

    Explore " bim" with insightful episodes like "Patrick Lalonde: Virtual Design & Construction Excellence at EllisDon", "Die Zukunft der integrierten Fabrikplanung - mit Oliver Neumann #154", "Cyril Verley & Kimon Onuma: Revolutionizing BIM Data for Facility Owners at CDV Systems and Onuma", "Sanierung von Firmengebäuden als Beitrag zum Klimaschutz mit Ingo Höffle (EnBW)" and "Parametrisch ontwerpen versnelt bouwproces" from podcasts like ""Constructed Futures", "Fabrik der Zukunft | Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen", "Constructed Futures", "SMART INNOVATION" and "De Innovatiegolf"" and more!

    Episodes (63)

    Die Zukunft der integrierten Fabrikplanung - mit Oliver Neumann #154

    Die Zukunft der integrierten Fabrikplanung - mit Oliver Neumann #154
    Integrierte Modelle der Fabriken verändern die Fabrikplanung und -realisierung. Oliver Neumann von Autodesk, mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Automobil- und IT-Industrie, gibt uns Einblick in die Konzepte dahinter.
    Oliver war vor 10 Jahren Mitbegründer der Idee des "Integrierten Fabrikmodells (IFM)", das Produktionsunternehmen unterstützt, ihre Werke effektiver zu planen, zu bauen und zu betreiben. Heute fördert er als Teil des Autodesk Global Business Development Teams industrieübergreifend die Implementierung zukunftsweisender Produktionsprozesse und -technologien. Mit Tobias Herwig diskutiert er heute: 
    • Industrial Metaverse: Trend, Individualisierung, technologische Möglichkeiten.
    • 2D Fabrikplanung: Realitäten, Herausforderungen, Einsatz von Tools.
    • Digitalisierungsbedarf: Wichtigkeit für Planung/Betrieb, Widerstände bei Transformation.
    • BIM und IFM: Revolutionierung digitaler Zusammenarbeit.
    • Umsetzung IFM: Praktische Anwendung, Schnittstellen wie PLM, Vorteile für alle Industrien.
    • KI in der Planung: Verbesserung durch KI-gestützte Layoutvorschläge.


    Folge Tobias Herwig auf LinkedIn für die neusten Episoden und Updates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobias-herwig/
    Wir freuen uns über dein Feedback zur Episode direkt über LinkedIn oder an podcast@fabrikderzukunft.com 

    Sanierung von Firmengebäuden als Beitrag zum Klimaschutz mit Ingo Höffle (EnBW)

    Sanierung von Firmengebäuden als Beitrag zum Klimaschutz mit Ingo Höffle (EnBW)

    Firmengebäude haben einen hohen Anteil am CO2 Ausstoss über die gesamte Nutzungsdauer. In der Ep. 94 des Smart Innovation Podcast ist Klaus Reichert im Gespräch mit Ingo Höffle. Es geht um das energetische Sanieren von Firmengebäuden. Die Unterhaltung soll Hilfestellungen für Architekten, Planerinnen, Bauherren geben, die Gebäude im Rahmen der Energiewende und Wärmewende klimaneutral betreiben wollen. Ingo Höffle ist Architekt und Nachhaltigkeitsmanager Immobilien bei der EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG und Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft Karlsruhe.

    Alle Links & Transkript: https://www.klausreichert.de/sanierung-von-firmengebauden-als-beitrag-zum-klimaschutz-mit-ingo-hoeffle-enbw/


    Im Smart Innovation Podcast gibt es umsetzungsorientierte und fokussierte Gespräche mit engagierten und kreativen Menschen über Innovation, Innovationsmanagement, Unternehmertum und Verantwortung im Kontext des Klimawandels.

    Es geht um innovative agile Organisationen mit Vision, Dynamik und Energie sowie den passenden Vorgehensweisen, Zukunft auch enkeltauglich zu entwerfen. Ebenso geht es um wechselnde aktuelle Themen wie neue Geschäftsmodelle, nachhaltige Produkte & digitale Dienstleistungen.

    Episoden erscheinen montags: bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden und folgen Sie der Show, wo immer Sie Ihre Podcasts hören, bei Linkedin und per Newsletter.

    Mein Name ist Klaus Reichert. Ich bin unabhängiger Berater mit Herzblut und Business Coach für Innovation. Ich begleite Unternehmen auf dem Weg von der Vision zu nachhaltigen Leistungen. Mein Standort ist Baden-Württemberg, zwischen Karlsruhe und dem Bodensee.

    Alle Folgen mit Transkript, Links & Newsletter: https://www.klausreichert.de/podcast/

    Parametrisch ontwerpen versnelt bouwproces

    Parametrisch ontwerpen versnelt bouwproces

    Het ontwerpen van een gebouw duurt soms nog langer dan het bouwen zelf. Het is een lineair proces met veel handwerk. Parametrisch ontwerpen is een nieuwe, innovatieve methode waarmee het ontwerpproces enorm versneld wordt. De ontwikkeltijd van een gebouw wordt er mee teruggebracht van anderhalf jaar tot een maand, stelt CEO Jasper Spiegeler van OMRT.


    Het woningtekort in Nederland ligt op dit moment rond de 400.000 woningen, volgens Leontien de Waal, sector banker Bouw bij ABN AMRO. Dat is hoger dan het ooit is geweest, en het is de afgelopen jaren alleen maar toegenomen.


    Met hun gasten bespreken Harry Dijkema en Julia Krauwer de mogelijkheden die parametrisch ontwerpen biedt voor het veel sneller ontwerpen van huizen en andere gebouwen.


    In deze aflevering hoor je…

    … hoe OMRT van plan is het woningtekort op te lossen

    … hoe parametrisch ontwerp steeds meer wordt omarmd in de bouw- en vastgoedketen

    … hoe het zit met de 'digitale ongeletterdheid'

    … waarom SaaS geen geschikt bedrijfsmodel is voor OMRT

    … hoe parametrisch ook de design- en modewereld verovert

    … wat een 'well-building' is

    … wat de rol van generatieve AI in architectuur kan zijn

    … hoe het gesteld is met circulariteit in de bouw



    Episode 179: Professor Chimay Anumba from the University of Florida talks about Digital Twin technology

    Episode 179: Professor Chimay Anumba from the University of Florida talks about Digital Twin technology

    Professor Chimay Anumba is a Professor and the Dean of the College of Design, Construction, and Planning at the University of Florida. 

     He has over 500 scientific publications to his name and has also supervised 56 doctoral candidates to completion and mentored over 25 postdoctoral researchers. 

    He is the recipient of the 2018 ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Award and is  also a member of the US National Academy of Construction (NAC).

    Professor Anumba talks about the growing influence of Digital Twin technology in the design and build sector across the world.

    AWS Summit Toronto 2023

    AWS Summit Toronto 2023
    Take an audio tour of our AWS Summit Toronto DevChat with HH Angus’ Augusto Valdivia. Augusto recaps his DevChat about building scalable data lakes and discusses how we’re integrating new technologies such as 3D dashboards and IoT into project solutions.

    Digitalmacher #25 – Christian Schmid (Matthäus Schmid Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG)

    Digitalmacher #25 – Christian Schmid (Matthäus Schmid Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG)
    In dieser Episode widmen wir uns der Digitalisierung in der Baubranche, einem Sektor, der ein enormes Potenzial für Veränderungen und Verbesserungen durch innovative Technologien bietet. Die Baubranche ist zunehmend geprägt von Automatisierung, vernetzten Systemen und datengetriebenen Entscheidungsprozessen, die zu einer höheren Effizienz und einer besseren Zusammenarbeit auf Baustellen führen. Z.T. wird aber auch noch gebaut wie vor hundert Jahren - Stein auf Stein.

    In der 25. Folge des Digitalmacher-Podcast sprechen wir mit Christian Schmid, von Matthäus Schmid Bauunternehmen, der sich entschieden für die Digitalisierung einsetzt. Durch die Implementierung von Building Information Modeling (BIM) nutzen sie die Chancen der Digitalisierung und verändern die Art und Weise, wie Bauprojekte geplant, überwacht und realisiert werden. Er teilt seine Erkenntnisse zur Digitalisierung in der Baubranche und gibt uns einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die mit dieser Entwicklung einhergehen und welche weiteren spannenden Möglichkeiten in der Zukunft liegen könnten.

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    Folge 4 - Digital Fabrication

    Folge 4 - Digital Fabrication

    In der heutigen Folge sprechen wir über Digital Fabrication. Die fortschreitende Entwicklung von Digital Fabrication-Technologien ermöglicht es uns, massgeschneiderte Produkte schneller, effizienter und kostengünstiger als je zuvor herzustellen und bietet somit enorme Potenziale für die Zukunft von Produktion, Design und Konstruktion.

    Wir freuen uns über euer Feedback. Folgt uns gerne auf LinkedIn oder auf Instagram @hslu_digitalconstruction und vergesst nicht ein Like dazulassen. Bis zum nächsten Mal!

    Folge 2 - Das DC-Studium

    Folge 2 - Das DC-Studium

    Digital Construction Studium - was ist das eigentlich?
    In dieser zweiten Folge unseres DC Podcasts sprechen wir über den modernen Studiengang, dessen Zulassungsbedingungen, sowie auch die Tätigkeitsfelder in denen wir uns bewegen. Wir geben dir einen Einblick, was wir in den vergangenen Semestern so behandelt haben und welche Gastdozierende wir kennenlernen durften. Am Schluss haben wir noch eine neue Kategorie eingeführt namens "Worth the Hype". Da sprechen wir über ein neues Tool welches aktuell extrem für Gesprächsstoff sorgt.

    Wir freuen uns über euer Feedback. Folgt uns gerne auf LinkedIn oder auf Instagram @hslu_digitalconstruction und vergesst nicht ein Like dazulassen. Bis zum nächsten Mal!

    Wajdi Mereb, Engineer, “Innovator Of The Year” at AEC Excellence Awards - BIM & Smart Transportation

    Wajdi Mereb, Engineer, “Innovator Of The Year” at AEC Excellence Awards - BIM & Smart Transportation

    Wajdi Mereb is an engineer, architect and innovator who has more than 17 years of experience in digital transformation, assets management, and BIM (Building Information Modeling). Wajdi is the former Digital Transformation & BIM Manager at Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), in Dubai. During his tenure there, Wajdi was awarded the ‘Innovator of the Year’ in the AEC Excellence Awards 2020 and the ‘Individual Achievement Award’ from the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Global Awards 2019 in London.

    Currently, Wajdi is the Senior Manager- Engineering Digitalisation- BIM & Digital Twins at one of the reputable governmental entities since 2021, where he manages all aspects of Project Design- BIM throughout all the RIBA stages ensuring project goals are understood and delivered, and milestones are met.

    Interview Topics

    1. Please start by telling us a little bit about your background
    2. Could you share with us about your earlier career path and your motivations or inspiration?
    3. About BIM
    4. The challenges of Digital Twins and BIM
    5. The future of Smart Cities and Smart Transportation

    Wajdi Mereb Biography

    Wajdi Mereb is a BSc. in Architectural Engineering and an MSc. in Engineering Management. He is also having a MSc. in Management and MBA from the University of Sheffield/ U.K. with distinction.

    Wajdi Mereb’s major highlight was his role as the Digital Transformation & BIM Manager at Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), in Dubai between 2015 and 2021. There, he helped integrate the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies with its ecosystem to improve transportation in the city. He represented RTA in the Dubai Digital Transformation Team in the construction sector and managed the UAE Building Smart chapter. In this regard, he also managed RTA’s internal project: Assets management digitisation and the Digital Twin technology.

    Wajdi also led the successful BIM implementation in multi-billion strategic projects: “Metro Route 2020 project” valued at $3 billion value that was an integral part of Dubai’s proposal of UAE winning the EXPO 2021.

    As a policy expert, he authored and monitored the corporate BIM Policies for Vendors & Employees at RTA. He also led RTA to be the 1st entity in the globe obtaining ISO 19650 & UK BIM Level 2 certificates, and represented RTA in launching the compliance Kite-marks for OPEX phase “PAS 1192-3” & Security minded BIM “PAS 1192-5” in partnership with BSI.

    Wajdi has served many multi-billions projects varying in size & scope utilising various BIM authoring software including Autodesk Revit & Navis-works, Synchro, Bentley AECOsim Triforma and CDE platforms like Project-wise, BIM 360, & Aconex.

    About Dinis Guarda profile and Channels

    More interviews and research videos on Dinis Guarda YouTube

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    Folge 1 - Teaser Digital Construction

    Folge 1 - Teaser Digital Construction

    In der ersten Folge des Digital Construction Podcasts erfährst du, was dich alles erwartet. Arrigo und Naomi, beide Studierende des Studiengangs Digital Construction an der Hochschule Luzern möchten euch die neusten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Digitalisierung in der Bauindustrie, sowie neue Methoden und Technologien näher bringen. Sie nehmen dich mit in ihren Studentenalltag und geben dir Einblicke in den modernen, zukunftsorientierten Studiengang.

    Wir freuen uns über euer Feedback. Folgt uns gerne auf LinkedIn oder auf Instagram @hslu_digitalconstruction und vergesst nicht ein Like dazulassen. Bis zum nächsten Mal!

    02 - BIM is not Revit with Alex Turner

    02 - BIM is not Revit with Alex Turner

    Efficiency and accuracy are core components of delivering successful design and build projects. The adoption of BIM in the design and build sector is about implementing new technology and solutions to improve processes. 

    Alex Turner is Head of Digital Design and Construction at Oktra and runs the BIM strategy for Oktra. In this episode, Alex breaks down the meaning of BIM and how it benefits Oktra and their clients. Alex also discusses the impact of digital transformation and how we can move towards a more efficient future. 

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on LinkedIn or visit our website.

    EP 81: Essie Golden, Golden Confidence Blog + Founder of Thick Laces

    EP 81: Essie Golden, Golden Confidence Blog + Founder of Thick Laces

    Growing up in foster care, early childhood was anything but ordinary for Essie. Transitioning from different homes until she was the age of 6, Essie was luckily adopted by a family that poured into her and was the first successful Black family she ever saw. Essie started to step into her confidence after attending a HBCU, but that high she was riding on was short lived after she flunked out of school. Trying to find her purpose, Essie decided to move to NY where she immediately felt like she had found her place seeing plus sized models inspiring her to pursue a career in fashion. Instagram became the perfect place for Essie to garner attention and become a source of inspiration for plus sized women. She launched her blog Golden Confidence, a cornerstone of the Body Positivity movement and later created of the sneaker community, Thick Laces. Today, Essie continues to make it her business to not only take up space in fashion but make space for other women who look like her working on campaigns for brands like New Balance, Torrid, Amazon and more.

    Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses.

    From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more.

    Follow Claima Stories and Bimma Williams on Instagram: @claimastories @bimmawilliams.

    And watch us on Youtube powered by Vista

    EP 80: Daniel Buezo, Co-Founder of Kids of Immigrants

    EP 80: Daniel Buezo, Co-Founder of Kids of Immigrants

    Since he was a youngin, Daniel has always been about community and having the back of his homies and loved ones. When he was only 18, his sister unexpectedly passed away and it sent Daniel into a very dark place of rage. He started getting in trouble a lot and was even arrested for silly things like trespassing. After making a promise to himself to never go back to jail, Daniel would shift into social work and help kids who grew up like him in Brooklyn. From there, Daniel ended up moving around a bit, ultimately landing in LA where he was given a job as a tour stylist for Kehlani after his initial gig fell through. Inspired by the grind and seeing the world, Daniel later decided to set out on his own entrepreneurial path. He and his business partner Wehleh didn’t know exactly what they wanted to do, but they had the name Kids of Immigrants. Soon, they would be inspired to translate their vision to clothing. Kids of Immigrants officially launched in 2016. Daniel and his brand live through their purpose of supporting your friends, spreading positivity, and making your wildest dreams come true every single day.

    Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses.

    From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more.

    Follow Claima Stories and Bimma Williams on Instagram: @claimastories @bimmawilliams.

    And watch us on Youtube powered by Vista

    EP 73: Dapper Dan, Fashion Designer and Style Icon

    EP 73: Dapper Dan, Fashion Designer and Style Icon

    A self proclaimed, “underground designer” Dan’s journey began in 1980, when he started making bootleg versions of high-end designers for the streets. He’d even buy left behind equipment at auctions supplied by fashion manufacturers that moved overseas. Although Dan felt like he was fashion’s best kept secret, more affluent Black communities didn’t connect with what he was doing. But that didn’t stop the gangsters, rappers, and athletes from coming through for Dan’s styling services. He's been in the game for over 40 years now, priding himself on translating the culture to high fashion.

    Today, Dan is focused on working with more accessible brands in order to engage with a larger community. His collaboration with Puma is set to launch this month (Oct 28)which even includes a sneaker…a first for Dan.   

    Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses.

    From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more.

    Follow Claima Stories and Bimma Williams on Instagram: @claimastories @bimmawilliams

    And watch us on Youtube powered by Vista

    EP 72: Brittany Chavez, Founder of Shop Latinx

    EP 72: Brittany Chavez, Founder of Shop Latinx

    Sick of the stale fluorescent lights of the corporate world, Brittany started to Uber and used that money to travel to Nicaragua and Guatemala where she gained a whole new perspective and love for her culture. When she returned to LA, targeted immigration policies were running rampant, her pride turned to anger and Brittany put her boots to the ground protesting. Wanting to do more, she started promoting Latinx businesses online and that was the beginning of her journey to create Shop Latinx. Today, Brittany has grown Shop Latinx exponentially and raised 1 million dollars in venture capital in just three months...she continues to forge a path for women who look like her all while growing her shop.

    Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses.

    From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more.

    Follow Claima Stories and Bimma Williams on Instagram: @claimastories @bimmawilliams

    And watch us on Youtube powered by Vista

    EP 71: Alex Hill, Home Chef and Food Blogger at Just Add Hot Sauce

    EP 71: Alex Hill, Home Chef and Food Blogger at Just Add Hot Sauce

    Originally drawn to baking, Alex's journey to becoming a Home Chef and Food Blogger started in her mom's kitchen where she felt most comfortable expressing both sides of her Black and Puerto Rican heritage. While she loved baking, her dslexia proved to make the precise measurements very difficult. Alex made the pivot to focus on savory cuisine and never looked back. With a career in PR and marketing, Alex took the leap to go full-time into the food content creator world during the pandemic finding a lot of success online with her blog Just Add Hot Sauce. Today, Alex runs her succesful blog, a YouTube channel filled with cooking videos, Instagram, and her newsletter where she connects with her audience showcasing her personal story through food.

    Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses.

    From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more.

    Follow Claima Stories and Bimma Williams on Instagram: @claimastories @bimmawilliams

    And watch us on Youtube powered by Vista

    #1 - Mark Edwards - Sustainability

    #1 - Mark Edwards - Sustainability

    - BimTube website: http://bim.tube

    In this BimTube Podcast we speak to Mark Edwards Head of Sustainability at Gatwick Airport, London. Mark shares what Sustainability is, how aspects of it can be measured and improved, such as carbon, when enabled by aspects such as; 'Better Information Management', clarity of purpose, outcomes monitoring, improvements in client capability and good communications.

    - What is Sustainability? In 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact...
    - Three pillars of sustainable development — economic, social and environmental: https://bit.ly/3PWvaVV
    - Triple Bottom Line (social, environmental - or ecological - and financial reporting): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_...
    - Circular Economy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circula...
    - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to accelerate the transition to a circular economy: https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/

    ISO 19650 series and UK BIM Framework: http://www.iso19650.org/

    BimEnable Training

    Visit the BimTube Podcast website at bim.tube to learn more!

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    BimTube's Mission: "We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure." Learn More: http://bim.tube