
    book of life

    Explore " book of life" with insightful episodes like "Evil Confronted, Part 2", "Session 6 - The Book of Life (Saved for Eternity)", "Ep 76: Galactic Guru Debbie Solaris: Suicide to Awakening, Starseeds, Breast Cancer, Book of Life, False Reincarnation Matrix", "Hell, God's Wrath and Judgment Day. Part 6 - What Will Judgment Be Like?" and "Your Book of Life" from podcasts like ""Exodus", "Rediscover the Gospel", "Just Be® ~ Spiritual BOOM", "I'm Hicksited" and "Sermons from Riverside Christian Church, Chelmer, QLD, Australia"" and more!

    Episodes (35)

    Evil Confronted, Part 2

    Evil Confronted, Part 2

    Sermon 81 in Series

    Exodus 32:25-35

    [25] And when Moses saw that the people had broken loose (for Aaron had let them break loose, to the derision of their enemies), [26] then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the LORD’s side? Come to me.” And all the sons of Levi gathered around him. [27] And he said to them, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘Put your sword on your side each of you, and go to and fro from gate to gate throughout the camp, and each of you kill his brother and his companion and his neighbor.’” [28] And the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses. And that day about three thousand men of the people fell. [29] And Moses said, “Today you have been ordained for the service of the LORD, each one at the cost of his son and of his brother, so that he might bestow a blessing upon you this day.”

    [30] The next day Moses said to the people, “You have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.” [31] So Moses returned to the LORD and said, “Alas, this people has sinned a great sin. They have made for themselves gods of gold. [32] But now, if you will forgive their sin—but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.” [33] But the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book. [34] But now go, lead the people to the place about which I have spoken to you; behold, my angel shall go before you. Nevertheless, in the day when I visit, I will visit their sin upon them.”

    [35] Then the LORD sent a plague on the people, because they made the calf, the one that Aaron made.

    DEEP SHEET: Sermon Study Questions
     What does it practically look like for you and your family to treasure Christ this Christmas?
    2.   How would you describe the state of the Israelites even after Moses initially confronts them? What does it mean to say that there is a crisis on top of a crisis
    3.   What does God command the Levites to do? How does the context guard us against misinterpreting this incident?
    4.   How does the devotion of the Levites highlight the principle that God must be first? In what ways have you been tempted to put family before or on par with God?
    5.   How do Moses’ intercessory words to God point to Christ as our atonement, substitute, and Mediator?
    6.   Where do we see God’s grace at work in this passage? How do we see wrath and grace (judgment and salvation) coming together in this story and throughout the Bible?

    References: Deuteronomy 9:20; Luke 12:51-53; 14:26; Romans 9:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 9:14; John 10:11; Luke 10:20; Revelation 20:15; 21:27.

    Session 6 - The Book of Life (Saved for Eternity)

    Session 6 - The Book of Life (Saved for Eternity)

    1 Timothy 4:1–5 (Departing from the Faith)

    1 Timothy 4:1–5 (NKJV)1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it’s received with thanksgiving;5 for it’s sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

    The first two verses of the above text state that in the last times some people will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, not realizing it of course, and out of hypocrisy they will speak lies, their conscience being marked with a hot iron. Many Christians believe that the apostasy in these verses refers to the loss of eternal salvation, because they interpret deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons as immoral sins that will eventually cause some genuine Christians to lose their salvation. However, I invite you to take things one at a time and see first what these wrong teachings consist of and then who are those “some” who will fall away from the faith, what kind of faith they are referring to, and what this distancing means.

    Verses 3 and 4 describe some of the things and doctrines these people promote, namely: the prohibition of marriage and abstinence from certain foods. The things related here are not immoral sins and carnal pleasures in which people usually like to indulge in, but rather “other apparently good ways” and ascetic ways of attaining righteousness. They are teachings and doctrines, but not sins.

    These teachings are clothed in an appearance of holiness which makes them very subtle and deceptive. Judging by their nature, it seems that those who propagated them were trying to be holy by works instead of faith. They believed that holiness came from strict adherence to a set of rules. These doctrines seem to resemble very much the Law of Moses and to be Jewish in nature. Who can these people be? Since the passage speaks of a falling away from faith it means that those people had contact at some point with the pure teaching of salvation by faith alone in Christ. They were either so convinced that they were also born again, or they only joined the church for a while, but they could not fully renounce the Law of Moses and were never born again. Paul calls them hypocrites and liars because they preached one thing to others, but they did the exact opposite in their private lives, and their consciences became numb because of their constant living in that lifestyle. They no longer saw the seriousness of the contradiction in their lives from the desire to appear before men as religious and holy. Just as the area where an animal is marked with a hot iron becomes numb and insensitive to pain, so the conscience of these people had become desensitized. Because of this, the apostle Paul describes their conscience as being marked with a hot iron.

    It is very possible that those “some” influenced by the teachings of the Jews were even leaders (pastors and teachers) of the church of Christ in Ephesus, since the heresies had to do with doctrines that are usually preached from the front. Moreover, in 1 Timothy 1:7, they are described as wanting to be teachers of the Law. If they were born again, they probably loved God, were eternally saved by grace, but from time to time were “bitten” by the self-righteousness propagated by the followers of the Law of Moses, and focused mainly on their good works in order to please God here on earth, and this was because of a lack of understanding and revelation. They were not yet fully established in Christ and believing the truth in all areas. This does not mean that they had lost their eternal salvation, but that in their daily lives, they relied more on their self-righteousness to attract God’s favor, instead of applying the same simple faith that they had at the moment of salvation. Therefore, their departure from the faith was not an irreversible fall from the faith, but a temporary distancing or limited to only some aspects of their faith life. The same is happening today with many genuine Christians in the body of Christ who slip from time to time into self-righteousness or do not have full faith in the truth in all areas of their lives. Paul did not have in mind here the loss of eternal salvation. Lots of born-again Christians who are still legalistic and self-righteous will still go to heaven because they put their faith in Jesus for forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation.

    From this passage we can also draw some general principles of faith. For example, the devil’s lie will always result in a works-based salvation. This is appealing because a religion oriented toward good works seems impressive, holy, and righteous for others. We can examine religion by religion and we will see that they are all based on what you do or don’t do. It is believed that thus God is tempered in His demands, or, in other words, good human works temper Him, they appease God. However, all these teachings are satanic and demonically fueled. True Christianity is not based at all on human works, but only on the grace of God. False religions teach that we must work for salvation, but true Christianity teaches that God has done everything in Christ. This is one way to identify falsehoods in teachings. Satan’s lies always refer to the same thing: spirituality achieved through human effort and not based on Christ alone.


    Revelation 3:1–5 (The Book of Life)

    Revelation 3:1–5 (NKJV)1 And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, “These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: ‘I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I haven’t found your works perfect before God.3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore, if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.4 You have a few names even in Sardis who haven’t defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.5 He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.’”

    These verses seem to focus on good works, on the idea of being watchful, not defiling our garments, and overcoming. Verse 5 specifically says that only those who overcome will be clothed in white, their names will not be blotted out of the Book of Life or the book of the saved, and Jesus will confess their names before His Father and before His angels. One of the most common interpretations of this verse in the Christian world is that some born-again people will not be watchful enough, will not overcome, and eventually their names will be blotted out of t...

    Ep 76: Galactic Guru Debbie Solaris: Suicide to Awakening, Starseeds, Breast Cancer, Book of Life, False Reincarnation Matrix

    Ep 76: Galactic Guru Debbie Solaris: Suicide to Awakening, Starseeds, Breast Cancer, Book of Life, False Reincarnation Matrix

    Out of Colorado, Debbie is a profound interdimensional traveler, Galactic historian as well as an ET contactee. That fateful (or faithful) connection started her on this spiritual journey away from her corporate career as well as the encouragement from the breast cancer to her Acturian guides. Through this, she also discovered her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records.

    We discuss her dad's suicide, indoctrination, starseeds, her business, the New Earth and future probabilities plus way more.

    I lead the Just Be Practice connecting us to the galaxies!

    Connect with Debbie:
    Website: https://www.debbiesolaris.com
    email: debbie@debbiesolaris.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/galacticstarguide
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sydkat7
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debbiesolaris

    Debbie was a radio host with the Galactic U Radio Network on blogtalkradio.com from April 2017 - December 2017. Her show “Traveling Through the Stargate” featured newly revealed info on galactic history and the various star races, as well as insights from the Akashic Records & higher dimensional realms. Podcasts from the radio show can still be found on blogtalkradio.com, on SoundCloud, and on the Media page at debbiesolaris.com 

    She was also recently featured on the Beyond Belief Show with George Noory and on Open Minds with Regina Meredith on Gaia TV Conscious Media, which showcased her extraterrestrial contact experiences and remembrance of ancient Galactic history and how that led her to her higher mission of helping all of us to remember and reconnect with our cosmic star heritage. 

    **Host Eden Koz is a psychological empath (she feels, articulates and moves your pain/joy/blocks/etc), intuitive, medium, meditation master & dimensional as well as a galactic healer. She does remote & face-to-face sessions with individuals as well as groups.

    Contact info for Eden Koz / Just Be®, LLC:
    Insta, FB, FB (Just Be), LinkedIn, TruthSocial, (see the podcast also on) BitChute, Rumble, YouTube, Odysee, Grassroots Warrior Network
    The Just Be~Spiritual BOOM Podcast can be found on the audio directories: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, ...

    Hell, God's Wrath and Judgment Day. Part 6 - What Will Judgment Be Like?

    Hell, God's Wrath and Judgment Day. Part 6 - What Will Judgment Be Like?

    In this episode we look at two passages, Revelation 20:11 - 21:8 and Matthew 25:31-46, that detail what the actual judgment part of Judgment Day will look like.  Who will be saved?  Who will be lost?  Why will people end up where they will end up?  How can I be saved? What does forgiveness look like on Judgment Day?  We will tackle these and other questions in this podcast.  

    To see David Hicks on YouTube, click here.



    Justina Page is an international speaker and natural storyteller who speaks with a bold and refreshing honesty that touches the hearts of audiences. Her speeches unfold with a combination of humor, insightful observation and wisdom, as well as practical application. Justina is a woman whose faith was tested by fire. She now inspires audiences across the country with a powerful message of hope and triumph. She is the author of the award-winning book, The Circle of Fire which tells the story of how Justina’s life was changed forever when fire swept through her home, March 7, 1999. The loss of her 22-month-old twin son, Amos, the severe and lasting injuries of her other twin son, Benjamin, and her own devastating experience of third-degree burns covering 55 percent of her body affected the entire family. She is also the author of 16 other literary works. From the ashes of fire, a new hope has emerged. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Amos House of Faith, a non-profit organization, established to provide post-burn support to children and families affected by burn trauma. She is a voice over actor and children audio producer. She is a supporting actress in the award-winning faith-based movie We Are Stronger and the very powerful and inspirational TV series Breaking Strongholds.

    Free will -vs- Destiny

    Free will -vs- Destiny

    Are you solidly on team Destiny? Or do you like the idea of having 100% free will? What if I told you that having both working in tandem together will give you the balance and flow in your life that you are looking for? In episode 30, I'm  exploring what I have seen in the Akashic Records regarding Soul Contracts, Destiny and how much we impact our life path by those free will decisions. 

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    Everyone has asked themselves, “Why am I here?” at least once in their life. What if you could get the answers to not only that question, but to all of those big questions in your life. “What is my purpose? Why do I have conflict with this person? Why do I keep repeating the same patterns?”.

    The Akashic Recordings is an exploration of the soul through real life Akashic Sessions with Annette Dalloo and her clients. In these usually strictly private and intimate sessions, you’ll witness people meet themselves on a core level and unravel the connection of past life experiences to the patterns manifested in this lifetime. Following each session, Annette and producer Julia Nalivaiko will deep dive into the spiritual concepts that arise in the sessions.

    Join us on this journey of expansion. See how it's possible to gain those insights, to work to your strengths, and embody who you are meant to be in this lifetime.

    Website: www.infinitesoullove.com
    @infinitesoullove1111 Facebook Instagram YouTube

    The Akashic Records - Past Lives - The Book of Life

    The Akashic Records - Past Lives - The Book of Life


    Have you ever wished life came with a handbook? As it turns out, it does! Annette goes into amazing details about The Akashic Records or The Book of Life. She takes you on a dazzling tour of how you can find out your life purpose, who you are meant to meet and what you are meant to do in this lifetime. She also shows how you can look into past life patterns to see how they are affecting you in this lifetime. 

    Support the show

    Everyone has asked themselves, “Why am I here?” at least once in their life. What if you could get the answers to not only that question, but to all of those big questions in your life. “What is my purpose? Why do I have conflict with this person? Why do I keep repeating the same patterns?”.

    The Akashic Recordings is an exploration of the soul through real life Akashic Sessions with Annette Dalloo and her clients. In these usually strictly private and intimate sessions, you’ll witness people meet themselves on a core level and unravel the connection of past life experiences to the patterns manifested in this lifetime. Following each session, Annette and producer Julia Nalivaiko will deep dive into the spiritual concepts that arise in the sessions.

    Join us on this journey of expansion. See how it's possible to gain those insights, to work to your strengths, and embody who you are meant to be in this lifetime.

    Website: www.infinitesoullove.com
    @infinitesoullove1111 Facebook Instagram YouTube

    Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.46- The Great White Throne

    Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.46- The Great White Throne
    Clothes are great, aren’t they? We desperately need them. The right clothes cover a multitude of dietary sins. Clothes can also communicate who or what we identify with: Ethnic groups, nationalities, sports teams, music genres. Clothes can also be a statement about what we believe, they can have slogans, like our GL t-shirts. Its important you wear the right clothes for your destination. You don’t wear a tuxedo to meet someone at Starbucks. You’re not going to wear beach shorts and flip-flops to a formal wedding, that would be disrespectful. There are types of clothes for different events: formal clothes, work clothes, beach clothes, dating clothes, court clothes. Have you ever worn the wrong clothes that lead to a miserable experience, too hot, too cold, to tight, too loose? Have you had the wrong clothes or had a wardrobe malfunction that made you the center of attention for all the wrong reasons? Underdressed? Overdressed? Button popped off? Zipper broke? Have your clothes ever offended someone? For the event we are studying today, your wardrobe choice will be the most critical of your life. Everything rides on it..

    Healing Hope

    Healing Hope
    God does not always heal in response to our prayers for healing, but he does work wonders out of suffering. Your suffering can be used to share the Gospel with people around the world who have never heard of Jesus!-------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.   Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org.   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    How Angels Can Know Everything About Us | NCE Spotlight

    How Angels Can Know Everything About Us | NCE Spotlight

    How well do you think you know yourself? Have you ever wondered why you did something you did? We explore what Swedenborg wrote about the life review we experience after death and how it can be used as a tool to help us in our spiritual growth with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.

    Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: 

    Secrets of Heaven §2474, §2483, §2422.

    All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.

    Secrets of Heaven Volume 3 is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: https://www.offthelefteye.com/secrets-of-heaven-3-sample/

    Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here: https://swedenborg.com/bookstore/new-century-edition/


    Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. 

    Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.

    Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at www.swedenborg.com.


    *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://offthelefteye.com/donate/

    Direct link to the donation form: https://swedenborg.com/donate/

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    *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop


    SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.

    E-MAIL SIGN-UP - https://offthelefteye.com/subscribe/

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    10 Things About the Lost

    10 Things About the Lost

    FAITH  Season 3, Episode 004  "10 Things About the Lost" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sharing faith with those with none. Seeing them from God's Father heart point of view. Recorded 1993 at Cannon Beach, Oregon, CRISTA Ministries Conference. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.  

    "What to Remember About the Lost" blog post article found here: https://www.blybooks.com/2022/01/about-the-lost/

    Sign Up on BlyBooks.com on blog page to receive RSS feed by email for podcast blog notices. Related blog article with podcast embed will arrive every Tuesday and Thursday. Look to the right of the LINK PAGE for “Subscribe to the Blog via Email” and “Enter your email address”.
    Would greatly appreciate if you a) SUBSCRIBE, b) RATE, c) REVIEW the podcast. FULL PODCAST INFO: https://bit.ly/3xCxckS
    Music by WinkingFoxMusic from Pixabay

    This podcast always free but donations welcome to cover costs.
    Send to PayPal at janet@blybooks.com

    Bly Books Website: https://www.blybooks.com

    33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Father Persing

    33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Father Persing

    (November 14, 2021) "If we love Christ, then why are we so fearful? Are we fearful of Him, or are we fearful of giving up the sins we love?" Father Persing asked us to keep this Augustinian quote on our minds as we consider the Second Coming of Christ.  Are our names going to be written in the Book of Life, and are we ready to change and prepare ourselves for that most certain event? 

    A Chat with Kris Welcome

    A Chat with Kris Welcome

    In today's episode, I have my dear friend, Kris Welcome, join me as we discuss what it looks like to chase your dreams when you have a vision for you to succeed. Kris is is the author of The Bad B*tch Bible, producer, creative director, and journalist from Los Angeles. Since he has moved to Los Angeles, he has taken every opportunity to strengthen his network because it's who you know that will get you closer to your dreams. 

    Kris is a small-town boy with big city dreams. He knew from childhood he was destined for greatness, and while being in the big city, he is on his way to accomplishing big things. In our reunion today, you can take away many talking points and tips that Kris shares. One, in particular, is to always stay prepared to meet obstacles in your journey so when you are faced with them, they will not detour you from accomplishing your goals. Continue on your path to greatness.

    Visit Kris' Instagram page, https://www.instagram.com/kriswelcome, today, and please support his current and future endeavors!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share the wealth, like, and review. 

    We certainly appreciate all of your support.

    Halloween - Death! Part 1

    Halloween - Death! Part 1
    In this episode, Clement and Carolyn discuss the topic of Death.  Join us for this healthful discussion.  Music: “Happy”- Music by Aden.  Music:  https://www.purple-planet.com  “Folksy Days”


    ·         Introduction (01:40)

    ·         History of Halloween (06:40)

    ·         Ye shall surely die (09:20)

    ·         Death defined (16:11)

    ·         What do they know? (19:29)

    ·         Waiting (32:15)

    ·         More biblical witnesses (39:40)

    ·         Book of Life (40:45)

    ·         David sleeps (48:40)

    ·         Why is it important? (1:10:58)

    ·         Conclusion (1:16:30)



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    Book of Life

    Book of Life
    There is nothing Satan can do that will hurt your standing with God. The work of the cross is perfect and complete. Once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are born again. Your spirit man is cleansed in an instant and your name will surely be found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. When we submit ourselves to Him He will cleanse our soul so that we look like Him and do His works. These good works we do after our conversion are a reflection of the glorious change that Christ has brought into our lives. We do not perform good works in an afford to receive righteousness. We do good works because we are righteous. This message is part 2 in the series, Net Fishing. It has been subtitled, "The Book of Life". Please direct your prayer requests, comments, and donations to www.kingdomrock.org. Thanks so much everyone. Remember you are loved and appreciated. www.kingdomrock.org

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