

    Explore " 1937" with insightful episodes like "305: Educating the Future of Digital Dentures with Dr. Wendy Clark", "Postmarked History: The 1937 Post Office Robbery", "The first Santa Claus training school opens - September 27th, 1937", "The Awful Truth with David Canfield" and "The first animated electric sign debuts in Times Square - April 28th, 1937" from podcasts like ""Voices from The Bench", "Mokena's Front Porch", "This Day in History Class", "The Queer Quadrant" and "This Day in History Class"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    305: Educating the Future of Digital Dentures with Dr. Wendy Clark

    305: Educating the Future of Digital Dentures with Dr. Wendy Clark
    Be sure to come see us in the Ivoclar (https://www.ivoclar.com/en_li) Ballroom during LMT Lab Day Chicago 2024 (https://lmtmag.com/lmtlabday). Register today! It's always good, as technicians, to get a clinical perspective of all the work we do. Let's be honest, without the clinical side.... We wouldn't have work. But getting to talk to a clinician that LOVES and APPRECIATES lab work is even better. Dr. Wendy Clark is an Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at UNC Adams School of Dentistry (https://dentistry.unc.edu/). You would think since she is a professor, she would only teach analog ways. This is so not true. Dr. Clark is a fan of the digital denture workflow and teaches it to her students right along with the analog method. Dr. Clark talks about her history with digital dentures, how the workflow has improved over the years, what causes them to succeed, and what causes them to fail. If you don't think dentists are coming out of school wanting digital dentures.... think again. The demand is there and only growing. Go see Dr. Wendy Clark Friday February 23 from 2:30pm - 3:30pm at Lab Day Chicago in Roosevelt 3B · East Tower, Concourse (Bronze) Level (https://lmtmag.com/seminars/treatment-tree-workflow-simple-predictable-digital-denture-workflows) Also see Dr. Clark at IDT Live Digital Dentistry Symposium April 12 & 13, 2004 in Indianapolis! (https://learn.cdeworld.com/live/1/page/8?_ga=2.106418371.1516475152.1706378045-396816904.1705886634) Join Luke LaRocque-Walker & Paul Imperius from True North Denture & Implant Centre (https://www.truenorthdent.com/) and many others in the Ivoclar (https://www.ivoclar.com/en_li) Ballroom at LMT Lab Day Chicago 2024 (https://lmtmag.com/lmtlabday). February 22-24, the biggest dental lab show in America happens and the place to be is in the Ivoclar Ballroom where all weekend Elvis Dahl and Barbara Warner will be set up recording everyone all weekend. Head over to voicesfromthebench.com/ivoclar to see a complete line up of all the lectures going on all weekend! We will see you there! Whether you are looking to elevate your craftsmanship or looking to cut back costs, look no further – VITA MFT Teeth (https://vitanorthamerica.com/en-US/VITA-MFT-Anterior-369,273,126133.html) are the ultimate solution for creating lifelike and stunning smiles. Crafted with precision and backed by cutting-edge technology, VITA MFT Teeth offers unparalleled esthetics and durability. And since VITA (https://vitanorthamerica.com/) believes in the power of experiencing excellence firsthand, for a limited time only, they’re offering you the chance to get a complimentary case sample. That’s right, a full case, absolutely free. Just visit vitanorthamerica.com/freemft (https://www2.vitanorthamerica.com/mft/) Don’t wait any longer to start providing your customers with a premium tooth at an economy price. Redeem your free case sample and if you’re ready to buy, VITA will even give you an extra 10% discount by shopping online on their newly launched online store. Join the VITA family today. Candulor (https://www.candulor.com/en-us) a dental supply company from Switzerland has solutions no matter if you are analog or digital Check out their PhysioSet TCR (https://www.candulor.com/en-us/product-portfolio/tooth-lines/physioset-tcr) tooth line that has been complemented with 18 new shapes. A total of 48 age-appropriate anterior tooth shapes are available for the laboratory or dental practice to select from. The Swiss School of Prosthetics (https://ssop.swiss/en-us) in Springfield, Missouri is the place to learn all things removable. America with get supported and supplied by the only authorized partner Edmonds Dental Supply (https://edmondsdentalsupply.com/) Candulor, High End Only Special Guest: Dr. Wendy AuClair Clark.

    Postmarked History: The 1937 Post Office Robbery

    Postmarked History: The 1937 Post Office Robbery

    Mokena’s first post office opened February 10, 1853 and served our newly formed train depot of a town. With the railroad splitting through town, it made Mokena a prime mail location, with mail coming via the passing trains, to and from Chicago.  The post office was a vital organ in the life of the new town and many took up the role of Postmaster, until 28 year old Margaret M. Maue is takes the position. She served as one of Mokenas' longest running Postmasters or Postmistresses, serving the role for thirty four years.

    Margaret Maue, (later Margaret O'Brien), held the post on March 2nd, 1937, when the Post Office was robbed in the dark of night. The Office suffered a significant loss and Matt shares the story of the search to catch the bandits and what was recovered from the theft.  In addition to the story of the theft, Matt paints the picture of what the Post Office meant to the residents and how it helped Mokena grow into a hub along the route to and from Chicago.

    Read Matts blog post that this episode is based on HERE.
    The History of Mokena: A Journey Through Time - 1831 to 2010

    Support the show

    Be sure to check out our website @ www.MokenasFrontPorch.com

    Follow Us On Facebook At Mokena's Front Porch

    Find Matt's Blog here: Matt's Old Mokena
    Photo & Artwork Credit: Jennifer Medema & Leslie V. Moore Jr.

    Do you have a question, comment or maybe an idea for an episode, you can email us at:

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    The Awful Truth with David Canfield

    The Awful Truth with David Canfield

    Jordan and Brooke are rejoined by Vanity Fair's David Canfield (Little Gold Men) for the film that launched Cary Grant into super stardom. We discuss Cary Grant's contentious personal life filled with gay rumors, our favorite sneaky ways around the Hays Code, the joy of screwball comedies and their subversive gender roles, a pitch perfect Irene Dunne performance, and Mr. Smith – a very good boy.

    Follow us on Twitter and IG! (And Jordan's Letterboxd / Brooke's Letterboxd)
    Follow David on Twitter and at Vanity Fair!

    «На следующий день пришли уже за мной». А.Л.Ж.И.Р. — история самого большого лагеря для жен изменников родины

    «На следующий день пришли уже за мной». А.Л.Ж.И.Р. — история самого большого лагеря для жен изменников родины

    А.Л.Ж.И.Р. — Акмолинский лагерь жён изменников родины. Самый большой лагерь для женщин политзаключенных в СССР, который находился в Казахской ССР. С 1938 по 1953 год через него прошли 8000 женщин, из них больше половины ЧСИР — члены семей изменников родины. Первые «алжирки» в столыпинских вагонах были этапированы в лагерь январские морозы. Они сами строили бараки для себя и для тех, кто приедет позже.

    В новом эпизоде рассказываем как жили и выживали жёны изменников родины. Говорим с сотрудницами Музея истории ГУЛАГа и «Мемориала», делимся воспоминаниями детей «алжирок», которые росли в лагере, и на глазах которых сотрудники НКВД забирали отцов и матерей из дома.

    Написать нам: woman.term@pm.me

    Наш телеграм-канал: https://t.me/zhenskisrok

    Бот для обратной связи: @woterm_bot

    Список источников:

    Воспоминания Галины Степановой-Ключниковой

    Воспоминания Марианны Анцис

    «Вы не женщины, вы гады!» материал Анны Кавалли для «Таких Дел»

    «А.Л.Ж.И.Р. Как жил лагерь для жен «изменников родины» материал Елены Шмараевой для «Медиазоны»

    «Остров АЛЖИР в архипелаге ГУЛАГ» материал Ларисы Малюковой для «Новой Газеты» 

    Выставка «Материал». Женская память о ГУЛАГе, «Мемориал».

    Сайт музея «А.Л.Ж.И.Р.» 

    «А.Л.Ж.И.Р.» на карте советских лагерей

    Музей истории ГУЛАГа

    Правозащитный центр «Мемориал» 

    Интервью с детьми «алжирок»:

    Маргарита Андрющенко

    Азарий Плесецкий

    Валерий Эстеркес

    Нинель Рыжкова

    Kotietsintöjä, kiinniottoja, kuulusteluja – Suomalaiset Venäjällä osa 1

    Kotietsintöjä, kiinniottoja, kuulusteluja – Suomalaiset Venäjällä osa 1

    Kotietsintöjä, kiinniottoja, kuulusteluja – Arkistopodi matkaa tällä kertaa myrskyisälle 1930-luvulle Etsivän keskuspoliisin kyydissä.

    Neuvostoliitto houkutteli kymmeniä tuhansia suomalaisia 1920-luvulta alkaen. Muuttoliike kiihtyi 1930-luvun laman vaikutuksesta. Moni palasi pettyneenä takaisin, sillä tiedot Neuvostoliiton todellisista oloista olivat vähäisiä.

    Etsivän keskuspoliisin tehtävänä oli selvittää, oliko palaamisen syynä todella tyytymättömyys vai vaikkapa ulkovallan vakoilu.

    Tässä Arkistopodin jaksossa kuultavat EK:n pöytäkirjat on käsin poimittu Kansallisarkiston makasiineista, Valtiollisen poliisin arkistosta.

    Sitä käyttää yhtenä lähteenä myös Suomalaiset Venäjällä -tutkimushanke, joka tutkii suomalaisten kokemuksia Neuvostoliitossa. Hankkeessa valmistuu yksittäisten suomalaisten henkilötietoja käsittävän tietokannan lisäksi tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja tutkimuskirjallisuutta eri suomalaisryhmistä Neuvostoliiton lukuisilta maantieteellisiltä alueilta.


    Käsikirjoitus: Melissa Roth


    Axletree - Goldfinch Flight to the North
    Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

    Hans Andersson - Logic

    Min tone i livet: M. Rexen - Carl Orff, Carmina Burana: O Fortuna

    Min tone i livet: M. Rexen - Carl Orff, Carmina Burana: O Fortuna
    Musikeren M. Rexen var som ung bosat på en institution, han gerne ville væk fra. En dag stak han af med en minidisc-afspiller med The Doors i ørene. Men efter "Riders of the Storm" var klinget ud, begyndte et andet og mere chokerende musikalsk stormvejr. Åbningssalven "O Fortuna" fra Carl Orffs Carmina Burana (1936) præsenterede M. Rexen for en helt ny følelsesmæssig horisont. Og det inspirerede ham til at bearbejde sit indre stormvejr kunstnerisk. M. Rexen er aktuel med albummet Tending to the Vulnerable Things (https://open.spotify.com/album/5ecbBxr1Sv4g7DwZ8tBrSt?si=v24R2WqWSP6f_qiW0tSWug). Vi beklager den let forringede lydkvalitet på optagelsen med M. Rexen. Varighed: 5:09

    One Mans Pee Is Another Mans War - The Marco Polo Bridge Incident July 7-9th 1937

    One Mans Pee Is Another Mans War - The Marco Polo Bridge Incident July 7-9th 1937

    Alright, this is the quick and dirty episode for July! Full of information on Japan, China, and the very first shots of the Second World War. From the mid-1800s to the 1930s, Japan was moving faster and faster towards superpower in the East status. By the early '30s, Japan had finally arrived on the big stage. China, on the other hand, was unraveling and had in the 20s only recently started to put itself back together. A series of sometimes bloody sometimes innocuous sometimes staged "Incidents" happened from 1931 straight through to 1937. Then the most incident like incident of them all happened near a beautiful old bridge. A missing private, a confusing firefight, and an insulting truce led to the fall of Northern China and the Second Sino Japanese War.

    All right enough of that lets take a look back to 1937 some 82 years ago, to the dry hot summer of northern china. In the chaos of nighttime training one man has to pee, by morning the world has changed, the course for war is set, and everything from Hiroshima to Pearl Harbor to the Rape of Nanking can be traced to one seemingly small incident at the Marco Polo Bridge.

    This week’s main source - Combat: China 1937-1938 Chinese Soldier versus Japanese Soldier by Benjamin Lai

    Music - Confliction & Catharsis by Asher Fulero
    Thunderstorm by Hanu Dixit

    Image by Melhaks@fiver.com

    Questions or Corrections - https://www.cauldronpodcast.com/sendustheories
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    Episode 29: Best Picture 1937: The Great Ziegfeld, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, Dodsworth, The Story of Louis Pasteur, San Francisco, Three Smart Girls, Romeo & Juliet, Libeled Lady, Anthony Adverse, A Tale of Two Cities

    Episode 29: Best Picture 1937: The Great Ziegfeld, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, Dodsworth, The Story of Louis Pasteur, San Francisco, Three Smart Girls, Romeo & Juliet, Libeled Lady, Anthony Adverse, A Tale of Two Cities
    As Tim reads Palmer A TALE OF TWO CITIES in SAN FRANCISCO, they accidently disturb an outdoor performance of ROMEO & JULIET starring ANTHONY ADVERSE, so they are forced to go inside to a place called DODSWORTH. There, they meet THREE SMART GIRLS who explain THE STORY OF LOUIS PASTEUR, but are interuppted by THE GREAT ZIEGFELD who informs the group that a LIBELED LADY is on the loose. They all hide from her, make some popcorn, and watch MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN.

    Episode 2: En dag på Galopbanen (1937)

    Episode 2: En dag på Galopbanen (1937)

    Den anden film, som Morten og Thomas har på deres liste er "A Day at the Races", eller "En dag på Galopbanen", som er filmens danske titel. Det er en amerikansk farce i sort-hvid fra 1937 instrueret af Sam Wood, og den syvende i rækken af film med Marx Brothers. 

    Lyt med når Morten og Thomas taler om filmen. Det bliver med både Tarzan-brøl og en forvekslingsscene.

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    148 Ágora Historia - Pirámides Meroe - Batalla Guadalajara - Grecia - Mujeres Nobel

    148 Ágora Historia - Pirámides Meroe - Batalla Guadalajara - Grecia - Mujeres Nobel
    En Ágora 148 tratamos los siguientes temas: - El primer viaje de hoy lo hacemos a Sudán. Conocemos todos los detalles de las pirámides de Meroe con la egiptóloga Nuria Castellano. - En segundo lugar hablamos con Javier Veramendi, director de la revista Desperta Ferro Contemporánea. Hoy el tema es 1937: Batalla de de Guadalajara. - El tercer bloque nos lleva hasta Grecia en la compañía del escritor Xavier Moret. Una Grecia de la antigüedad pero con los ojos del siglo XXI. - Nos visita Sara Rojo y nos acerca la biografía de varias mujeres relevantes de la historia: Selma Lagerlöf y Gabriela Mistral, mujeres Nobel - Además, como cada semana, crítica de libros, noticias, agenda y novedades editoriales con Gisela Pagés y Manuel Campos. www.agorahistoria.com http://www.facebook.com/agorahistoriaprograma Twitter: @agorahistoria

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