
    book of common prayer

    Explore " book of common prayer" with insightful episodes like "“Any Moment Now!” - Part 2", "“Any Moment Now!” - Part 1", "“The Great Falling Away!” - Part 3", "“The Great Falling Away!” - Part 2" and "“The Great Falling Away!” - Part 1" from podcasts like ""Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call" and "Love’s Last Call"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 2

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 2

    The phrase “Any Moment Now!” is defined as an indication that something of great importance is about to happen very soon. It is an alert to be aware and to be ready.

    When the Church of Jesus Christ was birthed on Pentecost 2,000 years ago, even then, true believers believed Jesus would return, and longed for that day. And while that may seem like a very long time to us, in God’s mind it is as two days ago – for to Him “a thousand years is as a day, and a day as a thousand years.” (2 Peter 3:8)

    Not only is that significant in terms of the “7-Day/Millennial Theory” that we covered in past episodes, and which indicates that there have been six thousand years – or six days - since the creation of the world, bringing us to the doorstep of the 7th day in which the thousand-year reign of Lord Jesus will commence.

    This means that we are truly in the last prophetic minutes – and even seconds – before the Rapture could take place. Understanding this prophetic reality is more important now than it has ever been for much of the Church is asleep. However, for those who are awake, the things we are covering will not only make sense, but will stir those hearts with soon & very soon encouragement.

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    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 1

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 1

    In “Any Moment Now!” we continue to address the many prophetic precursors that are flashing their “Be Ready” warnings in preparation for the Rapture of God’s True Church – which we are informed will happen “in a moment – in the twinkling of an eye” – (1 Cor. 15:52).

    While these “last minutes of the last hour” alerts are very evident to God’s Holy Remnant, the majority of what is known as the Church of Jesus Christ is asleep, having been lulled into complacency and the vanity-filled desires of this world

    In our last segment, I covered some of the atrocities that in light of this lukewarmness indicate that we are in the throes of the great “falling away” from the faith that the Word of God has made certain would take place just prior to the Return of Jesus. And with this sorrowful condition growing more tepid with each new day, the Holy Spirit is heralding His “Wake Up” call through His Watchmen on the Wall.

    In this segment, we will continue to be that voice of urgency, with the call to seek the Lord while He may be found, and to call on Him while He is near. For time is running out and Jesus comes quickly!

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    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 3

    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 3

    In Part 3 of our current series “The Great Falling Away,” I continue to expound on the warning that the Apostle Paul gave in 1 Timothy 4:1, where it is written: “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teaching of demons.”

    We have reached the fulfillment of this prophetic word in our very day, and it is safe to say that this departure from Truth is one of the most significant of all the signs that confirm we are in the very last prophetic minutes before God’s End-Time Clock strikes midnight, and the last things unfold with dramatic and eternal consequences.

    As this reality pushes us closer to the Rapture of God’s true Church and the Tribulation Period that will follow, the war over the souls of men has intensified, and Lucifer’s deceptions have become much more strategic and cunning than ever. But his main target is not the world because he already has them in the grip of his deadly and vanity filled falsehoods. His greatest weapon of deceiving power is being wielded against God’s Church and its Holy Mandate as Light and Salt to a dying and sin-riddled world.

    In Ephesians 6:12, Paul emphasized that our struggle as the people of God is against the rulers, powers, and world forces of the world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    In this fierce spiritual battle, the Holy Spirit is raising up His Holy Remnant to test every spirit as never before, and to hold the front line in Truth.  And with His help so shall we do as we continue to test, contend, and shine while there is yet time!

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    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 2

    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 2

    It would be an understatement to say that we are living in turbulent times; and anyone with Biblical discernment understands that we are living in a highly charged prophetic time in this earth.

    Not only is the current revisitation of the “Days of Noah” bearing witness to the desperateness of the time, but all the signs that the Word of God has given us that are strong indicators of the nearness of His Coming, are lining up with “End of the Age” precision, with “Be Ready” warning becoming more urgent with each minute that passes.

    Perhaps the most urgent of those “last days” indicators is the “Great Falling Aways” or “Apostasy” that God’s Word has confirmed will reach its pinnacle after the Rapture of His legitimate Church and will precede the appearance of Antichrist in the earth.

    In my mind, this is the most crucial indicator because it deals directly with the eternal destiny of every man and woman who now walks the terra-firma of this earth. That forever will be either in Heaven with the Father and the Savior Who shed His Sinless and Priceless Blood to save them – or in the Lake of Fire with the god of this world.

    Knowing his time is short, this lord of vanities is on a rampage to win as many souls as he can. And in this deadly effort, his counterfeits have become even more masterful. Those who succumb to these deadly forgeries will enter into a false salvation security under the guise of following the Lord. But when their faith is tested – and surely it will be – they will fall away from Him because they never really belonged to Him, but were instead yoked to the antichrist spirit.

    Love’s Last Call is be heralded to those who have ears to hear for time is short, and the Holy Spirit is beckoning to who will listen - make sure you know Him – make sure He knows you.

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    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 1

    “The Great Falling Away!” - Part 1

    As the “Great Antichrist Delusion” continues to captivate the people of earth, and his false prophets beguile with their cunning and deceptive persuasions, Salvation’s legitimacy is being put to the test as the wheat is being separated from the tares.

    Part of the “Great Antichrist Delusion” brings with it the mindset that presents a casual and worldly picture of Salvation. It is promoted as something that is cheaply gained and tailored to whatever man wants it to be. It becomes a source of what he hopes to gain by joining its ranks, without any true recognition or devotion to the Lordship of Jesus the Christ Who alone can secure that Salvation Security – or any understanding whatsoever of how much it cost the Son of God to provide the escape from sin’s death that every man and woman in their fallen nature has been destined to. It, therefore, allows man to stay practiced in his sins without any consequences or the need to die to “self” so that Christ can live more fully in them. It completely skips the need for repentance from those sins, and the “new birth” miracle that alone will guarantee entrance into Heaven with the Father.

    As we move closer to the Rapture of God’s legitimate “born again” offspring, the Holy Spirit is about a Holy separation unto Eternal Life with His Call to “test yourselves to see whether you are in the faith…” (2 Cor. 13:5)

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    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 3

    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 3

    As the war over the souls of men continues to be waged, the Antichrist delusion continues to lure man into its deadly persuasions by offering them a shoddy replica of what the true Word of God promises for the one who becomes “born again” from above. But the trappings this Luciferian counterfeit offers are only fleeting and prideful vanities that are quickly passing away with the world, and which hold no Eternal Life Salvation security whatsoever.

    We have entered the time of the “last days” - and even “last minutes of the last days” - when the wheat is being separated from the tares, and true Salvation and its holy mandate of genuine repentance and full devotion to Lord Jesus is the litmus test that will determine legitimacy. 

    For the one who still loves the world and wants to remain part of it – they will not inherit God’s Eternal Kingdom – for you cannot hold dual citizenship. You will either be a citizen of this fallen world with Lucifer as your god, or you will be a “new creation” under the Lordship of Jesus Christ the Great I AM.

    The cry has never been more urgent – “Choose you this day who you will follow!”

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    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 2

    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 2

    In Part 2 of “The Great Antichrist Delusion,” I will continue to share some of the messages that were channeled through a man by the name of Benjamin Crème by the demon apparition known as “Maitreya.”

    This information should prove invaluable in discerning the true “Christ” Who alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, from the counterfeit “Antichrist” spirit that is already at work in the world, and which is leading many into its masterful “One World Religion” delusion.

    Pseudo Christianity is on the rise, with many proclaiming to be “Christian.” And yet, when the spirit behind what they say they believe – and who they follow – is tested, they are found to be imposters – with the words of Jesus resonating “I never knew you!”

    The “Christ” or anointed one they have given allegiance to is not Jesus Christ the Lord, but a masterful counterfeit that the Lord Himself warned would arise in the last days.

    In Matthew 24:24-25, we read His solemn warning: “For false Christs and false prophets shall arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as if to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance.”

    Let us be wise and take heed; and let those who have “ears to hear” hear!

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    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 1

    “The Great Antichrist Delusion” - Part 1

    In 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12, it is written: “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is removed. Then that lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will eliminate with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one who coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason, God will send upon them a deluding influence so that will believe what is false, in order that they may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”

    The great delusion that the Lord will bring against the unbelieving has already begun, but it will reach its full manifestation after the legitimate Church of Jesus Christ has been taken up in the Rapture, and the Tribulation Period begins in full force.

    The demon spirit that is paving the way for the world’s acceptance of the Antichrist has manifested itself as “Maitreya” who appeared to a man by the name of Benjamin Crème in 1977. 

    As we take a penetrating look into the masterful counterfeiting in the messages he brings, it will provide much enlightenment to how and why so many naïve and lost people will fall willingly into the deadly trap set before them. And it will also give confirming confidence that Jesus comes quickly!

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 8

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 8

    In Part 8 of “The Stage Is Being Set!” we will pick up with number 6 on the list that identifies the Harlot of Revelation 17 with Rome – or more specifically – the Roman Catholic Church – which through its dedicated Inter-Faith and Ecumenical outreaches will – and is even now - drawing in every other false way that Lucifer has orchestrated, with the end result being the “One World Religion” of the Antichrist.

    This information is more critical now that it has ever been, because as the Church becomes more lukewarm and apostate, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is not being contended for; and the wide way that leads to destruction is becoming even wider with many falling into its darkened abyss that is the pathway to the portal of Hell.

    In the Book of Jude, the urgency to “contend earnestly for the true faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” is given with a passionate plea. In the Greek rendering of the phrase, “contend earnestly” actually means “to fight for” and that fight is against one who comes to rob, kill, and destroy as he wars against the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth.

    Let us not shrink back from courageously heeding that call, Beloved, for time is short. And we hold the only true Light that will lead the captives out of the enemy’s grip of death, and into the Arms of the God of Love, unto Eternal Life.

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 7

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 7

    No matter where you go in this dark world, Rome’s tentacles have extended there. Further, Rome is busy extending her influence by yoking together with the Christian denominations and pagan religions of the world.

    “Ecumenical” means universal and worldwide. And the present-day movement of professed Christian unity, represented by groups such as the World Council of Churches, that will eventually be melded into the Roman Catholic mantel, is the fore-view of this worldwide apostate “church.”

    Like Roman Catholicism, the WCC itself is indeed worldwide, being composed of more than 300 denominations representing some 500 million people in 100 nations and growing.

    This large body of apostate Christianity has already become one in spirit with the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches, and even recognized the so-called spirituality of non-Christian religions.

    And this is only one of the many Luciferian and deadly tenacles that are spreading their “One World Religion” enticements and reaching multitudes with the poison of their lies and falsehoods. 

    The Antichrist “One World Religion” is soon to take the spotlight which means that the Lord’s Blood Bought Church will not be here much longer.  

    Are you ready?

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 6

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 6

    It is an amazing fact that every feature of the religious Harlot is found in the Roman Catholic Church. She has ridden through Church history upon the back of kings; is clothed in gorgeous robes and decked in expensive attire. She sits on seven hills, is full of abominations, and has a golden cup. She is certainly drunk with the blood of the martyrs, and the inhabitants of the world are indeed drunk with the wine of her fornication. Countless multitudes of deceived people from practically every nation blindly follow Rome’s errors, and glory in Rome’s false religion.

    It is also interesting that even Rome herself has understood her fulfillment of this prophecy. In 1825, Pope Leo XII struck a medal, bearing on the one side his own image, and on the other, that of the Church of Rome symbolized as a “Woman” holding in her left hand, a cross, and in her right hand a CUP, with these words written in a circle around her: “Sedet super universum,” – which is translated: “The whole world is her seat.”

    In Part 6 of “The Stage Is Being Set!” we provide additional confirmation that Roman Catholicism is without a doubt the Harlot who rides the beast in Revelation 17 and that she will spearhead the “One World Religion” that will serve the Antichrist in his global reign – that is until he destroys her when her purposes have been fulfilled.

    This information is critical especially to those who are still yoked to this Babylonian cult or have family or friends who are because Jesus comes quickly! And only those who have come to Him in TRUTH shall be saved!

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 5

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 5

    In Parts 1-4, of “The Stage Is Being Set!” we addressed some of the many prophetic precursors that are preparing the world for the entrance of the Antichrist and his global reign that will enslave every man and woman on earth who have been left behind after the Rapture of God’s legitimate and Blood Bought Church.

    We covered such things as “Global Tracking;” “Quantum Dot Computing;” Quantum Dot Vaccines;” “The arrival of five Red Heifers in Jerusalem which are needed for sacrifices to begin, and which signals the soon rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem – or at least a tent-like structure like that which was erected by Moses and which will be used until the Third Temple is constructed;” “The Global Brain;” and “The investigation into the mindset and actions of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, two of Lucifer’s agents of darkness, who are working feverishly to bring to completion their “Global Reset” agenda and Transhumanism goals which will be an integral part of the re-engineering of humanity. 

    We also learned that the technological and scientific advancements that are now in place – many of which we have covered through “Love’s Last Call” - and which are rapidly evolving, make it certain that we are truly in the last prophetic minutes on God’s Prophetic Calendar, and that now is the time to pay even stricter attention to the Holy Spirit as He leads us into all Truth.

    And with that sacred exhortation to motivate us, in Part Five of our Study, we are going to begin to address what I believe is the most important and critical component to those things that are setting the stage for the Antichrist’s global reign, and the world’s worship which has been Lucifer’s rebellious and pride-filled goal from the beginning – It is the “One World Religion” that is already dressed in her nuptial array to serve the “Man of Lawlessness” as his darkened and adulterous bride – THE CHURCH OF ROME!

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 4

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 4

    In Part 4 of “The Stage Is Being Set!” I continue to address some of the many factors that are giving credence to the reality that everything needed for the fulfilment of God’s Prophetic Word of Truth to be fulfilled is being readied, giving certainty that we are in the final prophetic moments before the Rapture of God’s True Church and the Tribulation Period which will follow that glorious event.

    Not only are we in the throes of the revisited “Days of Noah” Lord Jesus said would be one of the major signs of His Return, but the rebuilding of the “Tower of Babel” is almost complete, as the stage is being set for the entrance of the “Man of Lawlessness” to appear as the counterfeited “Savior” of the world and to rule the people of earth from the pinnacle of this global “Tower of Power.”

    Through the many technological innovations that have surpassed man’s imagination, along with the spirit of deception which is stronger and more beguiling in this age than it has ever been, the people of earth are being led into the enemy’s web of destruction like sheep being led to the slaughter, as they succumb to the lies of the agents of darkness, who like the Pied Piper, is seductively drawing them into the Antichrist’s persuasions with their captivating sorceries.

    We are going to look in particular at two of these servants of Lucifer who are playing a vital role in the final preparation which is setting of the stage for the Antichrist who will be Lucifer’s “Golden Boy” so to speak and his primary conduit, along with the False Prophet, to gain the worship of the world that he has always longed for.

    The first is Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and the second is Yuval Noah Harari, who is his advisor and a major player in the WEF’s Great Reset and Transhumanism goals.

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 3

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 3

    In Part 3 of “The Stage Is Being Set!” I continue to review some of the many components that will comprise the Antichrist’s “New/One World” order, and how these technical, scientific, and religious mechanisms are converging even now.

    This information becomes very important, especially when we realize that we are the first generation of true Believers in Jesus Christ the Lord, who can actually expect His soon Return. 

    And in that “expecting” we have been exhorted to “watch,” with part of that “watching” involving being aware of what is happening behind the scenes, as the people of earth live out their normal routines of everyday life not even realizing that the world is spiraling toward a universal infrastructure that is being prepared for the “Man of Lawlessness” also known as the Antichrist. 

    One of the many indicators that the stage is being set for this global control to be fully implemented is considered in a commentary entitled “The Coming Global Brain – Or How the Antichrist Will Counterfeit The Divine Attributes of God!”

    In it, they offer the question of “Will the Antichrist and the False Prophet use a highly advanced version of the Internet to unleash their evil tyranny upon Planet Earth?”

    I will be gleaning from the information they offer in answer to that possible scenario with strong indication that “The Global Brain” will most definitely play a vital role in the soon coming Antichrist Global control, in fulfillment of Revelation 13.

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 2

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 2

    In Part 2 of our current Study entitled “The Stage Is Being Set!” we will continue with our coverage of some of the many Prophetic precursors that are indicating that we are on the precipice of the appearance of the Antichrist and his “New/One World Order” that he will temporarily reign over during the Tribulation Period.

    Man thinks he is orchestrating these plans, but it is the Lord God Who is over all.  And as His Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds with divine timing and precision accuracy, there is a Holy separation that is taking place between the wheat and the tares. 

    True Believers are being readied to be taken up to Heaven’s safety before the wrath of God befalls this darkened and rebellious world, but in our waiting, it is important that we not neglect our calling as ambassadors of His unadulterated Word of Truth. For we can get so caught up in our expectancy of His Coming for us that we lose sight of those things that we are yet called to do in His Name as we shine His light of Truth into the darkness of this fallen world.

    We must trust His timing, and the Holy Spirit’s leading that will keep us in a state of readiness, but will also keep us focused on Him, with equipping power as His witnesses of Salvation’s Holy Mandate to the lost. 

    Now is the time to stand strong on His Word, Beloved, and to not allow discouragement or doubt to have its way with us. For genuine Faith – the Faith that alone pleases Him - is trusting Him in all things, and at all times, knowing that His Ways are Perfect even as He is Perfect, and that we are safe in Him.

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    “Halloween Unmasked” - Part 2 (Rerun)

    “Halloween Unmasked” - Part 2 (Rerun)

    As the Lord readies His Bride for the Rapture, and the “last things” continue to unfold on the earth in preparation for His Second Coming, it has become more important than ever for the legitimate children of God to take heed to the Holy Spirit’s leading into all Truth – especially when it concerns Satan’s counterfeits and the deceptions he orchestrates to lead the many into destruction.  The Living Word has turned up the Fire in His work of Sacred Sanctification as He separates the Holy from the profane, and the wheat from the tares.

    God’s called out and sanctified people have been made separate unto Him even as the Light has been separated from the darkness.  Separation and Holiness go hand in hand in the mind of God; for to Him they are one in the same.

    In the Hebrew language, the word used for “holiness” is “kodesh” and means “separateness, sacredness, and set-apartness.”

    In Ezra 10:11, Jehovah God gave this command to the Israelites: “Now therefore, make confession to the Lord God of your fathers, and do His will; and separate yourselves from the peoples of the land and from foreign wives.”

    The Hebrew word for “separate” in that passage is “badal.”  By definition it means: “to disjoin, to separate oneself, to sever, divide, and make a difference; to select out of a group.  The word is used in the sense of a “ban” communicating the understanding of consecration.

    As His consecrated and Holy offspring, let us consider the practice of Halloween under the sacred scrutiny of the Holy Spirit and I believe we will find that it is an abhorrence to the Lord and something His true children should have no part in.

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    “Halloween Unmasked” - Part 1 (Rerun)

    “Halloween Unmasked” - Part 1 (Rerun)

    It is very important for the people of God – especially in this critical time in the earth when we are being called to a deeper sanctification in holiness, as salt and light to a sin darkened world, to fully understand what is really held behind what most people - including many who name themselves Christian - believe is just an innocent holiday.  They will insist that Halloween is merely a time for children and adults alike to dress up, have parties and get candy along with the bounty of other treats that are heartedly collected and that there is no harm whatsoever in it.

    Some expound on their justification of celebrating Halloween with the defense that neither they nor their children dress up like witches, devils or monsters but rather as angels or other benign personas – sometimes even Biblical characters – as though this somehow sanctifies the celebration’s dark intentions. 

    However, no matter how one may try to dress it up or downplay the spiritual aspects of Halloween, it indeed holds within it, pagan roots of death, superstition and demonic abominations.

    The truth of the matter is that most people do not know what the true origins of Halloween are.  They don’t have a clue that it is in fact Satan’s High Holiday and the time when his followers gather across the globe to pay him homage.  Or in some cases people have been given the facts, but have decided to not pay much attention to them.  But if they really understood the danger, they are exposing themselves and especially their children to they might not take the matter so lightly.

    The purpose of this Podcast is, therefore, to grant the facts that hopefully will change the mindsets of those who practice this Satanic holiday that not only grieves the Holy Spirit but also puts those who practice it in grave and potential spiritual danger.

    And as always, Thank You!

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    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 1

    “The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 1

    Beloved, we are beginning a new Study entitled “The Stage Is Being Set!” in which we will be reviewing the many prophetic precursors that are unfolding with dramatic “Pay Attention” urgency, and giving heed to the people of God to be even more alert to the Holy Spirit’s leading in this very critical time in the earth.

    By definition, to “set the stage” means “to prepare the conditions for the occurrence or beginning of something.” And without a doubt, the stage is being set for the appearance of the Antichrist, which means that our being “caught up” to meet the Lord in the air is closer now than it has ever been.

    Perhaps the most telling end-time precursor is the disheartening reality that the majority of what is generally known as the Church of Jesus Christ no longer believes or even cares about the Prophetic Word of God, or the need to witness to the lost. And that is because – but for His Holy and preserved Remnant – the Church has reached its full-blown Laodicea condition and is so saturated with the world, and wrapped up in its own self-centered wants and ambitions, that it is undistinguishable from the very darkness Lord Jesus paid so dearly to ransom it out of. 

    Because of this, many who are part of this complacent company of self-named Christians, do not even realize the desperateness of the hour, nor do they test the spirits to be sure they are of God. And as a result, they are oblivious to the danger that is lurking behind every current day event corner.

    However, for those who have ears to hear, and spiritual eyes to see behind the veil of the enemy’s lies and deceptions, it is becoming more and more obvious that we are living in the last moments on God’s Prophetic Calendar, and that time is running out for the people of earth to make the eternal decision which will determine if they will spend forever with the God of Love in Heaven’s Glory, or in Hell with Satan, the great deceiver and enemy of their soul.

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    “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums” - Part 2

    “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums” - Part 2

    In this segment, we pick up with Part 2 of “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums,” which is taken from a commentary written for Lamb & Lion Ministries. 

    It is a compelling analysis and one that adds one more confirming aspect to the already made certain reality that it is the last hour, and that we are living in the final moments before the Rapture of the Lord’s True Church, and the Tribulation Period which will follow, with the Antichrist ruling over the world with global religious, governmental, and economic control.

    That is until Lord Jesus returns with His army of redeemed saints and slays this dread enemy with the “breath of His mouth, and brings him to an end by the appearance of His coming.” (2 Th.2:8)

    The Antichrist and his False Prophet will then be cast into the Lake of Fire and Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years while Jesus reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords!

    In “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums,” credible support is given that indicates we are on the threshold of those things that are rushing us toward that final thousand-year period, making the Rapture of the Lord’s True Church even more imminent and our “Blessed Hope”.

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    “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums” - Part 1

    “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums” - Part 1

    On the heels of our last series “God’s Prophetic Timeline – His Calendar of Last Day’s Events,” we are beginning a new Study entitled “The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums.” 

    Within it is held much insight that I believe is worth sharing, especially as it pertains to the Prophetic Timeline that Jehovah God instituted before the foundation of the world, and which is pressing toward its culmination with accelerating speed.

    The Lord is very specific in all that He wills to do, knowing the end from the beginning. And by His Word, He makes known His ways to those who will seek Him for wisdom, understanding, and discernment.

    Now more than ever, we need the Lord’s wisdom and understanding, especially as His Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before us and the “last things” He has already determined will be, are being evidenced in real time momentum.

    Knowing how close we truly are to these final prophetic realities should keep us not only in a position of readiness, but should also stir us to be all the more purposed to be His sacred ambassadors of His unadulterated Word of Truth that alone will lead the lost to the safe haven of Salvation’s Promise in Jesus Christ the Lord.

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