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    Woodside Bible Church Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at www.woodsidebible.org.
    en143 Episodes

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    Episodes (143)

    Soul Food - How Not to Enjoy a Meal with Jesus: Part 4

    Soul Food - How Not to Enjoy a Meal with Jesus: Part 4

    Do you enjoy Jesus? Think about that statement for a moment. If you were able to sit down and have a meal with Jesus, would you enjoy being with Him? Some of us may jump to answer “yes,” but today we'll look deeper into our hearts for a more real and raw answer. We continue our message series, Soul Food: When a Meal with Jesus was More than Food, by unpacking what Jesus has to teach us from the time He spent around the table. As we read on into Luke, we come across barriers that keep us from authentically enjoying a relationship with Jesus. Listen along with us to the next episode of this series, How Not to Enjoy a Meal with Jesus, and realize what may be stopping you from enjoying Him.

    Soul Food - More than Enough: Part 3

    Soul Food - More than Enough: Part 3

    As humans, we know what it feels like to be full, and what it feels like to be hungry. Over time, we learn what satisfies our bodies and what leaves us wanting for better sustenance. If we're able, we adjust accordingly - like eating a sandwich for lunch instead of cotton candy. But have we applied that same principle to the rest of our lives? Or do we attempt to "fill" ourselves with things that will always leave us empty, hungering for more? Today, we continue our message series, Soul Food: When a Meal with Jesus was More than Food, where we’ll unpack what Jesus has to teach us from the time He spent around the table. Today we join Jesus at one of His most well-known meals, where we'll discover that He alone is enough to fully satisfy us. Listen along with us to the next episode of this series, More Than Enough, to experience the satisfaction awaiting you in Christ.

    Soul Food: Part 1: Who Would Jesus Eat With?

    Soul Food: Part 1: Who Would Jesus Eat With?

    If you could invite any 4 people to a dinner party, living or dead, who would you choose? Follow up question: Why them? Maybe you'd choose those particular people because of their fame, a set of qualities you respect, or because they make you feel loved. We tend to view our relationships - or hypothetical guests - in light of what we stand to gain; we'll engage as long as the benefit to us is high enough. Today, we begin our new message series, Soul Food: When a Meal with Jesus was More than Food, where we’ll unpack what Jesus has to teach us from the time He spent around the table. We’ll start by turning to Luke 5:27-32 to ask the question, “Who would Jesus eat with?” We may be a bit shocked (and humbled) at the ‘kind of people’ invited to dine with the Savior of the world. Listen along with us to the first episode of this series, Who Would Jesus Eat With?, and realize that following Jesus means feasting with “sinners.”

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 5: Too Compassionate?

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 5: Too Compassionate?

    We all know there are “sins” and then there are “SINS,” right? Whether we want to admit it or not, we’ve created a scale in our own minds defining which sins are worse than others - then we ask ourselves, how could God possibly forgive THOSE sinners? As we close our series, Jonah: At Odds with God, we come face-to-face with God's scandalous grace, which He's in the habit of extending to those we don't think deserve it. Listen with us to our final message, Too Compassionate?, and learn how to respond to the Lord’s compassion when it exceeds our logic. 

    Jonah: At Odds With God - Part 4: Real Faith Repents

    Jonah: At Odds With God - Part 4: Real Faith Repents

    You’ve heard about that guy who got swallowed by a fish? That classic Bible story has breached church circles and even become a part of secular phrases. But, there may just be more beneath the surface of this story. Join us as we encounter a prophet who was not only angry with God but defied God’s desire to save people he didn’t like. Through Jonah: At Odds with God, we’ll pose the tough questions Jonah wrestled through - Am I angry with what God’s done? Allowed? Asked of me? - as we all face the same choice he did: receive God’s mission or resent it. We continue this journey through Jonah with our message; Real Faith Repents

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 2: Who's Afraid

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 2: Who's Afraid

    You’ve heard about that guy who got swallowed by a fish? That classic Bible story has breached church circles and even become a part of secular phrases. But, there may just be more beneath the surface of this story. Join us as we encounter a prophet who was not only angry with God but defied God’s desire to save people he didn’t like. Through Jonah: At Odds with God, we’ll pose the tough questions Jonah wrestled through - Am I angry with what God’s done? Allowed? Asked of me? - as we all face the same choice he did: receive God’s mission or resent it. We continue this journey through Jonah with our second message; Who's Afraid?

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 1: Defying God

    Jonah: At Odds with God - Part 1: Defying God

    You’ve heard about that guy who got swallowed by a fish? That classic Bible story has breached church circles and even become a part of secular phrases. But, there may just be more beneath the surface of this story. Join us as we encounter a prophet who was not only angry with God but defied God’s desire to save people he didn’t like. Through Jonah: At Odds with God, we’ll pose the tough questions Jonah wrestled through - Am I angry with what God’s done? Allowed? Asked of me? - as we all face the same choice he did: receive God’s mission or resent it. We begin this journey through Jonah with our first message; Defiance Gets Us Nowhere!

    James: Part 5 - Faith in Action

    James: Part 5 - Faith in Action

    It comes so naturally! We see someone and our brain makes a judgement call. When you look out at the world - when you meet other people - what do you see? How do you measure the people in your life? As we continue through our message series, James: Live the Truth, James earnestly pleads with us to measure people by God's standards, not our own. Listen with us to our newest message, Seeing with the Eyes of Faith, as we recognize that a mature faith shows no favoritism, but sees others through God's point of view!

    James: Part 4 - Seeing with the Eyes of Faith

    James: Part 4 - Seeing with the Eyes of Faith

    It comes so naturally! We see someone and our brain makes a judgement call. When you look out at the world - when you meet other people - what do you see? How do you measure the people in your life? As we continue through our message series, James: Live the Truth, James earnestly pleads with us to measure people by God's standards, not our own. Listen with us to our newest message, Seeing with the Eyes of Faith, as we recognize that a mature faith shows no favoritism, but sees others through God's point of view!

    James: Part 2 - Wisdom for Life

    James: Part 2 - Wisdom for Life

    We’ve all been there one way or another - that point in life where you need to make a decision. Some decisions have easy answers, while others haunt our thoughts as we weigh our options. How often do we wonder which choice God wants us to make, but the Bible doesn’t spell it out for us? We pray and sit puzzled, asking ourselves, “How can I know what God wants me to do?” As we continue through our message series, James: Live the Truth, we're encouraged in the truth that God's wisdom is available to us, if only we'll ask Him for it. Listen with us to our next message in the series, Wisdom for Life, and discover how mature faith seeks God’s wisdom! 

    James: Part 1 - Surviving Seasons of Suffering

    James: Part 1 - Surviving Seasons of Suffering

    Just believe. Live your truth. Sound familiar? In a culture preaching the power of whatever feels right to you, it’s time to set aside positive vibes for a Truth you can stand on. The Biblical book of James is a call to counter-cultural living – the kind that rejects the latest “feel good” message for a mature faith. A faith with deep roots producing the fruit of a life lived on purpose. Join us as we spend the next six weeks journeying through our new message series, James: Live the Truth, as we're confronted with the question, "Am I living what I claim to believe?" Listen with us to our first message in the series, Surviving Seasons of Suffering, and discover how only through a mature faith in God can we survive the trials life brings.

    Eyewitness Part 3: Seeing the Good News

    Eyewitness Part 3: Seeing the Good News

    Have you ever experienced the joy on someone’s face as they open that perfect present on Christmas morning? Their joy brings you joy! As we continue our Christmas series, Eyewitness: Finding Your Christmas Story in Theirs, we turn to the book of Luke where we watch the events of the first Christmas unfold through the eyes of the shepherds. As ordinary people going about their usual daily job, they had an amazing encounter with the glory of God - and spread their great joy with everyone they encountered! Listen with us to our new message, Seeing the Good News, and experience the splendor of the extraordinary birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior!

    Eyewitness Part 1: Believing the Impossible

    Eyewitness Part 1: Believing the Impossible

    Christmas is often said to be the most wonderful time of the year. As followers of Jesus, this is not just due to the Christmas festivities but because it’s the celebration of the Messiah’s birth. Can you imagine what it was like for those who got to witness that miraculous event firsthand? How amazing, overwhelming, and glorious it must have been! This Christmas, we invite you to watch the events of Jesus’ birth unfold through the eyes of the men and women who were there that first Christmas. Through our Christmas series, Eyewitness: Finding Your Christmas Story in Theirs, we’ll see that no matter who we are, the coming of the Christ was for us. Listen with us today for our first message of the series, Believing the Impossible, where we'll look through the eyes of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to discover that nothing is impossible with God!

    Unstoppable Part 3: A Cosmic Glory

    Unstoppable Part 3: A Cosmic Glory

    What's something you're hopeful for right now? Maybe it's something trivial, like a victory for your favorite sports team or the season finale of the newest binge-worthy show. Or maybe it's something weighty like hoping for a family member to recover or searching for a new job. We're all wired to hope for - and in - something. The problem is, we often put our hope in the stuff and things of this world that bring nothing more than a shot of short-lived satisfaction. Join us for our new series, Unstoppable: Bound in His Love. Freed by His Spirit., as we venture through Romans 8 to uncover God’s invitation into an infinitely better perspective. Today we'll discover how to have hope in the midst of suffering as we're filled with expectation of what's to come. Listen with us to our newest message, A Cosmic Glory, and take hope that your present sufferings will give way to future glory!

    Unstoppable Part 2: The Great Reversal

    Unstoppable Part 2: The Great Reversal

    Identity feels like the hot topic of today, when really it’s always been a subject held in high priority. Why? Because it hits each one of us so personally. Connected to why we even exist, it begs the question, "Who am I?" If you've ever wondered why you're here, join us for our new series, Unstoppable: Bound in His Love. Freed by His Spirit., as we venture through one of the most well-know chapters of the Bible: Romans 8. Here, Paul is speaking to the identity of the believers in Rome, reminding them of WHO they are and WHOSE they are. In Christ, they have a new identity - and so do you. Do you need that reminder today? Listen with us in our newest message, The Great Reversal, and experience the incredible truth that believers are no longer slaves but heirs with Christ. 

    Unstoppable Part 1: No Condemnation!

    Unstoppable Part 1: No Condemnation!

    These days, most of us live in a nonstop state of busyness and distraction - and we have endless reasons to justify our lifestyle. But, deep down, could it be that the reason we distract and entertain ourselves every waking moment is to keep from feeling inadequate with the true purpose of our lives? Maybe you feel desperate for something to change. Perhaps you're longing to live the life you were created for, instead of the shallow, overly-stimulated existence of today. Join us for our new series, Unstoppable: Bound in His Love. Freed by His Spirit., as we venture through one of the most well-know chapters of the Bible: Romans 8. In the pages of Scripture, you'll encounter God's power to completely transform your life, and will uncover a more enduring purpose than anything this world has to offer. Listen with us in our first message of the series, No Condemnation!, as we discover that, in Christ, we are freed, sin is condemned, and we walk in the Spirit!

    New-ish?: Everything Changed. Have You? – Part 7: The Law Can’t Deliver – Abe Philip

    New-ish?: Everything Changed. Have You? – Part 7: The Law Can’t Deliver – Abe Philip

    From the beginning, laws have been an important part of society. Throughout time, laws have existed to protect people, yet history also displays the power the law has to effectuate injustice and oppression. The parasite that is sin has corrupted the purpose and power of laws, even since Biblical times. So if we can’t rely on the laws of this world (whether well-intended or not), where can we look for security and hope? We continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, to discuss this very issue that Paul addresses to the Church in Romans 7. Only God’s law is perfect, pure, good, holy and righteous. Laws of this world can only restrain evil. They can’t purge it. Listen with us to our newest message, The Law Can’t Deliver, and discover that where the law fails, Christ prevails!

    New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You? - Part 6 - A Fruitful Marriage - Pastor CT Eldridge

    New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You? - Part 6 - A Fruitful Marriage - Pastor CT Eldridge

    The Gospel tells us all have fallen short of the glory of God and, because of our sin, deserve death. Yet it doesn't end there. In Jesus, God has given us the gift of eternal life - a brand-new life that starts today! But...can it really be that easy? Maybe today you feel stuck in your old way of life, your old habits, struggles, and vices. If that's you, join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, by uncovering how we can live "in the new way" gifted to us in Jesus. Listen with us to our newest message, A Fruitful Marriage, as we unpack the truths of Romans 7:1-6.



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