

    Explore "bingen" with insightful episodes like "#16 Wer braucht eine Agentur?", "F17 - Ich baue mir den Film, so wie er mir gefällt - Die Zukunft des Filmemachens", "75-Middle Ages Music Pt.1", "Mulheres na Filosofia - Ep3. Parte 1" and "Hildegard av Bingen - medeltida multigeni" from podcasts like ""KUNZ & KNAPP", "Steven Spoilberg", "Music Student 101", "Nova Acropole Podcast Filosofia" and "P3 Historia"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    F17 - Ich baue mir den Film, so wie er mir gefällt - Die Zukunft des Filmemachens

    F17 - Ich baue mir den Film, so wie er mir gefällt - Die Zukunft des Filmemachens
    In dieser Folge gehen wir diesen Dingen auf den Grund: - Der Termin für "The Irishman" steht! - Gemini Man von Ang Lee wirft die Frage auf inwieweit Filme demnächst durch Computereffekte zu einer Art Satzbaukastenprinzip verkommen könnten. Dabei stellen wir uns nicht nur die Frage, ob das gut oder schlecht ist, sondern widmen uns auch der Urheberfrage - Phänomener unserer Zeit: Serien bingen. Sinn oder Unsinn, das ist hier die Frage! Wieder mit am Start: unsere letzten Sichtungen

    75-Middle Ages Music Pt.1

    75-Middle Ages Music Pt.1

    Middle Ages music occurred roughly between the dates of 500-1400 CE. In this episode, we will mainly talk about monophony. We will discuss plain chant, Gregorian chant and the antiphon, as the common types of vocal music within the church. We will also cover some of the secular music, made popular by the troubadours, trouvères and Minnesängers. Climb inside our time machine!

    Mulheres na Filosofia - Ep3. Parte 1

    Mulheres na Filosofia - Ep3. Parte 1

    A mulher na Idade Média, tinha uma condição de estar sempre sob a custódia masculina, sejam pais, maridos, etc. E nesta época, surgem também os monastérios, abrindo outros caminhos, onde se propicia às mulheres certa autonomia e diversos conhecimentos. Neste episódio, Helenice Vieira Piovezani, autora de 2 obras intituladas "As Mulheres na Filosofia", aborda o potente desenvolvimento das filósofas. Considerada uma mulher renascentista em plena idade media, Hildegard de Bingen será foco nesta primeira parte.

    Participantes: Helenice Vieira Piovezani e Danilo Gomes

    Trilha Sonora: Mozart - Pequena Música Noturna n.º 3

    Hildegard av Bingen - medeltida multigeni

    Hildegard av Bingen - medeltida multigeni

    Hildegard av Bingen var nunnan som på 1100-talet startade egna kloster, komponerade musik, anlitades som exorcist och läxade upp både påvar och kejsare.

    Nya avsnitt från P3 Historia hittar du först i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Redaktionen för detta avsnitt består av:

    Cecilia Düringer - programledare, research och manus

    Navid Bavey - scenuppläsare

    Samuel Lindberg -  ljuddesign och slutmix

    Emilia Mellberg - producent

    Medverkar gör även Mattias Lundberg, professor i musikvetenskap.


    Vill du veta mer om Hildegard av Bingen och det medeltida Europa? Här är några av de böcker som legat till grund för avsnittet:

    Hildegard of Bingen av Fiona Maddocks

    Hildegard of Bingen av Sabrina Flanagan

    Hildegard av Bingen. Hennes liv – hennes texter av Fiona Bowie och Oliver Davies

    Talande kvinnor, red. Brigitte Mral

    A history of world societies av John McKay

    #25 Authorship attribution

    #25 Authorship attribution
    Did you know that your writing style can give away your identity? Mike Kestemont is an expert in authorship attribution, a field of study that applies artificial intelligence algorithms to linguistics and text analysis. A self-declared enthusiast of the Deep Learning movement, Mike explains very complex concepts very easily. Worth a listen! I've learnt a lot. Including about a shocking spinoff of the Harry Potter novels...

    Hildegard av Bingen

    Hildegard av Bingen

    Universalsnillet som blev helgon 900 år efter sin död. En av de första kompositörerna vi känner till namnet lever också vidare med sina kakrecept.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Musik som hörs i programmet:

    • Kassia: Hymn för Dymmelonsdagen
    • Prolog ur Ordo Virtutum – Sequentia 
    • O vos Angeli - Sequentia
    • Anonymus: Gustate – Munkarna i Santo Domingo de Silos
    • Domenique – The singing nun
    • Perotinus: Sederunt Principes – Hilliard Ensemble
    • Poulenc: Carmelitersystrarna

    Ep10 - Plates and Platters with Tim Parker of You'll Soon Know on NTS

    Ep10 - Plates and Platters with Tim Parker of You'll Soon Know on NTS

    This week I sat down with Tim Parker the Web Developer, Designer, DJ and host of the NTS radio programme You'll Soon Know. We discussed food and music memories, travel, design and how we approach and share all of the above.

    Before my chat with Tim I look at the history of plates from our pre-history days as humans and their quick evolution from functional pieces to decorative, artistic and even space exploring items. The work of Judy Chicago, Chloe Wise, Dr Amanda Furman's The Ascent of Woman, the Voyager Golden records and more are discussed.

    TIPS FOR DRIVING YOUR RACE CAR (OR VW BUG): How to more easily navigate current world energies

    TIPS FOR DRIVING YOUR RACE CAR (OR VW BUG): How to more easily navigate current world energies
    sound shaman


    Music CDs

    Meditation & Teaching CDs

    Free Songs and Videos

    YouTube Videos








    Press Kit 
    & Booking









    If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



    Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter




    Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shippingmore info



    New Mobile App
    Download Now


    new healing song Transmutation & audio meditation

    Tips for Driving Your Race Car (or VW Bug) 
    How to more easily engage with the energies of this moment

    Dear Friends,
    Here is a little essay that may help in your understanding and navigating the energies currently surrounding us, along with links to a new song and audio mediation. The guide who inspired this essay (and the song) makes the point that all beings, both humans and angels, are affected by and witnessing this unfolding of events.




    from Norma's Hathor guide Atamira

    Even if you don't know why, it is perfectly normal to feel a sense of gratitude, and perhaps even tears of relief during the healing process. All that you are as a soul and who you are as an incarnate being drew to yourself patterns to explore and learn from in this lifetime. And many of these patterns are no longer needful. Likewise, the guides and angels that assisted you to follow those promptings of your soul have completed their task. You have learned so much in this lifetime and your soul knows best what the next explorations will be.

    Certainly at this time in the planet, there is a unique opportunity for those of you in form to explore things that simply will not be available to you again. And despite how you look upon the chaos and the violence that results from your current explorations, your soul looks upon all these things as opportunities.

    This point in time has a metaphor in your reality. It is somewhat like the type of car you decide to drive. You can choose to drive a powerful racecar that uses the high energies of this time frame as high-octane fuel. Or your soul may decide that a VW Beetle is just fine. It's maximum speed may be only 60 mph (the ones Norma grew up with), no matter the power potentially available in the high-octane gas, and that's just fine. But some souls say, "wow, look at the possibilities!" and they simply must go for that 300 mph potential of the racecar. "Let's get something that can really move on a straightaway!"

    This soul sees possibilities. This soul says, " I haven't explored this yet. I haven't a sense of what happens when I drive so fast." And so the soul looks out and begins to create a lifetime with (from the soul's vantage point) spectacular possibilities of new experiences. These souls decide that they want to drive that 300 mph racecar in life. Other souls say, "We'll be in the grand stand. We'll be the observers. We'll be the ones standing still." This is equivalent to holding a sacred space in healing.




    from Norma

    For those of us* who are standing still and holding space, for those who are feeling that sense of deep stillness, know that we are simply the observers; the witnesses to those souls that are taking advantage of the incredible power that is available on the planet right now. It seems counter-intuitive to say that as we simply hold space with neutrality, without judging how souls are using the power available to them, we actually support a smoother ride for all of us. But this is what I sense to be true. When we try to help other souls adjust their course, that's when their car speeding at 300 mph hits a bump and turns over. Our interference is causing more bumps on the road. We cannot know the choices that their souls are making. We cannot adjust their course. Being able to stand in our own neutrality and simply witness means less bumps for those that are choosing to drive their car very fast.



    In this context *us* refers to both humans as well as guides and angels. All beings are witnessing this unfolding of events.

    This is, of course, a very simple metaphor for all that is passing on the Earth right now.

    Let's return back to our individual lives. Whatever our own issues are, they are the equivalent of driving our car at 300 mph. They create chaos and disturbance within our lives. Many of us share similar issues, and there is a natural resonance among these. Therefore, as any one of us resolves our version of the issue, others resonating with that similar issue comprehend in some way that there is indeed a resolution. A message travels out on the spiritual ethers like a bell ringing at dawn: someone changed this pattern, and you can do it too. In this way we understand that what we do might also be gently offered as a gift to all in the world who are facing the same issue.

    I offer below many free resources for your own exploration and journey. There is a 
    song inspired by Atamira, the Hathor guide, along with the audio meditation from which the essay above was excerpted. See below for those, and the opportunityto purchase Unfurling Love's Creation, my musical album at a special pre-release price with free shipping.


    My blessings to all,

    Transmutation (Water - the first element)
    an improvisation for voice and piano from the Hathors

    From time to time, due to astrological alignments, we have the opportunity to move difficult, intractable underlying life patterns into a cosmic stream not unlike the flow of water from a faucet. This song was recorded during one of those astrological portal times.

    Each eclipse has a purpose. That purpose is brought into our awareness in the days and weeks before an eclipse. It may be something uncomfortable. The discomfort is present to draw our attention to what needs to change. And it is uncomfortable precisely because it does not fit us.

    The presence or lack of water is the issue I am most aware of right now. As I was recording, a gentle rain began to fall. That is what you hear in the background

    Your Choice Point
    A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues


    more info

    Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shipping for US/Canada or $10 shipping to most other countries. 

    pre-release special
    Order CD now


    other countries

    Order yours now and receive an autographed copy in your mailbox


    Unfurling Love's Creation
    Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

    Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
    Sung by Norma Gentile

    with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
    Tibetan Singing Bowls


    Past Sound Healings

    a spontaneous song from Spirit-----
    mp3 or video

    What if sound could act as a carrier wave for Spirit?

    Never imposing healing or change.

    Bathing you in possibilities,
    and allowing whatever your Soul and Body desired,
    to manifest


    Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

    NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





    Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up




    Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
    (also available from iTunes)

    Meditation #45 from April 4, 2015

    Your Choice Point
    A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues




    Listen to mp3 directly

    & more information



    inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences. The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

    I included an improvised song of mine, 
    Transition, inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.

    Listen to a sample: Redefining Sin

    More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.






    Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

    iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
    children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
    Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

    long sleeve

    iPhone cover

    ceramic travel mug

    raglan hoodie

    reusable tote bag






    A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


    As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

    Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

    I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

    Private Healing Sessions
    (offered in person or by phone)

    I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

    Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

    A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. norma@healingchants.com or 734-330-3997. 
    Read more about private healing sessions here

    Norma's other offerings ---


    Norma's other offerings

    Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

    Watch Healing Chants online

    Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

    Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

    Stream Norma's music




    Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
    PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
    734-330-3997, www.healingchants.com

    YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




    Click here to see other Newsletters












    YOUR NEW AURA: Healing through the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth

    YOUR NEW AURA: Healing through the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth

    Blessing All Beings Homeward

    Listen Here (mp3)
    Watch Video Here

    These digital photos captured energies in the room during my recent concert. They have not been altered.

     More pictures from the same concert, taken during other songs
    Here are a few ways to learn more about this process of healing:

    Escorting Energies Homeward
    More reading on this subject

    Songs of Spirit: Live Sound Healings
    Music to invite Archangel Michael and Nature to be present and release heaviness, including grief, from people and spaces.

    Meditation Chants
    Music to clear chakras and help with deeper sleep, including children and babies

    Workshops where I teach this technique 

    sound shaman


    Music CDs

    Meditation & Teaching CDs

    Free Songs and Videos

    YouTube Videos








    Press Kit 
    & Booking









    If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



    Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



    New Mobile App
    Download Now




    Your New Aura:
    Healing through the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth



    When All-That-Is decided to learn more about itself, it divided its single unified consciousness into millions and billions of fragments.  One of these fragments became you.  And you represent a unique quality of All-That-Is.  No one and nothing else represents this quality. You alone express this unique quality of All-That-Is into our shared creation.  This is your soul.  And you bring the vibration of your soul into the dimensions above as well as below the 3rd dimensional reality in which your human body resides.


    - from Heaven & Earth Meet in You: How Your Soul is Loved 
    a meditation from Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth given by Norma Gentile


    In the decade approaching 2012, new qualities of healing were revealed as part of an emerging new paradigm. One insight I experienced and incorporated into my practice is that we connect with spiritual energies not just in the upper dimensions, but also in the lower dimensions. In Western cultures, we exalt and respect the heavenly realms, but honoring the spiritual energies contained in the lower dimensions is something new. In doing so, I believe that we honor the "other half" of the healing process. My guides have shown me that when a soul decides to incarnate into this world, it clearly invokes aspects of itself from both the upper and lower dimensions. In other words, our soul is actively multidimensional. Deep healing occurs when we align with the energies and aspects of our soul that are present within all of the dimensions. 




    Since we are here in the third dimension, our bodies act as conduits for energies to pass from the upper dimensions downward and the lower dimensions upward.

    I have spoken about the personal aura as being about 6 feet across. If you stretch your arms out, your personal aura extends a few inches beyond your fingertips. What is newly emerging is our access to a much larger portion of our aura, the Unity Sphere. This sphere is about ten times larger than our personal aura.




    The Personal Auric Sphere contains the first seven layers of the aura. It relates to our life here and now; this incarnation and physical body. The Unity Sphere includes all of our lives, and all of our connections with life and consciousness, including healing guides and angels from other lifetimes. As we expand our awareness beyond the Personal Sphere, we have access to alternative realities, potentialities, and possibilities.

    This larger Unity Sphere is a result of our energies re-engaging in a conscious manner with other dimensions. It is generated by a type of directional energy flowing in the shape of a tube Taurus, which is as large in size as our Unity Sphere. The very center of both the Unity Sphere and the tube Taurus is our physical body.

    We are opening into a period of time where we have access to all of the energies within the Unity Sphere by accessing the natural flow of energies from all dimensions through our physical body. This is new. And this is what I am sharing now.

    Any healing modality that honors our soul's journey functions on holographic and multidimensional levels.

    The circle in the center represents you and your personal aura

    The torus field illustrates humanity's connection to energies in dimensions both above and below


    If you feel drawn to experience this I am offering 
    an intimate workshop with ample healing space, meditations and music in my home Jan 30 - Feb1. I also offer many audio meditations where I tap into these energies for healing and share specific ideas to help you in your spiritual journey. Many people enjoy these, and they are examples of what a Private Healing Session might be for you. And of course my music is always available as well.


    Jan 30 - Feb 1

    Practitioner Workshop - 3 day Training (Ann Arbor)


    Feb 20-23

    Sound Healing Workshop and Private Sessions (Florida)


    Energies present themselves before each song, and the song that I channel is an improvisation meant to help them move to wherever they need to go now. These energies can be from the audience, the physical space or world events.


    Larger Version

    Larger Version

    NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





    Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up





    Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video


    Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
    (also available from iTunes)

    Meditation #44 from October 19, 2014

    Embracing the New by Releasing the Old
    Nourishing Yourself for What is Coming


    Listen to mp3 directly

    & more information



    In responsibly releasing energetic patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now - not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul's journey now.

    - Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
    - Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
    - Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
    - Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
    - Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
    - Your Brain and Healing (don't always mix well)
    - Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
    - The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
    - Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
    - What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
    - Some Results of this Meditation
    - Why Release Angels and Guides?

    There are two sound healing songs in this meditation. More of these healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.





    Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

    iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
    children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
    Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


    long sleeve

    iPhone cover

    ceramic travel mug

    raglan hoodie

    reusable tote bag



    A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings: As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

    Private Healing Sessions
    (offered in person or by phone)

    I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

    Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

    A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. norma@healingchants.com or 734-330-3997. 
    Read more about private healing sessions here

    Norma's other offerings ---
     Norma's other offerings

    Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

    Watch Healing Chants online

    Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

    Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

    Stream Norma's music




    Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
    PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
    734-330-3997, www.healingchants.com

    YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.   

    Click here to see other Newsletters




    Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming Next. 






    In responsibly releasing patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now—not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul’s journey now.


    - Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
    - Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
    - Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
    - Invocation of Sacred Space
    - Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
    - Your Brain and Healing (don’t always mix well)
    - Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
    - The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer


    - Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
    - What is Your Next Step?  How will You Know It?
    - Some Results of this Meditation
    - Releasing from Sacred Space

    - Why Release Angels and Guides?

    From a telephone meditation offered on Oct 19, 2014 by Norma Gentile. For more information, including the written transcript, see www.healingchants.com



    How Your Soul and Body create your Life's Journey

    Invocation of Sacred Space – Why I do this
    My goal is that my guides and your guides work together.  When I take the time to invoke the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael, it is much more likely that your own guides will share with you an additional story and complimentary ideas as I speak. If the words I’m using aren’t quit what you need to hear, your guides can give you a memory, an image, a symbol or an idea that is more suitable for your life and what is going on with you right now.


    Inviting that aspect of Archangel Michael that is always and already supporting you in your journey and the elements of Nature to create Sacred Space will magnify your healing process. 


    Why we Resist Releasing Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors  

    Sometimes we resist releasing energies that surround us, largely out of habit.  We have become accustomed to feeling the equivalent of pillows all around us, or many winter overcoats layered upon us.  It can feel scary to let go of the Angels, guides or energies that have been with us for so long.  And yet as we release them we are able to stand up straighter, and are more apt to hear the guides and Angels that are truly a part of our life’s journey right now.


    Defining Your Soul, here and now

    That portion of your soul incarnating into your body now has a different vibration than the portion of your soul that looked down and decided to incarnate within your mother’s womb. Who you were when you were born is not who we are now.  Everything is changing, even the planet.  Would your soul not want to take advantage of these new opportunities?


    Meditation: Releasing energies no longer active in your life. 

    When a portion of our soul completes a task, or decides that the task cannot be completed in this lifetime, that portion of our soul leaves.


    Here is a meditation to allow the guides and angels whose tasks have come to completion with us to ease out of our space.  This applies to any being or energy who has helped us in the past.  We need to especially consider those time in our lives when the cycle did not have the outcome we wanted, or if the situation seems to have not quite completed itself.  In these instances we are most apt to override the natural flow, and try to hold onto those guides and angels who supported us during this time.  We do this believing that the situation needs to resolve differently.


    By releasing from all around our body those guides and angels that supported us through difficult situations, we are also releasing our mental constructs that say “this is wrong” or “the outcome was wrong”.


    As long as we label something as “wrong”, we also keep the energies related to it such as ourselves, our guides and our angels from continuing their own cycles of evolution.



    Why some Energies look Dark to us

    When we see something on a psychic or energy level as being the color brown or black or simply dark, it is a way that most of us have of knowing that an energy is not in tune with our body and is not healthy for us to engage with.  As it leaves, it need not change color, because it is still not good for you.  We perceive it as a dark color only because our own instincts know that it is not healthy for us.  Allow it then to be whatever color that it is. You do not need to change it.  Let it be on its own evolutionary journey.  Let it choose any changes for itself.

    And that frees you up even more, because those energies all around you that aren’t in tune with you anymore recognize that they don’t have to change before they can leave.  And you recognize that you don’t have to change them before they can leave.  It is not up to you to do anything with them except recognize what is no longer in tune with you and release it onto its own journey.


    You are a Radio Station (and a transmitting tower)

    Each of us has a unique vibration.  As our consciousness shifts, the vibration that our body holds shifts as well.  The quality of consciousness that we hold is like a little radio tower emitting our frequency. And, we can hear the frequencies broadcast by others as well. Spiritual Emotions of love, gratitude or compassion move into the collective consciousness of humanity and become available to each person incarnating now. We can also learn to “tune away” from some frequencies that broadcast other emotions.


    Even if we do not interact with our external physical world, by meditation and feeling compassion, stillness, and gratitude within our bodies, we generate these same qualities.  And they become more available, louder, within our shared consciousness of humanity.


    Meditation – Your Unique Frequency of Compassion 

    As you allow your body to vibrate with your unique frequency of compassion this vibration moves out into the space physically around you, and then out into that shared collective consciousness.  Now it becomes available for others to listen to, in those moments when they may have forgotten that they too have the ability to express compassion.  Your frequency of compassion is close enough to their own that their body begins to tingle and resonate a reminder from inside.  Or perhaps you may forget, and it is someone else, sitting in meditation, who helps you remember your own unique frequency of compassion. 


    Caritas Abundat in Omnia
    (Loving Tenderness Abounds for All)
     excerpted from the album HEALING CHANTS vol.1

    available at iTunes, Amazon.com or Norma's website www.HealingChants.com
    (and continued Compassion Meditation)



    10 Final Clearing and Release of Your Angels and Sacred Space
    Thanking and releasing your conscious magnified connection with Nature and your personal support system of guides and angels.  


    When we release guides and angels from the past we free up the space around us for those guides and angels that are working with us right now.  They have more elbowroom for themselves and don’t have to yell at us from several rows back.  


    Oftentimes when we feel like we have lost connection it is because we have too many guides and angels around us that we have called in.  Our current time guides and angels are at the back of the pack, waving and yelling at us, trying to get our attention over the heads and voices of years and years of old guides and angels, most of whom have completed their tasks with us already.




    Donations are most welcome and can be made to office@healingchants.com









    sound shaman


    Music CDs

    Meditation & Teaching CDs

    YouTube Videos








    Press Kit 
    & Booking








    If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.


    READ ONLINE http://www.healingchants.com/newsletter12-11.html
    PRINT http://www.healingchuyants.com/NormaGentile_dec11.pdf

    Grieving the Past
    in order to
    Nourish Your Future

    Dear Friends,

    Below is the article, and this month I offer highlights of my recent concert on the Eclipse for the Solstice as YouTube videos.(http://www.youtube.com/normagentile) The free monthly sound healing for the solstice (and related to the essay) is from this same concert.


    Dec 25


    Ann Arbor - I will be singing as part of the Sunday morning Christmas service at the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth

    Jan 15


    A very special hands-on event with myself and my Tibetan Bowls for children accompanied by adults as part of Harry Potter's World at the Cromaine Library in Hartland, MI This is aimed at kids, so bring them along. (rent a few if needed).

    March 30 -
    Apr 2


    Portland OR (tickets for Old Church Concert online Jan 1st, New Renaissance workshop and booking now for private sessions)



    Santa Cruz-ish in California, workshop and private session,

    There is an issue that is right in front of each of us and it is demanding attention. This is an issue that is so ingrained into you that you don't even see it as something that could change. It is an issue that is so close to your life, so pervasive and so intimately connected to your daily habits and assumptions about who you are that you have been working around it your entire life. And that is precisely what is changing now.

    If you are like most people, you learned to avoid looking at this central life issue. You probably planted bushes in front of the issue, or hung decorations on it to make it look like it belonged in your life. But it doesn't. And we can't look away from it or be distracted by other events in our lives anymore.

    The shrubs we planted in front of our issue died. The decorations are falling off. We watered the shrubs. We tried to rehang the decorations. Nothing worked. Because part of letting go of something is addressing it. In order to address it, we must be able to see it clearly.

    Often times when this happens there is a sense of inner grief. Sometimes we grieve the bush that we planted that have died. We think we are grieving the issue. But because we are merely grieving what we placed in front of the issue we never really get to cry the tears that we need to cry about the actual issue.

    Sometimes we grieve the fact that the issue has been there for so long and we haven't yet addressed it. So we cry for ourselves not addressing the issue. Our tears may never reach deeply enough so that we are grieving the actual issue.

    Grief is part of our process of releasing energetic cords or connections (such as contracts / agreements / karma) to what was present in our lives. Feeling the emotion of grief, or even sadness, is how we do this. Emotional energy moves through us when we grieve. This energy helps to both release old cords and reveal new cords. All the bushes and shrubs we planted, all the decorations we have hung are fading from our lives. It is less and less possible to look away from what we need to change.

    As a human, I notice that as people grieve, the cords of connection that we have to whatever we are grieving dissolve to reveal a new luminescent cord. The luminescent cord already exists within the old cord. It is our ability to grieve that allows them to be revealed. Most often we experience grief in waves, as the old cords dissolve slowly, at a rate that matches our body's ability to integrate these energetic changes. With each wave of grieving another portion of the luminescent cord is revealed. This new cord reflects how our soul wants to be in a relationship now to whatever is changing in our lives.

    These changes apply to all aspects of our life. A job that has been lost, a way of being in the world that is no longer possible, moving to a new home, a person who has died, a relationship that has ended...we form energetic cords in all aspects of our lives. Therefore we need to take time to grieve and close those aspects that have changed. The energies related to the Winter Solstice and the coming months are particularly good for this introspective work.

    As we release by grieving the cycles that are indeed of the past, we allow ourselves more pleasure and support for those new cycles now entering. This is how we nourish with all of our being what is coming forth now in our lives.

    What is that central life issue that you have been decorating, in order to hide it? If you can let yourself touch the grief within it, you will change.


    Here is a sound healing to help you do just that.

    -Norma with Archangel Michael


    The new audio meditation, Healing Meditations for Notable Days (such as Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses, Full and New Moons) is now available as a free mp3 or at cost CD. This is from the 11/11/11 meditation, and it applies to current energies nicely.

    MEDITATION CD / mp3 - - Norma Gentile - - Nov 11, 2011 meditation

    Meditation CD #31 from November 11,,2011

    Healing Meditations for Notable Days
    Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses and December 21, 2011.

      *includes the sound healing "Caught by Spirit", similar to those on Norma's CD Songs of Spirit


    Purchase as standard CD
    download or stream FREE mp3

    On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading away. Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over old patterns departing lets there truly be space to receive the new patterns.

    This meditation includes:

    - releasing cords to processes that no longer serve your body
    - a sound healing "Caught by Spirit"

    and spoken meditations releasing energies corresponding to:
    - cycles that you have already completed
    - tasks that you have already done
    - lessons that you have already learned

    All of these energetic connections can be released out of your body. Your release of these connections will be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity. This one way we take advantage of the heightened energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.

    LINKS to people mentioned in meditation:

    Astrologer Author Caroline Casey
    Recording Artist Constance Demby

    1 Introduction 

    2 Invoking Sacred Space
    Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature Spirits and Intelligences join you.

    3 Inviting Your Angel/Guide into Your Awareness
    Most of us have a sphere or portal of energy into our hearts that lies behind our physical bodies. This is where our Guardian Angel, Higher Self and connections to other healing energies most often occurs. Here is a meditation to open this portal, cleanse it, and then invite in the Angel or Guide most suitable to support you now.

    4 Understanding what you are already sensing in your body
    Besides picking up on other people's physical body issues, the telepathic ability of our lower chakras can also pick up disturbances and changes in the electro-magnetic field of the planet. These are the sorts of changes that many people anticipate will be happening over the next few years. For this reason it is particularly useful to be able to distinguish when the signals your body is sending to you relates to your own body, someone else's body or the planet.

    5 Spiritually Significant Days
    Many people are already directing their attention, and so therefore their energy, into the date of December 21, 2011. I wonder if the various days preceding this that have interesting numerical combinations serve as practice days for us. How do we energize days that are defined by someone as spiritually significant? How well do we create sacredness afterward the hoopla of a spiritually significant day has passed? Especially when we are receiving the energetic results of what was done? These practice days give us the opportunity to work with the larger energetic patterns that arise in ceremony and return to humanity when many people focus on one thing.

    6 Collective Consciousness and Polarity
    Outside of our reality there is no polarity. When the energies that we are creating in ceremony move out to the other realms or dimensions, the other realms perceive the energies in their entirety. They do not perceive someone wanting good. They simply perceive someone as wanting.
    It is we who divide an energy into its good and bad aspects. The other realms do not perceive just the good, the calming or the joyful aspects of our ceremonies. They perceive the entire consciousness within ourselves, which includes those unconscious elements of fear, shame and all that we may not yet be aware of within our own selves. For this reason we often feel "out of sorts" in the days following a sacred ceremony.

    7 Meditation: What is the will of your Soul?
    Our soul has its journey upon the earth within our physical form. It comes through our entire body, not just our head. In fact, our soul wants to embrace our entire physical body, every cell and every atom, from our toes through our navel and into our hearts. Here is a meditation to do just this.

    8 Sound Healing: Caught by Spirit
    Norma sings a Song from Spirit accompanying herself with a schruti box.

    9 Cycles of Change
    The connection explored in this meditation between your soul and body simply helps you understand that no matter what happens external to yourself that there is always a still quiet center. There is always a place where Spirit and form meet within you. This place can never be changed, altered, or taken away from you.

    10 Meditation: Releasing cords, processes, tasks and old lessons
    Your release of these connections can be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity. As you release, this serves as the slightest reminder to others that they too can release. As you change, the message of change expands out to everyone in your life. It is up to their soul and their body to determine what, if any, of this change they may want to consider. You need not wait for them. You can make changes now.

    11 Releasing Sacred Space


    OTHER SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the SpiritofMaat.com website)


    Caught by Spirit with schruti box


    Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)

    Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat




    A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:


    As of today, I have 30 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

    Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

    I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

    If you have to wear clothes...
    why not wear something that reflects your inner attitude as well as your outer need?

    Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

    Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art
    -------- NEW - iPhone & iPad goodies / outerwear jackets / organic / cotton / plus-sizes / children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs


    long sleeve

    iPhone cover

    ceramic travel mug

    raglan hoodie

    reusable tote bag



    ~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S    E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)


    Private Healing Sessions
    (offered in person or by phone)

    I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

    Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

    A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. norma@healingchants.com or 734-330-3997. 
    Read more about private healing sessions here

    Norma's other offerings ---

    (sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

    (meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


    sponsored by 
    Spirit of Maat

    My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through 
    www.spiritofmaat.com This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
    This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (
    subscribe here)

    Do you buy stuff from amazon.com or amazon.ca?


    United States


    When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) through this site 5% of your purchase price goes to support my newsletter.. To ensure that your purchases are properly credited, be sure to click on the amazon.com or amazon.ca logo to the left. All purchases made when you enter amazon.through this page are credited. So go ahead, do some gift-shopping while you are here. Thank you!


    Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
    PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
    734-330-3997, www.healingchants.com

    YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




    Click here to see other Newsletters














    An hour of experiential healing meditations from Archangel Michael and Mary through Norma Gentile based on her essay Micromanaging God: How We Pray Matters

    *includes the sound healing "O Creation of God" (O factura Dei, available on the CDs Songs of Spirit and Healing Chants of Hildegard) composed and sung by Norma to the poetry of Hildegard of Bingen.

    1 Micromanaging God: How we Pray Matters
    2 Invoking (and Explaining) Sacred Energies
    3 Meditation: What in Your Life is ready to be released?
    4 Finding more Ease in Your Life
    *5 Meditation Chant: O Creation of God / O factura Dei
    6 Strengthening the Bond between Soul and Body
    7 Meditation: Weaving Your Soul into your Body, Mind and Heart
    8 Meditation: Cleansing Body and Aura (4 feet around you)
    9 Creating the New You
    10 Releasing Sacred Space
    11 For more information
    Total Time: 1 hour, 15 mins

    Do the forms you are currently manifesting serve you? Does your life now reflect what your soul desires to manifest? What is the quality of ease that your soul wants your body to have in your life?

    Manifestation is an energetic process within our throat or 5th chakra working in tandem with our navel chakra and knee chakras. The quality at which our skin rubs against our physical reality is largely determined by our soul.

    Most of us have accidentally created much more friction in our lives than what our soul means for us to experience. With this meditation we help you find the quality of ease that your soul means for your body to have in your life now.

    Sometimes it is our expectation that it will be difficult to release something that actually makes it difficult. Most of the time, the old is really uncomfortable, and we have simply grown used to the discomfort. The more we let go, the more ease we have in our lives.

    Spiritual energetic waves are always coming towards us. But the new can't arrive until we have let go of the old. In the ocean of life, you can't surf two waves at once!

    What if we were to shift healing and prayer away from the idea of needing help and giving help? What if we saw healing as being a situation where a person's soul and body are recognizing a potential for strengthening their connection? Together the soul and body have identified a weak link that they are ready to change. It is only the personality that is holding us back from moving easily along that path of change.

    Revealing New Aspects of Yourself

    Revealing New Aspects of Yourself


    sound shaman


    Music CDs

    Meditation & Teaching CDs

    YouTube Videos








    Press Kit
    & Booking







    If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.


      READ ONLINE http://www.healingchants.com/newsletter1-11.html
    PRINT http://www.healingchants.com/NormaGentile_jan11.pdf

    January 2011 email Newsletter
    Revealing New Aspects of Yourself
    (Insights from Mary, given during the Meditation on 1/1/11)

    Dear Friends,

    I felt strongly drawn to create a time of meditation on January 1, 2011. Not just because the date looked so nice (1/1/11) in the Gregorian calendar. It also felt like a very potent window, lying between two major eclipses (the Winter Solstice of Dec 21 and this Tuesday's eclipse of the sun). Without planning it, the energy of Mary appeared as I made the final preparations for the meditation. And she wanted to sing through me, as well as offer some words of insight.

    Below are some highlights, transcribed from the spoken portions of this meditation. To listen to the songs you can download the meditation as an mp3 (iTunesMeditation CDs page of my website. For those still happily using CDs, you can order this and all the other past meditations as CDs from this same page.

    Upcoming Events:


    PHONE MEDITATION late January - announced on Calendar Page and in next Newsletter

    EMBODYING HEALING SOUNDS - an experiential workshop for everyone exploring where the worlds of sound, energy and healing are meeting now. Ann Arbor, February TBA


    PRACTITIONER TRAINING WEEKEND (private lake home near Ann Arbor, June11-12)


    excerpts from the Meditation held on 1/1/11
    Revealing New Aspects of Yourself
    Songs and Meditations from Mary to help you grow into Yourself.

    Listen Now: Mystery - a song from spirit


    Where are the qualities of the Divine Feminine that are yours to bring forth? Where are those qualities of creativity, or of exuberant dance? Where in your life is there opportunity now to find the co-creative stance that you, as a human, are meant to bring forth?

    The Divine Feminine that is innate within you longs to arise and meet the Divine Feminine within your physical surroundings.

    Nature Spirits create and maintain our physical world according to our qualities of consciousness. They want nothing more than for us to resonate back to them what we embody as unconditional love. When we allow our level of unconditional love to meet the level of unconditional love known by the Nature Spirits around us, we engage more fully and deeply into the entire physical world that surrounds us.

    How silly we are to assume that if we could only go "up" (into higher dimensions) that we could fix our world. We forget that our 3rd dimensional world exists between the 4th and the 2nd dimensions. Any change in our 3rd dimensional world comes because there is a change in all of the dimensions, from the lower through the upper. What we might conceive of as inappropriate or difficult here in the 3rd dimension may be of our own doing, or it might be a reflection of a shift or change in another dimension.

    The lessening of our own judgment towards what we find uncomfortable allows us to perceive more easily if we indeed are creating what we don't like, or if we are simply experiencing what we do not like, and it is emanating from another person, situation or dimension.

    We feel what is happening in other dimensions because our souls exist in all dimensions. Our 3rd dimensional soul can indeed commune and communicate with those aspects of our soul in other dimensions, both above and below. We tend to forget that the lower dimensions create our body and influence our lives just as the upper dimensions do.

    If you can see the Foundation you can see the rest of Creation
    A truth I learned long ago, from many teachers, is that as you connect down into the lower dimensions then the upper dimensions become more available to you. The moment our consciousness becomes aware of the first dimension, and of the Pure Energy of Nature which fills this dimension, then and only then may we be aware of all the dimensions of our reality.

    It is as if by looking at the foundation of our reality we can then see the whole of our reality. To the extent that your consciousness feels, senses, sees or comprehends that aspect of your soul incarnating now in your body and how it already exists in the 1st dimension, then you can feel and know your soul in all of the dimensions.

    Oftentimes those guides, angels, or beings of consciousness that most support us during a particular portion of our life exist in the lower dimensions. Many of us were taught to go "up" into the higher dimensions when we are looking for information from our guides. But the information is awaiting us in a lower dimension from similar spiritual beings of consciousness. The vibrational quality of the lower dimensions is as nourishing to our soul, heart and body as are the upper dimensions. Within the lower dimensions is a deep stillness that lets us come to rest. I find physical healing occurs during profound communion with the lower dimensions of our soul.

    Who are you now and who are you becoming?
    That which you are is of course infinite. And yet it is finite within the 3rd dimensional human body. Let yourself touch that infinite aspect of yourself not from the upper dimensions but from the lower dimensions. Allow yourself to find a different habit, a different way of connecting into those guides, angels and energies that support you now. Don't just do what you know how to do…let those who surround and support you show you a different way, a new way now.

    Yes, something IS different!
    Over many years of healing work I have noticed that people often don't recognize when they have released an old pattern. Most of the time we simply go on with our lives after a healing session, expecting to feel a bit better. It is only when a pattern re-occurs that we suddenly realize that it had left us for awhile. Validating the changes we feel after a meditation or healing gives us greater permission to make those changes permanent.

    The physical issues, life issues, emotions and other things we experience and want to change are manifestations of habits, beliefs and assumptions that no longer serve the journey of our soul.

    Sometimes after a healing session you might notice new aches or pains, emotions or life issues arise. For me, this is a sign that more is ready to be released. Usually, if you can easily feel a pattern, you have already gleaned from it some or all of what you need to know about it. And all or some of it is ready to grow and change into something else. In order for it to grow it must leave us.

    In this way we allow God / All That Is to grow and to learn more about itself. We allow God / All That Is to experience the new patterns that we have created and manifested here upon the Earth. In order to release that which is no longer a part of us, we must learn to step back from judging that which is different from ourselves. As we cease judgment, we allow that greater creative force of Spirit more space and more possibilities of connecting into, around and through us in all dimensions. We allow our guides, angels and those beings of consciousness who work with us in all dimensions to be more audible in our lives.

    And yet we must say Good-bye
    During times of healing or meditation we consciously invite a magnified connection with our guides and angels. When we have completed this time, it is up to us to say "thank-you" and release our magnified connection to those beings, angels and guides who have communed with us.

    When we thank and feel appreciation for these beings, the connection with them changes. In this period of gratitude, we allow those beings of conscious, guides and angels that will continue to work with us to step back into their natural connection and relationship to us. This allows us to move easily out of meditation or healing mode and into our normal waking state, bringing with us the innate connections to Spirit established and strengthened during our meditation.

    At the same time it allows us to release those guides or angels whose task has come to completion with us, at least for the moment. While it seems ironic, it is easier to hear spiritual guidance from a few angels rather than from many.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I trust that these ideas are of service to you in your own journey. If you want to listen to the meditation recording from which this comes, (and the musical sound healings from Mary) go to the Meditation CDs page of my website for mp3 / CD versions. It is also available as a podcast on iTunes (under Norma Gentile).

    My best to each of you in this New Year!

    NEW - MEDITATION CD / mp3 from NORMA from 1/1/11 meditation

    Meditation CD #27 from January 1, 2011

    Revealing New Aspects of Yourself
    Songs and Meditations from Mary to help you grow into Yourself.

    Purchase as standard CD
    download mp3 or stream

    Listen Now

    -What is the Pure Energy of Nature?

    -Your Guides might exist in the Lower Dimensions

    -A song from Spirit: Mystery (with harpist Gordon Johnston of Ottawa, Canada

    If you are in a position to do so, please consider a donation via paypal to office@healingchants.com
    or by check to Norma Gentile, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. This helps to cover the costs of maintaining the download mp3 site, audio editing, etc.

    1 Introduction
    *2 A Song from Mary (channeled live)
    3 Invocation of Sacred Space and Your Creativity
    *4 Remembrance - a song from Mary (channeled live)
    5 Your Aspect of the Divine Feminine (meditation from Mary)
    *6 Mystery - a song from Spirit (from a live concert - I am joined by Gordon Johnston of Ottawa Canada on harp)
    7 Validating Your Healing
    8 Releasing Sacred Space
    9 A little more Information

    *Includes 3 new sound healings

    more information

    download or stream mp3\



    from a live concert with Harp, Tibetan Bowls and Voice

    Beginning in early November and running until nearly the end of January, our planet will be passing through a very dense area of space. It is a field of energetic debris caused by emotions, but these aren't our emotions. But the energies we will be encountering will open up and resonate our own emotions.

    During this time we will have a much greater ability to clarify our own emotions. We will also have much greater access to those portions of ourselves that exist outside of our known third dimensional world. Music is one way to open a conscious portal between ourselves and these other aspects of our soul.
    Here is an article that explores more deeply how music healing works, along with a sound healing from a recent meditation concert.

    A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

    As of today, I have 27 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

    Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

    I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

    ~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S    E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)

    FREE PHONE MEDITATION (see Calendar Page)
    TBA late January

    (date TBA) Embodying Healing Sounds - experiential workshop

    PITTSBURG PA March 11 Meditation Concert
    March 12 Sacred Sound / Sacred Healing workshop
    March 13-14
    Private Healing Sessions

    March 18 Candlelight Meditation Concert (The Old Church)
    March 19 Sacred Sound / Sacred Healing workshop (New Renaissance)
    March 20-21
    Private Healing Sessions (SE Portland)

    June 11-12 weekend Practitioner's workshopin a private lakeside home

    June 24-2611th Annual Fairy & Human Relations Congress

    June 22, 23 or 27 Private Healing Sessions

    Private Healing Sessions
    (offered in person or by phone)

    I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

    Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

    A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. norma@healingchants.com or 734-330-3997.
    Read more about private healing sessions here

    Norma's other offerings ---

    (sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

    (meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


    sponsored by
    Spirit of Maat

    My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through
    www.spiritofmaat.com This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
    This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (
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    Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
    PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
    734-330-3997, www.healingchants.com

    YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.


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    Songs and Meditation from Mary to help you grow into Yourself

    1 Introduction
    *2 A Song from Mary (channeled live)
    3 Invocation of Sacred Space and Your Creativity
    *4 Remembrance - a song from Mary (channeled live)
    5 Your Aspect of the Divine Feminine (meditation from Mary)
    *6 Mystery - a song from Spirit (from a live concert - I am joined by Gordon Johnston of Ottawa Canada on harp)
    7 Validating Your Healing
    8 Releasing Sacred Space
    9 A little more Information

    *Includes 3 new sound healings.

    Where are the qualities of the Divine Feminine that are yours to bring forth? Where are those qualities of creativity, or of exuberant dance? Where in your life is there opportunity now to find the co-creative stance that you, as a human, are meant to bring forth?

    Spirit dances with us from all the dimensions. When we feel, see or sense the foundation of our reality, the Pure Energy of Nature in the First Dimension, we then gain access to all the upper dimensions as well.

    The Divine Feminine that is innate within you longs to arise and meet the Divine Feminine that surrounds you.

    Portions of this meditation were transcribed and appear in the healingchants.com January 2011 Newsletter

    MANIFESTATION 101 - Working with, not against the Creative Cycle

    MANIFESTATION 101 - Working with, not against the Creative Cycle


    The Sirian Portal - and stress!
    It is again that time of year where our solar system is bathed in Sacred Masculine energy from the sun of Sirius. This Sirian Portal, from July 23 until just before the September equinox, brings us a new level of access to qualities of the Sacred Masculine. Over the years we have sculpted and empowered the grail of the Divine Feminine, into which these Sacred Masculine energies are received. And each year the intensity of the Sacred Masculine energies increases. In part because we have built a stronger sense of honor toward the Divine Feminine, and in part because it is their balance that we are moving toward as we approach 2012.

    I've shared information in previous essays about 2012 marking the third time that conscious beings have tried to move from a world of lower dimensional duality into an upper dimension. My impression is that this movement will span another hundred and more years. When we arrive, the goal isn't perfection, but balance between the dualities of our reality.



    (a side note from Thoth)
    The influx at this time each year of more and more Sacred Masculine energies allows us to experience, just a bit, the balance between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine. We have spent many years familiarizing ourselves with the Divine Feminine. But the Sacred Masculine remains a quality of consciousness that is fairly elusive. Humanity is experiencing a strong learning curve regarding the proper and appropriate use and integration of Sacred Masculine energies.


    During this influx of Sacred Masculine energies, I notice that many new opportunities are quickly presented to me. My personal challenge is not to run out and do whatever it is that I suddenly have the urge or opportunity to do. True, masculine energies are wonderful "doing" energies. But with this much masculine energy available, it is easy to become unbalanced, overly outbound in expression, and too wrapped up in external projects.

    Our western culture approves of "doing" (that is, after all, how we traditionally define masculine in our culture). And traditional jobs tend to frown on employees taking "spiritual rejuvenation retreat days!" Therefore it is hard for most people to understand that exactly now, at the height of the influx of Sacred Masculine energy, is when we most need to create inner stillness so that we might open our hearts and come into a state of deep receptivity.

    Many traditions speak of the heart as a place of transmutation. My guides suggest that these Sacred Masculine energies are meant to be received by the Divine Feminine, which in humanity lies as a chalice within the space between the two heart chakras. There they can be allowed to come to maturity. For each of us, this means patience in allowing the Creative Cycle to come to completion.

    The Creative Cycle
    We are co-creators with Spirit and Nature. And there is a Creative Cycle within which Spirit, Nature and Humanity operate. This cycle can be broken down into various parts. The first part is Possibility. In this part of the cycle the energetic pattern is held within Nature, primarily in the lower dimensions. The second part of the cycle is Opportunity. During this part of the cycle, the energetic pattern held by Nature is met and acted upon by Spirit in all dimensions.

    The third part of the cycle is Form. This is the part of the cycle we like the most because the energy now becomes something that takes physical form in our lives. This is what many people call Manifestation. The forth portion of the cycle is Release. We as humans tend to not be very well balanced with this part of the Spiritual cycle of creation. We tend to either hang onto what exists in form or abandon it. Neither quality of release serves to bless the form and truly unwind its energies back into the Creative Cycle.

    Today we focus on the third part of the Creative Cycle: Manifestation

    In our western culture we think of manifestation as being a linear process. I think of something, I visualize it, I meditate on it and it appears. We don't often think of the creative process as being cyclical, in that it re-occurs regularly, and has various stages. There are quiet portions to the Creative Cycle that occur before anything comes into form. These quiet portions are seldom noticed. But it is while the energies of Spirit and Nature are gestating that we as humans can often nourish or accidentally trample upon something that is potentially manifesting in our lives.

    As humans we LOVE to manifest things. It is only natural to appreciate hard work when it culminates in something external to ourselves, such as a car well repaired or a garden full of vegetables. This is easy to appreciate when we can mentally follow what we did and how we were able to bring into form exactly what we wanted. In these cases we can pat ourselves on the back and say "good job!". We wanted something, we worked for that something, and that exact something came into form in our lives.

    But that isn't really how the Creative Cycle works.

    Most often you have the experience of thinking you wanted something and you put into motion steps to get what you wanted. But it was your mind that decided what you wanted, and your mind that decided how to get it. Perhaps you heard your guide or angel telling you to do something. But again it was your mind interpreting the energies of your guide or angel. What your angel said to your heart and what your mind interpreted that to mean were most likely not the same! Our mind frequently misunderstands or misinterprets what our spiritual helpers are sharing with us.

    Here in the western New Age culture our minds have a hard time understanding that Spirit and Nature are both part of the Creative Cycle. We have an even harder time accepting that they both inform the larger cycles of creation within form. We are not singular masters of our world. We are co-creative stewards of Life. The quiet motion of Spirit upon the waters of Nature is what allows the manifestation of anything to eventually occur. And in the moment of any one-thing manifesting, there are many more cycles that have not yet come into visible form. These cycles underlay new manifestations which will occur at a later point in time.

    Seeds, Saplings, and Mature Oak Trees
    In any given moment there are many cycles that are slowly taking form as seeds. These are Possibilities, in the first stage of the Creative Cycle. Those seeds eventually put down roots and begin to push those first shoots of new growth upward. They are now becoming Opportunities within our Creative Cycle. Oftentimes while we are admiring completed manifestations that have come into form in our lives, such as a fully-grown tree, we accidentally walk upon the seedlings of other opportunities that are trying to grow beneath it. While one cycle manifested itself as a mature tree, many more Creative Cycles remain as seeds and saplings in the stages of Possibility and Opportunity.

    Please humor me, while I follow this metaphor a bit more.

    I know from living in an area of the US Midwest where most of the Ash and Elm trees have now died, that people do not allow tree seedlings to grow in their yards. Despite years of warnings of impending Ash and Elm disease, few people thought ahead to allow new seedlings of other types of trees to grow beneath their established trees. Most people looked at their thirty year old mature trees and kept pulling out the Maple saplings native to this area that naturally sprang up in their yards. As a result, there are now long stretches of streets and neighborhoods with no shade trees. And those who have planted new trees must water and tend to them frequently, because the natural shady environment in which young trees love to grow no longer exists.

    Nature offered a solution to the Ash and Elm trees dying by supplying saplings of other native trees in abundance. These saplings arose as part of the Creative Cycle. Humans just didn't pay attention to what was being offered so easily to them as a solution.

    Watching this happen in my own yard has helped me to recognize where in my life the Creative Cycle has offered a possible solution to a problem and my mind turned down the offer. Not because I had any better offer! But because I wanted the problem to be resolved my way.

    In these cases, where my mind had decided what to do, I found myself creating something externally that I would then have to constantly tend. At some point I realized that I was putting more energy into the project than what would ever come out of it to support me. And within my physical body I felt less and less stable. Even thinking about the situation would drain my energy!

    Over the years I have gotten better at sensing when I am forcing something to come into form according to my mind, rather than according to the natural Creative Cycle. And the difference is obvious. When I think about projects coming to me as a natural maturation of energies, I am energized. And I find the steps to helping these project come into form may be challenging, but my spiritual support staff is always present and working with me.

    In workshops and private sessions I am fond of asking if something truly fits the person and their soul now. I have found that as we move and grow within Spirit, each of us looks around and sees what used to fit for us, but does not fit anymore. Oftentimes that sensation of something no longer fitting us occurs at the moment we realize we are having to put too much energy into maintaining it. And so we cease to give it energy. And we release it from our lives.

    Getting what you think you want does not usually serve the Creative Cycle
    I was at a friend's house a few months back when her daughter called. Having been looking for a used car for sometime, her daughter was very happy to report that she had found a wonderful car she could afford to purchase. I don't recall the exact make or model of car, but I recall overhearing her mother's reaction!

    The daughter had found a used European luxury car she could afford to buy. What mom knew was that the inevitable repairs to this type of car would be two or three times more in cost than similar repairs to a less luxurious but more commonly available used car. Her mom gently pointed out that with her daughter's current income it might be difficult to afford to repair the car. Of course her daughter, like most of us, was infatuated by the car, as it represented the luxury she wanted to attain in life. But rather than move in the natural spiral of the Creative Cycle she wanted to move in a straight line to obtain it directly and immediately.

    One reason we step outside of the spiral motion of the Creative Cycle is because we want something and believe we can create a straight path to getting it. A symptom of taking this short cut is that we over-commit our energies to make this one thing manifest. We find that we don't have enough energy for other aspects of our life to remain in balance. It takes much more energy to get and keep something in our lives when we haven't put into the Creative Cycle all of the underground development needed for its natural manifestation.

    For example, I could have gone to a local greenhouse and purchased young trees for my yard, rather then tend the saplings already growing under the dying trees. But because my new saplings would not have grow in this soil and learned to bend with the wind and drink sparingly during the dry season, I would be spending much of my time and money to water them and stake them up and cover them from the harsh winter. Instead, I chose to put my energy into the earlier portions of the Creative Cycle and (hopefully) I will not have to continue to put energy into the native saplings I have tended once they are established and have a bit more time to grow.

    As for the European luxury car that her daughter so desired; mom counseled her out of purchasing it at this time, and into looking at what was easy to afford now.

    In that same fashion, sometimes we see a possibility and we want it to be an Oak tree. But it isn't. The sapling might become a beautiful Maple tree. But it won't become an Oak tree. That doesn't mean there isn't a towering Oak tree coming our way as a sapling next season. It just means that at this moment, the Creative Cycle is offering us a Maple tree sapling to plant and tend. This Maple tree may then provide the shady environment in which the Oak tree sapling may be planted when it arrives.

    Allowing Spirit to Support your Creative Cycles Now
    What if another aspect of the Creative Cycle were one of stepping back and allowing others, within Spirit, to support you? When our minds are not the "deciders" about what to manifest in our lives, the Creative Cycle has permission to function more fully.

    How willing are you to let all of your spiritual support system be the factors that nourish the Creative Cycles you are working on right now? How willing are you to release whatever it is you are trying to make happen, or that you want to have happen?

    Think for a moment about a project that is prominent in your life. Have you asked the consciousness of Spirit within that project how it wants to evolve? Most of us don't think of projects as having a consciousness within them. But they do. In order for anything to come into form it must already exist in the other dimensions. And what exists in the other dimensions? Consciousness.

    Too often as humans we assume that if something isn't working out the way we want it to be, we are at fault. And that if we can just push or pull at it mentally, or repeat more affirmations or be better spiritual beings that the project will come into form in the manner we want it to be.

    But we cannot, by our human will or mind, push or pull or affirm anything into manifestation. Within each person, each form, and each object there is consciousness. There is consciousness also within the Creative Cycle. Each song, play or poem contains a consciousness within it. Each garden has a consciousness. Each home has a consciousness. Each tree and plant also have a consciousness. Even ideas contain a consciousness beyond that of our own mind.

    Spirit exists as consciousness within all form and within all stages of the Creative Cycle. The less pushing and pulling we do the easier it is for Spirit to birth into form exactly what Spirit wants to birth into form on our behalf.

    Prioritizing What We Nourish in Our Lives
    One of the topics related to manifestation is how we choose to use our time and our attention. We each have free will in where and into what we put our energies, particularly our doing energies, into doing. I've noticed that we have a habit of prioritizing what it is that we do, not always according to Spirit, but according to external factors. One of those external factors is that we tend to do things that make other people happy. Sometimes that is as simple as getting up a little early to make coffee or breakfast for our partner.

    Most often I've noticed we tend to reprioritize what we do so that we do things that other people will see us do before we will do things that no one will see us do.

    For example, I suspect that people will mow their lawns or wash their cars before they would go to do yoga for themselves, or take quiet time for themselves. Perhaps we will find more time to do makeup and hair in the morning than to do a bit of meditation or reflection of some sort for ourselves.

    I'm sure there are many other ways that this happens. It is simply something that I began to notice in my own choices. How much easier it is to do something when the action that I am doing is going to be seen, and supposedly approved of by others, versus doing something simply for myself that no one would ever know about, that no one would ever see.

    Clearly the results of doing something for one's self move immediately into nourishing all those things that are not yet in form for us within our Creative Cycle. Those things we are holding in meditation very gingerly within our hearts receive the quality of energy they need to grow when we care for ourselves. When we choose to do something that nourishes ourselves, we energize those Possibilities and Opportunities within the quiet underground rhythms of our life's Creative Cycle. We nourish them as they begin to grow, sprout roots and send up those first little green shoots into our lives.

    And the trick is, when we first begin to see a little green shoot of a project we have been meditating and working on appear, do we continue to nourish ourselves very quietly, and therefore nourish the project, or do we run out and proclaim, "There it is! I see this first tiny green sprout, and so I don't have to water it anymore, it is done!"

    Those of us who have gardens know that at this point you must continue to tend, water and protect the small green shoots as they are first stretching up to the sun. Sometimes you have to tend to maturing plants and trees as well. Caring for ourselves is also caring for what is in our lives. There is an ongoing co-creative process here between humanity and All-That-Is. Simply stated, that which nourishes humanity manifests because humanity nourishes it.

    Another way of saying this is "When I water my garden, I eat well from it." When I don't water or tend my garden, my broccoli doesn't do nearly as well, and so I don't eat nearly as well. When I honor that lovely infinite cycle of care and co-creation, I allow Spirit to move through and create form on my behalf. I also honor my ability to choose to water and tend what Spirit offers me in my garden.

    Tending our gardens, whether the garden is an external, physical form, or the inner landscape of our emotions or spiritual life gives us great and even grand pleasure. Sometimes we do this by sitting in reflective meditation. Sometimes by reading or having quiet time. Perhaps it is creating art, making music, being with someone or playing with your children.

    Especially during this time of increased Sacred Masculine energies, start somewhere in your daily life to allow Spirit to express through you. Find the time and space to engage in whatever activity that allows your heart to open when you do it. Give time to whatever you already do that nourishes you and lets your heart open so that you feel Spirit flow through you. Start there. Let that be your service today to nourish yourself.

    -Norma (with Mary and Archangel Michael)

    Download or Stream the audio meditations associated with this essay:

    DONATIONS are always welcome.  Check out Norma's website www.healingchants.com for her music CDs, articles and free monthly spiritual newsletter.






    Songs and Meditations

    1. Introduction
    2 A Meditation Song with Tibtan Bowl from Atamira (a Hathor guide)
    There is a desire within each of us to find that inner tone or quality that reflects who we truly are.   We seek to find a place within ourselves that allows us to feel ultimately received. This internal space allows us to feel we are truly loved, just the way we are.

    3 Releasing into Spirit
    The quality of our expression into the outer world reflects the quality of our inner world.  This inner tone or vibration is the quality that others sense intuitively.

    4 Ubi Caritas et Amor, Deus ibi Est (chant and meditation)
    Where Tenderness and Love abide, There is God
    Revealing those qualities of tenderness and love that are in our lives reveals where God or Spirit resides in our lives.   Who we are  is a reflection of that Spirit of God which vibrates, sings and lives within each of us.  Let yourself relax and receive. Feel your feet and let the sound move through you.  When you are ready, let your Spirit sing.

    5 Our Ancestors and Our Spiritual Gifts 
    How is it that your soul has received the gifts of your ancestors, and fashioned these gifts into your own life’s tapestry?  How have you integrated what you see as a shadow gift into your life?  Can you imagine that your ancestor’s souls created these gifts, both of the light and of the shadow, just for you?  And that your soul has chosen to receive them? In some fashion you have received all of these gifts, and made them your own.

    6 O factura Dei – a meditation song 
    The prophet within each of us knows that Spirit is present. This internal sense tells us that because we are present, God is present.  And because God is present, loving tenderness abides for All.  This song is also available on my CDs Songs of Spirit and Healing Chants of Hildegard von Bingen

    7. Final Thoughts 

    Total Time: 35 mins.    Excerpted from a live presentation given at the Ann Arbor Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth on March 15, 2009

     Donations Welcome- I offer these meditations by phone and their recordings as podcasts freely.  If you are able and feel drawn to support my work, a donation of $10 or more helps to offset the costs.  Thank you!

    And if you like my music, check out my albums of healing songs and chants. CDs and mp3s HERE

    If you would like to receive notices of my concerts and workshops, or read a bit about my individual healing practice, see my website, www.healingchants.com.  Naturally there is a newsletter you can sign up for, and you can see me sing on YouTube as well.



    On a  winter’s eve close to the February full moon, I offered a sound healing and meditation here in my home town in Michigan.  This is an excerpt from that evening.  The second song you hear is O Rubor Sanguinis, which I dearly love and have recorded twice.  It appears on both of CDs Mediation Chants by Hildegard of Bingen (newly re-released) and my album of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit.

    1. A Spoke Invocation of Sacred Space
    2.  Sancta Maria  an improvisation to invoke the Divine Feminine healing presence into the room.
    3. The Spiral Path of Healing (a little talk)
    4. O Rubor Sanguinis, a song which invites the listeners into stillness.
    5. Chispas del Amore an improvised sound healing in Spanish
     (some of this is without text)
    6. Take a step to the side - a little talk
    What is coming your way from Spirit that you aren’t expecting?
    7. An Unexpected Journey with Spirit (a sound healing experience) 

    You may notice a bit of uneasiness at some points in this sound healing.  That is intentional.  The more sure we are of our path, the more difficult it is when Spirit and our Soul decide to create a new road for us.  Here is a little sound healing to help you experience that journey.

    If you would like to receive notices of my concerts and workshops, or read a bit about my individual healing practice, see my website, www.healingchants.com.  Naturally there is a newsletter you can sign up for, and you can see me sing on YouTube as well.

    GENERATING STILLNESS: Meditations for Peace within and without

    GENERATING STILLNESS: Meditations for Peace within and without

    includes a song from Norma's album
    MEDITATION CHANTS of Hildegard von Bingen
    (order CD and mp3 download)

    Meditations for Peace
    from Thoth, Shesat, and the Ascended Masters,
    through Norma Gentile

    1. Introduction
    My guides remind me that peace is the result of inner stillness, connection and knowing oneself. When we spend time being who we are, we generate a quality of stillness that makes peaceful actions more appealing than violence.

    2. Nature’s Unconditional Love
    The Pure Energy of Nature is the most amazing tool for healing.  It is a replenishing and rejuvenating energy for our bodies, and for our entire being and life-force. Our ability to manifest into form and the ability of our soul to create our body is hinging primarily on the Pure Energy of Nature.  

    3. Welcoming Archangel Michael
    When I invoke AA Michael, I ask that the aspect of his energy which reflects how he is already supporting and connecting to your soul to step forward and be magnified.  Sometimes this is also an opportunity for the person to become more consciously aware of the connection they already have to Archangel Michael or the other Archangels.

    4. Conscious Agreements in Your Body and Our World (Shesat)
    The physical body registers sensations kinesthetically of what is going on all around us, two, three, four, five or six feet away from us.  Oftentimes when something begins to manifest as illness or noticeable discomfort, we look at the body itself.  We forget to look outside of the body, to where it is probably coming from; the subtle energy field two feet, three feet or more outside of our physical body. It is here also that our energies intersect with those with whom we have conscious and unconscious agreements. Most people have easily a dozen primary agreements between themselves and groups of people in their life.

    Simply by being in a human body, you carry an agreement of the quality of energy that you will manifest.  As long as you are in that human body, the quality of energy that you have agreed to manifest here on Earth is present.  That quality of energy resonates out, and is audible to everyone.

    While there are moments that it seems rather odd to simply sit still and do nothing, in that doing nothing you have the opportunity to turn within, and find that vibration that your soul has agreed to bring into the Earth plane, on behalf of humanity.  

    5. Linear Creation vs. Spiral Path of Spirit (Shesat)
    As more and more people within the Earth have embraced a linear way of creating, using their own personal energies to manifest, there has been a rise in ‘troubled waters.’  Rather than telling Spirit what you want, try asking ‘What is it that your soul has ready to serve up to you on a platter right now?’

    6. from the CD MEDITATION CHANTS Spiritus Sanctus Vivificans Vita (Holy Spirit bestowing Life unto Life) sung by Norma Gentile

    Holy Spirit, bestowing life unto life,
      moving in All.
    You are the root of all creatures,
      washing away all impurity,
      scouring guilt, and anointing wounds.
    Thus you are luminous
      and praiseworthy, Life,
      awakening, and re-awakening all that is.
    For All and forever, Amen.
    Music and Latin words by Hildegard von Bingen, (1098-1179)

    7. Meditation and Silent Energy Healing
    The energy of the King or Queen that you truly are is the gift of your soul to you.  

    8. Stillness in Spirit brings Remembrance
    Your stillness draws forth the remembrance of stillness from those involved in the conflicts, the wars and the battles.  It draws through them that remembrance of home, of where their body came from, the Pure Energy of Nature, of their soul which is within their body, and of the communion they share with you as humans here upon the Earth.

    9. Stillness and Releasing Meditations
    Allow your own stillness to move out to all those with whom you have connections and agreements.  Not inflicting this stillness, but offering it as a remembrance. Then a Releasing Meditation, allowing what your body is ready to release to move homeward through Archangel Michael’s energy.

    10. Releasing Sacred Space, and seeing what Spirit is Bringing to You
    Each time we enter into Sacred Space and a magnified connection to Spirit, we must thank and let our Spiritual helpers return to where our body is most comfortable with them.  Otherwise, our energy becomes depleted. These meditations are built to work over several days.  As you enter into the meditation deeply, you may notice your ability to see what Spirit is presenting along the creative spiral increase.  

    11. For more information www.healingchants.com
    Total Time 58:09