
    Your Diabetes Breakthrough

    Your Diabetes Breakthrough Podcast is hosted by Tracy Herbert, who is an expert in diabetes. She shares insights on living healthy with or without diabetes. Tracy is a bestselling author, speaker, diabetes coach, and rode her bicycle 3,527 miles across the US to spread diabetes awareness. This podcast will include up-to-date research information, interviews with other experts, and insights from living successfully with Type 1 Diabetes for 40 years.
    enTracy Herbert201 Episodes

    Episodes (201)

    197 Dr. William Hsu on Fasting and Longevity

    197 Dr. William Hsu on Fasting and Longevity

    Intermittent fasting has become popular recently among so many dieticians, and healthcare professionals as a weight loss initiative with varying results. In this podcast Tray Herbert interview Dr. William Hsu where he discusses the importance of fasting for longevity, diabetes and countless other health benefits.

    195 How to Avoid This Trap That Derails Your Health Journey

    195 How to Avoid This Trap That Derails Your Health Journey

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares nine tips on ways to reboot your health goals or resolutions, and how to adjust quickly from the healthy “feeling good” to “I need to get back on track.” It’s more than just changing your mindset and in this podcast Tracy will delve deep to help you get back on track.

    Signup for the Longevity Movement 5-Day Challenge at: https://www.tracyherbert.com

    194 What to Eat When with Dr. Michael Roizen

    194 What to Eat When with Dr. Michael Roizen

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares an interview with Dr. Michael Roizen. Dr. Roizen shares insight on his latest book "What to Eat When Cookbook" and how the timing impacts our health. One of my favorite tips he shared was when he said “eat foods that you enjoy and they like you back.” This is a must listen to podcast if you want to live a longer, healthier, and more active life.

    193 Dr. Sylvia Tara on Diet Myths and the Science Behind Your Body's Fat

    193 Dr. Sylvia Tara on Diet Myths and the Science Behind Your Body's Fat

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares an interview with Sylvia Tara, PhD on the science behind our body fat and why it is more difficult for some to lose than others. We talk about the difference between men and women and the different types of fat. You will gain a new perspective on fat and learn keys to finding a diet you can stick with for life. Dr. Tara explains why our body has a mind of its own and does what it can to get the fat back after you have lost it.

    191 This 7000 Year Old Remedy Could Help Your Health and Diabetes

    191 This 7000 Year Old Remedy Could Help Your Health and Diabetes

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares research on how Apple Cider Vinegar may help with blood sugar control, weight loss, improving digestive issues, lower cholesterol, along with other health issues. Vinegar has been in use for over 7,000 years and scientists are beginning research and understand it’s health benefits.

    190 Diabetes Neuropathy Prevention and Treatments

    190 Diabetes Neuropathy Prevention and Treatments

    In this important podcast, Tracy Herbert shares the latest research along with new treatments that will help people prevent or manage diabetic neuropathy. Some of the prevention strategies covered are: keeping blood sugar and blood pressure in range, weight management, hacks for dry feet, and the importance of not smoking. Some of the treatment plans to help improve the odds that diabetic neuropathy does not worsen are things like alternative medicine, medications, and a FDA approved technology that is proven to help. It’s reported that approximately 27% of diabetes health care costs are attributed to diabetic neuropathy.

    189 Using Psychology to Help Change Unhealthy Lifestyles

    189 Using Psychology to Help Change Unhealthy Lifestyles

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares how three psychological conditions have been shown as contributing factors for increased Stress, Diabetes, Obesity, Depression, and Sedentary Lifestyle. Armed with these key concepts and the research provided, people wanting to take control of their health have the tools and strategies needed to improve their positive outlook and reduce depression.

    188 Tackling Weight Loss, Stress, Work Life Balance and Much More

    188 Tackling Weight Loss, Stress, Work Life Balance and Much More

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares tips for taking control of your health, right NOW! It’s a fun listen you won't want to miss. Making just one simple change will help you in your health journey.  Tracy covers: 1) What successful people do each morning, 2) Improve your immune system, 3) Is weight an issue, 4) Work life balance, and 5) Overcoming chronic fear and stress. Which will you tackle first?

    187 Diabetes Research You Must Know

    187 Diabetes Research You Must Know

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares exciting news of the latest diabetes research. This important research talks about diabetes and cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, diabetes macular edema, importance of blood sugar control, atherosclerotic, importance of genetic and diagnosis age, and even the importance of drinking green tea for good diabetes health.

    186 Interview About a New Diabetes App With Taylor Companion COO

    186 Interview About a New Diabetes App With Taylor Companion COO

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert interviews Taylor Companion COO of The Diabetes App. This new diabetes platform will help you find other people with diabetes along with resources to help in the daily challenges of living with Type 2 and Type 1 diabetes. This app is available on Google Play and the App Store.

    The DMP( Diabetes App) website :

    Want to connect with Taylor:

    183 Why Calorie Counting May Not Work For Weight Loss

    183 Why Calorie Counting May Not Work For Weight Loss

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares research on different strategies for losing weight and the challenges with counting calories. Learn the importance of food timing and how it impacts weight loss.

    Study on weight loss and protein:

    Study comparing candy and protein for weight loss:

    Timing of food intake and weight loss:

    182 Six Things You Can Do Now For Better Heart Health

    182 Six Things You Can Do Now For Better Heart Health

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert shares the latest research on ways to improve heart health that will help you in your health journey. Most of these tips also help with better blood sugar control which is a big bonus.

    Diabetes and Heart Disease:
    Fried foods and Heart Disease:
    Processed Meats Cardiovascular Disease:
    Oral Health and Coronary Heart Disease:
    Exercise and cardiovascular health:
    Sleep and heart:

    Podcasts on Exercise:

    Podcast on Better Sleep:

    Podcasts on Healthy Living with Diabetes:

    181 Boost This Hormone for Better Health and Diabetes Control

    181 Boost This Hormone for Better Health and Diabetes Control

    In this podcast Tracy Herbert discusses the importance of Melatonin, not just for better sleep, but for diabetes and diabetes complications. The research is shocking how improving Melatonin levels can help with diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, improve anti-inflammatory markers, along with macular degeneration. Research is showing that increasing melatonin improves glycemic control, blood pressure, and mental health issues. Check out all the research showing the importance of this critical hormone.

    Melatonin and diabetes:
    Oxidative stress and diabetes:
    Decreased melatonin in rats with diabetes:
    Melatonin and longevity:
    Regulates body temperature:
    Blood Pressure:
    Foods to increase melatonin:
    Melatonin change though the seasons: