
    Working with People Podcast

    The Working with People Podcast is for executives, managers, and HR leaders. We bring people experts together to provide you with relevant content on how to think about and manage your most important asset - your talent. The views expressed in the content belong to the content creators and not the organization.
    en-usPavestep98 Episodes

    Episodes (98)

    Episode #58: Managing conflict in the workplace

    Episode #58: Managing conflict in the workplace

    Harrison Kim interviews Marline Stoffer on managing conflicts in the workplace.

    1. How do conflicts arise in the workplace?
    2.  How do you recognize conflicts and how can you solve them?
    3. How can you prevent conflicts?

    Find Marline Stoffer on
    LinkedIn or at 360careers.nl 

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    Recorded May 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJune 03, 2021

    Episode #57: How to hire and retain the best salespeople

    Episode #57: How to hire and retain the best salespeople

    Harrison interviews Jolene and Nicole about hiring and retaining the best salespeople. 

    1. What are the differentiators between a good salesperson and a great salesperson? 
    2. What strategies can companies take beyond looking at a resume of having an interview to find the best salesperson? 
    3. What are some ways to both attract and more importantly retain salespeople at your company? 
    4. What are your thoughts on hiring sales people from differentiated industries? What different perspectives would that bring? 
    5. What is the best comp strategy - salary-heavy vs. commission-heavy? Is there such a thing as "best" comp strategy? 

    Find Jolene Risch on LinkedIn or at rischresults.com

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you are looking for a robust
    performance management system to help manage your teams, check out Pavestep. If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #52: Retaining talent.

    Recorded April 2021.

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    Episode #56: The link between well-being and performance

    Episode #56: The link between well-being and performance

    Harrison interviews Annastiina about well-being and performance.

    1. How do you define well-being and wellness?
    2. How does well-being relate to performance? Why does it matter?
    3. What does that look like in an organization? At the team level? At the individual level?
    4. I understand your firm has a history in working with athletes - any interesting learnings from that experience?

    Find Annastiina Hintsa at hintsa.com.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like enjoy Episode #60:
    The importance of authenticity and vulnerability in the workplace.

    Recorded April 2021.

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    Episode #55: How to implement continuous feedback

    Episode #55: How to implement continuous feedback

    Harrison interview Megan Bickle about implementing continuous feedback in an organization.

    1. Why is continuous feedback so important for employee performance?
    2. How can organizations implement continuous feedback and performance check-ins into their regular process?
    3. How do you create this habit successfully?
    4. What are some tips you can provide leaders on how to deliver continuous feedback that is both meaningful and effective?

    Find  Megan Bickle on LinkedIn

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep (
    pavestep.com) at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you are looking for a 
    performance management solution that enables a feedback culture, check out Pavestep!

    Recorded April 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usApril 29, 2021

    Episode #54: Exploring OKRs

    Episode #54: Exploring OKRs

    Harrison Kim interviews Lawrence Walsh about OKRS. 

    1. What are OKRS?
    2. What are the benefits of OKRs?
    3. How can OKRs be successfully implemented and managed at the individual and organizational levels?
    4. Do OKRs work for all organizations at all sizes? When do they work especially well vs. especially not well?
    5. What are some common OKR mistakes, misunderstandings, and/or pitfalls?
    6. Should we link OKRs to performance management and, if so, how is it best done?

    Find  Lawrence Walsh at There Be Giants (therebegiants.com). Check out the There Be Giants podcast as well.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com.To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you are looking for a
    goal management software, check out Pavestep. Our solution allows you to cascade and manage objectives for your organization and teams.

    Recorded March 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usApril 22, 2021

    Episode #53: Importance of inclusion as a catalyst for diversity

    Episode #53: Importance of inclusion as a catalyst for diversity

    Harrison Kim interviews Laura McGee on the importance of inclusion in the workplace.

    1. Can you speak to the importance of inclusion?
    2. What are some of the most common problems when it comes to implementing diversity and inclusion programs?
    3. What are some best practices to develop an inclusive culture?
    4. How can organizations measure the success of their inclusion efforts? What metrics should they be tracking?
    5. Any trends in DEI that you’ve been following or find particularly interesting?

    Find Laura McGee at Diversio (diversio.com).

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #46:
    Examining talent management through a DEI lens, Episode #43: Inclusive leadership, and  Episode #42: Preparing leaders to show up and support a diverse and inclusive workforce.

    Recorded March 2021.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usApril 15, 2021

    Episode #52: Retaining talent

    Episode #52: Retaining talent

    Harrison interviews Roy Yang about why retaining talent can be so difficult and some strategies that organizations can implement to help increase retention. 

    1. Why is it hard for organizations, particularly smaller organizations, to retain top talent?
    2. Why are millennials harder to retain than other generations? Have you seen that in your organizations?
    3. What are some strategies that you would recommend companies use to improve retention?
    4. In what ways do you think culture and core values help make an employee want to stay at a company?
    5. How do you think about turnover? I think many people believe that high turnover is always a bad thing. What are your thoughts?

    Find Roy Yang at Giant Machines (giantmachines.com).

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #32:
    Human capital - the asset not on your balance sheet and this article on tips to retain talent

    Recorded March 2021. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usApril 08, 2021

    Episode #51: Employee engagement: what to measure and taking action

    Episode #51: Employee engagement: what to measure and taking action

    Harrison interviews Krystyn Sadler about employee engagement.

    1. Can you talk about the importance of employee engagement and the link between employee engagement and performance?
    2. What are common challenges of engaging employees? Are these challenges different in the remote workforce?
    3. How can organizations effectively measure employee engagement? What quantitative data can indicate whether or not the employees feel engaged?
    4. How can organizations utilize the engagement data and what are some effective employee engagement strategies?
    5. How does company culture affect employee engagement?
    6. Are there any employee engagement trends in the era of remote work?

    Find Krystyn Sadler at Mosaic Consulting Group (mosiac-cg.com) or on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #63:
    How to support employee engagement , driving retention, and boosting morale in a remote workforce.

    Recorded March 2021. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usMarch 25, 2021

    Episode #50: Creating a high-performance culture

    Episode #50: Creating a high-performance culture

    Harrison interviews Khurshid Anis about creating high-performing cultures.

    1. What are the characteristics of high performing cultures?
    2. How can organizations create high performing cultures?
    3. How can organizations sustain high performing cultures and prevent employee burnout?
    4. What are some tips you can give leaders to help them to uncover potential “blind spots” or negative patterns that may be inhibiting underperforming teams?

    Find Khurshid Anis at KeyBank or on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you are looking for a continuous,
    360 feedback software to help build your high performing culture, check out Pavestep. If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #70: How to prioritize in high-growth organizations and Episode #59: Managing your top and bottom performers.  

    Recorded February 2021. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usMarch 18, 2021

    Episode #49: Developing mindful leaders

    Episode #49: Developing mindful leaders

    Harrison interviews Val DiFebo about developing mindful leaders.

    1. Can you define mindfulness?
    2. What are some examples of mindfulness practices?
    3. Can you describe the relationship between mindfulness and leadership - what does mindful leadership look like and how does mindfulness affect leadership practices?
    4. From your experience, how has mindful practices affected the way you lead your business and what effects has it had?
    5. What are some ways that organizations can develop/train their employees for mindfulness? Any advice for managers/leaders listening on how they can begin to implement mindfulness right now?
    6. For those who are listening and thinking "I know mindfulness is important, but my executives / peers don't see the value in it". How can they prove the ROI?

    Find Val DiFebo at Deutsch NY (deutschny.com).

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #66:
    How to be a great leader/ manager and Episode #38: Leading with empathy.

    Recorded January 2021. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 25, 2021

    Episode #48: Compassionate layoffs

    Episode #48: Compassionate layoffs

    Harrison interviews Elaine Varelas on managing layoffs with compassion.

    1. What are the best practices when handling layoffs? How should the conversations be handled? Who should handle the conversations? 
    2. How can leaders show empathy during these conversations?
    3. What can a manager/talent leader do to prepare for these conversations?
    4. With the remote/dispersed workforce, how has the approach to layoffs been altered?  What are some best practices in approaching remote layoffs?
    5. Can you speak briefly about the importance of offboarding and exit interviews? How can they be handled in a remote environment?
    6. How can leaders support their remaining employees after a layoff? What are some strategies to help smooth the transition?

    Find Elaine Varelas at Keystone Partners (keystonepartners.com) and on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep (
    pavestep.com) at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #17:
    Why alumni networks are critical.

    Recorded January 2021. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 18, 2021

    Episode #47: Compliance with state and federal employment laws

    Episode #47: Compliance with state and federal employment laws

    Harrison interviews David Smith about the key laws that guide compliance work in HR.

    1. HR teams, especially in SMBs, should really be knowledgeable of federal and state laws that affect their organizations. What are some of the key laws that guide the compliance work of HR?
    2. Are there any compliance complications from having remote workforces?
    3. Can you talk about the importance of technology in HR compliance?
    4. What are the strategies to protect organizations and mitigate liabilities from these laws?

    Find David Smith on Strategic Insurance Partners (siprisk.com).

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep (
    pavestep.com) at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.  

    Recorded January 2021.  

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 11, 2021

    Episode #46: Examining talent management through a DEI lens

    Episode #46: Examining talent management through a DEI lens

    Harrison interviews Lara Espinoza about examining talent management through a DEI lens.

    1.  Can you define talent management?
    2. Unconscious biases affects all sorts of people decisions. In talent management, what are the most common unconscious biases?
    3. What are some processes and strategies that organizations can implement to help de-bias talent management?
    4. What are some of the most common problems when it comes to implementing diversity and inclusion programs?
    5. Are there any trends that you're following in talent development that's been particularly interesting?

    Find Lara Espinoza on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #78:
    Inclusion and belonging through the computer screen, Episode #43: Inclusive leadership, and  Episode #42: Preparing leaders to show up and support a diverse and inclusive workforce

    Recorded December 2020.  

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 09, 2021

    Episode #45: Data insight & analytics

    Episode #45: Data insight & analytics

    Harrison interviews Lisa David about data insights & analytics and how these can help address the talent gap.

    1. What is data insights and analytics?
    2. Why are data insights and analytics so important nowadays? Can you give us some tangible examples on how they can be used on a day-to-day basis?
    3. Who does this skill apply to - IT analysts?
    4. Where are the most common functional areas for data analysis positions?
    5. Data analysis is becoming a fundamental skill for many professionals - how can we address this talent gap?

    Find Lisa David at eCapital Advisors or on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.  

    Recorded December 2020.  

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 04, 2021

    Episode #44: Crafting company values

    Episode #44: Crafting company values

    Harrison interviews Emma Brudner about crafting company values.

    1. Why are company values important? How do core values affect employees?
    2. What are some tactical steps when defining company values?
    3. How many values should a company have?
    4. Who should be defining company values?
    5. Do company values change over time?
    6. How can organizations reinforce or showcase company values?

    Find Emma Brudner on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Inc.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy our article on
    how to promote company values

    Recorded December 2020.  

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usFebruary 02, 2021

    Episode #43: Inclusive leadership

    Episode #43: Inclusive leadership

    Harrison interviews Ashley Schwedt about inclusive leadership in the workplace.

    1. Tell us who you are and what you do.
    2. What is inclusive leadership? What does inclusive leadership look like in the workplace?
    3. Can you speak to the importance of inclusive leadership?
    4. What are some skills or habits that inclusive leaders have?
    5. What are some best practices to develop & drive an impactful diversity and inclusion strategy?
    6. How can organizations quantify the success of DEI strategies?

    Find Ashley Schwedt at LifeLabs Learning.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep  at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com

    Recorded December 2020. 

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJanuary 28, 2021

    Episode #42: Preparing leaders to show up and support a diverse workforce

    Episode #42: Preparing leaders to show up and support a diverse workforce

    Harrison interviews Valerie Utsey about diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how leaders can support their diverse workforce.

    1. Can you define diversity in the workplace? What does workplace diversity look like?
    2. Can you talk about the importance of diversity in the workplace?
    3. How can organizations build a diverse and inclusive workplace?
    4. Who is responsible for diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
    5. What are some specific ways that leadership should get involved and support workplace diversity & how can they be properly prepared to show up and support the diverse workforce?

    Find Valerie Utsey on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at
    Pavestep at harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #75:
    How to build truly diverse teams and Episode #43: Inclusive leadership

    Recorded December 2020.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJanuary 26, 2021

    Episode #41: Hiring for emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor

    Episode #41: Hiring for emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor

    Harrison interviews Jill Dignan about the importance of emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor in the workplace and how to hire for it.

    1. Can you define emotional intelligence and empathy?
    2, Why are emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor important in today’s workforce? How do they impact work performance?
    3. What does emotional intelligence, empathy and sense of humor look like in the workplace?
    4. How can companies hire for emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor?
    5. Are emotional intelligence, empathy, and sense of humor genetic or learned traits? How can companies develop and improve these traits in their current employees?

    Find Jill Dignan on LinkedIn and on Medium.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also enjoy Episode #67:
    Recruiting and interviewing the best talent for the opening.

    Recorded December 2020.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJanuary 21, 2021

    Episode #40: Being a true HR business partner (vs. a compliance cop)

    Episode #40: Being a true HR business partner (vs. a compliance cop)

    Harrison interviews Stephanie Shacochis about building relationships with people and being a true business partner.

    1. What is a HR business partner?
    2. What makes an effective HR business partner?
    3. How can HR/people teams start building relationships with their staff and start being viewed as a true business partner?

    Find Stephanie Shacochis at NOBULL (nobullproject.com) or on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    Recorded December 2020.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJanuary 19, 2021

    Episode #39: Company culture is not just a HR responsibility

    Episode #39: Company culture is not just a HR responsibility

    Harrison interviews Vandy Densmore about what influences company culture, who is responsible for company culture, and why company culture is so important in the workplace.

    1. Can you define company culture? Why is it so important?
    2. What factors shape an organization’s culture?
    3. Who is responsible for creating and then managing organizational culture?
    4. What are the best practices in building a positive company culture?
    5. What are some signs that company culture may be negative or eroding? What are some tactical steps that companies can take in order to shift/change company culture?

    Find Vandy Densmore on LinkedIn.

    Find Harrison Kim at Pavestep at
    harrison.kim@pavestep.com. To be featured on Working with People by Pavestep, email Chiara Toselli at chiara.toselli@pavestep.com.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy Episode #77: 
    5 steps every manager can take to improve work culture.

    Recorded December 2020.

    Support the show
    Working with People Podcast
    en-usJanuary 14, 2021