

    Explore "aras" with insightful episodes like "Editorial: Aras se orgulha do fim da Lava Jato", "PGR recebe notícia-crime contra Moraes assinada por delegados aposentados da PF", "Campanha para Bicentenário da Independência é liberada após erro de Moraes", "Moraes não comunica Aras sobre operação contra empresários bolsonaristas" and "Aras diz não aceitar alegação de fraude nas urnas e afirma que quem ganhar vai tomar posse" from podcasts like ""Editorial - Gazeta do Povo", "Bom Dia - Gazeta do Povo", "Bom Dia - Gazeta do Povo", "Bom Dia - Gazeta do Povo" and "Bom Dia - Gazeta do Povo"" and more!

    Episodes (43)


    Shuko has a passion for motorcycles and takes Geoff on a (virtual) weekend ride on curvy mountain roads. What helps make their ride safer and more comfortable is ARAS, Bosch’s Advanced Rider Assistance System. Two of its developers, Yuki Oshida and Daniel Vetter, explain how they transferred ideas like adaptive cruise control from passenger cars to motorcycles. Turns out, 2-wheelers have peculiar physics! Victor Manuel Rivera knows that, too. He pushes the limits of the laws of physics during his motorcycle circus act: The Globe of Speed. No risk, no fun? Wrong, says Shuko. After an exclusive test ride with Daniel, she is convinced that electronic systems can mitigate some of the risks inherent to motorcycles without reducing the fun. Warning: this episode might evoke a passion for motorcycles in listeners as well! Shownotes: More about ARAS: https://www.bosch-mobility-solutions.com/en/solutions/assistance-systems/advanced-rider-assistance-systems-2w/ More Bosch podcasts: Beyond Bosch: https://podtail.com/de/podcast/beyond-bosch/ Mighty Micro: https://mightymicro.podigee.io/

    Por onde anda Augusto Aras? O silêncio do PGR e como isso afeta Brasília

    Por onde anda Augusto Aras? O silêncio do PGR e como isso afeta Brasília
    ***) Este episódio do podcast 15 Minutos recebe Renan Ramalho, repórter da Gazeta do Povo em Brasília. Ele fala sobre o 'sumiço" do Procurador-Geral da República Augusto Aras diante dos últimos episódios de tensão na capital federal e como esse silêncio fez com que senadores protocolassem uma notícia-crime por prevaricação — tudo isso às vésperas de sua sabatina para ser reconduzido ao cargo.


    Ficha técnica: ‘15 minutos’, podcast de notícias da Gazeta do Povo #Apresentação e roteiro: Márcio Miranda; direção de conteúdo: Rodrigo Fernandes; equipe de produção: Maria Eduarda Scroccaro montagem: Leonardo Bechtloff; estratégia de distribuição: Marcus Ayres.

    #BiroscaNews 80: PGR pede que USP censure o Professor Conrado Hübner

    #BiroscaNews 80: PGR pede que USP censure o Professor Conrado Hübner
    Falamos sobre a Representação apresentada pelo Procurador-Geral da República, Augusto Aras, contra o Prof. Conrado Hübner Mendes, por textos críticos publicados por este a respeito de ações/omissões daquele.
    O Prof. Conrado é Doutor em Direito Constitucional pela USP e Professor da mesma disciplina também na USP e exerceu seu direito à liberdade de expressão e de crítica acadêmica para criticar a "pessoa pública" do PGR.
    O PGR, por sua vez, alega que os textos teriam lhe ofendido a honra pessoal e, por isso, pede ao Conselho de Ética da USP para que apure violações ético-profissionais do Prof.
    Em nosso entender, como também Prof. de Dir. Constitucional, entendemos que a liberdade não pode ser censurada da forma como quer o PGR e que tal atitude só nos faz lembrar dos tempos sombrios em que a LSN e a perseguição de pessoas em seus locais de trabalho faziam parte da rotina de um governo autoritário.
    Para detalhes da representação ver: https://www.conjur.com.br/2021-mai-16/aras-contesta-conduta-professor-usp-criticou-atuacao

    Wonach suchst du? Haben wir einen eigenen Algorithmus?

    Wonach suchst du? Haben wir einen eigenen Algorithmus?
    Kennst du das Phänomen, dass wenn du dich mit etwas besonders intensiv beschäftigst, du es plötzlich überall siehst? Ein Beispiel: Du möchtest mit Yoga beginnen, fragst dich, ob das etwas für dich ist, was du brauchst, wo du es üben kannst usw.? Plötzlich siehst du lauter Dinge die mit Yoga zu tun haben und das nicht nur im Internet, wo die Algorithmen der verschiedenen Systeme genau wissen, wofür du dich interessierst,........

    Exile Island Rewatch, Part Two - "Is HB Hunny Bunny?"

    Exile Island Rewatch, Part Two - "Is HB Hunny Bunny?"

    We wrap up our Exile Island rewatch with the five best players of the 12th season of Survivor.

    Once again, the season winner did not take the number one spot. And once again, we all disagreed on who should take that spot.

    Make sure to listen all the way to the end to hear what seasons we nominate and follow us on Twitter to vote for the season you want us to rewatch.

    Finally, if you know if HB really stands for Hunny Bunny, tweet at us and let us know! 

    Exile Island Rewatch, Part One - "The Bridge to New School"

    Exile Island Rewatch, Part One - "The Bridge to New School"

    After you voted for Exile Island on Twitter, we rewatched all 14 episodes (and Dave even watched the mid-season recap that no one ever watches). 

    In part one, we break down the top 10 through 6 players on Exile Island, which includes two players that didn't even make the merge. Find out who made the list and tune in next Sunday for our top five Exile Island players.

    Highlights from this week's episode:

    • Josh explains why this is the beginning of the new school era.
    • One castaway could not stop repeating themselves, which is how they made the list in the first place.
    • Seemingly all of Marc's coworkers watch Survivor now, but do they listen to our podcast?

    Follow us on Twitter at @SurvivorTopTen for updates and live tweets, whenever Survivor starts airing again!

    Thaís Oyama: Alinhado a Bolsonaro, Aras mantém Maia nervoso há um ano

    Thaís Oyama: Alinhado a Bolsonaro, Aras mantém Maia nervoso há um ano
    O procurador-geral da República, Augusto Aras, completou neste sábado (26) um ano à frente da PGR (Procuradoria-Geral da República) com uma gestão marcada pelo alinhamento ao governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido). A colunista do UOL Thaís Oyama analisa a postura do procurador até aqui.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Season 9 - The Philosophy of Appropriateness with Elevia DeNobelia and Syl Sabastian - Episode 81

    Season 9 - The Philosophy of Appropriateness with Elevia DeNobelia and Syl Sabastian - Episode 81

    Elevia DeNobelia 

    Elevia is like an Alice in Wonderland; a perpetual explorer. Her curiosity informs and instigates her journey.    

    Elevia’s origins lie in simple but sublime beginnings. In the midst of what others would describe as trying circumstances, she made the most of her wonderful family life, developing a solid foundation of sturdy character. A focus she has spent her life extending and refining.

    From unusual relationships, living in a desert without electricity and running water and no close neighbours, having restaurants, one on top of a mountain, close interactions with a tribe of Bushmen, owning and running retail stores, to leaving it all behind to start over on a new continent with many attendant adventures too numerous to mention, Elevia’s perpetual focus on learning and growth has served her well. Always everything to her was all under the umbrella focus of Self-Discovery and the Application of her continual learning. Each circumstance and situation adding volumes to her personal story and internal growth.

    Ever the lover of knowledge and personal development, Elevia set about engaging the world with the totality of her being. Everything she does, has done, has that component of developing and furthering her Awareness, Discernment and Understanding. 

    Syl Sebastian

    A Philosopher-Writer focusing on the Application of a comprehensive Practical-Personal-Philosophy. Creator of: The Philosophy of Appropriateness

    From age 10, on the day he literally exploded a light-bulb, Syl Sabastian’s acute life-long love affair with Understanding began. Since then his focus on, and love of Awareness, or more accurately his struggle with non-awareness, has never let-up.

    An intense reader in his youth, Syl absorbed over a book a day, including the classics read in chronological order, culminating in extensive science-fiction/fantasy/speculative reading. After transitioning to Applying and Living his philosophies, Appropriately, with Attunement the ever-present motivation and catalyst, it all morphed in time to an earnest propensity to write and communicate.

    Syl and His Heart have owned restaurants, stores, online businesses, and travelled the world, while implementing and enjoying their life-perspectives of which he writes so deeply. As Biella is so fond of saying, "and there's More..."

    Often offering multiple sides of an argument, he provokes self-introspection. His aim is to uncover Appropriateness, Awareness, Attention, Application, Attunement, and more, with a unique, high-level understanding of the profound intricacies that interlace these concepts

    Show Notes:

    Website Programs, Courses Workshops Facebook Group: 

    Den kvarlämnade medaljen - Aras protest

    Den kvarlämnade medaljen - Aras protest

    Brottaren Ara Abrahamian anklagades för att ha kränkt den olympiska andan och blev avstängd, efter att ha lagt ifrån sig sin bronsmedalj och i protest lämnat prisceremonin vid OS i Peking 2008.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Men avstängningen hävdes och istället förändrades brottningens regler efter domarskandalen.

    Den här dokumentären är berättelsen om en av Sveriges mest framgångsrika brottare. Han som blev världsmästare två gånger om och som också vann två olympiska medaljer.

    Det här är också berättelsen om korruption och fusk och om brottaren vars agerande förändrade reglerna.

    Dokumentär av Martin Marhlo 2019/2020
    Slutmix Maria Stockhaus
    Programledare och producent: Alexander Lundholm

    Innovate Series with Robert Koptas, Editor of Istanbul-Based Aras Publishing House

    Innovate Series with Robert Koptas, Editor of Istanbul-Based Aras Publishing House

    Rober Koptas is the editor-in-chief of Aras Publishing, an Istanbul-based publishing house co-founded in 1993 by Hrant Dink, Mkrtich Margosyan, and Yetvart Tovmasyan. Koptas was previously editor-in-chief of Hrant Dink’s Agos newspaper. He spoke at Innovate Armenia about Istanbul’s Armenian community and his experience with hyphenated identities. This talk was recorded live on April 2, 2016 at USC.

    To learn more about the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, visit http://armenian.usc.edu.

    Season 8- Cathy Fyock - Your possibility partner and book strategist - 80

    Season 8- Cathy Fyock - Your possibility partner and book strategist - 80

    Cathy Fyock is is Your Possibility Partner, providing you with the intensive support you need to get your book DONE.  She is the author of eight published books and several forthcoming books, six workbooks, four e-learning modules, chapters in four books, website tool kits, as well as hundreds of articles, blog posts, white papers, and newsletters, and has mastered the art of getting a book on paper quickly, and then using her speaking and writing to generate revenue streams and create new business opportunities.  She leads her own consulting/coaching/speaking practice and has been a member of the National Speakers Association for more than 20 years.  Cathy has been a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) since 1993.

    Prior to this new direction, Cathy has been an Employment Strategist, combining her knowledge of work force issues and her talents as a speaker, consultant and author to inspire business leaders to attract and engage top talent and improve productivity in an aging and changing workplace.  She has worked as the leader of her own firm—Innovative Management Concepts—for more than 20 years, and has been a consultant with several national/regional consulting practices.

    She has consistently used her writing skills to promote her business, build credibility, create powerful revenue streams, and establish herself as a thought-leader.  While never picked for the high school newspaper or seen as a “writer” by any of her teachers, she consistently uses writing to build her business, and to help other speakers, consultants, and small business owners use writing to meet their business objectives.

    Cathy helps aspiring consultants through her webinars and coaching programs, and supports small business owners, consultants and speakers in leveraging speaking and writing to build their businesses through a variety of services, including her books, webinar programs, one-on-one and group coaching programs, and consulting.

    Show Notes -

    Cathy Fyock - Website

    Book Recommendations - Here

    Cathy’s Credo and Writer’s Pledge - Here