

    Explore "brant" with insightful episodes like "Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "McDead"", "EP1-1-1 - Historicidade dos Evangelhos - The Case for Jesus - Brant Pitre", "Portraits of Native Americans from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull", "Fattig och rik på klimatkrisens brant" and "Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "Aliens Bändigung"" from podcasts like ""Talk Noir der Krimipodcast des Polar Verlags", "Café Ciência e Fé", "Gresham College Lectures", "Konflikt" and "Talk Noir der Krimipodcast des Polar Verlags"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "McDead"

    Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "McDead"
    In der Übersetzung von Karen Witthuhn treffen wir wieder auf die überhitzte Metropolitan Police, auf den berüchtigten Sergeant Brant, seinen mit dem Alltag ringenden Vorgesetzten Roberts, der Farbigen Falls, die sich gegen Frauenfeindlichkeit und Rassissmus behauptet, und jede Menge Songzitaten und eine Sprache, die literarisches Arschkriechen hasst. Diesmal geht um den sadistischen Drogendealer, der Roberts Bruder ermordet hat.

    EP1-1-1 - Historicidade dos Evangelhos - The Case for Jesus - Brant Pitre

    EP1-1-1 - Historicidade dos Evangelhos - The Case for Jesus - Brant Pitre

    Comentário ao livro The Case for Jesus, sobre a Historicidade dos Evangelhos.

    Dois engenheiros, Bernardo Motta e Gonçalo Andrade, tentam harmonizar os conhecimentos Ciêntíficos da sua formação base com a sua Fé Católica. O resultado é uma série de episódios onde apresentam a interacção entre estas duas visões do mundo de uma forma integrada.

    Será possível olhar para a Fé de forma Racional? Quais os princípios metafísicos da Ciência? Pode um Cientista, ser Católico? São estas e muitas outras questões que vamos analisar nos episódios deste podcast!

    Neste episódio curto dedicamos especial atenção ao livro The Case for Jesus, um dos recursos adicionais sugeridos na semana passada.

    O livro aborda diferentes pontos, sendo a análise de diversos mitos acerca da historicidade dos Evangelhos um dos principais fios condutores. A primeira parte foca-se na fiabilidade dos textos, e a segunda parte na sua interpretação.

    Esperemos que gostem.


    Livro da semana:

    (Os links da Amazon dão-nos uma pequena comissão quando utilizados)

    - Brant Pitre - The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ



    Vídeos do Youtube:

    Pequena apresentação do livro "The Case for Jesus"


    Curso de introdução ao livro "The Case for Jesus"

    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQ-OKjl1ZQ&ab_channel=CatholicProductions

    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCDXj3uaDC0&ab_channel=CatholicProductions

    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPEZ_qxLieI&ab_channel=CatholicProductions

    4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OllxB8ZS9E&ab_channel=CatholicProductions

    5)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmmj_06HE0w&ab_channel=CatholicProductions


    Após a publicação do vídeo, fomos chamado à atenção  para o facto de que existe uma versão do livro "The Case for Jesus" em português do Brasil. Encontra-se disponível na Amazon Brasil:


    Music: Voyage Of Discovery by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

    Portraits of Native Americans from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull

    Portraits of Native Americans from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull

    From 1600 – 1850, artists in England and, later, in North America depicted distinguished Native American tribal leaders, diplomats and warriors to commemorate their significance. Examples include Pocahontas (1617), and nineteenth century Lakota leaders Sitting Bull and Red Cloud.

    For many years, these portraits were not properly understood, reducing many of the sitters to simple exemplars of the ‘noble savage’ cliché. In fact, these works are far more interesting once the sitters’ historical situation and agency are restored to them.

    A lecture by Stephanie Pratt recorded on 28 March 2023 at Barnard's Inn Hall, London.

    The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/watch-now/american-portraits

    Gresham College has offered free public lectures for over 400 years, thanks to the generosity of our supporters. There are currently over 2,500 lectures free to access. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn from some of the greatest minds. To support Gresham's mission, please consider making a donation: https://gresham.ac.uk/support/

    Website:  https://gresham.ac.uk
    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/greshamcollege
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/greshamcollege
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/greshamcollege

    Support the show

    Fattig och rik på klimatkrisens brant

    Fattig och rik på klimatkrisens brant

    Samtidigt som extremväder blir allt vanligare blir ojämlikheten större. Så vem har råd att rädda sig i klimatförändringarnas tid?

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Konflikt ställer frågan vem som ska räddas och vad som ska offras i klimatförändringarnas tid?

     David Rasmusson åker till Falsterbonäset där en två mil lång och tre meter hög skyddsvall ska skydda välbärgade Skanör-Falsterbo från översvämningar. Men det 200 miljoner kronor dyra projektet har varit omdebatterat och har överklagats gång på gång. Skymd havsutsikt och att golfbanorna inte kommer skyddas har varit några av argumenten.

    Lotten Collin tar sig till Hallsberg som drabbades av kraftiga översvämningar 2015. Där utreder man fortfarande möjligheterna att skydda samhället, men har svårt att hitta resurser berättar kommunalrådet Magnus Andersson (S). Vissa kommuninvånare har tagit saken i egna händer och börjat skydda sina hus, medan andra överväger om de måste flytta från Hallsberg.

    Samtidigt varnar försäkringsbranschen att stigande havsnivåer och mer extremnivåer kan göra att det kommer finnas platser i Sverige där det inte kommer gå att försäkra sina hem. Staffan Moberg på branchorganisationen Svensk försäkring berättar att de svenska kommunerna har väldigt olika förutsättningar för att klara av klimatanpassningen och anser att staten inte tagit tag i problemet.

    Men hur kommer vår framtid se ut om vi inte gör något? Statsvetaren Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson har tillsammans med kollegor på Lunds universitet tagit fram en ljudvandring med två scenarier som beskriver hur Falsterbonäset nästan utplånas under en vinterstorm 2072. Ljudvandringen, som även kan upplevas på andra stränder, finns här: https://www.climatefutures.lu.se/futurewalks/farval-falsterbo

    I världen har det länge forskats på hur ojämlikhet och utsatthet för klimatförändringar hänger ihop. Professor Lori Peek vid Boulder University har undersökt effekterna av orkanen Katrina 2005, där man tydligt kan se att fattiga människor drabbades hårdast både före, under och efter naturkatastrofen.

    Men den här ojämlikheten har också fött motstånd. I Södra Frankrike , där vissa kommuner inte hade vatten i kranarna under värmeböljan i somras, fick golfklubbar undantag för att bevattna sina greener. Ett beslut som väckte både ilska och fick klimataktivister att fylla igen golfhålen med betong. Hör Konflikts Anja Sahlberg bli utslängd från en fransk golfklubb.

    Programledare: Lotten Collin

    Reporter: Anja Sahlberg

    Tekniker: Hanna Melander, Lisa Abrahamsson

    Producent: David Rasmusson

    Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "Aliens Bändigung"

    Talk Noir zu Ken Bruen "Aliens Bändigung"
    Ich begrüße Sie zu unserem neu gestaltenen Podcast der Talk Noir. In unserem bisherigen Folgen haben wir zu Dritt die Neuerscheinungen des Polar Verlags diskutiert und anschließend jeweils eine Neuerscheinung anderer Verlage vorgestellt. Ab dem Herbstprogramm lasse ich den Autor und die Autorinnen selbst zu Wort kommen, indem ich ausgewählte Passagen vorlese und den Roman kurz vorstelle. Was bei Ken Bruen und seinem "Aliens Bändigung" in der Übersetzung von Karen Witthuhn nicht schwerfällt. Zu radikal ist der Ansatz, zu sehr unterscheidet Bruen sich vom Mainstream. Seine Helden sind krass, eigensinnig und aufsässig.

    Redefining Masculinity with Enneagram 5, Brant Hansen [S05-E38]

    Redefining Masculinity with Enneagram 5, Brant Hansen [S05-E38]

    What does it mean to be “masculine.” Unfortunately, there are a lot of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). In today’s episode, author, nationally syndicated radio show host, and Enneagram Five, Brant Hansen challenges us to redefine masculinity and paints a refreshing picture of what it looks like at its absolute best.  

    We have an insightful conversation about the:

    • importance of expressing feelings and affection
    • value of protecting others from a place of kindness and love, rather than control and anger
    • core task men need to take responsibility for, and
    • Six decisions that set men apart from others  

    Brant’s vulnerability and openness will genuinely move you. 

    Brant Hansen is an author, radio host, and advocate for healing children with correctible disabilities through CURE International. He's won multiple awards for "Personality of the Year" for his radio show, which airs on more than 200 stations nationwide. His podcast with his friend and radio producer, The Brant and Sherri Oddcast, has been downloaded more than 10 million times. The author of The Truth About Us, Unoffendable, and Blessed Are the Misfits.

    Hansen has written for CNN.com, the Washington Post, U.S. News and World Report, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Relevant, and numerous other outlets on matters as varied as public policy, culture, sports, Asperger's syndrome, and faith. He and his wife, Carolyn, live in South Florida.

    EP 231. Why Obregon Mexico Duck Hunting Combo?

    EP 231. Why Obregon Mexico Duck Hunting Combo?

    Ducks all colors and sizes, white-winged doves, black brant, unique quail species and chunky large-mouth bass seasonally draw hunters and anglers from throughout the United States to this part of Mexico, but for different reasons. Duck hunting is highly subjective. Hunter expectations vary.  Following eventful week-long hunts, Ramsey meets with freshly tanned Obregon guests to hear what they will most remember about their hunting experiences here.  Beyond just the trigger-pulling, some of their answers might surprise you. 


    Related Links:

    Obregon Mexico Duck Hunting Combo



    Podcast Sponsors:

    BOSS Shotshells

    Benelli Shotguns

    Tetra Hearing

    Kanati Waterfowl Taxidermy

    Mojo Outdoors

    Tom Beckbe

    Flash Back Decoys






    It's really duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences all year long:

    Instagram @ramseyrussellgetducks

    YouTube @GetDucks

    Facebook @GetDucks.com



    Please subscribe, rate and review Duck Season Somewhere podcast. Share your favorite episodes with friends! Business inquiries and comments contact Ramsey Russell ramsey@getducks.com


    EP 230. Waterfowl Hunting Mexico's Famous Yaqui Valley

    EP 230. Waterfowl Hunting Mexico's Famous Yaqui Valley

    Situated in the Sonora Desert along the Sea of Cortez, the Yaqui Valley is one of Mexico's most productive breadbaskets, a fertile oasis of irrigation-based wheat production. Frank Ruiz grew up here and has delivered guided hunts since forever. He and Ramsey have now been working exclusively together for a decade. What was it like growing up in this part of Mexico, what are his hunting origins, and how'd he start outfitting? What makes hunting here unique? When did wheat farming come to the Yaqui Valley, how'd it impact waterfowl and other game species? What other hunting opportunities exist? What operational and management activities keep him and his sizable staff busy year-round? How do commercial hunting activities benefit local wildlife and indigenous communities? And will he share his secret margarita recipe? A candid, behind-the-scenes look at one of GetDucks most successful destinations.



    Related Links:

    Obregon Mexico Duck Hunting Combo



    Podcast Sponsors:

    BOSS Shotshells

    Benelli Shotguns

    Tetra Hearing

    Kanati Waterfowl Taxidermy

    Mojo Outdoors

    Tom Beckbe

    Flash Back Decoys






    It's really duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences all year long:

    Instagram @ramseyrussellgetducks

    YouTube @GetDucks

    Facebook @GetDucks.com



    Please subscribe, rate and review Duck Season Somewhere podcast. Share your favorite episodes with friends! Business inquiries and comments contact Ramsey Russell ramsey@getducks.com