

    Explore "bigfootencounters" with insightful episodes like "SC EP:624 The Abomination", "SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind", "SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man", "SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard" and "SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt" from podcasts like ""Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles" and "Sasquatch Chronicles"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    SC EP:624 The Abomination

    SC EP:624 The Abomination

    I will be welcoming Cliff to the show. Cliff is from Louisiana and has hunted his whole life. Cliff had an encounter with a wolf like creature he stumbled on while hunting. He said “I don’t know…I just don’t know but this thing terrified me, when it stood up it was 13-15 feet away from me and it was big. It turned and looked at me and it felt evil, I raised my gun and it took off. I have never seen anything like it before and I have never seen anything run as fast as this thing did.


    FABRIK, who you'll recognize from their song "Black Lake" played on our outro, is working on their second album. Let's show them some support!


    Dave (bassist for FABRIK) writes, "Our second album, Impermanence, is ready for release. We’re so proud of it that we think it deserves to be on vinyl. So, we’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign for you to pledge and pre-order your copy on vinyl or CD, along with a few other goodies."


    Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fabriktheband/impermanence-by-fabrik


    International Bigfoot Conference 2020


    Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 West Grandridge Blvd, Kennewick, WA 99336


    Admission tickets are good for all three days of fun and films with access to all speakers and vendor tables. Come on out and get in on the weekend of friends, filmmakers and serious researchers from all over. For those who will only be popping in for one day, a $25 ‘One Day Pass’ will be available at the door.


    For tickets and more information visit: https://www.internationalbigfootconference.com/


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind

    SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind

    Winston writes "I had an encounter in 2010 from central Texas. I saw this thing from head to toe....within 30 to 40 yards from me. No obstructions between us. I seen it all....muscles moving under the fur, the mid tarsal break halfway up the foot, it’s face....everything." Spoke to the eyewitness and he said "I was heading towards my deer blind and I smelled what smelled like a dead animal. This thing was looking in my deer blind....I was shocked... I drew what I seen and put a quick me side beside it for comparison"


    Check out the episode page on our website to see Winston's drawing here: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep620-this-thing-was-looking-in-my-deer-blind/


    I will also be welcoming Pat to the show who is a military veteran from Canada. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounters with us. When I spoke to the witness he said "I wanted to tell you about this strange black dog I had a run in with in Afghanistan. It was jet black and seem to show up out of no where. I think it was more of an entity than a dog." I have heard about two dozen accounts of veterans describing these large jet black dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have searched the web but it is hard to find any information on it.


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content. 

    SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man

    SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man

    I will be welcoming two guests to the show: Cathy had an encounter in Washington State, and Chris had an encounter in Canada. Both witnesses thought they were looking at a bear until the creature got up on two legs and walked off. Cathy said “I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, I thought it was a strange bear until it popped up on two legs and walked off like a man.”


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard

    SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard

    Tonight we speak with Norm who is a retired California Highway Patrolman. Norm goes into great detail about what he saw back in 1958 on his father's property. He said “We were doing work for my father on the property when this thing showed up. Keep in mind this is the late 50’s and no one talked about Bigfoot or Sasquatch like they do today.

    I got a great look at it, we tried to keep up with it in this 1941 pickup. I would be happy to come on and share what I saw many years ago. I eventually became a police officer and never spoke about what I saw. There was other strange things going on that property but it was always blamed on something else."


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt

    SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt

    We speak to Devin, Todd and Mason from New York. Devin writes, “I was using my hen call and I was getting no response from anything it was pin drop quiet with a slight fall breeze every now and again would pick up. I came to the edge and I could see the shelf and it was empty no turkey’s so I went down to see if I could find a track. Once I popped over the edge it hit me the feeling of like I am being watched looking for tracks.

    I ignored it thinking it was just a squirrel or something so I ignored it continuing my investigation for the disappearing Turkey. I looked for about 10 minutes duck walking around looking for tracks when I stood up next to this tree looking down into the ravine with my gun propped on my boot like Daniel Boone would with his Kentucky long rifle. This overwhelming feeling like I was being watched was still in the back of my head when my brain said “TURN AROUND NOW!” so I did and as I turned from the corner of my eye I saw a massive red, brown auburn blur retreat from the edge which I just dropped down from.

    My first though was oh it was a deer but then it occurred to me why didn’t I hear leaves crunching or it running through branches? So I said maybe it was my eyes playing with me so I tried to recreate the “blur” and I couldn’t. I will not lie when I say at 17 in the woods with the cannon I was carrying at this moment I was scared shi#less. My heart was racing and the adrenaline kicked in. I raised that shotgun to my shoulder and I started walking back along this shelf heading south back to the camper because it came right out to the driveway within eye site of our camper.”

    He went on to say “A lot has happened, we returned to the area and this thing or things are still in the area. I have found a lot of strange structures what appear to be hunting blinds. My friend was roared at.”


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange

    SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange

    Patrick from Ohio writes “I’ve debated sending this email. I honestly wrote off this particular experience as an over active imagination as a youngster but after listening to your podcast for about a month now I am wondering.

    When I was about 10 I saw a “predator”-esque large human shape in a tree in my backyard. I had not seen the predator movie until 2 years later or so but when I did I immediately went back to what I witnessed.

    I have also experienced ghosts, angels and demons. And when I saw some glowing red eyes out of a back window at a small church I was a pastor at I initially thought it (again) my imagination. However, I gotta say I think it may have been something different.

    Not sure if this is any interest to you but having heard several other folks offer similar stories has suggested a different potential answer to these experiences.

    Just thought I would briefly share it with you.”


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore

    SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore

    Kevin from Texas shares a terrifying encounter he had while out hunting, which caused him to give up hunting all together. Here is an excerpt from his original email, "...I stood up, turned and took step back around the island of brush in the little clearing/secondary cover heading towards the truck, which was still running by the way, that is when I heard, then felt and then briefly and vaguely saw the scariest thing I have ever encountered, anywhere. It was the longest 1 1/2 to 2 minutes of my life. It felt like I was moving in slow motion


    I heard the raspy, gruff high pitched scream almost simultaneous during my standing and about face to move in it’s direction, and looked up at an angle in the place where I thought it originated. I did not see anything, but I definitely heard it. I could feel the steps it took as it started to run away. Looking back, I think it was startled in my sudden change of position or was having issues locating me. Anyway, I looked up, what would be up, what the hell would be up? What the….hell…was that? I stepped forward once and I drew my gun and pointed in the direction almost immediately. Then started to back up and point my gun in the direction of the running sound and the outline of the figure I could see running on the other side of the brush island..."


    Russell Acord returns to discuss Travel Channel's "Expedition Bigfoot" first episode.

    Episode Two: “With one team member down, Russell and Mireya must forge ahead and return to the forest to hunt down their leads. Their intensive investigations uncover the group’s first pieces of potential Bigfoot evidence.”


    Check out "Expedition Bigfoot" HERE.


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:607 Expedition Bigfoot

    SC EP:607 Expedition Bigfoot

    Tonight "Expedition Bigfoot" debuts on the Travel Channel. Russell Acord will be stopping by to discuss the new show and what we can expect. Here is a description of the show “An elite team of Sasquatch specialists journey into the unforgiving Oregon wilderness in search of Bigfoot. The three-week expedition, based on science and expertise, may finally pull the elusive beast out of the pages of legend and lore and into reality.”


    For more information on "Expedition Bigfoot," check out their page HERE.


    Bill will also be joining the show and sharing encounters he has had on his property in NY. Bill said "We always had strange sounds and odd things go on that property. It has been in my family for years. My son saw what was causing all of the strange occurrences."

    See the drawing Bill's son did of the creature he saw on our website HERE.

    SC EP:604 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles III

    SC EP:604 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles III

    Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying some time off and spending time with loved ones. As is now tradition for this time of year, tonight we’ll be looking back at some of my favorite episodes from this past year for the “Best of Sasquatch Chronicles Volume III.”


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:603 Strange Encounters

    SC EP:603 Strange Encounters

    Blake, who has lived in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia has had several encounters. He writes, "My first encounter was in 2011 in Highlands, NC, the Nantahala, in what was basically my back yard. I didn't know what it was until later. I sort of let it go. My next encounter was with a friend outside of Fletcher, Nc. We were charged by a (roughly) 7 foot individual in the dark... then lights appeared and my paradigm started to change after that. I had to figure out what this was. So, in 2013 I started my investigations almost daily."

    SC EP:599 I Was Looking At This Creature

    SC EP:599 I Was Looking At This Creature

    Shiloh writes So I'm writing this because my uncle has urged me to do it. I had a big foot encounter when I was 17-18 driving home late one night. It was literally right in front of our farm. I've also had three other incidences where I've heard monkey sounds in our words and have been screamed out on two occasions When taking care of my uncles dogs. It always happens the same time of year. And I'm getting ready to take care of my uncle's dogs again and I figured I would say something at this point because it's pretty much like clockwork that the same things happen. My uncle also had an encounter while burning Grass along his Fence line."

    Melissa writes “In December of 2017 I saw a being from my back porch. I have told no one but my husband and I only told him because I wanted to protect him, make him aware to be on guard.And then I didn’t even tell him exactly what I saw, just to be careful because I saw a shadow of a huge animal about 150 feet from our house. My mind was overwhelmed and for a long time I called it a shadow but, in reality it was the creature I was looking at. It doesn’t feel right to call it a Sasquatch or a bigfoot, It looked and felt way to ominous to be just an undiscovered hairy hominid.

    It was early December, possibly late November, around 7:30 pm, dark outside except for an exceptionally bright moon, they mentioned the bright moon on the news earlier and that was the only way I would have seen it. My husband was going somewhere and I walked out talking to him as he was leaving, I glanced to the right and saw it and to this day I have no idea what I was saying at the time, I stopped talking and just stared. The next thing I remember is looking up at my husband and he was looking down at me like, well, go on, what is the matter with you? We talk about everything but, all I could do was say, be careful, I love you, have a good time. He looked at me funny and said ok. I watched him get in his truck and leave, to make sure he wasn’t out there and I couldn’t see it anymore, so I went inside and locked the door.

    I could only see it from the bottom of his bicep up, a huge bicep, I kept focusing on that. Because the moon was shining on the white siding of a building next door. Here’s the thing that shuts me up, the siding was only on the second story of that building, above a garage door opening where, now abandoned, big trucks were stored. I am trembling now. Dear God, how tall does that make it? The shadow was the darkest black I have ever seen and the whole silhouette was that same color. The only movement was from side to side, like it was gliding on a skateboard. It had a protruding brow ridge and mouth and the nose was completely flat in between, it was a side view.

    Bonus Show: Randy White “The Manster”

    Bonus Show: Randy White “The Manster”

    i am traveling this week. I met hall of fame legend Randy White while I am down here in Dallas. I could not pass up the opportunity to interview him. This will be a bonus show, it has nothing to do with Sasquatch but if you enjoy football you will love this interview.Randy White is a former American football defensive tackle. He attended the University of Maryland from 1971 to 1974, and played professionally for the Dallas Cowboys from 1975 to 1988. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame (1994), the Pro Football Hall of Fame (1994) and the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame.

    SC EP:590 Big Game Hunter Shoots Sasquatch

    SC EP:590 Big Game Hunter Shoots Sasquatch

    Spoke to the witness and he said “I am a seasoned hunter, I have been a hunting guide in several states. I want to discuss with you about a time I shot one of these creatures in Idaho. Myself and several other hunters saw this thing including a deputy sheriff. I ended up shooting it as it came towards our camp.

    I know some people say it looks human….this did not look human.

    This wasn’t the first time I have seen the creature. Several years back my father and I had a run in with one in Colorado.

    We will also be speaking to Amanda who is from Texas and will be sharing a strange encounter she had while doing trail maintenance.

    SC EP:588 Vietnam Veteran Encounters Sasquatch

    SC EP:588 Vietnam Veteran Encounters Sasquatch

    Eli said “I had two encounters the first one was when I was on leave for my 2nd tour in Vietnam. I was deer hunting and had a deer run up to my deer blind and lay down. I could not figure what it was doing. Shortly afterwards I saw what it was running from. I could not understand what kind of creature I was looking at and there was more than one. My second encounter happen about 16 years later and it became violent.


    We were camping to going grouse hunting in northern Minnesota. Something picked up our tent with all of us in it and threw it a couple of feet to the side. I ended up shooting what I am sure was a bigfoot, three times with #7 bird shot from 20 to 30 ft away from me and my three companions”


    *Truck Diver Interrupts The Creatures Hunt


    Armando is a long haul truck driver and he stopped on the side of the road in Texas to use the bathroom. The driver’s little dog ran off into the woods. The witness said “I kept calling my dog to come back but he wasn’t coming back. I heard wild hogs and it sounded like they were running.


    I heard one of the hogs make a sound and I thought oh my god they are killing my little dog. I went into the wood line and saw my dog and he was whining. He would not look at me, he was looking up in the tree. I looked back and up to see what he was looking at and I saw this monkey in a tree. It was huge! This thing vocalized and another one came running. This one was much larger and it was carrying something. I realized he was carrying a 200lbs hog in his arm. The one in the tree screamed at me and then the larger one screamed/roared at me. I thought I was dead. I just held my dog and was shaking…..”


    SC EP:586 The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me

    SC EP:586 The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me

    A listener writes “Thought I’d share an experience that I had back in the mid 80’s. Probably not as exciting as many of those encounters that I’ve heard on your podcast, but non-the-less interesting.

    The entire experience was at least a 10 minute observation which I shall never forget. I am now 56 years old. This took place when I was in my early 20’s. Up in the high Sierra Nevada mountains, tucked away at about 7000 feet in the John Muir Wilderness, is a popular lake named Huntington Lake. I frequented this spot as I am an avid fisherman, hiker and love to explore. This lake has easy access with “the” main highway running through the area. So in the summer months it is quite populated with tourists and such. I would often fish the lake and hike the area.

    When hiking I often times would exit the trails and go off on my own, equipped with essentials and, of course, a compass. I was coming down the mountain from an afternoon hike and found a beautiful scene too lovely to not sit and take in for a while. A small rock face, or ledge if you will, perched just 12 – 15 feet overlooking a mountain meadow surrounded by redwoods. A mile and a half down from there you could see Huntington Lake, which seemed so small considering it’s actual size. It was about 4 pm and I was sitting there, and had been for at least an hour, when I saw movement just to my left where the redwoods quit and the meadow began. Granted I was approximately 15 up on the rock ledge but the movement was not more than 25 feet or so from the rock ledge. At first I thought it was a bear or a deer due to the size of what I was able to see. As I watched further, it came out fully into the open, sniffing the air, reaching for various plants and bushes….nearly in complete silence. it would pull up a plant, or off a branch…and nibble on the leafy parts. Nope. Not a bear! Certainly not a deer! It was in the open and foraging about…unaware of my presence. The small cliff I was sitting on/in was somewhat concave so it kinda wrapped around me to a point so my perch must have been somewhat concealing. If this would have been a bear I would have been concerned. I was floored. Taken. Nearly mesmerized I could not believe nor comprehend what I was seeing! And it wasn’t like the creature was difficult to see. It was a matter of 20-25 feet from me as it worked it’s way toward the rock face that I was sitting on. The hair was orange. Similar to an orange cat. The hair under the arms from the armpits to about the wrists was longer, about 4 or 5 inches long. The skin light gray. Standing at approximately 7 feet tall, this thing was blowing my mind. I was too amazed to be afraid.

    It had this permanent expression on its face like it was worried or sad. It wasn’t worried or sad….just had that look on it’s face. The face was nearly human. No ape looking attributes at all really. That is the part that freaked me out the most. It looked like a depiction of a Cro-Magnon. It was male. Undoubtedly male. Round – faced with a slightly pointy head…but not extremely pointed. Another thing that fascinated me was his eyes. They were the same orange-gold color as the hair. Mind – blowing. I still stand in amazement at what I saw. As he worked his way toward the rock cliff and me, I noticed him sniffing the air more frequently and looking around more. I figured he possibly had picked up on my scent. At this point he was no more than 20 feet from me. I would guess perhaps even closer. But I was up about 15 feet atop him on the cliff. Figuring that I had better make myself known to him rather than scare him…I softly said “Hi” and raised my right arm and waved it back and forth. He was startled and I could clearly see his eyebrows raise. He zoomed in on me instantly Freaky! He stood there not moving. I was feeling, for the first time, like “OH SHIT!”. What was this thing going to do? Or more specifically, do to ME? His eyes were larger than a human’s eyes but not by a whole lot. I could see whites on the insides and corners of the eyes. He stood there for what seemed like a minute but was probably less. Just looking at me. He didn’t seem angry or agitated. Mostly surprised that I was there. I was staring at him as well…probably for the same reasons. He then started walking off. His body turned but not his head.

    He never took his eyes off me as he walked away. A part of me was glad that he was leaving me in peace. But the curiosity part of me didn’t want him to. He was still looking at me as he was walking away. I raised my arm and slowly waved and said “Don’t go.” This is going to really seem stupid but non-the-less true. He stopped for a moment and very slowly raised his right arm ever so slightly…then walked into the redwoods. I was relieved but stunned. I cannot believe that I asked it to stay! I don’t know what I was hoping for in doing that. I do believe that this being was very intelligent. It had a curiosity and wonderment just as we do. I also believe….no, I KNOW, that this creature could have pounded me into the earth like a hot knife goes through soft butter. But yet it chose not to. I am more than grateful for that.”

    SC EP:584 She Was Feeding The Creatures Live Animals

    SC EP:584 She Was Feeding The Creatures Live Animals

    Mike writes “I was born and raised in Natchez Mississippi and I had two encounters with what I know understand to be a sasquatch.

    One encounter happened when I was about 7 years old and another time when I was maybe 20 or 21. As a young boy, I watched a neighbor give a cat and a raccoon to one of the giant creatures and there was a second one that crawled from behind her house like a giant spider and it gave me nightmares for quite some time. Another encounter happened when a friend and I were driving and we witnessed what looked like King Kong chasing a doe and a buck across the highway on a cold winter night we were heading to Fayette Mississippi from Natchez."


    Tonight, Timothy Renner talks about the Albatwitch Day Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Check it out: https://albatwitchday.com/


    Also check out Timothy's work at: https://www.strangefamiliars.com/

    SC EP:578 We Shot The Green River Monster

    SC EP:578 We Shot The Green River Monster

    The Green River was dammed up to create an 8,210 acre lake, “Green River Lake.” During this time my friend’s family owned land on green River. Naturally, As the lake filled up, many caves in the area were flooded. We think that’s what drove the Sasquatch in this story out into the open and searching for new territory.

    My friend and his cousin came down to the riverbank to do some target practice with their 22 rifles. They would walk up stream a ways, throw pop cans in the water, then run back down stream and wait for the pop cans (targets of choice) to float by.

    While blowing the cans to smitherines, my friend’s cousin’s gun jammed.

    They walked around a tree line, across a field and back up to their car which was sitting on the side of the road. They opened the trunk, sat on the back bumper, and began to dislodge the shell from his 22 rifle. As they were reloading they heard limbs snapping, they looked up and back toward the tree line they had just walked from. The tops of the trees were swaying wildly.

    My friend’s cousin asked, “who let the elephant out?” They decided to check it out.

    They closed the trunk and jogged back down across the field then walked quietly around the line of trees and back into the opening on the river bank where they had been standing moments before.

    “Sam” not his name..said when they came into the opening something started screaming at them. They jumped and looked toward the scream….Standing on top of a deadfall was a creature covered in hair, his arms were above his head and he was waiving them back and forth in a left, right motion. Sam’s cousin spun the barrel of his rifle around and shot 5 times.

    Sam said all five shot’s hit the creature in his chest area. He said he could hear the bullets landing almost like the sound of them hitting the water. The creature dropped his arms and fell straight back behind the deadfall. He hit with a large thud, then silence. The silence was very short lived. Sam’s cousin, started screaming, “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “He dressed up in a monkey suit to scare us and I’ve killed him.”

    Sam told him, I don’t know what you’ve killed but it’s not our uncle. They were both in shock so holding onto each other they walked slowly over to the dead fall and looked over it to the back side. The creature was laying on its back and not moving. One of them (not sure which one) said, what the heck is it?

    This stirred the creature, he opened his eyes and jumped up. They jumped back, turned and started running. The creature “galloped” away in one direction, the two cousins in the opposite. I say galloped because of the way he was swinging his arms.