

    Explore "betterlife" with insightful episodes like "Vision Then Decision", "043: Your passion in life!", "#084: Breitfelds Top 5: So baust du schneller Muskeln auf!", "Podcast Restart Episode #13 "John Rehrer" Certified Primal-Keto Health & wellness coach." and "Podcast ReStart: Friday Conversation #9 "Back in Mormon Land" 2 Star Ratings, and Katie is a Celebrity." from podcasts like ""Breakthrough With Coach Lew", "English with Stories", "Die Biohacking-Praxis", "The Podcast ReStart" and "The Podcast ReStart"" and more!

    Episodes (60)

    043: Your passion in life!

    043: Your passion in life!

    What is your passion in life? that's the question my friend Ramiro and I asked each other for the first episode of the year. 

    As it turns out we have a very similar passion, Filmmaking. Ramiro is particularly interested in nature and wildlife, I on the other hand dream about writing and directing my own films, mostly with people, not so much with wild animals. 

    Perhaps this is a good opportunity to ask yourself this questions: 

    What is your passion in life? 
    What makes your heart come alive? 
    Are you doing the things you enjoy to do on a regular basis? 

    I wish you all a great 2024 full of excitement and new opportunities ! 

    #084: Breitfelds Top 5: So baust du schneller Muskeln auf!

    #084: Breitfelds Top 5: So baust du schneller Muskeln auf!
    Juhu, neue Serie! Andreas eröffnet ab sofort jede neue Staffel (ja, wir starten schon in die Biohacking-Praxis-Staffel 8!) mit seiner persönlichen Rangliste der Hacks zu einem Thema, das uns alle angeht. Wir beginnen mit Andreas’ Top 5 zum Thema Muskelaufbau.

    Der Partner der heutigen Episode heißt spermidineLIFE®. Mit dem neuen Produkt nadLIFE® Energy+ mit Niacin, unterstützt du deinen Körper dabei, den hektischen Alltag mit voller Energie zu bewältigen.**
    *1 Niacin trägt zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel und zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei.
    *2 Zink trägt zu einer normalen DNA- und Eiweißsynthese und dem Schutz der Zelle vor oxidativem Stress bei und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung.

    Die angesprochene Red Bulletin-Story über die unglaubliche Longevity-Initiative von Michael Greve gitb es hier.

    Vitamin D3 mit K2 gibt’s hier.

    Andreas’s liebste essenzielle Aminosäuren gibt es hier.
    (Hallo Julia, hast du die mittelgut versteckte Botschaft von Andreas gehört?)

    Kreatin gibt es hier.

    Die Folge der Biohacking-Praxis zu Kreatin gibt es hier.

    Das IHHT-Gerät, das Andreas in seinem Biohacking-Lab stehen hat.

    „Body by Science“, das Buch von Douglas McGuff, gibt es hier.

    Andreas hat die Egym-Technologie in Salzburg kennen gelernt, in den Maikai Studios
    Maikai. Egym.

    Zum Vitruvian System geht es hier.

    Den X3-Bar gibt es nach wie vor am besten direkt bei Andreas.

    Weil Andreas und Stefan so häufig gefragt werden, welche Produkte sie selbst verwenden, haben sie gemeinsam mit Julia Tulipan eine Seite eingerichtet, auf der sie ihre persönlichen Lieblingsprodukte (und aktuelle Rabattcodes) sammeln.

    Das Buch „Ab jetzt Biohacking“ von Andreas Breitfeld und Stefan Wagner erschien am 17. Mai beim Ecowing-Verlag. Bestellen kann man es hier.

    Das Buch „Viel Erfolg beim Misserfolg“ ist der Biohacking-Business-Ratgeber von Stefan Wagner, erschienen im Seifert Verlag, erhältlich hier.

    Andreas Breitfelds Website.

    Das ausführliche Porträt über Andreas Breitfeld in The Red Bulletin (Autor, übrigens: Stefan Wagner).

    Das Biohacking-Special, das Andreas Breitfeld und Stefan Wagner gemeinsam für The Red Bulletin INNOVATOR produziert haben.

    Stefan Wagners Biohacking-Kolumne im „carpe diem“.

    Podcast Restart Episode #13 "John Rehrer" Certified Primal-Keto Health & wellness coach.

    Podcast Restart Episode #13 "John Rehrer"  Certified Primal-Keto Health & wellness coach.

    In this episode of Podcast Restart, we dive headfirst into the world of Keto Primal health with a seasoned expert in the field. Our guest, John Rehrer, is a Master Certified Primal health coach who has dedicated his life to helping individuals harness the power of this lifestyle.

    Join us as we explore the fascinating intersection of the ketogenic diet and primal living, delving deep into the philosophy and practical applications that can lead to a life filled with vitality, wellness, and sustained energy. John shares his extensive knowledge and personal journey, offering invaluable insights into the benefits of Keto Primal living, from weight management to mental clarity, improved fitness, and beyond. 

    Whether you're a seasoned Keto Primal enthusiast or just curious about this health and wellness approach, this episode is packed with actionable advice, tips, and inspiration to help you take control of your health journey. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone looking to optimize their health and well-being.

    Tune in to this episode of Podcast Restart and discover how simple, actionable changes in your life can be a game-changer in your quest for a healthier, more vibrant life.

    Find John on Instagram

    Or at his website:

    Follow the ReStart Podcast on Instagram:

    Contact us here: 
    Podcast ReStart

    Follow Vince on Instagram:

    Follow Katie Anne on Instagram:
    www.instagram.com/lifecoaching_with_katie OR


    Podcast ReStart: Friday Conversation #9 "Back in Mormon Land" 2 Star Ratings, and Katie is a Celebrity.

    Podcast ReStart: Friday Conversation #9 "Back in Mormon Land" 2 Star Ratings, and Katie is a Celebrity.

    Welcome to another exciting episode of Podcast ReStart's "Friday Conversation"!

    In this week's edition, we're diving deep into Vincent's incredible (and funny)  journey back to "the land of the Mormons."

    We explore the powerful idea that it's not the "place" that defines greatness but rather the "people" who inhabit it.

    What exactly does a two-star rating signify, and why should we care? We'll unravel the mystery behind it.

    But that's not all! We ponder the questions: Are you truly listening, and who exactly is our audience?

    Join us as we share some amusing encounters with funny looks from people along the way.

    Plus, don't miss our in-depth review of our recent Podcast ReStart Guests, and get a sneak peek into our exciting lineup of powerhouse future guests.

    So, kick back, relax, and join us for our always engaging and lighthearted Friday conversations. It's a podcast episode you won't want to miss!


    Podcast ReStart: Friday Conversation #8 "Back to school", "Announcing Announcments", " Couples fight" and "How many Takes does it take"?

    Podcast ReStart: Friday Conversation #8 "Back to school", "Announcing Announcments", " Couples fight"  and "How many Takes does it take"?

    We are back with another Editdion of the Podcast ReStart's "Friday Conversation".

    On this weeks episode, we are talking about “going back to school”, the issue we have with “announcing just announcements”, “a new strategy for when couples fight” and finally “how many takes does it take to get your social media content, right”? 

    As always, this is a fun light Friday conversation talking about real life situations that happend this week that you can probably relate to as well. So, sit back and enjoy the Podcast Restarts: “Friday conversation” 



    Podcast Restart: Friday Conversation #6 "There is just something about a beach"

    Podcast Restart: Friday Conversation #6 "There is just something about a beach"

    Podcast ReStart is coming to you this week from Venice, California for this weeks Friday conversation. The hot topics on the list are as follows: The beach, Roadtrips and what are the requirements to be able to call your product "The worlds best", Beach performers (the good and the well......... not so good :)  and finall,  no matter what you decide to do,  "hustle counts"… Even when panhandeling. Also a Bonus topic which is the "wonderfulness" (yes that is a word) of Katies Anne’s Laugh.

    Podcast Restart Episode #9 "Lets get down to business"

    Podcast Restart Episode #9 "Lets get down to business"

    On this weeks Podcast Restart, we explore the profound impact of the decision to work for yourself. Whether you're on the brink of making this life-altering choice or simply curious about the entrepreneurial world, our podcast will provide you with the guidance, motivation, and insights needed to embark on your own path to self-employment. Get ready to break free and unlock your full potential,

    Join us as we uncover the highs, the lows, and the pivotal moments that lead individuals to embrace the path of self-employment. Hear our 1st hand experiences  of  taking the leap, leaving behind the security of traditional employment to pursue our passions and dreams.




    Your Perception and how it influences everything you do

    Your Perception and how it influences everything you do

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    What is your perception? 

    There are two types of people in this world: those who view the glass as half-full, and those who see the glass as half-empty. This phenomenon is called perception, and our perceptions profoundly impact how we experience life.

    "Perception molds, shapes, and influences our experience of our personal reality

     “Perception is merely a lens or mindset from which we view people, events, and things.”

    In other words, we believe what we perceive to be accurate, and we create our own realities based on those perceptions. And although our perceptions feel very real, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily factual.

    Our past experiences greatly influence how we decode things. Certain people, things, and situations can trigger you to interpret things through a positive or negative lens based on those past experiences.

    Your perceptions influence all areas of life. "The totality of your perceptions— regarding yourself, your life, life in general, others, and so on—creates and impacts your personal reality and ultimately your experience of life," If you perceive things in a positive light, you’ll experience a happier existence.

    Perception informs your relationships, too. “If you constantly perceive people (your boss, teacher, parent, sibling) as always being against you, you will most likely react in a defensive, combative, negatively reactive, and victim-like way. “This way of perceiving people can lead to experiencing intense levels of unhappiness, and both inner-personal and outer disturbances.” On the flip side, perceiving people through a positive lens leads to experiencing higher levels of joy and inner peace.

    You misperceiving certain situations, likely because of previous negative experiences you’ve endured, can also cause you to miss out on some fantastic things life has to offer, such as promotions at work or romantic relationships.

    Fear also influences the way we view things, but that’s not always a bad thing. If our perception is based on fear, then we may end up avoiding things that we misperceive as dangerous when in fact, they aren’t, At the same time, our perception of a situation may keep us safe from harm. To distinguish between the two, question how accurate your perceptions are or are not.

     How to switch to a more positive perception of life

    1. Take personal responsibility

    Changing your perceptions requires that you, first and foremost, take responsibility for your past unconscious reactions, It’s only then that you can begin to see people, events, things, and even yourself from a more neutral or positive perspective.

    2. Have compassion for yourself and others

    Shifting the way you view the world is no easy feat, so it’s essential to be patient and gentle with yourself. “Have compassion for yourself as you work [on] taking proactive steps towards perceiving your reality in a more conscious and empowered way,”

    the changes you make in your perception may even ruffle other people’s feathers, so express compassion for them, too. Your growth may be a catalyst for their growth as well

    3. Have a willingness to see things differently

    Change requires willingness. Often people say they want to change, but they aren’t actually prepared to make said changes. So having a desire to see things differently is a vital component. creates room for us to learn and create new perceptions.

    4. Activate your pause button when triggered

    Whenever you feel triggered by someone, something, or some situation, take a moment to breathe and ground yourself into the present moment so you can choose how you will respond from a more empowered place.

    And if a few deep breaths aren’t enough to help you shift, don’t be afraid to give yourself a grown-up time-out. Dr. Humphreys recommends letting other people know that you need some time to process things, and that you will address the issue at a later time.

    5. Enlist support

    We’re so accustomed to perceiving things a certain way that sometimes it’s difficult to see our blindspots and where perhaps we’re not looking at things in the most favorable light.

    run your perceptions past someone else. Whether it’s a trusted friend or family member or a professional such as a psychologist, talk to someone who can help you see things from a different perspective that you might not have thought of before. “It’s the only way we improve our perceptions and reduces the number of mistakes we make,” he says.

    6. Look for patterns

    “We all have patterns, the way we perceive things. To spot those patterns, he recommends asking yourself if other independent, objective people would look at the same situation and come to the same assessment as you have.

    This practice will cause you to think more critically and less emotionally, and open you up to notice things that you may have initially missed because you were caught up in your pattern.


    Is your perception your reality?

    According to Psychology Today, Perception is not reality, but, admittedly, perception can become a person's reality (there is a difference) because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality. Think of it this way. Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality.

    1. Our energy and abilities impact our perspective

    Several studies show that our physical bodies and our ability to move influence how we view our surroundings. For example, researchers have found that if you are obese or tired, distances look farther to you

    If you are holding something that extends your reach—like a grabber—things appear closer to you, too. In sports, successful baseball batters literally see bigger balls coming at them from the pitcher, and golfers who put well see bigger holes.

    2. Our body awareness affects our decisions

    People that tend to have more stress in their lives tend to only see the bad stuff and make poor decisions.

    3. Being hungry (or not) changes our choices

    Our body’s energy levels also impact decision-making. In one experiment, participants who drank a sugary drink made better decisions and delayed immediate gratification longer than people who gulped down a sweet-tasting drink without glucose. Similarly, when judges make parole decisions just before their lunch breaks or the end of their day, they tend to deny parole. That’s because a decision to grant parole requires more careful consideration—and, so, more energy.

    4. Feeling bad makes things seem harder

    Anyone who’s ever felt sad or depressed knows it’s hard to face the world when you’re down. But it’s interesting to note that these feelings also change our sensory perceptions. For example, people listening to melancholic music tend to think a hill looks steeper than people listening to happy music

    5. Having other people around make things seem easier

    Our social connections seem to play a role in reducing stress, which might be why being with others changes our perception of pain or difficulty, making them both easier to bear. These studies and more point to the centrality of our social relationships for resilience when things are hard.

    Make and save money to debt free and become wealthy

    Make and save money to debt free and become wealthy

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    In this episode, I will talk about what you need to do to get ahead in your financial life. there are many things you should do to become very wealthy. 

     Things you need to do to become wealthy.

    So, are you rich or should I say are you wealthy? Learning from Dave Ramsey and becoming a Ramsey Solutions financial coach has taught me a lot about the different ways and the different things you need to do to become rich or wealthy. There are steps that you need to take to bring more money into your life.


    We live in a cause-and-effect world, what you plant is what you'll harvest. You can't plant beans and expect corn to pop up.

    You will reap what you sow so if you plant stupid, you'll get stupid.

    What you put into your life is what you're going to get out.

    So through my studies and what I've learned there are things you need to do with money and time you will build A level of wealth 100% of the time. We cannot predict things that will happen to us such as car accidents, medical bills and things like that, but we can prepare and save up for them and overtime using the baby steps that we teach you will become wealthy. All these things I'm talking about are common sense. It's things that you knew already before you even started listening to this show. But I am here to help you remember them and to put them into action. But it is in you to make that decision. It's time to decide do you want to live the way you've been living or do you want to grow and become wealthier. You're going to keep getting what you're getting if you keep doing what you're doing.

    You have to get out of debt, you have to get to the point where you do not owe anybody any money at all. This is the first step to paying yourself and giving yourself a raise. Your most powerful wealth building tool is your income. Think about where you would be if you didn't have any payments. Think about how much money you can save or invest every month.

    Another part of getting out of debt that a lot of people don't realize is you need to have high quality relationships in your life. You need to be around the people that are going to help you win with life. Broke people tend to hang out with broke people rich people tend to hang out with rich people. And it's not about the money, it's about the attitude of life. Studies have shown that over a 10 year period of time your income will become within a 10 to 20% of the income of the average of your 10 closest friends. Because you will have the same habits that they do.

    You have to save for emergencies. Things are going to happen; you have to be prepared for them to happen. If you save for emergencies, you will find that you will not have any emergencies. When something happens you just pay for it.

    And you have to surround yourself with generosity. Generous people make more money. Generous people are happier and live more fulfilling lives. Generosity changes everything in your life.


    Moving to financial piece by giving yourself a raise

    Pay cash

    Paying in cash activates the pain center of your brain. You feel the exchange when you pay with cash by paying with a card there is no sense of exchange. You give them your card and they give you it back with cash, you don't get it back.

    Do a budget,

    Today is the day you decide to do a budget, you can decide are you going to do it or you are not going to do it but you must do a budget, tell your money where to go. Keep track of your money and where it's going. You have to do a budget and it doesn't have to be anything elaborate, you just need to keep track of your expenses and what money is going out. I recommend that you do a budget on paper at least for your first six months. Now Ramsey solutions offers a free budgeting app called every dollar which is very easy to use and easy to keep yourself on track. There is a paid part of it that links up to your bank account, which helps even better but for now let's just stick with the free app. But working on a budget is the number one way that you are going to save money and by doing the budget you will actually feel like you're giving yourself a raise.

     Look for deals,

    look for deals, compare prices, You will find the same products in different stores costing different prices. A good example of this is Dollar General or even Aldi’s. I shop at all this and find the same things I get at Kroger at half price. This could even be at different supermarkets depending on what part of town you live in. Compare quality (how long will this last). One of the top things that millionaires do is they don't rely on price alone they rely on quality. Think of it this way, is this going to last for at least six years? You may be able to find something cheap but it's cheap for a reason. Part of looking for deals is quality. Use your phone to check prices, make a shopping list. ask for the price match, if they won't leave the store.

    Sign up for the store rewards programs.

    This is a good way for you to save a lot of money because lots of times they offer you discounts or you get points for using their rewards program. A great example is Kroger’s. When you sign up for the rewards program you can go online and load coupons onto that rewards card. And you can use those coupons for several purchases you'll just have to check with the program that you sign up for.

    Check with your bank or credit union. I know that my credit union has a program that when you use their debit card you earn points towards different gifts and stuff like that.

    You can also find websites or apps that you can use that will actually pay you money back if you buy things through their apps. Just look over the terms of use really good before you actually use them because some have hidden agendas. One of the ones that I used to use which I really need to look back into using is called Rakuten. they used to be called Ebates but changed their name. I did use them before and I did get actual checks in the mail. There are a lot of them out there I even heard one where they pay you to buy gas. It is affiliate marketing which is a good thing but just be careful just look over the terms of service real close.

    Use coupons,

    Use coupons, every penny adds up. This can go back to joining the rewards programs such as Kroger Plus card.  And I know other stores have their version of that. You can go on their website and click their digital coupons and use them up to five times on a product. We have all seen the TV shows where the people buy tons of stuff and get it for free because of coupons. I look at those shows and consider them hoarders because they're buying 50 things of shampoo or stuff like that. But I know someone that does that and actually sells them in a garage sale. There's plenty of videos on YouTube you can look at to learn how to do couponing. There are a lot of stores that you would not realize actually do take coupons. Such as Family Dollar and Dollar General.

    Shop secondhand shops,

    I have seen secondhand shops of all kinds. When we think of secondhand shops we always think of things like goodwill but I've seen shops of all different kinds. Shopping secondhand shops, you can find great deals you can also find brand new clothing with tags still on them. clothing is a great deal at these shops. You’d have to look them over, but you can find clothes that are in like new condition. Believe it or not I know millionaires that still shop at secondhand shops. They find clothes that are in great condition or even new with tags. There are websites dedicated to buying second hand clothes. A great example is my sister's poshmark page. She sources high end clothing and sells it at low prices.

    Eat out less.

    Eat out less, you will save a ton of money if you eat out less. eat healthier at home. plan out your meals. make a plan before you go to the stores. Having a grocery list is just like having a budget for shopping. And you can use those coupons that we just talked about. Eating out less brings the family closer together. Actually, having dinner at home with everybody sitting around the table. People have started having dinner baskets that all the family members put their cell phones in so that they actually talk at the dinner table.

    Do this and you will build up your bank account and become wealthy.



    New years in November, Making Lasting Changes now

    New years in November, Making Lasting Changes now


    New years in November?

    Making lasting changes now.

    Jumpstart your new year and life with these helpful tips


    Links for today's Episode

    Click Here for Joe's Book

    Click here for the Year of Profit Youtube Chanel

    Click here to go to the Year of Profit Facebook Page

    Click here to go to Jens Poshmark Closet

    One thing book https://amzn.to/3EJXQ0M

    Buzzed book https://amzn.to/3APRdZE


    In this episode, I will help jumpstart your new year’s Resolutions.

    I know new years is actually a few months away, but the time is now to start a “new you”. Too many people start their new years off with “the time is now” mantra. Well don’t wait till the new year to make that change. Do it now. Statistics show that of those who make a New Year's resolution, after 1 week 75% are still successful in keeping it. After two weeks, the number drops to 71%. After 1 month, the number drops again to 64%. And after 6 months, 46% of people who make a resolution are still successful in keeping it.

    How good are you going to feel when new year’s comes and you’re already living with the positive changes you have made for the past few months. The gym is a great example. Look at how packed the gyms are when everyone is making the same resolution to get into shape. Jumpstart that with you making a new rateen to go to the gym now. That way when new years comes you don’t have to stress over the fact that the gym is too busy to go.

    Life doesn’t wait for you. You need to make your life change now. Just like everything I talk about it takes baby steps. You will get better at every step. You will improve and inspire others to do the same.

    be that inspiration to others. As you do so you will inspire yourself to a better life.


    Here are some new year’s resolutions for a better life.

    1 Build a better budget.

    If there's one New Year's resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it's making a vow to save more money.

    Before you head back to the office in January, outline a rough budget that works for you — and make a plan for how you'll stick to it. Apps like Mint and You Need a Budget (YNAB) can help you do this as painlessly as possible. And supercharge your shopping habits by rethinking when and how you buy things for your home and family; often, there are savings you're leaving on the table.


    2 Practice mindfulness.

    Anxiety can nag at anyone during any season, in all parts of life — and it can be easy to let the idea of the future or past experiences inform your reality of the present. Practicing mindfulness means doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life, and who you are right now, shared Sabrina Romanoff, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in New York City and Yeshiva University professor. Romanoff and other leading psychological experts say committing to mindfulness can help you become a better person in less than a year's time.


    3 Cook something new each week.

    Everyone wants to eat healthier in the new year, but you should also try to eat more diverse foods. After all, variety is the spice of life. This year, choose an easy dinner recipe you've never tried before at least once a week. And pick up a copy of our new Dishes for Two cookbook that contains 125+ recipes that you can explore each and every week this year.


    4 Read more books.

    January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. To keep yourself accountable all year long, why not link up with friends and peers to connect over the best pages you've read? Our Good Housekeeping Book Club can help you get started on this and, together, you'll have a clear snapshot of how many books you'll end up finishing before the year's out.


    5 Drink less alcohol.

    Stop asking yourself if you have the time to cook — and rather focus on the kinds of recipes you can set and forget! While some are more indulgent than others, these handy recipes and quick-thinking culinary ideas developed by the Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen are designed to make your kitchen routine so much easier. You'll embrace your oven, Instant Pot and slow cooker to create kitchen magic in half the time.


    6 Cook more

    Spending more time in the kitchen isn't always easy, but meal prepping can save you time and money during the week.

    Revolutionize your meal prep sessions on Sunday with this Good Housekeeping guide that helps you save time and prevent food waste. Our planning methods simplify cooking and work to organize your sessions around your schedule.


    7 Commit to a healthier sleep routine.

    So many issues can be traced back to a poor night's sleep. And yet, there is so much more that we can aim to improve beyond a reasonable bedtime. Creating a plan to improve your sleep hygiene — the habits you maintain to get good sleep every night — may look different for everyone, as it depends on when you need to be active and working throughout the day. Your brain actually relies on cues to regulate your internal circadian rhythm, and the choices you make throughout the day can interfere with these. Start taking charge of your sleep by mastering these 10 to-dos as the year progresses.


    8 Join a club.

    Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a club will help you meet new people in the process. Sites like Meetup can help you find a group of people with similar interests, and you can work on creating digital meetups with new friends in the process.

    Creative clubs can also be a boon in helping you stick to mastering a new craft.


    9 Quit smoking.

    Cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health, particularly your lungs — but tobacco products in general (including vapes!) pose a serious threat. There are so many resources to help you get a jumpstart on ditching tobacco: Many are touted by officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you've tried before but need a bit more help, experts at the American Cancer Society outline a few tools that you can turn to this year.


    10 Learn to love vegetables.

    Whether you're working on weight management or towards a balanced diet, vegetables are your friends, says Stefani Sassos M.S., R.D.N., C.S.O., C.D.N., NASM-CPT, deputy director of the Good Housekeeping Institute's Nutrition Lab.

    Fiber-rich vegetables are especially crucial for healthy hearts and strong veins: "A heart-healthy diet emphasizes produce, balanced by fiber-rich whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes, and lean proteins," she says.


    11 Prioritize annual health screenings.

    Open your calendar app (or planner!) and make your appointments for the year in one sitting — not only will you get the anxiety-inducing nuisance over with, but exams will be less likely to get squeezed out as life gets bonkers. Start with your primary care provider, and ask which screenings (e.g., mammogram, colonoscopy) you're due for. Slot those in, then move on to the dentist's office and head over to your ophthalmologist, too.


    12 Exercise your brain.

    Scientists are always learning more about how humans work to stave off cognitive decline — and while data may be divided, if one thing is sure, games can indeed play a role here. Researchers at Duke University studied participants’ brain activity while they completed simple math problems and found that solving them feels like a reward, helping to curb negative feelings.


    Playing the mind-boosting games featured in this Prevention special can help manage stress and anxiety, as well as boost happiness endorphins at the same time.


    13 Become a plant owner.

    Swing by the garden center after brunch this weekend. Just the presence of indoor plants can lower human stress levels, research shows, and one study found that actively caring for plants calmed the autonomic nervous system and lowered blood pressure.


    And when people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality.


    14 Take the stairs.

    Take 10 minutes to run up the stairs in your office or home. A published study in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that tired women who climbed stairs for 10 minutes got a bigger energy boost than those who had the caffeine equivalent of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee (and burned calories too!).

    Give the Gift of "Where to Next"

    This holiday season, kickstart their next dream trip with a gift from Samsonite. Shop now for up to 30% off.

    15 Start doing yoga with your partner.

    A Sunday morning couples' class could make Sunday afternoon much more fun. Experts at Loyola's Sexual Wellness Clinic believe partner yoga helps couples get more comfortable with each other's bodies, a boon for richer intimacy. Solo yoga can increase enjoyment as well, affecting arousal, desire, and satisfaction — the practice helps relax your mind and strengthen pelvic muscles.


    16 Plan a vacation.

    Women who vacation at least twice a year have a lower heart attack risk than those who do so rarely. And researchers have found that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks.


    17 Head to a day spa.

    It's time to treat yourself — and for good reason. Research indicates that spa services, particularly intensive massages, are effective in managing stress-related cortisol levels while boosting your serotonin, empowering individuals to regulate feelings of anxiety or sadness. A spa service can fulfill the need for human contact, especially under the guise of a licensed, qualified spa technician or massage therapist.


    A day at the spa doesn't require you to jet on an otherwise expensive vacation; in fact, there are numerous leading day spas likely awaiting you just a road trip away. Visitors to The Spa at The Breakers (pictured here, services start at $215) can opt for a multitude of restorative services and work on practicing mindfulness for the rest of the day in their common spaces, which include saunas and a tranquil outdoor respite. Treating yourself to a day spa experience may be the key to stress relief you simply can't achieve at home.


    18 Make time for cuddling.

    If you're reevaluating your intimacy, start by thinking about time spent simply in the arms of your loved one. Cuddling is often underestimated for its ability to bolster physical intimacy. But relationship experts say cuddling can help you feel more connected to your partner than ever. Cuddling just for fun can fight stress and improve both of your moods' by increasing oxytocin hormones, which research adds may also bolster blood pressure, too.


    "When you're regularly physically affectionate with your partner, they're more likely to see you as trustworthy and likable," explains Jessica O'Reilly, Ph.D., sex and relationship expert. This kind of attraction doesn't always need to result in sex or erotic exchanges to impact your relationship positively, as well.


    19 Drink up.

    You know you need to hydrate — but it's especially important when you get only six hours of sleep (or less!). You’re more likely to be dehydrated the day after a disrupted night of sleep, because a hormone that regulates your body’s water conservation is released during later stages of sleep. So down some extra water on those days if you can — and remember that too much water can be tricky for your gut, too.

    20 Chill out.

    Constantly feeling angry and pissed off (especially for women) can lead to less than desirable long-term effects on your holistic health. Chronic anger can impact the body in more ways than just one — it can induce headaches, anxiety, digestion problems and high blood pressure, among other drawbacks.

    319: 3 Questions for a Better Life

    319: 3 Questions for a Better Life

    In this Episode:

    Do you feel your life is off track? Are you waiting for your BIG break? Take our 3-question quiz. Find out what you should be focusing on to have a better life.

    Action Steps:

    • What?
    • When?
    • Who?

    Podcasts Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 302: Thank You Notes: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/thank-you-notes

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1. Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?
    2. Go to AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

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    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!


    Episode 281: Owning What’s Right About You: Action After Simon T. Bailey

    Episode 281: Owning What’s Right About You: Action After Simon T. Bailey

    Action After Items

    Owning What’s Right About You

    1. Take 30 seconds to take inventory about what’s right about you.
    2. What’s an action that person would take to move the needle forward? Take that action.
    3. Over the next 3 days, read out this list to yourself in the mirror at least once a day.


    Stu’s IG - @stumassengill

    Get your Action After Worksheet Here! www.stumassengill.com/actionafter

    Free Resource: www.findingdirectionuniversity.com/5steps

    "False Alarm"

    "False Alarm"

    Have you had any close calls? Car crash, massive heart attack, near drowning, the list can go on an on? What about an urgent text that you were going to get hit by a missile? What would you do? What goes through your mind? Then, right after that... Do you shift gears and decide to live your life with a bit more purpose? I wonder if this makes you hold onto or let go of life easier. I hope this week's podcast can create some good food for thoughts for you. Learn more on www.drfaryal.com 


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