
    book of common prayer

    Explore " book of common prayer" with insightful episodes like "“Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 1", "“Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 3", "“Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 2", "“Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 1" and "“Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 3" from podcasts like ""Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call" and "Love’s Last Call"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 1

    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 1

    Since Lucifer’s fall, and even before in his rebellious heart, every detail has been planned for the Antichrist “Beast System” to be initiated. And now in this last generation, just as the Prophetic Word of Truth has foretold, ALL is just about ready, and has been put in place, to welcome the “Man of Lawlessness” who will serve God’s Adversary in his diabolical plans to usurp the Creator and rule in His place. He will, of course, fail. However, many will be destroyed and eternally lost before all is said and done and the Lord God Almighty brings down the curtain on this dispensation of time.

    The definition for “convergence” is when two or more things come together to form a new whole. It comes from the prefix “con” meaning “together” and the verb “verge” which means “to turn toward.” 

    Never before have we seen this “coming together” being so dramatically evident than it is now as the enemy’s many Antichrist endeavors join forces in creation of a global “oneness.” And never before has it become so plausible that things that once seemed impossible or just fantasy that is a product of one’s own wild imagination, are being accomplished as reality and in real time.

    It is time to look up! For our Redemption is near!

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    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 3

    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 3

    As the Prophetic Word of God continues to spiral toward the midnight hour of Eternity’s commencement, Salvation’s message of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ the Savior alone, has never been more critically needed than it is now. And yet, with the Church being in its almost full-blown Laodicea condition, the true Gospel is rarely heard in the modern pulpits of today, and many who call themselves “Christian” do not even understand what that declaration really means, primarily because they may have a “form” of godliness, but they have “denied its power.” They follow a “religion” that is completely devoid of any true “relationship” with the Savior Who suffered and died so that they could have the abundant Life that only He can give.

    The “fire & brimstone” preachers of yesteryear knew – they understood the “Life or death” premise that is held in the scale’s balance of the narrow and wide way Jesus alerted us to. They understood with fear and trembling the reality of Hell and its eternal torment apart from the God of Love, which will be the forever destination of every man and woman who leaves this earth without the Blood of Jesus having been applied to their account, and their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

    This is the Life-or-Death matter that must be addressed while there is yet time; for the Ark of Salvation that is found in Jesus Christ the Savior alone, is ready to depart – and soon!

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    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 2

    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 2

    In Part 1 of “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch, we laid the foundation of Genuine Salvation that is found in Jesus Christ the Lord alone, and the Eternal Life that is granted to the one who will believe and receive its promise of Heaven’s destiny.

    In Part 2, we will begin to address the many counterfeits that comprise the “Bait & Switch” gospel of Satan in which he promises mankind “good news” (which is what the meaning of “gospel” is), but in the end the deceived one who has believed his lies finds out that what was promised as “good news” was really eternal death wrapped in a masterful disguise. 

    We’ll begin with “Liberal Christian Theology” for this is the sad state of affairs that has taken hold of the majority what is known as the Church of Jesus Christ as it teethers on the precipice of its almost full-blown Laodicea condition. 

    No longer is the modern Church of today the “Salt & Light” to a sin-darkened world, neither do they passionately proclaim the unadulterated Truth of Salvation in Jesus Christ alone, and therefore Satan has been given free reign to advance his many “bait & switch” counterfeits that are leading multitudes to their eternal demise.

    Love’s Last Call is being heralded by God’s Watchman on the Wall in Truth exalting power; for today is the day of Salvation, behold now is the time!

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    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 1

    “Satan’s Deadly Gospel of Bait & Switch” - Part 1

    The alarming fact is that many if not most of those who name themselves “Christian” have come to take so very lightly the magnificent, miraculous, and Blood-Purchased Eternal Life reality that is held within God’s Amazing Gift of Grace to those who have been ransomed by its Power. Nor do they truly consider the deadly consequences which will befall the man or women who leaves this earth without their names having been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. 

    The enemy is fiendishly dedicated in his schemes and deceptions to keep as many as he can from coming to the true knowledge of Salvation’s Promise in Jesus Christ the Lord; for as it is God’s desire that all who believe in His Son would not perish, but have His abundant Life, Satan’s desire is to rob, kill, and destroy as many as he can.

    In this demonic effort, Satan operates through a “bait & switch” system – the same one he used in the Garden of Eden when he assured Adam and Eve that they could be like God and that they would surely not die if they disobeyed the Creator’s commandment to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    The bait was you can be like God – the switch was that his lies would only produce death. And die they did just at Elohim pronounced that they would.

    It is time to awaken to these life-or-death realities and with the Holy Spirit’s help and by His Word we shall press on to do so.

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    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 3

    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 3

    In the words of prophecy teacher, Britt Gillette, “Even after 19 months of a global pandemic, a global supply chain crisis, and threats of war, people are still enjoying banquets and parties and weddings. In other words, much of life remains normal. After a series of events that should have shaken the world from its slumber, most people continue to go about their daily lives unaware of the times in which we now live.

    The times in which we live are clear to anyone who knows the Bible. We are living in the days just before the Tribulation takes place. Jesus will soon return to take His church (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). How can we be so sure? Because Jesus says so. Jesus said when you see all the signs He and the prophets said to look for, you should look up (Luke 21:28), and we see those signs right now.”

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    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 2

    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 2

    On August 31, 2021, Hurricane Ida came ashore near New Orleans, LA, with maximum sustained winds at about 150 mph with gusts up to 171 mph. More than 400,000 people had no water, more than 300,000 people were advised to boil their water, multitudes were without food and fuel, about 22,000 utility poles were damaged, almost 900,000 people were without electricity in the state of Louisiana alone – overall damage was estimated at 70-80 billion dollars; and there were more than 65 deaths nationwide.

    Extreme drought and wildfires are also ravaging the West Coast. And these are only two examples of the profound and tragic happenings that are increasing in number and intensity all over the world.

    These and many more prophetic precursors are unfolding rapidly as the world spirals toward the End of the Age. In this message, we address some of the most significant ones that are being heralded by God’s Watchmen on the Wall with “Are You Ready?” urgency. Those who have insight and spiritual ears to hear will not be caught unaware, but those who ignore these prophetic forecasts will suffer the consequences. 

    “My people perish for lack of knowledge; because they reject knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

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    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 1

    “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” - Part 1

    On the heels of our last message “Lucifer’s Global Conspiracy,” we are beginning a companion message entitled “Can You Hear the Watchman’s Cry – And Are You Ready?” 

    Never before has the world been more primed for the last things of the last seconds of the last days to be fulfilled. And never before has the Church been more complacent, worldly, unprepared and ineffective as God’s salt and light to the darkened and sin-riddled people who comprise this valley of the shadow of tears.

    As the world draws closer to the End of the Age, God’s Prophetic Word of Truth is being activated by the Holy Spirit with perfect and holy precision. And as time propels us toward that final climax with accelerating speed, the Lord is raising up His Watchmen on the Wall who are crying out with “Be Ready!” urgency and that urgency is becoming more fervent with each passing day.

    The wise will run into the Arms of the God of Love and Grace, while the foolish will remain in the prison of their own sinful rebellion and rejection of Salvation’s Promise in Jesus Christ the Lord.  

    “Wisdom calls out in the street…” Proverbs 1:20…who will heed the call?

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    “Lucifer’s Global Conspiracy” - Part 2

    “Lucifer’s Global Conspiracy” - Part 2

    Lucifer’s agents of darkness are running most if not all of the governments, businesses, health organizations, and financial institutions in the world. And knowingly, or unknowingly, they are serving the god of this world. Scripture confirms this fact; for in 1 John 5:19, this reality is validated as the Sword of Truth comes sharply down in Light versus Darkness demarcation: “We know that we are God’s children, and that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one.”

    The Holy Spirit Who now lives within the “born again” offspring of Jesus Christ the Savior, is the Restrainer Who is holding back that strategic moment when the Antichrist will take center stage, and in brilliant deception will present himself as the answer to all of the world’s problems – that is until his true nature is revealed and all Hell literally breaks loose.

    Right now, the world is being primed for his appearance, and after all the demonic planning Lucifer has been orchestrating down through the ages, since the Garden of Eden, all things are just about ready to be brought to culmination. 

    It is time to awaken, and to pay attention; for our Redemption draws nigh!

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    “Lucifer’s Global Conspiracy” - Part 1

    “Lucifer’s Global Conspiracy” - Part 1

    According to Scripture, the final world government (as described in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation Chapters 13-18), will be headed by the Antichrist, aided by the False Prophet, and will control the whole world for a period of time which Scripture says will be seven years.

    Many emperors and kings in the past have tried in vain to conquer the world. Alexander the Great, the Roman Caesars, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolph Hitler,

    Islamists, etc. have all had a go at it. And while their endeavors met with varying degrees of success, none ever conquered the entire world. Furthermore, none could even one hundred percent control the territories they had already conquered. 

    What will be different with this final government and its leader, is that through the totalitarian policies being put into place today, along with the rapid advancements in information technology and artificial intelligence, this final Beast system will be able to control everything with 100% efficiency. This is the convergence we see coming together today.

    The deeper we delve into these prophetic precursors, the more evident it becomes that we are quickly approaching the Rapture of God’s True Church and the Tribulation events that will follow that glorious event!

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    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 5

    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 5

    We ought not be surprised about an emerging world-wide conspiracy against the One True and Only God of all Creation which is surely a replay of the Tower of Babel. What has always existed in the darkness, is now becoming more exposed in this present age by the light, and therefore is more visible to the discerning eye.

    The Bible does indeed picture the organized political, commercial, and military structure of the present world as controlled by Satan, the “god of this world.” 

    The Greek word cosmos, meaning “ornament, decoration, and arrangement” gives external appearances more than inner content and quality. 

    As used in the New Testament, the world does not refer to nature, but to the world-system, to society and human culture. The world system is outwardly religious, scientific, cultured and elegant. But inwardly it seethes with prideful and lustful desires.

    With “Days of Noah” hostility and rebellion being revisited upon us, and the New World Order empire of the Antichrist ready to take its place on the stage of earth, it is time to be informed and sober-minded as the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before our very eyes and the Hope of Jesus’ Soon Return grows more reliable with each passing day.

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    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 4

    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 4

    In this message, we pick up where we left off in Part 3 of “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda,” as we continue to press forward with our investigation of the many organizations that are operating in the world with control over every facet of existence that comprises life on this planet. We also focus on the people who run them, with attention given to how these agents of darkness are being used by Lucifer (a.k.a. Satan) to prepare the world for the global empire of his Antichrist - a goal that is being fueled with the demonic intention to gain the worship of all people on earth and to usurp the God of All Creation.

    This nefarious effort is not a mere conspiracy theory as many argue, but a fact that indeed confirms a genuine demonic and rebellious conspiracy (which by definition means plot or scheme) that Scripture has alerted us would play out from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden to its final climax in the last days leading to the End of the Age and the commencement of Eternity.

    As we investigate these things by the Word of God and His prophetic guidelines, the Scriptural evidence that exposes these worldly endeavors for what they really are becomes undeniable, bringing into clear focus the “god” of this world who is behind every worldly function that is serving him in his global quest. 

    God’s unadulterated Word of Truth alone is the Light that can expose these demonic and darkened intentions while showing the Way of escape unto Eternal Life in Jesus Christ the Lord!

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    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 3

    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 3

    In Part 1 of our current message “Agents of Darkness and the New World Order Agenda,” we addressed the Illuminati and its powerful connection to Freemasonry. 

    In Part 2, we covered 13 of the most powerful families who, under the anointing of Lucifer, and through their vast wealth, control almost every facet of life on this planet. In Part 3, we are going to take an in-depth look at some of the most prominent organizations that have been formulated over the past few decades and which are playing a major role in the formation of the Antichrist’s “New/One World Order” Agenda.

    In order to do this, we are going to go back to the foundational platform which has been built with the bricks of Freemasonry and its Illuminati connections, and then we will go on to discover the many cohesive organizations that have been established by Lucifer and are functioning on the drawing board of a global template.

    This information should prove to be worthwhile in not only revealing the nefarious plans of the enemy and the agents who serve him in this demonic endeavor, but also to keep us mindful that while the whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19), we have been “born again” from above and are no longer of the world.

    Therefore, we must continue to operate with the “mind of Christ” and with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and discernment as we proclaim the “Good News” of Salvation’s Promise, and all the more as the Return of Jesus draws nearer!

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    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 2

    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 2

    In a commentary written by Paul McGuire, author of “Are You Ready For The Microchip?” we learn that there exists a secretive Satanic elite, that is comprised of perhaps 13 men at the very top, who rule the world through banking and international finance. Publicly these men pretend to be humanists, but secretly they have chosen to worship Lucifer. They are now in the process of the final take over, where they will bring in a One World Government and One World Economic System. Their primary means of achieving this goal is through control of the economy and through scientific mind control.

    In the United States, the primary evidence for the success of their mind control operation is the fact that the thinking, belief systems, morality, behavior and religious beliefs of the average American have radically changed in just a few short decades. The elites have perfected social engineering to such an extent that they have now indoctrinated several generations of Americans into being anti-Christian, anti-American and Marxist in their belief systems. 

    This plan for universal control, along with the many other prophetic precursors that are flashing their lights of urgency, are readying the people of earth for the Antichrist to take his place on the throne of the “New World Order.” And for the people of God, Heaven is echoing our cry of MARANTHA!

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    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 1

    “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda" - Part 1

    Lucifer’s rebellious and demonic agenda is as old as the Garden of Eden and was birthed even before that event when pride entered into Lucifer’s heart, but it has been accelerating in intention and power with each new decade history has recorded, having now reached a crescendo in the world’s events of today.

    The web this dread enemy has woven is diabolical and sophisticated and holds within it so many components that time would not allow us to cover each and every mechanism he has orchestrated in its formation. But we will cover some of its most prominent features which should give us a clear picture of the darkened kingdom he is fashioning, and the throne of power he will sit upon where he will execute his authority over all people on earth until Jesus returns and crushes his futile plans.

    If there is any doubt that such a plan is in force, we have only to look to Scripture to confirm the enemy’s true intentions. As we do, we will be even more convinced that we are in the last prophetic seconds of the last minutes of the last days, and that we are to be even more on guard against the enemy’s deceptions as we contend more passionately for the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth while there is yet time.

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    “Spiritual Warfare & the Ruler of this World" - Part 2

    “Spiritual Warfare & the Ruler of this World" - Part 2

    In this highly charged prophetic time on the earth, spiritual warfare has increased with aggressive intensity. The people of God are coming under fierce attacks from every side and our faith is being challenged by demonic forces that are pressing in on us with the determined intent to make us fall. 

    Jesus warned us that this time would come, but assured us that we must not fear, for the battle is already won and we are already victorious in Him. Even though there are many enemies of Satan – both demon spirits and human beings - that do his bidding, the Word of God confirms our confidence of victory in His power. In 1 John 4:4, we read that: “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

    Staying equipped in this revelational Truth is mandatory to our realizing the fullness of the Victory our Beloved Savior and Lord has won for us by His Holy and Priceless Blood as well as understanding the mechanisms the enemy employs to deceive and derail us from our position of power and authority in our God.

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    "Spiritual Warfare & the Ruler of this World" - Part 1

    "Spiritual Warfare & the Ruler of this World" - Part 1

    We are living in a dangerous time, when governments throughout the world have allowed an unprecedented network of shadow governments to grow and consolidate power. Those who are starting to control our lives from the shadows conduct massive surveillance and exert extensive military power in countries around the world. While these activities are largely invisible to ordinary citizens, elected governments are aware of the shift in power.

    All of this has prophetic significance. It is no accident that the necessary technology exists to enable a world dictator, for the first time in history, to control the earth’s population. As intellectual and political elites take over the levers of power, consolidating their control over scientific, economic, and military technologies, the shadow government can secretly manipulate the entire world, making the way for the Antichrist to step up and take universal control.” (Grant Jeffrey “The Hidden Face of the Shadow Government”

    As we look through the prophetic lens of Truth which has been given to us, it becomes more and more evident that we are living on the threshold of the soon coming Tribulation period Jesus prophesied would take place just prior to the End of the Age. It is time to be informed, stay alert, and look heavenward – for our redemption is truly drawing near!

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    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 5

    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 5

    Of all the Pontiff’s who have ruled as head over Roman Catholicism, Francis is the strongest proponent of the “New World Order” and the greatest facilitator of the “One World Religion.”

    In one of his dramatic moves toward the formation of this worldwide religious empire, an article was provided by “Technocracy News” on June 20, 2020, where they write: 

    “A historic interfaith covenant was signed in the Middle East on Monday, and the mainstream media in the United States has been almost entirely silent about it. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb is considered to be the most important Iman in Sunni Islam, and he arrived at the signing ceremony in Abu Dhabi with Pope Francis “hand-in-hand in a symbol of interfaith brotherhood.” But this wasn’t just a ceremony for Catholics and Muslims. According to a British new source, the signing of this covenant was done “in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other faiths.”

    In other words, there was a concerted effort to make sure that all of the religions of the world were represented at this gathering.

    In this Study, we investigate the Vatican and the Holy See over which Pope Francis rules with a greater understanding of the worldwide influence he holds, and which makes him a perfect candidate for the role of the False Prophet and right-hand man to the Antichrist.

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    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 4

    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 4

    Even though it is strongly disputed by many doubters, the Prophetic Word of God stands sure, therefore, it will eventually become known as all hidden things are revealed by the Light of God’s Truth, that the vaccination debate which by the way is causing much division, anger, and separation not only in the world, but especially within the Body of Christ causing members of families to hold hostilities against each other, is only one faction of a much greater global intent.  Everything that surrounds this dread situation from the suffering the Covid infections are causing, to the fear and panic which are a result of it, and the very real agenda to have everyone on earth numbered and tracked in a universal data bank are all part of the enemy’s demonic schemes. Not to mention the future vaccines which will be comprised of Quantum Dot technology and the Luciferace enzyme that will be the light marker to identify those who have been vaccinated and those who have not.

    These things and many more, most of which we have covered in previous podcasts are all part and parcel of the ongoing formation of the Antichrist’s “One World Empire” which will include the “One World Religion.”

    In this Podcast, we delve into this global endeavor as well as the False Prophet who will rule over it, with the hope of granting understanding of why it is important for the people of God to be aware of the prophetic realities that are unfolding with “Be Ready” urgency.

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    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 3

    “Connecting the Dots of Prophetic Evidence" - Part 3

    As quoted by “Fountain of Life” Ministries, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24, “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible.”

    Satan has always been bent on deceiving humanity, and he has used false religion for millennia in order to do so. In Moses’ day in Egypt, Pharaoh’s magicians demonstrated supernatural power. According to Scripture we will see a resurgence of supernatural power being evidence in false signs and wonders in the occult and false religions of the world.

    While many false prophets have risen and are still active in the earth, the Bible speaks of a “beast out of the earth,” a “false prophet” who will empower the Antichrist and his agenda.  He will be the spokesperson for a “One World Religion, and will assist the Antichrist even creating an image that is able to speak and will cause many in the earth in that day to worship the Antichrist.  He will also be the one who will promote the world economic system and the taking of the Mark of the Beast.  “One World Religion” news should be a topic that we all understand. 

    Join us as we look to the Holy Spirit to glean that understanding in wisdom and in power.

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    “Last Day’s Warnings All Around Us!" - Part 3

    “Last Day’s Warnings All Around Us!" - Part 3

    As we evaluate the many worldly endeavors that are taking place throughout every realm of society, it is important to remember that there are only two spirits at work in this earth – the Holy Spirit Who indwells the “Born Again” children of God – and the spirit of the Antichrist which is the motivator behind every man and woman who is still imprisoned in their fallen Adamic nature. 

    To lose sight of this revelational truth presents the potential danger of us melding into the ideology of the world, forgetting what Spirit the “born again” children of God are now one with, and that we are no longer of this world even though we are still living in it. 

    As God’s Holy Offspring, we are to be valuing the unseen and eternal realities over the temporal realisms and aspirations of earth. Many who have drifted away from this Holy Spirit insight have become deceived into thinking that all the seemingly normal activities of man are benign and just part of people trying to co-exist with one another. However, Scripture informs us that behind the scenes there is a select group of people who are diligently working under the anointing of Lucifer, who is the temporary god of this world, with the prideful intention of controlling everything and everyone.  Many of these agents of darkness are so caught up in their own pride-motivated ambitions that they do not even realize that they are pawns in the hands of God’s arch enemy whose main goal is to usurp the One True and Only God of All Creation and to gain the world’s worship for himself.

    Scripture is very clear on these matters and that is why it should not come as a surprise to God’s legitimate children who have been alerted by God’s Prophetic Word of Truth with many Scriptural indicators that give insight in recognizing the times and epochs that there is a demonic agenda at work and that it is unfolding right before us.  And yet many if not most who name themselves “Christian” are missing these telling signs and warnings all together or they are chalking them up to Conspiracy Theories.  

    In this Podcast, we debunk the conspiracy theory lie with factual information that should stir a “pay attention” reaction in the minds and hearts of God’s people in readiness for the soon fulfillment of all He has promised in His Prophetic Word of Truth.

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