
    book of common prayer

    Explore " book of common prayer" with insightful episodes like "“Babylon Rising!” - Part 7 (The Antichrist)", "“Babylon Rising!” - Part 6 (The Beast System)", "“Babylon Rising!” - Part 5 (The Mark of the Beast)", "“Babylon Rising!” - Part 4 (The Pope)" and "“Babylon Rising!” - Part 3 (The False Prophet)" from podcasts like ""Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call", "Love’s Last Call" and "Love’s Last Call"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 7 (The Antichrist)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 7 (The Antichrist)

    We are currently in the midst of a cult explosion. Whether it be dianetics which is the modern science of mental health, false god worship, reincarnation, astrology, holistic healing, or any of a hundred other consciousness-raising techniques, the modern age is on a search for some mystical and divine unity. The time is ripe for a world religion.

    And the “Man of Lawlessness” also known as the “Antichrist” is about to appear on the scene of earth with all false signs and wonders and lying persuasions that will captivate the fallen world that is being prepared to embrace him even now.

    God’s Watchmen on the Wall are sounding the alarm for the Church to awaken from her slumber and to be the salt and light she has been called to be. For time is truly running out and those whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be left behind when Jesus, the True and Only Savior, comes for His own. And then Tribulation which the world has never known or will ever know again shall befall this sin-riddled world. 

    Today is the Day of Salvation - Let those who have ears to hear – Hear!

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 6 (The Beast System)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 6 (The Beast System)

    The UN has officially adopted a plan to change everything by 2030 with the promise that “no one will be left behind.”

    And, in concert, Bill Gates pledges a “decade of vaccines” that culminates in the year 2030, and at the same time funds ID2020 with a manifesto that says – among many other things that “everyone should be able to assert their identity across institutional and national borders, and across time.” and that they want to provide “an alternative to individuals lacking safe and reliable access to state-based systems.”

    In other words, vaccines and digital ID and merging together through Quantum Dot Technology. This new technology is well known, freely discussed in various online tech articles, and is the next step beyond microchipping, whereby visible and invisible ink can be tattooed on someone as they are receiving a vaccine. Embedded in this tattoo is digital technology that verifies that they have had said vaccine. Presumably, this could also be the technology used to give everyone/anyone a permanent digital ID.”

    In this Podcast, we address this innovative technology as well as some of the other initiates that are illuminating the path of the world to the Mark of the Beast and his global control system with “Be Ready!” alert.

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 5 (The Mark of the Beast)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 5 (The Mark of the Beast)

    In order for the False Prophet to accomplish the worldwide feat of dominance and control over the people of earth on behalf of the Antichrist, which will be mandated by the command to take the “Mark of the Beast,” the identification of every man, woman, and child must be accessible as well as the technological capabilities that will enable the False Prophet to put this proof of identity process into action.

    We are the first and only generation since the Church was birthed at Pentecost who lives in a time when both of these “last days” necessities are already in place and being advanced with each day that draws us closer to the Rapture and the Tribulation Period which will follow close behind.

    In this Podcast, we take a penetrating look into three of the initiatives that are paving the way for the “Mark of the Beast” to become a reality in our here and now; and why it is important for the people of God to be kept informed in readiness for the soon Return of our Savior.

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 4 (The Pope)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 4 (The Pope)

    While it is widely accepted by the majority of Prophecy teachers that the “False Prophet” will be the Pontiff of Roman Catholicism, which when lined up with Scripture is undeniably confirmed to be the Harlot of Revelation 17, it remains uncertain whether or not Pope Francis will be revealed as the “False Prophet” or a strong forerunner to him. In either case he is working diligently as a major player in the formation of the Antichrist’s “One World Religion” and is also deeply entrenched in the Global Governmental and Economic aspects of the Antichrist’s Empire through which he will have complete control over all people on earth.

    It will be wise for us to pay attention to Pope Francis and the powerful influence he holds across the world, both religiously and governmentally. For with all the other prophetic signs dramatically converging and indicating the nearness of the time, if he is not the “False Prophet” it will almost certainly be his successor. And that might be how it unfolds since Pope Francis is 86 years old and has been ill.

    While we won’t be here when these agents of darkness are actually revealed, knowing how close we really could be to Prophecy’s fulfillment should make us all the more purposed in readiness and service to our King with the cry of MARANATHA!

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 3 (The False Prophet)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 3 (The False Prophet)

    Revelation pairs the Antichrist and the False Prophet significantly. The former’s focus will be politics while the latter’s emphasis will be religion. In the Church’s absence, the unholy trinity will establish false doctrines to solidify the Antichrist’s political power.

    Satan has used this strategy throughout history. Whenever there is a spiritual vacuum, political power marries itself to false religion to give itself a mark of acceptability. Even secular belief systems like communism, atheism, and materialism cannot get away from religion. Their religion is anti-god, but it is a faith system nonetheless. During the Great Tribulation, Satan will use religion to unite the world under the leadership of the Antichrist.

    The False Prophet will counterfeit God’s miracles by calling down fire from Heaven (Revelation 13:13), along with many other Luciferian deceptions that he will use to lead the multitudes into worshiping the Antichrist.

    Knowing about him, and what to look for will not only give evidence to how close we really are to the last things on God’s Prophetic Calendar, but will also keep us in a position of readiness for the Lord’s Coming for us – which really could happen at any moment.

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 2 (The Harlot)

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 2 (The Harlot)

    In the first part of the 4th century, under the newly installed Emperor Constantine, the Tower of Babel religion simply morphed into a new, mysterious version. This is when PAGAN Rome became PAPAL Rome, whereby the Roman Empire became the so-called Holy Roman Empire, and the Tower of Babel Religion simply took on a new name and a new form.

    The new name was universal Christianity which is what the word “Catholic” means. This new form was that the elaborate hierarchy of the Pagan religion of Rome – the Roman version of the Tower of Babel religion – was simply “Christianized.”

    Over time, the pagan Roman Emperor became the Pope; the pagan Roman Senate became the College of Cardinals; the pagan Roman Imperial Governors became the Archbishops; the pagan Roman Provincial Governors became the Bishops; the pagan Roman Civitas became the Priests; and the pagan Roman Vestal Virgins became the Nuns.

    And with that, the Roman Catholic Church was up and running!

    All of that provides significant background information as we make our way into Revelation 17, where the Apostle John begins to identify the Woman who sits on the back of the Beast – also known as the Antichrist – during the Tribulation Period. Most Biblical Scholars believe that this is the place in Scripture that identifies that Woman with Roman Catholicism.

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    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 1

    “Babylon Rising!” - Part 1

    Much discussion is taking place regarding the “New World Order” agenda and the rise of the “One World Government” or global authoritarian technology that will fuel the world-wide control of the Antichrist. 

    However, Scripture makes it clear that this emerging political and economic system will be served by a “One World” religious system. This Luciferian organism is described in Revelation 17 as “Mystery Babylon The Great – The Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.” 

    This Babylonian Harlot that is clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious pearls and stones, is leading to a global transformation that will unite the world in a Luciferian “One World Religion” under the banner of a great awakening of unity and well-being for all men. Just as political and economic systems are undergoing a Great Reset, there is a great spiritual reset underway as well.

    Many will argue that there is no way that all the religions of the world could ever unite. However, in this Study, we will demonstrate that not only can they unite…not only will they unite…but that they are already uniting and doing so at an increasing rate!

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    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 3

    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 3

    In the strategies of war, one of the tactical ploys of the enemy is to conquer from within. And as the greatest war – which is the war over the souls of men – is being waged with aggressive force, the many agents of Satan have crept into our midst bringing with them the false light that emanates with Luciferian deception.

    The Word of God has warned us that in the last days many would fall away from the faith. In 1 Timothy 4:1, it is written: “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.”

    And in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, we are told that the Great Apostasy or falling away would happen just prior to the Antichrist being revealed in the earth.

    One of the indicators of this great departure from Truth can be recognized as being held under the banner of what has become known as “Progressive Christianity.”

    In this masterful counterfeit of the genuine – the seductive deceptions of the enemy are thriving with hidden mockery of the One True God and His Creative Authority.

    In this Podcast, we expose this deadly yet masterful bait of Satan while contending for the true Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints! (Jude 1:3)

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    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 2

    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 2

    The Great Apostasy that Scripture marks as one of the prominent signs that we have truly reached the last moments on God’s prophetic calendar, is in its almost full-blown condition indicating that the Antichrist is soon to appear on the scene of earth. 

    And in preparation for him, the “One World Religion” that will serve him in his global governmental and economic rule over all people, is well on its way to being fully operational as Lucifer’s deceptions spread with poisonous and devastating precision, infecting many who have succumbed to his alluring beguilements.

    The worldly persuasions that this dread enemy employs enable the undiscerning to follow a religious formula that allows them to have a form of godliness but one that holds no real power to save, transform and redeem. It is instead a masterful counterfeit in which they may feel very spiritual, but the spirit they are yielding to is the spirit of the Antichrist, and it is leading them into the dark abyss of Lucifer’s lies and deceptions, with their final outcome being their eternal demise.

    It has never been more urgent than it is now for the people of God to come back to our first Love and to contend for His unadulterated Word of Truth as never before. 

    Harvest time is at hand with the question begging answer – are you a Wheat or a tare?

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    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 1

    “Last Day’s Deception & the Bait of Satan” - Part 1

    In the series “Last Days Deception & the Bait of Satan, we will be addressing some of the obvious – as well as the not so obvious, tactics of the enemy which he employes in order to “rob, kill, and destroy.”

    The obvious ones are usually fairly easy to discern, however, the not so obvious hold within them the most danger because they are hidden behind a veil of Luciferian false light that very closely mimics the true things of God, whereby many are taking the bait and being led into the enemy’s web of deadly deception - especially now, in this very critical time in the earth when Satan knows that his time is short and therefore his deceptions are more strategic and deadly than they have ever been.

    It is important to remember that Lucifer and Satan are the same entity. Lucifer comes as an “angel of light” but it is his moniker “Satan” which means “God’s adversary” that depicts his true identity. He is a Murderer and a Liar – and has been from the beginning. (John 8:42-47)

    Everything he does is devoid of truth because there is no truth in him. And yet he is a masterful counterfeiter – so masterful that without the Holy Spirit’s discernment to lead, protect and guide us, no one is immune from his death-filled beguilements.

    And therefore, as we look to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment, we will be equipped to stand strong, and be strengthened to contend even more earnestly for the true Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.

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    “The Rapture – Fact or Fiction?” (Revisited) - Part 2

    “The Rapture – Fact or Fiction?” (Revisited) - Part 2

     Even while current events and prophetic signs converge with “last days” and even “last minutes” urgency, many will say that the Coming of the Lord is not going to happen for a very long time, using the very same reasoning that Peter stated in 2 Peter 3:3-4.  We are reminded of the Apostle’s prophetic words: “Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming?  For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.”

    But actually, things are really not the same.  With each generation that has passed since the Church was birthed at Pentecost, God’s Prophetic timeclock has been ticking toward the final hour of the End of the Age. And while there have been signs along the way which indicated progress toward the final things that have already been determined by Him and in Him, He has exhorted us by His Word that when we see the convergence of all things prophesied we would know that the time is very near, and that we are to be ready.

    We have truly reached that hour with perhaps only minutes, in the prophetic sense, left before the Lord returns to bring to completion all He has promised by His unadulterated Word of Salvation’s Eternal Life Truth.

    Now is the time to awaken – now is the time to be ready!

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    “The Rapture – Fact or Fiction?” (Revisited) - Part 1

    “The Rapture – Fact or Fiction?” (Revisited) - Part 1

    Some may say that believing or not believing in the taking up of God’s people, before the Tribulation brings unimaginable horror upon this world, is not of great importance because it is the foundational truth of Salvation’s promise that alone matters. 

    In reality, however, believing that we will be spared from God’s Holy and Just Wrath upon an unbelieving world is the outflow of His Amazing Grace, and part and parcel with Salvation’s Promise to those who have been ransomed from the penalty of sin’s death through the Precious and Sinless Blood of Jesus our Awesome Savior.

    Understanding this Divine premise strengthens the walk of a Believer and also underscores our separateness from the world - with everything we encounter down here becoming clearer, as it is brought into focus through the lens of Holy Spirit Wisdom and Power.  And now, more than ever, do the people of God need this life-line of encouragement for the time is near!

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    “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” (Revisited) - Part 2

    “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” (Revisited) - Part 2

    As we continue to tackle the question of “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” I will continue to address the very important subject of what has become known as the Rapture of the True Church of Jesus Christ. 

    In this effort, we will be taking an in-depth look at the Holy Scriptures with the Holy Spirit’s leading and His correct interpretation which will be revealed by His Word, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there. For the unadulterated Word of God bears witness to itself with Scripture confirming Scripture.

    As the prophetic Word of Truth unfolds more dramatically with each new day, God’s Holy Remnant is being called back to our “First Love” and the zeal we once had in readiness for His Coming for us with the cry of:


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    “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” (Revisited) - Part 1

    “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” (Revisited) - Part 1

    In a past series of messages under the title of “Lucifer’s Illusive Gospel,” I addressed the counterfeiting of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ through such false teachings as the Social Gospel, Hyper-Grace theology, Universalism, and the replacement of man’s desperate need of the Blood Atonement Sacrifice of our glorious Savior, with the “Golden Rule” – meaning that man can do enough good works on his own to merit the reward of Heaven.

    As another indication of this evidenced apostasy, we are going to address the sorrowful reality that the majority of what is known as the Church of Jesus Christ no longer longs for His Coming, and in fact to a great extent doesn’t expect Him to return at all – or at least not for a very long time – and not in the way His Word strongly confirms He will.

    As we look to the Holy Spirit, and His correct and inerrant interpretation of God’s Word, we will find that the hope for a Rapture of the Lord’s True Church is a valid one and that there truly is a great probability that we will be the generation to witness it’s gloriously promised fulfillment.

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    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 3

    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 3

    In Part 3 of “The NAME Above Every Name!” we will move on with the Names of God and the Majesty and Power that they reveal in glorious revelation of Great I AM – the One and Only True God of All Creation!

    So far, we have gleaned from His Names “Jehovah” – “Jehovah Elohim” – “Adonai” – “El Elyon” – “El Roi” – “El Shaddai” – “Jehovah Jireh” – and “Jehovah Rapha.”

    Today, we are going to take a penetrating look into some of His Names that may not be as readily known to us, but which hold within them a wealth of revelation and knowledge that should cause us to draw nearer to our Savior with renewed awe and worship. We’ll begin with:  Esh Okhlah – “Consuming Fire.”

    We will then move on to “Ruach Ha’Emet” – “The Spirit of Truth” followed by “Adonai M’kadishkhem” - “The Lord Who Sets You Apart”

    As we grow in the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior, we will gain fuller understanding of who He is, and who we are now in Him, with renewed dedication as His ambassadors of Salvation’s Truth and fierce contenders for the true Faith that alone guarantees that Eternal Security.

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    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 2

    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 2

    In Part 2 of “The NAME Above Every Name!” we will continue to explore the many Names of the One Who is the NAME and Who reigns in Majesty with ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND IN THE EARTH.

    As the world spirals into more chaos with each passing day, and the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds with dramatic “pay attention” warning, it is important for the people of God to stay in a position of confidence – grounded in His Word and the guaranteed assurance of His Salvation Security.

    Knowing the personal names of God provides a deeper understanding of Who our Awesome Savior is, while underscoring His Love, provision, and protection over us.

    When we come to the full realization that we are now “one” with the God of all Creation – the Great I AM – the Alpha and the Omega – the One Who is with us and for us - who shall we fear and of what shall we be afraid!

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    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 1

    “The NAME Above Every Name!” - Part 1

    In the Bible the word for “name” is a translation of the Hebrew word shem (in the Old Testament) and the Greek word onoma (in the New Testament). Together, “name” appears more than 1000 times in Scripture and routinely carries with it the idea of power, responsibility, purpose, and authority. A name not only expresses the essence and significance of what is being named, but also when duly authorized, gives access to the quality it conveys.

    Because of the depth of God’s character, He has various names that reflect the many ways He relates to humanity. The great purpose of man then, especially the believer in Christ, is to glorify God - especially now, in this critical time in the earth when the world is saturated in the lies and deceptions of the god of this temporal domain who vies for the worship that belongs to Jehovah God alone.

    In this Study, as the Holy Spirit guides us, we will dig deeply into the NAMES of God and how each one reveals the wonders and majesty of the ONE TRULY AND ONLY GOD OF ALL CREATION Who is our SAVIOR AND LORD!

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    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 5

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 5

    In this Episode, we are going to continue to address some of the many prophetic indicators that are pointing to the “Any Moment Now!” reality that is looming over an unsuspecting world – and even much of the Church.

    These “Be Ready” precursors cover a vast spectrum of current day realities that the Holy Scriptures have alerted us would signal the Lord’s soon Return, with confirmation that we are the last generation alive who will witness those things leading up to this glorious event, and which will bring to a close the End of this Age, with the commencement of Eternity following close behind.

    And while what is known as the Church of Jesus Christ is for the most part unconcerned and even oblivious to the desperateness of the hour – which is honestly hard to comprehend because the signs are so blatantly flashing their warnings at every turn - the Lord has preserved a “Holy Remnant” of Believers who take Him at His Word and are paying close attention to the Holy Spirit’s warnings through His “Watchmen on the Wall.”

    And as our eyes are being opened to see how God’s Prophetic Word of Truth is coming alive in our here and now, in particular we will be looking into some of what - when compared to the capabilities of just a few decades ago - can only be called “remarkable” technological advancements, that are making way for the Beast

    System of the Antichrist to be fully operational, and readied for him to take complete control over all people who have been left behind after God’s “born again” offspring have been taken up to safety, while the worst Tribulation the world has ever known unfolds on this planet.

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    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 4

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 4

    1 Thessalonians 5:1-8 underscores the reality of our “Blessed Hope” that the Apostle Paul also addressed in Titus 2:13, with encouragement that we should be looking for the appearing of our Savior, Lord Jesus the Christ, Who as the Holy Scriptures promise, will meet us in the air before God’s wrath befalls a rebellious and Truth rejecting world.

    And while mockers continue on with their mocking, and ridicule those of us who take God’s Word literally and long for His Coming, the signs of that glorious reality are growing more prolific with each new day, as God’s Prophetic Word of Truth comes alive right before our very eyes.

    In this podcast, we cover some of the striking innovations that support that premise and which are setting the stage for the soon appearing of the Antichrist and his global reign of control over all people.

    Let the wise understand and be ready.

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    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 3

    “Any Moment Now!” - Part 3

    In today’s Episode, we are going to take a penetrating look at some of the major happenings that have taken place in just the last few years that should really catch our attention, with sobering consideration that we truly are in the “Any Moment Now!” timeline on God’s Prophetic Calendar.

    Some of it will be things you may not be aware of, and some of the information will be things we have previously covered. But even if you have heard it before, it is important to be reminded and refreshed in our awareness of what is taking place behind the veil of everyday activities and responsibilities we are involved in as we sojourn on this earth, because we can easily lose sight of these prophetic precursors in light of our daily routines and the many attacks of the enemy.

    Next to deception, one of Lucifer’s main weapons is desensitization. And he has been so successful in this ploy that the debauchery, perversions, and blatant assaults against God’s Holiness and His unadulterated Word of Truth, are no longer shocking – not even to most of the Church.

    And as far as the technological advancements and political one-world structuring, like the frog in the pot of warm water, the people of earth have no idea that the world is reaching its boiling point, and that their destruction is very near.

    With all these things facing us, and growing more prominent with each minute of every day, those who have discernment in the Holy Spirit are heeding the call to pay attention; and to come back to our First Love – with sacred reminder that it is NOT about us – it is all about HIM!  And HE is coming back just as HE promised HE would, to fulfill Salvation’s Promise to all who have believed in HIM.

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