
    Working with People Podcast

    The Working with People Podcast is for executives, managers, and HR leaders. We bring people experts together to provide you with relevant content on how to think about and manage your most important asset - your talent. The views expressed in the content belong to the content creators and not the organization.
    en-usPavestep98 Episodes

    Episodes (98)

    Episode #78: Inclusion and belonging through the computer screen

    Episode #78: Inclusion and belonging through the computer screen

    Harrison Kim interviews Monique Cadle and Fran Benjamin on inclusion and belonging through the computer screen.

    1. Can you speak to the importance of inclusion in the workplace and how organizations can prioritize inclusion and belonging in a remote workplace?
    2. What are some of the common challenges that come along with inclusion and belonging when employees are working remotely?
    3. Can you speak on some of the biases that occur for remote workers?
    4. In your experience, what are the most important qualities that make an inclusive leader in a remote setting?

    Find Monique on LinkedIn. Find Fran on LinkedIn. Check out their website goodworks.consulting to stay up to date with their thought leadership!

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #63:
    How to support employee engagement , driving retention, and boosting morale in a remote workforce and Episode #76: How to unlock collaboration and collective genius within work teams.

    Recorded November 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usNovember 25, 2021

    Episode #77: 5 steps every manager can take to improve work culture

    Episode #77: 5 steps every manager can take to improve work culture

    Harrison Kim interviews Sumit Gupta on the 5 steps every manager can take to improve work culture.

    1. Can you define a good work culture? 
    2. What are the 5 steps every manager can take to improve work culture?
    3. What is the most challenging part of improving work culture?
    4. How can managers ensure employee adoption for culture initiatives? 

    Find Sumit on LinkedIn and his website Deployyourself.com.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #39:
    Company culture is not just a HR responsibility and this article on people management skills that every manager needs to master.

    Recorded November 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usNovember 18, 2021

    Episode #76: How to unlock collaboration and collective genius within work teams

    Episode #76: How to unlock collaboration and collective genius within work teams

    Harrison Kim interviews Dirk van Reenen on unlocking collaboration and collective genius within work teams.

    1. What does a collaborative culture look like?
    2. What benefits does collaboration unlock in an organization?
    3. What are challenges/ conflicts that arise with collaboration in the workplace?
    4. How can managers/ leaders encourage collaboration within their teams?
    5. How can organizations encourage collaboration in remote teams?

    Find Dirk on LinkedIn and check out BERGflows website.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode: #72:
    Accelerating employee success across your company.

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usNovember 11, 2021

    Episode #75: How to build truly diverse teams

    Episode #75: How to build truly diverse teams

    Harrison Kim interviews Joseph Ifiegbu on the process of building truly diverse teams.

    1. Can you speak on the benefits of having a diverse team?
    2. What is the process of building truly diverse teams? 
    3. How can managers/ leaders encourage inclusive behavior in the workplace?
    4. What are some ways that organizations can celebrate employee differences?

    Find Joseph on LinkedIn and check out the Eqtble website.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, check out Episode #43:
    Inclusive leadership, Episode #53: Importance of inclusion as a catalyst for diversity, and our article highlighting some powerful DEI quotes that can inspire any workplace.

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usNovember 04, 2021

    Episode #74: Building a culture in a global team

    Episode #74: Building a culture in a global team

    Harrison Kim interview Ilya Brotzky on building a culture in a global team.

    1. Can you describe the importance of company culture? 
    2. What are the key aspects of a great company culture?
    3. How can organizations build a great company culture on a global team?
    4. What are some specific challenges to building a great company culture on a global scale?
    5. Do you have any suggestions on how organizations can best acknowledge and respect regional differences?

    Find Ilya on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also enjoy Episode #78:
    Inclusion and belonging through the computer screen and Episode #65: Building a culture of feedback and innovation in person and remotely

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usOctober 28, 2021

    Episode #73: How to help people give 2x better feedback

    Episode #73: How to help people give 2x better feedback

    Harrison Kim interview McKendree Hickory on how to help people give 2x better feedback.

    1. What is a feedback culture and why is it so important?
    2. What does high quality feedback look like? And why is quality of feedback so important?
    3. What have you seen work and what do you do at LifeLabs Learning when building a robust feedback culture or encouraging employees to share feedback continuously?
    4. What challenges do remote/ hybrid organizations run into with feedback, as well as other areas of employee development and performance management?

    Find McKendree on LinkedIn and check out LifeLabs Learning website!

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usOctober 27, 2021

    Episode #72: Accelerating employee success across your company

    Episode #72: Accelerating employee success across your company

    Harrison Kim interviews Alli Trussell on accelerating employees success across your company.

    1. What does employee success look like? Is it different across organizations? Across industries?
    2. What role do leaders/managers play when it comes to employee success?
    3. How can managers/leaders/organizations accelerate employee success across a company?
    4. What are some common challenges when trying to accelerate employee success?
    5. How can organizations encourage low performers to be successful?

    Find Alli on LinkedIn and check out the Wunderkind website.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also enjoy Episode #27:
    How to harness the energy of the youth for more senior roles.

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usOctober 21, 2021

    Episode #71: Cultural transformation amidst hybrid work

    Episode #71: Cultural transformation amidst hybrid work

    Harrison Kim interviews David Hanrahan on cultural transformation amidst hybrid work.

    1. What benefits have you seen from hybrid workplace?
    2. What are the biggest challenges related to hybrid workforce?
    3. One of the things that we've talked about is on cultural transformation. What do you mean by  this & why is it important?
    4. How can managers/leaders contribute to this transformation?
    5. How can hybrid workplaces compensate their employees?

    Find David on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like Episode #72:
    Accelerating employee success across your company.

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usOctober 14, 2021

    Episode #70: How to prioritize in high-growth organizations

    Episode #70: How to prioritize in high-growth organizations

    Harrison Kim interviews Andrew Bartlow on how to prioritize in high-growth organizations.
    1. Can you define high growth/what is a high growth organization?
    2. What are some of the biggest challenges experienced by high growth organizations?
    3. What are some of the greatest priorities for rapidly growing companies?
    4. Do these priorities change at different stages of the company?

    Find Andrew on his website seriesbconsulting.com and his LinkedIn. Check out his HR executive education program at People Leader Accelerator.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also enjoy Episode #31:
    How to effectively scale culture and  Episode #50: Creating a high-performance culture.

    Recorded October 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usOctober 07, 2021

    Episode #69: The top 5 key skills for new managers

    Episode #69: The top 5 key skills for new managers

    Harrison Kim interviews Rachel Pacheco on the top 5 key skills for new managers.

    1. What are the top five key skills for new managers?
    2. Can you dig into each key skill for us?
    3. What are the most challenging skills for new managers?
    4. What patterns do you see in more tenured managers vs. new managers?

    Find Rachel on LinkedIn and her website. Check out her new book "Bringing Up The Boss"!

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also enjoy Episode #30:
    The problem with being "too nice" of a manager and Episode #66: How to be a great leader/ manager.

    Recorded September 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usSeptember 23, 2021

    Episode #68: How to implement continuous feedback

    Episode #68: How to implement continuous feedback

    Harrison Kim interviews Kay Nadel on implementing continuous feedback.

    1. What are some of the benefits of implementing continuous feedback in an organization?
    2. How can organizations implement continuous feedback?
    3. What are some of the challenges of implementing continuous feedback?
    4. Do you think feedback should be purely development (i.e., "not on the record") or do you think feedback should always be a part of your evaluative review process? Does it depend on the organization?
    5. How can organizations minimize biases in feedback?

    Find Kay on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #9:
    How managers should prepare for feedback conversations and our article on building a culture of feedback in the workplace.

    Recorded September 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usSeptember 16, 2021

    Episode #67: Recruiting and interviewing the best talent for the opening

    Episode #67: Recruiting and interviewing the best talent for the opening

    Harrison Kim interviews Tatiyana Cure on recruiting and interviewing the best talent for the opening.

    1. In this current war for talent, what are some best practices for recruiting and interviewing top talent? 
    2. In your experience, how important is offering the option of flexible or remote work for top talent? 
    3. What are some of the biggest challenges that recruiters/interviewers face when hiring top talent? 
    4. Does recruiting and interviewing look different in an in-office environment vs. a remote environment? 

    Find Tatiyana on by email at tatiyana@howtowintalent.com and LinkedIn. Make sure to check out her new book Hire to Win on Amazon!

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #64:
    The importance of hiring efficiently for internal communications success, Episode #57: How to hire and retain the best salespeople, and  Episode #8: How to find great talent

    Recorded August 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usSeptember 09, 2021

    Episode #66: How to be a great leader/ manager

    Episode #66: How to be a great leader/ manager

    Harrison Kim interviews Mark Ford on how to be a great leader/ manager.

    1. What does effective leadership look like?
    2. In your experience, what are the most important qualities that make a great leader/ manager?
    3. Can you touch on the importance of being able to give and receive feedback as a leader/manager?
    4. What are some of the common challenges that leaders/managers face?
    5. What are some ways that organizations can develop/train their employees to become great leaders?
    6. Does leadership look different in terms of a virtual setting vs. an in office setting?

    Find Mark on his website Wilkinson.net and LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also like Episode #49:
    Developing mindful leaders and Episode #69: The top 5 key skills for new managers.

    Recorded August 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usSeptember 02, 2021

    Episode #65: Building a culture of feedback and innovation in-person and remotely

    Episode #65: Building a culture of feedback and innovation in-person and remotely

    Harrison Kim interviews Chuck Cooper on building a culture of feedback and innovation in-person and remotely. 

    1. Can you define culture of feedback and innovation? 
    2. Why is it important to have a culture of feedback and innovation? 
    3. How can organizations build a culture of feedback and innovation in a remote setting? 
    4. What are the challenges of building a culture and feedback and innovation?

    Find Chuck on his website White Water Consulting and LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you liked this podcast episode, you may also like Episode #12:
    How to have tough conversations, Episode #73:  on How to give 2X better feedback, and our article on How to create a culture of feedback.

    Recorded August 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usAugust 26, 2021

    Episode #64: The importance of hiring efficiently for internal communications success

    Episode #64: The importance of hiring efficiently for internal communications success

    Harrison Kim interviews Jared Hummel on the importance of hiring efficiently for internal communications success. 

    1. Can you define internal communication and why is it important for organizational success? 
    2. What are some strategies to improve internal communication in the workplace? 
    3. What are some common challenges that organizations face in this area? 
    4. How can organizations make sure they are hiring efficiently for internal communications success? 
    5. What are some tips on how organizations can identify the candidates that would improve communication in the workplace? 

    Find Jared on his website Parqa Marketing and LinkedIn. 

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #67:
    Recruiting and interviewing the best talent for the opening and Episode #22: The best practices when recruiting remotely.

    Recorded August 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usAugust 12, 2021

    Episode #63: How to support employee engagement, drive retention, and boost morale in a remote workforce

    Episode #63: How to support employee engagement, drive retention, and boost morale in a remote workforce

    Harrison Kim interviews AJ Mizes on supporting employee engagement , driving retention, and boosting morale in a remote workforce.

    1. Can you speak to the importance of employee engagement?
    2. How can organizations maximize employee engagement remotely?
    3. What are some of the key challenges in boosting morale and engaging employees remotely?
    4. How can organizations measure employee engagement?
    5. What are some key drivers of employee retention in a remote workforce?
    6. A lot of research is indicating that companies can expect lots of employee turnover this year - why is that? What are some strategies to increase retention?

    Find AJ on his website The Human Reach  and LinkedIn

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #51:
    Employee engagement: what to measure and taking action and Episode #35: The importance of engagement surveys.

    Recorded July 2021.

    Support the show

    Episode #62: How to utilize HR technology to the fullest potential

    Episode #62: How to utilize HR technology to the fullest potential

    Harrison Kim interviews Phil Strazzulla on utilizing HR technology to the fullest potential.

    1. What are some key indicators that it is time an organization needs to revamp their current HR software? 
    2. What criteria should organizations keep in mind when looking and comparing new HR software solutions? 
    3. What is needed for a successful implementation of HR technology? 
    4. How important is leadership buy-in? How can HR leaders get leadership buy-in?
    5. How can organizations maximize employee adoption? What are some common reasons for low employee adoption?
    6. How can HR leaders calculate the ROI of HR software? What metrics can they use? 
    7. Any interesting trends in HR technology that you’ve seen? 

    Find Phil on his website Select Software Reviews and on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Riley Steinbach at Riley.steinbach@pavestep.com.

    If you are looking for a
    performance management solution, check out Pavestep!

    Recorded July 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJuly 29, 2021

    Episode #61: The importance of busting limiting beliefs to achieve goals

    Episode #61: The importance of busting limiting beliefs to achieve goals

    Harrison Kim interviews Julia Pimsleur on busting limiting beliefs to achieve goals. 

    1. Can you define self-limiting beliefs? 
    2. What are some common limiting beliefs that employees may have? How about managers/leaders? 
    3. What are some limiting beliefs that you have seen in founders or CEO's? 
    4. What can employees do to overcome their own limiting beliefs? 
    5. How can managers and leaders help employees minimize or overcome their limiting beliefs? 

    Find Julia on her websiteLinkedIn or at Million Dollar Women Fund

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com.To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy our recent episode on
    How to utilize HR technology to the fullest potential

    Recorded May 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJuly 01, 2021

    Episode #60: The importance of authenticity and vulnerability in the workplace

    Episode #60: The importance of authenticity and vulnerability in the workplace

    Harrison Kim interviews Missy Steiman on the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in the workplace.

    1. Can you define vulnerability?
    2. What does vulnerability look like in the workplace?
    3. Can you define authenticity?
    4. What does authenticity look like in the workplace?
    5. How do you create and encourage vulnerability and authenticity in the workplace? 

    Find Missy Steiman on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #56:
    The link between well-being and performance and Episode #61: The importance of busting limiting beliefs to achieve goals.

    Recorded June 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJune 24, 2021

    Episode #59: Managing your top and bottom performers

    Episode #59: Managing your top and bottom performers

    Harrison Kim interviews Mark Mitford on managing your top and bottom performers.

    1. When should a manager approach an employee that is underperforming?
    2. What are some common reasons why employees may be underperforming?
    3. How can a manager talk about underperformance with an employee? 
    4. What are some effective ways to manage/motivate/develop underperforming employees?
    5. How can managers better manage the top performers on their team? 
    6. How should organizations better equip their managers to approach various levels of talent on their team?

    Find Mark on LinkedIn or at HR catalyst consulting.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #18:
    How to ask the right questions to underperforming employees and our blog on managing your underperforming employees.

    Recorded May 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJune 10, 2021