
    Women Seeking Blissful Retirement

    This show is for unique women dreaming to soon retire blissfully. In reality, many women are uncertain about what retirement means for them. It is not just a date. It can be potentially a long time, and many could live for another thirty years. A lot of women who are at the doorstep to retirement have fears of financial challenges and are stuck in a job they don’t like. As a matter of fact, they worry more about other areas that have a significant impact. Life in retirement is so much more than having enough money to spend. Maria’s passion inspires anyone to change perspectives, and to plan ahead to gain control of this next phase in life. This fun, educational and interactive show talks about a variety of retirement topics with guest experts and contributions from other women around the world. You’ll see that you are not the only one who is unsure about life in retirement. Each show provides ideas, resources and tipping points to plan a blissful retirement.
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    Episodes (53)

    Helping Baby Boomers 'Rewire' Not Retire.

    Helping Baby Boomers 'Rewire' Not Retire.
    How do you know it is the right time to retire? What do you have to consider when you have your own business and need to think of succession planning? Everyone is at a different stage of retirement planning and has a different view of what life in retirement can be. Rewiring your retirement takes an old idea of retirement and replaces it with something better. To make the decision to quit a job or to leave a business involves multiple choices and is a process of sorting out thoughts, ideas and expectations for creating a retirement lifestyle that we love. As my guest Susan Latremoille noticed, it was the non-financial side that had the greatest impact on the predictability of a successful retirement. It’s not enough to be financially responsible when it comes to planning for your future. You must also design a life that complements who you are as a person so that you can experience fulfillment. Let’s talk about bridging the gap between current desires and a new exciting lifestyle.

    Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body - Tips from the latest research on Alzheimer's disease

    Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body - Tips from the latest research on Alzheimer's disease
    Growing older comes with some challenges. Having seen how dementia impacted my mom’s last years of life, I have a deep respect for the research and work related to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. I am super excited to talk to Keith Gibson, the Regional director of Program Services at the Florida division of the Alzheimer’s Association. Estimates vary, but experts suggest that more than 5.5 million Americans, may have dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. However, dementia is not a normal part of aging. Now, science is able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement and how to incorporate these into a plan for healthy aging. It’s never too late to make changes to achieve a healthier lifestyle — or too early to start. We urge listeners to call in to ask specific advice, air their concerns or worries

    Taking charge of your health and wellbeing!

    Taking charge of your health and wellbeing!
    Are you worried about the many drugs prescription and what effect they have on your body? Do you often wonder how to naturally heal a disease like diabetes or asthma? Or how to lose weight by not starving the body? How can you find alternative ways to live a healthier life and use natural therapies for common conditions and diseases such as obesity? The guest speaker in this show is Dr. Holly Donahue. As a licensed, board-certified doctor of naturopathic medicine she and her team treat chronic and seasonal illnesses, stress and lifestyle-related disorders and imbalances in the body in a natural way. Employing non-toxic natural therapies are solving some of the health care issues by promoting wellness through respect for nature’s inherent healing ability. Wellness is inherent in everyone, no matter what disease(s) is/are being experienced. This conversation with Dr. Holly Donahue will open up your mind regarding how to heal the body in a more natural way.

    Live a Healthy Life - Listen to Your Gut!

    Live a Healthy Life - Listen to Your Gut!
    Are your concerned about the strength of your immune system? Are you tired of low energy and living with chronic aches and pains? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired? Healthy gut flora is absolutely vital to living a healthy life, and when you suffer from an imbalance, your health deteriorates. We explore this topic with Jill Seebantz,a Certified Raw Food Chef and Radical Wellness and Mindset Coach. Find out how you can rebuild your gut and strengthen your immune system. The gut and its importance to our overall health is a topic of increasing research in the medical community. While some microorganisms are harmful to our health, many are incredibly beneficial and necessary to a healthy body. Making a few lifestyle changes you can positively affect your gut health and your overall health as a result. Even more beneficial, is eating the the right food so a leaky gut will not create inflammation, but instead support your immune system. How important is this during Covid-19 situation?

    How to be an Irresistible Woman in your second half of life.

    How to be an Irresistible Woman in your second half of life.
    Are you happy about who you are and do you have the relationship of your dreams? How can you be an irresistible woman when you are in your second half of life? More women are single later in life and feel out of practice as attitudes have changed dramatically since we were dating in our 20’s. A lifetime of love and loss has made many women distrustful and hesitant to start dating again. In this radio show I talk with two amazing ladies Michelle Roza and Gladys Diaz. These twin sisters are Dating and Relationship Coaches who are on a global mission to transform the world one heart at a time! Whether you’re in a relationship or dating, it’s essential to be self-aware. Tapping into your Irresistible essences gives you skills and ways of being that allow you to be the woman who you really are. Today, you discover how to make the journey into self-love, and how to have the power of creating the life and love that you deserve and your heart desires!

    Nutrition for women in mid-life and beyond made easy

    Nutrition for women in mid-life and beyond made easy
    It’s well known that what we eat influences significantly how we feel, and the overall state of our health. Eating the right food when aging will give a person more energy and increase the health span. Today’s show is featuring Annie Gaudreault, a holistic nutritionist, who helps women achieve their health and fitness goals by achieving true wellness. This requires fully engaging the unique individual woman and honoring her innate wisdom by working in an empowering and cooperative manner to chart a course to optimal health. For sure we will address how women can optimize their diet to age healthier, and discuss the top mistakes that women make when it comes to nutrition and activities. Of course, it is never too late to start healthy mindful eating habits. Listening to this show will help you make informed decisions about nutrition that support your best health and best life. And Annie firmly believes that aging well is possible, the best years are yet to come in our next chapter.

    Preparing for the Role of “Retired”

    Preparing for the Role of “Retired”
    Have you decided yet to cut the ties with your current employer and step into the next chapter in life? Maybe the Coronavirus did speed up that decision as you were terminated from your job, and now are contemplating to take involuntary retirement? No matter what the situation is, Sheree Clark, the guest expert speaking on this show, knows how to help women transition to a new fulfilling role and life. As women we all have multiple roles, we fill in our lives, and each role demands skills, time and energy from us. As we approach the new role of “retired,” it makes sense to examine what we want and what skills we need to call upon. Listen carefully to our conversation today and you will get many golden nuggets that will help you in making the shift into a happy and meaningful retirement.

    The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen!

    The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen!
    Don’t like to go to the gym because there are too many people in a class? Don’t want a trainer that could be your child? If you are 50+ and want to get started to do more exercises, today’s episode will help you with just that. My guest speaker is Judy Lager and her focus is showing the many benefits of regular exercise for your health and your life. Each woman is unique, hence making sure the basic movement patterns are correct is important. Especially since health issues and physical appearance changes start in this decade of your life, you are never too old to begin a fitness program. Any woman can get results in as little as one hour twice each week. The goal of today’s show is to get your body moving and feeling better. It’s just a matter of making it a priority and a habit in your daily life. The key is to find something you enjoy doing.

    Planning for challenges in retirement when living alone

    Planning for challenges in retirement when living alone
    Are you a single woman, or married and childless, and now in your second half of your life? In this episode will talk with Dr. Sara Zeff Geber about living in retirement without having a younger generation to take care of you. In the current society many adult children are care givers for an elder parent. What can you do if you cannot rely on that kind of safety net when you get in a situation that living alone is no longer possible. Being single can be a wonderful life style. Yet it often can cause anxiety that you might need help at some time in the future. Dr. Sara Zeff Geber has researched this topic and written an excellent book full of tips on how to improve your lifestyle and reduce the impact of an unplanned major change in health as a solo ager. Listen to this interview to become aware and get solid recommendations on how to prepare for this kind of event. Most of all, taking action will help you to be at ease about the future and enjoy your retirement more.

    Ignite more fun in your life when walking in nature!

    Ignite more fun in your life when walking in nature!
    Retirement is a major life transition and calls for time of shifting priorities. How you spend all that newfound free time can make a big difference in your health and quality of life. Here's one way to make the most of your post-career years. Let's spend more time together being physical outdoors! During this period of worldwide pandemic due to the Coronavirus, my guest, Annette Poliwka, shows us the benefits of physical activity, how to motivate, and of course, how to stay safe, all while having fun. Staying active is not only important for our bodies, and it's also important for our minds. Walking is an excellent way to stay active in retirement. It not only gives your health a boost, it will let you stay independent longer or connect with others.

    Manifest the Extraordinary Adventure God Desires

    Manifest the Extraordinary Adventure God Desires
    My guest Keri Stanley is the ideal woman to talk about how faith can give your life purpose, and how to be open and more confident in living a spiritual life in the future. In this episode we will explore what faith is and why it can be such an important part of a women’s journey in life. Especially starting the new chapter of retirement often creates anxiety and discomfort about many aspects of life. She has found her calling in helping women discover an intimate relationship with God that is unique to each person. Her compassionate and authentic manner will guide us in creating a deeper understanding of our relationship with God. Above all today's conversation can lead to igniting the dreams inside your soul as faith in God begins to reveal “more” of you.

    How Retirement Ignited My Soul

    How Retirement Ignited My Soul
    In this radio show we talk with Tess Vergara about how she was able to retire from Corporate America and create her own coaching business using the process of soul powered system of 4 pillars. We will discuss the process of deep Intuition to affect permanent change and transformation in Tess her own, most essential, strategic and practical method. We are living in an unprecedented time where we can totally transcend our ego and become whole again. Especially, for all who have been impacted hard by the current situation, and maybe have to consider to take unplanned early retirement, this information can help you in finding your purpose for the next chapter. Knowing your purpose and breaking the cycle of self doubt will boost your confidence and trust in yourself. Also, the uncertainty is causing many women to worry about the future and hesitate to take action. However, after this show they will feel encouraged to listen to their own soul for guidance.

    Dream now to plan your future blissful Retirement

    Dream now to plan your future blissful Retirement
    In this inaugural show my special guest co-host is Christina Jandali. She is a Success Coach for entrepreneurs who have dreams that go way beyond their corporate career. Christina was the coach that saw my potential, and helped me get to where I am right now, building my business as a Certified retirement Coach. For this particular show I asked her to join me and to be the person that is asking all the questions. In the interview you will find out more about my journey to starting this fun, interactive and inspiring radio show. We talk about my career and how I found my purpose. Listen to the show so you too get inspired about how I envision a fun, free and fascinating post-career future for me. This show will help you see how you can create your own ideal retirement, and how you can start planning and preparing for it today.