

    Explore "amdo" with insightful episodes like "The Geluk Domestication of Tantra", "8.Lectures d'Asie : Amdo 1958, requiem pour un massacre", "Preliminary Practices: Bloody Knees, Calloused Palms and the Transformative Nature of Women’s Labor", "Demander Son Chemin Quand on est Perdu." and "Shining Spirit Project" from podcasts like ""Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar", "Histoires d'Asie", "Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar", "Alainཆོས་བཟང་ཧྥ་སྐད་སློབ་ཚན། FrenchLeçon" and "Shining Spirit Project"" and more!

    Episodes (44)

    The Geluk Domestication of Tantra

    The Geluk Domestication of Tantra
    Brenton Sullivan presents his new book "Building a Religious Empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa" and discuss the third chapter, "Institutionalizing Tantra", in more detail In his new book, "Building a Religious Empire Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa (UPenn Press, 2020)" Sullivan utilizes constitutions written for Buddhist monasteries as well as Chinese and Tibetan historical materials to uncover the role of Buddhist prelates in legislating and administering their monasteries across Inner Asia. In this talk, he will focus in particular on the attention these prelates gave to domesticating tantra taking the streams of powerful mouth to ear practices meant for the liberation of the practitioner and bringing them into the confines of the monastery, where they serve the purposes of the institution.

    Preliminary Practices: Bloody Knees, Calloused Palms and the Transformative Nature of Women’s Labor

    Preliminary Practices: Bloody Knees, Calloused Palms and the Transformative Nature of Women’s Labor
    The Preliminary Practices not only initiate practitioners into a specific tradition, but also more fundamentally, into Vajrayana Buddhism as it is practiced in contemporary Tibet. In this paper, I explore the Preliminary Practices of a specific group of Tibetan Buddhist women in Bongma Mayma a rural area of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province. I focus specifically on the nuns and lay women who utilize this set of teachings and practices. The Preliminary Practices not only initiate practitioners into a specific tradition (that of the Drikung Kagyu and more specifically the Amitabha practices of this lineage), but also more fundamentally, into Vajrayana Buddhism as it is practiced in contemporary Tibet. Although monks and male lay practitioners in this region also tend to perform the same Preliminary Practices, I focus specifically on women because of their unique relationship with bodily labor.

    Demander Son Chemin Quand on est Perdu.

    Demander Son Chemin Quand on est Perdu.
    Partie 3 :  སྡེ་ཚན་གསུམ་པ།   Part3       

    Je suis perdu:  ལམ་ནོར་འདྲི་རྩད་ཀྱི་སྐོར།   I’m lost

    1. Quel est cet endroit ? [on est où ici ?]

    What is this place?  zhè ér shi shen me di fang 这是什么地方?

    2. Comment va-t-on à l’hôtel Hymalaya ?

    Comment on fait pour aller à l’hôtel Himalaya ? / à l’hôtel Hymalaya, on y va comment ?

    How do you get to the Himalayan Hotel?

    3. Cette route mène-t-elle à l'hôtel Himalaya?

    Does this road go to the Himalayan Hotel?  [Est ce que cette route va à l’hotel Himalaya

    zhè tiáo jle tong wang xi ma là yo fàn diàn ma

    4. S’il vous plait, quel est le meilleur chemin pour aller au zoo ?


    [est ce que vous pouvez me dire c’est quoi le meilleur chemin pour aller au zoo, s’il vous plait ?]

    Dites-moi le meilleur chemin pour aller au zoo, s'il vous plaît?

    Tell me the best way to zoo, please?

    qing gào su wo qu dòng wù yuán de zui ja iù xiàn

    请 告诉我去动物园 的最佳路线?


    5. On est dans quelle rue ? c’est quelle rue ici ?    
    What is this street ?             zhe shi shén me dà jie 这条街是什么?


    6. ས་གནས་འདི་ས་ཁྲའི་ངོས་ཀྱི་གང་ན་ཡོད་དམ།

    On se situe où sur la carte?    [où est-ce qu’on est sur la carte ?] Where's here on the map?

    zhè gè di fäng zal di tú shàng de shé这个地方 在地图上的什


    7. Il faut combien de temps pour y aller à pieds ?  

    How many minutes by walk?

    yào zou duo shoo fen zhong

    8. est ce que ça prend 30 minutes ? Est-ce qu’il faut 30 minutes ?  [est-ce qu’en 30 minutes on y est ?]

    Does it take thirty minutes?
    yào san shí fen zhöng ma

    9. Vous feriez mieux de prendre un taxi. (ou le bus)

    རབ་ཡིན་ན་གླ་འཁོར་གླས་ན་བཟང་། (ཡང་ན་ སྤྱི་སྤྱོད་རླངས་འཁོར་)
    You'd best take a taxi.(or a bus)
    zui hao da chéng chu zü che

    10. Tournez à droite, après, c’est tout droit. 

    Turn right and go straight.
    xiàng you zhuan rán hou xiàng 向 右 转,然 后 向

    11. Est-ce que c’est facile à trouver ? 

    Can l find it easily?  wo hui hěn rong yi zhão dào ma

    12.Ensuite, redemandez à quelqu’un.

    Please ask someone.
    qing zài wèn blé rén

    13. Est ce que c'était la maison de tashi ? 

    / བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཀྱི་ཁྱིམ་ཨེ་རེད།  འདི་ནི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཀྱི་ཁྱིམ་རེད་པས། 
    Is this Tashi's home?

    14. Sa maison, c-est la suivante.
    His home is the next one.
    ta jla zài gé bì

    15. à quel croisement il faut que je tourne?
    Which corner do I turn?
    wo gai zài nå zhuan wan

    16. Tournez à gauche au 3ème bloc = tournez à gauche à la 3 ème  rue.]

    Turn left at the third block.
    zài di san gè Jie qu xiàng zud zhuon

    17. Est-ce que c’est le seul chemin pour y aller ?
    Is this the only way there?

    zhe shi wél yi qù nà de Iù ma?

    18. Est-ce qu’il y a des cinémas là ?
    འདིའི་ཉེ་འགྲམ་ན་ཟློས་གར་ཁང་ཡོད་དམ། ཟློས་གར་ཁང་ =གློག་སྙན་ཁང་།
    Any movie theaters here?
    zhè fu jin you xi yuàn mg

    19 Est ce que vous pouvez m’y emmener s'il vous plaît? ང་དེ་རུ་ཁྲིད་ན་ཨེ་ཆོག ཁྱེད་ཀྱིས་ང་དེར་ཁྲིད་ཆོག་གས།

    Could you take me there, please?

    qing dài wo qu nà l1 hoo ma


    20. Où est la cabine publique pour téléphoner ? Where is public telephone?


    l1 you gong yòng diàn huòa nă

    21Je vous appelle pour vous demander où se trouve mon hôtel

    .I'm calling to ask where my hotel is
    wó wèn ni fàn diàn de wèi zhi

    22. cest quoi le numéro de votre chambre? What is your room number?

    ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་ཁང་བའི་སྒོ་རྟགས་ཅི་རེད། །
    ni de fáng Jian hào mà shi di

    23.j’irai te chercher [j’irai t’accueillir] I'll come to meet you.
    wo qù jiê ni


    24. J’arrive bientot.    I'll come soon.

    ང་མགྱོགས་པོར་ཐོན་ངེས།. ང་མགྱོགས་པོར་སླེབས་རྒྱུ་ཡིན།

    wo hěn kudi jlù lái


    Alain Kossanyi
    84 avenue de la Marne
    92120 Montrouge

    Shining Spirit Project

    Shining Spirit Project
    In 1998 Jamyang Yeshi, a talented singer and musician from the Amdo region of Tibet, fled and settled in Dharamsala, India. Over eight years in India he performed widely until his life took a different course in 2005. Jamyang was invited to Canada to perform at the Banff Centre's 'Cultures at Risk' Summit and was granted refugee status in Canada. This brought him closer to his brother, Tsundue, who had also escaped Tibet and made his home in the United States. However, both men's freedom in exile kept them continents apart from the rest of their close-knit family in Tibet. In early 2006, the Tara Café Project began work on the Shining Spirit recording and film project project which would bring the family together through their music. Over the course of three weeks, members of Jamyang’s musical family were recorded. The Shining Spirit Project is a testament to the power of music, the resilience of the Tibetan culture, and the enduring bond of a family separated by politics and geography. The film was released in September 2009 and is currently on the Banff Mountain Film Festival world tour. Digital Himalaya is delighted to host the trailer of Shining Spirit.

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 14, Praying for Children

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 14, Praying for Children
    The leader of the Thang lung Tribe in Mdzo dge asked Ya ri a bsod to sing this praying song for children because he had no sons. Ya ri a bsod sang this prayer song and later the leader had three sons. 若尔盖一个部落(塘隆)的首领因为没有孩子就请亚日阿索唱这首祈求歌。然后亚日阿索唱了这首歌,后来那个首领有了三个儿子。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 10, Wishing for the Wife to Return

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 10, Wishing for the Wife to Return
    The Bzhag sdom tribal leader’s wife was kidnapped by one of his servants, so he asked Ya ri a bsod to sing this song to pray for his wife's return. 秀朵首领的妻子被一个仆人带走了,而首领就请亚日阿索唱这首歌祈祷他的妻子将回归来。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 9

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 9
    This song is sung when people make incense offerings. If someone has no children, they may sing this song while making incense offerings in order to pray for children. 当人们煨桑的时候唱这首歌。如果没有孩子就可以唱这首歌的同时煨桑而祈求孩子。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 8, Prayer for Children

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 8, Prayer for Children
    The Thang lung tribal leader in Mdzo dge asked Ya ri a bsod to sing this song to pray for children because he had no sons, and after Ya ri a bsod sang this, the leader had three sons. 若尔盖一个部落(塘隆)的首领因为没有孩子就请亚日阿索唱这首祈求歌。然后亚日阿索唱了这首歌,后来那个首领有了三个儿子。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 7, Praise Song for Jamyang Zhapa

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 7, Praise Song for Jamyang Zhapa
    This song may be sung at celebratory gathering and praises a famous and important lama from Labrang monastery. 这首歌可以在庆祝聚会上演唱,这首歌赞美一位拉卜楞寺伟大的喇嘛,赞扬他是个博学者。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 5, In Praise of Horses

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 5, In Praise of Horses
    The lyrics state that if you praise a lama’s horse then you will be successful. Only a few elderly people can sing this song currently. 这首歌的歌词中叙述了如果你赞美喇嘛的马,你就可能会万事如意。最近只有很少的老人会唱这首歌。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 4

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 4
    A tribal leader in Mdzo dge had two wives, one of whom asked Ya ri a bsod to sing this song to her husband in order to convince him to treat his two wives equally. 在若尔盖有个部落,而部落的首领有两个妻子。她们中的一个妻子请求亚日阿索给首领唱这首歌来劝他善待自己的两个妻子。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 3

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 3
    Once Ya ri a bsod had a girlfriend who was betrothed to a tribal leader’s son and Ya ri a bsod sang this song to persuade her to marry that man. 亚日阿索曾经有个女朋友,后来她和一位领导的儿子订婚了。但是她想和亚日阿索在一起。因此亚日阿索就唱这首歌劝她应该要嫁给那个男的。

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 1

    Sha bo don 'grub rdo rje and Skal dbang skyid: Ya ri a bsod Collection: Ya ri a bsod Collection 1
    At one time, Ya ri a bsod went to steal horses in Rta bo and was shot and injured. As he lay dying he sang this song to describe his situation. 亚日阿索曾经去大武偷马不幸而受伤了。他几乎要死了就唱这首歌描述他悲惨的处境。

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