

    Explore " bsw" with insightful episodes like "Come mai stanno nascendo tanti nuovi partiti in Germania?", "BSW in NRW: "Interesse vom linken Lager am größten"", "Warum gehen Sie zum BSW, Herr Geisel?", "Wie geht's den Bauern finanziell? I Wagenknecht-Partei gegründet I Hassnachrichten bei Lieferando I 0630" and "Haushaltskrise & Joachim Gauck" from podcasts like ""COSMO italiano - il podcast", "WDR 5 Morgenecho", "WDR RheinBlick - der Podcast zur Politik in NRW", "0630 - der News-Podcast" and "maischberger. der podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (58)

    Come mai stanno nascendo tanti nuovi partiti in Germania?

    Come mai stanno nascendo tanti nuovi partiti in Germania?
    Nel giro di pochi mesi sono state fondate tre nuove formazioni politiche: il BSW (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht), frutto dell'uscita di Wagenknecht dalla Linke, la WerteUnion, risultato di una scissione a destra della CDU e il partito di ispirazione islamica, DAVA. Con i colleghi Giulio Galoppo e Tuncay Özdamar analizziamo questo fiorire di nuovi partiti, mentre con il giornalista ANSA Lorenzo Monfregola guardiamo ai cambiamenti che potrebbero derivare dai prossimi appuntamenti elettorali. Von Filippo Proietti.

    Warum gehen Sie zum BSW, Herr Geisel?

    Warum gehen Sie zum BSW, Herr Geisel?
    Thomas Geisel war von 2014 bis 2020 Oberbürgermeister, dann wurde der einstige SPD-Mann bei der Kommunalwahl abgewählt - auch weil er sehr streitbar war. Seine Niederlage hat ihn politisch nie wirklich zur Ruhe kommen lassen, immer wieder gab es Gerüchte über ein Comeback des 60-Jährigen. Jetzt ist er zurück auf der politischen Bühne. Für das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) solle er einer der beiden Spitzenkandidaten zur Europawahl werden - dafür hat Geisel die SPD nach 40 Jahren verlassen. Mit Christoph Ullrich spricht der gebürtige Schwabe über seine Motive, in das neue Projekt zu wechseln und darüber, warum er Sozialdemokrat auch ohne SPD bleiben will. Von Christoph Ullrich.

    Wie geht's den Bauern finanziell? I Wagenknecht-Partei gegründet I Hassnachrichten bei Lieferando I 0630

    Wie geht's den Bauern finanziell? I Wagenknecht-Partei  gegründet I Hassnachrichten bei Lieferando I 0630
    Die Themen von Caro und Robert am 09.01.2024: (00:00:00) Franz Beckenbauer: Der berühmte Fußballspieler und -funktionär ist gestorben. (00:01:42) Bauern-Proteste: Wie ist die wirtschaftliche Lage von Landwirtinnen und Landwirten? (00:08:47) Partei-Gründung: Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht gibt es jetzt auch ganz offiziell. Was will die Partei? (00:14:56) Hass-Botschaften bei Lieferando: Schnellrestaurants aus mehreren Städten berichten von muslimfeindlichen Nachrichten, die sie über die Bestell-Seite erhalten. (00:20:10) Umkleide-Briefkasten: In vier französischen Post-Filialen kann man seine online bestellten Klamotten direkt anprobieren. Die Doku über Franz Beckenbauer findet ihr unter diesem Link: http://www.wdr.de/k/Beckenbauer-Doku Von 0630.


    Der Herbst Kommt, der Hopfen geht. Das könnte schon die ganz kurze Zusammenfassung des Podcastes sein, denn damit sind Oktoberfest, Klimawandel, die Lage in Deutschland und vieles mehr perfekt beschrieben. Die beiden Berliner Drags Margot Schlönzke und Jurassica Parka berichten wieder über alles (Ir)relevanter des letzten Monats und haben noch einen ganz persönlichen Wettbewerb zu laufen. Auslaufmodelle, wie X ehemals Twitter, die polnische PIS-Partei sind nur einige Themen, die die beiden miteinander besprechen. Doch es geht auch um die schönen Dinge im Leben und neben ein paar schönen Urlaubserlebnissen kommen auch noch einige Überraschungen auf euch zu. Und dann bleib die Frage: Klappt das mit dem ZDF-Fernsehgarten ab 2024 für Jurassica und Margot? Postkarten für das ZDF:

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    Wagenknecht - Ende oder Neuanfang für die Linken? I nah dran

    Wagenknecht - Ende oder Neuanfang für die Linken? I nah dran
    Jetzt also doch! Nach langem Streit und vielen Wendungen in der Linken ist klar: Eine ihrer prominentesten Politikerinnen, Sahra Wagenknecht, will eine eigene Partei gründen. Diese Woche hat sie einen Verein vorgestellt, der diese Parteigründung angehen soll: „BSW – Für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit“. Mit dabei sind neun weitere Mitglieder der Linken-Bundestagsfraktion. Wagenknecht sieht für sich und ihre linkskonservativen Vorstellungen bei der Linken keine Zukunft mehr. Auf der anderen Seite steht der sogenannte “progressive” Teil der Partei, der sich wiederum eine Zukunft mit Wagenknecht nicht mehr vorstellen kann. NDR-Filmemacherin Birgit Wärnke erzählt uns, was sie während des Drehs für ihre Dokumentation “Der Bruch. Sahra Wagenknecht und Die Linke” erlebt hat und erklärt unüberbrückbare Differenzen innerhalb der Partei. Von Birgit Wärnke.

    BSW: Welche Chancen hat die künftige Partei?

    BSW: Welche Chancen hat die künftige Partei?
    Sahra Wagenknecht und mehrere Mitstreiter spalten sich von der Linken ab, um eine neue Partei zu gründen. Wenn möglich, soll diese bereits bei den Landtagswahlen 2024 in Thüringen, Sachsen und Brandenburg antreten. Bislang ist das "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" (BSW) nur ein Verein. Die einstige Linken-Ikone Wagenknecht könnte vor allem eine Konkurrenz für die AfD werden und von dort Protestwähler abziehen, die mit den etablierten Parteien unzufrieden sind. Von Tobi Altehenger.

    This Test Means a Lot.. It Is Like Getting My Life Back

    This Test Means a Lot.. It Is Like Getting My Life Back

    Hey Everyone!! Today I talk to three people who are preparing to take their exams after going through adversity in their lives.
    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://philinthegaps.as.me/
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛Today I talk to three people who are preparing to take their exams after going through adversity in their lives. 

    Ep. 50 Know Your Worth: Build Your Brand & Position Yourself as an Asset! ft. Harleny Vasquez, LMSW

    Ep. 50 Know Your Worth: Build Your Brand & Position Yourself as an Asset! ft. Harleny Vasquez, LMSW

    On this episode of The Social Work Bubble Podcast, we are joined by Harleny Vasquez, LMSW, who gets into all things social work careers including building your brand as a social worker, positioning yourself as an asset & more! You'll definitely walk away feeling energized & ready to level up!

    Harleny Vasquez, LMSW is a First-Generation Latina and a Licensed Social Worker with 10 years of experience working in social services providing trauma-informed care. She is the CEO and founder of yourEVOLVEDmind, a career consulting firm dedicated to supporting social workers and emerging professionals during their career development. As a Career Coach, she focuses on helping social workers and emerging professionals rebrand to market themselves effectively to get hired in any area of practice. Her area of expertise includes personal branding, job search strategy, salary negotiation and confidence building. Her work has been featured on Hispanic Executive, Al Dia News, Medium, Huff Post,and LinkedIn News. She was recognized as a 2022 Emerging Social Work Trailblazer and a 2023 Top 13 Inspirational Keynote Speaker for Career and Leadership Development. Also, a Co-Author of Latinx/e in Social Work Volume 2. She is committed to uplifting and elevating the social work profession by providing career consulting services, creating content, speaking engagements, facilitating workshops, and hosting her podcast Social Work Insider.

    To continue to follow Harleny's journey, you can follow her below:

    If you enjoyed today's episode, please 'like' and follow the podcast wherever you're listening! Don't forget to share The Social Work Bubble Podcast with your social worker friends!

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    I Am Doing This for a Purpose Greater Than Me

    I Am Doing This for a Purpose Greater Than Me

    Hey Everyone!! Today I talk with two people who are preparing to take the exam for the first time and someone who KICKED THE EXAM DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST on their 5th attempt
    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://philinthegaps.as.me/
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛

    I Failed Every Practice Exam I Took Besides the REAL Test.

    I Failed Every Practice Exam I Took Besides the REAL Test.

    Hey Everyone!! . Today I talk with someone who KICKED THE EXAM DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST on their 3rd attempt and with people who failed their exams and looking for ways to better break down questions to KICK THE EXAM DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST on their next attempts
    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Sunday%20Study%20Groups%20
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛

    I Passed! My Only Previous Attempt Was 9 Years Ago

    I Passed! My Only Previous Attempt Was 9 Years Ago

    Hey Everyone!! Today I talk with someone who KICKED THE EXAM DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST after 9 years of waiting and with people who failed their exams and looking for ways to avoid second-guessing themselves.

    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Sunday%20Study%20Groups%20
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛

    Focus On YOUR Process

    Focus On YOUR Process

    Hey Everyone!! Today I talk with people who failed their exams and looking to identify their learning style to KILL their next exam attempts.
    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Sunday%20Study%20Groups%20
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛

    Educating the Mind and Nurturing the Heart

    Educating the Mind and Nurturing the Heart

    Hey Everyone!! Today I talk with people who KICKED THE EXAM DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST and got the job done and someone who is feeling anxious about taking the exam for the 5th time.
    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Sunday%20Study%20Groups%20
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛

    I Do Not Have to Be Perfect, but I Am Perfectly Me

    I Do Not Have to Be Perfect, but I Am Perfectly Me

    Hey Everyone!!! Today I talk with people who have failed their exams and who preparing to KICK THEIR NEXT ATTEMPTS DIRECTLY IN THE CHEST!!!! Also, I talk about how to combat second-guessing.

    Link to sign up for PAID study groups: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Sunday%20Study%20Groups%20
    Tutoring schedule: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/?appointmentType=11571837
    One Day Course: https://PhilintheGaps.as.me/OneDayCourse
    Audible Affiliate Link: http://www.audibletrial.com/PhilintheGaps -Sign up for the 30 day free trial to support me.

    If you have any questions here is how to connect with me:
    Email: Berda24@gmail.com
    FB Page: www.facebook.com/PhilintheGapsLLC/

    I appreciate all of the support 💛