

    Explore " 1864" with insightful episodes like "Overland.15: Yelling Like So Many Demons", "Overland.14: The Wild, Wicked Roar", "Overland 13: Hat in Hand", "Geschäftskultur Dänemark: Wissenswertes" and "Overland.12: Running in Circles" from podcasts like ""War Yankee - Overland", "War Yankee - Overland", "War Yankee - Overland", "Handelskammer Talks - Podcast by the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce" and "War Yankee - Overland"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Overland.15: Yelling Like So Many Demons

    Overland.15: Yelling Like So Many Demons

    In This Episode

    It’s 1:00 PM May 5th, 1864 — General Warren has ordered his division commanders Griffin and Wadsworth forward to pitch into the enemy now lurking on the opposite side of Saunders Field. While General Ayers’s 140th New York Zouaves are the first to be bloodied, another of Griffin’s brigade commanders — General Joseph J. Bartlett — moves across the field with enough momentum to smash a hole into the teeth of the rebel defenses. Will it be enough to carry the day?

    Notable Quotes

    “When the order was given to advance all three brigades started on the double-quick with a yell, driving the enemy in confusion back upon his reserves.”
    — Samuel L. Miller, a veteran historian of the 20th Maine

    “They were splendidly in line. Moved rapidly, their colors all unfurled, and formed as they advanced one of the finest battle pictures that I can remember.”
    — Soldier from the 1st Michigan

    “A red volcano yawned before us and vomited forth fire, and lead, and death”
    — Soldier from the 20th Maine

    “What a medley of sounds. The incessant roar of the rifle; the screaming bullets; the forest on fire; men cheering, groaning, yelling, swearing, and praying! All this created an experience in the minds of the survivors that we can never forget.” — Veteran Union Soldier

    “On we went, o’er briar, o’er brake, o’er logs and o’er bogs, through the underbrush and overhanging limbs, for about three-quarters of a mile, yelling like so many demons.”
    — Veteran Union Captain

    “Orders were given for regimental commanders to move up rapidly to the crest of the hill and hold it at all hazards in case Jones gave way. The woods in front were so thick that it was impossible to see more than 20 steps from our line, and all thought that General Jones held the crest of the hill. Our enemy soon hurled a heavy column against General Jones, sweeping down on his flanks and it became evident that he was pressing our men back. At this juncture, Battle’s brigade moved up at a double-quick.”
    — Soldier from the 3rd Alabama

    “Soon the troops on our left gave way and retired in confusion. We then found ourselves isolated, the enemy upon both flanks and reported to be in rear also.”
    — Colonel Joseph Hayes, Commander of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps

    “[As we broke for the rear] on the double quick, we ran almost every step of the way back and when we got there we laid down on our backs and panted like so many hounds which had just come back in from a ten hours’ chase after a gang of foxes.”
    — Veteran of the 83rd Pennsylvania

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    Every episode is a work of passion that requires a lot of coffee. I research, read, visit, host, mix, edit, and produce every episode myself. I would greatly appreciate it if you could do two things for me:

    1. COFFEE: If you enjoy this podcast, please consider supporting the show by buying me a cup of coffee (or two)!

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    American Battlefield Trust knows that there is no substitute for experiencing history in the places where it took place and has worked to become the only national organization working to save America’s historic battlefields today and discover how you can help preserve American history forever. Join me in the fight to save our nation’s historic battlefields by visiting the American Battlefield Trust website at battlefields.org.

    Overland.14: The Wild, Wicked Roar

    Overland.14: The Wild, Wicked Roar

    In This Episode

    It’s 1:00 PM on May 5th, 1864 — Grant had given the order, Warren has given the signal, and now Griffin and Wadsworth’s divisions are emerging from the eastern edge of Saunders Field to pitch into the enemy. However, as the bugles sound and the men rise to their feet, a “wild and wicked roar” erupts from the Confederate defenses just as Col. Paddy Ryan and his 140th New York Zouaves charge forward and race across 400 yards of open ground.

    Notable Quotes

    “stand up…forward, double-quick, CHARGE!”
    — Col. George “Paddy” Ryan, 140th New York “Zouaves” Regiment

    “[The] wild, wicked roar of musketry”
    — Wilderness Veteran

    “Down the slope we rushed…killed and wounded men plunging to the ground.”
    — Zouave Veteran

    “It might be better if we bring up artillery and fire back!”
    — General Ulysses S. Grant

    Overland 13: Hat in Hand

    Overland 13: Hat in Hand

    In This Episode

    It’s 1:00 PM on May 5th, 1864 — Grant has had enough of both General Meade’s and General Warren’s excuses and has now directed them to send Griffin and Wadsworth’s divisions forward and pitch into the enemy at once. Unfortunately, Grant does not yet know that General Sedgwick’s 6th Corps, overcome by the tangles of The Wilderness, will not arrive on Griffin’s RIGHT flank for hours. Worse yet, Wadsworth’s men are also stuck trying to push through the dense Wilderness. When the order comes to march, Griffin’s men will be stepping out into an open cornfield to confront the enemy… alone.

    Notable Quotes

    “[moments before the fighting began, the men], for those few minutes lay there and faced the possibilities of tragedy then inevitable.”
    — Wrote a Zouave Soldier, after the Battle of Saunders Field

    “Suspense and dread and hope which possess men during such minutes cannot be adequately told in words.”
    — Zouave Veteran

    “stand up…forward, double-quick, CHARGE!”

    — Col. George “Paddy” Ryan, 140th New York “Zouaves” Regiment

    Geschäftskultur Dänemark: Wissenswertes

    Geschäftskultur Dänemark: Wissenswertes

    Unser Buch ”Geschäftskultur Dänemark” jetzt auch als Hörbuch! Hier erzählt der ehemalige Geschäftsführer der Deutsch-Dänischen Handelskammer, Reiner Perau, aus knapp 15 Jahren Arbeitsalltag in Dänemark. Diese Einblicke sollen Ihnen dabei helfen, mit dänischen Partner:innen möglichst reibungslos ins Geschäft zu kommen. 

    In diesem letzten Kapitel runden wir mit ein paar wissenswerten Fakten über Dänemark ab. 

    Overland.12: Running in Circles

    Overland.12: Running in Circles

    In This Episode

    It's noon on May 5th, 1864 -- The Army of the Potomac has captured the Brock Road Intersection with Orange Plank Road, has discovered Confederate cavalry probing their left flank along the Catharpin Road, and now must deal with the growing threat of Rebels digging in along the Orange Turnpike. After waiting for hours for Meade to stop talking about attacking, and actually attack, Grant has had enough. But will he intervene in time to win his first battle against Lee?

    Notable Quotes

    "If [this] is what Meade meant by attacking 'at once', as he said he would at 7:30 AM (it's now after 10:00 AM) no wonder Lee was running circles around him."
    -- Gordon Rhea, Battle of the Wilderness

    "The only time I ever feel impatient is when I give an order for an important movement of troops in the presence of the enemy and am waiting for them to reach their destination. Then the minutes seem like hours."
    -- Grant's comment to Porter, from Hell Itself by Chris Mackowski

    Højskole- og efterskolebevægelsens betydning 1864-1920

    Højskole- og efterskolebevægelsens betydning 1864-1920

    Hør forstander ved Rødding Højskole Mads Rykind Eriksen fortælle om højskole- og efterskolebevægelsens betydning for de dansksindede nordslesvigere i perioden 1864-1920.


    Fortællingen her er en del af en lydvandring som du kan opleve i Skibelund Krat i Vejen Kommune. Hvis du har mulighed for det, så tag derhen, og hør fortællingen  i dens autentiske rammer. Det vil gøre oplevelsen endnu større.

    Tag eventuelt et kig på hjemmesiden: 

    Vi hører også meget gerne hvad du synes om fortællingerne på internservice@vejen.dk

    Billedet er taget af Fotoklubben ISO6600

    Skibelund Krats historie

    Skibelund Krats historie

    Fra 1865-1920 var Skibelund Krat Danmarks allervigtigste mødested for dansksindede nord og syd for den daværende grænse - Kongeåen. I denne fortælling kan du høre hvordan det kom i stand.


    Fortællingen her er en del af en lydvandring som du kan opleve i Skibelund Krat i Vejen Kommune. Hvis du har mulighed for det, så tag derhen, og hør fortællingen  i dens autentiske rammer. Det vil gøre oplevelsen endnu større.

    Tag eventuelt et kig på hjemmesiden: 

    Vi hører også meget gerne hvad du synes om fortællingerne på internservice@vejen.dk

    Episode 16: Kristyn J. Miller Talks about The Schleswig-Holstein Question

    Episode 16: Kristyn J. Miller Talks about The Schleswig-Holstein Question

    In this episode Anne Marie talks to writer Kristyn J. Miller about her most unusual and hardly known favorite history, the Schleswig-Holstein problem. The most succinct explanation of this can be found on Wikipedia:

    The Schleswig-Holstein Question was the name given to the whole complex of diplomatic and other issues arising in the 19th century out of the relations of the two duchies, Schleswig and Holstein, to the Danish crown on one side and the German Confederation on the other.

    Kristyn is a writer and casual literary critic with a passion for the intersection of Germanic language, cultural history, and literature. She graduated magna cum laude from University of Redlands with departmental honors for her critical essay on Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian epic literature. Since then, she founded a blog focused on linguistics, literature and cultural history, which updates on Tuesdays.

    Blog: Kristyn J. Miller

    Kristyn on Social Media:





    Schleswig-Holstein Question, Wikipedia Page

    Second Schleswig-Holstein War

    Danish Series
    1864, Series Trailer
    186, Series Wikipedia Page

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    Impeachment and the Righteous Republicans

    Impeachment and the Righteous Republicans

    On this episode of The Open Mind, we're delighted to welcome Brenda Wineapple, author of the recently released and critically acclaimed “The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation” heralded as a “riveting and absorbing book” by The New York Times and both “a guidebook” and “cautionary tale for our times” by the Boston Globe.

    The subject today: impeachment Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and the righteous Republicans and the first ever impeachment in American history. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, the first U.S. president to fall victim to assassination the country entrusted it's survival to an accidental president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat from Tennessee who had forged a unity ticket with Lincoln for reelection. Despite Lincoln's assessment that Johnson was, in his words, “a good man” or at least he thought the new leader abandoned the promise of emancipation and enfranchisement and defied the protection of America's newest citizens. My guest today will analyze this history and its contemporary relevance. 

    Impeachment and the Righteous Republicans

    Impeachment and the Righteous Republicans

    On this episode of The Open Mind, we're delighted to welcome Brenda Wineapple, author of the recently released and critically acclaimed “The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation” heralded as a “riveting and absorbing book” by The New York Times and both “a guidebook” and “cautionary tale for our times” by the Boston Globe.

    The subject today: impeachment Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and the righteous Republicans and the first ever impeachment in American history. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, the first U.S. president to fall victim to assassination the country entrusted it's survival to an accidental president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat from Tennessee who had forged a unity ticket with Lincoln for reelection. Despite Lincoln's assessment that Johnson was, in his words, “a good man” or at least he thought the new leader abandoned the promise of emancipation and enfranchisement and defied the protection of America's newest citizens. My guest today will analyze this history and its contemporary relevance. 

    Package Supplements (osc18)

    Package Supplements (osc18)
    "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. about this event: https://c3voc.de

    Package Supplements (osc18)

    Package Supplements (osc18)
    "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. about this event: https://c3voc.de

    Package Supplements (osc18)

    Package Supplements (osc18)
    "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. "Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them. about this event: https://c3voc.de

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