
    Your Money, Your Wealth

    A "Top 10 Personal Finance Podcast" and a "Top 12 Retirement Podcast" (US News & World Report, 2023). One of the "10 Best Personal Finance YouTube Channels" (CardRates, 2023). “Best Retirement Podcast With Humor” (FIPhysician, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023). Learn strategies that can help you retire successfully. Financial advisor Joe Anderson, CFP® and certified public accountant Big Al Clopine, CPA are making fun out of finance as they answer your money questions and spitball on your 401k, IRA, Roth conversions and backdoor Roth IRA, how to pay less taxes, asset allocation, stocks and bonds, real estate, and other investments, Social Security benefits, capital gains tax, 1031 exchange, early retirement, expenses and withdrawals, and more money and wealth management strategies. YMYW is retirement planning, investing, and tax reduction made fun, presented by Pure Financial Advisors - a fee-only fiduciary. Access free financial resources and episode transcripts, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air to get your Retirement Plan Spitball Analysis: http://YourMoneyYourWealth.com
    en-usYour Money, Your Wealth473 Episodes

    Episodes (473)

    SECURE Act 2.0 & Retirement Rich, Cash Poor - 412

    SECURE Act 2.0 & Retirement Rich, Cash Poor - 412

    Joe and Big Al are back with a SECURE Act 2.0 recap and a proposed backdoor 529 plan strategy from the new law. Plus, is there a scenario where it makes sense to not max retirement accounts, to avoid being retirement rich and cash poor? Also, the fellas’ thoughts on a break-even point for Social Security, required minimum distributions (RMD) from inherited IRAs, and of course, Roth IRA strategies: as in, the 5-year rules for Roth withdrawals, preserving Roth money and avoiding early withdrawal penalties, and Roth conversions to offset brokerage account losses. Show notes, transcript, free financial resources - including the free guide to the SECURE 2.0 Act - and to Ask Joe & Big Al On Air for your Retirement Spitball Analysis: https://bit.ly/ymyw-412

    Bear Market Survival & the 5W1H of Roth Conversions: YMYW Best of 2022 - 411

    Bear Market Survival & the 5W1H of Roth Conversions: YMYW Best of 2022 - 411

    IRA withdrawal strategies when you retire in a down market, Roth contributions vs. Roth conversions, converting now or waiting to convert to Roth in retirement, and why you'd want to lose today's tax savings and contribute to Roth in the first place, today on the best of the YMYW podcast 2022. Plus, how to know if your financial plan is on track and the funniest Derails of the year. Visit the podcast show notes for more financial resources - including the free guide to the SECURE Act 2.0 - episode transcript, and Ask Joe & Big Al On Air for a retirement plan spitball analysis of your own: https://bit.ly/ymyw-411

    Retirement Planning, Investing, and Tax Reduction Made Fun: YMYW Trailer

    Retirement Planning, Investing, and Tax Reduction Made Fun: YMYW Trailer

    Welcome to Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast, with CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional Joe Anderson and Certified Public Accountant Alan "Big Al" Clopine.

    Your Money, Your Wealth® is retirement planning, investing, and tax reduction made fun!

    Follow YMYW on your favorite podcast app and share this trailer.

    Visit YourMoneyYourWealth.com and click Ask Joe and Big Al On Air to get a Retirement Spitball Analysis of your own.

    And hey, thanks for listening, because the show wouldn't be a show without you. 

    Your Money, Your Wealth® is presented by Pure Financial Advisors, a registered investment advisor. This show does not intend to provide personalized investment advice through this broadcast and does not represent that the securities or services discussed are suitable for any investor. Investors are advised not to rely on any information contained in the broadcast in the process of making a full and informed investment decision.

    Diversification Vs. Fees: What’s More Important for Retirement Investing? - 410

    Diversification Vs. Fees: What’s More Important for Retirement Investing? - 410

    Is it better to choose low-cost index funds or to diversify investments, even if it means paying higher fees? What causes mutual fund price fluctuation? Are mid-cap funds necessary in a balanced portfolio? Joe and Big Al also talk about real estate funds vs. real estate investment trusts (REITs), and TIAA annuities vs. bonds in a retirement portfolio. Finally, we revisit some investing strategy questions that are still relevant in today’s volatile markets on moving to cash in tough times, analyzing your asset allocation, and rebalancing your retirement portfolio. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-410

    Who to Trust? Second Opinion Retirement Spitball - 409

    Who to Trust? Second Opinion Retirement Spitball - 409

    Can you trust the opinion of just one advisor when planning for your entire financial future? Joe and Big Al spitball their second opinions for some retirement plan and Roth conversion strategies, they illustrate one way some financial advisors may be acting in their own best interests, and they explain how to determine if you’re on track for a successful retirement. Plus, can you take penalty-free withdrawals from a Roth TSP to Roth IRA rollover in order to bridge the gap until age 59½? Will paying for a home remodel with Roth conversion funds avoid tax? And, should you use Roth conversion money for these purposes? Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-409

    Where to Save for Early Retirement? - 408

    Where to Save for Early Retirement? - 408

    Asset location strategies, liquidity, and building up tax-free Roth IRA money when retiring early, how growth is taxed in taxable accounts, the pros and cons of rolling an employer retirement plan into a traditional IRA, how stock futures are determined and why stock price matters, and buying 8-week treasuries. And, if you’re planning to make a killing on eBay or at your next garage sale, the fellas get into the weeds on how to maximize your tax savings. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-408

    Fixed Indexed Annuities, RMDs, and Early Social Security - 407

    Fixed Indexed Annuities, RMDs, and Early Social Security - 407

    We’re hearing more about fixed-indexed annuities with these volatile financial markets. Is it time to reconsider? Plus, clarification on required minimum distributions (RMDs) being waived for non-spouse IRA beneficiaries in 2021 and 2022, taxation on trusts, and suggestions for a 40-year-old considering an early mini-retirement. Also, can a 62-year-old immediately withdraw Roth conversion money? Finally, a strategy to claim Social Security early while working and invest the difference in a Roth IRA, and Joe and Big Al attempt to explain family Social Security benefits without phoning it in. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-407

    How to Forecast Your Expenses in Retirement - 406

    How to Forecast Your Expenses in Retirement - 406

    What will you actually need to spend in retirement? Joe and Big Al explain how to really think about and calculate your retirement expenses. Plus, if you want to reduce your tax-deferred account balances, does it make more sense to do Roth conversions or reinvest? What about doing Roth conversions to a higher tax bracket than the one you’ll be in during retirement? Also, the fellas explain the alternative minimum tax, how Social Security spousal benefits work, and when in the year you turn 72 you must take required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts. And finally, what should someone with no credit history who hasn’t paid taxes do with a sudden $100,000 windfall? Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-406

    Life Insurance, Muni Bonds, and Dividend Stocks in Retirement - 405

    Life Insurance, Muni Bonds, and Dividend Stocks in Retirement - 405

    Joe and Big Al discuss LIRPs, or life insurance retirement plans, they spitball whether to take full pension survivor benefits or buy a life insurance policy, and whether to sell losing stocks for even bigger losers to take advantage of the 0% capital gains tax bracket. Plus, zero coupon municipal bonds and the de minimis rule, and target date funds as part of Paul Merriman’s Two Funds for Life strategy. Finally, how do dividends figure into the 4% rule for retirement withdrawals, and should that 4% come from stocks or bonds? Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-405

    Roth IRA 5-Year Rules: How to Withdraw Money With No Taxes or Penalties - 404

    Roth IRA 5-Year Rules: How to Withdraw Money With No Taxes or Penalties - 404

    Joe and Big Al clarify once and for all those 5-year clocks for withdrawing money from your Roth accounts. How do the 5-year Roth IRA rules impact the taxation of dividend income? Do the 5-year rules for Roth withdrawals impact thrift savings plan (TSP) to Roth conversions as well? Plus, why contribute to a Roth in the first place and lose today’s tax savings? Joe and Big Al rise to that challenge and they discuss Roth conversions and required minimum distributions from an inherited IRA. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-404

    Inflation Investing, Asset Location, and Real Estate Retirement Spitball - 403

    Inflation Investing, Asset Location, and Real Estate Retirement Spitball - 403

    Following the Fed’s fourth consecutive interest rate hike last week, should you be changing your investing strategy to time this inflationary market, moving from bonds to 3-year annuity CDs? Plus, Joe and Big Al spitball on asset location and Roth conversions for the in-laws, and a net unrealized appreciation (NUA) strategy for company stock in a 401(k). They also discuss whether extra home mortgage payments are part of an investment portfolio, and what real estate expenses are tax deductible. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-403

    Will Your Retirement Savings Last Until You're 90 Years Old? - 402

    Will Your Retirement Savings Last Until You're 90 Years Old? - 402

    Are you behind on your retirement savings? What do you need to do to catch up? If you retire in just a few years, will your money last until age 90? Based on the 5-year Roth withdrawal rules, do you need to open a new Roth IRA for each Roth conversion? Plus, Joe and Big Al spitball a health insurance, capital gains, and real estate strategy to save more money and have more wealth in retirement. Finally, they revisit the SECURE Act rules for withdrawing money from an inherited IRA, and Social Security income limits. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-402

    Should Young People Save for Retirement? - 401

    Should Young People Save for Retirement? - 401

    New research says some young people shouldn’t save for retirement. Find out what Joe and Big Al think about that. Plus, is it tax fraud if you re-file taxes to take advantage of new student loan forgiveness? Should you invest in CDs instead of bonds, since both stocks and bonds are getting crushed right now? How can you consolidate your stock portfolio to minimize capital gains tax? Also, charitably inclined YMYW listeners want to know how to use donor-advised funds when spitballing tax planning around an IPO, and whether to do more Roth conversions or more qualified charitable distributions. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-401

    Anything Stupid or Overlooked in Your Retirement Plan Spitball? - 400

    Anything Stupid or Overlooked in Your Retirement Plan Spitball? - 400

    Are there any holes in a 5-year plan to retire from the Air Force, buy a house and a plane, and become a commercial pilot? Can you claim an unpaid loan to a start-up as a tax loss, do a Roth conversion, and pay no tax? Are Roth conversions a good idea in a low-earnings year? Does it matter if you convert to Roth before or after changing custodians? What retirement savings options do independent contractors have besides the Solo 401(k)? Does it make sense to cash out a 529 college savings plan that’s losing money? Plus, Joe and Big Al spitball a real estate strategy, and they discuss a state retirement account held at an insurance company. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-400

    Survivor Social Security and Lowering Taxes in Retirement - 399

    Survivor Social Security and Lowering Taxes in Retirement - 399

    Joe and Big Al explain when and how to claim Social Security survivor benefits and how earning income impacts your benefit if you collect Social Security before full retirement age. Plus, how much should you withdraw in retirement from tax-free, taxable, and tax-deferred accounts? Also, RMDs, deciding whether to keep a life insurance policy, and of course, Roth Conversion strategies - is the backdoor Roth better for long term portfolio growth? Show notes, free financial resources, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-399

    How to Manage Financial Market Stress? With the Help of a Caddie - 398

    How to Manage Financial Market Stress? With the Help of a Caddie - 398

    As the financial markets fall and then surge, Joe and Big Al talk about market timing, reallocating retirement contributions, and portfolio rebalancing. Plus, your questions answered on estimated taxes, Roth conversions, and the logistics of inheriting IRAs and passing assets on. Finally, how is a financial advisor like a golf caddie when markets get volatile? Joe and his Pebble Beach golf caddie buddy, Big G from the Real Life Caddie Podcast, discuss how their professional knowledge and experience can help the rest of us avoid big mistakes. Show notes, free financial resources, transcript, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-398

    Spitballing Retirement Planning in Your 40's & 50's - 397

    Spitballing Retirement Planning in Your 40's & 50's - 397

    A compilation of some of Joe and Big Al's retirement plan spitballing specifically for those in their 40s and 50s - a critical time on the path to retirement. Is your financial plan set up so you pay as little tax as possible? Does it take volatile markets and potential future tax increases into account? Have you got a strategy nailed down for Roth conversions, or backdoor Roth, or pension options? Maybe you’re making big decisions about what to do with your money between now and when you retire, like buying a house vs. saving for retirement? Are you comfortable with the retirement lifestyle you’re creating? Do you know what you’ll do with your time once you’re permanently off the clock? Visit the podcast show notes to access free financial resources, transcript, and to Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-397

    Backdoor Roth, Investing, and Taxes - 396

    Backdoor Roth, Investing, and Taxes - 396

    Joe & Big Al answer your questions on, of course, backdoor Roth strategies. Y’know, to get as much lifetime tax-free growth on your investments as possible. Plus, investing strategies: does it make sense to buy a property now and rent it out until retirement? How much of a single stock in your investment portfolio can you sell and pay no capital gains tax? The fellas also explain capital loss carryovers, inherited IRAs, spousal Social Security and delayed retirement credits, required minimum distributions, and they spitball on an appropriate allocation of bonds, domestic stocks, and international stocks. Show notes, free financial resources, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-396

    Spitballing Early Retirement by the Ocean with Husband and Boyfriend - 395

    Spitballing Early Retirement by the Ocean with Husband and Boyfriend - 395

    What’s the next move for a 22-year-old who wants to retire early at 50? Can another YMYW listener afford to retire by the ocean in 10 months? Can Flowergirl and her husband AND her boyfriend retire next year? Joe and Big Al also check extensive retirement spitball math sent in PDF format. Plus, what are the fellas’ philosophies on single vs. married tax rates when one spouse passes, and how does high state income tax impact a retirement strategy?  Show notes, free financial resources, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-395

    How to Deal With Taxes When Income Goes Through the Roof - 394

    How to Deal With Taxes When Income Goes Through the Roof - 394

    If a fortunate equity event or liquidity event should cause your income to skyrocket, what will that do to your taxes? Joe and Big Al spitball tax strategies to help you manage this good problem to have. Plus, Backdoor Roth, contributions, conversions, and income limits explained, converting twelve and a half million bucks to Roth, and what happens to retirement accounts when you pass - will there be a tax bill due? Kicking it off with the 7-twelve portfolio - what is it? Show notes, free financial resources, Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-394