
    book of common prayer

    Explore " book of common prayer" with insightful episodes like "“God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 4", "“God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 3", "“God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 2", "“God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 1" and "“Last Minute Warning” - Part 10" from podcasts like ""Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call" and "Love’s Last Call"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 4

    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 4

    In Parts 1-3 of “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Day’s Events,” we learned that in perfect prophetic calendar precision, the Passover – which was the first Feast that God had ordained as a perpetual ordinance for the children of Israel to observe - took place on the 14th day of the month of Nissan when the lamb was to be slaughtered. Yeshua HaMashiah – Lord Jesus the Messiah – fulfilled this sacred requirement in 30 AD when on the 14th day of Nissan He was crucified and died for the sins of the world. Hell and death would now forever “pass over” those who would put their full trust in the Son of God Who became our substitute by taking sin’s punishment we deserved, upon Himself.

    Matthew 27:51, records that at the moment our Savior said “It is Finished! and died, the curtain that hung before the Holy of Holies was rent in two, granting forever access to the Father through the Blood of Jesus!

    The next Feast to be celebrated was the Feast of Unleavened Bread – which is symbolic of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, and the Spotless Lamb of God Who was without sin or blemish, and therefore a Perfect and Holy Offering. It was observed on the day following Passover.

    In Part 4, we will be addressing the “Feast of First Fruits,” the “Feast of Pentecost,” and the “Day of Atonement,” and the “Feast of Tabernacles.” We will then pick up in our next segment with “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums” which should stir our hearts with confirmation that we are surely the last generation – and the one in which the very last things on His Prophetic Calendar are being fulfilled.

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    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 3

    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 3

    We are now in Part 3 of “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Day’s Events” and today I’ll pick up with our Study of the “Feasts of God” which we began in our last segment, starting with the Feast of Passover.”

    Within the Feasts of the Lord, a very vivid prophetic outline is given that first and foremost reveals in New Testament revelation, the true identification of the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world – Yeshua HaMashiah - Lord Jesus the Messiah – followed by the progression of Divine events that take us all the way forward to the glorious climax of His Millennial reign as King of kings and Lord of lords!

    The Church for the most part, has drifted away from these Prophetic realities for it has become saturated with the world and the fleeting vanities that keep it bound with earthly matters, as False teachers abound with fleshly & deadly enticements.

    But as we draw nearer to the Lord’s coming for us in the Rapture, the Holy Spirit is quickening His Holy Remnant to set our minds on things above and not on the futile things of the world; for we have been redeemed at a very great price – the Precious, Priceless, and Sinless Blood of the Lamb of God, and our citizenship is now in Heaven. And we will be leaving this valley of tears very soon to be forever with our Savior and King in our celestial home that He has been preparing for us.

    Therefore, be encouraged, and stay readied for our hope is not in vain!

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    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 2

    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 2

    In Part 2 of our current Study “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Day’s Events” we are going to delve into the Feasts of God whereby we will be granted fuller understanding of how they are a fore-type of Yeshua HaMashiach -Jesus the Messiah - and how they mark the Calendar of God with guiding light to Salvation’s Promise which was accomplished with perfect Love, by the Savior of the world.

    With the world spiraling at sonic speed towards the very last moments on earth, and the Prophetic Word of God unfolds before our very eyes with dramatic current events reality, it is important for the people of God to remain steadied in the Truth of His Word that confirms our standing in Him as the Blood Bought children of God while highlighting the sureness of His Promises to us which are Yes! and Amen!

    It is very important to be informed about the tactics of the enemy as he works through his agents of darkness in order to be protected from their persuasion, and also to be quickened to how close we really are to the Rapture of the Lord’s True Church with fervent readiness and service to Him as His Light and Salt to a dark and dying world.

    But as we continue on in that effort, we must all the more keep our main focus on His Word and those things the Holy Spirit desires to impart to us as He leads us into all Truth. For by His unadulterated Word of Life, He has given us everything we need to know in order to be victorious even in the midst of the many trials that are besieging us – and to be aware of where we are on His Prophetic Calendar which will keep us in a position of readiness.

    Knowing that our names are now written in Heaven outweighs everything else that we may experience on this earth – both good or bad – because what awaits us in the very near future is of far more Glory than we can even begin to imagine in our present finite minds!

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    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 1

    “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Days Events” - Part 1

    The Prophet Daniel was given a fore-glance of God’s Prophetic Timeline. However, in Chapter 12, and verse 4, he was instructed to “shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. 

    But while Daniel was instructed to seal up the books as the time was yet future, in the 22nd Chapter of Revelation, the Apostle John is given the exact knowledge that was given to Daniel, and yet in verse 10 the angel says to him: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”

    The angel told Daniel that the Book which revealed the understanding of end things would remain closed until the time of the very end was reached.

    And as time marched on, and that purposed and destined end drew near, God’s Word continued to unfold with His Scriptural prophecies being confirmed to the letter and reaching forward to the time in which we now live, with the Book of Prophecy given to John being opened wide for those who have Holy Spirit discernment and believing hearts. 

    That glorious endowment has been given to those who have been born from above and who long for the understanding that will equip us with “Be Ready” empowerment. 

    The Book of Prophecy concerning the “last things” has been opened at the very precise moment in time that the Lord God had pre-ordained that it would. And with every hour, it is bringing increased understanding to His holy offspring with Scriptural current events confirmation.

    In this series, we cover the major Prophetic points that have been etched on God’s Prophetic Calendar as we look together with confident expectancy of His soon coming for us!

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 10

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 10

    In this message, I will be sharing a commentary entitled “Humanity 2.0: ‘The Fusion of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities,” which was written for Technocracy News, and which I believe expresses the final Endgame that every other global effort we have covered so far has been attaining to.

    It is the modern “Tower of Babel” endeavor which is preparing the world for the global empire of the Antichrist and which is very close to becoming fully operational.

    Most people do not even realize what is happening behind the scenes of everyday life, or even if they are made aware, they either do not understand nor believe the Prophetic implications that they hold.

    However, for those who are operating under the discernment of the Holy Spirit, it is becoming more and more obvious that we are living in the time of God’s “Last Minute Warning!” and that the Rapture of His True Church is so close that you can almost hear the footsteps of Jesus as He approaches to meet us in the sky.

    Scripture foretells that once that glorious event, which is called the “Blessed Hope” for true Believers, takes place, this earth will be under the control of the Antichrist and his global system which will imitate a virtual reality that has been tailored by the elitists of the world who have been serving him with Luciferian preparation for his arrival.

    That time is upon us with all things soon to be ready – are you?

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 9

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 9

    Prophecies foretell a time, in the near future, when every person will be required to have a universally recognized, unique identification number, in order to participate in society. The compulsory numbering system will be administered by the Antichrist and his global-governing system.

    In the early stages of this system, receiving a number will seem harmless. It will be just another number, not unlike a debit card or Social Security Number, used to function in everyday life. For instance, most nations currently function under a national ID system, which allows their citizens access to government subsidies, financial transactions, healthcare, insurance, etc.

    Once the Antichrist assumes full dominion of the world government, this numbering system will be turned into a method of complete control. Judging by the current moves toward a cashless society, it is likely that by then most purchases will be made digitally, and everyone will rely on their particular number for even the most basic essentials. For without it, no one will be able to legally buy or sell anything.

    The stage has been set – and everything needed to make these prophecies a reality is right now very near to completion, making the Rapture even nearer!

    Let those who have ears to hear hearken to God’s “Last Minute Warning!”

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 8

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 8

    At the “10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace” about a thousand representatives of world religions and other organizations gathered in Germany, in late August, to advance globalism and a planetary uniting of all religions to promote the United Nation’s masterplan for humanity known as UN Agenda 2030. 

    Critics expressed alarm that self-proclaimed religious leaders were embracing dangerous world “order” ideas which are totally at odds with liberty and Christianity. 

    The implications are massive.

    The controversial 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace, backed by George Soros and the globalist-controlled German government, as well as other powerful forces, aimed to unify the world’s religious organizations behind the key elements of the establishment’s agenda – including the UN-guided “modern order.”

    Operating in almost 100 nations, the alliance claims to be “the world’s largest and most representative coalition of religious and indigenous communities.”

    It is funded by Soros, the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation, the UN Foundation, various UN agencies, U.S. taxpayers via the State Department, and more.

    Among other decisions, the coalition vowed to increase cooperation among their religious sects under the guise of caring for “the earth – the entire web of life,” and what participants descried as the “common good.”

    Behind this global sham lies the very fulfillment of God’s Prophetic Word of Truth with confirmation that the Rapture is very near – Are You Ready?

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 7

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 7

    “On September 23, 2015, Pope Francis discussed a global constitution, a world court, and a world government at the White House.

    Two days later, he went to the UN to discuss these same issues.

    The UN started considering a document called “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Supporters called it a “New Universal Agenda.”

    “Universal” comes from the Preamble of the document itself. In essence, the document calls for a “One-World Government,” a “One-World Religion,” and a “One-World Economic System.”

    As we delve into the workings of this globalist’s agenda, we will find that it is surely setting the world up for the universal rule of the Antichrist that will take place during the 7-year Tribulation Period – and that the Rapture of God’s True Church, which will take place before this time of God’s Judgment upon an unbelieving world, is with certainty very near.

    It is time to pay attention – and to be ready – for the Holy Spirit is giving us His “Last Minute Warning!” with the call that our Redemption is nearer now than it has ever been!

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 6

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 6

    With perfect and Holy precision, God’s Prophetic Word of Truth has been woven throughout His written Word; and like a beacon of Light it is shining His Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge upon those who have been given a “discerning heart” and an ear that is “attentive to His teaching” – especially in these final moments when Prophecy is unfolding right before us, as never before.

    And yet, like the proverbial “frog in the water” the majority of named Christians are just flowing with the tide, as technology spirals upward with accelerating speed, and reaches towards the heights of a revisited “Tower of Babel” – not even realizing that all these innovations are fulfilling Biblical Prophecy and preparing the Global Empire of the Antichrist. And even more importantly are heralding the necessity to “seek the Lord while He may be found, and to call upon Him while He is near (Is. 55:6-7) – for time is running out as His Dispensation of Grace draws to an end, and the Tribulation Period of God’s Judgment is soon to be unleashed upon an unbelieving world.

    With that exhortation as our catalyst, we will continue to yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s “pay attention” warning, and those things He is revealing to us with “Be Ready” awareness, such as the “Internet of Things,” and the “Internet of Bodies” which, with certainty, are two of the major components to the Elitist’s plan to gain complete control over the people of earth, and which will soon be taken over by the dictatorship of the Antichrist and under the anointing of Lucifer.

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 5

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 5

    In Part 5 of “Last Minute Warning!” we pick up where we left off in our last segment with “Neuralink” which is an innovation of Elon Musk that will connect humans to computers and artificial intelligence. We learned that he has already successfully tested this ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine – that’s referred to as a chip - on pigs, and has forecasted his plan to test it on humans within the next year or two.

    In this segment, we will continue to explore the other technological innovations that are converging to make the Antichrist’s global control a soon reality, as well as the elitist’s projects that are working hand-in-hand with this technology and the scientific arm of Lucifer’s “New/One World Order” Agenda.

    In Proverbs 18:15, it is written: “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

    Never has it been more critical for the people of God to be aware and knowledgeable as His Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds right before us. Knowing the time should be the catalyst to us contending for the highest Truth mankind needs to know – and which is found only in the ONE Who is the TRUTH – Lord Jesus the Christ!

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 4

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 4

    Scripture alerts us that the first major event that will unfold just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus will be the Rapture of His True Church. This glorious gathering will be followed by a seven-year Tribulation Period in which the Antichrist will be revealed and will make a false peace treaty with Israel.

    This man of lawlessness will rule over a global Governmental, Economic, and Religious system under the demonic anointing of Lucifer.

    In order to discern the timing that these things will unfold, it stands to reason that the world will have to be ripened and ready for such a universal system to be in place. And surely, with each new day, that reality is being made more sure, and being revealed with dramatic confirmation that it is already well on its way to being fully established.

    That is why the true believers in Jesus Christ our Savior have confident reason to expect His soon return in our generation – because we are the first company of His “born again” offspring who, since the Church was birthed at Pentecost, have longed for His Return - are alive in these last days when everything that is needed for His Prophetic Word of Truth to be completely fulfilled, is readied and playing out right before us.

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    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 3

    “Last Minute Warning” - Part 3

    In Part 3 of “Last Minute Warning!” as we move forward in our investigation of the prophetic precursors that are converging with striking confirmation that we do not have much more time before the Rapture of God’s True Church and the Tribulation Period which will follow, we are going to take a penetrating look into “Transhumanism” and how it will play a vital role in the enemy’s plot to take over the world and establish his Global takeover through his Antichrist.

    With the Holy Spirit’s help we will learn that “Transhumanism” is not just some Sci-Fi imaginary movie plot, or futuristic reality that is eons away, but that it is a demonic invention of Lucifer that is playing a vital part in his intention to recreate man in his own image, and to have their worship for himself alone. And the capabilities for this to become a reality are in place right here and right now.

    In our last segment, we addressed the “Homosexual Agenda” and how this powerful and rebellious persuasion is gaining more power with each new day and changing the view – at least in the minds of many naïve people who have no dawn of Light or discernment in Truth - of what it means to be a man or a woman. It is a blatant assault against God’s creative order and a deadly trap to the ones who succumb to its destructive deceptions.

    As we look to the progression that has been mapped before us, we will see that the Homosexual Agenda is the stepping stone that has led to Transgenderism – and Transgenderism is the launching pad to Transhumanism – all of which are working in concert to serve the “god of this world” in his Antichrist intentions to be ruler over all.

    It is time to get serious Beloved – it is time to be ready & alert – it is time to look heavenward!

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    “Last Minute Warning!” - Part 2

    “Last Minute Warning!” - Part 2

    In Luke 17:26-29, Lord Jesus prepares His disciples for His crucifixion and describes the condition that the world will be in just prior to His Second Coming. 

    As His Prophecy spirals through the corridors of time, and lands on the precipice of the day in which we now live, He conveys that just before He returns to earth it will be just as in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. 

    For the purposes of this Study, we are going to concentrate on the “Days of Lot” as we uncover the deadly intentions behind the Homosexual Agenda.

    And in this effort to expose the greater goal that lies behind Satan keeping a person bound in this dreadful sin of perversion, we will also be addressing the “Gay Pride” Rainbow because it gives further insight to Lucifer’s “last days” counterfeiting of God’s Kingdom, and this enemy’s intention to create his own empire under his “New World Order” regime where he will reign as the only “god” and the creator of his own worshiping species.

    He most definitely will fail in this blasphemous and rebellious mutiny – however many will be taken down with him because they will fall prey to his deadly deceptions.

    Therefore, it is time for the people of God to take hold of the Holy Spirit’s Wisdom and to awaken to how dangerous and deadly this demonic ploy is.  And to Pray – and Stay – readied to contend for His unadulterated Word of Truth. And to convey the way of escape it will provide to those who “have ears to hear!”

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    “Last Minute Warning!” - Part 1

    “Last Minute Warning!” - Part 1

    As we launch Part 1 of our new Study entitled “Last Minute Warning!” we learn that the definition for “last minute” means “the latest possible time before an event.” 

    In this Study, I will be giving a compilation of the major prophetic signs that are even now converging, and flashing their urgent “Be Ready” indicators, with undeniable evidence that we have reached the “Last Minute Warning” that is heralding two primary events that are ready to take place at any moment. 

    First, the Rapture of God’s True Church, and second, the Tribulation Period which will follow. When preparing for this message, it was difficult to know where to begin, or what last-day’s sign I should start with because there truly are so many prophetic indicators that are almost screaming the confirmation that we are the generation that will witness the Return of Jesus, and all that His Prophetic Word of Truth has promised. And as we continue in the Study, we will be covering the majority of them with some information being a review, along with updates.

    But when I looked at the calendar and realized that it was already June and thought how quickly time is passing, and also realized that June is “Gay Pride Month,” I knew that this would be the first “last days” precursor we would be addressing. For one of the things Lord Jesus said would signal His soon Return was that it would be as in the “Days of Lot.”

    And as we look deeply behind the real agenda of this pervasive movement, we will find that it is indeed a mirror image of Lot’s days in Sodom, as well as the urgent need for the people of God to confront this demonic and perverted spirit while contending for the souls of those who have been seduced and captivated by it.

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    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 5

    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 5

    Today we will be wrapping up this series on “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times,” and then we will move on to our next Study entitled “Last Minute Warning!”

    So much is happening in the world right now that the air is almost electrified with prophetic confirmation that the Lord is coming soon! 

    When that glorious event takes place, our Savior will meet His true “born again” offspring in the air before the seven-year Tribulation commences, and we will be with Him in our celestial home for the seven years that will bring the remaining earth dwellers who would not receive the “love of the Truth so as to be saved,” (2 Thess. 2:10) into the greatest time of suffering that the world has ever known.

    We are only prophetic minutes and even seconds from the commencement of these “last things” taking place. Are you ready? Now is the time to be sure.

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    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 4

    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 4

    As the world continues to be primed for the Antichrist’s “New World Order,” Satan is working feverishly to keep as many as he can from coming to the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Lord, and His Blood Atonement Sacrifice that Alone guarantees Eternal Life to the one who will believe and receive that Love-filled Sacrifice through the repentance of their sins and complete reliance on the Savior as their Redeemer.

    And if anyone has any doubts that we are truly on the precipice of the “New World Order” of the Antichrist becoming a soon reality, they are either uninformed or just blatantly in denial, because there are so many prophetic indicators that are urgently flashing their lights of “Be Ready” warning that only the blind cannot see them. 

    And blind they truly are because as Scripture has confirmed to us, in 2 Corinthians 4:4, the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving so that they may not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God, and that it would shine on them.” 

    God’s Dispensation of Grace is quickly coming to a close with the Rapture of His True Church only a heartbeat away. Now is the time for His people to awaken – to be informed – and to be ready to contend for His unadulterated Word of Life while there is yet time for those who have ears to hear – to hear!

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    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 3

    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 3

    In this desperate time in which we are now living, it is critical for the people of God to be aware of the demonic strategies of the enemy, and all the more, as the earth becomes primed for the entrance of the Antichrist and his Global Empire.

    All the components are readied, and like the pieces of a puzzle they are being laid in place, with only a few more needed to make the picture complete.

    And as these prophetic precursors converge, God’s Dispensation of Grace is quickly drawing to an end, making the need for His true Church to awaken to where we really are in His Biblical timeline, and to be all the more ready to share His unadulterated Gospel of Truth and Grace while there is yet time, and before we are taken up in the Rapture and His Light is taken with us.

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    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 2

    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 2

    In this Podcast, we pick up with the commentary I began to share with you in our last segment entitled: “Satan’s Thirteen Point Plan to Take Over the World.”

    Satan, which is another name for “Lucifer” meaning “God’s Adversary,” has been planning his global tyranny since before the world was formed, and he is violently purposed to succeed in this prideful mutiny at any cost.

    Even though he knows what the Prophetic Word of God has destined for him, he nevertheless is pushing forward with his diabolical plan. And as he violently works his nefarious deceptions, not only the world, but much of the Church as well, has come under the spell of his manipulative maneuvers. 

    As we pick up with the commentary “Satan’s Thirteen Point Plan to Take Over the World,” we will understand more fully how this dread enemy operates in his schemes to rob, kill, and destroy, in order to bring the world and the people who occupy it under his control, but more importantly how we as God’s “born again” offspring can resist and stand against him in victorious Truth-wielding Power!

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    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 1

    “War of the Kingdoms – Standing in Truth in These Desperate Times” - Part 1

    We are living at a critical time of world history, right at the end of the Church dispensation and shortly before the revelation of Satan’s world empire, which will be headed by the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

    The “born-again” children of God proclaim the Rapture of His True Church, followed by the Tribulation Period, and finally the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the future revelation of His Kingdom. While the non-Christian world is preparing for a “New World Order” which will be in direct opposition to the Kingdom of God.

    The present conflict in the spiritual realms between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan will culminate in a physical confrontation during the battle of Armageddon at the end of the Great Tribulation, directly after the Second Coming of Christ. 

    It will be a short and decisive war, during which the Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast into the Lake of Fire, their followers will be destroyed, and Satan will be bound in a bottomless pit for one thousand years (Rev. 19:19 to 20:3). That will be followed by the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ in power and majesty!

    Now is the time for God’s True Church to awaken; for we are standing on the precipice of the final things the Lord has promised will come to pass making it all the more important for us to be grounded in Truth and ready to defend that Truth at any cost.

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    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 7

    “Babylon, Romanism, & the Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 7

    In this Podcast, we will wrap up this portion of our investigation into Roman Catholicism even though there is so much more that is involved in this Babylonian cult that time would not allow me to fully reveal. 

    What I have touched on, however, should surely be enough to validate that it is a masterful yet demonic counterfeit to genuine Christianity and that it, and the many other false ways Lucifer has orchestrated in his works of deception, will comprise the Harlot of Revelation 17, identified as the “Babylon Mystery Religion. 

    I would urge you – especially if you are involved in Roman Catholicism in any way – to do the research for yourself using some of the information I have already shared with you as a launchpad to deeper discovery.

    This necessity is more critical now than it has ever been; for in light of His soon coming, God’s legitimate “Born Again” believers are called to be all the more vigilant in proclaiming the Truth of God’s Word as these last things unfold all around us; for deception is has become so masterfully orchestrated that even the elect are in danger of being deceived such as our Study on Roman Catholicism has revealed.

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