can ask safely without being looked down upon as a moron

    Morcambe and Wise made their best television in the 70’s for the BBC but they progressively were never as good when they moved to ITV. More here about their fateful decision.

    For fans of ultra sweary dramas like David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross can chew on this scene stealing part by Alec Baldwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PE2hSqVnk

    Improv comedy fans! Who’s the best of the best? Yep, Mike McShane. Read about his glittering life here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_McShane

    Fans of 80’s synth nonsense can look at this epic mash up classic. It made the Vietnam War look fun for a change https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19_(song)
    Hardcastle 19

    Anyone can talk a load of cobblers on a podcast and most people do. But if you are a pensioner and not really getting the technology thing here’s a quality guide to by a mouth digital git

    There have been numerous mentions of David Mamet’s work here and rather than a Wikipedia entry why don’t you read this memo he wrote while he made The Unit. It’s amazing!

    Names of other podcasts higher than us
    - Comic Book Nerds in Celibacy
    - Metal Kombat Podcast
    - Cwik This
    - Friday Night Larks

    Woke Asian Guy and Egg White
    en-usAugust 10, 2020

    Just the Tip Ep 15: Television Censorship... again!

    Just the Tip Ep 15: Television Censorship... again!
    This episode dealt with the current controversy of blackface and politically incorrect shows so there is a lot of show notes links to be created. Especially for Millennials and Americans who don’t know the dodgy television history that Britain created.

    Little Britain has taken a lot of stick recently for the blacking up scenes. Do you agree it should be taken down or not? Read the controversy

    If you want to know the culturally insensitive television series starring a blacked up Spike Milligan in Curry and Chips then have a quick read of this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry_and_Chips
    It has to be seen to be believed.

    Mind your language was another series of infinite offensiveness. So bad it managed to have multiple stereotypes in one programme which in television racism is a Herculean effort

    Spike Milligan’s Q series was a forerunner to The Monty Python Flying Circus so if you like that you will LOVE this! The latter pretty much ripped off the former.

    Lenny Henry’s lone attempt at a Hollywood move: True Identity. Watch and LOL at the film trailer.. watch the movie only if you have exhausted every title on Netflix

    A time when American Pie was considered edgy. Really? That really happened? A mainstream film about pie f**king. Read the blurb here.

    Another amazing Dennis Waterman Fact:
    From 1975 to 1978, he starred as Detective Sergeant George Hamilton Carter in ‘The Sweeney’. Meanwhile in 1976, he released his first music album, ‘Downwind of Angels’, Two years later, he returned to the Royal Shakespeare Company to play Sackett in ‘Saratoga’

    Just the Tip Ep 14: Halfway to Cambridge

    Just the Tip Ep 14: Halfway to Cambridge
    Why Cambridge? Well, dear avid listener (of other podcasts) you will have to play this show to find out. It's our version of Jack Nicholson being told 'Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown' In this episode we break from normal proceedings and yammer on about standup comedy in general and our own personal failures in performing live. This one is worth listening to for any budding comics who want to get into comedy and feel the fear of standing up on stage.

    Normal service will resume next episode

    The Show Notes ——>>>>

    There is no episode 13 of JTT. Why? Because Sands is a slave to mild stereotypical superstitions so we will bypass this unlucky number and really screw up the running order for future generations https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/23266/13-reasons-people-think-number-13-unlucky

    We need to mention Michael Winslow who did the silly sound effects in Police Academy. He has made a cottage industry based on this one unique talent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Winslow

    Any of the non Londoners (which seems to be our core audience) hear the mention of a standup venue The Lions’s Den should check out this link https://www.lionsdencomedy.co.uk/
    Run by Tim Rendle who sadly passed away in 2018, it has been the showcase of a lot of comics who used the night to test their material in a friendly atmosphere. It’s still going and when reopened check it out. The place should have a Blue Plaque

    Michael J Fox was excellent in Secret of my Success. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093936/

    Big Respect to Vis the Spoon who’s anarchic and brilliant East London club night many moons ago showcased the non-start of Sands Stand-Up career. Listen to the podcast to understand. Vis’s website is here —>> https://www.visthespoon.com/

    Spike Milligan browned up… what can go wrong? Well check out (or not) the completely incorrect Curry and Chips tv series https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry_and_Chips

    For our American podcast listeners we mentioned the British 70’s tv series The Sweeney. Imagine a grittier more politically incorrect version of Starsky and Hutch… then you get the idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sweeney

    Another stunning fact about Dennis Waterman
    In 1960, Denis Waterman began his film career, appearing as Ted Lewis in ‘Night Train for Inverness' and as Mickey Donovan in 'Snowball'. Also in the same year, he gave voiceover in ‘Ali and the Camel’ and appeared in two small roles for Royal Shakespeare Company.

    Just the Tip Ep 12: Surviving Remote Comedies

    Just the Tip Ep 12: Surviving Remote Comedies
    In this episode, Kit (the ADH-DJ) and Sands break down comedy in Lockdown mode where some are successful and others are less than successful in delivering content. One thing you will be aware is that EVERYONE IS UNPREPARED to host shows without an audience to feed off but they are doing their best.

    Show Notes

    If you want to hear the uninterrupted Our Song theme song is is here. You will cry. And after listening to the podcast you will cry even more.

    Everyone should wear Covid masks as you NEED TO DO YOUR DUTY. Below is a link to the CDC guidelines. You know, the one that The President of the Free World ignores.

    Now that we are all isolated do not get DVT. Follow the below guidelines and definitely move around if you are drinking 20 hours a day or playing Fortnite.

    There is no evidence that 50 Cent is oing to star in Knees Up Mother***ker Brown. Follow him on Instagram anyway. He is cool, you are not.

    It looks like the planet has forgotten Martin Bashir and after that notorious Michael Jackson Doc you can relive his C.V here.

    If you are interested in the sound effects app that Kit used it is this, Farrago and you can download it here. It’s hours of fun.
    Farrago: Robust, rapid-fire soundboards - Rogue Amoebarogueamoeba.com › farrago

    If you want to see remote comedies just type into YouTube John Oliver, Seth Meyers or Jimmy Kimmell and see how best they are adjusting.

    At the time of this recording it was Al Pacino’s birthday and we salute him. And Also Frankie Howerd.

    We realised that there is a much better Just the Tip podcast so you can listen to how more prepared people do their show.

    If you want to hear the classic Dennis Waterman theme tune to On The Up click this link and enjoy