

    Explore "bigfootencounters" with insightful episodes like "SC EP:576 Confessions Of A Pastor", "SC EP:574 Run And Don't Look Back", "SC EP:573 It Huffed At Me And Ran Off", "SC EP:571 Running With The Night" and "SC EP:568 Run Like Hell" from podcasts like ""Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles" and "Sasquatch Chronicles"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    SC EP:576 Confessions Of A Pastor

    SC EP:576 Confessions Of A Pastor

    Spoke to Randy and he said “I have never seen a Sasquatch but I have dealt a lot with demonic possession. I have many accounts that made the hair on my arm stand up. Many people come to me with accounts of running into these creatures.”

    Randy writes “I have two encounters to share, both happened in Kentucky, one was right outside of Louisville city limits.


    The Green River was dammed up to create an 8,210 acre lake, “Green River Lake.” During this time my friend’s family owned land on green River. Naturally, As the lake filled up, many caves in the area were flooded. We think that’s what drove the Sasquatch in this story out into the open and searching for new territory.

    My friend and his cousin came down to the riverbank to do some target practice with their 22 rifles. They would walk up stream a ways, throw pop cans in the water, then run back down stream and wait for the pop cans (targets of choice) to float by.

    While blowing the cans to smitherines, my friend’s cousin’s gun jammed.

    They walked around a tree line, across a field and back up to their car which was sitting on the side of the road. They opened the trunk, sat on the back bumper, and began to dislodge the shell from his 22 rifle. As they were reloading they heard limbs snapping, they looked up and back toward the tree line they had just walked from. The tops of the trees were swaying wildly.

    My friend’s cousin asked, “who let the elephant out?” They decided to check it out.

    They closed the trunk and jogged back down across the field then walked quietly around the line of trees and back into the opening on the river bank where they had been standing moments before.

    “Sam” not his name..said when they came into the opening something started screaming at them. They jumped and looked toward the scream….Standing on top of a deadfall was a creature covered in hair, his arms were above his head and he was waiving them back and forth in a left, right motion. Sam’s cousin spun the barrel of his rifle around and shot 5 times.

    Sam said all five shot’s hit the creature in his chest area. He said he could hear the bullets landing almost like the sound of them hitting the water. The creature dropped his arms and fell straight back behind the deadfall. He hit with a large thud, then silence. The silence was very short lived. Sam’s cousin, started screaming, “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “I’ve killed our crazy uncle”

    “He dressed up in a monkey suit to scare us and I’ve killed him.”

    Sam told him, I don’t know what you’ve killed but it’s not our uncle. They were both in shock so holding onto each other they walked slowly over to the dead fall and looked over it to the back side. The creature was laying on its back and not moving. One of them (not sure which one) said, what the heck is it?

    This stirred the creature, he opened his eyes and jumped up. They jumped back, turned and started running. The creature “galloped” away in one direction, the two cousins in the opposite. I say galloped because of the way he was swinging his arms.

    (This is my opinion, not theirs)

    I think the creature was in shock, I think he was running but using his arms as if he was on all four. He was running on two but his arms were swinging as if he was using them to touch the ground. The story extends, They raced home and got their dad’s 30-30…..Tracked it….. with more info coming from a neighbor the next day.”


    This episode brought to you by M-Y-B-O-O-K-I-E. Go to http://bit.ly/MYBSasquatch and don’t forget to use the promo code SASQUATCH when creating your account to claim the bonus. Bet. Win. Get Paid

    SC EP:574 Run And Don't Look Back

    SC EP:574 Run And Don't Look Back

    Jessica writes "I wanted to write to you because my fiancée and I have had a few eerie encounters in our travels through New Mexico and during my time being stationed in South Carolina. I'm now former Air Force, recently separated. I will state that I have never been exposed to anything abnormal or out of the ordinary in my time growing up in California."


    Todd writes "Early summer of 1983 I was in love. I took a romantic moonlit walk with my girlfriend on the 17th green. We sat down at 1:00 AM and started to talk. That lasted maybe 2 minutes when we were interrupted by an angry animal in a big oak tree behind us just 25 yards.

    Whatever it was it shook that big tree side to side as if was jumping all inside of it, I heard it grunting and short yells like a gorilla and it really screamed like an African lion and a silverback gorilla at the same time.

    I was really scared and yet I was calm at the same time, I knew we had to get back to the clubhouse and get into my car 400 plus yards NE. The moon lit the way and the dense fog near the ponds along the way were eerie as the landscape was a downward slope and a straight shot to the road.

    I stood up and told my girlfriend to grab my hand and never let go,I knew we could die at any moment and I wasn’t sticking around to find out.

    That thing was still shaking that tree and I said softly, run, as we ran 100 ft or so I heard a sickening thud. I mean it was like a something really big hit that grass. I knew that thing was coming after us. I glanced over my shoulder, omg it was tall and wide in the shoulders, it darted towards our way and I noticed it slammed it’s the long arm on the ground and grunted like a bear, it was no bear.

    I think it had red eyes I can’t exactly be sure because I had recurring nightmares long after this happened. I was skinny and ran long distance at school, she was a little heavier and she had no problem keeping up. All I could hear from her and I was fast breathing as the tears rolled down our faces from sheer fear.

    I distinctly heard to thing forging behind us and not giving up, thank Thank God we didn’t trip and fall. The clubhouse was getting closer we went along the left side and ran across the street into the parking lot I had a four on the floor, Ford Bobcat Pinto and the hatchback was all glass and I had a sunroof in which Kathy was slamming her hands down on it screaming it’s coming hurry open the door. I manage to get my key in the door and opened it and started the car and opened her door, by the time I shifted into first gear and popped the clutch as fast as I could she was already in and I glance out my drivers window and saw this massive hairy dark thing race along the clubhouse and on-road to get us and it yelled that God awful yell again and I could see it was really mad..I raced along Skyline Drive towards Duluth Heights and we both didn’t speak until we went to Mc Donalds and got a coke and sat in a booth staring at each other in shock.. we both pissed ourselves. we were shaking and thankful we were alive."

    SC EP:573 It Huffed At Me And Ran Off

    SC EP:573 It Huffed At Me And Ran Off

    Jeff writes “Hello Wes, I absolutely love listening to your show. I wanted to share with you one of my two encounters with Bigfoot several years ago. I live in a town called Bluff City, Tn.

    The first incident was back in January 2008, and I was 15 years old at the time. I remember it like it was yesterday! It was a cold, crisp night and there was at least 3 inches of snow on the ground. Where I grew up at was on an old road that ran through the middle of a holler and it was rather secluded. We’ve always had many things there on that road happen and it was conmen that none of us would go out after dark. For one the road had only one street light on it so besides the light at my parents house and the single street lamp it was virtually pitch black on the road. We also had plenty of wildlife back in that holler. There were coyotes, bobcats, bears ( and I had came upon several bears walking threw the fields and woods there), deer, the occasional mountain lion. So plenty of animals and all of our neighbors had hunting dogs and cattle and horses. I say all of that for the significance of the story. But going back to the cold snowy night in January.

    I stepped outside with my dog to walk it so it could do it’s business and it started there. It was about midnight and my dog would always go out on its own, rain, snow, you name it the dog didn’t care at all. But that night the dog refused to go out. I pushed it out the door for it just to stand there and whine and scratch at the door. This was highly unusual because the dog had never acted like that before. Like it was genuinely scared. So I grabbed the leash and took it out to the front yard. Our yard at the time in front of the house was about a full acre and I had walked the dog to the far end of the yard. Back behind our house was a 19 acre horse farm that belonged to our neighbors. From where I was at you could see a very good amount of the field. So here I am at midnight in all the snow and thank God it’s a full moon night. Having the full moon and all the snow it was lit up like daylight outside so you could see everything! I noticed after standing still for about a minute or so I started to smell a rather odd oder. It’s was one like I had never smelt before. It was musky and pungent and just completely odd where we where at. I mentioned all the wildlife we had in the holler because I had been around all of it. Hunted it all too. And none of those animals ever had a smell like this. That’s when the neighbors dogs who had been barking like a mad fool suddenly went completely quiet and my dog ran behind me and laid on the ground at my feet shaking like a leaf.

    I froze and stood as still as I could trying to listen knowing I would hear anything moving with the snow being everywhere. That’s when I heard the walking and shuffling. I turned around and faced my parents house and all was black because I was the only one up at the time always being the night owl that I am. But I faced the house and the 19 acre field behind it and started to look for the source of the sound. Normally I wouldn’t have been so still like I was but this was an odd shuffle that I heard. Because I could distinctively tell that whatever it was, was walking on two legs. There is a difference and I always learned to listen for that in the woods at home so I could tell the difference between game, and a fellow hunter. We all hunted the same land so it was common to run across the occasional hunter. But this was a slow heavy step that I was hearing. Or so I thought it was slow. That’s when I seen it come from behind a line of trees that was in the middle of the field and it was walking through a clearing of about 100 yards or so. It’s was huge. Even though I knew I was about 100 to 120 yards away I could tell that this thing was massive. It the time I was 6’ even and weighed around 280 pounds so I wasn’t very little at my age. But seeing this thing made me feel significantly small. I would say it was anywhere around 7’ or taller. It’s stride was huge. That’s why I said I thought it was a slow heavy step. Even though it was taking fewer steps it was making a quick pace across the field with its long gate. It was taking probably a 6’ step every time.

    I could clearly see that it was extremely hairy, you could see the hair swaying on its arms has they swung back and fourth as it walked. And it had a large cones head that was hairy as well. I stood there until it got to the middle of the field and it registered on my mind what I was truly seeing. It was a Sasquatch! I had always believed and had done plenty of research on it. I knew it would be better if I stayed quiet and just watched it go but my curiosity got the better of me. So I let out a small, shrill whistle to see what would happen and the thing stopped in its tracks, turned around and faced directly towards me! I was terrified but yet mesmerized at the same time. I had always heard that these were intelligent creatures so I simply raised my hand in the air almost just as an acknowledgement, and honestly to try and make myself look bigger. But as I did this something amazing happened. The Sasquatch raised its hand in a mimicking fashion and stood there as long as I did with its hand up! When I lowered my hand down again it lowered its hand and then turned back and headed towards the end of the field! The field was surrounded by a 4’ tall barb wire fence and this creature stepped over it like it was nothing.

    That’s me moment I lost sight of it was when I grabbed the dog and ran for the house as fast as I could! I woke everyone up to tell them what happened and they have called me crazy every since. But I know without a shadow Of a doubt what I saw that day. Unfortunately for me it snowed again very hard that night and when I went out the next morning and into the field to find the tracks the snow had covered it up except for two wide ruts where it’s feet drug across the top of the snow. But there where no distinguishable tracks to see. I have had another encounter with a Sasquatch as well, and I also had a friend with me witness it the second time. But I won’t go into detail yet on that one since my first encounter was so long and this one is even longer! I have cold chills typing this up to send to you but I know what I saw. And I will never forget what I happened.”


    Chris writes "I live in a very rural county in Kentucky. One night, after hours of playing poker, I was leaving a friend’s home at about 2 or 3 in the am.

    As I stepped off his porch I heard a noise next to the tree line in front of my jeep. The distance between the porch and the tree line is about 15 yds with his driveway the only thing in between. Looking toward the sound I expected to see a deer or coon or something like that which is nothing strange in the area. What I saw was something crouched down like a baseball catcher. When my eyes landed on it , it stood. Couldn’t see facial details due to the moon backlighting everything from behind the tree line but it was around 7ft tall. It had very broad shoulders, a narrower waist and had arms reaching down to the knees.

    It felt like it lasted forever, us looking at each other, but probably only lasted 7 – 10 seconds. It then huffed at me then ran off into the trees. I think I surprised it by noticing it and the huff was it saying “dont follow me a$$hole.”



    SC EP:571 Running With The Night

    SC EP:571 Running With The Night

    Tonight I will be talking to three guests. My first guest Adam is from Florida and will be sharing an encounter he had with his parents while driving. They saw a Skunk Ape on the side of the road. Many years later Adam and his brothers ran into something much worse.


    Jack writes "I am a retired U. S. Army (Rank Removed). I have had three combat deployments, including one as a commander in Iraq. Here is a synopsis of my encounter…

    It was the summer of 1988. I was a cadet (officer in training )through ROTC in college. I was at Ft Lewis, Washington for the summer. We were on maneuvers in the woods early in the morning. Our platoon was being trained by two Army Special Forces Non commissioned officers.

    We were on patrol in the middle of nowhere… probably 10 miles from the housing area of base. We had been choppers out as part of the training exercise. I still remember the name of the training event… “Adventure Challenge.”

    While out in the woods on patrol, we all heard something walking parallel to us. I was so dark- I could not see my hand! This thing continued walking… crunching while we walked, stopping when we stopped. Finally, our green beret instructor went out there. After about a minute, he comes running back telling us to get out of there. All we had were M16s with blanks… we were training, so no live ammo. I have more to tell if you want to hear.”


    Emily writes "My husband and I had an encounter with something large in the woods of Southern Missouri on June 2nd of this year. In the afternoon I heard a huge tree fall in the woods in the direction of the river about 5 minutes after my husband left me at the camp to walk down to the water. About 30 seconds to a minute after the crash I heard 3 tree knocks, a pause and then 3 more with the same pattern on the opposite side of the river. A couple of times we heard snorts that sounded like wild hogs but never saw anything.

    I had gone to the tent around 10:30pm. My husband stayed around the campfire until around midnight. He went into the road after putting out the tiki torches and fire and heard a growling. He is not one to be freaked out by noises and such but he was a little unnerved by it. He got into the tent and told me about it. We talked for a couple minutes before saying good night. Less than 5 minutes after we stopped talking we both heard rustling in the leaves from a distance, we both lifted our heads and listened intently as the footsteps came closer. We both agree the footsteps were heavy. I have hunted in the woods before and it was not a deer. I would describe the sound as walking in the woods with boots on. My initial thought was maybe this is The man we rented the camping site from messing with us and it's part of the experience, but then realized he would be stupid to do that for fear of being shot. Bigfoot never crossed my mind. I was frozen in fear! It walked directly behind our tent. Probably within 3 ft of our heads. It sounded like it walked around the campfire ring and then off into the woods toward the water. We were absolutely silent while it was in the camp. As soon as we realized it had walked away, I began shaking uncontrollably! I have never felt fear like that and have never reacted to fear that way. My husband was trying to reassure me when we heard it returning about 2 minutes later. I grabbed the key fab to our van and hit the lock button so the lights would light up and hopefully scare away whatever it was. I did that 4 times and it walked off into the woods on the other side of the road behind our tent. We heard what sounded like a fight going on between two animals in that direction and I hit the lights again a couple times and the noises stopped. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in the tent anymore so we moved into our van for the rest of the night. I didn't look for Bigfoot signs because again Bigfoot didn't cross my mind until we got home that evening and we honestly thought it was probably a bobcat, but after looking at pictures of bobcats we both agree a bobcat wouldn't be big enough to make the sounds we heard. My husband has never been a believer in Bigfoot. I have been a believer for years but have never had an experience like this. I played several videos of animal sounds for him trying to identify the growl he heard. He said no to everything except supposed Bigfoot growl. He said that is very close to what he heard. In the same video of the growl you can hear footsteps of the creature and they sound almost identical to the steps we heard that night.

    We heard snorts again the next morning but could very well have been hogs. I sent a text to the owner the next morning asking if he knew what it might be. He said most likely deer...or Bigfoot! Then he listed several other animals he knew were on the property. I know none of the animals he listed could make those sounds...except Bigfoot.

    I haven't been able to stop thinking about this experience since it happened. A couple days after we got home I sent a text to the owner of the property and told him about the experience and asked if he had ever had any experiences and if he was serious about his Bigfoot comment. He said he was intrigued and wanted to know more so I shared our story. (I get the feeling he knows more than what he has told us) He said he did catch something on his trail cam the night of June 2nd and then directed me to his Facebook page where he had posted it. It was an orb. The time stamp says 11:11pm. 45 minutes before our encounter. I thought it was creepy! I'm convinced more than ever that it was Bigfoot that visited our camp that night. I just had to share!"

    SC EP:568 Run Like Hell

    SC EP:568 Run Like Hell

    A former military police officer of 20 years will be joining the show. He shares an encounter he had on base in Alabama.The witness said “I was out of my nightly run around the base and it was surrounded by woods. I had my head phones in when I got a strange feeling like I was in danger. I took my ear buds out and realized something huge was pacing me in the woods.

    It took me a second to figure out why my steps had an echo but it was this thing and it mirroring my moves. I ran like hell as fast as I could and this thing kept pace. As I cleared the woods I looked back and that is when I saw it…..”

    SC EP:566 Strange Experience In Iraq

    SC EP:566 Strange Experience In Iraq

    Spoke to a military veteran last night who has agreed to come on the show. He shares an encounter he had in Oregon. He has also experienced some very strange things in Iraq during the war.

    A small portion of the show will be Sasquatch related but I believe he has earned the right to come on and share whatever he wants to share. He said “I am sure I ran into a Jinn over in Iraq. I have no other explanation for what I saw, this thing…guy walking straight up a wall.”

    SC EP:564 Visitor On The Farm

    SC EP:564 Visitor On The Farm

    A listener writes “So this started in the summer of 1982 in Yamhill County Oregon my parents were divorced and me and my sister had gone out to visit my dad for the summer.

    Now we’d only been there a few days and one of our chores was to go up to the barn and feed the cows about 1/2 Mile to a quarter mile away. On the way back now mind you we had dogs that darted in and out of the trees and they were real low pine trees low to the ground and the dogs are really friendly mid-size dogs. Anyway on the way back in the clearing we were walking through the clearing and out from the pine trees that were so thick you couldn’t see through someone/something tossed a rock at us. Now it wasn’t a big rock it wasn’t throwing overhand it was like an underhand toss. My dad was at work my dad’s girlfriend had just come out of the house because we could hear the door slam. We were way back in the woods and nobody around really known we were there yet so for somebody to be screwing with us it was highly unlikely.

    Anyway after the rock came out at us the dogs that would usually lick someone to death if they showed up at the house come shooting out from the trees and surrounded us and herding us down the Hill. Well we didn’t think nothing of it too much, I mean it was weird but we didn’t know what to think you know I was 12 my sister was eight. So the summer wore on and we hear strange sounds coming out of the forest I thought it sound like a woman screaming my sister thought it sounded like a howl but we also hear it sounded like a baseball bat hitting something. Well I decided to stay and live with my dad for a year ,my sister went home in the late summer. We had a spring that ran through the yard that kind of just made it a little muddy I went by there one day to feed the horse and in the mud it look like a huge footprint. I went and got my dad and he wouldn’t even look but when I got down on the ground and looked at the footprint I could see ridges like you would see you in your handprint but only in a footprint. So I went up to the barn and I went to check on the horse well the horse was nosed into a corner and had been there all night it looked like she had kicked up the dirt like she was trying to fight something off and she had scratches but I couldn’t tell what they were. The dogs on the other hand wouldn’t let me go in the barn and my dad seen this and became very angry cuz he’s just wasn’t a nice person.

    When he got up there the dogs ran off cuz they knew better and we went up in the barn and I had left the big doors open where you load hay in when you stock the barn. But something had been up there and made like a nest out of a bunch of the Bales , it was real easy to get in the barn from the big doors my dad could jump from the hill into the barn because it was that close, it was just wide enough for pickup. Well as a summer wore on i heard lots of weird noises coming out of the forest and you know you would think you would see something but you really didn’t or get the feeling of being watched. About mid-January the coyotes started howling and they would start howling every night about 10 and our dogs would run out in the backyard and bark And howl and carry on. Well this particular night the dogs come plowing back in underneath the porch.

    Now they would crawl under there and they’d make a lot of noise and see I slept in the basement by the window by the porch so I always heard when they were making noises and this night they were whining and hiding and trying to get farther up underneath the porch and I rolled over to grab a shoe to bang on the cement wall to get them to shut up and as I looked into the window there was Bigfoot staring at me right in the face 4 feet away and I have had that image burned into my mind since I was 12 years old. I tried to scream I couldn’t scream I freaked out threw the blanket over my head seems like forever but was probably only a minute or two went to look again and he was gone. So at first I thought maybe I was imagining things so I looked out my window and I could see the footprints by the window I was a size 8 in men’s as a twelve-year-old already and this was a good twice the size of my foot.

    I thought this was going to be it at last I’ll show Dad in the morning cuz I didn’t dare wake him up in the middle of the night cuz he would have beat my ass. But as bad luck would have it it started raining. Now I got a real good look at this bigfoot because the porch light was on the Barnyard light was on so I got a really good look at his face I guess I couldn’t tell you about the hands of the chest all I could tell you is the face the eyes are so human-like the bridge above his eyes and his mouth and nose. I have a real close picture that’s really close that I’ll send to you in an email that I found somebody drew or whatever that’s about real close to what I seen. so I tried to tell my dad the next day but of course you blew me off and as spring started coming about March and April. now my dad was a guy that got stressed out a lot and he got mean when he was really stressed 1 of his ways to deal with it as he would go walk in the woods. He would be gone a minimum of 3 hours and one time he was gone almost 12 hours. This particular time he’d been gone only 45 minutes he come back in the house he told his girlfriend I wasn’t allowed to go outside he grabbed his 30/30 rifle and a 45 Long Colt pistol and said he had seen something and would be back. he never did say what he seen but after that I wasn’t allowed to go back out by myself in the woods.

    I have had some other experiences in different states but not like this.”

    SC EP:562 The Rock Throwing Howler Monkeys?

    SC EP:562 The Rock Throwing Howler Monkeys?

    Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “I live in Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains. A good friend of mine lived out in the country and asked me to come over because he was sure there was howler monkeys in the woods behind his home.

    I was curious so I went to see if I could hear these “howler monkeys” that he was talking about. After several nights of being out there we heard strange vocalizations but never saw anything until the last couple of nights. We have rocks thrown at us and we saw two of them. One of them was huge, biggest thing I have ever seen and it reminded me of a human covered in hair but it was a really big human. There was one night we saw something, I think unrelated and it was so strange I don’t know what to think. It is so odd I am not sure if I want to discuss it, stranger than Bigfoot.”

    The eyewitness has agreed to come on the show and share his encounter.

    SC EP:560 I Almost Shot It - William Roe

    SC EP:560 I Almost Shot It - William Roe

    Here is some bonus content. I hope everyone enjoys the William Roe encounter from 1955.


    I, W. Roe of the City of Edmonton, in the province of Alberta make oath and say,

    (1) That the exhibit A attached to this, my affidavit, is absolutely true and correct in all details.

    Sworn before me in the City of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, this 26th day of August, A.D. 1957.

    (Signed) William Roe

    (Signed) by W.H. Clark

    Assistant Claims Agent

    Number D.D. 2822


    Ever since I was a small boy back in the forest of Michigan, I have studied the lives and habits of wild animals. Later, when I supported my family in Northern Alberta by hunting and trapping, I spent many hours just observing the wild things. They fascinated me. But the most incredible experience I ever had with a wild creature occurred near a little town called Tete Jaune Cache, British Columbia, about eighty miles west of Jasper, Alberta.

    I had been working on the highway near Tete Jaune Cache for about two years. In October, 1955, I decided to climb five miles up Mica Mountain to an old deserted mine, just for something to do. I came in sight of the mine about three o’clock in the afternoon after an easy climb. I had just come out of a patch of low brush into a clearing when I saw what I thought was a grizzly bear, in the bush on the other side. I had shot a grizzly near that spot the year before. This one was only about 75 yards away, but I didn’t want to shoot it, for I had no way of getting it out. So I sat down on a small rock and watched, my rifle in my hands.

    I could see part of the animal’s head and the top of one shoulder. A moment later it raised up and stepped out into the opening. Then I saw it was not a bear.

    This, to the best of my recollection, is what the creature looked like and how it acted as it came across the clearing directly toward me. My first impression was of a huge man, about six feet tall, almost three feet wide, and probably weighing somewhere near three hundred pounds. It was covered from head to foot with dark brown silver-tipped hair. But as it came closer I saw by its breasts that it was female.

    And yet, its torso was not curved like a female’s. Its broad frame was straight from shoulder to hip. Its arms were much thicker than a man’s arms, and longer, reaching almost to its knees. Its feet were broader proportionately than a man’s, about five inches wide at the front and tapering to much thinner heels. When it walked it placed the heel of its foot down first, and I could see the grey-brown skin or hide on the soles of its feet.

    It came to the edge of the bush I was hiding in, within twenty feet of me, and squatted down on its haunches. Reaching out its hands it pulled the branches of bushes toward it and stripped the leaves with its teeth. Its lips curled flexibly around the leaves as it ate. I was close enough to see that its teeth were white and even.

    The shape of this creature’s head somewhat resembled a Negro’s. The head was higher at the back than at the front. The nose was broad and flat. The lips and chin protruded farther than its nose. But the hair that covered it, leaving bare only the parts of its face around the mouth, nose and ears, made it resemble an animal as much as a human. None of this hair, even on the back of its head, was longer than an inch, and that on its face was much shorter. Its ears were shaped like a human’s ears. But its eyes were small and black like a bear’s. And its neck also was unhuman. Thicker and shorter than any man’s I had ever seen.

    As I watched this creature, I wondered if some movie company was making a film at this place and that what I saw was an actor, made up to look partly human and partly animal. But as I observed it more, I decided it would be impossible to fake such a specimen. Anyway, I learned later there was no such company near that area. Nor, in fact, did anyone live up Mica Mountain, according to the people who lived in Tete Jaune Cache.

    Finally the wild thing must have got my scent, for it looked directly at me through an opening in the brush. A look of amazement crossed its face. It looked so comical at the moment I had to grin. Still in a crouched position, it backed up three or four short steps, then straightened up to its full height and started to walk rapidly back the way it had come. For a moment it watched me over its shoulder as it went, not exactly afraid, but as though it wanted no contact with anything strange.

    The thought came to me that if I shot it, I would possibly have a specimen of great interest to scientists the world over. I had heard stories of the Sasquatch, the giant hairy Indians that live in the legends of British Columbia Indians, and also many claim, are still in fact alive today. Maybe this was a Sasquatch, I told myself.

    I levelled my rifle. The creature was still walking rapidly away, again turning its head to look in my direction. I lowered the rifle. Although I have called the creature “it”, I felt now that it was a human being and I knew I would never forgive myself if I killed it.

    Just as it came to the other patch of brush it threw its head back and made a peculiar noise that seemed to be half laugh and half language, and which I can only describe as a kind of a whinny. Then it walked from the small brush into a stand of lodgepole pine.

    I stepped out into the opening and looked across a small ridge just beyond the pine to see if I could see it again. It came out on the ridge a couple of hundred yards away from me, tipped its head back again, and again emitted the only sound I had heard it make, but what this half- laugh, half-language was meant to convey, I do not know. It disappeared then, and I never saw it again.

    I wanted to find out if it lived on vegetation entirely or ate meat as well, so I went down and looked for signs. I found it in five different places, and although I examined it thoroughly, could find no hair or shells of bugs or insects. So I believe it was strictly a vegetarian.

    I found one place where it had slept for a couple of nights under a tree. Now, the nights were cool up the mountain, at this time of year especially, and yet it had not used a fire. I found no sign that it possessed even the simplest of tools. Nor a single companion while in this place.

    Whether this was a Sasquatch I do not know. It will always remain a mystery to me, unless another one is found.

    I hereby declare the above statement to be in every part true, to the best of my powers of observation and recollection.

    (Signed) William Roe

    SC EP:556 The Unexpected Sasquatch Encounter

    SC EP:556 The Unexpected Sasquatch Encounter

    Here is Sundays early release. I will be speaking to four guests tonight. My first guest writes “I’ve recently started tuning into your podcast. My dad told me about it Friday and today I’ve been able to listen to it. And I’ve been listening since 9 this morning. I wanted to share my experience/encounters with you. My name is Sebastian.

    I have a couple experiences in Illinois and one in Idaho. The first instance took place when my brother and I were walking through the woods out by Staunton lake in Illinois. We went down the spillway and were walking the trails back behind the lake. We were about a mile into the woods and my little brother decided he wanted to stop and rest. So I went to walk a little farther ahead. I walked maybe 50 yards away from him before I realized it was dead silent. Which it wasn’t before. There were birds chirping and squirrels running around and just sounds of activity maybe 5 minutes prior to me realizing. After I realized it was quiet I slowed my pace. And took maybe fifteen more steps before I heard a branch break up the hill to my right. And right after I heard the break there was a low toned grunt that came afterwards. I was 13 at the time. And my little brother was 9. I heard the grunt and immediately took off running back towards my brother. I came barreling past him and all I could say was run. We ran all the way back to the road and made the mile walk back into town. He kept questioning me about why we ran. And I told him about the noise. He didn’t believe me. Well 3 or 4 weeks later we were at the same lake. It was about 9:30 to 10 at night. We were night fishing. We weren’t having any luck so we decided to throw rocks and sticks and anything else we could find across the little cove into the woods on the other side. We had a fairly bright lantern that lit up the other side of the cove, but just to the base of the tree line. We couldn’t see anything else past the tree line. Well maybe 20 minutes after we stopped throwing rocks and everything we heard some movement just out of eye sight on the other side of the cove. And then rocks started coming out of the tree line towards us. None made it to us, they all just hit the water in front of us. At the time I thought it was just people.

    That’s still a possibility. It wasn’t super remote. I’m not sure what happened out at the lake. And I’ll never know for sure. But my experience in Idaho is a little different. I’m getting goose bumps just typing about it. In 2016 I moved to Idaho with the girl I was seeing at the time. I was 19. We moved to Idaho falls in south east Idaho. Well it was late September and my girlfriends parents and I got into a little argument and I wasn’t wanting to stay there that night. So I packed a blanket and pillow into our 2001 Honda Accord we had, and drove about 8 miles outside of town into the mountains. It was a bright moon and plenty of stars. No light pollution. So it was very well lit. I eventually found this rock road off the main road, and I took it for about another mile. And then a red dirt road came off of the rock road and went back further towards the mountains. I had never been there before so it was all new terrain. I decided to take that dirt road. And it was full of twists and turns and it eventually lead me down the side of the mountain on the backside from where I came in at. It lead down to a valley in between these two mountains. And it had a small river running through it. I got down there and decided that was where I was going to sleep for the night. I shut the car off and the lights. I didn’t have any service on my phone, so I was playing games and smoking cigarettes in the car to try to pass time. It was about midnight. Now from the front of my car to the creek bank was about 6 feet. And I could tell from looking that there was a small drop off from the bank down to the creek. Maybe 3 feet or so. And there were bushes along the bank. The creek itself was maybe 15 feet away. Well anyway something told me to look up from my phone. I’m not sure why I did it. Or what possessed me to look up. But something told me to look up. And when I did I seen this very large hairy man like looking thing standing with it’s back turned to me in the creek. Maybe 20 feet away. Just into the creek. It was a dark brown. Not quite black. Hair was maybe 2 inches in length. I didn’t see arms passed the elbow at first. Then I realized they were kinda bent up. Like it’s hands were by its mouth, so I couldn’t see the forearms. I’m not sure if it was eating fish or what it was doing. But I got terrified.

    So I flipped the headlights of the car on. When I did that it instantly dropped to the ground. Quicker than I’ve ever seen. It was there then it wasn’t. And in a matter of maybe 2 seconds it went from 20 feet to peeking at me through the bushes right at the edge of the bank. 6 foot away from the front of my car. I could see it’s eyes, and the skin around the eyes. But nothing else. Massive eyes. Almost like baseballs, but just a little smaller. And we locked eyes for what felt like an eternity. But in reality probably no more than 3 or 4 seconds. After those few seconds went by I started the car and slowly started to reverse. When I did it didn’t move, flinch or nothing. Just kept my face in its sight. I backed up a little bit to where I’d be able to drive off and floored it. Sped up the mountain. Almost rolling off in the process of trying to get away. Now I’m a big guy. I’m 6’5 and 280 lbs. I’ve been training in martial arts for the last 9 years now. I know I can hold my own against certain things. I was the same size at 19. I’m 22 now. And I felt helpless. Like I could have fought with everything I had, and it not even register on this things scale, not even faze it. It was immense. I’ve been 15 feet away from a grizzly before while in a vehicle. And I though that was massive. But the grizzly had nothing on what I saw. My shoulder width is just a little over 2 feet. The shoulder width of this was easily two to three times mine. And it was easily a foot and a half to two feet taller than I was if I had to judge it. The back wasn’t necessarily like cut and lean, but I could tell there was a fair amount of muscle in the back. And the back of the arms looked muscular. And it had the cone shaped head. I’ve shared my Illinois encounters with other people. But never my Idaho encounter. And your show made me want to reach out.”


    Check out Ron's website http://ronmorehead.com/

    SC EP:554 Sasquatch In The Desert

    SC EP:554 Sasquatch In The Desert

    Ann writes, “Last year, in spring I had an experience that has significantly and profoundly affected my life in such a way that I am no longer able to enjoy the past times that I have been so deeply in love with since a child. In place of the lengthy carefree and joyful, stress free experience that our mountains have been my visits are now anxious and brief. I am frightened almost to the point of giving into a need to flee. Never do I go exploring outside of eyesight and its so bad that I feel no joy or peace there anymore. It just feels like I dont want to go there, to stay away.

    I believe I was stalked and followed by a creature. This has left me pretty much paralyzed with fear. I am an outdoors woman deluxe…reduced to being afraid to venture out beyond the confines of my own yard. I know it was a Sasquatch. All the way down to my soul I know what it was.”


    We will also be speaking to Jim who is a Bigfoot Researcher, and he will be sharing his encounters with us. Jim said, “We experience a lot of strange things but the area we go to is known to be haunted but things got really strange when I went on a ghost hunt in Tombstone, Arizona..."

    SC EP:552 Boy Scouts VS Sasquatch

    SC EP:552 Boy Scouts VS Sasquatch

    A listener writes “My cousin and I were in a church sponsored scout troop in St. Louis, Missouri. We decided that we wanted to go to scout summer camp and since there weren’t enough in our troop that wanted to go we hooked up with another troop in Hillsburo that was also with our church.

    We paid our fees and were taken south of St. Louis to Hillsburo and then that Monday morning we arrived at S-F Scout Ranch ( pronounced S bar F). Our troop was assigned a camp site and we went out and made ourselves at home. We followed a path for a couple of hundred yards out from the camp building and here and there there were paths that branched off to the various camp sites.

    Ours was one of the outlying camps and was at the end of the lake that was there. The lake was huge. It wasn’t too wide you could canoe across it in a few minutes but seemed miles long. From out camp we could just see the lake through the trees. Paul and I were just a couple of inner city boys on our first scout camp. Tents were already set up in a circle around a table and fire pit. Our scout leader brought what he called a fly, a tarp supported with poles that we put up over the table to have a dry place to eat when it rains. There was a short pole on the table the went up to the center of the tart where there was a small hole for the pole to go in and it brought the tarp up to a point over the table. The camp supplied a plywood box with a padlock for us to put our food in that we picked up every day at the px. We never locked the padlock since there weren’t any bears around but there were raccoons, skunks and other varmints.

    The first night I found out how heavy a sleeper Paul was. Normal midnight hijinkage with the new boys the others tried to tip my cot over from the out side of the tent. I heard them coming stealthy like and kept them from pushing mine over but Paul was already asleep and they dumped him over on the floor and ran laughing. Paul picked himself up and as he got back in the cot he asked what happened. This was all by flashlight since there was no electricity at the camp. The next day Paul didn’t remember being knocked over and talking to me. Heavy sleeper.

    The third night is when the encounter happened. I, unlike Paul, am a light sleeper, now more than I was before that night. I was awakened by something late at night. Didn’t know what it was and couldn’t hear anything at first then I thought I heard something moving around the table. So I got out of the cot and put my left hand on the pole by the door of the tent and with my right I slowly pushed open the tent flap. At first I thought I saw someone at the table but in the moonlight and it being under the tarp I could quite tell what it was. At first I thought it was a bear, but I remember the camp people telling us there were no bear in the area.

    Suddenly there was a crack and a soft grunt and I could see, my eyes were adjusting to the moonlight, that it was a bigfoot and that it had pried open the food box from the side and bent it up off the hinge. Suddenly I was soo scared I couldn’t move. I watched a sasquatch from about fifteen feet from the side over it’s left shoulder as it was moving something white from the box to it’s mouth. Bread… it was eating our bread. After watching for a while I realized I wasn’t breathing and not wanting it to know I was there I slowly exhaled and took in a breath. Still frozen in place I watched it eat an entire loaf of bread and then start rummaging in the box for more. It found our donuts and ate those.

    And then suddenly there was a scream of BEAR from across the camp. The sasquatch was leaning over the table and as it had been eating it would straighten up some and it’s head would disappear into the pointed center of the fly and I couldn’t see it’s head but when it was lower it would turn from side to side as it chewed. It was darker under the fly since it was out of the moonlight but I could see the profile. I could not see eyeshine and the eyes did not glow red. When the scream of BEAR rang out the sasquatch stood up straight and when it did it ripped the pegs out of the ground and the fly began to collapse around it’s head. It let out a yell and swung it’s arms around and the fly fell across the table. It turn away from the yell and it noticed me there. It paused for only and instance and then walked quickly towards me.

    I thought it was coming after me but it was really going between my tent and the next one over. It’s foot got caught on the loose rope and peg from the collapsed fly and pulled it for a second and it seemed to turn that was and pulled it’s leg out of the rope and then disappeared between the tents. I don’t know what came over me but as it went by I stepped out of the tent and watched it disappear into the trees. Lights began appearing from all over the place as everybody but Paul had been awakened in our camp and the adjoining camps. The boy who yelled Bear said he just saw the dark shape since it was all he could see under the tarp outlined by the moonlight on my tent and then he ducked back into his tent. I tried to convince everyone that I could see what it was and that it was a bigfoot. Sasquatch wasn’t really used then and in Missouri it’s called Mo Mo the monster.

    The next morning there were no tracks since it was a heavy traveled area and I didn’t really feel inclined to go searching for proof in the woods on my own. We had a canoe trip planned for that day and a campout on the other side of the lake. We went and during the night it began to rain and since there was the threat of lighting hitting the lake we hiked in the dark around that massive lake in the rain. The whole way I was searching the woods for the bigfoot. I could hardly sleep the rest of the week and couldn’t wait for the camp to end. The sasquatch was big but not huge. I was able to walk under the fly without ducking down but our scout leader couldn’t. He had to duck and little so it must have been just below 6 feet at the edge. The sasquatch was hunched under the tarp and it’s head would disappear in the peak as it ate. When I stood up it was tall enough to collapse the tarp on itself so it must have been 7 feet tall or more. When it turned and walked past me I was looking up at it’s face and it seemed to tower over the tent. I could feel each step as it went by and it looked big and thick. Lots more detail if your interested and I am willing to communicate more on the encounter.”


    SC EP:550 The Little Green Man

    SC EP:550 The Little Green Man

    Tonight I will be speaking to Kevin who is originally from Ireland. He shares some Irish folklore, along with an encounter he had with a little green man. What we might first assume in a America to be a little man in a green suit or a leprechaun, Kevin explains that something is lost in translation because what he saw was what most would consider to be a 2-3 foot tall little grayish/green alien. Not only did he see it but his family saw it. Kevin said “In our culture we would leave it gifts to leave us alone. My aunt said it had the head of a porcelain doll because it was so smooth and the face did not move.”

    Kevin goes on to say, “I came to America and joined the Marines. I served this country but my strange experiences did not stop in Ireland I have also seen a Sasquatch.”

    SC EP:549 The Stinky Homeless Man?

    SC EP:549 The Stinky Homeless Man?

    Tonight is going to be jammed pack with guests. We start off with Daniel Benoit who will be sharing information on his conference coming up in Virginia. Since it is the weekend I decided to bring Bingo on and see who knows more about Bigfoot. Will Daniel win or Sasquatch Chronicles prodigal son Bingo?

    Check out the conference on Facebook.


    Timothy Renner from the Strange Familiars Podcast stops by to share some historical accounts of Sasquatch.

    Check out the Strange Familiars podcast here.


    We will wrap up with Jim who grew up in a military family and shares strange run ins with what he called a "stinky, hairy homeless man. *Spoiler Alert* It was not a human.

    SC EP:547 Tree Jumping Creature

    SC EP:547 Tree Jumping Creature

    Tree Jumping Creature

    Spoke to a witness who has agreed to come on the show. He said “Many years ago I worked on cell towers in remote locations. We were in Pennsylvania and I stepped away from the job site to use the bathroom. There are no bathrooms in these remote locations so we used a 5 gallon bucket and a plastic bag. I heard leaves moving around but could not tell where it was coming from.

    I finished what I was doing and about 40 feet away this thing jumped from the tree, it didn’t fall, it jumped down.It was huge, I mean it was really huge.

    This is during the day and this thing jumps from the tree and lands. It turned to look at me. This has upset me most of my life. I am not sure what to say, he looked like the ugliest human ever but much bigger and covered in hair. It turned and looked right at me. This thing snarled, growled and showed its teeth. It than turned and walked away. I was in shock. We had been hearing strange noises prior to that like whoops and knocks but we were so busy working we didn’t pay attention. After that day I never went back.”


    The Rock Pile

    Randy Harrington returns to the show to give us an update on a property he has been investigating with Shane Carpenter along with others. They are putting together evidence on what they have found so far. Randy is known for thinking outside of the box. I had him on a few shows where he talked about setting up a fake campsite and watching it from a distance. Randy says “The creatures sit on this ridge line above our camp and throw rocks at us almost every night. So we decided to give them ammunition to throw at us. We investigated the area during the day and found where they were throwing rocks, so we setup rock piles and marked the rocks with a black marker. Each pile we marked the rocks so we could tell exactly where they were and what pile of rocks they were using. The results were interesting to say the least.”


    The Green Lights

    A listener writes “Wes, I’ve been listening to the show for about 4 years and I have to say that I am really impressed with the platform you’ve built and the community you’ve brought together. I’m currently a desert rat living in Las Vegas, NV and I wanted to share my personal story of encountering orbs.

    I have never had a Sasquatch encounter but I definitely believe there is something out there especially with some of the accounts that have been passed down through my family.

    My encounter took place in Marietta, GA. I was 17 at the time and I had taken a late night flight into Atlanta to see my dad for Christmas. I landed around 9:30pm and it took about an hour to drive to my dad’s house. My dad lives at the end of a cul-de-sac with about 3 miles of forest behind his house. His home is 2 stories with a basement. The main floor overlooks the forest and sits about 30 ft off of the ground with large bay windows overlooking the back deck and the surrounding forest.

    Once I settled in my dad went off to bed around 11:30pm. I was set up on the couch in the living room that overlooked the woods. Still on Vegas time(3 hours behind) I was wide awake and was sitting comfortably on the couch reading a book. I looked up from the pages and noticed a faint green glow way off in the trees. I thought at the time it was an insect or a lantern but that thought quickly changed. Over the next 15 minutes the light became more defined and appeared to wobble through the woods. As it got closer I could clearly see 3 distinct orbs all lightly bouncing and wobbling about 10ft off the forest floor. As they got closer I began to feel intense fear and the realization that I could not look away became very distinct. These three orbs floated closer until they got to the backyard gate to which they steadily floated up until they were eye level at the bay windows. They were roughly basketball sized, with a pale green luminescence with a slight haze coming off of them. They were lightly translucent and were frankly very beautiful. I felt mesmerized but gripped with fear. They began bobbing up and down in a random sequence slowly and then more vigorously. At this moment I passed out and have no recollection of anything else that night. I woke up with a significant pain on my left forearm and horrible migraine. I noticed a small metallic object a few centimeters under my skin that was blueish silver in color.

    About 4 years later I was back in Vegas doing an evening hike at calico basin. I summited one of the small mountains and was admiring the night sky when I caught a faint green light in the darkened sky. I could see the rising constellation of Orion at the time and I observed this green light stay perfectly still for about 5 minutes. I became gripped with fear again and quickly got off the mountain and went home. I removed the metal object in my forearm and it was incredibly difficult to do so. I ended up making a small incision and using forceps had to pull it out as my flesh had grown around it. There were tissue fibers attached to it and it was incredibly difficult to break those fibers to remove it. I have attached a photo of the scar left behind by removing this object. The object itself was blueish silver but with almost a dark grey patina. It was hard and almost felt like steel or iron but typically the body will push those heavy metals out of the skin if they are embedded.

    I am a skeptic and an atheist. I have no belief in most supernatural things as there is little physical evidence to support most claims. I cannot stress how little I actually believe as valid but this experience I cannot rationalize my experience and science tells us it is not only likely but it is statistically impossible for life to not exist outside of our planet. I am not sure if this was extraterrestrial in origin or perhaps a more rational terrestrial event but either way I am only left with questions and a mind grasping to connect the dots.

    Thank you for reading and for everything you do Wes!”

    SC EP:545 Shots FIRED!

    SC EP:545 Shots FIRED!

    A listener writes “I shot one in 1995 deer hunting in the area around Oregon caves out of cave junction where I live. Have had a few other encounters and photos of footprints while hunting wild mushrooms, let me know if you are interested...”

    He said he was hunting and the night before they kept hearing someone or something around their camp. The next day he found a large boulder to sit on that over looked a clearing. He sat for awhile... then something stood up. The witness said “He was looking directly at me and I could see everything. I do not remember chambering a round. This thing started running so fast and I started shooting. I know I hit it 3 times in the back. It fell to its knees and got up and just ran off. I realized it was running in the direction of our camp and my friend was at the camp. I heard my friend start shooting. I ran back to the camp while it was leaving. The following night was a nightmare. Several of these things showed up and they were mad. I fired off almost all the ammo I had that night. The next morning we left. There are other things that happen.”


    Our second guest writes, “June 2009, early summer here in West Virginia. I lived in Ohio County on the outskirts of Wheeling. Which I know is a major city, yet it’s surrounded by thick tree on top of tree strangling wilderness.

    I lived approximately five miles outside of town back in the rural suburbs on a gravel road with two other neighbors. The property line of my house pressed right up against the Spidel Golf Course of Olgebay Park. I could see the 18th hole flag from my porch. There is a large tree in the middle of my yard, the yard itself slopes downward it’s some what of a hill. A few things happened leading up to this encounter, now I’m not gonna say I never believed in Sasquatch. I’m an open guy, I’ve had some run ins with the paranormal. From things that happened in my child hood to my early adult life. Yet I thought that this was a Pacific Northwest phenomenon, I had never heard of these creatures in Appalachia. If I knew now what I knew then, talk about going down the Rabbit Hole. All that opened up to me after seeing these things. I can’t rightly remember what day it was, all I know is it was around 10 pm. And my wife at the time, and I were about to leave the house and go to Blockbuster before it closed. I walked out onto the porch and let my cat out, he was a big ole tabby. And wasn’t afraid of damn near anything. As I walked down the three steps of the porch, I saw a flash of white and my cat had zipped back up the stairs and straight back into the house as I had left the door open.

    I just shook my head and began walking the path around to go down the other stairs to where we parked the cars. I stopped in my tracks, this overwhelming feeling of being watched. I’m not gonna lie I was petrified, yet I lifted my head up and started scanning the barrier of thickets and bramble that marked my property line. I saw some eyes looking back at me, the light from my porch making these eyes shine an orange like color, almost red. I stared at it, as it stared at me. I was about forty feet from the creature. It stood leaning against a tree, not just leaning it had on arm wrapped around the tree itself and even as it stared at me it would slowly rock to the side. I myself couldn’t move, I was frozen in place and the fear that gripped me. Was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It didn’t make any threatening motions, nor did it purse it’s lips or any of that monkey stuff. It was ape like and yet humanlike. The stare down only lasted two minutes, but it felt like an eternity. My wife called out to me from inside the house, the creature took it’s eyes off of me and looked towards my doorway. I too looked back at the door way, and then my head snapped back to the creature. It was no longer standing there, it was now walking away up a rolling hill side. In the light of the moon I could make out it’s back muscles and butt. It was like a guy on steroids. It kept walking until it disappeared into the tree line at the top of the hill.

    I tried to tell my wife about it, but she just thought I was trying to scare her. She would eventually believe me, as this wouldn’t be the last time we saw it or others. A few weeks would pass before we saw anything more, but upon seeing it. It opened my eyes up even more to the on goings around me. From the sounds I heard to things, I would notice. From something slapping the house in the middle of the night, to finding big rocks on the roof of my back porch. Blood curdling screams, that sounded like the came from not to far away. I’m not a hunter, but I do know the woods around me. I am however an avid fisherman, and I spend a lot of time down on the Ohio River and the creeks that bleed into it. I was a boy scout as a kid and we had to identify animals and their traits to gain badges. And I’m telling you there is no animal like this animal out there. I tried telling my family, my dad said no such thing. And my mom had a good chuckle. I apologize for not giving you more to go on. Hope to hear from you soon.”


    And our final guest writes, “We have had several strange occurrences during the past two years. The following have been occurring:Our dogs in our kennel have been barking non-stop all night, every night for the past year up to about 3 weeks ago (see below).

    On one occasion, one dog kennel (chain link fencing) was smashed in as if a bear or other large creature had tried to get at the dogs. We have had bear sightings in the past two years. However, that bear was shot and killed by a local farmer about 1 1/2 years ago (prior to this incident). No other bear activity since that time to our knowledge.

    Our next door neighbors have also heard whoops and other odd noises. The gentleman that lives there is a true frontier-style woodsman and has lived on the land all his life. As an avid hunter and outdoorsman, he is extremely familiar with the land and surrounding properties. These are noises he is unfamiliar with and has never heard on the property before.

    My wife and I have heard whistles, whoops, grunts, and tree knocking. Upon arriving home one evening, there was a very loud tree knock as we exited our vehicle. We have heard what sounds like two men having a muffled conversation behind our home a few times. Often, after dark specifically, there is an occasional wet dog/skunky smell in the air and noises in the surrounding woods.

    Our motion sensor lights have been tripping almost nightly (until 3 weeks ago). On the property and surrounding properties, there are large rock formations that are tall and deep enough for animal dens."


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    SC EP:543 Dogman In The Graveyard

    SC EP:543 Dogman In The Graveyard

    “Hi Wes, Love the show I listen every night before bed and while I’m driving. I’ve had multiple weird encounters with things in the woods and paranormal activity. I’m 41 and grew up in Nova Scotia Canada and also lived in South Carolina and North Carolina.

    Anyway my first encounter was when I was about 14. (1992) It was the beginning summer and a very dark night. My brother and his friends had a campfire in the field past our backyard. There are a ton of deer and coyotes. Anyway they left in a car to go to town and my mom sent me down there to clean up and get the left over food and condiments. Also to make sure the fire was out. I grew up in the woods and I wasn’t scared of anything until that night. I was picking up after my brother and friends and I heard a growling noise from the woods. It was so loud I felt it in my chest and body. I was thinking bear at the time. Which I’ve never seen around our yard or woods. I froze and looked into the woods it was pitch black. I started to run to the house (dropped everything) ran into the field behind my house and I could feel this thing chasing me. It felt big and on two feet running after me like a person. It growled and heavy breath the whole time behind me. I was a fast kid but it could have gotten me if it wanted. It stopped chasing me as soon as I reach the garage light.

    I ran into the house in a panic and my mom asked what was wrong I said something was out there. She was going to tell my dad I told her no because he would have went out with a gun and I knew he’d be in trouble. My brother and his friends Were all gone. I made sure it wasn’t them playing a trick on me. I didn’t think of a Sasquatch until many years later when I heard there here and I heard other people’s encounters. I didn’t believe In Bigfoot back then. I’ll add I had a nightmare that very night that a lot wolves came into my house and we’re going around looking for me. Woke up in a sweat and panic. The next day my dad said the food was gone and everything Else by the campfire was spread all over the place in a mess. Anyway I’d love to tell you my other encounters if your interested. I’ve kept them to myself for years. If you look up Nova Scotia it’s very paranormal here.”

    Spoke to witness and he opened up about seeing this werewolf walking on two legs coming out of the cemetery by his home, unfortunately his father was laid to rest there. He said he had never told anyone this before but looking back he said he felt like that creature chased him home a year before. He said he never understood why his nightmares consisted of wolves chasing him and breaking into his home. The witness will be sharing a lot of strange encounters.


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    SC EP:540 I Quit

    SC EP:540 I Quit

    There was technical issues with capturing my presentation at the live event. I will recreate it and tell the story about the day I quit the show and put it out for everyone when I get back into town. Bob flys out tomorrow morning and I told him how much it meant to me for him to be there with me when I told that story. He teared up a little when I said it to him and I told him to cowboy up or he was going to make me tear up. If you didn’t love Bob Gimlin before, you will after hearing this and it has nothing to do with filming Patty. If you love the show you will understand why there is still a show after hearing what I have to say. If you meet Bob in the future be sure to thank him. I got an opportunity to have a real heart to heart with him and tell him what he means to me.

    SC EP:537 Do Not Point A Weapon At These Things

    SC EP:537 Do Not Point A Weapon At These Things

    Dylan writes "Wes, I want to tell you about an experience that I had with Bigfoot around Lena Lake in Washington state in the Olympic National Park.

    It was during a camping trip that I had with my dad and the interaction occurred while we were sleeping in our hammocks. We both awoke to what I first assumed was a bear because of the breathing noise it made. It wasn't until I looked through the gap in my tarp that I realized that the creature was standing and had arms. This camping trip was cut a little short because of some other concerns that we had while we were hiking. My dad and I only spoke once about this the next morning and after he told me that he was convinced that we had a bear problem I decided not to tell him what I saw.

    Shoot me an email if you'd like to hear more about the experience and why we decided to cut our trip short. To this day I haven't told anyone about the encounter because I've always thought of Bigfoot as a dumb joke and I never wanted to sound like a hypocrite to my friends."


    My second guest is Joe. Joe writes "Hi Wes, I’m from Ohio. I’m a huge fan of your show and I have been wrestling with the idea of mailing you and telling my story. But I guess if I’m going to tell anyone (outside my family) it would be you.

    Im an avid outdoorsman and have been spending as much time in the woods hunting, fishing, and hiking since I was six years old. My brother and I started out as our fathers hunting dogs, tromping on brush piles kicking up rabbits and pheasant for our dad and I’ve been hooked ever since. My Bigfoot story starts a few years back when we started hunting a new lease. Our second season in, It started out with hearing what sounded like someone talking far off in the woods , but you just couldn’t make it out. Which seemed odd but there are some(not many) but some people who live around the area. I brushed it off the first time, then a few days later my brother and I went hunting again and I heard the same thing, I was beginning to wonder what it was and was going to tell my brother about it, but I didn’t have to say anything to him. When I came out of the woods that evening he meet me at the truck and the first thing he said was “did you hear those people talking?” Not wanting to tip my hand I said I thought I did but couldn’t make it out,,, and he said “yeah same here. But it got kinda close and it was like they were talking gibberish!” That ride home was spent talking about what we both heard and then I introduced him to ur show. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to believe but he was about to get on board really soon. We both hunt pretty often and two weeks later we had both been to the woods multiple times and each had a few more “odd” things go on. A few more talking episodes a whoop or two a rock clacking incident, a few weird things but nothing that was definitively anything.

    All could possibly be explained away essentially. Then one morning about 3weeks after the initial incidents I had a work commitment and couldn’t join my brother in the woods. At about 530-6 in the morning I get a call from my brother, hoping nothing went wrong as I knew he’d be walking into his stand I answered and he immediately sounded upset. After a few minutes of calming him down, I finally got it out of him that something had “screamed at him as he was almost to his stand”. My brother is a tough guy, always was the bigger brother, my protector. And I had never heard him sound as scared as he was in that call. He told me it was like nothing he had ever heard before, it sounded like it was wanting to rip him apart he said. He also said there was something that sounded like grunting and growling together after the screaming, he said he could feel it shaking in his chest. He wanted to run, and hide all at the same time. He chose getting up in his stand and waiting on the sun to rise. He called me from his stand. He made me stay on the phone with him until he was ready to walk out.. I should probably mention that this is taking place in mid October. Ohio’s hunting season starts the last weekend of sept and my second time in the stand(which was day two of the season) is when this all began. It had been a pretty wet year so the majority of the leaves and foliage were still hanging on. My brothers stand was in a pretty thick area of our property. So as I tried to keep him calm and quiet and have him listen for things moving around him. Suddenly as we were on the phone he heard something and shushed me and said he thought he heard something. It was approaching that point in the morning when the woods seem to suddenly appear b4 ur eyes, that special morning time. Suddenly he panicked and said something exploded out of some brush about 75yds away and sounded like a freight train going thru the woods,, luckily going away from him and not towards the car. He waited till he couldn’t hear anything else and high tailed it outta there. A few days later after the shock of it all kinda subsided we went back to our land and tried to find some signs of the thing. Other than a few broken branches there wasn’t much and needless to say my brother, who I credited for even going back, wasn’t wanting to stay real long. So we got his stand and left the area.

    We stayed outta the woods for a few days, but the rut was about to start and we couldn’t stay away forever. We’re just to big of hunters and as I was thinking about it and discussing it, my brother and I convinced ourselves that if whatever made those screams wanted to hurt him it could have done whatever it wanted. It was probably just a warning. So we decided to give whatever it was that side of the property and we’d move to another part of the lease and just be careful. So back to the woods we went. A few hunts later, about a week or so, I was in my stand enjoying a beautiful afternoon. Now the woods at this time end of October early November are starting to thin out a little bit. It was one of those days when a strong breeze makes it look like it’s snowing leaves. It was about the last hour or two of the day when I heard it again,, the chatter. Only this time it was a little higher pitched than I remembered. I was on full alert at this point, then I started to hear something that sounded like it was approaching,, but it just didn’t sound right.. now my stand sits on top of ridge there’s about 30yds of flat(that is loaded with oaks) then it goes into valleys on either side. On my left which is the side my stand is on,, on the hillside there is two natural shelves one about 20ish yds down (which by the way the bucks love to cruise and scent check) and another about 50-60yds down. I can always see the closer shelf but the further one down is hard to see because of all the brush. But I do have two shooting lanes cut down there for gun season. Anyway just laying out what I’m looking at. So like said I could hear something coming my way but sounded weird. As I’m studying the woods the chatter and sounds start to become clearer. The chatter sounded like two monkeys chitchatting and the sounds seemed to be coming from the up in the trees and something walking on the ground. Suddenly I swore I could see the trees moving out in front of me to left. And it seemed as soon as I thought I was seeing that, I heard a noise I never heard in my life. It was like a grunt and huff and deep bark all rolled into one. And after that everything went silent. It was eerily quiet, no sound no movement nothing. Sat for what seemed like an eternity, probably two minutes lol,, but then the wind started moving and as a bigger gust came along the leaves began snowing again and I heard it again only in two tsk tsk sounds and at that point I heard some limbs breaking and what sounded like two tree stumps landed with two distinct thuds and was followed by two clearly running down the hill sounds. I never saw what made that noise but definitely sounded like two separate things running away and wasn’t bounding away like deer or anything else in the woods I had ever heard b4. Those ended kinda quickly. After the initial shock of that my attention immediately turned to what made the deeper grunts and tsk sounds. It sound like it came from the lower shelf but out in front of me. I studied and studied the woods for anything!! Any sort of something wrong in the woods, any sound any movement anything. Then the usually bane of my existence in the woods, the squirrels that seem to constantly run all around my stand came again. One of those furry bastards came from the other side of the flat and started down the other side towards the sounds.

    I was looking at the squirrel,, staring in the direction of the noises when suddenly the squirrel, which had got pretty close to where I thought the sounds came from, shot up a tree and immediately began barking his head off. As I again began studying the woods I caught the slightest movement.. a movement that changed my life. I finally remembered I took my crossbow that day instead of my usual compound, so I slowly raised and looked through my scope and saw it. A hand, just a hand that was wrapped around a big oak holding on. I stared at it and stared. Not believing it at first I looked off the scope blinking and looked again and it moved. Repositioning itself very slowly and methodically. I stared into that scope looking on both sides of that tree looking for what that hand was attached to. When suddenly very slowly and methodically a face began to creep around the tree looking directly at me. I was frozen and knew that she was looking at me and immediately knew by her expression that she knew I was seeing her. She looked panicked for a split second then immediately withdrew her face. At this point I’m in a state of disbelief not believing what my eyes just saw. It was dark skinned and had longer hair hanging down on the face but not very much hair on the face. I continue to stare down at the tree. When she moved her face back she also pulled her hand back. I sat there looking intently for what I instantly knew what I had saw. There was no mistaking it. Finally the long wait was interrupted by a loud clacking sound. Like someone taking two rocks and banging them together rapidly. It came in three quick bursts and was followed by a quick higher pitched whistle. This definitely got my and the attention of the mother that was below me. She made a sound like she was shushing the little ones down the hill. Or what I assume was the little ones. She then peeked her head out from behind the tree and was looking at me again. I instinctively lifted my bow and looked down at her and her face had taken on new much more fierce and clearly was not happy I was there and I assume wasn’t happy I was so close to her and her babies.

    She then stepped from one tree to another,, to another every few minutes whenever the leaves would start falling heavy again. I’d catch glimpses of her and see her for a second or so. she was about 7ft tall and had a bigger but still somehow lean build. I could see breasts on her, which is why I keep calling her mom. Another long pause with her outta sight, but I knew she hadn’t left the area. The exact spot she was in she would’ve had to either drop down a weird drop off which I felt I woulda heard, go back the way she came, or cross thru one of my shooting lanes. I was scanning the area with my scope looking for anything and that’s when she stepped into the lane and turned to face me. she was about 80-100yds or so away, and when she did this I was looking at her through the scope and I regret doing that now. I don’t know if she took it as aggression but as she stopped and turned she stood there for a sec and then got into a (for lack of a better way of saying it) an aggressive stance and began to growl and show her teeth to me and took two or three steps towards me. I lowered my bow instantly and even went as far as to hang it up on my extendable hanger. As I did that she stopped gave me one more mean look and walked briskly away. I could hear her moving down the hill, I then heard a louder whistle and heard the two (I assume babies) start moving down the hill away from me. They cleared about 400yds of downhill in a matter of seconds and when I could barely hear them I heard a loud grunt and suddenly a giant pop and crashing. Sounded like a larger tree being pushed over and snapping. I felt very shaken and extremely unwelcome instantly. After the woods settled down for a second and I was able to shake the shock and shakes enough to climb down from my stand and made the walk back to the vehicle ASAP.

    On my way home I tried calling my brother but he and his fiancé were at a function and he wasn’t able to answer me, so I left him a message and just hoped he would call me back. He unfortunately didn’t and the next morning he went hunting and went down the hill and past where I heard the Bigfoot exit the area I wAs in the night b4. On his stand he finally took some time to check his voicemail and heard my abbreviated story and on his way out was intrigued, searched around for a lil bit, and saw a tree that was broken and fallen. I’ll include a picture he took of the tree. It’s a tree that for no other reason should have been broken or damaged, as it was a perfectly healthy tree and there were no storms or anything else that could have done what happened to this tree. It has been two years since this has happened and I and my family have still been hunting this land. We have been extra careful and have adopted a live and let live attitude about this property.

    I and my brother have each shot deer and left them as “presents” for the Bigfoot. We love this piece of land and we also have our children who we bring with us to hunt (but we never let them hunt alone) and we can’t help but be hunters and enthusiasts about the search for an unknown species. As we’ve hunted over the last few years we have both shot deer and have left them over night, only to find significant blood trails that lead to pools of blood, hair everywhere, but no deer. We looked on these as “peace offerings” and haven’t ever pushed the issue on finding these deer. We have always had an extra agenda on our minds, and we have had a few more experiences (also floating lights which we were able to get a pic of one) and “things” go on.. but nothing like what I saw that day. I believe that our land is more of a summer into fall location, bcuz as soon as our land loses its leaves and we get into full winter the activity drops off and as full winter hits we lose all activity. We are pretty close to the Tappan Lake region(like two miles or less) which has had its fair share of sightings and claims over the years. And is about 20miles from the famed salt fork state park. I am more than a believer, just like you Wes. I am “knower” that we as humans share this land with an unknown biped.

    I also believe that our government is definitely aware of these creatures and is actively protecting them, monitoring them, and possibly even protecting and possibly moving them as they see fit. I’ve saved this last bit for the ending of my message to you as it may be the most unexplainable part of my experiences. This past fall I was in my stand for another hunt when I heard a helicopter approaching. Odd, but not totally extraordinary. But as it came closer I could see the heli beginning to slow down about 3/4 to 1 mile away and began slowly circling a smaller in size area. Suddenly the chopper blades became extremely loud and making an odd but very loud, bum bum bum slow and steady sound as it circled and began lowering. As it started to drop out of sight all of a sudden there was no sound anymore!! Even though I could still see the heli for a few seconds b4 it dropped out of visuals. And when I say no sound I mean no sound whatsoever! Then there was about a 5min gap of zero sound from the area where I knew the helicopter had circled down.

    I was dumbfounded by all of this, and as u know 5mins in the woods can seem like a day when exciting things are going on. When all of a sudden the extremely loud bum bum bum erupted again and I saw the heli rise up from the same spot. It lasted for about 30 seconds as it slowly rose and circled again then the sound of regular chopper began again and the heli moved around behind and I lost sight of it, but could still hear it and even though I couldn’t see it the loud bum bum bum sounds came and went again where I couldn’t see it. Only this time I heard something else. As the loud noises came the second time I heard some loud huffs and smaller scream/whooping noises accompanied by crashing and what sounded like something throwing something big and some more crashing noises from out in front of me. For some “visuals”.... the heli came from my back and to the left to out in front of me to the left. It then circled back from the same way it came,,, my left and circled behind me to 45degrees to my rear right shoulder. The noises I heard came from in front of my right shoulder about 45degrees. Just so you can picture it...... Now my rational thought immediately tried to explain this away as maybe there was an emergency that an emergency rescue or life flight was being executed. That seems logical as there are boaters, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts in the area. So I began to research that. I have friends who work at the two closest hospitals that would and are able to accommodate life flights and they both looked into the matter and neither had any flights come in within a week b4 or after the date in which this happened. So I struck out to try and find another resident of the area that had heard or saw anything weird. It had been about 4-5 days since the incident and a few people had heard something weird but no one close to where I knew the heli had went down. The area I saw the noise come from was particularly weird. I knew there was a home pretty close to that area and so I went there to try and start a dialogue. I started out as “neighbor” who had just got permission to the neighboring property and was wanting some hunting and property line info. The man and woman were extremely nice and were more than willing to help. We chatted for a about 10mins when I started to put out there that I was hunting another property close by. At the first mention of that there demeanor instantly began to change. We had ventured about 100yds or so from their house as we were chatting. And as i saw their attitude change I immediately decided to drop the bomb on them.

    I said I was hunting and had saw a helicopter circling around close to their property and they immediately shut down!!! They started walking back to their house and I kept right with them and began asking every question I could about seeing it hearing it, what they saw and everything else I could. They didn’t answer a single question. They just kept saying they didn’t know what I was talking about and were actively trying to get away from me. I went as far as sticking my foot in the door to keep them from shutting it in my face. The last thing I heard from these people was “we didn’t see anything, and if we did we wouldn’t tell you!!!” This obviously piqued my interest quite a bit. But I’ve yet to get any farther with anyone else around the area either....??? So Wes that’s my long story. Sorry for the lengthy message but as I was writing you it just kept coming out, and believe it or not I’ve left out some stuff. If you’d like to chat I’d be happy to, if not I understand. I’m sure you get a lot of people that contact you. Im just happy that there is someone like you who does what you do and helps people out as much as you do. You truly are a much needed outlet for people like us who come away from these encounters and “strange things” not knowing what or how to feel or deal with the stress of it all. Thanks again Wes have a great week."