
    book of common prayer

    Explore " book of common prayer" with insightful episodes like "“Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 6", "“Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 5", "“Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 4", "“Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 3" and "“Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 2" from podcasts like ""Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call" and "Love’s Last Call"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 6

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 6

    Scripture teaches us that there is soon coming a “One World” Religion, Government, and Economic System which will be headed by the man of lawlessness, also known as the Antichrist. The most important arm of this worldwide empire, however, will be the Global One World Religion, because it is from within this perverse and idolatrous entity that Lucifer will gain the worship he has longed for since before he fell from Heaven. 

    This false and deadly belief system will be comprised of a masterful counterfeit to the genuine faith that has been birthed from within God’s unadulterated Word of Truth and fulfilled in Jesus Christ His Son, and will be melded with every other false way Lucifer has orchestrated down through the ages. 

    In order to take the place of God, Lucifer had to make an exact yet perverted version of everything the Lord God has instituted before the foundation of the world. And one of his most masterful counterfeits that he has created in accomplishment of that goal is his Babylonian Mystery Religion under the auspices of Roman Catholicism, which is a deadly imitation of the true Church of Jesus Christ.

    As Jesus is God’s Son, the Antichrist will act as Lucifer’s son, and as we continue on with facts that will be presented in this Study, we will find that the “Mary” of Roman Catholicism will take the place of the Holy Spirit in service to the Antichrist.

    The Roman Catholic Church, in fact, confirms that the role their “Mary” plays is one that puts her in “oneness” with the third person of the Holy Trinity and that she plays a vital role in the Salvation of mankind.

    Wisdom is crying out in the streets – (Proverbs 1:20) Let those who have ears to hear – hear!

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 5

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 5

    In this Podcast, we are going to address the many pagan symbols that are interwoven throughout this Babylonian cult, and then we will move on to Roman Catholicism’s Mary with undeniable validation that she is the revisitation of the pagan goddess Semiramis and the primary deity they worship.

    The first and foremost reason this information is critically vital, and why I come against this cult so boldly without holding back, is primarily for the love of the approximately 1.2 billion catholic people who are imprisoned in this death camp, and unless they come to the knowledge of the Truth, repent, and come out of her, they will spend eternity in Hell. 

    But it is also for the many evangelicals who have become yoked with this deadly and false way, and without even knowing it, are participating in the formation of the Antichrist’s One World Religion; and tragically, instead of being the evangelists of God’s Salvation Truth to their Catholic family and friends, they are supporting the false security that in the end will not save them.

    It is truly a Life-or-death matter, and time is running out as the last things on God’s Prophetic Calendar unfold with lightning speed toward their “End of the Age” destination. 

    The Rapture of God’s True Church could happen at any moment, and once that glorious event takes place, the Tribulation Period will begin, and it will be a time that in the words of Jesus, “will be a time of great tribulation and suffering such as has never been from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.”

    May those who have ears to hear – hear and run quickly into the safety of Salvation’s Truth which is only found in the One Who Alone is the Truth - the Living Word – Lord Jesus the Christ!

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 4

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 4

    In this Podcast, we will continue to uncover the pagan roots of Roman Catholicism and her true identity as the Woman who rides the Beast, and who, is Queen over the Babylon Mystery Religion that is taking multitudes to their eternal destruction.

    It is important to realize that behind every prophetic precursor that is unfolding in the earth, there is a spirit at work. It is the spirit of Babylon, and of all the other information the Holy Spirit is alerting us to in these desperate days, the most important thing to recognize is that everything else that is happening such as wars and rumors of wars - the “Days of Noah” reality in which we are now living – the technological advances which are making the “Mark of the Beast” a soon reality – the Elitists plan for the Great Reset - and every other sign that is converging with “Be Ready” urgency – is because the “god of this world” is purposed, and ready, to set up his kingdom, and to gain the worship of every man and woman on earth. 

    And he will do this through the “One World Religion” that is already dressed in her bridal gown of deceptions and ready for her husband – the Antichrist.

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 3

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 3

    In this Podcast, we will investigate the origins of Roman Catholicism with valid confirmation that this Babylonian cult is the Harlot of Revelation 17. 

    This information is more critical now than it has ever been because time is truly running out for people to hear the unadulterated Word of Truth that will set them free and grant them the Eternal Life that can only be realized in the One Who Alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life – Lord Jesus the Christ!

    Tragically the Church in its Laodicea condition is not telling them that Truth – in fact, they are supporting the this counterfeit by coming along side Catholics as though they are brothers in sisters in Christ; when in reality these unsuspecting ones are yoked to Lucifer’s Babylonian counterfeit. And unless they come to the true knowledge of the Lord God Almighty and repent, and “come out of her” unto Eternal Life, they will find their forever, in the fires of Hell. 

    Vatican records indicate that there are approximately 1.2 billion Catholics in the world who are being held “Hell bound” in this demonic entrapment, making this a mission field of its own. Added to that is the fact that many within the Evangelical arm of Christianity are joining ranks with Roman Catholicism’s adultery by yoking themselves with her and her earthly endeavors, such as the Inter-faith and ecumenical movements, as well as, the deceptive social benevolences and out-reach programs propagated by them. This, Beloved, is leading to the Antichrist’s One World Religion!

    And that is why I proclaim this Truth, with all the passion my heart holds, and without apology.

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 2

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 2

    Scripture reveals to us that the spirit of Babylon will work interchangeably between the adulterous and false religion over which the Harlot will reign as Queen, as well as over the political and economic powers which are comprised within the Beast she rides. And together they will work in blasphemous harmony in the formation and operation of the Antichrist’s Global Empire.

    Understanding the dual role this spawn of Satan holds is critically important in correctly discerning Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation and coming to the true identity of the Harlot who rides the Beast.

    This knowledge is not only beneficial in correct discernment and understanding for those who are the legitimate “born again” children of God, but it is even more critical to those who are being held in the demonic snare of this antichrist cult.

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 1

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 1

    As the Prophetic indicators God’s Word has revealed to us converge with Last Day’s confirmation, there is a spirit behind the scenes that is permeating every demonic action of the “god of this world” who is still foolishly purposing to usurp the One True and Only God of all Creation. 

    The entity I am referring to is the spirit of Babylon which was birthed from within the heart of Lucifer. It works closely with the spirit of Antichrist and is the foundation of every false way. 

    It is the Pied Piper who leads many to fall away from the Truth leading to Apostasy and the soon to be fully manifested “One World Religion.” And it wields great influence within the governmental realms as well. It is the controlling power behind every endeavor of fallen man.

    As the Holy Spirit shines His Light of Discernment in Wisdom and Power, He is alerting His true children to remain alert and grounded in His unadulterated Word of Truth. In these turbulent times, His Truth is keeping us, and will soon and very soon take us home!

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    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 4

    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 4

    In this Episode of “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” we will continue to address one of the most prominent and critical indicators that we are truly in the final prophetic minutes of God’s End of the Age timeline - and that is the Great Apostasy.

    It is the most prominent and critical because of all the other prophetic precursors that are converging with “Be Ready” urgency, the Last Days Apostasy of many who now name themselves “Christian” but who will fall away when the legitimacy of their faith is tested, is a matter of eternal Life or death.

    As the war in Ukraine continues to escalate with many holding the concern that we could be on the brink of World War III, others who study Prophecy are looking to Vladimir Putin with strong consideration that he might very well be the Gog of Magog Scripture has warned us will play a vital role in the Ezekiel 38 war of the last days.

    But as these things unfold with prophetic precision, an even greater war is being waged. It is a spiritual war that is being fought over the souls of men with eternity waiting for their decision of who they will surrender their loyalty to. 

    The Ark of Salvation in Jesus Christ the Lord is getting ready to depart – will you be numbered with its passengers? It is time to be sure.

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    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 3

    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 3

    To say we are in turbulent times is surely a gross understatement. Wars and rumors of wars continue to accelerate as the countries of the world are aligning against Israel in prophetic fulfillment. Even now, we are witnessing the telltale signs of the soon Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 wars, with the current war in the Ukraine perhaps being one of the stepping stones leading to the greater wars yet to come.

    The Coronavirus and the confusion that surrounds it continues to keep the people of earth under the thumb of the elitists who are controlling it, as the world becomes more saturated with Days of Noah debauchery and wantonness with each passing minute. Lawlessness is abounding, and the fear of God is not to be found.

    And as these prophetic precursors, among the many others, we are witnessing right here and right now, converge with “Be Ready” warning, the Church which is supposed to be the Light and Salt to a darkened and sin-riddled world, has fallen right in line with “Last Days” confirmation of its Apostasy as it lavishes in her Laodicea worldliness and complacency. Not only is this a sorrowful grievance to the Holy Spirit, but it holds within it the eternal consequences of Life or death.

    The Watchman’s “Wake-up” call has resounded – Let those who have ears to hear – hear!

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    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 2

    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 2

    As we look to the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth, and especially His Word of Prophecy, it becomes more and more certain that we are living on borrowed time. The last things are unfolding all around us and yet many are unaware of just how close we really are to the End of this Age and Eternity’s commencement.

    We’ve been addressing the many prophetic precursors that support this reality in our past messages and are now in Part two of “The Apostate Church of the Last Days.” 

    More than anything else we have covered so far, this topic is one that requires our utmost attention because it holds within it the litmus test of the genuine “born-again” Salvation miracle that ignites within the deadened spirit of a man or woman who comes to Jesus with a truly repentant heart and full submission to His Lordship, in comparison to the deadly counterfeit that draws a person by way of fleshly enticements and the power he or she is promised if they follow Him. Simon the Sorcerer who we learn about in Acts 8:9-24 is a profound type and symbol of this travesty.

    Lucifer has a counterfeit to everything that is true in God. And his most masterful forgery is his version of “Christianity.” He laid the foundation for this blasphemous imitation in the Garden of Eden when he enticed Adam and Eve with the lofty ambition to be like God. And every false way he has orchestrated is fueled by this luring motivation with enlightenment promised in exchange for one’s soul.

    The call to contend for the true Faith has never been more urgent than it is now.

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    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 1

    “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 1

    As the Rapture quickly approaches, the Holy Spirit’s Sword of Truth is coming down in swift and cutting separation of the Wheat from the Tares as His True Church is being prepared to meet Jesus in the air.

    The Lord knows those who are His, and He will lose not one of them. These redeemed ones have been “born again” of His Spirit are ETERNALLY SAVED – we are now His forever! 

    But the Word also warns that many who will stand before Him on that day saying ‘Lord, Lord’ will hear the heart wrenching words of Jesus: “I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness.”

    And that is why the Holy Spirit is shining His Light of Truth and bringing swift judgment upon the false teachers and prophets who are drawing multitudes to the Apostate Church of the Last Days through their “feel good” messages and man-exulting platitudes, that pave the way to Hell’s destination.

    It is time to “test yourselves” by the Holy Spirit’s witness to be certain you are truly in the Faith (2 Cor. 13:5); for time is running out and Jesus comes quickly. Positioning is everything – you are either “in” Christ – or you are not. Please make sure while there is yet time. 

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    “The Countdown” - Part 4

    “The Countdown” - Part 4

    When we live with expectancy of the Lord’s soon Return, it changes our perspective of the world around us and awakens us to be more committed to our calling as ambassadors of Light and Truth to this sin-riddled and darkened world.

    There is also a great blessing yet to come for those who live in this heartfelt expectancy. In 2 Timothy 4:8, we read Paul’s strengthening words of longing devotion: “In the future there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

    In the Book named for him, Peter also exhorted us “to be looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.”

    Matthew Henry’s commentary on the 2 Peter Chapter 3 passage explains why some are longing for the Lord’s Return and others are not. It reads: “The purified minds of Christians are to be stirred up, that they may be active and lively in the work of holiness. There will be scoffers in the last days, under the gospel, men who make light of sin, and mock at salvation by Jesus Christ. One very principle article of our faith refers to what only has a promise to rest upon, and scoffers will attack it till our Lord is come. They will not believe that He will come.”

    But come He will and much sooner than many believe.

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    “The Countdown” - Part 3

    “The Countdown” - Part 3

    In Part 3, of “The Countdown,” I will continue to share credible evidence that points to the reality that we are surely in the last minutes on God’s Prophetic Time Clock, and that the Countdown to the Rapture of His Bride, and the Tribulation which will follow, has already begun.

    As we consider these very important prophetic precursors, one of the first warnings our Savior has given us is: “Do not be deceived;” for deception would increase in the last days, and most certainly it has. Holy Spirt discernment is more critical now than it has ever been, as is the necessity to “test” every spirit to be sure it is of God.

    The enemy’s agenda to rise up and take God’s place has been built on the foundation of deceptions and lies and his demonic ambitions are fueled by them. Be mindful always, that the end will always justify the means for him, and he is not opposed to making it appear that his plan is being thwarted in order to get his victims off guard. But make no mistake – his plans are very much moving forward in his global agenda to cause all people on earth to worship him through his Antichrist, and pridefully he will not stop until Jesus returns in His ultimate Victory.

    Truly, it is time to be stationed in Truth and to remain alert as God’s Prophetic Word in “End of the Age” fulfillment unfolds before our very eyes. 

    Are you ready? Please be sure. For now, is the time to be certain.

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    “The Countdown” - Part 2

    “The Countdown” - Part 2

    What is most important to take away from all the vital and prophetic insight that is being revealed to us through the Holy Spirit’s leading in this critical hour in the earth, can be summed up in this Scripturally documented reality: 

    We are most certainly in the last prophetic minutes of God’s “End of the Age” timeline, and Jesus is coming soon to take His Bride to Heaven before God’s Holy and Righteous wrath befalls a fallen world that seeped in rebellion, just as in the “Days of Noah.” 

    His “Dispensation of Grace” is quickly drawing to an end, and the Holy Spirit is crying out with “Love’s Last Call” to all who have ears to hear. In Hebrews 3:15 it is written: “Today, if you hear His Voice, do not harden your heart as when they provoked Me.” 

    The “Ark of Salvation” is being readied to depart with only those who have become “one” in “New Birth” reality with Jesus, Who is our Savior and the “Rock of our Salvation, being given the guarantee of His “Rapture” promise.

    Now is the time to be sure – Now is the time to be ready.

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    “The Countdown” - Part 1

    “The Countdown” - Part 1

    As I sat in the presence of the Holy Spirit in preparation for this message, the word “Countdown” kept resonating within my spirit. I sought out its definition and found that in one primary sense it means to “wait for something to happen, usually noticing every day that passes until that dramatic event occurs.” 

    In another sense “Countdown” has been used in certain situations such as when a rocket is about to be launched, with each second being counted down until takeoff.  

    I believe that critical attention and anticipation which is experienced in these profound and momentous situations, is what the Holy Spirit was drawing my attention to as He once again underscored within my spirit the certainty that His Prophetic Word of Truth is unfolding before our very eyes. 

    Those who have His sacred insight recognize that the “Countdown” to the last things on God’s “End of the Age” Calendar has begun, starting with the soon “take-off” of His legitimate Church in the Rapture, followed by the Tribulation, and the triumphant return of Jesus when He comes back to the earth in conquering power and to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords for a thousand years.

    And even though there are still those who reject this certainty, God’s Word shall nevertheless prevail, and time will validate in Holy vindication the ones who doubted it not.

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    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 3

    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 3

    As the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before our very eyes, the majority of the Church is oblivious to the desperateness of the hour as she basks in her worldly complacency. Sadly, this is an earmark of the most dangerous of the “Unholy Alliances” we have been addressing; for it indicates the merging of the Church with the world and its systems, in stark opposition to God’s Word which exhorts us to come out and be separate.

    In John 18:36, the Living Word Himself declared that His Kingdom is not of this world. And in Chapter 17 of that same Book, Jesus also declared that as He is not of this world, neither are His “born again” children to be yoked with its systems.

    And yet, in arrogant rebuttal to that sacred certainty, the heresies of Dominion Theology and The Kingdom Now Movement have raised their banner in these last days, and perhaps without even realizing it, have made an alliance with darkness. In their spiritual blindness, they are preparing their followers not for Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God, but for the New World Order and the false One World Religion of the Antichrist.

    For those who worship Lord Jesus in Spirit and in Truth, it is time to pay even stricter attention to the deceptions that have infiltrated our midst, and to be even more diligent to “test every spirit to be certain they are from God.” 1 John 4:1-5

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    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 2

    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 2

    In our last segment we addressed the Interfaith efforts of Pope Francis with emphasis on his covenant agreement with Grand Iman Ahmed al-Tayeb, Egypt’s Islamic cleric. Together they drafted a manuscript titled “Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together.” 

    The document inspired the creation of an interfaith religious compound that will be constructed on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The compound will consist of a mosque, synagogue, and church standing side by side.

    Many are calling this project the “One World Religion Headquarters” with its stated purpose to bring about understanding and tolerance among the various faiths.

    In this segment, we continue investigating the many other Luciferian bedfellows who are serving the Antichrist in his “New World Order” agenda with “heads up” alert to be stationed in the Truth of God’s Prophetic Word; for truly it is playing out before our very eyes. 

    The time is now to be discerning and fully equipped in Holy Spirit Wisdom, for while the days are desperate, our future is bright in our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. And He is coming for us soon!

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    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 1

    “Unholy Alliances & The New World Order” - Part 1

    In our last few segments, we addressed the convergence of the Beast System with emphasis on the World Economic Forum and the many technological advances that are paving the way for not only the tracking of every human being on earth, but also stunning innovations that are being put in place for the Mark of the Beast to be implemented and for the Antichrist Global Empire to be fully established.

    Even now, all signs are pointing to the reality that we most surely, are on the precipice of the Antichrist’s appearance on the earth – which will take place after the Rapture of God’s true Church. All things are being readied for that prophetic event to manifest; and then the seven-year Tribulation will commence once this “man of lawlessness” signs a false covenant of peace with Israel.

    The soon to be fully manifested “One World Religion” will certainly play a vital role in the Antichrist Global Empire; and with the False Prophet at the helm the people of earth will be seductively seduced into worshiping the “Beast” and coming under his complete control.

    As we contemplate these Scriptural realities, we cannot help but take a penetrating look at Pope Francis and the global and interfaith efforts he is passionately committed to. For if he is not the False Prophet, he most certainly is a forerunner to the one who will be – and soon. 

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    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 4

    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 4

    On the heels of our investigation of “Transhumanism” and the Prophetic evidence that is shadowing it that we covered in Part 3, we are moving on to “Metaverse” which is working hand-in-hand with Transhumanism in conjunction with the WEF’s plan for the Great Reset of the World, and the New World Order that is being prepared for the global rule of the Antichrist.

    For those who have the discernment of the Holy Spirit, these facts cause their hearts to be stirred with anticipation of the nearness of our Redemption being fully realized. 

    For others, who love this world and are being captivated by the lies of its ruler, they are oblivious to the real danger and enslavement that is being readied to befall them. And even more importantly, they do not realize that the Dispensation of God’s Grace is quickly drawing to an end and that their eternal destiny of either a forever with the God of Love, or unending torment apart from Him, is hanging in the balance of their acceptance or rejection of His unadulterated Word of Life that is mandated in Salvation’s Truth.

    Life or death hang in the balance of those two decisions. Let those who have ears to hear – hear! and those who have eyes to see – see!

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    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 3

    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 3

    In Part 3 of our current Study “Convergence of the Beast System,” I will finish our coverage of Transhumanism by revisiting an article entitled “Transhumanism: Is It Already Here?” and sharing excerpts from it. And then we’ll move on to investigate Metaverse which is another innovative technology which will surely play a major role in the futuristic plans of the globalists.

    It is important for the children of God to be kept abreast of these fast growing and super advanced technologies because they are a vital part of the many precursors which are signaling the nearness of what the Prophetic Word of God has instructed us will be the global empire of the Antichrist, and the world control over all people on earth that he will wield from within it.

    Some of the information will be a review because after a while we can forget what we learned as the everyday cares of our living down here distract us. But much of it will be important updates as well as new information that will provide vital help in discerning the time, as well as keeping our focus on the ongoing Covid scenario – that while the world is somewhat becoming accustomed to the drill so to speak – the Antichrist plan that is functioning behind it is getting more sinister with each day that passes. Therefore, the wise will continue to be aware and readied as the Prophetic Word of God continues to unfold before our very eyes.

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    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 2

    “Convergence of the Beast System” - Part 2

    As the Antichrist, or Beast as he is also known, rises to power, he will control the whole world, having been given his authority by Lucifer who is the “god” of all of its domains. 

    At some point, he will demand that all people take his mark which will be enforced by the False Prophet who will set up an image of the Beast commanding all people on earth to worship the Antichrist. Without this mark, Revelation 13:17 tells us that no one will be able to buy or sell.

    When these Scriptural truths are aligned with the current events of today and especially the technical and scientific advances that even now have been developed and are being readied to be implemented globally, the discerning believer cannot help but take notice and be stirred with the Holy Spirit’s witness that we are right now standing on the threshold of the fulfillment of all the Prophetic Word of Truth has promised, and that our redemption draws very near.

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